FOREWORD FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome back, I hope you’ve had a very restful and enjoyable summer. This summer, for the third year running, we celebrated our best ever GCSE results. We, yet again, had significant increases in the number of students achieving a grade 4 (old C grade pass) in both English and Maths. Our progress scores were excellent and again significantly improved. This result puts us in the top two schools in the city and shows that on average all our students made almost half a grade more than expected nationally across every one of their 8 subjects from their starting points. At Kingswood Academy all students make good progress in every subject, regardless of their starting point. We were also particularly pleased with the increased number of students achieving higher GCSE grades, with some students achieving straight A* or A grades in all subjects. Dylan Aziz achieved 7 A*s and 3 As, including a new grade 9 in Maths putting him in the top 2% of students nationally. I would like to congratulate all the Kingswood students on their fantastic achievements this year. We are delighted with the results. It’s been a very pleasing year and we are very confident of further success and improvement over the coming year; it’s clear Kingswood Academy is now a great school. Our vision at Kingswood Academy is to deliver world class learning, which places no limits on what young people can achieve. We want to become a beacon of educational excellence in Hull. It is our job to ensure that every child during their time at Kingswood Academy is equipped with the skills, qualifications and attributes needed to live a happy and successful life in the 21st Century. Underpinning our vision for educational excellence are our 6 key drivers, aspirational and inspirational principles, jointly created by students and staff to drive the academy forward. These are: the highest expectations, never give up, everyone is valued, value feedback, no excuses and outstanding learning. At Kingswood we live and breathe these key drivers and we are absolutely passionate and determined to ensure that our students receive the best education, we will not settle for anything but the best. We have a relentless focus on raising the academic progress of our students. Teaching and Learning is a passion of all our staff and we believe it is the key to school improvement. When every teacher is delivering outstanding learning day in day out, when every teacher truly loves their subject, has a sense of humour and makes learning fun, and when every teacher knows the detail and nuances of the exam specifications to deliver top notch results, then, genuine sustainable school improvement will take place. We are passionate about ensuring every classroom is filled with this type of teacher. On top of the classroom teaching from our excellent staff we have extended the school day until 4pm for our Year 11 students, we run a range of weekend revision residentials and we provide 1 to 1 tuition to accelerate learning. All of this has had a superb impact on the students learning. Kingswood Academy is fully staffed and has recruited some of the best staff in the city. The school is also attracting excellent staff from places such as Manchester, Wakefield and Sheffield. We have great staff with excellent subject knowledge ensuring all our students excel. Recently prospective teachers and the parents of prospective Year 6 children who toured the academy during a working day commented extremely positively on how impressed they were with standards of academic rigour, behaviour and the quality of teaching around the school. Some parents specifically stated how much the school had changed and improved from the predecessor schools of Kingswood College of Arts and Perronet Thompson and how impressive the new building and facilities were. They said “ the improvements made mean the school is unrecognisable from the past.” Kingswood Academy’s multi-million-pound building was named as one of the best buildings in the UK by the country's most prestigious architectural institution the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The state of the art facilities provide students with a superb learning environment in which they can excel. Every classroom at Kingswood Academy is spacious, bright and modern, equipped with the latest technology to support learning. Our other facilities include a professional theatre and recording studio, a full size 4G football pitch, a range of dance and drama studios, a state of the art design and technology workshop. I hope you find our latest publication informative and hope it gives you a good insight into the day to day life at Kingswood Academy, however, the best way to see a school is to visit the school during the day to see the academy in action. We welcome you to contact us to arrange a tour of the academy at a time and date that suits you.

Mr Jackson Principal


ACADEMY AWARDS The Academy hosted their second annual Kingswood Academy Awards at the iconic Hull City Hall on Tuesday 18th July in front of over 800 family and friends. Preparations began way back in September 2016 to ensure the night topped the inaugural award ceremony the previous academic year. To add to the significance of the evening former professional footballer Bryan Hughes (ex Hull City player) and Hull FC star Scott Taylor attended to speak to the audience and present awards to several deserving students. Chair of Governors, Carol White had the pleasure of presenting awards to students who had demonstrated outstanding achievement during the last academic year. As the spotlight descended on the stage the audience were wowed by the opening act ‘Almost Angels’ dance group, who were followed by passionate speeches from the Principal, Dale Jackson and Head of School, Richard Westoby. Superb performances and esteemed awards intertwined throughout the evening to provide a perfect balance of showcasing talent and recognition. In total over 280 students were recognised for their outstanding dedication, commitment and hard work. Over 30 students entertained the record crowd.





