Report on Subversion within World Citizen Solutions Mission - by Ken O’Keefe May 17, 2016 Introduction In December 2015 I decided to implement a plan I had developed at least a decade previously, born out of a deep need to do my very best in helping to create a better world. While there is a tremendous amount of logistical execution to carry out this plan properly, it is a very, very simple in terms of its strategy and where it derives its power. This simplicity is in fact a great part of my confidence in the plan. Any plan that would require a great depth of understanding with significant investments in time and energy to develop that understanding is doomed to fail in my opinion by virtue of the fact that so few will make the required investment to understand the plan, much less implement it the numbers of people required to give it serious power. The world citizen solutions plan/mission has at its heart a social contract, a contract that can be read in less than one minute, a contract and plan that can be understood in five to ten minutes. Historically ‘citizens’ enter into a ‘social contract’ with the state, thus the contract is between the state and the citizen. The problem here lies in the state utilising the social contract on behalf of the bankers who control them, to enslave the citizens through debt, ultimately violating the natural rights and expressed will of the citizens themselves. Something very critical to note is that the social contract between the citizen and the state was thrust upon most at birth, thus it cannot be binding as it was not entered into with informed consent, and any argument that the contract was consented to by further actions such as using a national id or social security number or using the ALL CAPITAL LETTERS NAME (legal fiction) is likewise not consent due to the duress inherent in being forced to sign or use a construct of the system to derive benefits which have been paid for by the citizens themselves. Never mind the fact that the social contract with the state is inherently injurious to the citizens natural rights, indeed every aspect of the system is designed to transfer power from the people to the tyrants via their minions who are maintaining the system on their behalf. Do the politicians represent the will of the people or the will of the bankers? The answer is self-evident to anyone who is using critical thinking and observing the never ending policies of war. Why do we have never ending war? Because it is the will of the bankers and all the institutions they control with the infinite supply of money this tyrannical system affords them. The world citizen social contract is completely different from the nation/state social contract of citizenship, what follows are the major differences; 1) This contract is entered into by people without duress, it is a contract that everyone will enter into of their own freewill or not at all. 
 2) The contract is not limited to citizens of any one state, it is for all citizens of planet Earth, it is as inclusive as can be and thus has the capacity to unite billions of people.
 3) It is not a contract between the state and the citizens, it is a contract between citizens of planet Earth full stop. There is no third party such as the state, it is a contract amongst ourselves, open to you regardless of your state citizenship, religious beliefs, ethnic identity, cultural values, ideological perspective, spiritual inclinations or any other factor.


Furthermore, the world citizen social contract can never be changed, neither a dictator of a “democratic process” can change the core of the contract. No matter how many people sign the contract they cannot change it, they can only exit the contract if this is best for them. But when we look at the contents of the contract we might wonder why anybody would exit it, or worse yet object to it. The world citizen social contract is as unobjectionable as it gets… if you are sane that is. It is totally unobjectionable and yet it is potentially the most powerful global agreement in human history, a social contract with the capacity to become the highest law on planet Earth… should people decide to participate within it. The contract lays bare a truth that we have been conditioned to ignore or avoid, the truth that we the people of the Earth, that we have the power to create our reality, yet we experience tyranny as our reality due to the fact that we consent to the system of tyranny in a multitude of nefarious and fraudulent ways. This contract rejects every aspect of that tyranny in one fell swoop, and the contract has just three elements to it;
 1) Every signatory to the world citizen social contract affirms their natural rights and declares their intention to exercise all of their natural rights. 
 2) Every world citizen obligates themselves to respect in full, the natural rights of every single human being on planet Earth, regardless of state citizenship, religious beliefs, ethnic identity, cultural values, ideological perspective, spiritual inclinations or any other factor.
 3) Every world citizen obligates themselves to acknowledge planet Earth as our common home and the provider of life and thus it is to be respected and protected for current and future generations. In addition to the social contract critical legal work has already begun that establishes in the form of legal briefs that our taxes are being used to violate domestic and international laws, this is by this point self-evident but we are investing in the writing of this position as it is necessary for us, the tax payers, to face that the fact that we are being compelled to pay for these crimes. Once we complete this element of the legal strategy we will have in hand a critical tool to force the state to take a position on whether we as citizens of the state are obligated to physically pay for provable crimes against domestic and international laws. This alone has the capacity to put the state in an untenable position, something will have to give, either the state will ramp up its tyranny or it will honour its own laws and the will of the people who are vehemently opposed to perpetual war. Adding to the overall power of the legal strategy is the ongoing work by top level international human rights attorneys who are identifying legal precedents that support the moral and lawful position that citizens of supposedly democratic, law abiding nations cannot be compelled to pay for provable crimes. This work will create the legal arguments utilised by these same human rights attorneys to defend the world citizens who will ultimately refuse to pay taxes until the state can establish beyond any doubt that these funds will not be used to commit crimes. Indeed laws exist with virtually all nation/states that prohibit paying for crimes, it is to any sensible man or woman a crime to pay for a crime. You do not need to be a lawyer to understand this, nonetheless we have some of the best lawyers forming the legal strategy to defend world citizens based on not only existing domestic and international laws, but by virtue of the rights and obligations that are declared in the world citizen social contract. As of this writing on May 10, 2015, all of the legal work I had discussed with the team is on schedule and looks to be completed well before other mission objectives required to launch have been completed. At the latest the legal work I am responsible for will be completed by the end of June. The reason why some of the other critical work is not keeping pace with my legal responsibilities is these other mission critical tasks were delegated to others who were subverted by Max Igan; and that in fact is the reason this report has been written; but more on that later.


Getting back to the overall strategy, understanding that participation is power, we will not carry out phase two of the mission (withholding taxes) until phase one is completed. 1) Phase One seeks to achieve one thing only, maximum participation by the people of the world in signing the world citizen social contract. There is no other public work in phase one, it is purely about the numbers of people who sign. The power of the social contract is totally reliant on how many people sign it, it is really a reflection of the problems we face as a whole, are we waiting for someone to save us? Or are we going to save ourselves and create a world in the image we see as beneficial to all? The world citizen social contract offers that promise, a world based on respect for each other in a real way, and respect for our planet. But the numbers are the key, they always have been, and I will never deny this, to the contrary it is something we are committed to manifesting by maximum effort and investment possible in the presentation of the mission. It is fully understood that a better world simply cannot become reality unless large numbers people unite in meaningful ways and that is why phase two will not be implemented until 10 million people have signed the contract (0.0042% of the planets current population). 
 2) Phase Two includes but is not limited to, many if not most of the world citizens openly declaring they will not be paying taxes until these taxes respect domestic and international laws, and it must be understood that the world citizen social contract will in fact be a form of international law. Laws are formed by the consent of the people, in theory at least, the world citizen social contract is expressly created to force the state to respect our money by utilising it in a lawful way. Should we not have demanded this long ago? The emphasis on participation is the key to why I did not initiate this plan sooner, it was my opinion up until late 2015 that the level of awareness and human consciousness was not sufficient to obtain the numbers required to give the necessary power to the world citizen social contract. Indeed I had this plan in hand for many years, but only in late 2015 did I feel human consciousness was sufficiently in place, making the numbers possible; in other words I felt the timing was right. So in December 2015 I was awaiting a visa to visit and speak in Australia, thus had many people in Australia waiting to meet me, but the visa never came. Some of these people came to Bali and became part of my world citizen mission team. This team included Samantha Bachman, Deanna Amato, Blair Beattie, Louis Emile Robert and myself. Max Igan was also there as these people were his friends, so Max ended up doing a video endorsement of the project. While in Bali we did of course have continuous conversations about all aspects of the world citizen plan, at no point was I avoiding any questions, and since the strategy is so succinct it is really very easy to explain it. I have said from the beginning that the power of the plan is in the social contract and most important of all is once agin, the number of people who decide to sign the contract. If the numbers are anything less than hundreds of thousands then I will be the first to acknowledge that it will be rather week. I have always been clear about this, it has always been stated that the key to success is uniting people in sufficient numbers to sign the contract by the millions. That is why timing and presentation are so critical. I also was very clear about the wording of the plan and what it intended to do, the catchphrase that has been repeatedly used to explain that intent was “To peacefully, lawfully, remove ourselves from the obligation to pay for mass-murder/war through our taxes.”


