TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, April 8 Vigil Palm Sunday + Bill Gabrielle (Tina Lestrange) 8:00 a.m. Sunday, April 9 Palm Sunday + For the People 10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 9 Palm Sunday + Terry Oliver, Jr. (Terry & Linda Oliver) 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 10 NO MASS 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 11 NO MASS 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 11 Chrism Mass in Marietta, Oh. 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 12 Wendy & Jeff Nance (D. J. Stapleton) 7:00 p.m. Thursday, April 13 Holy Thursday John Paul Sebastian (Baptism) (Sebastian family) 12:00 p.m. (Noon) Stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 14 Good Friday Liturgy of the Passion 8:00 p.m. Saturday, April 15 Easter Vigil Naomi Sebastian (Baptism) (Sebastian family) 8:00 a. m. Sunday, April 16 Easter Sunday + John Payne (Deb Payne) 10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 16 Easter Sunday For the People SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES:
Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord; Julian Calendar Palm Sunday Monday of Holy Week; Passover (Jewish celebration) begins at sunset Tuesday of Holy Week Wednesday of Holy Week Holy Thursday; The Sacred Paschal Triduum Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday); Julian Calendar Good Friday; Fast and Abstinence Holy Saturday; The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night
Total collection: April 1/2 $3,452.00 Average expenses last 4 weeks: $3,432.87 Total in Electrical Fund: $148,011.26 Total Pledged for Electrical as of 3/9: $131,209.25 Attendance: 5:30 (71) 8:00 (76) 10:00 ()
Pastor’s Notes Holy Week is a time when all of us who call ourselves Christians are to remember our Savior’s passion. The Church calls us to celebrate these days with a special devotion and solemnity. As we recall today our Lord’s Messianic entrance into Jerusalem it reminds us that some of the same people who greeted Jesus with hosannas would be among those calling for his death. We unfortunately imitate such people when we come to Mass on Sunday and pray with deep fervor and devotion only to ignore our Savior’s teaching the other six days of the week. Therefore, as we prepare to renew our baptismal promises next Sunday we all may profit by asking ourselves how well we have lived out our professed beliefs in the Trinity, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Have we lived as a “resurrection people”? Have we lived conscious of the fact that while we are all sinners we have been redeemed? Do we live as Church, the People of God, a sacramental sign for all people? Are we willing to forgive others as God is willing to forgive us? Are we willing to give of ourselves in imitation of Christ? Do we live as a people of joy? If we do, then we are continuing Jesus’ healing mission. If we don’t then during these last few days of Lent we have still have time to better focus on Christ so that when Easter comes we may renew our baptismal promises with a greater fervor than we have ever done before. Today and throughout this week, as we reflect on Christ’s Passion, we recall that Jesus gave his life for us even though all of us are sinners. He took upon himself the guilt of all evil human actions from the murder of Abel by Cain, to the Holocaust, to the events of 9/11/2001, to the crime of abortion, to whatever unspeakable acts the human race may yet do in the future. And he did this all out of love so that the Father’s will may be fulfilled: that even the worst among us, the most despicable and wicked, may seek God’s mercy and forgiveness, and find salvation. Christ died that all of may have life. Let us give praise and glory to God through our own willingness to be a forgiving and reconciling people. This year, as we reflect on these events that led to our salvation, may we all resolve to empty ourselves as Jesus did, so that we can truly follow him through his passion and death to the joy of the Resurrection.
Father Tom
We start today looking through the portals of Jerusalem, seeing crowds of people, cheering and waving palm branches in the air. The whole atmosphere is one of joy, triumph, and celebration. We can get distracted or enthralled by the scene, and not see clearly the features of Jesus as he enters. But our readings from Isaiah and Paul’s letter to the Philippians clarify his features for us. He is the Suffering Servant, meek and mute before his captors and persecutors; he is the very image of the unseen God, yet will not clutch at equality with God before he endures his final confrontation in humility. Isaiah and Paul help us “behold the Lamb of God” before we hear the story of his final and greatest confrontation. It is important that we see Christ clearly before we hear the account of his passion, for we—his Body through baptism, the church—now bear his face. We must, with him, enter into this time of trial so we can, also with him, enter into his final triumph. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHY: Saint Louis Church extends our deepest sympathy to our Pastor Father Tom and his family on the death of his mother Betty Hamm. The funeral arrangements are as follows: Visitation on Sunday, April 9 from 2-4pm and 6-8pm at Keller Funeral Home, 615 Hanover St., Martins Ferry. The vigil service will be held at 7:30pm. Funeral Liturgy with Mass will be on Monday, April 10 at 10:00am at St. Mary's Church, Martins Ferry. Please keep Father Tom and his family in your prayers. May the faithful departed rest in peace. ENTERED INTO REST We extend our sympathy to Lori (Tom) Young and family on the death of her mother Carole (Katy) Naskey who passed away on Monday, April 3 and to Fred (Margie) Calvert on the death of Fred’s cousin Dr. Lloyd McGinnis who passed away on Monday, April 3 in West Virginia and to Jim (Elaine) Ryan and family on the death of his brother Leo Ryan, who passed away on Tuesday, April 4 in Texas. May they and all the faithful through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen PLEASE EXTEND A WARM WELCOME to Father Ed Maxfield from Saint Mary Church in St. Clairsville who has gracious came to have our weekend Masses in Father Tom’s absence. NO CONFIRMATION CLASSES TODAY SUNDAY, APRIL 9 (Palm Sunday) AND SUNDAY, APRIL 16 (Easter Sunday). NO MASS ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY OF THIS WEEK. CHRISM MASS ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11 AT THE BASILICA OF SAINT MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION IN MARIETTA AT 7:00 PM. MASS ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 IS AT 5:30 PM. NO BIBLE STUDY ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION WILL NOT HAVE CLASSES (Holy Week) ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12. LENTEN LUCHEON AT GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ON FRIDAY, APRIL 14 AT NOON HOSTED BY GRACE METHODIST CHURCH. HOLY WEEK CONFESSION TIMES: 1.) on Wednesday, April 12 at 5:00 PM which is before the 5:30 PM Mass. 2.) On Thursday, April 13 from 5:30-6:30 PM. 3.) on Friday, April 14 Stations at noon followed by confessions until all are heard. 4.) Holy Saturday, April 15 4:30 -5:30 PM. (regular time) LENTEN FISH FRY Our fish fries are over until next year. We had a record breaking year. Thank you to everyone that volunteered your time to work on Friday nights and to those who made all the wonderful desserts and those that donated monetarily to help offset the cost of purchasing food items.
