SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MASS INTENTIONS: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 5 Jaga Sebastian (Baptism) (Sebastian Family) 8:00 a.m. Sunday, May 6 For the People 10:00 a.m. Sunday, May 6 + Martha Seidell (Martha Edelmann) 8:00 a.m. Monday, May 7 Karrie Davison (Birthday) (Donor) 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 8 NO MASS (Father away on Retreat) 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 9 NO MASS HERE (Father will say Mass for Louis Litzinger from Betty Snapp & family while on retreat) 8:00 a.m. Thursday, May 10 NO MASS (Father away on Retreat) 5:30 p.m. Friday, May 11 Sarah Kalbus & Philip Bokovitz (Ella Bokovitz) 8:00 a. m. Saturday, May 12 Merry Stapleton’s children & grandchildren (Donor) 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 12 Special Intention (Sebastian Family) 8:00 a.m. Sunday, May 13 For the People 10:00 a.m. Sunday, May 13 + Audene Dibbler (Judy & Mike Dressel) SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES
Sunday: Thursday: Saturday:
Sixth Sunday of Easter The Ascension of the Lord (unless transferred to Sunday) or St. Damien de Veuster Ss. Nereus and Achilleus; St. Pancras
What then does it mean to be part of the Lord’s flock? What does it mean to remain always attached to the divine stem? Jesus told His disciples unequivocally at the Last Supper that it means to remain in His love. In turn to remain in Christ’s love means to keep His commandments. And to keep His commandments means that we must love one-another as He has loved us. And Jesus has loved us just as He has loved the Father and the Father has loved Him: totally, faithfully, and fruitfully. Jesus now calls His disciples friends because of this love for them, for us. To love one another totally, faithfully, and fruitfully in turn means that we must imitate Christ the Good Shepherd, and be willing to lay down our life for each other. To do so means that we have to empty ourselves completely of selfishness, willfulness, and even as Father John Peter Cameron has noted, our personal plans and ambitions. All is to be sacrificed for the good of the other out of love for Christ. Only by thus dying to self are we able to receive the fullness of the divine life God wills us to have. Yet, not one of us is capable on our own of such self-emptying love. That is why we must ask the strength that we need from the Father. Jesus tells us that whatever we ask of the Father in Jesus’ name He will give us. Too often we twist this saying of Christ by asking God not for what He knows is best for us but instead for our own selfish desires. When we don’t get what we want we claim that God does not answer our prayers. By contrast, the Father will grant us exactly what we truly need to live the life He calls us to live. In other words, we are to ask the Father for the precise graces we need to keep Jesus’ commandments. Jesus frees us from all those sinful urges that enslave us. If we put our faith in Christ we receive those graces that enable us to share His love for us with others. Jesus gives us a new dignity based in that love He has for us. Each of us is now priceless because Christ so makes us. He transforms us if we let Him to be more perfect images of Christ for each other. Further the more Christ-like we become the better we are able to see His image in others. The better we see His image in others the more we are able to love them with the love with which He has loved us. (To be continued)
Total collection: April 28/29 $3,285.00 Average expenses last 4 weeks: $3,392.42 Total in Electrical Fund: $216,275.73 We received the check from Catholic Extension where we meet the challenge grant. Total Pledged for Electrical as of 7/24: $141,209.25 Attendance: 8:00 PM (61) 8:00 AM (71) 10:00 AM (115)
Pastor’s Notes
Father Tom
SUN. MAY 13 10:00 AM_______________ JOY ELLIOTT ______ MAUREEN KORMANIK _______ MICHAELANNE OURS ADDISON NOLAN ________________ KEITH ELLIOTT MIKE STAPLETON _____________
WONDER: People go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains…and they pass by themselves without wondering. St. Augustine
MAY 6, 2018_________________ LOVE ONE ANOTHER
In the Gospel for the Sixth Sunday of Easter we are met with an extraordinary challenge: Jesus commands us to “love one another as I love you” (John 15:12). The letter from John echoes this command. Of course, we are to love those in our family, those we work with, those we like. But the scriptures make clear that we are also to love those we never notice, those we purposely avoid, and even those we are tempted to despise. In this Sunday’s selection from the Acts of the Apostles Peter shows us how far God’s love extends, and how far our love should extend in response. Peter realizes that God no longer “shows partiality” to the Jews, sharing divine love exclusively with them. Christ has revealed that
God’s love extends to all people, and so should ours.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION TODAY FROM 11:00-4:00 PM. MAY CROWNING AT THE 10:00 MASS: THE COURT WILL BE: CARA FRAZEE, GABBY MCCONNEL, AUBREY AND RILEY STAPLETON. CROWNING OF MARY WILL BE FAITH LEWIS. SERVING WILL BE LAYNE OURS, AYDEN AND COLTON STAPLETON. TODAY WILL BE THE LAST PSR CLASS FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR. THEY CHILDREN WILL BE PLANTING FLOWERS AND HAVING A PIZZA PARTY. FATHER TOM WILL BE LEAVING FOR A RETREAT AFTER THE 8:00 AM MASS ON MONDAY AND WILL RETURN IN TIME FOR MASS AT 5:30 PM ON FRIDAY. THERE WILL NOT BE MASS ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY OR THURSDAY. THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB will pray the Rosary at 1:00 PM and meet at 1:30 PM on Monday, May 7. All ladies of the parish are members and invited to attend. LIVE YOUR FAITH- SERVING THOSE IN NEED. Grow Spiritually. Develop Christian Friendships. In the Gospel today, Jesus says to us, “This is my Commandment: love one another as I have loved You… You are my friends if you do what I command you.” By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul last weekend you fulfilled the commandment to love one another as Jesus has loved you. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! WE INVITE EVERYONE TO OUR MEETING ON MONDAY, MAY 7 AT 7:00 PM. RIGHT TO LIFE WILL MEET ON TUESDAY, MAY 8 AT 7:00 PM. THEY HAVE STARTED THEIR BABY BOTTLE CAMPGAIN. Please pick up a baby bottle and put your loose change in it and return to the back of church. Thank you in advance for your support! ATTENTION PARISH HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS MARK YOUR CALENDARS We are planning our Baccalaureate Mass on Sunday, May 20 at the 10:00 Mass. There was a conflict on May 27. Also, we would like a wallet size picture by May 16th to put on the bulletin board. BANNS OF MATRIMONY ARE ANNOUNCED FOR THE FIRST AND SECOND TIME between Philip Bokovitz (formerly of this parish) and Sarah Kalbus both members of St. Sebastian Parish in Akron, Ohio. The wedding will take place on Friday, May 18, 2018 at Holy Martyr’s church in Medina, Ohio. Please keep them in your prayers as they make their final preparations for this Blessed Sacrament.
