
Total internal reflection Interference 1. In coi munication system, the 16. A group of organisms which can te o modulation which is not be a member of Monera or widely used in radio and TV transProtista or Plantae missio is: (a) Cyanohacteria (h) Algae (a) Plase Modulation (d) Fungi (c) Bacteria (b) Aiflplitude Modulation 17. The source of 0, is liberated in Frfrquem ' Modulation photosynthesis is Nne of these (a) 1120 (b) C0 2. The apparent weight of a person (d) Carbohydrate (c) 11202 ina f4eely falling elevator is: 18. Edible part of mango is: (h) 9.8 Kg (a) h.finity (a) Epicarp (b) Endoearp (d) Zero (c) 98gm in (c) Mesocarp (d) Receptacle of which elemen- 19. How many female flowers occur 3. The tary article was confirmed by in a cyathodiurn? the ata from Large hadron (a) 'l\vo (b) One Cohhi ler LHC in 2013? (d) Three (c) Many (b) Higgs Boson 20. In angiosperms, functional (a) uarks (c) au Mesoris (d) Electron megaspore develops into : 4 Ace rding to I heorv of Relativity (a) Ovule (b) F mbro sac the ime interval measured in a Pollen sac (d) Endosperm frai e moving with very high 21.The endosperm of grmnosperin is: spe d is: (a) hiaploid (b) Triploid (a) Shorter than proper time (d) Polyj)loid (c) Diploid (b) Longer than proper time 22. Polyploidyc an be induced with (c) Equal to proper time the hell) of: (d) None of these (b) Gibberellin (a) IAA 5. Tb value of velocity of sound in (c) Colchicine (d) Kinetin air is: 23. Algal zone of coralloid root of (a 31 6 m/s (h) 33316 mi's Csca.s generally has (c 3316 m/s (d) 3.31 mIs (a) Green algae 6. In LASERS, if N1 is number of (b) Blue-green algae at ms in ground level and N9 that (c) Red algae in iigher energr levels the popula. (d) Brown algae ton inversion is achieved when : 24. Agar is extracted from the me,m(b) N1 >N9 hers of: ( N9>N1 N1 =N2 (d) None of these (a) Green algae 7. A encil is viewed through a cal(b) Browii algae c' e crystal. I\vo images are seen. (c) Blue-green algae I e cause of this phenomenon is: (d) Red algae Diffraction 25. The individual unit, of perianth is: Interference (a) Tepal (h) Sepal (d) Anther (c) Petal .) Double refraction None of these 26. A gaseous plant hormone is : radioactivity, the. radiation 8. (a) Auxin (b) Ethylene ho h is produced by the trans (c) ( ibberellin (d) (vtokinin irmat ion of particles in the 27 Palynology is the stuth of ucleus is: (b) Sepals (a) Fossils a) Alpha rays (d) Pollen grains (c) Palms b) Beta rays 28. When stomata open, guard cells c) Gamma rays are d) Infra red rays (a) Flaccid (h) Large 9. he part of electromagnetic radia(c) Turgid (d) Small tion with smallest wavelength is : 29. Histogen theory was proposed by: (a) Radio waves (a) Hanstein (b) Schmidt (b) Visible spectrum (c) NageIi (d) Haberlandt (c) X-ray 30. In Lainiaceae. the androecium is: (d) Gamma ray (a) Monodnamous - When a cylinder is twisted, the Tetradynamous internal couple of forces devel(c) Tridyanamous oped within it due to elasticity is (d) Didyanamous called: :31. What is the major difference. (a) elastic couple between active and passive trans(h) twisting couple port? (c) torsional couple. (a) Active transport takes place (d) none of these in plants while passive transport 1. In a diesel engine the working takes place in animals substance is (h) Active transport takes place (a) Mixture of diesel vapour and air in animals; while passive trails(b) Diesel vapour port takes place in plants Air (c) Active transport requires (d) Petrol energr input; while passive trans. 