Space-Time Vortex Theory: What are Space-Time Vortexes? Imagine a pond, infinitely big, completely flat, zero movement. As if it's static, frozen in time. There is nothing altering the flatness of the surface at all. There is nothing there but flat stillness. Not a ripple. Now picture throwing a rock into the pristine surface. Suddenly we have so much energy and movement. Some of these movements form small whirlpools that will continue to be there long after the initial splash is gone. How does this relate to the Big Bang? Say the density of the water all over the pond is pretty even, but in the middle, the water is pulled together into a massively dense point of space-time. The rest of the pond is virtually non existent in relation to the density of the center. Say the density of the center is equivalent to 1, the density of the rest of the pond would be so small it wouldn't even register on that scale. It's just an infinitesimally super dense point of space-time. A perfectly flat pond and the tiny center is incredibly dense. Now say the density is released. Instantly the space-time would disperse. Massive changes. With the imperfections in these changes, we have small vortexes form, some bigger than others. Some rotating around each other. Others forming, then disappearing, and then re-forming again just like tornadoes do. But tornadoes and whirlpools have friction. Space-time vortexes don't. If there's a shock wave burst of energy, the effect intensifies. Now in a 3D realm, the vortexes would have a length, and a diameter, and a rotation speed of X, but then the tube-like vortex could also spin in the Y and Z axis as well. Spin it fast enough and you would see this as a ball - a particle. So in a sense, a particle's properties would be based around its X, Y, and Z Spin Speeds and Directions, and its Diameter, Length and space-time Density. Now some of these vortexes would be stable and others would be very unstable. Others would only be stable when interacting with other vortexes. So you have space-time, where particles appear and disappear. You have all of the matter in the universe able to come out of nothing since the pond will look like nothing until it's disturbed. Space-time is the substance that makes up everything. Energy is changes in density or movement of space-time much like wind. Particles are vortexes of space-time energy which slips into a stable form. So then it's just a matter of studying the variable of vortexes and working out the harmonic frequencies that make them stable. Playing with these variables could create new vortexes and vortex combinations to create entirely new forms of undiscovered matter. The tricky thing here is what is space-time? What's it made of? We know it's like Air, since ripples travel through space-time at the speed of light, just like sound waves travel through air at the speed of sound. But what is it in? And what's the speed of signal transfer through Quantum Entanglement which very well could be the speed at which things can travel through what space-time is in? The theory of everything is not everything. There are always questions.

Time - The Rate of Change: Time is measured in intervals. But the rate at which these intervals change is proportional to the speed that the energy or mass is traveling through space-time, and the density of the space-time. Think of it like air. Say air could get so thick, that any movement through it became next to impossible. Like trying to walk through thick mud. So say you are an atom and your arms are electrons spinning around. In this case, you don't get dizzy. Now if you increase the thickness of the air to almost a mud like thickness, you will slow down. It will be almost impossible to move your arms through the thick air. Now say you are traveling on a plane through the thick mud-like air, the wind would make it even more difficult. Space-time has the same effect on atoms. So that atoms slow down their rate of change which slows chemical reactions and electrical impulses etc. Now say you can get through 100 meters of this thick air in like 10 minutes. Now squash that 100 meters worth of air into 50 meters. It's double the density. It will still take you 10 minutes to get through that much air. So now you take 10 minutes to travel through 50 meters of this double thick air. Same with space-time. Squash it. From the outside it will seem like someone traveling through it is traveling in slow motion. But the person inside will be pushing through the same amount of space-time as they usually do, not noticing the difference. So if you halve your speed, but halve the speed of your perception too, then you are experiencing the same rate of change of neurons firing as you are with footsteps. It's like if you slow down your car and slow down your stopwatch by the same amount, it will be as if you haven't slowed down either. It will still take just as long to travel the same distance. It's the third person view which will see the rate of change changing relative to their own stopwatch that isn't slowed down. It's not like time is a thing. It's just how fast things change. So many things affect the rate of change that no electron will ever experience the same rate of change as another. Every atom in your body is either moving faster through time or slower compared to other atoms. Because some will be closer to mass or further away, or moving through space-time at different rates. That's where many time travel ideas tend to fail. If you travel close to the speed of light, you don't actually travel through time. You just slow down your rate of change. You wouldn't notice it because your intervals of noticing things slows down to the same speed as you change. But now that your intervals of noticing are longer apart, more happens in the outside world between intervals. And so time travel back to the past is impossible. It will just be the future where the universe has been restored to a previous state of being. If you pause the universe for a million years, then restart it. No one would know. So now that we understand the space-time vortexes, and the time dilation and relativity, we can start exploring the insights into the Big Bang.

