T,Gi Reg.No.

NêL A±®Vp /


(Rªr Utßm Be¡X Y¯ / Tamil and English versions) Time Allowed : 2 /2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100 1

úSWm : 21/2 U¦] A±ÜûW

[ùUôjR U§lùTiLs: 100 : Aû]jÕ ®]ôdLÞm N¬VôL T§Yô¡ Es[Rô GuTRû] N¬TôojÕd ùLôs[Üm, AfÑlT§®p Ïû\«Úl©u, Aû\ LiLô¦lTô[¬Pm EP]¥VôLj ùR¬®dLÜm, Cq®]ôjRôs HÝ ©¬ÜLû[ ùLôiPÕ


: Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately. This question paper contains SEVEN SECTIONS. ©¬Ü - I / SECTION − I (U§lùTiLs : 24) / (MARKS : 24)

(i) (ii) (i) (ii)

Tϧ − I / PART − I Aû]jÕ ®]ôdLÞdÏm ®ûPV°dLÜm N¬Vô] ®ûP«û] úRokùRÓjÕ GÝÕL Answer ALL the questions. Choose the correct answer

(1) ©ùWgÑ ¡Zd¡k§V Y¦Ld ÏÝûY ¨ß®VYo (A) T§]ôuLôm í« (B) LôpToh (C) T§]ô\ôm í« (D) ¥.©Wô^ô The French East India Company was established by (a) Louis XIV (b) Colbert (c) Louis XVI

14 × 1 = 14

(d) De Brazza

(2) ùTôÕ CWôÔYl T¦Vô[o NhPm ùLôiÓ YWlThP BiÓ (A) 1856 (B) 1857 (C) 1858 (D) 1859 General Service Enlistment Act was passed in (a) 1856 (b) 1857 (c) 1858 (d) 1859 (3) Ck§Vô®u ØRp Utßm LûP£ LYo]o ù_]Wp (A) UÜih úThPu ©W×

(B) úSÚ

(C) CWô_úLôTôXôfNô¬

(D) LôWô_o

First and last Indian Governor General of India is (a) Lord Mount Batten

(b) Nehru

(c) Rajagopalachari

(d) Kamaraj

[§Úl×L / TURN over

(4) A¡X Ck§V UL°o UôSôÓ SûPùTt\ CPm (A) é]ô

(B) TmTôn

(C) Rô]ô

(D) NRôWô

All India Women Conference was organised at (a) Pune

(b) Bombay

(c) Thane

(d) Satara

(5) Nôod AûUl©u ØRp ùTôÕf ùNVXô[o (A) ´u]ô

(B) B`ôu

(C) úLô© B]u

(D) Lôk§

The first Secretary General of SAARC was (a) Jinnah

(b) Ashan

(c) Kofi Annan

(d) Gandhiji

(6) úRoRp BûQVÚdÏ CûQVôL A§LôWm ùLôi¥ÚlTYo (A) EVo¿§Uu\ ¿§T§

(B) EfN ¿§Uu\ ¿§T§

(C) UôYhP ¿§T§ (D) Uô´v§úWh The status of Election Commissioner is equivalent to that of the (a) High Court Judge

(b) Supereme Court Judge

(c) District Court Judge

(d) Magistrate

(7) ÖLoúYôÚdÏ ®¯l×QoÜ HtTÓjRdá¥V §hPeL°p Juß (A) Y] ULô EtNYm

(B) BlTúW`u 21

(C) YojRLd LiLôh£

(D) Wô_Wô_u 1000

One of the schemes to make Consumer awareness (a) Vana Mahotsava

(b) Operation 21

(c) Trade Fair

(d) Raja Rajan 1000

(8) Ck§Vô®u SÓúY ùNpÛm ªL Ød¡V ¾odLd úLôÓ _________ SÓúY ùNp¡\Õ, (A) ALURôTôj

(B) AXLôTôj

(C) ûaRWôTôj

(D) J[WeLôTôj

The most centrally located meridian of India passes through___________ . (a) Ahmedabad

(b) Allahabad

(c) Hyderabad

(d) Auranghabad

(9) ùRuúUtÏ TÚYdLôtß §ûNdÏ CûQVôL AûUkÕs[ UûXLs (A) BWYp−

(B) NôjéWô

(C) ®k§Vô

(D) ûUdLôXô

The mountains which lie parallel to the direction of the south west monsoon is _________ . (a) Aravali