Years before a very prominent human rights attorney offered his services to me out of respect for what I do. This man has subsequently carried out work initiated by me on behalf of people I know in Palestine and Hawaii. He is friend and brother to me and I shared his name and level of experience with the team in Bali many times. This man had also agreed to represent world citizens if indeed my mission came to fruition and the required funding was available. He also committed to writing the legal opinion for the world citizen mission and I was charged with keeping this aspect of the mission on track, while other essential tasks were delegated to others. On December 21, 2015 we launched the world citizen mission and requested $79,000 within 30 days, a very ambitious campaign and while we extended the campaign for another 15 days (so 45 total), we actually have raised around $115,000. All this without revealing the nuts and bolts of the plan, other than the social contract which I have already stated is the most powerful aspect of the mission. With funding now secured further tasks were delegated in various areas. Oversight of website development was delegated to William Genske, who had joined the team in January 2016. Deanna Amato was removed from the team because the cost of keeping her onboard became prohibitive; effectively she wanted more money then I felt was justifiable. 
 Blair Beattie took on the Project Manager position after lengthy discussions on this matter, lengthy because I knew how critical this job was and how much I would rely on him. Tragically, seemingly right after we acquired the money to commence this work, Blair’s father fell ill and for the next two months it was a tumultuous time for him and his family up until his father passed on. I did not feel right to fire Blair, for obvious reasons, so I waited through this period hoping he would come back but in the end he had to drop out of the mission. The cost to the mission was substantial as he was the key to making sure all tasks were moving forward, that was his charge, instead of this critical work being carried out on pace we have missed many commitments to people, especially those who donated money and were owed perks such as t-shirts, silver coins, etc. Only now, nearly three months on, are we beginning to recover from the loss of Blair. Keep in mind that up to Mid-February of 2016 all was very good with the mission, in fact all was very bright and the team was quite excited. But things were to change very soon. I left London on February 16th, 2016 in order to speak at the Anarcupulco Conference in Acapulco (February 17-21), and it is necessary to note that I had just accepted a long and painful breakup with my wife whom I had been with for nearly 10 years. I was to meet William Genske and his wife for the first time at the conference, and in fact William’s ticket was paid for with world citizen funds so he could act as a representative of the mission and also create a database of all contacts made at the conference, organised in such a way as to maximise our networking results. This job was never done. Samantha Bachman came to the conference as well (without being asked), so she did this of her own expense, which I was immensely grateful for at the time. Max Igan was at the conference as well as a fellow speaker. When I arrived in Acapulco I immediately met Sophia, a woman who came to the conference at the behest of the organiser of the event and who was scheduled to do work for the world citizen mission. Ultimately however myself and Sophia began spending a lot of time getting to know each other and that meant I was not nearly as available or visible to other people at the conference. During this period Sophia and Max had more than one chance to talk and Max invited Sophia to come to Peru and visit him there. Sophia was at that time a huge fan of Max and of course very keen to take him up on this offer at some point, and I would have had no problem with this as Max was a dear friend. 


When it came to my lesser presence at the conference I was always the first one to admit that my time with Sophia had diminished my networking opportunities. But I was also falling for a beautiful woman who had great capacity to inspire me, after all she is an undeniably incredible artist, musician and human being. So my thought was that my team members/friends, would be happy for me more than they would be upset with me. It has always been my nature to follow my heart and that was what I was doing, while maintaining my ultimate responsibilities to the mission. Nonetheless my decreased availability was less than ideal and I apologised more than once for this to team members, but again asked them to forego judgment and perhaps be happy for me. What was most problematic for me was something I never would have dreamed could incite the subversion of the mission, and that was missing the big final party of the conference that Max was at, and worse yet, forgetting his departure the next morning and thus missing the opportunity to say goodbye to him in person. None of this was an intentional slight on Max, it was simply me falling for a beautiful woman and being caught up in the moment. I would not realise it until much later, but this accidental slight of my friend Max would unleash some “Scorpio wrath” as Max sometimes puts it. The Problems Begin The first problems I began to experience were with Samantha Bachman (Sam) a week later, a dear friend of Max who began prodding me for information about the legal strategy shortly after leaving Mexico. I assured her all was on track and repeated what I had always said, the power of the mission lies within how many people participate in signing the social contract. Not long afterwards I began to hear whispers about money, people in the team felt like they were not paid enough, and soon I had the programmer for the website, someone who had agreed to do the required webwork at an agreed price within 90 days, was now questioning where the money was going and the legal viability of the mission. As far as I knew only William, who was being paid to keep that web work going on track, would have been able to relay such information. By this time I had become fed up with people in my own team question my integrity based on “legal” and financial issues that were not valid at all. That is when I began quietly seeking to identify the source of this subversion. The following is a sequential list of email extracts, Skype messages, Facebook messages and key events that lay out an incredible campaign of subversion against the world citizen solutions mission.

Non-Italicised Black text is my commentary (with some Red highlighted text) Skype dialogue is in Blue Italics (with some red highlighted text as well) Email dialogue is in Green Italics Facebook dialogue is in Purple Italics

February 25 (3 days after Max leaving Acapulco)


[25/02/2016, 10:38:22] Ken O’Keefe to Max Igan: Aloha brother Just wanted to apologise for missing you upon departure. I forgot you left that morning, I feel bad about missing you and not having much time together, at the same time I was/am going through a beautiful getting to know someone process that has massive benefits for me and potentially in the broader realm. If the situation were reversed, and it was you who was meeting someone potentially extremely special, I would more than forgive you, I would be genuinely happy for you. I hope your happy for me more than you are upset brother.For what it is worth as well, Sophia is sorry as well. [25/02/2016, 12:37:23] Max Igan reply to Ken O’Keefe All good as far as the relationship goes, best of luck. Sofia is very attractive, but looks far too much like my ex-wife for me to ever want to be involved with her :) ... but no, you are mistaken. Were I the one who became involved with someone, I would have done things very differently. I believe there is a time and a place for everything. I've spent most of my life on the road with rock bands and in my many years of traveling I have found that there is plenty of time for both the business at hand and romantic pursuits on the side in the abundant down time - and for me its a matter of priorities. The world is a mess brother, and its fast becoming a prison, no matter how much of a positive slant we attempt to put on it to empower people and its a rare thing for you and I to be in one place with so much opportunity available in the people around us. I made a lot of contacts and built a lot of bridges but in regard to WC, after a while it just became embarrassing for me. I just didnt have any more excuses to explain your absence to the many people who queried me, nor was I confident enough to answer their questions regarding WC due to the doubts I am now feeling myself simply due to your complete lack of input. I invited you to come talk with me many times, each time you said yes and yet never once came to find me. Apart from that, people, friends, spent time and money and went to a great deal of effort to network with someone who simply made himself unavailable. You can get defensive about my words if you like brother, as is often your way with people when you get queried, but you know me Ken, we are brothers are we not? And you know me to be a rational man who speaks from the heart. You have really put yourself out there in the spotlight with this my brother. People have donated a lot of money to a man they believe in with all their hearts, and they are expecting a solid, cohesive, legally sound initiative to be launched very soon with complete transparency on how the funds were spent creating it. They are expecting that because that is what you promised, and a lot of prominent voices such as myself and Sacha Stone have got behind it. Now maybe that is being done, I honestly don't know, but if it does not happen, it will destroy everyones faith in the entire independent media completely and the domino effect will be staggering brother. People trust you and believe in you and if you mess this up, it will put an end to all fundraisers, an end to all trust and an end to any voice that put their name to the project. It will also effectively put an end to any co-ordinated response to this system. Now, maybe Im just being a jerk here and you do actually have people working on the framing of a legally viable UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) contract that will serve to compel us to stop funding war, or maybe you have gathered the advice that such a thing is not legally possible and so intend to either return the funds or spend them on working out a viable alternative, however the one conversation we did have, honestly left me feeling less than confident in those regards. And you never once made yourself available again, for even a 5 minute discussion, to help alleviate those concerns.... So, I love you like a brother Ken, but what do I do now? What would you do if the positions were reversed? Your absence left many people with the feeling that you were avoiding them, not just your friends, but many people in the crowd as well. And I am a rational man so I have to say that your actions and attitude have also left me with doubts and an extremely uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. I have always trusted my intuition and have received nothing from you to ease or dispel those doubts so what am I to now think and do now my brother? What would you do? And were the roles reversed, I have absolutely no doubt you would be feeling the same way that I am now, regardless of any romantic pursuits I was undertaking... kind regards brother


At this point I really just felt that Max’s feelings were hurt and that he would get over it, some of what he said was valid, but much of what he said was totally unfounded and made no sense whatsoever since I had always talked with Max candidly and openly on all levels of the strategy. So I did not really give due attention to his problem with me not having a ”legally viable UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) contract”. Later on however I would realise this was going to be the issue utilised to subvert the mission. My reply below was indicative of my thoughts at that time. [25/02/2016, 13:31:06] Ken O’Keefe reply to Max Igan I appreciate your perspective brother and for sure I will acknowledge that my time was swept away from the immediate task of networking at Anarcapulco, but all things considered, including your newfound doubts, I have not in any way deviated from the task I have taken on and all serious strategic moves that need to be made are already in place and moving as required. If anything I will only be stronger and more effective in the end if I have someone I can share in the joy of working for a better world and actually have the intimacy that is part of whole health. There are so many factors involved with my choice to spend time with Sophia, many of which are very personal, but at the end of the day nobody has the reason to seriously question my integrity or commitment to the cause I created. Potential love came my way, I have seized it, I would recommend the same path for anyone, even if the love ends up not being there. So I respect your view brother, and especially the honesty, but it appears we disagree because if the situation were reversed I would be genuinely happy for you and would have all confidence that your commitment to the cause would not be compromised by intimate relations. You should keep in mind brother, I have been loyal for 10 years, never once cheating, so to be with anyone else is massive for me, massive, and it is not something I take lightly at all. You have your right to doubt me brother, or disagree with my choices, but any doubt about my commitment and willingness to sacrifice is not founded. If you want to know more about the legal channels I have in place let me know, I will explain it again with perhaps more detail then last time. TJP Max would reply to my last message above the following day.

