21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, August 26 + Joe Bokovitz (Ella Bokovitz) 8:00 a.m. Sunday, August 27 For the People 10:00 a.m. Sunday, August 27 Aline Clarke (Birthday) (C.W.C.) 8:00 a.m. Monday, August 28 Michele & Aram Kalpakgian (Donor) 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 29 + Irene Surber (Ella Bokovitz) 8:00 a. m. Wednesday, August 30 + Fred Edelmann (Martha Edelmann) 8:00 a.m. Thursday, August 31 Cara Frazee (Donor) 8:00 a.m. Friday, September 1 All Souls (The Thompson’s) 8:00 a.m. Saturday, September 2 Bette Grable (Donor) 5:30 p.m. Saturday, September 2 Eugene Stuhldreher (Keith & Renee Davison) 8:00 a. m. Sunday, September 3 Nathan & Theresa Frazee (Donor) 10:00 a.m. Sunday, September 3 For the People


Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Friday: Saturday:

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Augustine The Passion of St. John the Baptist World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation; First Friday Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday

Total collection: August 19/20 $2,682.50 Average expenses last 4 weeks: $2,570.71 Total in Electrical Fund: $203,941.40 Total Pledged for Electrical as of 7/24: $141,209.25 Attendance: 5:30 PM (66) 8:00 AM (63) 10:00 AM (103)



Pastor’s Notes This year as we celebrate our parish patron, Saint Louis IX of France, it might be well to reflect on the meaning of our church building, dedicated in his honor. As Saint Augustine pointed out centuries ago, while St. Louis Church may well be our local house of prayer, we have to remember that we too are a house of God. Just as our church building took much effort to build and continues to require much effort and expense to maintain, Augustine said “if we are a house of God, its construction goes on in time so that it may be dedicated at the end of time. The house, in its construction, involves hard word, while its dedication [the attainment of heaven] is an occasion for rejoicing.” St. Augustine goes on to explain that just as craftsman shaped the materials needed to build our church building, we the members of the Church are shaped by the sacraments and good Christian formation to form an attractive and functioning dwelling for God that will draw others to Christ. Just as no one would want to enter Saint Louis Church if it looked like it was ready to fall down, no one will want to approach Christ through us if we fail to live our lives according to the values we claim. If we as a body and as individuals fail to love our neighbors as ourselves, fail to allow Christ’s teachings to guide us in our homes and workplaces, fail to be a light for others, then we would be analogous to our church building stripped of everything but its four walls and bell tower. From a distance it might look ok, but close up it would be nothing but a ruin attractive to none but archeologists and history buffs. As another early Christian writer, Origen, pointed out no building can stand unless it has a solid foundation. This of course applies to us as well if we are to be a house of God. Our principle foundation stone must always be Christ and if we keep ourselves firmly rooted in His teachings and on those of the Church He built we have nothing to worry about. However, we know that if we were to fail to maintain the foundation of St. Louis Church, sooner or later we would have major problems. Walls would crack, doors would jam, pipes would leek and even the ceiling might fall in. Similarly, if we fail to maintain our spiritual foundation or try to substitute something other than Christ for our anchoring stone we will fall down as Christians. We are about to begin our project of rewiring the Saint Louis Church building. This construction work might inspire us to consider how we may need some “rewiring” in our spiritual lives. Christ is our light, but sometimes we allow our faith in Him to dim. If we are sincere in attempting to grow closer to Christ, then we always need to take whatever steps we need to maintain our relationship with Him so that we can follow Jesus in the way that leads to eternal life. FATHER TOM


SUN. SEPT. 3 10:00 AM_________________ KEITH ELLIOTT________________________ ALLEN WHITE ______________ ABBY HARVEY ADDISON NOLAN ______________ ALEX WHITE MIKE STAPLETON_____________________

When we are feeling sad, when it feels like everything is going wrong, we should remember; “God loves me. God never abandons me”.

