SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, February 18 Linda Nettle (Keith & Renee Davison) 8:00 a.m. Sunday, February 19 For the People 10:00 a.m. Sunday, February 19 + Don & Bobby Crance (Cathy & Gary Geswein) 8:00 a.m. Monday, February 20 + John Payne (Birthday) (Deb Payne) 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 21 + Pete Nuckles (Donor) 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 22 + Loren & Margaret Hays (Patty Hays) 8:00 a.m. Thursday, February 23 + Ryan Ross King (15th Anniv) (Love Mommy & Guy King) 8:00 a.m. Friday, February 24 All Souls (Donor) 5:30 p.m. Saturday, February 25 + Ryan Ross King (Love Mommy & Guy King) 8:00 a. m. Sunday, February 26 For the People 10:00 a.m. Sunday, February 26 + Johnny Ray Berkley (Donor)
Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday:
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Presidents’ Day St. Peter Damian The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle; Washington’s Birthday St. Polycarp
Total collection: Feb. 11/12 $2,221.00 Average expenses last 4 weeks: $3,568.00 Total in Electrical Fund: $123,907.13 Total Pledged for Electrical as of 1/12: $126,709.25 Attendance: 5:30 (62) 8:00 (78) 10:00 (97)
Pastor’s Notes Jesus continues His Sermon on the Mount with two more antitheses: “You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you…turn the other cheek..” and “You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” These are two of Jesus’ most popular precepts and He gives them to His disciples to address a common misuse of the Mosaic Law. The idea behind “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” was not to require vengeance but to set a limit on what sort of retribution was permitted. Unfortunately, many used that phrase to justify all sorts of vengeful acts especially when it came to dealing with the hated Romans. Jesus wants His disciples to understand that answering violence with more violence is never a good thing. Instead He counsels that it is preferable to show aggressors that they have no real power over those they seek to control. “Turning the other cheek” is not a passive, cowardly response but is actually a way of standing up to those who seek to exert power and showing them that they actually have no power. That is the whole of idea of going the extra mile. Jesus’ true disciple is saying to the aggressor “you are not forcing me to do anything that I am not willing to do on my own. God is the only one who has any real power and that is over both of us.” The radical use of non-violence is to make the aggressors see that what they are doing is useless, stupid, and in the long run, wrong. Similarly, Jesus addresses those who try to make a corollary to the precept “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” by saying that that command implies hatred for enemies. Jesus in effect makes it clear that one’s enemies are still one’s neighbors even though they may not be acting like it. Just because someone puts themselves in opposition to you or maybe even harms you does not give you the right to hate them and will evil for them. Instead, we are still obligated to will the good for them and even pray for them. Jesus underscores this by telling us that in loving our enemies, we are imitating the Father who always wills the good for all His creatures, even those who disobey Him. Thus, Jesus is calling us who dare to call ourselves His disciples to imitate God in all things. As God is a God of mercy, we must be merciful. As God is God of forgiveness, we must be always ready to forgive. As God is a God of love, we must love in all situations even when that love is met with anger, hatred, and persecutions. That is what it means to live the Beatitudes which promise us not instant gratification, but eternal happiness.
SUN. FEBRUARY 26 __10:00 AM___ JANET NORTH__________________ MAUREEN KORMANIK___________ ABBY HARVEY ADDISON NOLAN_______________ MATT BOKOVITZ MIKE STAPLETON______________ —Charles de Foucauld
FEBRUARY 19, 2017_________ DIVINE WISDOM
The Lord’s message, through Moses, was to “take no revenge and cherish no grudge . . . love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). We might think, “Great in theory, but not always realistic!” Then Jesus in today’s Gospel goes even further. Take a slap in the face and then turn the other cheek? Treat enemies the same as friends? Again, we’re tempted to think that those are nice ideals, but not very practical in the “real world.” Paul echoes Jesus when he tells the Corinthians that what passes for human wisdom is absurdity to God. Divine wisdom casts sunshine on the good and the bad, showers rain on the honest and the dishonest—without distinction. We must examine our wisdom and common sense to see how they compare to the wisdom of God, and make adjustments accordingly. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. CONFIRMATION CLASS TODAY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 after the 10:00 AM Mass. Parents and sponsors are encouraged and invited to attend any or all classes they would like. TODAY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Deacon Richard Adams is at all the Masses and will give a presentation at 3:00 PM in Lourdes Hall on the Diaconate. Any men of the parish interested in the Diaconate should attend. BREAKFAST PREPARED BY OUR BELOVED KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS today after the 8:00 & 10:00 AM Masses. Bring the family for some great fellowship and delicious food with a lot of love added to it…….unmatched by any restaurant around. PLEASE SUPPORT THE KNIGHTS AND THEIR CHARITABLE WORK. LIVE YOUR FAITH- SERVING THOSE IN NEED. Grow Spiritually. Develop Christian Friendships. In the Gospel Jesus says: “Whoever fulfills and teaches these commands shall be great in the Kingdom of God.” When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts and into our lives. PLEASE ATTEND OUR MEETING ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AT 7:00 PM AND KNOW THAT YOU ARE A SIGN OF GOD’S LOVE TO THOSE WHO ARE SUFFERING. MASS ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 WILL BE AT 5:30 PM. BIBLE STUDY ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 AFTER THE 5:30 PM MASS. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION CLASSES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 FROM 6:00-7:00 PM. 2016 CONTRIBUTION RECORDS: If you need a complete record of your 2016 church contribution records for tax purposes, please call the rectory @ (740) 446-0669. We will mail them to you. If you wish to pick up your tax records, please call ahead. Thank you for your sacrificial gifts in 2016; may God bless you and reward you. IMPORTANT MEETING OF THE PARISH AND FINANCE COUNCILS WHICH EVERYONE NEEDS TO ATTEND WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017 AT 5:30 PM. Following the above meeting at 7:00 PM (Tues. Feb. 28) will be a meeting which will consist of both parish and finance councils, Bruce Davison, Chris Davison, Tom Calvert, Marty Edelmann, Mike Haas, Trudy Miller, DJ Stapleton and Barb White. This meeting is mandatory. The discussion will be: What needs to be moved and when? Preparation of the Parish Center? Organizing storage etc. NAMES ON THE PRAYER LIST WILL REMAIN FOR 30 DAYS AFTER 30 DAYS THEY WILL BE REMOVED UNLESS YOU NOTIFY THE OFFICE.