AUNT BESSIE’S TEAM IMPRESSED WITH KINGSWOOD STUDENTS Pierce and Aaron from Aunt Bessie’s visited the academy on 28th June 2017 to work with Year 10 NCFE Food and Cookery students. Each student independently made a pie that they could take home to share with their families. Pierce and Aaron were both extremely impressed with the organisation and confidence of the pupils and said “Kingswood Academy was by far the best school to have worked with and this is the 3rd school in Hull we have been to, they were engaged and really just got on with the task in hand, as one of your school mission statements says ‘no excuses’ and there wasn’t”. Pierce and Aaron started the session by explaining their roles within the company and how the products progress to become the ‘family favourites’ we know and love. The students got to watch Pierce make a pie – he explained exactly why each ingredient was needed for the final product to be a success. It was then down to the students to make their pies, they each did this with confidence, accuracy and determination. Mrs Fox discussed future projects with the Aunt Bessie’s team, they were excited about the prospect and added ‘there was no hesitation to agree to this due to the student’s impeccable behaviour and willingness to get stuck in’. We are extremely fortunate to have formed a link with such a successful local business. Well done Year 10 – you have done us proud!

HIGH ABILITY PHOENIX TEAM EVENTS A cohort of our most able Year 10 students were privileged to be invited to Hull Collegiate School at the end of June to attend a challenging day of high-level thinking hosted by Academy Conferences. The day consisted of experiencing fascinating lectures led by both Julie Arliss, an author and lecturer, and by Dr Andrew Pinsent, a former particle physicist at CERN. Both lecturers are well-known within their fields and travel the world lecturing. The lectures allowed the students to think further about the human self and the philosophy of science. Several local schools attended the day and the ten Year 10 students from Kingswood Academy stood out for their excellent behaviour and engagement with the activities. The day closed with a debate during which both Ellie-Mae Crosskill and Lara Cruz argued their points of view coherently to a large audience. All the students benefitted greatly from the day since it helped to boost their confidence when in a situation out of their comfort zone, but importantly enabled them to think more deeply about abstract concepts. Phoenix Team students have also been invited to attend master classes run by Wilberforce College every week after school at the academy. These master classes have enabled students to experience a new subject or learn more about a subject they already love. The master classes have included Law, Politics and Government, Forensics and Criminology, History and Business. Students have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and as we continue these into next academic year they will help guide students with their decisions on education and careers after leaving Kingswood Academy. Next academic year we will be running Phoenix Team Projects specifically for KS3 students to get involved with. During the first few weeks there will

be a group of Phoenix Team students from current Year 7 and 8 organising, planning and hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 29th September. If you think you would like to be involved in helping raise money for this charity then listen out for further information in September! Keep up-to-date with Phoenix Team news at @TeamPhoenixKWA on Twitter. Miss Hayes (Whole School Higher Ability and G&T Co-Ordinator)

Are you in KS3? Be part of a team that organise, advertise and run a

MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING and help to make a difference.


KINGSWOOD ACADEMY WELCOMES THE CLASS OF 2022 On Thursday 13th July, Kingswood Academy welcomed 209 families through the doors for the start of their child’s secondary journey. Students and their families were greeted at reception by Kingswood Academy’s staff and prefects and were informed of their Academic Mentor groups for next year. Families were directed to enjoy some refreshments and head to the sports hall for key messages delivered by the Principal, Mr Jackson, Head of School, Mr Westoby and Assistant Vice Principal for behaviour, Mr Ransome. The sports hall was full and it was wonderful to see so many families had taken the time to attend the induction to support their child on their journey through transition. Following the key messages in the sports hall, families were directed to follow their Academic Mentor to meet them and listen to a presentation about expectations at Kingswood Academy. We appreciate that transition to secondary school can be a daunting process and this provided an opportunity for families to ask any questions and address any concerns they may have had. The induction evening was a true success and we look forward to working with all the families over the next five years. …………………………………………………………………………… On Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July, Kingswood Academy held two transition days to provide all Year 6 students who will be starting in September the opportunity to experience what secondary school