February 26
 [26/02/2016, 13:05:04] Max Igan to Ken O’Keefe as I said ken, all good with the relationship and no judgement there at all, I just feel there was plenty of time for both and no need to have had others spend time on an effort for a no show.... its a matter of priorities [26/02/2016, 17:06:37] Ken O’Keefe reply to Max Igan Brother if this turns out to be something special it will all be worth it, even if I could have made that happen and done all the networking. Either way I understand the disappointment but my commitment cannot seriously be challenged. TJP


At this point I began to feel frustrated with Max, his questioning of the legal merit to the strategy was nonsensical from my view as I had changed nothing whatsoever in my position or strategy. The fact that Max Igan himself was calling for a “legally viable UCC contract” or “return the funds” was astounding to me, it was against all that Max stood for in terms of his ultra clear position that “non-compliance with the system” is essential for a better world. so how does a “legally viable UCC contract” fit into this non-compliance position? Never mind the fact that I never once even suggested such a thing was part of my plan, to the contrary I had always, always stressed that the power of the world citizen social contract lay within large numbers of people signing it. That was and remains my position. In my view the world citizen social contract is the most powerful plan to peacefully, lawfully not comply with the system and even more powerfully, create through the social contract the highest law of all, one that bypasses the nation/state and unites people around the world who are aware of the dangers of World War III in the nuclear age. Never did I even remotely suggest that my mission was some sort of loophole strategy, born out of legal “code” language in some western state that could beat the powers that be in their own system on a global level. I find it borderline insane to look for viable long term solutions to our problems with loopholes in the very system set up by the powers that be to prevent a just and peaceful existence for humanity. But if we are to take Max literally it appears he believes I was required to find some sort of loophole or approval from the system of tyranny in order for my plan to be viable. Keeping in mind Max never had any reason to believe I had such a strategy, again he only mentions it after the Acapulco disappointment. In stark contrast, my position has always been to transcend the system and create our own reality/law, to me it is just plain silly to think that a legally viable UCC contract could achieve anything other then perhaps some temporary defence against the system, for a select few no less, those few who will wade through the quagmire of the Uniform Commercial Code and attempt to navigate and defend themselves within that system. Even then, the powers that be can simply disobey their own rules. The bottom line is that Max apparently, after being upset with me in Acapulco, wanted me to produce a “legally viable UCC contract”, something I never in any way said was part of the plan and in fact was completely at odds with my strategy and my view on how to create a better world. Despite the frustration with Max’s irrational change of heart, I was still under the impression that Max would eventually cool down, find some level of happiness for me rather than be upset with me, and that this little storm with Max would subside… and the next message I received from Max, 12 days later, seemed to affirm my belief at that time.

March 9, 2016 [09/03/2016, 02:53:27] Max Igan to Ken O’Keefe it looks like Im going to be kicking around the US for most of april (sic) if you would like me to do any gigs with u, could be a draw card The above message is a very strange one looking back, now Max is ready to tour with me, even though he apparently thinks I need a “legally viable UCC contract” and I had made very clear that no such thing was ever sought and never would be. I saw this as Max apparently now getting over his tantrum and realising once again that the world citizen mission was a powerful one. I was of course happy to think this and responded right away. [09/03/2016, 11:40:30] Ken O’Keefe reply to Max Igan
 Aloha brother, here is my schedule, I am with Sophia so you know, but we are travelling by train the whole way as I need to get to Canada to get my flight home.


Train Schedule I then listed all thirteen of my tour dates across the US and Canada. For you to join us would require you to get on the train and the cost of that is going to be determined by when and where you would join.

March 14, 2016 Skype Call with Max Igan
 I did not hear from Max after the above reply until 5 days later on March 14, 2016. He asked to speak with me so I did, the conversation became a repeat of previous bullshit, Max wanted effectively a “legally viable UCC contract” and again I explained to him that this was silly, that I never said I had such a thing but that even if I did, I did not believe such a thing would liberate humanity, to the contrary I found any such notion that we could beat the powers that be at their own game, in a system they control, in their own playground, was “absurd”. Max insisted that since I did not have this contract that my mission was suspect, he also expressed great unhappiness with the fact that my team had not all been paid as much as they wanted. I considered this conversation irrational and nonsensical once again, and we left the conversation with me saying that if Max was so fixated on the legal work that I had already paid the initial fee for our human rights attorney to write the world citizen legal opinion and that this would be completed on the schedule I had committed to. This legal opinion was in essence very close to what Max seemed to be concerned about as the direction for this legal opinion was for our international attorney to identify if there is a “legal” way to refuse paying taxes when those taxes could be proven to be used in the commission of international crimes such as wars of aggression or funding terrorism. So my suggestion to Max was to hold off on forming any damning conclusions, to wait until he could see this legal opinion. While this seemed the most rational and friendly thing for him to do given his professed respect for me, he was clearly not happy that I did not have the “legally viable UCC contract” in hand and so I simply said “the legal opinion is one the way”. The only caveat I would include in this back and forth with Max is that I had made completely clear from conversations back in Bali, in December 2015, and many times since, that I was happy for our international human rights attorney to write his legal opinion and conclude that there is no viable legal strategy, whether it be through the Uniform Commercial Code or any other construct of the powers that be, to refuse to pay tax, even if we prove that our taxes fund the gravest of international crimes. It was and remains my position that for an attorney of his stature, with decades of experience in international human rights law, to declare that effectively the nation/state system owns us, literally, that we are literal slaves and even if we can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that our taxes are used to commit the gravest offences against humanity and violations against domestic and international laws, we have no choice. Imagine that, imagine we are simply fundraising slaves, that we must pay for these crimes with our blood, sweat and labour in the form of taxes, if that be the case then I believe this to be a powerful clarion call for people to transcend such a system of slavery and to liberate ourselves in the most intelligent, peaceful, lawful way. To do so would set the stage for a period of genuine law that protects the rights of the people and maintains a just peace based on law and consequences for violating it, especially by people in positions of public trust. The reality of the system we are living with and financially supporting is tyranny and impunity, and I for one am not willing to comply with such a system, and I do not need a “legally viable UCC contract” at all to take this position. What is unique about my mission is the world citizen social con-


tract, something that has the capacity to become the highest law of all, one that truly transcends the tyrannical system we are currently saddled with and effectively taking back the power we unwittingly relinquished to the nation/state powers and their masters. It is worth me restating once more that it would be just as powerful to have a top notch international human rights attorney say that the position of the legal system, of the state effectively, is that we as people are slaves who are required to work and pay taxes so as to fund provable war crimes and crimes against humanity. I want, rather insist, that humanity faces this fact, that we are accomplices and financiers in the greatest crimes of our time, that we are fund raisers for tyranny and that under this tyranny we have few options other than to keep paying for this madness until the seemingly inevitable full scale World War III arrives. I explained this to Max in as many ways as I could, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears, Max wanted against all logic the “legally viable UCC contract”.

March 16, 2016 At the time, March 16, 2016, I did not connect my conversation with Max two days earlier and an exchange I had with a financial supporter of the world citizen mission on Facebook. Looking back however it is very clear to me that Max was in direct contact with this supporter and much of his wording was coming right from Max. I had communicated to the supporter that the perks we were committed to sending to people who gave different levels of support for the mission were delayed due to a death in the family of the Project Manager (Blair), but his reply to this was intense criticism and ultimately he demanded I send his donation for the mission to Max instead. Facebook Exchange with Mission Supporter 16/03/2016 03:11 Mission Supporter Hi ken just got back to perth and checked my mail and discovered that there is nothing there from WCS. This IS a little disappointing as it has been 2 months since my contribution. When you consider that i recieved a david icke book from the uk within a week of ordering this is unacceptable. it shows a distinct lack of integrity on your part and i am beggining to wonder what exactly are your intentions here ken? I look forward to hearing your reply ASAP, many thanks 16/03/2016 09:39 Ken O'Keefe Brother I have to say that while I am keen to fulfil all obligations you seems to be very unwilling to hear what I have already said. I have had a major disruption to my schedule and am touring the USSA unexpectedly. This is for the mission, my emails have also stopped working and I am trying to get this sorted, and these are the types of challenges I face so what would you like of me now? TJP 16/03/2016 12:10 Mission Supporter what happened to your small team? reed what you have said you were going to do in your previous messages ken. be your word. have some integrity instead of showing that you are setting yourself up to fail. look brother i am only committed to your venture being a success but if you continue on this course of showing little integrity then you are setting yourself up for failure, without integrity nothing works and that is aproven fact. be the change you want to see brother and there will be no issue plain and simple put your small tean to work at ensuring you


are your word. our word is all we truly have do not destroy yours the ramifications for the entire truth movement here could be devistating. take responsibility here. smile emoticon 16/03/2016 13:18 Ken O'Keefe I have sent a contact request and will make a few minutes now because I want to talk about this integrity bullshit my brother. I am leaving for a long drive today and have a full schedule so if you feel I am not accommodating enough I will simply accept you are not satisfied and do what I gotta do.