These names will remain until April 30, 2017 Please pray for the health and the healing of our friends and relatives:
Resty and Gisela Alonzo, Kali Blazer, Brett Bokovitz, Bob & Joan Browning, Erin Caldwell, Harriett Davison, Karen Davison, Keith Davison, Betty Doerfer, Sue Freyberg,. Jonnie Lou Gabrielli, Albert Grable, Kelly Haas, Larry Haas, Doug & Barbara Johnson, Edna Johnson, Everett King, Robert King, Noah Knackstedt, Davey Mathney, Lee Ann Mollohan, Mike Mollohan, Kassandra Mosher, Phoebe Neal, Baby Ours, Linda Plymale, Mark Porter, Bart Repass, Herlinda Reyes, Jeff Rider, Remo & Helen Rocchi, Ken Ryan, Charlotte Shaffer, Lyle Shillington, Dr. Anthony Sola, Katy Sprow, Wendy Stiles, Irene & Charles Surber, Sandy Vanco, Helga Waldrop, Tyler Ward, Harry White, Patrick Wolfe and Tombo Woodward.
HOLY WEEK REMINDERS: Chrism Mass – Bishop Montforton will be celebrating the Chrism Mass at the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Assumption in Marietta this Tuesday at 7:00 PM. At this Mass the Bishop will bless the holy oils we use for anointing catechumens and the sick. He will also consecrate the Sacred Chrism used in the celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders. The Chrism Mass is also the time when priests solemnly renew their commitment to their ministry. All Catholics are encouraged to attend the Chrism Mass, if possible especially those preparing for Baptism and Confirmation. Holy Communion – We distribute Holy Communion only at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and at the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. However, on these two days, we may take Communion to our sick and shut-ins at any convenient time. On Holy Saturday, before the Easter Vigil, we are not allowed to give Holy Communion except as viaticum to the dying. In general, with the exception of Reconciliation, we are not to celebrate any sacraments on Holy Saturday except in danger of death. Funerals - Funeral Masses are not allowed on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday or Easter Sunday. Funeral rites on these days consist of a Liturgy of the Word and close with the Rite of Farewell. Readings are to reflect the nature of these days and Holy Communion is not given. We may bring the body to church, even on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, but we refrain from singing and using candles. Fast and Abstinence - We remind all Catholics over the age of 14 to refrain from eating meat on Good Friday. Also all Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are to observe Good Friday as a day of fast. In other words we are to eat only one full meal, two light meals and refrain from between meal snacks. If possible the Church encourages us to extend this Paschal Fast from the time of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday until the Easter Vigil.
TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Now we have come to the center of the Christian year, beginning with today, Passion Sunday, Holy Week, and culminating in the Pasch, the Sacred Triduum. Some have called the culminating event in this week’s journey of faith “The Three Days of Easter.” The origins of many of our observances, including today’s blessing of palms and solemn entry into the church, hearken back to old Jerusalem. In the late fourth century, a woman living a consecrated life in southern France made a four-year pilgrimage to Jerusalem. There, she encountered the rich liturgies of the city, bursting with Christians. She was a keen observer, and fortunately for us wrote vivid letters of her experience to a circle of women friends she calls her sisters. By the time of her journey, it is clear that even some catechumens were undertaking the dangerous journey so that they could be formed at the very site of the events of Christ’s passion and rising. At the heart of the pilgrim experience were processions, such as today’s joyous procession to the Mount of Olives, and brilliant catechesis from the bishop every day, as well as intense fasting and prayer. When you resolve to keep this week holy in your own life, and especially when you commit to participate in the full Triduum with worship in church and fasting at home, a very ancient tradition is within your grasp. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.