Impossible? Or Incomprehensible? If the universe is not infinite and has not always been around, then WHAT created the environment for the trigger to appear out of nothing to create the universe? We have a dilemma. We either believe there was a start to the universe, and it grew in size, or, we believe there are exceptions to the Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. That there is a point where we can run into the wall of the edge of the universe, that there is a point nothing existed at all, not even space-time. Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle - It's impossible to have NOTHING. If it is possible, then the Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle must have an exception. Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle - It's impossible to have a limit on the size of the universe, otherwise Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle must have an exception. Now that doesn't mean that the known universe had to always exist, or that it had to be infinite. If there is absolutely no energy in the fabric of our universe, what we know as our universe is nonexistent. If every particle in the universe slipped out of existence for a split second and then reappeared, our universe would cease to exist for a split second. But that still begs the question: When the space-time first existed, and what is space-time made of? That is a question that will forever be asked. Either way, no matter how many higher dimensions you go, no matter what created what, there will always be the dilemma of believing the impossible or believing the incomprehensible. Impossibility has nothing it can offer in the way of theory. A Quantum flux ripple, created a chain reaction through nothingness which spawned billions of times more matter than we currently see today, all out of nothing. And so before nothing, the theory ends there. Regardless of which we explore, there is one thing that would be apparent at the singularity.

Black Hole Time Dilation: As you approach the event horizon of a black hole, your speed would get close to the speed of light, and the density of space-time would be huge. This would mean that as you get closer, you will witness the universe aging faster and faster until it speeds into a blur and ends. And then you'll merge into the event horizon. So from a distance, as you look at a black hole, what you are seeing at the event horizon is where time slows almost to a stop. As you look at a black hole, the light around the edge of it is incredibly older than the light further out from the event horizon. So it's not gravity that pulls the light in, it's time stopping to the point where the light no longer gets out from that area. With Gravitational Redshift taken to an extreme, the light waves generated, would end up so slow that when they escape, they will almost be undetectable. They'll be radio waves and long waves.

The Big Bang's Time Dilation: Now an infinitesimally dense point of space-time, will mean that time has practically stopped. What would be a nanosecond inside this point, would be like google years when viewed from out where the Earth would be - in practically nonexistent space-time. So the instant there is any energy at all, they will be governed by the time dilation, meaning that anything close to the center of this point, will see all the outside of this point shoot away seemingly faster than the speed of light. What would take a billion years to inflate, would be seen as a fraction of a second from the higher density space-time in the center. So if either way, there is this period of nothingness where the universe is sitting there doing absolutely nothing. Even if it's doing something, it's so slow that it's practically nothing. You could sit around for a few billion years and not see a thing. It would be blank nothingness. But then - Boom! The Something from Nothing theory has already been explored, but I'd like to explore the alternative.

Infinity: With the new Space-Time Vortex Theory, we have a new potential for the Big Bounce which has been ruled out by the Something from Nothing theory. Now let's speculate what would happen in a Big Bounce. Everything would crush into a singularity and then bounce back out to form a new universe.

The Bang: Now it wouldn't have to be the last 2 black holes in existence. It could be that they are all traveling towards the center at almost the speed of light, where they impact. So maybe it's the point where the kinetic energy of the black holes rushing in cannot contain the energy of the equal and opposite reactive energy from the impact explosion, resulting in the last few black holes being blown apart by the big bounce. To me it's like splitting the atom, but the atom inside the black hole would be the most dense element possible, and only possible under those extreme pressures. This would mean without the pressure, it would be highly unstable. So once the main black hole rips apart, it will send a chain reaction of energy they rips apart the other black holes, unleashing even more energy. Let's say they all enter a massive event horizon, then the black hole singularities smash into each other and destroy the matter turning it into energy. Now without matter keeping the black hole stable. It expands, ripping more matter apart making it expand even faster. The lack of gravity would mean that the super compressed space-time around the singularity would instantly be thrown out into the universe.

Time Dilation and Faster Than Light Inflation: So the universe's black holes are smashing together. Watching from where we are now, we would be watching for google years as this event slows down until the energy inside from the impact, breaks the matter apart, at which point, there will be no gravity at all. From the inside, where time would still be slow due to the compressed space-time, the flow out of space-time would mean that everything further away from the center would appear to inflate faster than the speed of light. But not only this, the expanding space-time, would mean that a 300,000km block of spacetime (Block B) at 300,000kms away from the center, would have 300,000kms of super condensed space-time (Block A) pushing Block B away. Now Block B would be expanding too. So at the far outer edge of Block B, the speed you would be traveling away from the center would be double. And then you have block C and D and E etc. So the expansion would be super fast and then slow down as the density distributes out more evenly. If you were stationery in Block B, you wouldn't have any time dilation due to speed since you wouldn't be moving relative to the space-time you are in. But you would be traveling away from the the center of the universe faster than the speed of light. So the universe would inflate at a massive rate, and then would slow as the density of space-time equalizes.