Pope Francis


AUGUST 27, 2017________ BE A ROCK

Peter’s history as a follower or friend of Jesus is a bit spotty. It might be natural to wonder if Jesus, in giving him the keys to the kingdom, didn’t feel a bit like a parent giving a teenager the keys to the family car. But it was at the moment when God’s power and presence broke through everything else to raise up Peter’s great profession of faith in Christ as Messiah that Jesus chose to establish the bond between the loving, forgiving mercy of heaven and our vocation to be witnesses of that love, mercy, and forgiveness on earth. Like any parent, Jesus no doubt foresaw the failings, the irresponsible maneuvers or impaired senses, the collisions that the church would be headed for. But, most importantly, he also saw us at that moment as God prefers to see us: capable of manifesting great faith, with a willingness to remain at the feet of Christ to understand what it truly means to be Messiah and Christ. As the letter to the Romans points out to us today, we have not known the mind or the wisdom of God, but God knows us and still chooses to manifest the reign of justice, joy, beauty, and peace through us. Let this be our vocation. Let us always strive to be solid ground on which the church of Jesus Christ can be founded and on which it can continue to be built. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING/DINNER Monday, August 28 at 6:30 PM. WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHY: Saint Louis Parish extends deepest sympathy to the family of Remo Rocchi who passed away on Sunday, August 13 and whose funeral Mass was on Friday, August 18. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. THANK YOU to Matt Bokovitz; Mike Haas; Merry, David, Colton and Ayden Stapleton who came on Saturday, August 12 and helped clear out the church basement to get ready for our electrical project. THANK YOU to Matt Bokovitz; Mike Haas; David, Jay, Colton, Ayden and Michael Stapleton who came on Saturday, August 19 and tore out shelving, took down a fan and cleaned out a narrow area in the broiler room and also took down the ceiling tile in the sacristy. We appreciate you volunteering you time. ELECTRICAL PROJECT We have received a Challenge Grant from Catholic Extension for every $2.00 we raise between March 15, 2017 to March 15, 2018 they will give us $1.00. We need to raise $49,500 and they will give us $24,500. We have raised $49,507.21 as of 8/24/17. WE HAVE MEET THE CHALLENGE GRANT GOAL. BUT WE STILL NEED TO RAISE MONEY TO HELP PAY OFF OF THE LOAN. If anyone has any ideas to raise funds that does not include using the Parish Center Hall please feel free to suggest. Our last fund raiser for this year in the Parish Center will be our spaghetti dinner on August 26. To everyone that has already pledged or donated we appreciate your thoughtfulness and are truly grateful. To those that have not it is not too late. Your new donation will go towards this grant. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION PSR IS MOVING TO SUNDAYS AFTER THE 10:00 AM MASS. We will have Registration on Sunday, September 24 after the 10:00 AM Mass. Classes begin on Sunday October 1. We are wondering how many kindergarten age students we will have this year. Please contact the parish office at (740-446-0669) if you have a child that will be attending this year. REMINDER STARTING MONDAY ALL WEEKDAY MASSES WILL BE IN THE LIBRARY ROOM IN THE PARISH CENTER WHICH HAS NOW BEEN TRANSFORMED INTO A CHAPEL. AND ALL WEEKEND MASSES STARTING NEXT WEEKEND (SEPT. 2/3) WILL BE IN LOURDES HALL WHICH IS BEING TRANSFORMED INTO OUR CHURCH FOR THE NEXT 3 MONTHS. NAMES ON THE PRAYER LIST WILL REMAIN FOR 30 DAYS AFTER 30 DAYS THEY WILL BE REMOVED UNLESS YOU NOTIFY THE OFFICE.

These names will remain until August 31, 2017 Please pray for the health and the healing of our friends and relatives:

Resty and Gisela Alonzo, Donna Altizer, Randy Auler, David Baker, Bob & Joan Browning, Andrew Calvert, Margaret Coen, Marge Cornett, Amy Davis, Harriett Davison, Karen Davison, Keith Davison, Betty Doerfer, Sue Freyberg, Jonnie Lou Gabrielli, Albert Grable, Kelly Haas, Larry Haas, Patrick Hays, Doug & Barbara Johnson, Edna Johnson, Noah Knackstedt, Alan Kuhn, Davey Mathney, Bill Merry, James Merry, Lee Ann Mollohan, Phoebe Neal, Mark Porter, Sydney Elaine Preston, Bart Repass, Jeff Rider, John Rocchi, Ken Ryan, Charlotte Shaffer, Lyle Shillington, Dr. Mel Simon, Dr. Anthony Sola, Katy Sprow, Lori Stevenson, Gabe Stewart, Wendy Stiles, Charles Surber, Sandy Walker, Jamie Weis, Jack Williams, Harry White, Patrick Wolfe and Tombo Woodward.

