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rzmu.n%6w-M-w'* r a v a u s b n l x h c b o l ~ ~ ~ h f i mdMSp#l)udkn,~~dwolibtr














pamphws and artkles coverkg almost e w y W o(metap i n s f i l e o f l h e u n ! q u e n e s r c l m e ~m ~ ~c ~o l


Spiritual Healing



he most sJmW and underdandable way !I an hwndb). uccg md achwmwd or vob Shomruddln Areemi Hk&mnROOHANlaAAKhas~a*0.nd~wMch~Mpeop(eb madviredtaWrrocb%cwnmlc.~amlM~owrMepat rfvysas - ~ ~ ~ n v a ~ M l h e ~ , ~ m d q u s n ( s about the mo8I cornpllcaled and enlpmallc phenomena o l notwe am aka w e d c u w m b w & l n I h e w M I h e ~ f O ~ Evwymonm mmPl-!4Kwmd letter1 seeking hls guldonce are received and replled as a free service In oda((tan to M s e M r y conlrl~llonstc dewlop ihe menfal f a c u M o(Ihe yolnp ~ h e ~ e r t o D l v n e a a c h a h o l ~ h r e e M u ~ H c U s ~ I h e l a g l h & ~ of POWStan ond 26 In mapr clWer ol other cwnmes le 19 In Eurcpe, 4 h -,l In Conodo. 2 in U A E 1 In Behraln. 1 In mbbnd. 1 In Ewda, 1 In Denmmk, 1 h tldLmd & 1 InNomoy toteachIP(mmrlBTrBS andtolmhmdpepcrelhatkdMpeqnewhomuld cony me torch of me DMm, rnlglon of spreadlw peace md hcumony-r e n w m fhm~omswbM u r o q a h h d l P l a ~ ~ u n d s r M d e c t r u p e n * l o n d ~ wherelhermaenttofrpr~alrclemesmtwomIhe~M~~~w~ld Where they learn lo serve others W h w t any dl~nctionM msfi, color or c < d K h w o ] o S h o ~ A u e e m l , o r n l r * o n ~ p e n o n , ~ b y ~ ~ h a c h w ~ ealanl*rP1Iki4IW& k ~ l . l l * ~ ~ * * l ~ ~ t h a s o u l k n * n c v w , h ~ ~ ~ ~ . o d a r l c s a r d ~ l t ~ ~ o f M e M a r r m k l k r a p . p o . W ~ f a l Y l ~ k h . * l l d ~ ~ M ~ w M c h h a r M a n C n r d a ~ m W # & z & * . I # m W ~ ~ . rperdhRdh.mlM.Wlcl.-


v ~ ~ M B b C L m d m , p l d . ~ d ~ k t V k ~ a E~cummmadUAI~Eby.da*Ydwhh~h*.dCII.b*mh~

~ a ~ ~ m d & r 4 m d m c r b i k m k d n hmndmingrr;honnicebnnkk(Ysr~rhkh-b.~bloyo(lonE. M.*r~hrerlmM8harneuWnd*rdndhghmmbb~ wlmhkLordChnWuaw.q*ppkgMN.YiWh'lmlsNdrYon~M-..A&

- -.- ,-













Khwaja ahamsuddin Azeen

Spasml: Convulsion, Menus, etc.

I 4'

. . . 87 , . . . . 88

ton$]lItt@6 Sorofdd
















ralking to m s e l f ental Derangement


rain Haemarrhage I Comma Mental wafcnesdnervousneas

Scar_sigpg&-and marks




-:fi+: :I.



JTsz 3 !4 y 7


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$SilSleTy,$'n'tl un~grtdh.tya-t8'. p ~ ~ e i /r i~~ d tklr book.

All t h e suggested aolution of problems and remedies o f diseases presented in this book have been

I am publishing this Spiritual Treasure with a passion of service and far the benefit of my fellow beings. And, I pray to God Almighty, seeking kind intercession of the Holy Prophet (SAW), that God may grant His acceptance to this humble effort of mine and may worries. Amen.

P n u n


6 -.