March 17, 2016 17/03/2016 01:43 Mission Supporter accomodate me by sending my contribution to max igan, he is in serious financial strife right now and could really do with the help. many thanks smile emoticon 17/03/2016 17:44 Ken O'Keefe Brother we will be paying Max something for work he is doing, but this money is allocated and necessary so I will honour the agreement and commitment you made and my commitment for us to talk when it becomes possible. I am on skype as much as possible and you can tell me why you do not want us to use this money for the mission if that is what you would like to discuss. TJP

March 20, 2016 hi ken just wondering when we can do this skype call mate? anytime this week would be good for me smile emoticon tilorpark is the skype address. look forward to hearing from you brother, namaste smile emoticon 20/03/2016 11:41 Mission Supporter i have never had any interest in talking with you ken all i have ever wanted is for you to honor what you said you would send me and you have not. furthermore you saying you are paying max igan is simply untrue is it not? time you get truthfull here brother and stop telling bare faced lies. good luck ken your gonna need it smile emoticon It must be stated that what this supporter said above is untrue, he messaged me on March 6th, just two weeks earlier, asking me; 
 hi ken just wondering when we can do this skype call mate? anytime this week would be good for me smile emoticon xxxxxxxxx is the skype address. look forward to hearing from you brother, namaste My final reply to him follows; 20/03/2016 19:35 Ken O'Keefe


For the record, as I say goodbye to you my brother, Max has been provided expenses for a trip to Bali that included travel and lodging, but moving forward he is slated to be paid as a representative of this mission as long as he wants the job. And he has agreed to it more than once. end

March 22, 2016 The above exchange was an indicator of things to come, however, what would remain hidden for another month or so was the source of these troubles. In the meantime I made another attempt at reason with Max via Skype on March 22 (8 days after our last conversation), and I shared with him the written contract with the international attorney that laid out the questions and terms for his legal opinion. It should be understood that the answers to these legal questions from a top level international human rights attorney are precisely what the mission required to take the most intelligent approach to the issue of paying taxes to criminal governments, and so I thought for sure this would quell Max’s ongoing disruption with me, but again I remained unaware of his subversive/disruptive behaviour elsewhere. Nonetheless here are these critically important and valuable questions which were to form our legal position/opinion; [22/03/2016, 18:32:25] Ken O’Keefe to Max Igan 1. Does international law recognise any human rights that can justify an individual’s failure to pay public revenue charges or taxes?
 2. Do individuals have a right or an obligation not to support violations of international law by their State? 3. Do national courts have a duty to recognise individual rights that are part of international law applying to a particular State?
 4. What legal recourse does an individual have if his or her State forces him or her to contribute to taxes that are used to finance an action that violates international law? At this time I really did not think Max was instigating problems for the mission, so I made clear he was not to share this very sensitive information with anyone else, including the team. The truth is I had not shared this information with anyone at all, Max was the only one and I shared it with him in the interest of ending this nonsense and moving forward. His reply to this information seemed to verify the merit of that approach. [22/03/2016, 18:10:26] Max Igan reply to Ken O’Keefe all good ken, my message was simply the result of external forces pressuring me for information

[22/03/2016, 18:32:25] Ken O’Keefe reply to Max Igan OK brother, but that is part of why I do not want this shared. So now I truly thought all would be well, how could Max form any kind of harshly negative opinion about my mission since he could see and did not question that critical legal work was verifiably being carried out, at the highest level no less. And that it would address the apparently paramount concern for Max which was a “legally viable UCC contract” or some other similar legal advice/action plan that would, from what I could tell, appease


his need for some sort of “legal” authority or loophole to stop paying taxes. I have to say none of this made any sense to me, I felt like I was dealing with a child who was incapable of understanding a most basic concept, and the last thing I wanted to continue was this distracting madness.

In the following email exchange we find however that the madness is spreading, in this case I am emailing William Genske to question his reply to a mission supporter who is aligned with the flat Earth perspective. In the email William is supporting the flat Earth position, which is not a problem for me as it is clearly his right to believe whatever he wants, what is very alarming to me however is that he says he nearly did not work for the world citizen mission because we did not honour the flat Earth position, and also that we had “democratic” discussions about the flat Earth perspective (which I was never party to) and that he had decided “it wasn’t worth fighting over at this stage”.

April 11, 2016 Email from Ken O’Keefe to William Genske
 Aloha brother, I really hope you know that I am grateful for the work you do, yet I am still just feeling a less than ideal amount of understanding as to where we are on many levels, especially with Blair completely not fulfilling his commitment as project manager.  And then today I see something you wrote that is genuinely shocking to me, it is what you wrote in the email regarding flat Earth, specifically; "Believe me, I was the first to point out that this request of having a picture of the earth from “space” was impossible to fulfil, but the team would hear none of it.  In fact this was almost a make or break for me, and I decided it wasn’t worth fighting over at this stage.” I have pasted the full email below. Brother I cannot tell you just how alarming this is, are you seriously gearing up for a battle with me on this issue?  And to be honest I do not recall any democratic discussion about this and I am wondering if you are seeking democratic decision making on this issue or others?  Please brother, give me a frank perspective on this so I know what is in store.   The other concern I have is that you are giving a very strong indication of division within the mission and also providing an email record that could easily be used to instigate a very distracting side show.   I hope you can appreciate the importance of this from my view.   TJP


Email reply from William Genske to Ken O’Keefe
 Hi Ken, First of all let me just say that I would never let the flat earth or any other topic become an issue – Period. I do not plan to start any commotion under any circumstances over any issue whatsoever… …If you think that I will allow my personal opinion get in the way of progress, unity and the solution, you are wrong. This recent issue with the flat earth is not something I´m going to fight with you or anyone else about, I will not make an issue out of it and I simply won´t discuss it any further, it´s of absolutely no significance.  Having said that, I have recently sent you an email with respect to the work that is being performed on the legal side of the solution. As of yet I have not received any acknowledgement of receipt of that email, let alone a reply.” - (In my email reply to William on this issue of apparently not replying to to him on the “legal issue”, I made clear that I had never intentionally avoided him on any issue and I asked him to resend the email - he never resent this apparently critical email) Email reply from William Genske to Ken O’Keefe Continued All I am trying to do is be good and do good. I do not wish to fight, argue, cause rifts, disturb the peace, harass or annoy anyone or disturb anything that is working cohesively towards a better future…  I am at the point where I need to know if there is a solid, legal solution to the simple contract which you have described on many occasions with which I can only agree. Having spoken to many people, most of whom we met in Mexico, it is evident to me that there needs to be a tremendous amount of work being done to support that simple contract. Because you have been busy, I have not pushed it. Please be honest with me. Do you feel that this legal solution has merit and if so can you please provide me with indication of why you believe that.

Email reply from Ken O’Keefe to William Genske  As for the legal, I am very aware of two people in the team in Mexico who were not happy with me at all and somehow that turned into major issues about the legal, I'll will be perfectly blunt with you on this Will, I find it quite amusing for more than one reason, most of which is that the legal merit of this strategy was never reliant on the systems approval of it.  What I have accomplished with the legal is what I always said I would, top notch legal professionals will be representing the lawful case for world citizens and the work has been paid for and is taking place so all that was needed in that process and which I said I would carry out is on pace. Ironically it is the perks, the marketing, hopefully not the website and other such important matters that have gone way beyond schedule and yet people have been paid for this work, no matter how little pay it might be.  I have not paid myself yet (believe it or not) because I see myself paying everyone else and the budget getting lower and results not panning out…  And I am sorry Will but if you read your own words in the email you wrote to this guy about flat Earth, it does not square with what you say to me now unless we agree that you lied to him.  As an example;


  "Believe me, I was the first to point out that this request of having a picture of the earth from "space" was impossible to fulfil, but the team would hear none of it.  In fact this was almost a make or break for me, and I decided it wasn't worth fighting over at this stage."   That is a very bold statement Will, and not in line at all with what you have said to me in your last email.     In addition;   "I don't want to divide the team on my opinion (informed as it may be).  Please forgive the "lie", I dod (sic) my part, voiced my opinion and was democratically overruled."   This is dangerously like what I have heard in the past when my missions have been destroyed by "democratic" pretences.  It is a major red flag for me.     And lastly, you said in your reply to him;   "I will bring it up in the next phase.  There are plenty of real, beautiful images of earth from balloons and rockets that are more appropriate.  But, jus tot (sic) let you know, I will meet resistance again.  You know what I am talking about, I am sure.   "In any case, point well taken and I will definitely have my voice heard in the next phase."   And in your email to me right now you say;   "First of all let me just say that I would never let the flat earth or any other topic become an issue – Period. I do not plan to start any commotion under any circumstances over any issue whatsoever."    Brother, I do not wish commotion either, and I have no expectation of you or anyone else to work with me for small pay unless you feel enthusiastic to do so.  I feel like I have put everything on the line and people I was counting on, who have been paid, have not kept up their end of the bargain and expect me to give them strategic details beyond what is necessary.  If you do not believe me, If Max does not, if Sam does not, then I understand why you are feeling this way.  But my end is on track, and you know more than I do about the perks, the database or marketing and I have acted in the most diplomatic and patient way possible.     This matter deserves a Skype call my brother, how about if we try a window tomorrow early afternoon your time, if possible look for me on Skype and vice versa and we can talk about as much of all of this as possible.  Is that ok with you?  end


So I asked William (Will) in writing to resend the email where his apparent concerns over legal matters were expressed and he never did so. I also invited William to Skype with me the following day and he likewise did not reply to this and subsequently this terribly important issue was not discussed further; but it was being discussed amongst himself, Samantha Bachman, the web programmer and Max Igan… without my knowledge of course. It is also worth noting that all the while William is telling a supporter of the mission that I had “disrespected” him. When she followed up to ask how? He simply avoided the question. It was soon to become clear to me that William was being very dishonest on many levels, most of all his ongoing secret dialogue with Max Igan and others.  