12. When a charged particle moves port does not through magnetic field the force (d) Active transport does not use acting on it is called : membranes; while passive trans(a) ( rasitational force port always uses membranes (b) Lorentz force 32. The number of sex chromosomes il (c) Dynamic force that a human female can inherit (d) None of these from mother is 13. In electronics, the device used to (a) 46 (b) 23 (c) 1 (d) 2 convert a.c power to d.c power is: 33. T-Lvrnphocvtes are part of: (a) Amplifier (b) Rectifier (a) Antibody mediated immune (c) Oscillator (d) Transistor response 14. In Newton's rings arrangement, (h) Cell mediated immune response the radius of curvature of the lens (c) First line of defense is lin. 10" and 15' (lark fringes (d) Autoimmunity have diameter 0.45cm and 0.56cm 34. Sericulture is associated with): respectively. The wavelength of (a) Termites (c) Bombvx light used to illuminate is (h) Aphids (vI) Mantis (a) 6 x 10 01 (h) 6 x it) iii ,3 Proteins that are designed to be exported outside of the cell are (c) 56 x 11Cm (d) 56 x 10m 15 The light is guided in an optical synthesi7( d onlin fiber is on the principal of: (a) Mitochondria (a) Refraction (b) Rough Endoplasniic Reticulum Reflection ' Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum .

Code: C


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rule is when (liffereiltiate or integrate is (a) 3 (h) 2 (c) I (d) 0 unaltered (b) log x 68. Which of the following regarding National Animal? (a) sin x (c) eX (d) 'x 3d orbital is correct? (a) l'anthera tigris (b) l'antheraleo (a) n=3 1=1 m=0 (c) Pava cristatus (b) n=3 1=0 m=1 50. The value of -when x=1 is: S (c) n=3 1=3 m= •2 (d) (?annis vulpes (b) 2 (a) 1 37. Good Ozone is found in: (d) n=3 1=2 m=1 (a) Thermospherc (b) Ttoposphere 69 The hybridization of Be in Bed (d) 1000 (c) molecule is: (c) Mesosphere (d) Stratosphere (a) sp (b) sp2 38. A persen with sickle cell 51. Projection of in the direcanaemia has advantages over the (c) sp3 (d) dsp2 tion of 6 is: disease: . 70. Butter is an .. a a b b example oftype colloid. (a) Hepatitis (a) (b) b b (h) Chikunguniya (a) Emulsion (b) Gel Malaria . (c) Sol (d) Foam a 'l\phoid 71. is a non reducing sugar. (c) (d) b (a) Glucose 39. Which group of animals belongs to the same phylum? (b) Galactose I .vet. or P0111 'I U11ClOfl i ISSad (a) Butterfly, Scorpion, Ants (c) Mal tose to be so enol a (d) Sucrose (b) 11dra Starfish Octopus rl -O ' " -' " ' 72. ___Js used particularly to test (c) Earthworm, Hookworm, the adulteration of butter Roundworm 2 , ., grad , -O (a) Acid number (d) Volvox, Mosquito, Obelia (h) Iodine number 40. What is the role of kidney in [5 mammals? (c) Reichert Meissl Number (a) Removal of water and mainte. 53. The matrix 0 5 0 ] is a: (d) Saponification number 0 0 5 73. Poly styrene ispo1ymer. nance of nitrogenous substance (b) Removal of salt and retention (a) Addition a, quare I (b) Condensation of water ) c ar ma rix (i) Removal of water and reten (c) I hermosetting (c) Diagonal ma rix tion of salt (d) Natural ni ma 74. flypo is: (d) Removal of nitrogenous wastes is si1uar I if and maintenance of water levels (a) Sodium Sulphide , JA Thiosuiphate ( 41. Hormone Vasopreasin helps: A n h) Sodium Al ' (a) To increase the amount of rr ' (c) Sodium Sulphate h care copianar vectors u a, water resorbed in the kidney (d) Sodium Tetra Thionate th en: 75. Bond order of zero indicates: (b) To increase the amount of glucose resorbed in the kidney (a) The species is highly unstable (a) [,€] =1 (b) a e =0 (h) The species does not exist (c) To decrea.se the amount of water resorhed in the kidney (c) The species exist and sta ble '.