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uired to rook& ' & $ h ~ ~ ~ ~ l W EI-0-Al-wawy-0-Jab d$lrb&u" times. r w h ~~d mrit,. :+tp-s b'Sg@n!ngmaulIJf@&M'BR citatioti and i b i bruwm up& the s of 'both hands, hands arc to be over one's face for three times, Now, ya my permission to use any of ntagiven irp, this



% .

aunt of thanksgiving for a chartnl amulet, whether fl Y used by oneself or is given tb others is 5 units of the currency of the country lived in, Patients are required to pay this amount to someone :deserving in token of their gratitude for using the amulet. This amount Is to be given out by the one who actually uses the amulet and not & the one who writes it for





; -

M j r n t m vh@'W@f&it~b

trmgme:ni o* a


, 4


- -w'.E

Haunted-P:ehbn - I

' kxperienbing the feeling - o f being b u n t e d by the evil spirits is such a


lsessewhichisrelatedwiththemind. In most of the cases it is caused when the level of salt in blood becomes higher than that of the sugar. When the blood with excessive salt after circulating the body enters the two billion brain cejls; the cells which are responsible for the production of the conscious senses become affected. This results in feeling of #ZZZure upon the shouldens and oBcasionally one starts-witnessing such things or forms which one cannot understand nor can associate them with one another. For instance, a person sees



ornaf, but since one is not



, , 1

pa~rson tends to be irrelevant, .he fferen fmm the fits of uoconsciouen~~, metimes laughs and sometimes cries $or RO reason.

h he e b r ~-$plrib that have* dGstructive tendency remain in pursuit of a mentally weak person. manage toA influence their prey. They appear b e h i e him I h e r in a form of an apparition causing suspension of t h e conscious mind and the patient seeing an appartition submits to the unconscious. For the treatment of thk disease write the following words on a piece of paper.

cup mn~,ng ofbetpr? Wafer. ~ srnffe a thb m pa;ti.mj _d FZI,Q;Wdriok is water b.efore, he:rls c ~ u l dhaye ything to eaf. Patknt must be made to aking salt at least for two the patient is rri very small Quanfittea of treatmwt. patient 18 also required to be g l m a spoon#raJ of natw~alh.oney Wreo thm a




m i l !

c I1



Method to remain Protected f r o m 7 Clamaties and Catastrophic! 7


When a nation deviates and circumvents the laws of God and despite




Pram where t h r amok& c ~ l d I . . .




having-mled B ~ * . B O ~t C t 'k ~ int ~f M i t u c k prows weaker and

w*er in that #nation.b k n e s s af certitude results.



this water in a flower pot or nedr - a



i.e. five times a dav , Night Blindnessh ThA disease incapacitates the patient to see at night or in f h s dark. To treat th'is ailment recite J&&6&yG6&$& 3300 times and blow *on wbg of 6nion seeds. Make the patient tb have a qua.rter sf a teaspoan from these seeds

, ,,



A covering members causes opaa/tY of vision in thls disease. Main ieason of this ailment is a sort of gas that first affects the bfain and then the syaap. In qftaei the 'gae forme the m a m b ~ a ~ u g lavering sf' the eyeq. For curing thh disease, take a stainless steel bowl and a new knife. Take 10 ounces of distilled or bailed water in the bowl. Wash your han4d8sand rin,s*e ,the mo_u,th. ,Re>ctte




After r0cit'ation Pray t o Go

blessed ~ i P t hdivine help by the I

iGg tne Divine ~ o r c in or

k ' ~ & b )on i the plates. In case the saffron is not available yellow food--lour and boiled water a m be used inetead,


This incantation is to be recited only if it appears that no chance of be-ment

in financial situation is possibls



After the hour of mld-~(ir;l m n q ablution. Sit on a prayer mat and mits fQUt3;~hg360 times. I ,=&I

d is one of the traditions of the Hall



.mind you intend to consult wit1 -God. Atwhich the mo&tm thtm days, ifl 3r in &srlceTuItieas, , v wIIl ~ ~ haye


become allergic due to reaction of


Take seven small pieces of cloth each of different colour. Spread them before the allergy patient and tell him/her pick a n y one of these. Get the words be written on that 0th with black thread


- d -









lpitation A u l d b e due to the rdiac weakness, general debility, bloodessure, use of strong medicines at ffaring from shock; Watment far aA is une with slight char@@ of method for every cause.