I was at this point becoming increasingly tired of this legal issue popping up when in fact I had dealt with issue far too many times and was in fact meeting my commitments on all legal matters. So I attempted to Skype Max on April 13, 22 days after our last communication and just two days before I expected to see him at the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia, a conference we were both invited to speak at. It is also important to recall that I was about a month and a half into a 2 month tour across the USA and into Canada (so it was a very hectic time).

April 12, 2016 [12/04/2016, 12:13:26] Ken O’Keefe to Max Igan You there brother? [12/04/2016, 12:38:02] Max Igan reply to Ken O’Keefe vaguely, can take a while for messages to get through.... the net has been very bad here.... comes and goes and will not be fixed for at least 2 more days... whats up?
 [12/04/2016, 13:40:38] Ken O’Keefe reply to Max Igan Would be good to talk before we make it there, but not critical. You will notice the exchange above was within 17 minutes on the same day, and that I did ask to speak with Max but after I made this request I did not hear anything back. The reason I wanted to speak with him of course was because I was getting more rumblings from the team about “legal” concerns, primarily from William Genske, but now as well, the programmer for our mission critical website, a friend of Max’s, who wrote; Email extract from website programmer (Mat) “…I was very surprised to learn that even the core members of the WCS team have still not been made privy to the full strategy. I assumed (and still hope) that you have a legally robust plan in place which has been thoroughly checked and backed up by those with the appropriate legal knowledge.” and


“I must say, I do feel uncomfortable pursuing a project which has received the backing of so many kind donations, in the knowledge that we have no evidence of the existence of a robust legal solution as the end result.” After Max had not responded to me I found even more disturbing information regarding people in my team who were seriously questioning my management of funds and the “legal” strategy, effectively these people were essentially accusing me of fraud. So I attempted contact with Max on April 13th, just one day later. My belief at this time was that Max and I had come to an understanding, that since he was given details regarding the ongoing legal work that he had no outstanding issues with me, so I approached him with the hope that he would assist me in determining what was happening, and importantly, who was subverting the mission. In the beginning of this dialogue I am pointing out that the programmer for the website, Mat, is bringing up legal matters and finances and looking like he may not be willing to complete his critical work. I am looking to Max for understanding at this point and hoping he might be able to shed light on things, but I am still looking at William as the source of this problem as he was the one I knew was in regular contact with Mat.

April 13, 2016 [13/04/2016, 11:28:45] Ken O’Keefe to Max Igan Now the only way this could have become an issue with Mat is by him being told there was such an issue, I am presuming that this was William (Reminder - William was tasked with and paid to make sure the website programming would keep on pace and to inform me of any issues that threatened this work), but I am asking you, have you had any communications with Mat that may have lead him to take this position? Please tell me brother, this is important. As for the legal, I sent you more than anyone else, frankly because I have lost faith in others as they appear to have lost faith in me. I am not offended by this, I am not going to make an issue of this, when trust is gone then working constructively together becomes impossible.
 The legal work is being done, on time, because I am in charge of it, and everything I always said that needed to be done in this regard is on pace. First draft legal briefs for the US and UK that establish the chain of taxes being payment for domestic and international crimes has been completed. Second drafts will commence very soon. The legal opinions on the lawful strategy of wcs (world citizen solutions) by the international attorney I always cited is being done, I have confirmed this in the last week, and I expect to have these critical legal opinions within two months. The legal representatives required to defend world citizens on the basis of the lawful, peaceful social contract of world citizenship is agreed and the basis of their lawful defence will be conducted in line with the legal opinions laid out by our international attorney and so I will not know these opinions until he has completed this work. Either way I have said this to you before and I shall repeat it, this mission does not require a legal expert to say we have a legal way to beat the powers that be within their own legal system. This is akin to asking our oppressor for justice, it is stupid, they will never give it, we will take justice and make it the reality.


Brother what have you always said? We must stop cooperating with the system, we must assert our humanity and not comply, we must make the reality something better, something just, something peaceful, something worthy of handing to our children. If you think this mission will fail because I cannot find a lawyer who says yes this mission will succeed because Ken has cracked it and the wcs mission is the way then ok, I will adjust my understanding of what you are saying and I will agree to remove the video of your support for this mission and do whatever you want to make sure you are not associated with it. It is my hope that you have no desire to do such a thing, but i will respect whatever decision you make. So while it is becoming increasingly apparent that Max is not a friend to my mission, I am still giving him all that he needs to adjust any negative perceptions and move forward constructively. I then copy and pasted the website programmers full email in which he lays out his distrust of me, concern for the spending of funds and the apparent lack of a viable legal strategy. Email extracts from website programmer (friend of Max - Dated April 12, 2016) “Initially, I was very happy to work on this project based on a trust in you having a solid plan in place, and I understood your desire to keep the details confidential from me. However, I was very surprised to learn that even the core members of the WCS team have still not been made privy to the full strategy. I assumed (and still hope) that you have a legally robust plan in place which has been thoroughly checked and backed up by those with the appropriate legal knowledge. “I think the extent to which the project can progress from here will be very limited if you are not prepared to trust the key members of the team with the full detail of this legal strategy. “I must say, I do feel uncomfortable pursuing a project which has received the backing of so many kind donations, in the knowledge that we have no evidence of the existence of a robust legal solution as the end result.” This email from the programmer was quite shocking, I had personally negotiated with him to do the required programming at an agreed price and within a time frame of three months (this was agreed the first week of February, 2016). It was now just over two months later and the threat of none of this work being completed was on the table unless I satisfied the “legal” issues Max had been hounding me over. It is very important to note here that I had been in regular contact with team member William Genske, who again was charged with and paid out of world citizen mission funds to make sure the website programming went on schedule. William had told me within two weeks previous of April 12 that all was well and that the programming work was indeed on pace. 
 So at this point I was realising just how much damage was being done to the mission because I had not satisfied Max, but I still did not realise it was Max, and his next reply seemed to indicate that it was William subverting the mission by feeding the programmer this “legal” nonsense.


April 13, 2016 [13/04/2016, 16:15:04] Max Igan reply to Ken O’Keefe I have had virtually zero net access for the last 10 days, cant open any emails and Skype messages only rarely get thru no contact with anyone On the very same day that Max was telling that he had had “virtually zero net access” I all to coincidentally received the following from William Genske; Email/Letter of Resignation by William Genske Dear Ken, I am writing to inform you that as a result of a lack of communication after 2 requests for some disclosure of where World Citizen stands with respect to the legal status behind the solution which you have identified on several occasions – I must at this point resign from the team.  At this point I truly could not imagine that Max was the issue, from what he was saying he was having no contact with anyone even though William had just resigned. It is only in the research attempting to identify the source of subversion that I made contact with a supporter of the mission who had been in ongoing dialogue with William Genske. It was apparent to me through communications with her that subversion was occurring through William Genske, and I felt very strongly and still do, with Samantha Bachman. I replied to Max the next day (after he had said he had spoken with nobody in the team for 10 days) via Skype with the following message; [14/04/2016, 14:31:01] Ken O’Keefe to Max Igan Thank you for the reply brother. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow hopefully. I followed the above message with news that the programmer was now officially pulling out of the agreed work which meant two and a half months lost time of programming. Here is an extract from the programmer announcing this;

April 14, 2016 Email from website programmer to Ken O’Keefe “Hi Ken. You say you need to know where I stand in terms of working together. I don't honestly feel I can continue to be involved in a project which has taken donations from the public without first being sure of the integrity of the project, specifically that there is a real workable solution and that the funds are being well spent. Signing a World Citizen declaration (or "social contract") is meaningless if it does not have a solid legal basis. At this stage I feel I need to know what the solutions are and reassurances (ideally from legal experts) that the solutions are legally sound. If I (and the rest of the team) can't be trusted with details at this stage I can't see how we can take things forward. If you can provide details of your solutions and engage in open discussion with legal experts, as well as full transparency with regards to how the funding has been spent then I would be happy to continue working with you on this, otherwise I feel my involvement must come to an end.”