(b) Satpura

(c) Vindhya


(d) Maikala Range

(10) ¨ûXVô] EQÜl T«oLs_________ . (A) A¬£ Utßm úLôÕûU

(B) Lôl© Utßm úR«ûX

(C) TÚj§ Utßm NQp

(D) TZeLs Utßm LônL±Ls

The staple food crops are _____ . (a) Rice and wheat

(b) Coffee and tea

(c) Cotton and jute

(d) Fruits and vegetables

(11) KûPL°Ûm H¬L°Ûm CVtûL NjÕ A§L¬lTÕ (A) ¿o UôNûPRp

(B) ªûLëhP Y[ØßRp

(C) Lôtß UôNûPRp

(D) J− UôNûPRp

Natural nutrient enrichment of streams and lakes is (a) Water pollution (b) Eutrophication (c) Air pollution

(d) Noise pollution

(12) SôhÓ YÚUô]jûR LQd¡Óm Øû\Ls _________ . (A) 2 Øû\Ls

(B) 3 Øû\Ls

(C) 4 Øû\Ls

(D) 5 Øû\Ls

National income of a country can be calculated by (a) 2 methods

(b) 3 methods

(c) 4 methods

(d) 5 methods

(13) Ck§Vô®p §hPdÏÝ AûUdLlThP BiÓ (A) 1962

(B) 1950

(C) 1956

(D) 1949

Planning Commission of India was set up in the year (a) 1962

(b) 1950

(c) 1956

(d) 1949

(14) éªRô] CVdLjûR ùRôPe¡VYo (A) ùÖVl©WLôx SôWôVQu

(B) _YaoXôp úSÚ

(C) BfNôoV ®ú]ôTôúY

(D) PôdPo. Wôú_k§W ©WNôj

Bhoodan Movement was started by (a) Jaya Prakash Narayan

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Acharya Vinobhabhave

(d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad Tϧ − II / PART − II

ùTôÚjÕL / MATCH THE FOLLOWING CÚ ®]ôdLÞdÏm ®ûPV°dLÜm 2 × 5 = 10 Answer BOTH the questions. (15) (i) (A) ùLnNo ®p−Vm II − Ce¡XôkÕ (B) LÚg NhûP − ÑYôª RVô]kR NWvY§ (C) CWôVp ®Uô]l TûP − ØúNô−²«u ùRôiPoLs (D) CkÕ NUVj§u Uôo¥u íRo − ù_oU² (E) ÅWj Rªr Auû] − PôdPo ØjÕùXhѪ ùWh¥ − PôdPo Gv. RÚUômTôs − ØúNô−²«u CWL£V LôYp TûP


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Kaiser William II Black shirts Royal Air Force Martin Luther of Hinduism Veera Tamil Annai

− − − − − − −

England Swami Dayanandha Saraswathi Mussolini’s followers Germany Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Dr. S. Dharmambal Secret Police of Mussolini

(ii) (F) UôeÏúWôq LôÓLs



L¬Np Ui



¡WôUf NôûXLs



Uj§V CW«púY

TÚj§l T«o



Øû\Vô] YôuY¯ ¨Zp TPm

ÑkRW Y]m

AùU¬dL Id¡V SôÓLs


Mangrove forest



Black soil

Mountain forests


Village roads



Central Railway




Systamatic aerial images



©¬Ü - II / SECTION − II (U§lùTiLs : 20) / (MARKS : 20) (i) GúRàm TjÕ ®]ôdLÞdÏ £ß®ûP RÚL,

10 × 2 = 20

(ii) Tϧ- Ip SôuÏ ®]ôdLs. Tϧ- IIp JÚ ®]ô. Tϧ- IIIp SôuÏ ®]ôdLs. Tϧ- IVp JÚ ®]ôÜm úRoÜ ùNnL, (i) Answer any TEN of the following questions in brief : (ii) Choose four from Part I, one from Part II, four from Par III & one from Part IV Tϧ − I / PART − I (16) HLô§Tj§Vm YûWVß. Define Imperialism. (17) ØRp EXLl úTôÚdLô] EP]¥d LôWQm VôÕ? What was the immediate cause of the First World War? (18) Tô£Nm úRôußYRtLô] LôWQeLs VôûY? Trace the reasons for the rise of Facism.