will be like. 97% of the year group attended the transition days and were able to introduce themselves to their peers, to staff and other students. On the first transition day, students were escorted into the theatre for their first assembly with Mr Jackson to share the purpose of the academy’s Vision and Key Drivers. Following the assembly, students received free toast and juice and were able to explore the outdoor spaces for their break time. After break, students were instructed to complete a maths test to enable us to place them in correct ability groupings in September. Students were invited to have a free lunch and were able to explore the outdoor space once again over lunch time. Finally, students took part in a STEM challenge exploring flight and aeroplanes. This culminated in a final competition in the sports hall across the year group. Certificates were awarded to the winners. On the second transition day, students were welcomed into the theatre for a Character Education workshop to introduce students to Kevin Mincher and expectations of Character Education in September. Students received their free snack once again at break time and were instructed to complete an English test before lunch time. At lunch time, students were able to experience a new dining area and received a free lunch. To finish the second day, students were taken to PE were they took part in a rotation of sports’ activities and developed new skills.

WORK EXPERIENCE The majority of our Year 10 students were able to go out on work experience this year. This is a great opportunity for students to gain an insight into the world of work. We are happy to work with companies to ensure that our students enjoy the experience and gain new skills. We are delighted to share some comments with you from employers regarding two of our students. ‘I have had excellent feedback about Lara whilst she has been with us, particularly when she was with our Lawyers who said that she was the best work experience student they had met. She was asking very pertinent questions and checking her understanding throughout’.

‘I would just like to say it has been an absolute pleasure having Megan here for two weeks doing her work experience. Megan settled in with working life no problem at all and completed every task given to her with ease. Megan defiantly went the extra mile helping where ever she could and most days she would stay till 5pm. She will be an asset to any company in the future and I’m sure she won’t have any problems pursuing her chosen career’. From everyone at Neville Tucker Mechanical & Electrical we wish Megan the best of luck for the future.

Comments from the Land Registry


Sixty eight students took part in a Magic Moments session at the KCOM Stadium with Hull FC. They enjoyed a training session with the first team coaches. Some students walked out with the players from Hull FC and Warrington, others were flag bearers. The end results was 34:10 to Hull FC!

Interschool Competition

Carlos Tuimavave and Fetuli Talanoa led a five week training programme at the academy. This enabled our students to play in an interschools championship. We came 2nd in the mini league and got through to the ¼ finals. Unfortunately we got knocked out but it provided valuable experience for our budding rugby players.


As part of the Hull City of Culture celebrations during 2017, Digitull is a unique project offering every primary and secondary school in Hull and East Yorkshire the opportunity to explore and express their student’s creativity and imagination. Digitull is an online hub which enables students to display and share all the amazing work that they are creating in school and at home. It provides an opportunity for students to share this with parents and carers and allows them to demonstrate their capabilities. During the school year Kingswood Academy has shared almost 300 pieces of students artwork and photography. In recognition of their efforts some of our students have been presented with Digitull Ambassador Awards. The award is a title given to students who have done something that shows passion, creativity and

pride in our city and for doing something exceptional expressed through their own creative outcomes. Kingswood Academy is pleased to announce that 3 of our students in Year 7 along with 3 of our students in Year 8 were presented with individual Ambassador Awards. In addition, our Year 9 GCSE Art students were presented with a joint Ambassador Award in recognition of their fantastic collaborative piece “River Culture”. Students were presented with the Ambassador Awards when Guy Wallace from Digitull made a special visit to Kingswood Academy. During his visit Guy was able to see first hand what art students at Kingswood Academy are working on and it provided the opportunity to discuss with students on a one-to-one basis what they have been doing.

INSPIRATIONAL TRIP FOR ART & PHOTOGRAPHY STUDENTS Year 9 GCSE Art and Photography students made the most of an exciting and invaluable trip during April 2017 with the purpose of taking full advantage of what Hull has to offer to those that are creatively minded and orientated. The trip hosted a wonderful and invaluable chance to meet with professional people currently working within the creative sector based in Hull at the C4Di collaborative. Exposure to industries such as this will provide students with increased enthusiasm for their subject and allow them to explore the scope of career possibilities in the creative sector utilising the qualification they are currently studying for. Furthermore the trip provided fantastic opportunities outside of the academy for students to capture their own photographs of subject matter required for completion of their coursework, vital in providing students the opportunity to work towards achieving the highest levels and outcomes towards their overall attainment. The trip included a walk to take in local landmarks situated in and around the Marina, River Hull and Hull’s Old Town. Year 9 Photography students are able to utilise such visual information in their current project ‘Reflections & Repetitions’. Year 9 Art students have used this visual resource as a basis in which to explore their own outcomes as part of the International Art project ‘Rivers of the World’.