Little did I know that the programmer was practically reciting what Max was to say and worse on his radio broadcast the next day. Max’s reply to my telling him the programmer was walking away and not doing this essential work was where I began to realise that Max was not rational at all and clearly bitter towards me. I knew however that any attempt to discuss the real source of this madness, jealousy regarding my relationship with Sophia, was volatile at best and would almost assuredly make the existing problem worse. So I avoided the root of the problem hoping his madness would evaporate, but this was futile. In the Skype message below, despite Max knowing full well that extremely valuable legal work is underway, as well as the publicly declared explanation of what we are using the mission funds for, he asks me in a very hostile, sarcastic way, “…ok so really then, what do you need all this fundraising for?” (implying I am stealing money), and he threatens me directly by saying “my wrath will know no bounds” if the supporters of my mission are “burned or let down in anyway”. He further says I should have paid a “bonus” to all his “friends” in the team (who were clandestinely under his direction, not mine) and who have provably ended up not doing a substantial amount of mission critical, paid work. 
 I have pasted the entire message from Max below due to the importance of it, with the intention of giving people an overall understanding of what I was facing. The first part of Max’s message below he is quoting me in one of my many responses to his apparent concerns. 
 [14/04/2016, 15:56:59] Max Igan reply to Ken O’Keefe "The legal representatives required to defend world citizens on the basis of the lawful, peaceful social contract of world citizenship is agreed and the basis of their lawful defence will be conducted in line with the legal opinions laid out by Dr. Doebbler; and so I will not know these opinions until he has completed this work. Either way I have said this to you before and I shall repeat it, this mission does not require a legal expert to say we have a legal way to beat the powers that be within their own legal system. This is akin to asking our oppressor for justice, it is stupid, they will never give it, we will take justice and make it the reality." ... ok so really then, what do you need all this fundraising for? what are you going to be supplying the people with by way of the lawful document that prohibits funding war if there is no legal way to do it? and what then will any lawyers be needed to defend? and you say its not required? so if its not required then again., what is all the fundraising for? And what is the mission exactly? Because I and others were told it was to create a legally sound social contract that would prevent people from funding war, and so were the people who contributed... and I just dont see that anywhere ...and yet the fund raising continues and knows no bounds... And I need answers to all these questions because many of the people contributing have supported you on my say so. I respect and care about every single one of my listeners and Im now getting emails from people who want to know what their money is paying for... and if even one of them gets burned or let down in anyway then I can assure you my wrath will also know no bounds .... and if all this is just a means of us all standing up as one and there is to be no legal standing in the document, then again, why the massive fundraiser? because standing up does not require money. You already have the respect and following to make that happen without letting money and distrust get in the way of it and mess it up. You could really do something fantastic here.... And in regard to the team, these guys are my friends, all of them. You chose good friends of mine in Australia for your team, people I know and trust. You could have chosen from among your own friends but you didnt, you chose mine. And they worked hard and helped you create a fund raiser that went off the charts. They went out on a limb and went in debt to support you and they are struggling to get by at present, all of them. And you just dont give a shit? Why not? And honestly, you got way more than you asked for and are still collecting. If it were me, I would have paid everyone at Acapulco and given them a bonus for a job well done, not quibbled over it... none of what you have done makes sense, your secrecy, your attitude, your actions, your reluc-


tance to pay the team after all your talk about not using volunteers, if you don't want volunteers then why dont you pay people what they ask and what you would expect for your work? none of it makes any sense at all, and as much as you are my friend, I have to say that its no wonder people are suspicious and are not trusting you because none of your recent actions support the words you speak.. none of them, zero.... and for you to now switch to victim mode and use it as a means of stating distrust for them is not a very responsible attitude.... Im being honest here Ken, but having watched how all this has gone down and how quickly you are willing to discard the Bali team, or indeed anyone at all who questions you, is not very comforting and has me feeling pretty damn edgy too... and if you cannot see why people are suspicious and I am now feeling the way I do, then I simply don't know what to say.... You can read what ever you like into my words but Im your friend and so as an observer Im calling things as I see them because right now, I don't have any clue what I have recommended to people as none of it is now sounding like what I signed up for. That is a very uncomfortable feeling and I cannot get anything clear out of you at all... cryptic documents with no legal standing and you wont talk, you just get angry and defensive and discard people all along the way and in truth, everything you are doing, and have done so far, quite honestly makes it seem like you have set this whole thing up to fail from the beginning... and I am an honest man and I will not be a party to any type of fraud, and if I suspect one, I will be very public in my disassociation with it. So you asked for my thoughts and there you have them... I am very open to your views and yes, I will be very happy for you to show me how terribly wrong I am in any of this when I get to phili day after tomorrow... I will look forward to catching up on sunday evening after my talk... much love brother Looking back at all of the communications between Max and others and myself, it is crystal clear that Max was (post Acapulco) constantly referring to me directly and my world citizen mission in a highly negative way. In the radio broadcast he is to record the next day he intentionally misrepresents my mission, and indeed myself as a “saviour” type “trickster” and “narcissist”. In the writing of this report I have needed to listen to this radio broadcast many times over and it is a truly stunning betrayal, but I am not sad for myself as I am for Max, sad that he ever thought to speak such intentionally destructive words, aiming to harm a beautiful plan that holds great power for the creation of a better world. Max Igan Radio Broadcast Extracts - Episode 255, May 15, 2016 - “The Monkey Mind in a Predatory World” “And what a year this has been already ladies and gentlemen, its the Year of the Monkey of course, the year of the trickster, and who knows, that could be why we are seeing so much trickery in the world today.” “Of course there is awful lot going on as well, theres a lot of things I have to deal with that are just coming up, theres actually the very distinct possibility of a rather large and very disturbing announcement that I have to make within the next week or two, well I anticipate I will have to make anyway, I won’t be able to confirm my thoughts until I have had a conference with certain individuals but that will be occurring this weekend (at the Free Your Mind Conference) and so you can expect to hear something about that probably within the next week or two. And that is something that I am certainly not looking forward to, but it is something that simply needs to be done.”


“I mean there is so many ways we can do things but the government won’t let us so why on Earth would anyone seek remedy with government? There is no remedy to be found with government. The best you can hope for is legal loopholes that alert people to the fact that there is no remedy in government , but thats about all your gonna get. Your never gonna get any remedy by dealing with the system not unless you do it in such a way that simply exploits a loophole in a manner that will awaken people. But that would be about it folks, there is no form you can fill out or contract you can enter into or send your birth certificate back or anything, there is nothing you can do to find remedy within the construct of government. What people need to do is realise that government is a fiction and unite together to step above the fiction. That’s really the only remedy that will ever be found. And you know that really explains why emancipation from slavery has been so difficult for mankind to achieve because mankind is always looking for the silver bullet, they are always believing that there is something that is going to come along which is going to give them the golden key to freedom and they don’t realise that that golden key lies within their heart and indeed that is the only place it will ever be found. And if people are not prepared to stand up and simply be who they are and stand their ground, stand up for their rights and strand up for who and what they are, then there never going to find a remedy. There is no piece of paper or form or contract you can use folks and if you enter into a contract which you believe will grant you remedy, if your gonna just go and wave this piece of paper in front of someone and say “now I’m free”, then what makes you think you need the piece of paper to begin with? Because the fact is you are already free, if you choose to be that way. Sure you might get a bit of flack from government because they do not agree with you, but if everybody thinks that way then the government doesn’t really have anywhere to go. And again it always comes back to that same old issue of disunited and thus disempowered communities. And that is where the remedy lies, it lies in your heart. Connect with the people around you and stand together to call the system out for what it is and that will bring you remedy. And honestly, there is nothing else that will. You know if you are not prepared to stand up for what you are then your not gonna find remedy in any piece of paper, any legislation or any contract, not a legal contract or a social contract. The only contract you need to enter into is with yourself. You know, all of these things are saviour programs folks, all of them, looking for the one contract, or the one piece of paper that’s going to free you, the one thing that you can do which is going to establish remedy for you. And again its always the narcissistic approach that we have, its always freedom for me, And freedom for me within the confines and parameters that are acceptable by the system.” “Truly folks, as I’ve said from the very beginning, since the first shows that I’ve done, and since the first films that I’ve made the only remedy were ever going to find is gonna be found within our hearts. Its understanding what we are and the languages that we are speaking because the languages we speak are not just physical languages there not just verbal languages there’s also emotional languages and energetic languages, spiritual languages, languages of the heart and languages of the soul if you will. But the language of the heart, the electromagnetic language of the heart is the most important language that you can speak, its the most important language to be aware of. Even when you get angry, even I get angry, I rant I rave, but when you have these rants, why are you doing them? Is it from frustration? That’s understandable. Is it from passion? That’s also understandable. Is it from anger? Well that’s also understandable but what is the anger based in? Is the anger based in hatred of another? Or is it based in love? Is it based in your offence or at your affront at what someone’s done to somebody else or what someone’s done to you? Is it righteous anger or is it just a reaction of the monkey mind? And how do you tell which is which? Well… are you seeking harm against someone or are you seeking remedy for a situation? All of these sorts of things are really important folks when your in any emotional state, its important to express your emotion but be aware of what your centering that expression in. Is it hatred and fear? Or is it love? And frustration and passion, these can be based in love, but they can also be based in hatred and fear. So you’ve really got a look at where your centering yourself when you do get emotional and what sort of energy you are projecting into the field”