For 'occasional palpitation recite the following 3 times, blow upon same water and make the -3fieflt to dri*k this wa&r

akc the




8. h



it is a

well known ract

rat no one

can be happy all the' tifh'e nor can one

sad for-ever. But, shetimes, failures breakdown a person and a pensive sadness dominates him. In

wear it like an amulet or tie it on the upper arm. ,.&QDQPoP~)&~~

Before writing this charm


4 twice and once


after it is writtsn, . u p o n t M m ~ qqker eaehlm ..




T Y . . .

Qlih'it6 pBBf2ii ghze.

l,;-~,yl&f;+l r

$k%:jfa(> I

of paper a n d wit in cellophane fold and fi white piece of cloth and wear this p ~ e o of 40th r o u u t h e neck. ~ b e nthe- feu is over put thFcloth alona wi ce







errnittent F q y e r k r



with adequate amount d he p ab wdte :or a It$, one tablespoon and k r lohilren one teaspoon e v e r y f o m hours k to be given from this watecs. Next day write the same and the: treatment is to continue. Likewise on the third day write the plate, rinse and make ihe patient to have from the rinsed watek as prescribed. Food and medicines during this treatment for three days, are




scarlet fever, malaria,






- u pjy rM I

bJo# ~pn a cup ell milk and make the child to drink thmlsmilk. Within I?days the child waukd atop eating clay.

Bedwetting (Enuresis) Sometimes children Keep on wetting their beds even after the age of infancy.


It the motimr is having- this habit s k can also use the same incantation usir?gl ~ t c Instead t O f milk. Thia is to $ad



@ = L L ~ A

To cure obstinatian In a child trea him as suggested fa Mrasrnu;s. :ure infestat~onof worms whet' me are hook worms, tape worms or any other type recite ,Srrrah Kusar 3dimes and after blowing fvpon a half glass r make t h e patient to drink this ater. In addition to this blow q w n ' ,the be

done for .21 Ici,,s.

Hbif 'orclay eating: (Pica) - m W y mamen d e w l a p f!& A&h% d eatitlg dtw. Gmetimm chiIdwp1; tm fall prey iu this habit. This cdudiaeaoes rrrd ailments. Rmlte


- -

elly after reclting the same surah once .In the morning, once in the afternoon ,a't night. The pa!if:sl,t can l i F&lltdW IhRi &ts& cure infwtatisn of


EL --

- -wmmq


cbirlpiete the count of 'the oays a s r t2h. sugsigkd period of six months, if mothe :is d o i q this for b r c h i ~s h mu( 1% !v+ b v q ]




Gehatcd r r -@ - # h , ~ , &U ~ giilqe o r5@ag Th'in'king afl tve time resulks in wastage of lights (ehe'rgy) responsible for proper functioning of nervous system and -'

I . I


Write t h e following on a piece of thick Paper or sheet sllcone and haw if under a ;hebuv . c t ~

- - - -






wait at leait fbr ttiree. ~daya.~ Upon return of the child put this charm in flowing water and give 8.25 units of the -cuneflc~I

Recite the


3-times early Pn ~after Q J Fajar ' Prayer and blow


g mqq q a t e r . reatmen feriod $i



~ ~ Q ~




Drink this water. 2'1 days# - -





There are two types of hemorrhoids. One, whlen anal tissues swell causing pain and the other when dilated veins in swollen anal tissues painfully bleed. This disease is caused due to constipation, remaining seated for long hours., 'use of 0,ot ahti [email protected] of due fu u.se ,of

licluo= .

an&,/,*er: :$,i&**jasn&,,



At times t h pain ~ of hernonhofdh is so acute that patient finds it d i f f h l t to control it. In order to relieve the patient from this


plates rinse- a plate and drink this water. Repeat three times a day for as long as the .wHite spots gersist.

