FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, February 4 + Blanche Champer (Keith & Renee Davison) 8:00 a.m. Sunday, February 5 + James Davison, Sr. (Donor) 10:00 a.m. Sunday, February 5 For the People 8:00 a.m. Monday, February 6 Merry & Jack Stapleton (D.J. Stapleton) 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 7 + U. A. & Marie Cornett (Dick & Margie Cornett) 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 8 Allen & Gina Stapleton & Children (Donor) 8:00 a.m. Thursday, February 9 + Tom Whaley (Ella Bokovitz) 8:00 a.m. Friday, February 10 All Souls (Donor) 5:30 p.m. Saturday, February 11 + John Paul Jones (Oscar & Sharyn Bastiani) 8:00 a. m. Sunday, February 12 For the People 10:00 a.m. Sunday, February 12 + Chris Freyberg (The Thompson’s) SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES:
Monday: Wednesday: Friday:
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Day for Consecrated Life; Boy Scouting Sunday St. Paul Miki and Companions St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita St. Scholastica; Tu B’Shvat (the Jewish new year of trees) begins at sunset
Saturday: Our Lady of Lourdes; Blessed Virgin Mary; Total collection: Jan. 28/29 $2,480.00 World Day of the Sick Average expenses last 4 weeks: $3,193.04 Total in Electrical Fund: $113,249.32 Total Pledged for Electrical as of 1/12: $124,409.25 Attendance: 5:30 (49) 8:00 (60) 10:00 (121)
Pastor’s Notes Once again the Beatitudes are all manifested in the life of Christ. Jesus was the very personification of mercy. He was always extending mercy and forgiveness to those turned to Him. We see it manifested in His healings. We see it manifested in His forgiveness of sinners. And in particular, we see it manifested on the Cross when He prayed for those who were crucifying Him: “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” Mercy rests in an empathy with those to whom it is shown. Jesus, the sinless One, identified with those to whom He was merciful. He calls us to do the same. To be clean of heart is to love God with undivided allegiance, seeking God’s will in everything, regardless of the cost. Doing the Father’s will was what Jesus’ life was all about. Again Jesus is the model of what it means to be so single hearted. To paraphrase many of the saints, to be clean of heart is to do God’s will because it is God’s will for as long as it is God’s will without any other motives. Jesus sought the Father’s will in all things without considering the consequences, and He calls us to do likewise. The Hebrew concept of peace means more than an absence of conflict. It means that everything is right ordered. A peacemaker is one who seeks to restore harmony and bring about reconciliation. What greater manifestation can there be of a peacemaker but Christ, Himself, who through his passion, death, and resurrection has restored the right-relationship between God and the human race? Throughout His public ministry, Jesus through His healings and his acts of forgiveness was constantly restoring people to their right place in society. Of course, Jesus is the model of what it means to be persecuted for sake of righteousness. People insulted Him and persecuted Him for speaking the truth. They put Him to death even though all of His actions were good and loving. Yet, it was in His Passion and death that Christ achieved victory. That is the model that Jesus holds out for us. The chosen people were called to be a light for the nations. They were to lead others to the worship of the true God and the keeping of God’s commands. Jesus fulfilled this mission in His life and is the true Light of the World. In calling us to imitate Him by living the life of the Beatitudes, Christ calls us His disciples to be light for the world. By imitating Christ we are to be the salt that not only gives flavor to life but preserves the goodness that God has given to us. By living out the Beatitudes as Christ manifested them, the world will see our good deeds as not our own works but as those of Christ working through us and give praise and glory to the Father.
GIVING: When you give, see that you give that which multiplies in giving.
SUN. FEBRUARY 12 __10:00 AM___ JANET NORTH __________ _____ DAVID STAPLETON______________ COLTON STAPLETON AYDEN STAPLETON ___________ KEITH ELLIOTT MIKE STAPLETON _____________ —Raymond Lull
As children we sang the lively song This Little Light of Mine. The words, of course, are based on today’s Gospel, in which we are called as disciples to be salt and light for the world. Children are uninhibited about sharing their faith. It’s only when we grow older that we prefer to hide our light under a bushel basket because our culture tends not to emphasize discipleship. The message in this week’s readings is clear: in order to give glory to God through our discipleship, we must show the light of Christ in our words and deeds. Not an easy thing for inhibited adults. Often we may think of salt and light in terms of what we do for others, but it can be just as important not to do something, such as getting angry with the stranger on the road, or telling an offensive joke. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
CONFIRMATION CLASS TODAY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 after the 10:00 AM Mass. Parents and sponsors are encouraged and invited to attend any or all classes they would like. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION TODAY FROM 11:00-4:00 PM. THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB WILL NOT MEET TOMORROW MONDAY FEBRUARY 6. THERE IS A MEETING ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 AT 10:00 AM TO FINALIZE THE CONCESSIONS FOR THE RIVER CITY LEATHER BINGO. MASS ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 WILL BE AT 5:30 PM. BIBLE STUDY ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 AFTER THE 5:30 PM MASS. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION CLASSES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 FROM 6:00-7:00 PM. 2016 CONTRIBUTION RECORDS: If you need a complete record of your 2016 church contribution records for tax purposes, please call the rectory @ (740) 446-0669. We will mail them to you. If you wish to pick up your tax records, please call ahead. At this time let us all realize that we are given a few short years on God’s earth to “build up the kingdom.” Sharing our blessings by being a Christian Steward will make this world just a little better. God is never outdone in generosity. Thank you for your sacrificial gifts in 2016; may God bless you and reward you. PLEDGE CARDS: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT HAS ALL READY RETURNED YOUR PLEDGES. YOUR GENEROSITY IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. If you have not done so it is not too late we still need your pledges. No pledge is too small. You can return them either in the collection basket or by mail. In order to complete the renovation project, the parish must generate capital. If you have any questions please call the parish office. When paying your pledge please use the Capital Improvement Envelope in your monthly envelope packet and mark on it ELECTRICAL PLEDGE. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR EVENTS IN MARCH: Friday, March 3 is the First Fish Fry (we will start planning for that during the month of February). Sunday, March 5 a workshop for Confirmation parents, sponsors and students. Saturday, March 11 a First Penance Retreat. NAMES ON THE PRAYER LIST WILL REMAIN FOR 30 DAYS AFTER 30 DAYS THEY WILL BE REMOVED UNLESS YOU NOTIFY THE OFFICE.