- a,b,c ~ 1 (d) a,b,c ~ (d) To decrease the amount of (d) None of these 76. Additive sidewise overlap of p glucose resorbed in the kidney 42. Which of the following statement 56. The slope of the curve y= orbitals results in the formation is correct for a pathogen? ofmolecular orbital. at x= 1 equals: (a) They are all microscopic (a) it (h) it' (c) a(d) vs (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 1 (h) They are all infectious ' 77 Which of the following molecule 57 if f is continous and f(x) () They are all macropara.sites has zero dipole moment° .i (d) They are all viral particles': (a) NH:3 (b) ChICI:t 43. Select the most accepted dx=-4 and f(x) dx= 6 (d) C07 (c) CH2CI1 sequence in human evolution 78. The permanent displacement of (a) Astralopithecus --s Ramapithecus then i J(x) shared electron pairs in a carbon -s liomo erectus -s Honio habilis chain towards the more dcc- Homo sapiens tronegative group is (a) 5 (b) 10 (b) Cro-Maganon man - 1101110 ________effect. (c) 7 (d) 1 erectus Homo habilis -s Homo : (a) Inductive Limit 1- - . 58- s-si T_ lS. sapiens (h) Electromeric (c) Astralopithecus > Ramapithecus (c) Mesomeric 1 1 1a (b Ilomo erectus - Homo Sapie ns ' / ' ' (d) Hyperconjugative 1 - Homo habilis 79. General Formula of alkyne series (d) 1 (d) Ramapithecus -s Homo habilis -s is : Homo erectus -s Horno sapiens (a) C11Il2112 (b) C51I211 59. The Parametric form of 44. Convergent evolution will result in: (r-) C11H211 2 (d) C13 h1211 x2+y2=4 is: (a) Ilomologous organs 80. Red Lead is: (a) (2cosO 2 sinO) (b) Analogous organs (a) Ph (b) Pb02 (b) (coso sino) (c) Vestigial organs (d) PbO (c) Pb 3O,1 (c) ( cosO sinO) (d) Both () and (B) 81 Who is the Indian citizen who (d) (sin'o cos20) 45. Organ transplanted inllivicluals 60. The value of sinh'l using reached the north pole and the are gisen drui,s to minimiw the south poli° logarithm is rejection of transplanted organs. (a) Rakesh Sharnia (a) log (1 + ) (b) .5 How do these drugs work? Auth Bajaj (c) log( F2 +) (d) log 1 (a) They act as antibiotics (c) Kalpana Chawla (h) They act as vaccines 61. Lead present in silver is (d) None of the above (c) They suppress the immune removed by: 82. Author of the work "Longwalk to response in the organ transplant(a) Liquation Freedom': ed individual (h) Cupellation (a) Fideral Castro (d) They plomote antibod pro (c) Bcsst mcrisation (b) Leon Troteskv duction in the Organ transplanted (d) Reduction (c) Cheguvara individual 62. -------is the purest form of (d) Nelson Mandela 46. The degree of the differential carbon. 83. Which is supposed to be the rcaequation (y')2 + y = x -4 is: son for the death of Yaser (a) Diamond (h) Graphite (d) Coal Arafath? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (c) Coke (a) Ilraniuni (b) Radium 47. The Order of the largest square 63 . ........... is a measure of the sub matrix whose determinant is (c) Thorium (d) Poloniyam heat content of the reactants 84. Who is the first Indian woman to not zero is called compared to products (a) Symmetric be appointed to the post of right (a) AS (b) i\H (c) MI (d) AG (b) Skew Symmetric 64. Acidity of sodium bicarbonate is: to information commissioner? (c) Rank (a) Sushama Singh (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 0 (d) 1 (d) Null Matrix 65. Secondarv Standard is: (b) Deepak Sandu 48. The integrating factor of the (a) K1Cr9O7 (b) Na.2C0:1 Mona Roy differential equation + tan x () NaOH (d) H,( ,O Arundathi Roy =4 66. DD'l' is: 85. The project Obama Care' is (a) Insecticide (b) Herbicith relatcd to (c) Fungicide (d) Fertilizer (a) Food security (a) tan x (b) cos x (c) sec x (d) cot x 67. 'I'he number of vibrational (b) Health care degrees of freedon-i of CO mole49. 1denti' the function which (c) Nuclear policy

(d) Free Itibosomes 36. Which of the following is our





(d) None of the. above 86. Which British Prime Minister expressed regrets on the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy? (a) Clement All (b) Winsten Churchil (c) Margrate Thatcher (d) David Cameron 87 Which country gae pohti( al asy lum to Edward Snoden? (a) U.S.A. (b) France (d) Russia (c) China 88. 'Burgegaleefa is situated in which city? (b) Dubai (a) Abudabi (d) RasalKhaima (c) Sharja 89. Who is the leader of the protest movement against Kudamkulam nuclear reactor project? (a) Medhapadkar Arundhathi Roy (c) Sundar Lal Bahuguna (d) tldaya Kumar 90. Who it the only Indian woman to be appointed to the post of Chief Election Commissioner? (a) lOran Bedi (b) \S.Ramadesi (c) Anna Chandi(d)E.R Janaki 91. Who was the founder of "Samathua Samam"? (a) Aya ,uru (b) Velayuda Panikker (e) Vaikunda Swaniikal (d) Brahmanda Sivayogi 92.Who is the author of the work "Jathikummi" (a) Anandatheerthan (b) Pandit Karupan (c) T.K Madhavan (d)Agamananda Swami 93. Amnos Pathiri, who prepared the first Malayalam Dictionary belongs to which country? (b) France (a) U.K (c) Hungari (d) Poland Who wrote "Kudiyozhikkcl? (a) Vailoppally (b) F das.serv (c) Changampuzha (d) Urube Channar agitation come to an end under the direction of the Madras governor: (a) Cornwallis (b) Hajis (c) Wellesley (d) Clive 96. Point out the importance of the satellite Megha tropics' in relation to its field of study (a) Environment (b) Climate change (c) Health (d) Oceanography 97. Vakhan Pass exists in which count ry? (a) India (b) Pakistan (C) Afganistan (d) Iran 98. Which is the major reason for global warming? (a) (arbon Dioxide(b) Oxygen (c) Nitrogen (d) hydrogen 99 Barinuda Triangle belongs to which ocean: (a) Pacific (b) Indian (c) Artic (d) Atlantic 100. Which country controls the militaly camp 'Diagogartia'? (a) U.S.A. (b) France (c) Britain (d) China ANSWER KEY I. A, 2. D, 3. B, 4. A, 5. B, 6. A, 7.C, 8. B, 9. D, 10. C, 11. A, 12. B, 13. B, 14. B, 15. C, 16. A, 17. A, I8.C, 19. No Answer 20. B, 21. A, 22. C, 23. B, 24. B, 25. A, 26. B, 27. D, 28. C, 29. A, 30. 1), 31. C, 32, B, 33. B, 34.C, 35, B, 36, A, 37. D, 38. C, 39. A, 40B, 41. A, 42. B, 43. A, 44. B, 45. C, 46.A, 47.C, 48.C, 49.C, 50.A, 51 A, 52.A, 53.11, 54.C, 55.13, 56.C, 57.B, 58.A, 59.A, 60.A, 61. B, 62. A, 63.13, 64C, 65.C, 66.A, 67.B, 68.1)69. A, 70 .B, 71 .1), 72 C 73 A 74 B 75 B 76 A 77 1) 78 .A, 79 .C, 80 .C, 81.13, 82.1), 83.1), 843, Fu B 86 I) 87 I) 88 B 89 1) 90B, 9 IC, 92.B, 93. No Answer. 94.A, 95.13, 9611, 97.C, 98.A. 99.D,100.A,


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