The Two Expansions: So you have 2 events going on. 1, is the expansion of space-time. That would flow out much like a huge water balloon popping on a massive flat surface. If you think about the pond, the density would simply disperse and push out. 2, is the blast wave of energy which would be much more like the blast wave of a bomb or a splash ripple in the pond. Now at this point in time, Earth's position is well inside the blast radius. It would be like us being a bug inside the water balloon when it pops. We are in the middle, hardly moving, but the rest of the water would rush out in every direction until it disperses and evens out. The shock-wave of energy would be a shell expanding away from us. We would be like the waft of smoke in the middle of one of the Myth Busters shows where they blow something up on the high speed camera. We are sitting quiet while the major blast wave is still traveling away. All the majority of the energy is out there in that blast wave shell still inflating away from us faster than the speed of light. Once the space-time density is pretty well balanced out without any major differentials, time dilation due to compressed space-time wouldn't be much of an issue. But the spacetime expansion would still be going on. So any electromagnetic waves that start out there aren't going to get to us because it's traveling away from us faster than it can travel to us. For the shell of energy, its electromagnetic origin is further away in light years, than the time it has existed. So we are still waiting for the electromagnetic waves out there in the blast wave ripple to get to us. We are sitting in this pretty empty crater of the universe. We can't see the rim of the crater yet. We are still waiting for the first signs of its existence.

The 70% We Don't See: So our visible universe is like a waft of smoke in the middle of the crater. Hardly any matter. Most of the energy is out there, and what's it do? It turns into matter. The spacetime out there compresses in the massive gravity, super high density, so time will slow dramatically and any electromagnetic waves would take ages to escape it. The black hole level of gravity out there will mean light can't even escape to get back into the inside of the universe. So now we have this MASSIVE shell around us with is a massive gravitational pull. It is pulling anything on the inside of the universe, out towards this shell. And so the universe accelerates toward the inside of this outer shell of matter, where roughly 70% of the universe is. So we, sitting here, would see massive space-time expansion, where the blast wave would race away past the visible edge of the universe. At which stage the maybe 70% of energy out there will form matter and start slowing down and collapsing in the big crunch.

Expansion Acceleration then the Crunch: We would see galaxies form in our tiny wisp of the visible universe. With 70% of the matter outside our visible universe, the galaxies will be pulled away toward the inside of the blast wave shell. The shell of matter would condense as it gets smaller. The space-time would condense as well. For space-time, it would be like a reverse explosion. The shock wave of an explosion is a high pressure sphere shell that gets smaller and smaller as it gets further away. For the crunch, the 70% of matter would condense building up a wave of space-time that grows as it gets closer to the center. The graph of how it would build would mean it's very low density for the majority but as it gets closer to the center, it's density will grow exponentially. So it would be a very sparse gas shell until the shell collapses and gets dense enough to form a massive spherical galaxy that surrounds the universe. Then as it collapses more, black holes will form and devour the stars. At the edge of our visible universe, the sphere will probably look like a sparse galaxy that doesn't end. With the speed it would be traveling towards us, visible light will blue shift into gamma radiation. It would reach us before the big crunch would but in a way like a electromagnetic wave boom, much like when a jet is creating a sonic boom approaching the speed of sound. The time dilation due to compressed space time, wouldn't have much effect until the collapse was much smaller, when all the matter forms a shell with stars and black holes packed together looking like a spherical asteroid belt. At that stage the condensed spacetime around objects will start merging with the condensed space-time around other objects. But the time dilation due to speed would be like an air break to balance the compression speed with the time dilation speed. From the crunch, we would see the inside universe speed up as if we were being sucked into a black hole, with the increase in speed, and the increase in space-time density. But it would be like falling for billions of years.

