Substance Use Disorder and HIV in Vietnam March 16 – 18, 2012 Hanoi Club, 76 Yen Phu Hanoi, Vietnam (TENTATIVE AGENDA) Conference Objectives and Key Topics The objectives of the Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and HIV Conference are to:

1. Introduce a range of state of the art treatments modalities and services at family, community, clinical facilities

2. Build a comprehensive perspective of SUD and treatment in relationship to HIV, and issues of the broader context, including system, community, family and human resources

3. Form a community of interested individuals and organizations around drug treatment and services in Vietnam

Key topics include: 1. Addiction Psychiatry 2. Addiction Counseling 3. SUD system and human resource development The Conference expects around 200 participants from all over Vietnam, representing a full range of stake holders in the field of SUD and HIV in the country. The Conference features a Welcome Reception the evening of March 16, 2012, and three full days of conference programming.

Conference Agenda, Day 1 March 16, 2012 Addiction Treatment: New Frontiers 8:30–10:00am Opening Plenary Session Introduction (15 minutes) Le Minh Giang MD, MA, MPhil (VHATTC) and Kevin Mulvey, PhD (SAMHA) Welcome speech (15 minutes) Assoc/Prof. Nguyen Duc Hinh, MD, PhD President of Hanoi Medical University Welcome speech (15 minutes) REPRESENTATIVE OF MOLISA/DSEP Presentation 1: Building SUD Services for a Better Society: ATTC Network and VHATTC H. Westley Clark, MD, JD, MPH, CAS Director of Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), SAMHSA 10:00–10:30am

Tea Break

10:30am–12:30pm Lectures Chairs: Donna Doolin, M.S.W and LSCSW (SAMHSA) and Nguyen Khanh Van, PhD (DSEP, MOLISA) Lecture 1: ATS – What Health Care Professionals Need to Know (30 minutes) Rick Rawson, PhD UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Program (ISAP) Lecture 2: Motivational Interviewing (30 minutes) Thomas E. Freese, PhD UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Program (ISAP) Lecture 3: The Recovery Process and Community Support (30 minutes) Munidasa Winslow, PhD Winslow Clinic, Novena Medical Center and Asia Pacific Certification Board, Singapore 12:30–1:30pm

Lunch Break



Workshop A: AIDS/OI Recognition and Management among Drug Using Populations Nick Medland, MD (FHI360) Cao Thanh Thuy, MD, MSc (NIITD) and Do Thi Nhan, MD, MPH (VAAC)


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Workshop B: Basic Knowledge and Treatment Skills in Treating ATS Users Sam Minsky, MA, LMFT Matrix Institute, California, USA Assoc. Prof. Tran Huu Binh, MD, PhD and Le Cong Thien, MD, MSc (HMU/VNNIHM) Workshop C: Motivational Interviewing and Motivational Incentives Thomas E. Freese, PhD UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Program (ISAP) Dr. Nguyen Khanh Van (DSEP/MOLISA) and Assoc. Prof. Tran Viet Nghi (HMU/VNIMH) and Workshop D: Methadone Maintenance: Three Clinical Issues Peter Banys, MD, MSc (FHI360) Nguyen Minh Tam, MD, MPH (VAAC/MOH) and Nguyen To Nhu, MD, PhD (FHI360) 5:30–8:00 pm


Welcome Reception

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Conference Agenda, Day 2 March 17, 2012 Addiction Treatment: Advanced Topics on SUD and HIV 8:30–10:30am Plenary Lectures Chairs: Wayne Wiebel, PhD (USAID) and Nguyen Minh Tam, MD, MPH (VAAC) Lecture 1: Epidemiology of drug use and HIV in Vietnam (30 minutes) Nguyen Tran Hien, MD, MPH, PhD Director, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) Lecture 2: Accomplishments of the MMT Roll-Out and Future Challenges (30 minutes) VAAC Representative Lecture 3: Psychiatric Co-Morbidities in Methadone Treatment: An Overview (30 minutes) Walter Ling, MD UCLA Intergrated Substance Abuse Program (ISAP) 10:30am–12:00pm 12:00–1:30pm 1:30–5:00pm