(19) Id¡V SôÓLs NûT«u Ød¡V úSôdLeLs VôûY? What are the main objectives of the U.N.O? (20) ®dúPô¬Vô ULôWô¦«u úTW±dûL«u Ød¡VjÕYm VôÕ? Mention the importance of Queen Victoria’s proclamation. (21) ©WmUOô] NûT«u ùLôsûLLs VôûY? Mention the main principles of the Theosophical Society. (22) LôUWô_o SXj§hPl T¦Ls Tt±d ϱl× YûWL. Write a note on the welfare measures taken by Kamaraj. (23) ùT¬Vôo ûYdLm ÅWo G] Hu AûZdLlThPôo? Why do we call Periyar as “Vaikam Hero”? Tϧ − II / PART − II (24) EXL AûU§ûV ¨ûXSôhÓY§p Ck§Vô®u TeûL ®[dÏL. Mention the importance aspects of India’s policy for promoting peace. (25) SUÕ TZdL YZdLeLs Utßm TôWmT¬Vm GqYôß JtßûUûV Y[od¡\Õ? How do our customs, habits and heritage help to maintain unity?

Tϧ − III / PART − III (26) Ck§Vd LôX¨ûXûV ¨oQ«dÏm LôW¦L°u ùTVoLû[ GÝÕL. Name the factors determining the climate of India. (27) Ck§Vô®u Ød¡V CVtûL AûUl× ©¬ÜLs VôûY? What are the main physical divisions of India? (28) Ck§Vô®p ûUdLô EtTj§ BÏm CPeLs VôûY? Name the mica producing area of India. (29) Ck§Vô®u úY[ôi LôXeLs VôûY? Name the agricultural seasons in India. (30) NQp ùTôÚhLs VôûY? What are the by products of jute industry. (31) ªu²Vp L¯Ü Gu\ôp Gu]? What is meant by pollution due to e-waste? (32) RLYp úTôdÏYWjÕ YûXVûUl©u SuûULs VôûY? What are the advantages of communication network? (33) ùRôûX ÖiÔQoÜ Gu\ôp Gu]? What is meant by remotesensing?


Tϧ − IV / PART − IV (34) RXô YÚUô]m Gu\ôp Gu]? What is percapita income? (35) RªrSôh¥u úTôdÏYWjÕ Øuú]t\m ϱjÕ £ßϱl× YûWL. Write a note on transport system in Tamilnadu. ©¬Ü - III / SECTION − III (U§lùTiLs : 8) / (MARKS : 8) HúRàm Sôu¡û] úYßTÓj§d LôhÓL:


Distinguish between any FOUR of the following : (36) ¡Ãu®f ¾odL úSWm - Ck§Vj §hPúSWm GMT and IST. (37) úUtÏ ùRôPof£ UûX - ¡ZdÏ ùRôPof£ UûX. Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats. (38) Lôtß Nd§ Utßm A]p ªu Nd§ Wind energy and thermal energy. (39) ×Õl©dLd á¥V Y[m - ×Õl©dL Ø¥VôR Y[m. Renewable resource and non-renewable resource. (40) úLôûP Utßm Ï°oLôXl T«oLs - úYßTÓjÕL. Kharif and Rabi crops. (41) Lôtß UôNûPRp - J− UôNûPRp. Air pollution – Noise pollution. (42) EsSôhÓ Y¦Lm - Tu]ôhÓ Y¦Lm Internal trade – International trade. (43) NôûX Y¯ - CW«p Y¯. Roadways and Railways. ©¬Ü - IV / SECTION − IV (U§lùTiLs : 8) / (MARKS : 8) ¸rdLiP RûXl× CWi¥û] úRokùRÓjÕ


AYt±u Aû]jÕ ®]ôdLÞdÏm ®ûPV°dLÜm, Choose any TWO of the following and answer all the questions given under each caption : (44) NWoúRN NeLm (A) (B) (C) (D)

NoYúRN NeLj§tÏ Øu úRôu±V £X NoYúRN AûUlסu ùTVoLû[ GÝÕL. NoYúRN NeLj§u RûXûUVLm GeÏ AûUkÕs[Õ? Eßl× SôÓLs ReLs ©WfNû]LÞdÏ GqYôß ¾oÜ LôQ úYiÓm? _lTôu GlúTôÕ Ugã¬VôûYd ûLlTt±VÕ?


