STRUCTURE and Problem #2
Nora Mitchell February 7, 2017
Goals for Today’s Lab
Review F-statistics conceptually
Install and learn how to use STRUCTURE
Introduce Problem #2
Hierarchical F-statistics
Toy Example Indivduals in subpopulations
Fis Fis is the variation of individuals within subpopulations (f, inbreeding) Fis is a measure of departure from H-W
Socrative Is this figure an example of high or low inbreeding (f, Fis)?
Fis Is this figure an example of high or low inbreeding (f, Fis)?
Fst Fst is the variation among subpopulations within the total (θ)
Socrative Is this figure an example of high or low population differentiation (θ, Fst)?
Fst Is this figure an example of high or low population differentiation (θ, Fst)?
Human Example
Rosenberg et al. (2002, Science) looked at diversity in humans! I
377 autosomal microsatellite loci
1056 individuals
52 populations
8 regions
Human Example AMOVA (to look at variance components, slightly different, analogous to F-statistics) Where is most of the variation? Sample World Africa Eurasia Europe Middle East Central/South America East Asia Oceania America
Within pops
5 1 3 1 1
52 6 21 8 4
93.2 96.9 98.3 99.3 98.6
Among pops within regions 2.5 3.1 1.2 0.7 1.3
1 1 1
17 2 5
98.7 93.6 88.4
1.3 6.4 11.6
From Rosenberg et al. (2002)
Among regions 4.3 0.5
Individual Assignment
How many distinct groups are there? What groups do individuals belong to?
STRUCTURE is a free software package from Pritchard et al. (2000) I
Uses multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure
Assigns individuals to “K” number of clusters
Can be used to identify distinct populations, hybrids, migrants, etc.
Can use different genetic markers (microsats, SNPs, RFLPs, AFLPs)
Takes an MCMC approach
Install Structure now and we will walk through an example of how to use it! release_versions/v2.3.4/html/structure.html If you are having trouble on Mac, see pages 4 & 5 of project 2
Human Example
From Rosenberg et al. (2002)
Interpreting Structure Output After you run Structure for K=1:N, there are two ways to choose the “right K” 1. Look at DeltaK output from Structure Harvester (measures rate of change of probability density of data given that K-value) Choose highest DeltaK 2. Look at the mean log posterior probability of the data LnP(D), also known as L(K) Choose a value where this seems to level off There may be more than one “correct” answer regarding the K chosen! Justify your choice!
Structure Harvester
Structure Harvester is a web-based program that takes the output from multiple runs of structure (in zip file format) to calculate DeltaK from Evanno et al. DeltaK is a measure of the rate of chage in the log probability of the data betwee successive K values
Structure Harvester LnK
From Evanno et al. (2005)
Structure Harvester DeltaK
From Evanno et al. (2005)
Socrative What is a reasonable estimate of K given these plots?
From Prunier and Holsinger (2010)
White proteas Look at Structure barplots for different Ks
From Prunier and Holsinger (2010)
TeraStructure What about large datasets? TeraStructure is a shortcut scalable approach for giant datasets: For instance: 1012 observed genotypes, 1 million individuals at 1 million SNPs
From Gopalan et al. (2016)
Project 2 Protea repens is a widespread South African shrub
Project 2 Samples from 19 populations across its range Originally 2006 polymorphic loci
From Carlson et al. (2015)
Project 2 Samples from 19 populations across its range Originally 2006 polymorphic loci
Prunier et al. Accepted
Project 2
For this project, analyzing Fst outlier loci I
662 individuals
19 populations
173 SNP loci
From Prunier et al. Accepted
Project 2
Questions I
What are estimates of Fis and Fst using Weir and Cockerham’s approach?
What are estimates using Kent’s Bayesian approach? How do they compare with the above?
Is there evidence for inbreeding in Protea repens?
How similar or different is the genetic structure for these loci compared with the publication based on individual assignment?
From Prunier et al. Accepted
Project 2
Methods Hints I
Use adegenet in R to estimate Weir and Cockerham’s F-stats.
Use Kent’s code for Bayesian estimates of theta and f. Means and credible intervals!
Compare models using DIC to see if there is evidence for inbreeding! (Set DIC to TRUE in code!)
Is a higher or lower DIC indicative of a “better” model?
In Structure, run for K = 2 to K = 19. Follow instructions in tutorial.
Bayesian code and Structure will take a chunk of time to run!
Project 2
Write-up Hints I
What are Fst outliers? Why might they be different? (Outside source...?)
Write-up shoud include appropriate figures
Answer questions as if they were main questions/hypotheses in introduction of a paper. Your write-up is a condensed results and/or discussion section.
Project 2
IMPORTANT Send me zip file with your Structure results for K = 2 to K = 19 by Thursday at midnight! I will compile class data and run it through Structure Harvester and send you the results! Write-up due to me via e-mail next Tuesday Feb 13th, 9:30am
Works Cited I Carlson, J.E., C.A. Adams, and K.E. Holsinger (2015). Intraspecific variation in stomatal traits, leaf traits and physiology reflects adaptation along aridity gradients in a South African shrub. Annals of Botany 117(1); 195-207. I Dent, A., and vonHoldt, B.M. 2012. STRUCTURE HARVESTER: a website and program for visualizing STRUCTURE output and implementing the Evanno method. Conservation Genetics Resources 4(2):359-361. I Evanno, G., S. Regnaut, and J. Goudet. 2005. Detecting the number of clusters of individuals using the software STRUCTURE: a simulation study. Molecular Ecology 14:2611-2620. I Gopalan, P., W. Hao, D.M. Blei, and J.D. Storey. 2016. Scaling probabilistic models of genetic variation to millions of humans. Nature Genetics 48:1587-1590. I Pritchard, J. K., M. Stephens, and P. Donnelly. 2000. Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data. Genetics 155:945-959. I Prunier, R., and K. E. Holsinger. 2010. Was it an explosion? Using population genetics to explore the dynamics of a recent radiation within Protea (Proteaceae L.). Molecular Ecology 19(18): 3968-3980. I Prunier, R., M. Akman, N. Aitken, C. Kremer, A. Chuah, J. Borevitz, and K.E.Holsinger. Accepted. Isolation by distance and isolation by environment contribute to population differentiation in Protea repens (Proteaceae L.), a widespread South African species. American Journal of Botany. I Rosenberg, N.A., J.K. Pritcharad, J.L. Weber, H.M. Cann, K.K. Kidd, L.A. Zhivotovsky, and M.W. Feldman. 2002. Genetic Structure of Human Populations. Science 298(5602): 2381-2385.