“The whole thing is backwards folks, we’ve been taught to look at things from the reverse of what they should be and in doing so we’ve lost sight of ourselves, we lost sight of reality, we’ve lost sight of our very purpose for being here. And now is the time for great awakening if we can seize the opportunities that this life is providing for us. The opportunities that all of these crises we see around the planet are providing for us. All we have to do is see the opportunities these things provide and see the power that we hold within each of us to stand up and change things. And don’t follow leaders! Look to yourself, you are your own salvation. And that goes for every man, woman and child on the planet. And when people realise that we are going to change the world very quickly. I just wonder when the day is gonna come. And you know you don’t really have to do anything that big or that large folks, all you gotta do is make ripples where you live. Get to know the people around you and be a shining light in the community where you live. Yah we can all influence the people around us by leading by example in all that we do. We could all influence the people around us to be the best that we can be and help them to be the best that they can be by our example that we set for them. And we get opportunities to do this every single day. In fact every moment of every day. And that doesn’t mean that you always gotta be perfect, it doesn’t mean your always gonna be this guru walking around shining this white light at everybody. It doesn’t mean that your not gonna mess up, it doesn’t mean your gonna say or do the wrong thing sometimes. But its being aware of it folks and being able to correct yourself when it happens. And if you can’t correct yourself at the time well maybe look back and reflect and correct yourself a little bit later. But do correct yourself. And do be aware of what your doing with your emotions and do be aware of what energy your centering yourself in.” “It would be a shame if we turn to leaders and allowed people to lead us to what they believe their version of paradise is when it may not be want we want at all. You know it’s a collective consciousness folks, it’s a collective reality, a collective projection and it requires a collective participation. And that means all of you, everybody. And we can all see that there is a problem, we can all see the reality we would want, and we can all see what freedom looks like or at least have an idea what freedom should look like in our minds. And we can all work to make that happen in our own respective environment. In our own respective community. And that’s where its gotta start. Its gotta start with grass roots, with ripples on the ground where we live. I mean even if we where to create some sort of a magic key, how would we ever implement it if we didn’t do it on a grass roots level. Anyway, even if we had the magic key, the magic bullet or the magic contract or anything that was going to work, we would still have to take the steps to initiate it on the ground where we live. It wouldn’t be someone who could stand up and do it for us; we would have to do it ourselves. So why not just do it without letting anybody else get in the way. Why do we think we need leaders to lead us to that point when all we really have to do is stand up and do it ourselves. When we get a leader to do this for us and to lead us to that point, all we are doing is insuring that we will never do it for ourselves and we will never take responsibility, the responsibility that we need to take if we are ever to establish freedom. Because that’s what freedom is folks, freedom is being completely responsible for who and what you are and for the things you do and for the things that you say. It’s being responsible for all your actions, and being responsible for your own life. That’s what freedom is and that’s why it’s such an elusive thing. Because everybody wants to be free but there are very few who want to accept the responsibility it takes to be that way.” “You know I know I have been beating this same drum on air for so many years now but the thing is I really do believe in mankind, I really do believe in our ability to rise above this mess if people can simply realise what they are and realise the power that they hold and not look for simple ways out, not look for the golden key, the golden ticket, the golden contract, don't follow leaders folks, lead yourself, because that’s the only things, is when we can lead ourselves.” end


It was only by concerned supporter of the world citizen mission that I even became aware of Max’s broadcast, and of course when I heard it I realised that he had truly betrayed me, but more importantly, Max was actively working to harm the mission with knowing misrepresentation of a plan he had wholeheartedly endorsed just months ago… and that is something I have to say was pretty shocking, albeit something my experience has well prepared me for. 
 What becomes truly shocking however is that all of this madness, all of it, finds its origins in the context of Max being pissed off with me for inadvertently slighting him in Acapulco, but more shockingly, because Sophia did not return his advances and worse yet, found love in me. If this is not about Sophia and/or his disappointment in me as a friend, then we simply cannot explain Max’s incredible U-turn on supporting me as a man of “integrity”, and endorsing my mission with publicly expressed admiration for my “leadership” qualities. Here are but a few examples of Max’s duplicity and hypocrisy. 1) Max Igan Endorsement of World Citizen Mission (December 2015)
 “Having looked at the world citizen initiative I have to say I am quite impressed with it, this is an idea that can actually work to bring about some real change on this Earth. And also having worked with Ken O’Keefe on several occasions I can vouch for the integrity of this man, I can’t think of a better man to be leading this project.”
 It must be said that absolutely nothing had changed in the legal strategy since Max’s endorsement above, I was always very clear with Max (and everyone else) about what the legal strategy was and what it was not. The glaring truth is that I never heard any objections or questioning of the “legal” strategy until just after Max was offended at the Anarcapulco Conference in February 2016. 
 2) Max Igan Skype Message to Ken O’Keefe (February 25, 2016)
 Now, maybe Im just being a jerk here and you do actually have people working on the framing of a legally viable UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) contract that will serve to compel us to stop funding war, or maybe you have gathered the advice that such a thing is not legally possible and so intend to either return the funds or spend them on working out a viable alternative, however the one conversation we did have, honestly left me feeling less than confident in those regards.” 
 So now Max is completely fixated on me showing that people are working on a “legally viable UCC contract” otherwise my mission “is not legally possible”. If you know Max and what he has said for years this is simply stunning, the mantra of “non-compliance” that he is so well known for seems to be replaced (in my case at least) with the need for legal Uniform Commercial Code sanction, in other words approval from the tyrannical system of power itself, or else I should “return all funds”. 3) Max Igan Podcast (April 15, 2016)
 The best you can hope for is legal loopholes that alert people to the fact that there is no remedy in government , but thats about all your gonna get. 


Now Max is saying on public radio that “legal loopholes” are pretty much useless, while demanding I produce a legal UCC loophole or return the money!
 4) Max Igan Podcast (April 15, 2016)
 There is no piece of paper or form or contract you can use folks and if you enter into a contract which you believe will grant you remedy, if your gonna just go and wave this piece of paper in front of someone and say “now I’m free”, then what makes you think you need the piece of paper to begin with? 
 Max knows my strategy is nothing like this silly representation he is presenting on air, he is fully aware that the world citizen mission involves top notch legal representation for people who refuse to pay for crimes against humanity, war crimes, etc.. He knows (provably so) that this critical work is underway and that we will employ the legal strategy gained by this work in combination with the world citizen social contract to justify our refusal to pay for said crimes. Therefore I can only conclude he is knowingly misrepresenting the mission and myself. 
 5) Max Igan Podcast (April 15, 2016)
 You know if you are not prepared to stand up for what you are then your not gonna find remedy in any piece of paper, any legislation or any contract, not a legal contract or a social contract. The only contract you need to enter into is with yourself. You know, all of these things are saviour programs folks, all of them, looking for the one contract, or the one piece of paper that’s going to free you, the one thing that you can do which is going to establish remedy for you. And again its always the narcissistic approach that we have, its always freedom for me. And freedom for me within the confines and parameters that are acceptable by the system.” 
 Here Max persists with his deceitful portrayal of my mission, attempting to portray it as a very immature and unintelligent path. He is effectively referring to me as a “saviour” type of individual exhibiting “narcissistic” qualities who is seeking “freedom for me within the confines and parameters that are acceptable to the system”, a blatant misrepresentation. Furthermore he is noticeably agitated by any strategy or approach that does not fit in line with his apparently New Age brand of a better world that will manifest, according to Max, when we all, in unison, metaphorically sign a contract with our hearts and simply be free. Furthermore Max has been very accusatory about the funding of my mission;
 6) Max Igan Skype Message to Ken O’Keefe (April 14, 2016)
 and if all this is just a means of us all standing up as one and there is to be no legal standing in the document, then again, why the massive fundraiser? because standing up does not require money.
 So according to Max all that we need to do to effect a better world is simply unify and be free, there is no need to raise any money to carry out such a strategy, in fact he is not so subtly accusing me of carrying out fraud for raising money since there is no “legal” merit to my strategy and all we need to do is be free. Why didn’t Max voice these objections back in December 2015? Why did Max wholeheartedly endorse my mission in December 2015. Why does Max insist I have a “legally viable UCC contract” when publicly he is saying this is basically useless? Why has Max communicated to others in the


team, who are dear friends of his, that I have no viable legal work taking place when he knows such critical work is underway and soon to be completed? Why is Max repeatedly telling me all is well with me and my mission and that “others” were simply putting pressure on him when in fact he has provably been the source of subversion for some time? What exactly does Max Igan want from me?

April 17, 2016 On April 17, 2016 I finally met with Max face to face after he had spoken at the Free Your Mind Conference. By this time I knew Max was completely irrational and forcing me to repeat myself in order to satisfy his irrational needs. Nonetheless as a friend, I hoped that a face to face conversation would finally heal this wound of his. When I first met Max at the conference he hugged me and blatantly ignored Sophia who was standing to my side, I looked at Sophia and she was truly shocked and a bit hurt because she had admired and followed Max’s work for years. It was a powerful insult to Sophia and it was all I could do to ignore it in the hopes that our talk later would somehow repair this as well. When I finally talked to Max alone he forced me yet again to repeat myself regarding the legal issues and I did so to the point that he knew he could not take this any further, the bottom line was he could not deny critical legal work was being done and that this work dealt with his “legal” concerns in the most intelligent and viable of ways. The conversation was also largely dedicated to him apparently receiving emails from people effectively accusing me of fraud, including some team members, when he told me this I told him flat out, “I have still not taken pay four months after having secured over 100 thousand dollars, and I have not paid myself because I am concerned that the money spent so far, was not as effective as I feel it should have been.” By this point I was frustrated and angry quite honestly, it felt like some sort of bullshit teenage relationship involving petty jealousy and disingenuous friendship. The man that I respected in Max Igan had become a gossipy, bad mouthing enemy who was constantly sucking my limited energy away from important work and forcing me to indulge in this teenage nonsense. I told him that the trust between us was obviously compromised and that I accepted this. What else could be done was the way I saw it by that point. But I have to say that Max insisted that the “trust” was there, he simply had a duty to pursue the apparent concerns of others. So again it seemed all was well, that I had cleared up the concerns.

April 18, 2016 Aside from the blatant attacks on the world citizen mission that Max was now publicly spreading, albeit unknown to me at this point, people in Max’s sphere of influence were continuing subversion, and they were doing so with Max’s direct influence. In the example below we have William Genske telling one of the biggest supporters of the world citizen mission that Max himself is “deciding” what is to be done, while William leaves out any real substantive information about what this means. [4/18/2016 2:54:44 PM] William Genske to supporter 
 Yes, it is unfortunate.  Just so you know, I resigned from WCS last week.  It was a decision that I did not take lightly, but many of the team have resigned.