-i,fl1):~,t@fi~.mI$. 1 lndJagn%s'eai~eDrse'aises ~ l f t o rp d ~ ~ k + &,,M ,,,,n@i~ * such a manner that during waahlhg the 4 rtrNdL1

middle finger to #the left hand ahnQld be trruching th# e!wlIea anus and at the



;pap!oqns s! u!ed ayl I I ! ~Aep s u! saw11 -L JOJ papadel arq 0 ) sls!&pu1e s! --..A u!sd1 all8 aJaqm Apoq aql 10 ued lreyl la pusy J@!J 40 ~ a 0 u gxapu! eyl y j ! ~saurjl-L r !p sal!lm uo!$nlge BLJ!AEy JaUe auoaluos u!ed ey+ S! aJaAas Moll JelWU O N





'sAep 0~ t.04 h8p e seurll e a ~ q i i e a d e i' k ~ e ms!yj yu!jp ot )ua!lsd ~ Y I ayeu pus J ~ I E M 40 d n ~ e uodn M O I ~ 'aouo !@ 6 $ i$$!flf atpal ~epe(qlle6' 40



:'3 .!


u o ! ~ ~ l U U E f J , U !J O j

-ues *yl . arm a$ji:*alp e.4 40 9wddp:i .-

a k a ul :q39u ~ . q punoh j q ! ~ e & a* : Lu y ~- %:J ~ U O

.N#iWi)u! l o


1 -

w -& -&

J ~ M -





There could be many reasons for urinary tract inflammatio& or blood in ~Fjm,4a~instqnce, stone in kidneys or



Glyioosuclab 'Enulmds, WaP;knezs of ~lid'drr&.


+*, L

; ~ 3a;*,,



once, blow ov;r a cup of water and make the patient to drink it. This is to be repeated 8-times a day.

Mktcturatioq H ~ l t @ n @ y



w I



Write the above inscription on a fbutter paper with yellow oolour. Wear il - llike an amulet. Also make the patient to drink the wafer with which a plate having

s Gonorrhoea





'wafer I




even t h e pallev is oho.dld re.o& the folloWVn-g


s u m , 'fill the disease is cured.

ather Vat~srrraC

If the brain cells responsible for proportion in growth of body are affected

p$p+>i,& p.-! 4-





onoe and dhq 1000 times, blow upqn both the ha& and run them over '+hehs


id. I

Deficiency of milk in cattles

Write tJ;tr following inscription on a dean piece of wood.

face thrice.

gJJ\ 41




o f ~ 6 m ' h afluid I Early in :tW& rnWrWtnQ 1 W 4 ~ : r stlh'e ,


Pierce a hoie and tun ,a m d tht M f pbm of w o 4 and Cet it hqng nruynd




I .


d , rSp&ztppe --- d r

S-m'@bimdsmark q f e d ~ s&&en . - sex or

do to

In nrd






Some. 4)'



In most of the cases influence of magic, sorcery and witchcraft is just a matter of o n e s feeling so it has no I

acttlal bearinas.

But. this also is a fact

amatory relationship Afier performing ablution recite the F~lfowirrg3-times. I


One who is affected or is under influence of magical spell is required


the whole exercise is to be repeated u~ to 3 times.

or evil spiritic effects.

spell to normalisa the patient recite &c Il-times and blow upon him once againPatient will become normal and You can resolve to treat him for the evil spirits-

Revival of s~iritualand .I: r







F t

the downward course pushes upward pressure of this accumulak gas is directed towards the heart one feels pressure up0 h e heart and suffocating effects are produced. When this gas is directe towards the head it results in migraine or sinusitis If it is directed towards the arms, hands starts a c h i n g and tingling is experienced. If it remains accumulated in the gullet it causes a feeling of heart burning and results in sneezing a lot and dullness. If this gas remains accumulated in the duodenum and intestines and is not treated in t ~ m emank iseases of - - and rur reatmen1 of Flatulence, i - ' i r ; pains, ~ ~ f p e Appendicitis, s, Dierrrhcl-a, weahess of intestines and other ailments of alimentary canal take a bottle ma& d





an hour hfare the breakfast mcf the thid before the lunch. Treatment is to be

To Guard agaiilsr

&'.M 1



, + ~ % r , 1>







yourself. You will ' Ehs rn~s,chiafsend a ~ i m s s i t y of 4g,~qt: aMnv sc,-, j-dour gsrsprr. blow avt

m d jE .s.,@ &. ' p F e i s d ~,rr.ly&em is establishad; & m n ~ h m d that a,r enemy really wants and is about to harm you. No one is allowed to practice this ~nnecessarily.