CITY OF CULTURE RIVERS OF THE WORLD GCSE Art students at Kingswood Academy, have recently been involved in an International Art project titled “Rivers of the World”, the flagship art and education project of the Thames Festival Trust, delivered in partnership with the British Council. The project provides opportunities for students to explore and celebrate their local environment, learn more about other cultures, and dig deep into both local and global issues. Year 9 GCSE Art students have been working collaboratively on the project. The project aims to encourage pupils to learn about water and their river environment, to inspire pupils to realise the potential for art in their lives and to provide the structure for an international school partnership to flourish. Kingswood Academy has been partnered with the Philmath School in Sierra Leone. The River Hull creates a natural divide through the city and has an impact on Hull City’s culture, industry and lifestyle. The students wanted to celebrate this unique divide inspired by the rich heritage in both east and west sides of the river, embracing its diversity. The students explored the history of the fishing industry when Hull was once one of the world’s biggest fishing ports, by creating drawings of fish and anchors. The use of stencils to

portray Hull’s football and rugby teams’ mascots created screen prints of tigers and birds adding striking bold shapes and colours. The West Hull red bus and the East Hull blue bus show how each side even has its own unique style bus. Students created a visual map displaying the rich tapestry of the culture of our city. Completed artwork will be displayed as part of an international art exhibition located along the bank of the River Thames in London during July and August this year. Quotes from our students“Our recent art project (Rivers of the World) was so fun and knowing that our school is taking part in a worldwide project is amazing. I have enjoyed every second of it and would love to take part in more projects like this!” Elysia Taylor. “I really enjoyed taking part in the art project. I was introduced to new skills and learnt more about my river and the river in Sierra Leone. I’d like to take part in something like it again”. Summer Saengkaew.

HOUSE EVENTS 2017 - 2018 At Kingswood Academy we are passionate about our competition based house system. The aim is to build teamwork, confidence and community through competition. There are four houses: Johnson, Wilberforce, Sullivan and Reckitt. Every student is a member of one of the houses and competes to earn points for their house. Students can earn points for things such as attendance, progress, art, photography, all the sports, poetry, chess etc. You name it, we’ve got a competition to enable everyone to get involved. We want every student to develop the character, grit and determination to enable them to compete and experience what it feels like to be part of a successful team as well as getting first hand

experiences of team camaraderie and team spirit. Last year's competition was phenomenal with all students massively contributing and winning points for their house. After all the hard fought competition it was House Reckitt who were the '2016 - 2017 House Champions'. Every student and teacher in the Reckitt House will be rewarded with a trip to Flamingoland.


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JOHNSON HOUSE Johnson house system plays a key part in establishing and reinforcing the Key Drivers that aims to inspire all students. Johnson House has four key values that are embedded into the students at Kingswood Academy; these are Ambition, Courage, Independence and Pioneering.

from September 2016 to May 2017. The house competitions last throughout the full academic year and involve everyone. Two of Johnson’s key values that have had an impact on the house are ‘Ambition’ & ‘Independence’ they have shown success in many competitions from 2016 to 2017. The competitions that have brought us 100 points and more were the bonfire night painting by Amy Turner, Chinese Year of the Rooster by Sophie McGuigan and Cartoon Character by Sophie McGuigan.

The Johnson House is led by a team of House representatives who are appointed from Year 7 to Year 11. The team is made of House Captains: Ellouise Smith & JOHNSON Karoline Zacharek. Vice Captains: Paulo & Alisha Cooke-Hill. Lastly House representatives Year 7 – Year 9: Jamil Blackman-Watts, Chloe-Mae Tranmer, Cole Stride, Mollie Satchwell, Latisha Shimmon and Chloe Skinner. The team has had a massive impact of leading the house in a variety of house competitions


It is Johnson’s key drivers that students are proud to be part of their house as well as being part of the school community. I strongly believe as a house leader that everyone has the determination to succeed in all they want if they put their mind to it. Johnson is back! Johnson House Leader - Ms S Styche