Tea Break and Poster/Networking Session Lunch Break Workshops: Session II

Workshop E: Conducting Successful Group Therapy Albert Hasson, MSW UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Program (ISAP) Nguyen Van Tuan, MD, PhD (HMU/VNIMH) and Vu Huy Hoang, MD, MPH (SAMHSA) Workshop F: Clinical Strategies to Produce Optimal Outcomes with Methadone Treatment Gavin Bart, MD Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, USA Nguyen Minh Tuan, MD (HMU/VNIMH) and Pham Le Huy, MD, MPH (FHI360) Workshop G: Strategies For Working With Families Benny Lam, Psy. D. Hong Kong Association of Professionals Specializing in Addiction Counseling Tran Xuan Sac, MD, MSc (DSEP/MOLISA) and Le Minh Giang, MD, MA Workshop H: Addressing Psychiatric Co-Morbidities in Methadone Treatment Walter Ling, MD UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Program (ISAP) Prof. Nguyen Kim Viet, MD, PhD (HMU/VNIHM) and Hoang Nam Thai, MD, MPH (CDC Vietnam)


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Conference Agenda, Day 3 March 18, 2012 Workforce Issues and Needs in the Development of SUD System 8:30–9:00am Welcome and Introduction (10 minutes) Pamela Rao (USAID) and Pham Duc Manh, PhD (VAAC) Opening Remarks (15 minutes) Assoc/Prof. Nguyen Thanh Long, Vice Minister of Health, Director of Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (TBC) 9:00 – 10:30 am

Workforce for SUD System from International Perspectives

Session chaired by: Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long, Dr. H.Westley Clark, and Dr. Nguyen Duc Hinh Presentation 1: Overview of SUD Service System: Workforce, Evaluation, and System Issues (30 minutes including presentation and short Q&A) Richard A. Rawson, PhD UCLA Intergrated Substance Abuse Program (ISAP) Presentation 2: Building SUD Service System in the Region: TreatNet Experiences (30 minutes including presentation and short Q&A) Juana M. Tomás Rosselló, MD Treatnet Coordinator for Southeast Asia, UNODC Regional Office Presentation 3: Challenges of Building Human Resources for SUD Service System – Experiences from the Region (30 minutes including presentation and short Q&A) Munidasa Winslow, PhD Winslow Clinic, Novena Medical Center and Asia Pacific Certification Board 10:00 – 10:30am:

Tea Break

10:30 - 12:00am:

Workforce for SUD System from Vietnam Perspectives

Session chaired by: Dr. Nguyen Thanh Long, Dr. H. Westley Clark, Dr. Nguyen Duc Hinh Presentation 4: Building Service System to Address SUD and HIV in Vietnam: Human Resources and System Needs (30 minutes including presentation and short Q&A) VAAC Representative Presentation 5: Building Service System to Address SUD and Social Issues in Vietnam: Human Resources and System Needs (30 minutes including presentation and short Q&A) DSEP Representative


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Presentation 6: Building Human Resource Capacity to Address SUD in Vietnam: FHI experiences (30 minutes including presentation and short Q&A) Steve Mills, PhD, MPH FHI360 Country Director 12:00 –1:30pm

Lunch Break

1:30 – 2:00pm Workforce for SUD System from Vietnam Perspectives (Cont) Presentation 7: Building Workforce to Address SUD and HIV: VHATTC’s vision and plan (30 minutes including presentation and short Q&A) Le Minh Giang, MD, MA, MPhil VHATTC Coordinator 2:00 – 3:00

Plenary Discussion

3:00 – 3:30pm Rapporteur Session Pamela Rao (USAID); Pham Duc Manh, PhD (VAAC); and Thuong Nong (SAMHSA) 3:30 – 4:00 Concluding Remarks Assoc/Prof. Nguyen Thanh Long, MD, PhD Vice Minister of Health (TBC) 4:00 - 4:30pm Farewell Remarks Assoc/Prof. Nguyen Duc Hinh, MD, PhD President of HMU


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Substance Use Disorder and HIV in Vietnam -

and issues of the broader context, including system, community, family and human resources. 3. Form a community of interested individuals and organizations around drug treatment and ... SUD system and human resource development ... Workshop A: AIDS/OI Recognition and Management among Drug Using Populations.

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