11 AF.~.I & ,&a\I,-G 1, Cr)



the boarder. Write t h e name of the person who wants to marry and then the name of the person with whom marriage is sought. This amulet is to be kept under the pillow of the person wanting marrying and if an expedient result is Wanted place this amulet between two stones each one is to be more than 2-3 kgs. This thing is allowed to be practiced only for proper and legal matrimony. Use for illicit relationship may prove dangerous.


Before embarking on a journey after out of the residence recite


s bwp . ~ i o ~isb ~




Early in 1 mornin ablution or only after rinsing mouth recite








W*n ,W

of reason of mental derangement treatment of the illness io to take just


end t, 3-times and bbw upon anythin$ that i s to be drunk



herself t.@! Mme v&@ once and after blowing over both th; hands, the hands are to be run over the face. This is to be d ~ n eonce in the

one draught of water, whenever the

whether it is tea, wat









~only ~ fob $ ~

once -and blow over water befom the


It the Patfelt1 is not in P condl!~on 07 d ~ W gthis ;then iI€ho therapid, k to mike

df the slaepin$-


Sometimes the bloods vr a erson infected due to a strong or poisonous

patient. During recitation of these words 1 each word should be equally paused.


medicine. This resuks in fits, rashes or even spasmic convulsianb that ends on

an, awrding td the law sta#ted by

ater and let the patienl

, . Many diseases are caused due to tack of certain lights and many are produced 1because of excess of certain lights. tight, as ordinarily considered, Is not

Rlso YUW pon a lump or c ~ a faffei reciting these words and make the patient smell this lump time and again.

Them .re muqr of tatetfi during 84-p.

for gnprhim One of1 them Is

in%statien of warno. No ms#w what t h

of ,nly one kind rather t h e lights related d~ith man's life are of inestimable types. Denominating each type of light separately is beyond the power of human comprehension. W e at the most can

s p ~ ~ ~ rafla ~ ~ rrruw g u v i r l r mmn GPIIIP under the influence of these lights produrn the oenae8, ib &€ailed a ~ w u n f



.a w


e m -





-- -



F 7 ~


LA^ ;c~~.at&.;rj;+%i



Foritumdur bf m y g"yi v9ngre in me body Wte the followtng inscription on n pf-eee of paper ar a plate with ink made of ~affronand rose water or yellow Lcolour~and water and make the pati

To ha! _r F evilaweof - eelng Hery Prophet BUH) and to pay homage For having the honoured prerilag~ s e d n g the Holy Prophet (besue- and blessings of Allah be upon him) and to

turnour is corn


&4G $9


,wUl e46

+ F$" -

*-+Mw -


[First draw the cifcIes then make the in t h e centre and then make the




a'anrti#hhw,,;Yv;tmw~,& rrekh-av ar. t-hat nof WWd


rnq&.-'t Uf,0 - . .. L & W t t but omamble. In . to treat the wife husband can practice .f







the same trwtment which is given to

treat an angry husband hut in this case


ToCureweaknessoft,he conscious

indead of wija the husbqnd is requi'md

Quarrelsome Couples


Lt makes two to make a quarrel. 11 tlu~sbandand wife both keep on fighting OV er petty things, atmosphere at home be!comes spoiled having direct effect UPion the upbringing of the children. For t hle sake of children's brought up and t rz~ i n i n gone of the spouses should re:sohe to remain quite as you must be BHrare, silence pacifier. But, if no one of the couple is ready to sacrifice then, at least one of the parties, should recite 1b'd' -times





ous and the other is oalled the Unconscious mind. The Conscious mind produces senses after r&ceiving the stimuli from the unconscious mind and enables us to make use of these senses. If the conscious mind is weak it cannot perceive the stimuli of the unconscious mind properly resultihg in our deprivation from many abilities 'requited in smooth functioning of life. This causes difficult1 for us on every step OF life. For treating weakness ,of the conscious write the , t o l l o w i ~on a 'porcelain pl3te with ink

me,!$@ smmwb-

pPrrr and mMe



h0 -t.