These names will remain until February 28, 2017 Please pray for the health and the healing of our friends and relatives:
Resty and Gisela Alonzo, Kali Blazer, Brett Bokovitz, Bob & Joan Browning, Aniston Cooper, Nathan Cummons, Harriett Davison, Karen Davison, Keith Davison, Betty Doerfer, Sue Freyberg,. Jonnie Lou Gabrielli, Adrian Gibson, Albert Grable, Kelly Haas, Larry Haas, Betty Hamm, Doug & Barbara Johnson, Everett King, Robert King, Noah Knackstedt, John Lemley, David Leport, Davey Mathney, Lee Ann Mollohan, Dorothy Musgrove, Phoebe Neal, Carla O’Dell, Baby Ours, Linda Plymale, Mark Porter, Bart Repass, Herlinda Reyes, Jeff Rider, Remo & Helen Rocchi, Ken Ryan, Leo Ryan, Janet Schaad, Charlotte Shaffer, Lyle Shillington, Cameran Smith, Dr. Anthony Sola, Katy Sprow, Wendy Stiles, Irene & Charles Surber, Sandy Vanco, Tyler Ward, Harry White, Patrick Wolfe and Tombo Woodward.
WHAT IS EVANGELIZATION? Evangelization can be an intimidating word! During the St. Paul Street Evangelization conference we’ll explore the mission of the Catholic Church to evangelize and how we are called to be part of that mission today in ways that are easy, engaging and fun. Mark your calendar now! Saturday, March 4th – 9:00-3:00-pm at St. Peter’s Chillicothe 285 W. Water St. Chillicothe, Ohio. Cost is $20 per person includes lunch. Contract Chris Hiles 740-774-1407.
[email protected] A LENTEN RETREAT: OVERSHADOWED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT The Franciscan Sisters, T. O. R. invite you to be immersed in the Holy Spirit at our Lenten retreat on Saturday, March 25, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The retreat includes Mass, Adoration, lunch, talks, testimonies, and more. The retreat will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows Monastery in Toronto, Ohio. Registration is required by Monday, March 13th. Suggested donation is $25. Register online at or call 740-544-5542 ext. 112. LENTEN FISH FRIES begin on Friday, March 3. We are asking for cash donations to buy the grocery items we need in bulk, by doing this we are able to get them at a better price, and have our supplies on hand as needed. You can put your donation in an envelope mark Fish fry and drop in the collection basket. We also need for you signup each week on the sheet on the table in back of church to bake all the wonderful desserts (just a note when sending in desserts please do not send anything with peanuts or peanut butter due to the fact of people with allergies) and we need you to be generous of your time and signup to work every Friday. IN THIS WEEKENDS BULLETIN IS A FLYER FOR THE FISH FRY. IF YOU COULD TAKE ONE OR SOME AND ASK OUR LOCAL BUSINESS IF YOU COULD DISPLAY IN THEIR WINDOW TO HELP US ADVERTISE. ANY HELP THAT YOU CAN GIVE IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.
TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In brushing up for “Catholic Jeopardy,” it might help to know that there is only one feast on the calendar for a thing, rather than a person or mystery. It’s for a chair: Saint Peter’s chair in fact After the Resurrection, there can be no doubt that the disciples reserved a special place for Simon Peter in the upper room. Later, Peter became the bishop of Antioch in today’s Syria, the place where we were first called “Christians.” From there, he went to Rome, the center of the Empire, where it is said that Peter sat in a chair in the house of Priscilla and Aquila to instruct his flock. Jesus, in entrusting the keys of the Kingdom to Peter and his successors, entrusted his compassion and mercy to them, and charged them with pointing to the Kingdom of God. Compassion and mercy are to resonate through their teaching. Since the ancient sign of a teacher is the chair (“disciple” literally means one who sits at the feet of a teacher), Peter’s chair has long been treasured. Today there is a symbolic shrine of Peter’s chair above the main altar of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. This monument is the last work of Bernini, a huge bronze throne supported by four doctors of the Church: Augustine and Ambrose from the Western Church, and Chrysostom and Athanasius from the East. High above it is the alabaster window of the descent of the Holy Spirit. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.