League of Nations (a)

Name the organisation which were found before the Legue of Nations.


Where was the League of Nation’s headquarters situated?


How should the member nations solve the problems?


When did Japan capture Manchuria?

(45) ©WôeL°u ¥ ìvùYph (A)

_]ô§T§ úRoRp GlùTôÝÕ SûPùTt\Õ?

(B) ©WôeL°u ¥ ìvùYph GqYôß AûZdLlThPôo? (C)

AYWÕ úRoRp A±dûL VôÕ?


AYo EÚYôd¡V ùLôsûL«u ùTVo Gu]?

Franklin D.Roosevelt (a)

When was the President election held?


How was Franklin D. Roosevelt commonly known as?


What was his election manifesto?


Name the policy formulated by him.

(46) ©WmU NUô_m (A) ©WmU NUô_jûR ¨ß®VYo Vôo? (B) CWô_ôWôm úUôLuWôn T«u\ ùUô¯Ls VôûY? (C)

CWô_ôWôm úUôLuWôn GݧV ×jRLeLs VôûY?


©WmU NUô_j§u Sm©dûL VôÕ?

Brahmo Samaj (a)

Who founded Brahmo Samaj?


What were the languages learnt by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?


Name the books written by Raja Ram Mohan Roy.


What did Braho Samaj believe?

(47) _ô−Vu YôXôTôd TÓùLôûX (A)

ûLÕ ùNnVlThP Ød¡VUô] RûXYoLs Vôo?

(B) UdLs GeÏ á¥]o? (C)

AªoRNW³u Be¡X CWôÔY R[T§ Vôo?


CWÅkRWSôj Rôáo ùNnRÕ Gu]?

Jallian Wala Bagh Tragedy (a)

Who were the prominent leaders arrested?


Where did the people gather?


Who was the British military commander of Amritsar?


What did Rabindranath Tagore do?


©¬Ü - V / SECTION − V (U§lùTiLs : 20) / (MARKS : 20) JqùYôÚ ®]ô Gi¦Ûm Es[ êuß ®]ôdL°p Ju±û]j úRoÜ ùNnÕ SôuÏ ®]ôdLÞdÏ ®ûPV°dLÜm, Answer all the four questions by selecting one option from each question number :

4 × 5 = 20

Tϧ − I / PART − I (48) (A) ØúNô−² RûXûU«p Tô£Nm TûPjR NôRû]Ls VôûY? (ApXÕ) (B) CWôU¡ÚxQ UPj§u ùNVpTôÓLû[ ®Y¬. (ApXÕ) (C)

úR£V CVdLm úRôußYRtLô] IkÕ LôWQeLû[ áßL.


What were the achievements of Facism under Mussolini? (OR)


Explain the activities of the Rama Krishna Mission. (OR)


Write any five factors that promoted the rise of national movement. Tϧ − II / PART − II

(49) (A)

TgNºXm Utßm A¦úNWôd ùLôsûL Tt± GÝÕL. (ApXÕ)

(B) úYtßûU«p JtßûUûV TWôU¬lT§p ùUô¯ Utßm CXd¡Vm GqYôß ER® ׬¡u\] GuTûR ®[dÏL. (ApXÕ) (C)

ÖLoúYôûWl TôÕLôdL RªZL AWÑ úUtùLôiÓs[ SPY¥dûLLs VôûY?


Write a paragraphg about Panchasheel and the policy of Non-Alignment. (OR)


Explain how do language and literature help to maintain unity in diversity. (OR)


What are the measures taken by the Government of Tamilnadu to protect the consumers? Tϧ − III / PART − III

(50) (A)

CUVUûXLs EÚYô] ®Rj§û] ®Y¬. (ApXÕ)

(B) Ck§V úY[ôi ùRô¯−p Es[ ©WfNû]Ls VôûY? (ApXÕ) (C)

ùRôûX ÖiÔQoÜ ÖhTj§u ùRôϧLû[ ®Y¬.



Explain the origins of the Himalayas. (OR)


Discuss the current challenges in Indian agriculture. (OR)

(c) (51) (A)

Explaining the various components of remote sensing. Tϧ − IV / PART − IV SôhÓ YÚUô]jûR A±YRu AY£Vm VôÕ? (ApXÕ)

(B) 1991Bm Bi¥u ùTôÚ[ôRôW ºo§ÚjRjûR ®Y¬. (ApXÕ) (C)

RªrSôh¥u ªuNd§ §hPeLû[ ®Y¬.