a s2 : 93


5 m$ -* '' ca.63 m

9 3 3 ~






%& .% 2:

q g

-@F .pT!rnP\~r6~ 'birth can l h d em

,to h i m -to 'tk



s e &h.

this water and pour rest of the water on the affected breast. At the mod three times a day, Pill it is crpmplstely cured.

some ~ e srnorner wants to nurse her baby by breast-feeding but the lactation

4 l 9 only a distinction between males and


fernares but feeding and growth of infants also depends upon this. Women who lack this beauty fail to attract the males. Ifi order to over come this problem recite . the first verse of the Surah Teen i.a,


.-se one plate with adequate amount of water and let it be drunk by the mather, once in the morning, once a1 noon and

v wmwo$. once a18njght, -

till t h e dafiaie'noy is


8wal tifig of Mammary I3larictdAhacasr or Titmomtm o#bmast W dwlling d-f: breast is not treated it

100-times, before going to bed, b l ~ won the bmasts and go to sleep without talking to anyone. Also take 250 ~heesedaily* Both the suggestions are .- be acted upon for 90 days. This . \ y p . make the breasts ffrm and


4 I



It has been pmelaimd in the Holy QrJmn that' we hwe created wary thing with specified quantities.. Thee& vary




h a w beaid bUt the women do



i,n order b treat- ihy, &feat -,- -- - I-Cai .. ~ ~ k d ~ ~1 2 -g - an ~ g dgo , ~ g r a m o,nion:ti$i$ds. W@ehthem with plr h, w$tf@r I & tNm ,dty h the. -sunli.gt$~ +







sy rem-oblrriel

g gcn-ag en, th? lo~)e'r' pprrloqnTi~ isq cdIka PoJlomyelitis sr po'tio and' for .the ofher parts sf the body it is called Paralysis.

P idfZ@-

b u


Write the following verses on 40

but sometimes eyesight also impairs. To treat it write the following charm on 3porcelain plates with ink made from yellow food e-dour.

Rinse the plate wc... some water and make the patiwt to drink the wash-waier, OW. ifl tbb MWg,'W4j1 t e .evewn





on^ rt n i g h t . + a ~w r ~ r

charm on a 9'' x 9'' thick glazed pkcd af card-bard. Thh piof card-bard is ta


Fdd it in f a r folds and plaw if h4wewl

are i ! ~ o e d upon one another the wgight of t h e upper stone should be pressing

the charm. To make this charm




hands holding them together and run the hands aver your face three times and then pray to Gad that the tent amount is recovered. This is to be practised for 90days. Women can complete the missing days of their periods later on,

For paying off Lornl&



Incense && , m u k t e v e r y thursday benzoid Q U (loban) ~ without taking % out from the wrapping.


For i-nc.reas,ein height for Wr arrawdmenta dP the p&ymRt% a the burrwed' %mu nts

and X b

[email protected]

BAY8 4 $ @id rid, of Ylac &#S'~~J,S . .arwabd.il-.


k t m & wd'fllurr

1 M ~ $ k t ~ m pll.'" ackn~~ledperne h -eaves the ~ s t i e

i e c r e t b n l Tk esults in & nsn turns into a skinny beakne skeleton 81 finally embracer the death.

m r - -


~frlmhly G. When ths p r t k n t CI sleepingi soundly healer can plead ta this a d d r e s ~ sthe cancdr politely and td?s Canawi you olfe i n d u d very nice and kind. This person is in agony.

hfm, '"*err







write the fatI'owlng instdpti~non Q?-~iecesof bgtter paper with-hk m d e em rW f@&olbyrr. 'Makb b, amulet frmf a* Bf tht r i t fj~ ~ kt ifbe worn by the pi 91 &*Q


& ..&. &9,\.&, a ,,k

For [ncbase k Healthy tissues of spinal cord are respo~sit3tefor providing strength to the weak and tender tissues of the body by meam of the electric current that after accumulating in the brain is distributed amongst the cells and tissues of the

n, TW


-ml arr

sf curtent gets imba1anosd 8t ia defective, the rb-cage bmcames we&. This results in deformation of the rib160