These names will remain until February 28, 2017 Please pray for the health and the healing of our friends and relatives:
Resty and Gisela Alonzo, Kali Blazer, Brett Bokovitz, Aniston Cooper, Nathan Cummons, Harriett Davison, Karen Davison, Keith Davison, Betty Doerfer, Sue Freyberg,. Jonnie Lou Gabrielli, Adrian Gibson, Lenny Gooldin, Albert Grable, Kelly Haas, Larry Haas, Betty Hamm, Everett King, Robert King, Noah Knackstedt, John Lemley, David Leport, Davey Mathney, Lee Ann Mollohan, Dorothy Musgrove, Phoebe Neal, Carla O’Dell, Baby Ours, Linda Plymale, Mark Porter, Bart Repass, Herlinda Reyes, Jeff Rider, Remo & Helen Rocchi, Ken Ryan, Janet Schaad, Charlotte Shaffer, Lyle Shillington, Cameran Smith, Dr. Anthony Sola, Katy Sprow, Wendy Stiles, Irene & Charles Surber, Sandy Vanco, Tyler Ward, Harry White, Barbara Wickline, Patrick Wolfe and Tombo Woodward.
BINGO: ONE WEEK AWAY UNTIL OUR RIVER CITY LEATHER BINGO. IF YOU NEED TICKETS PLEASE Buy your tickets online now or stop into the Church office (White House next to the Church) MondayThursday 8:30-4:30. WE ARE LIMITED ON SITTING!! Thank you to everyone that has said they would donate money to help offset the cost of having our bingo. All proceeds will benefit our electrical project. If you have not turned in your donation, please do so ASAP. You can put it in the collection basket and mark it bingo donation or mail to the parish office. BLESSED IS HE THAT CONSIDERETH THE POOR: THE LORD WILL DELIVER HIM IN TIME OF TROUBLE. Psalm 41. LOAVES AND FISHES wish to extend a thank you to the following who donated to the dinner on Sunday, January 29, 2017: Lilia Babbitt, Margie Calvert, Kimberly & MiKayla Edelmann, Sue Freyberg, Kitty Griffith, Mary Louise Hennesy, Yolanda Howard, Kathleen Marchi, Janet Merry, Janet North, Dorothy Polcyn, Marti Roderick, Remy Simon, Chrissy Stapleton and The Thompson family. 300 meals were served. DIOCESAN MEN'S DAY OF RENEWAL SATURDAY, MARCH 18 Urgently Needed for the Kingdom: A Few Good Spiritually Strong Men…….Men of Prayer. Become one by taking the first step at the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 18 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Stephen’s Church in Caldwell to get into spiritual shape as a soldier of Christ. Let Capt. Guy Gruters, nationally known dynamic speaker and best author, give you some valuable pointers. The theme of the Conference is “MERCY AND FORGIVENESS, FAITH AND TRUST……..MEANS OF DEVELOPING STRENGTH AND HOLINESS IN DIFFICULT TIMES” to help you to be spiritual leaders in your families, to renew your parishes, and to put Christ into your professions. Contact Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register. Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 6:30 am from the Parish Hall.
TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION When the custom of the stational liturgies was revived in the city of Rome in the early days of the twentieth century, the papal liturgy for Good Friday was appropriately housed in the stational church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, the Holy Cross of Jerusalem. The church is off the tourist track today, but true pilgrims would never miss it. It stands on the grounds of the Sessorian Palace, the home of the Empress St. Helena, mother of Constantine. She dedicated her life to finding the true cross of Christ in Jerusalem, and desired to found a church in Rome for people who could not make the long and dangerous trip to the Holy Land. Eventually, it came to house relics of the cross. When the pope fled the city of Rome for Avignon, the religious institutions of Rome collapsed and the church was abandoned. Centuries later it was given into the care of monks. Amazingly, it concealed a forgotten treasure. In 1492 repairmen took down a brick wall and discovered a niche with the inscription “Title of the Cross,” and within, an ancient wooden tablet on which was carved the inscription dictated by Pilate for the cross of Christ in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. No one is certain that this is authentic, although its discovery was enough to give the church great prestige among pilgrims. The veneration of the relic of the cross located here was a factor in shaping our restored Holy Week. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.