WORLD YOUTH DAY The Diocese of Steubenville invites youth and young adults (17-30 as of departure) on a pilgrimage to Panama City, Panama for World Youth Day, January 19-28, 2019. Included: WYD festivities, including vigil and liturgy with the Holy Father. Additionally, explore the rainforest and Panama Canal, as well as an indigenous village while in Panama. Why spend January in the cold when you can spend it with Pope Francis, Bishop Monforton and the Universal Church in warm, sunny Panama? Cost per person is $3800 and includes airfare, transportation in Panama, hotel lodging, tours, Diocesan WYD shirts and most meals. Apply now while space is available and give yourself a full year to raise the funds. For a complete itinerary and more information, visit www.diosteub.org/wyd CELEBRATE the 100TH ANNIVERSARY of FATIMA at the DIOCESAN ROSARY CONGRESSES! From OCTOBER 7-13, 2017, under the direction of Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton, DIOCESAN ROSARY CONGRESSES are being held in three locations in our diocese: the Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption in Marietta, Triumph of the Cross Parish (Holy Rosary Church) in Steubenville, and St. Joseph Church in Ironton. A ROSARY CONGRESS IS SEVEN DAYS AND NIGHTS OF PERPETUAL ADORATION, HOURLY ROSARIES AND DIVINE MERCY CHAPLETS, SPECIAL MASSES, CONFESSIONS, CONFERENCES, AND PROCESSIONS. This all will be offered in a spirit of reparation, for life and for peace, for our families, our diocese, our nation, and our world. This week will provide the opportunity to learn more about the messages of Our Lady of Fatima and her peace plan for mankind. If you would like to sign up to pray for an hour of adoration as a group, family, or individual, please contact Barbara at [email protected]. You may also contact Sr. Mary Brigid at the chancery at (740)317-5678, or [email protected]. More information will follow in the next few weeks. AVE MARIA!

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Eucharistic Prayer II is a popular choice for Mass since it is both simple in structure and short. It is written with a preface, which is the section after the dialogue “The Lord be with you . . . Lift up your hearts . . . Let us give thanks,” which introduces all the Eucharistic Prayers. The preface states the reason for the eucharistic assembly on that occasion, and there are dozens of them covering almost every imaginable gathering for prayer, some specific to feasts, others for Masses for the dead or for other needs. The preface attached to the second Eucharistic Prayer may be dropped in favor of a more appropriate choice, especially one of the prefaces for weekdays. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal says that Eucharistic Prayer II is best suited for weekdays or “special circumstances.” In practice, however, it has become the common Sunday prayer because of its brevity and its comfortable familiarity. It also includes an optional phrase for adding the name of a deceased person remembered in the Mass, and therefore is often prayed at funerals. Article 50 of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy specified that the rites are to be simplified and restored “to the vigor they had in the tradition of the Fathers.” The rebirth of this ancient Roman prayer is a worthy response to this call. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

SUNDAY BULLETIN August 27, 2017 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time ...

MIKE MCCONNELL ED DACHOWSKI MIKE .... Resty and Gisela Alonzo, Donna Altizer, Randy Auler, David Baker, Bob & Joan. Browning, Andrew Calvert ... Weis, Jack Williams, Harry White, Patrick Wolfe and Tombo Woodward. ... Displaying SUNDAY BULLETIN August 27, 2017 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.pdf. Page 1 ...

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beginning with a weekend March 24, please call 905-664-5212 or. email: [email protected] or visit the web site at. www.retrouvaille.org.

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