WILBERFORCE HOUSE future and I cannot wait to see all of you compete in I am proud to be the House Leader of Wilberforce and the house competitions that are available on a weekly basis. consider myself to be a very In Wilberforce, every student is expected to do their competitive individual. A little bit and participate in the many house events that competition isn’t just a good run throughout the year, whether it is a sporting, thing; it’s a GREAT thing! I am drawing, writing or cooking event. In Wilberforce a true believer that the contribution you make in order to help us build competitiveness can help to a strong and competitive team is essential in helping promote growth and prosperity within young us go for glory. Having parents encourage participation from their children in the events individuals. I am also a PE teacher within the that run before, during and after academy and the Wilberforce key values ‘Dedication, Everyone is school really helps to motivate the WILBERFORCE young talents within the house! The Valued, Respect and No excuses’ pupils in Wilberforce House are vital in really resonates with me as I strongly helping to gain as much points as we believe that one of my key roles as a can, as the end of the year draws to a House Leader is to instill in the pupils and staff a determination to succeed in close. With the phenomenal effort of the pupils this year we hope to finish the all they do. year in style. Those of you that have been lucky enough to Wilberforce House Leader - Mr O Ellwood be placed in Wilberforce are my stars of the


SULLIVAN HOUSE The 2016/17 year has been a fun packed year when it comes to house events. After a second place finish last year Sullivan staff and students were determined to win the crown for this current year!

Determination, Resilience, Personal Drive and Modesty. Even when it seemed easier to give up when competing in events like the continuous skipping and bleep test or performing in the Christmas show, Sullivan students remembered the house values and showed true grit.

A number of students have shone through and We have had our ups and earned not only points for the house but the respect downs this year but have and admiration of fellow students and staff nd st been consistent in our position of 2 or 1 members. The accomplishments of the students to throughout the year. The main reason for this is our name but a few are as follows, Maddison Walker for continued excellence when it comes to attendance her amazing second place performance at the as we have been the best attending Christmas concert performing ‘Stay’ by house throughout the year, making Rihanna, Elizabeth Lines for a fantastic progress in lessons and of mesmerising river dance in the same SULLIVAN course the house events. event. Elizabeth particularly earned the praise of Mr Westoby. The house events have consisted of a range of competitions from speed art to Sullivan House Leader - Mr J Slater the bleep test. Throughout the year the Sullivan house members have stuck by and bought into our house values which are


RECKITT HOUSE In the first year of Kingswood Academy’s house system, each house fought - through competition - to be the inaugural winner and crowned House Champions. It was with immense pride in July 2016 that myself and the then-house vice-captain, Josh Shearer lifted the House Champions cup when it was announced on the last day of term, as Reckitt House won the battle. Being the inaugural house champions has meant not only each house wanting to be crowned ‘16-17 champions’ but the other three houses wanting to beat Reckitt; the challenge had been set. Each ‘Reckitteer’ knew this would be no mean feat and would relish the challenge to retain the title of House Champion.

House Captain, Jamie-Leigh Richardson is this year’s leading points earner and has said how she will miss not entering competitions now she has left, “I have really enjoyed taking part in competitions and even when revising I have taken some time to chill, be creative and put an entry in.” The points totals now stand at 4th place: Wilberforce, 3rd place: Johnson, 2nd place: Sullivan and with Reckitt leading the way. With a handful of competitions left the title of ‘House Champions’ will be decided at Sports Day. By the time you read this; the 2017 champions will be crowned – I dearly hope the house cup will continued to be adorned with Reckitt purple ribbons. The immensely proud Reckitt House Leader - Ms L Mills

AUTUMN TERM HOUSE COMPETITIONS This year the competition will be as fierce as ever with Miss Styche, Mr Slater and Mr Ellwood as house leaders. Mrs Fox will be the new leader of Reckitt House. Competitions in the Autumn term include: photography, poetry, 5-a-side football, chess, painting, carve a pumpkin and creative writing to name but a few. The quick fire Friday lunchtime competitions will also include: the cross bar challenge, tennis ball throw, open mic – tell a joke, karaoke and a penalty shoot-out. All students and staff will get a full insight into the house system and competitions in the first ‘House Assembly’ of term on Friday 8th September 2017.

Address: Kingswood Academy, Wawne Road, Bransholme, Kingston Upon Hull, HU7 4WR Telephone Number: 01482 879 967 Email Address: [email protected]

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