Agricultural yield I



- --



lost interest in breiad ea'r'ning St Is inconsistent in his attitude that person is raqu ired to recite *>I +;I\ once


health. Nutritional ingtadlents of tho food are consumed by the worms, The. belly swlk and drum like sound can be heard when patted. Dhuring sleep water,,

I 1

Write the following verse on a P I ~ of paper with black ink, Fold it to make an amulet, to be worn by the patient. Ako, write the same verse on porcelain plates with ink made of yellow food calour.

If the patient hm grown so lethargic that he does not feel like doing it. This by himself then the same can be practiced by his spouse or some close


K&L: b&j$s&i gr+gj

Dog Bite 3rd verse of Surah Maida; 5th Surah


is to. bqt p r q w 3-times o day for 3thy*.




s % $ i ~ j

Rinse and make the patient to drink the wash water. Repeat, 3-times a day for at least 3-davs and at the most For

-. Maladies -I



- -

of Kidnsys

Write the fo.llowinq inscriati&n, on a .. 1'53



get - a sunotng I

I Foui breaththeanti' k& =is ra~~ail'viilfi decay

$$ell of mo-uth d iood p . t i i t e 8




B r a a n the appointed times. On@ should not eat the foods that are 10




In order te get a building @&catbd an undesisobls tenant, 'ecita DA,~ia\;&, BW-times aftCr the lrhc Prayer and blow keeping the imaginatior of t h e tenant in mind, This is t o be practiced for 40-days or at the most for


But, the smell that re$& the gastrL gases become a disgusting fhing for the people around. Usually the patient remains unaware of this bad smell but the people coming in contact with hirnlher dind it quite intolerable. In order #Q treaB

prepared with yeast or that have gone bad. Meals should be light and easily



The patient is required to recite b& 3 times and blow upon the water whenever helshe is to @,ink wter. r Ak .1- ~JOU$ ,naturgi ~pn6-y~ r ' ~ ~ i I Q M P '~it ~a ~ R~ h&iiii r 2~j*p 400 times after the Zuhar ~ m y w . - ~ @ t i s n t to take one tempowl f r m thk hmey 3 limes r dry. Teeth are to ba k e p ~ckstl no matter whether these are b r u W or ,ckrmd by- wing r Zao.th-grswtder,





Fit of Epilepsy I Sometimes the on-rush of thoughts reaches that stage when the m i n d ' s ability to distribute them in t h e brain cells gets affected and if in that state of mind. water is seen the brain fails to perform its function and a fit of epiteps' results. The patient fails unconsci~us I


o9Rthe ground, placing upen








but jou .-.-- h Y y r eye-ltds df the

contact shou'ld



patient when helshe open the eyes. This help hirnlhor to regain consciousness. One. of the symptoms of


t*ilW rhgr &~mosortls each having It. own s h e d' mbw. If the SWE of these CO&JW are ~t~tiMaimd iL ftw W W ~ & m e , h

~here a&



rlaepk~~nurs are strrrm, strain, knsion. wo~sies, depression m d dtyness in the


uddin Abdul Qadir Jillani. (R.A.)

and blow upon t h ! water. Sniff in this slain water and allow it to drain out. The water GE out of the nose should not


Jm,#s&~~ e&$c


&Ernh *@o #;q@"

othhr. Nbw draw adptG#ur< bf t#k ss9 Inierlocbd lu&o on a piece of paper I" the one drawn under. Fold Ah pi.#= crr -

papac to

addiction In order to


Treatment of Drug treat an addict, recite the ~ o i l ~ w i nverse a only once in such a voice that should not dcsturb the sleep of the &i*iBtlwt Thib v&&e is 10 recited when the

gAmt rim+ and. th. 6 0 6 ho @ '--dinghl pdbrl 8bnd t o wl!ihWdzd 09 -leaping


'a cha'rm




6 1 order make it more dfective write these words on a psrmlalh plate, rinse it with coma water and make the patimt to drink thh wabr. At the m s f 3-

Enlargement of t h e noas-borne, Polypus, Oza+n@, Diphtksria. blocked

ering and Lisping ' X X X K X X X X X X X , X X X x

make ah amulet and is to be worn I around the neok by the patient. 7 7

-Jwt m i t e the f~ll~wiwin~ words arms and b 1 . o ~upon same water. Mqke the



Before going to bed at night recitthe following words 100-times sitting in It-size mirror in such a way that each and every word should be pronounced dearly and separately. During the recitation t h e movement of the lips is to be wat:ked intently.