[4/18/2016 2:55:20 PM] supporter to William Genske 
 Oh  really?   Why? [4/18/2016 2:57:07 PM] William Genske to supporter 
 that's what I want to speak to you about, but I am waiting for word back from Max and what he is deciding before I can speak about it.  Please know that I am doing everything I can with kindness and love in mind, I am keeping the principle of non-aggression very much in mind. As soon as I hear back from a team member who went to Philly to meet with Ken (which did happen) and Max, I will be able to speak with you about it.  In the meantime, I would really appreciate you not discussing this with anyone, it is nobody's business at all.  Again, I feel you have been a team member from the very early stages of the initiative, and consider you to be a truth-loving, kind, honest and conscientious human being. Ken is going through a lot, I would not want to be in his shoes right now. 

April 22, 2016 In the following email from the website programmer Mat (who has effectively abandoned the critical work agreed with me nearly 3 months earlier) we see more proof that it is Max who is directing these disruptions. Email from website programmer to Ken O’Keefe
 I’ve always understood your concern regarding sharing your strategy with too many people, and I initially didn’t have a problem working on this project based on the assumption that people I know and trust such as Max Igan were privy to, and supportive of the strategy. It came as a genuine shock to me to learn that not a single member of the team (that I was aware of) knew the details of your solution. If I were to have a conversation with Max for example, and he were to say to me: “Mat, Ken has told me the details of his strategy and I believe it to be a sound and valid legal/lawful approach” then I would feel reassured. However, I have not had such a conversation with Max or anyone else on the team. On the contrary, everyone I have spoken to has expressed their own concerns regarding your apparent lack of real solutions.

April 23, 2016 The harsh reality of the email above is that Max was fully aware that critical legal work for the mission was underway, that the legal strategy had never changed since he endorsed the mission back in December 2015, nonetheless Max was actively spreading disinformation that I had no legal strategy and either directly or indirectly implying that I was a fraudster (or Monkey Mind “trickster”), and likely stealing money.


In the Skype chat between William Genske and our mission supporter below, the supporter is still trying to get William to reconsider his resignation and rejoin the team, in William’s reply he implies my intentions are somehow different from what I speak about very publicly, and he says it is likely to “get ugly”, implying again that some level of fraud is occurring. [23/04/2016] William Genske reply to mission supporter Very sweet of you, unfortunately it goes way beyond that, but of course I appreciate the sentiment - Susi and I both truly do.  Stay tuned, it seems more shall be revealed about Ken's intentions in the coming days.  If you watch his least video, you might get an understanding of what I am talking about. Yes, toward the end he talks about something other than his travels.  I won't say more, because it will likely get ugly and I need to be very careful about what is said at this point.

April 26, 2016 While I still remained unaware of who was doing what in the unfolding subversion of the mission I was little by little piecing together what was happening and then Sophia received a message from mission supporter Elissa Hawke who informed her of more questions/accusations regarding the legal strategy and spending of mission funds. The following is the message received from Elissa Hawke; “So I just heard from Deanna from Ken’s team is about to expose him for stealing all the money. Have you guys heard, and is this a rad setup to discredit…” Elissa then forwarded a highly negative message from another mission supporter Elizabeth Seninde; “Hi Elissa, I spoke to Deanna recently to find out what’s going on and she said in so many words that O’Keefe is doing a runner with the money we helped him raise. He only talks about his tour now, which he never told anyone about. This stop the war thing is still yet to see any fruits. Deanna says that they are all planning to expose Ken because when they caught him out on a few lies he got mad at them. She says all hell is about to break loose.”

April 29, 2016 Understanding that the accusations of mismanagement of funds were spreading I began to invest more time trying to find out the source of this disinfo and subversion, so I messaged Elizabeth Seninde on Skype and asked her about what she had heard? She downplayed it all in her written messages and acted as if there was no issue really, so then I confronted her on what she had written to Elissa Hawke just three days earlier; “Hi Elissa, I spoke to Deanna recently to find out what’s going on and she said in so many words that O’Keefe is doing a runner with the money we helped him raise.”


Elizabeth became noticeably shaken with me calling her out on her documented contradictions and effectively hung up on me. What I took from this call was that the subversion had spread beyond what I knew and could be seriously damaging.

May 5, 2016 On May 5, 2016 a mission supporter sent me another insightful exchange with William Genske. She is at this point looking to gather information for me so she is talking about William again rejoining the team to open up the conversation. [10:14:22 AM] William Genske to supporter I wish there was a way.  It is clear that we have to distance ourselves from the project based on lack of respect alone.  We have a huge capacity for many things, but lack of respect is one we cannot be associated with.  It is simply not sound principle to us.
 [10:15:59 AM] supporter to William Genske Did you tell Ken you felt  disrespected? and his reply? [10:17:12 AM] William Genske to supporter 
 When disrespect is clear, it is a symptom of something much bigger.  I do not have the responsibility to let anyone know of their disrespect.  My only responsibility is to distance myself from it. We're in a position that is very comfortable with respect to this whole situation.  We have done the right thing all along and to be accused of anything else is ludicrous and laughable.
 [10:26:13 AM] supporter to William Genske I understand,  ... do you remember the scene in the movie  Leaving Normal  that i told you about?  One character asks the other one for an apology and they get on down the road with their relationship intact .  I thought it was brilliant because i myself am inclined to do just as you ....   take and take until i get fed up  ,  angry  and finally crack and break the relationship unilaterally,  I've done it many times.  But you are right, disrespect cannot be tolerated.  I was just thinking maybe he didn't mean to do it.  And if he knew how you felt he might have apologized all over himself. [10:31:49 AM] William Genske to supporter
 Many people have been affected by this, and we have all been very communicative  amongst ourselves - we continue to be.  We do not want to hurt anyone, be in any way disrespectful to others, stop anyone from progressing with their plans.  I have done a lot of apologising in my time, and I will continue to do so going forward, whenever I need to.  I cannot effect change in anyone but self.  Any action on my part that is intended to change anyone but myself is an exercise in futility. I would ask you, as I have asked before, that you please keep our names out of any conversation that is had with Ken.  We really want to return to our private lives and continue down a path we have chosen without war, finger pointing, name calling, accusations, etc.


This is of utmost importance, and I ask you as I ask anyone we are in contact with - to respect this. I know we can count on you for this. What is terribly obvious to me from this exchange is that William is lying when he accuses me of “disrespecting him” when in fact he is unwilling to say what I did. When the mission supporter had pressed him on another exchange about the alleged “disrespect” again he was totally evasive. This is by my experience a signature of infiltration and subversion, the subversive will come in, complete a significant amount of good solid work, build friendships with team members and supporters and then eventually they make a move, like for instance by making false accusations of “disrespect” on behalf of the mission leader. Another sure indication of a infiltrator/subverter is the line that the mission leader is the problem and the “team” must literally conspire behind his back so as to protect the mission and so on. Clearly William is gently pressuring the mission supporter to not reveal anything to me, the mission leader, and attempting with some difficulty to justify this under the pretence of maintaining “privacy” and the desire to avoid “war, finger pointing, name calling, accusations, etc” (presumably from me of course). Conclusion The source of all of these issues with Max and his friends in my “team” were unavoidable after Max became upset with my relationship with Sophia. Accordingly, all of my effort to resolve the professed “legal” issues and apparent concern for the utilisation of funds was a lost cause. Nothing I said or supplied resulted in anything but the temporary illusion that things had been resolved. Instead it has been an ongoing drain on the mission to try and deal with the stated objections and worse yet, a damaging loss of critical paid work that has set the mission back in its ability to be launched with all mission imperatives achieved pre-launch. The end result is thus a delay in the launch and the need to form a new team, which is still underway but nearly complete. What I face now as the mission leader is how to explain to the public who has funded this mission - why the delays? Let it be known that I am now completing this report after a major investment in time and I am soon to send this report to Max himself with the question put to him, “what would you have me do Max?” If it is possible to verify real and significant damage control on Max’s behalf then I will seriously consider not making this report public. My problems however include the fact that I surely do not know all the people Max has influenced and how far this negative influence has reached. Indeed I do not know the extent of the damage and even if I get Max to make serious moves to remedy the problems he has instigated, that damage may well spread from those he has influenced and whom I do not know about. Additionally I am still forced to explain to the public the delays that are directly attributable to Max’s actions, so if I am to explain these delays without mentioning Max I am in truth withholding critical information. The bottom line is that I am in a very difficult position in which I would much prefer to cause no harm to Max’s reputation so as to protect his ongoing work, but at the same time find it impossible to justify knowingly endangering the missions prospects of success by protecting a man who has actively harmed the mission. I look at it this way, I am literally risking my life with my role in leading this very powerful mission and I do so because I put the interests of the whole of humanity above my personal safety. So how can I put the interests of a single man who has actively sought to harm me and my mission, above the mission I am willing to die for?


If anyone other than Max is to read this report, i.e. I go public with this report, then it will be because I felt the best for the mission I created in the interest of creating a better world. Understanding that I am just about to send this report to Max himself, and that the direction I take with this report is directly reliant on Max’s response, I shall in conclusion quote Max himself; “So, I love you like a brother Ken, but what do I do now? What would you do if the positions were reversed?” TJP, Ken O’Keefe signed May 10, 2016

Notes: Add Paypal payments to team chronologically Add picture of Sam pictured with me at the Free Your Mind Conference


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