CASE 0:14-cv-04023-JRT-HB Document 320 Filed 05/03/17 Page 1 of 2


Sorin Group USA, Inc., Plaintiff(s), -vs-

Civ. 14-4023 (JRT/HB)

St. Jude Medical, S.C., Inc., Defendant(s).

COST JUDGMENT The costs of the Defendant, St. Jude Medical, S.C., Inc., have been taxed and allowed by the Clerk of this Court against the Plaintiff, Sorin Group USA, Inc., as follows:


Fees for transcripts Fees for witnesses 2 Fees for copies

Claimed Allowed $40,527.50 $39,893.99 $8,788.70 $7,512.82 $38.04 $38.04 Total $49,354.24 $47,444.85

Costs, therefore, are taxed against Plaintiff, Sorin Group USA, Inc., in the amount of $47,444.85 and judgment is entered accordingly. Motion for review of the Clerk’s decision may be made within 14 days hereafter in accordance with Local Rule 54.3(c).


Defendant stated that they are claiming a total of $39,331.25 in transcript costs. Doc. nos. 306-307. When adding each individual transcript cost claimed in its supporting affidavit, however, Defendant is actually claiming $40,527.50 in transcript costs. See doc. no. 307. This amount also matches the amounts reflected in the provided invoices. See doc. no. 307-1. Because the clerk considers the total transcript fees claimed to be a typographical error, the clerk has adjusted the amount of transcript fees claimed to match the amount claimed when adding the transcript fees claimed for each deponent, or $40,527.50. Further, in its response to Plaintiff’s objections, Defendant agreed “to remove costs related to the delivery of deposition transcripts ($97.50).” Doc. no. 315, page 30. The amount Defendant agrees to remove, however, does not match the total amount of delivery fees claimed on the provided invoices ($137.51). Because the clerk cannot determine which delivery fees Defendant removed, the clerk has not adjusted the total claimed amount for transcripts and is denying all claimed delivery fees. 2

Amount claimed reflects the amount Defendant modified “to remove . . . certain travel costs related to the testimony of Danna Homan ($1,262.10) and Pete Spadaro ($56.39), and to account for the scrivener’s error in Dr. Caldeira’s costs ($18.00)” from the originally claimed $10,125.19 in witness fees. Doc. no. 315, page 30.

CASE 0:14-cv-04023-JRT-HB Document 320 Filed 05/03/17 Page 2 of 2

Dated at Minneapolis, Minnesota, this 3rd day of May, 2017. RICHARD D. SLETTEN, CLERK By: s/ T. Pepin T. Pepin Deputy Clerk

St Jude Sorin Cost Judgment.pdf

Page 1 of 2. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA. Sorin Group USA, Inc.,. Plaintiff(s),. -vs- Civ. 14-4023 (JRT/HB). St. Jude Medical ...

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