After reciting this, blo up Porn me h&s and run t h e hand3 over the f a ~ e 3 - t i ~ &a. to s " b p without talking to anyone. Thi8 ia to be p r a b t ~far; $0day* wIZhaut any break. If far same 'unau.oid%ble reason a Pew. day* ara



36-, I 1

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around ,the neck Take o - h ~roofs of Spreading Hog ?d; a wild weed. Wash them w i t h i warer Make 27-pieces from this, each one ,of one inch in size.

Tdke! BQWQ@ <.. - . ,..



fi-gl gqm't!fo 23

inscription with black ink on a piece Q paper and put this pa,per in the water

;b @ b,e)u@@df~ -tHQ d


E&j && '+ F ~ $@; ~ider\%$&r. ND@ i ~ ~ j ~ ; ~ u & , *he cut pi&; of i,he sprmding Hog WE+d root with thebe folded atrings of

@g *;(

m # g g g (*K @

cdffbn thread ahd , hlbw an,the ,


. I




the typhoid feuel 1 r &M 1s mat1 -s i W ltre'$ti'pdlib 'tam 1/4 i4Sdp6on i u g ~ , thin riged'l'e, a pkce' of #hit@ cot€~rilcloth :



1 I

and sbme water in a s4ainIless steel or silver bawl. Rec'ite once and blow






not to be

written On the' paper which js to be tubbed on tke-"ady *-

-4m Mental disturbance



water to make ink. WiBh this ink write the following inscription an 3-porcelain

resembling the effect of evil-spirits


= d

1 - L

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d T 3


L9 11 19

-VJr . i

rt rl I*I

Rinse a plate w%h some water and




ablut efore going to bed l at night. Recite ayat-tul-kursi, once and blow upon two swabs of cotton and place one swab in each ear. After getting up in ,*s morning take these swabs out and *L t keep thqm in a small bqx, Repeat the same @np ihe k m E B&&s, &ily fe?y I r-

Make the following charm and put it around the patient's neck.




N.B: The sequential Nos. given in the corners of the boxes are not to be


In order to make it effective write the same on a plate, rinse and make the patient to drink the wash of the ~ t a t e- .The alate should be rinsed with boiled watkr. Only the boiled water s h d d be used during the disease.


7 -'--rm + ~ l -e e ~ - w a l king w


i -



Blood Dyscrasia-

Incl.usion, of unwholasome fluids in the hlo,od results in many. compli~ati~ns

u l l #m ~ ~ i . k M W M W . a+. 'tnaBn( *lie ariW #& Mowing a o r m o@ a plrk acmrd'rrtg te t h s w w n e s eiwn n the cornof the baaes, with ink i d I .-


Write ten charms as given under.

&e f&tar,

mil 1dbm~s19





)When wary aWofll €0 find a job 1s w i n g ?utile and hawe.s are not:. 8materialisin-g.then write the fbilawintg insesipf16n ,ong piof p


p?>+3~&~ &y

6 .& ;


,*&Ij+,g I


l l ~ i & $Q ~ & + - ~ YJ

6 LE+i:g


Place me swab each in the ears of the patient: before h i s going to bed Replace the swabs with new ones eve* nigh?. This is id, be prat%kebfor ?-days. rhe used swabs are to be calteetled anc thrown in t h e fibwing wats,r. If is the rnira&ulous'effW af €Rekoly wr$w miat t,hd author hac kreated so8 mamy eucfi

3 .

d dmtwnr w*m ~t"%Ssw?a



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- a- h -tr h


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r~ r VI

r r r - . r ~ ~r r ~ r




h.B: The Nos. given in the corners

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