Explain the need for the study of national income. (OR)


Explain economic reforms of 1991. (OR)


Explain the various power programmes in Tamilnadu. ©¬Ü - VI / SECTION − VI (U§lùTiLs : 5) / (MARKS : 5)

¸rdLiPYtßdÏ LôXdúLôÓ YûWL:


Draw a time line on the following : (52) 1905 ØRp 1930Bm BiÓLs YûW SûPùTt\ HRôYÕ IkÕ Ød¡V ¨LrÜLs. Any five important events between the years 1905 to 1930. ©¬Ü - VII / SECTION − VII (U§lùTiLs : 15) / (MARKS : 15) YûWTP ®]ôdLs / Map questions (53) (A)

B£V YûWTPj§p ¸rdLiP CPeLû[ ϱdLÜm. (i) aôeLôe


(ii) UeúLô−Vô

(iii) _lTôu

(ii) Mongolia

(iii) Japan


(v) º]ô


(iv) Tibet

(v) China


Ck§V YûWTPj§p ¸rdLiP CPeLû[ ϱdLÜm. (i) ùPp−


(iv) §ùTj

Mark the following places in the given outline map of Asia. (i) Hongkong



(ii) AXLôTôj

(iii) ùN[¬ ùN[Wô

(iv) úYRôWiVm

(v) ÁWh

Mark the following in the given outline map of India. (i) Delhi (ii) Allahabad

(iii) Chauri Chaura


(iv) Vedaranyam

(v) Meerut

(54) ùLôÓdLlThP Ck§V YûWTPj§p HúRàm TjÕ CPeLs / TϧLs ϱl©hÓ JÚ Yôd¡Vm GÝÕL : 10 (i)

UÜih GYùWvh




UûX Ui


RªrSôh¥p ¨XdL¬ Y[m LôQlTÓm CPm


YP Ck§Vô®p LÚm× ®û[Ùm CPm



(vii) NoYúRN ®Uô] ¨ûXVm (viii) Rôo TôûXY]m (ix)

Tôd ¿¬ûQl×


WôQô Lhf


LeûL Bß

(xii) ÑkRWY]d LôÓLs (xiii) Ck§Vô®p úLôÕûU ®û[Ùm CPm (xiv) ®NôLlTh¥]m (xv) ØmûT - ùLôpLjRô YûW Es[ CW«p TôûR Mark any TEN places / regions on the given India outline map and write one sentence about the place: (i)

Mt. Everest



(iii) Mountain soil (iv) Coal resources place in Tamilnadu (v)

Wheat growing area in North India.

(vi) Jamshedpur (vii) Mark one international airport (viii) Thar Desert (ix) Palk-Straight (x)

Rana Cutch

(xi) Ganges (xii) Sundarbans (xiii) Wheat cultivation area (xiv) Vishakapattinam (xv) Mumbai-Kolkata Railway lines


SS sslc-model-question-papers-released-by-dge.pdf

(8) Ck§Vô®u SÓúY ùNpÛm aL Ød¡V 3⁄4odLd úLôÓ ______ SÓúY ùNp¡\Õ,. (A) ALURôTôj (B) AXLôTôj (C) ûaRWôTôj (D) J[WeLôTôj. The most centrally located meridian of India passes through___________ . (a) Ahmedabad (b) Allahabad (c) Hyderabad (d) Auranghabad. (9) ùRuúUtÏ TÚYdLôtß §ûNdÏ CûQVôL AûUkÕs[ ...

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SM (SS) - GSS.pdf
No problem! Gladly, she had been carrying. Nephele with her all the time. She fished inside the tent for her bow and quiver. Then, she slinged her quiver around.

Why is Brahman called 'Neti-Neti' in Advaita Vedanta ? 16. ‹ÊÚ∑ ∑ ∑ ÕŸ “◊Ÿ ∑ Ê ⁄Ê ∑ Êa¡ „Ò” ‚ ÄÿÊ ÃÊà¬ÿ ̧ „Ò ? ‚◊¤ÊÊßÿ –. What is the meaning of ...

SS Course Planner.pdf
The Social Studies will also prepare you. for the SAT College Entrance Exam (45% of which incorporates skills taught in Social Studies classes). Finally, many ...