From the inside, it will be like the night sky lights up with a massive galaxy, but the actual collapse will be not too far behind. The aging of this huge galaxy would be ultra slow but the rate it gets closer would be super fast. We may even see different ages of this at the same time due to some different densities of space-time. It wouldn't take billions of years. Maybe millions. Maybe thousands. It all depends on how much slower the collapse is going through the space-time, compared to the electromagnetic radiation speed that it gives off. It all depends on the distance it has to travel too. But once the galaxy starts condensing into a massive shell of black holes or maybe even a lumpy hollow shell of black hole, the glow of the entire sky will diminish and fade away. We will then see the extent of how much of the visible universe it has smashed into. We will see the galaxies vanish into this black hole shell until we too are engulfed. The shell will start compressing at an exponential rate as the space-time compresses at an exponential rate, until the ripping apart of the atoms overcomes the gravitational pull. From the outside it would all compress and time will slow to a crawl for maybe a few google years again as the big crunch sits at the size of maybe a solar system, slowly reaching matter breakdown levels. And then when it does. Boom!

The Other Mystery - Dark Matter: Dark Matter is basically a way to explain how a Galaxy, is not like a solar system. In a Solar System, the planets revolve around the sun. Mercury 88 days. Neptune 165 years. Ok So a Galaxy's rotation should mean that the Arms of a spiral galaxy should end up in a super spiral, eventually forming rings. But we don't see them like we should. The reason for this is that the outer tips of the spiral galaxy arms rotate around the outside of the galaxy much faster than the stars toward the center. So in that sense, they are like the hands of a clock. The tip moves an inch every hour but the bit close to the center only moves about a millimeter or two every hour. So why does this happen? The mass of the black hole is not powerful enough to keep the outer stars in orbit at that speed. By logic, the outer stars traveling at that speed should fly off into space. It's like letting go of a bucket of water while you are spinning around. The bucket will go flying away from you. So scientists worked out that about 25% of the universe is not visible. We only see about 5%. Scientists noticed in images that there was massive gravitational lensing. But there were no galaxies that could explain it. So the scientists allocated this phenomena to Dark Matter. Dark matter is meant to be passing through us all the time. This means it's supposed to be something that isn't like normal matter that is dark. The thing is there is matter everywhere that doesn't emit light or electromagnetic waves. We can't really tell since we can't see it. Rocks don't emit light. Black holes don't emit light. And then there is all the matter of the stars in the middle of the arms galaxy too. They are pulling on the outer tips of the arms. So the further out you get, the more mass there is between you and the center of the galaxy, and so you will need to be traveling faster to stay in orbit. The internal stars need to orbit slower because the outside stars are pulling them outwards.

But there is an interesting dilemma. The stars at the center of our universe orbit the super massive black hole in a matter of days. So that means that the arms aren't rotating the same speed as the stars at the center of the galaxy. S2 orbits the super-massive black hole in about 15 years. Obviously the outer stars aren't orbiting that fast. The point is, from my understanding is this: All the unseen matter, and the fact that the further you are out, the more matter there is between you and the inside, and the fact that the further in you are, the more mass there is pulling your outwards, in my books easily explains the phenomena. All of this dark matter will be accelerated into the big crunch shell as the shell compresses crushing everything. I'm not saying dark matter doesn't exist. I'm just pointing out a possibility that to me is more logical and works in my books. But I'm sure they have calculated all that in, right?

Conclusion: To me, all of this is pretty logical. We see logical variations on this sort of thing everyday. Air, water, tornadoes, whirlpools, explosions. It's all there for us to study. We see electrons orbiting nuclei. And we see super massive suns orbiting super massive black holes. What we see in our everyday life can be applied at a universal level. Is it really easier to believe that a single quantum flux pop created space-time itself? That from a quantum flux pop, a single trigger created a chain reaction (no longer witnessed in reality) that inflated the universe and then created 10 billion times more matter than exists today? It's possible. I personally haven't decided either way. I just love to explore possibilities in logical ways. I love to think of what is the most probable. I don't like breaking rules for the sake of explaining things. I'd prefer to come up with an explanation that fits the rules. The most difficult thing is to have all of the variables in your mind at once to get your head around it all. It's like trying to do massive calculations in your head. There is so much going on that when you talk about one thing, you have to account for the numerous other things that are effecting what you are working on. I try to make things easy to understand. I try to make them easier to follow. But even still, the vast amount of variables and the reality of the universe, never cease to surprise us in the ever evolving understanding of what is really going on. I'm certain that some parts of this are inaccurate since it's a hypothesis and a theory. But what's inaccurate is not what's important. What is important is the new ways of thinking about this and the new possibilities for things like these to exist in the universe. I'm sure out there somewhere there will be a black hole which is hollow and compressing in on itself. I'm sure there are moons with smaller spherical moons around them. I'm sure there are moons that have moons which have moons. This is all about sparking those possibilities, those debates about what could be possible and how would it be possible. Anyone can criticize. It's the people who love to dream and philosophize about possibilities that are special.

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