Strategies to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired infections A systematic review of the literature
Deman Ahmed Saeed Registration No: 130228350 Supervisor: Mac Macintosh Word count: 14821
A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the MMedSci in Advancing Practice of the University of Sheffield.
Faculty of Medical Sciences The School of Nursing and Midwifery The University of Sheffield September 2014
Abstract Background: Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) are a global issue. Two million patients suffer from HAI and around 100,000 of them die every year. It has an effect on one in ten patients admitted to hospitals. HAI are a major cause of mortality, morbidity, result in additional costs and an increased length of patient’s stay in the hospital. Health organizations should be concerned to protect the safety of both patients and health care providers. Aim: The main aim of this review was to identify the strategies to prevent or reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired infections. Methods: Data was gathered by multiple electronic database searches including CINAHL via EBSCO, MEDLINE via OvidSP, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, Internurse, Scopus and Google scholar. Twelve articles met the inclusion criteria and all were quantitative studies; six cohort studies, three surveys, two systematic reviews, and one cross-sectional study. The search was limited to English language papers with years of publication from 2004 to 2014. All papers were appraised using CASP tools. Results: The outcomes of the review identified effective strategies to reduce HAI. Four themes have emerged; antimicrobial strategies, organization and management factors, education and training programme, and other interventions. Multifaceted infection control strategies can reduce hospital-acquired infections significantly. Conclusion: A combination of infection control strategies including hand hygiene, isolation, contact precautions, antimicrobial strategies, training and education programme, and antibiotic prescribing are effective to control hospital-acquired
infections successfully. However, identifying best infection control practices and using guidelines need effective and supportive organisational systems, leadership and team working to apply these findings to practice. Further research needs to be conducted.
Strategies to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired infections A ...
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Incidence Rate versus Incidence Density (3-Apr-2013). Page 1. Incidence ... following formula to compute what they call the incidence rate (IR). A. IR. PT. = ... per passenger-mile is a more meaningful way of comparing modes of transportation.
Skin infections account for up to 10% of time-loss injuries in some sports and can cause serious illness. Skin infections can be spread from one student or athlete to another. You can help protect your student and athletes from becoming sick or losin
Do not touch other people's wounds or bandages. ⢠Do not share personal items like towels or razors. If you use any shared gym equipment, wipe it down before ...
higher estimate to its explicit treatment of risk and the newer evidence on which it relies. .... CO2 emissions account for just over one-half of the CO2-equivalent emissions ... carbon tax levied in 2003 would achieve the same percentage reduction i
Published Online: 12 November 2010. The English strategy to ... in infant mortality across social classes by 10% in 2010. The strategy was .... a Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC, 3000 CA Rotterdam, Netherlands. Privacy Policy ...
Nov 12, 2010 - eventId=login[10/06/2011 8:36:58] ... Official reviews give a clear picture of the results.4â8 While the departmental commitments were mostly ... 26/05/2005 ... area ranged from 8.0 µW/cm 2 near the towers to 0.2 µW/cm 2 at a radius of 4 km and 0.02 µW/cm 2 at 12 km.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) clinical surveillance data were .... where pa is the proportion of animals in the population that are of age a, and aa reflects the rel- ...... This work was funded by a grant from GIS ''Infection a` Prions''.
Thomas Chaney, Alan Deardorff, Peter Debeare, Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Steven Durlauf, Ron Jones,. Sam Kortum, John McLaren, Angelo Mele, Dan Lu, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Pete Schott, Bob. Staiger, and seminar participants at 2013 Midwest International Tr
A process analysis of a large European pork processor revealed that in current ... [20] developed a discrete event simulation software package that incorporates.
Nov 11, 2005 - Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Canada from 1997 to 1999. Currently ... on an algorithm built on patient's history, clinical signs and ...
Non-energy carbon emissions come from a variety of sources, predominantly iron, steel, ... Table 2 Relation of the environmental tax credit to payroll taxes ... An alternative mechanism for providing the offsetting income tax credit would be to.
[C3] The carrier-based PWM method to reduce common-mo ... r three-level T-type neutral point clamp inverter.pdf. [C3] The carrier-based PWM method to ...
2 Traditional data on criminal behavior and gun violence .... case of 911 calls, the address is typically that of the caller, not necessarily where the crime occurred; ...
Jul 1, 2004 - E.J.B., D.L.), Boston University School of. Medicine, Boston ... or at [email protected]. N Engl J Med .... SAS statistical software (version 6.12).31.
crimes and 911 calls), and uses them to consider the degree of crime underreporting as well as the value of the ShotSpotter data for ... We use ShotSpotter data on gunfire to replicate and extend the analysis in Levitt (1998), which tested the effect
vermillion border 48 hours after the patient first noted tingling and burning at this site. This is the 25th recurrence at this site in 10 years. Table 1. Episodic Dosing ...
Definition:âThe word âdeadlockâ means that it is a situation which occurs when a ... Distributed deadlocks can occur in distributed systems when distributed ... will never resolve itself and because of this database management systems will.