DPSC UPDATE As of now we have received $19,139.00 in pledges of our $35,739.00 goal for our 2018 DPSC drive. If you have not yet made a pledge consider prayerfully what you can do. Remember no pledge is too small. Envelopes are now in the pews that you can use to make your pledge. Once you have made a pledge, you may go to to make payments securely by credit/debit card. Thanks as always for your support! THE CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL LAST WEEKEND! Thank you for your generous support of last week’s Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Your contributions will help strengthen the Church at home and ensure that the Gospel is spread across the United States. If you missed the appeal, it’s not too late to give! Just visit and click on the “How to Give” link on the left. NEXT WEEKEND OUR SECOND COLLECTION WILL BE FOR THE CATHOLIC COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN. This campaign connects people with Christ, here and around the world in developing countries, through the internet, television, radio, and print media. And fifty percent of funds collected remain in our diocese to fund local communications efforts. Your support helps spread the gospel message! To learn more, visit PRAYING FOR THE SICK AT MASS – As you may know, we have far too many persons on our sick list to pray for all of them individually during the Universal Prayer at Mass. Unfortunately, we often still have too many names listed in our petitions. From now on, we will limit the reading of names to persons who are new to the sick-list, those we know to be critically ill, those who are hospitalized or having surgery, and those near death. We will remove names after three weeks unless we know they remain hospitalized, their condition has worsened, or they are dying. Also, if you wish a friend or loved one’s name read, please be sure you have their permission. Sometimes people do not want their names read in public and we should respect their wishes and their privacy. Thanks for your understanding. BLESSED IS HE THAT CONSIDERETH THE POOR: THE LORD WILL DELIVER HIM IN TIME OF TROUBLE. Psalm 41. LOAVES AND FISHES wish to extend a thank you to the following who donated to the dinner on Sunday, April 29: Lilia Babbitt, Margie Calvert, Kitty Griffith, Mary Louise Hennesy, Yolande Howard, Janet Merry, Janet North, Dorothy Polcyn, Remy Simon, The Thompson’s and Joan Wittenberg. 310 meals were served.
These names will remain until May 31, 2018 Please pray for the health and the healing of our friends and relatives:
Gisela Alonzo, Donna Altizer, Bruce Bailey & Family, Bobbi Lynn Barrett, Brianna & Lela Brown, Doug Caruthers, Rita Conley, Marge Cornett, Harriett Davison, Karen Davison, Keith Davison, Eddy Dodson, Sue Freyberg, Jonnie Lou Gabrielli, Tony Gallagher, Albert Grable, Kelly Haas, Larry Haas, Dreama Hamid, Bonnie Harrison, Margaret Haskins, Patrick Hays, Billy Hendrix, Richard Hill, Doug & Barb Johnson, Lauren & her baby, Greg Layne, Phyllis Leport, Marilyn Mason, Davey Matheny, Jim McCausland, Linda McConnell, Bill Merry, James Merry, Russ Miller, Eva Pozoga, Peggy Ramey, John Rocchi,, Charlotte Shaffer, Charles Surber, Len Sutton, Jamie Weis, Jack Williams, and Patrick Wolfe.
In ancient Rome, the beautiful month of May was dedicated to the goddess Flora, the patroness of flowers and new life. May 1 was considered the beginning of abundant growth, and a day for public festivals aimed at expelling winter. Even after Christianity took hold, the customs of the pagan feast lingered behind. Long ago, there was a thirty-day devotion to Mary, sometimes called “Lady Month,” which began on August 15. By the eighteenth century, the custom of assigning devotions to months of the year was developing. June, for example, was the month of the Sacred Heart, and October was for the Holy Rosary. Beginning with the Jesuit Order in Rome and spreading throughout the world, May has been celebrated as the month of Mary, the Blessed Mother, for more than two hundred years. That was a welcome remedy to some enduring pagan practices, such as maypole dancing and the crowning of the May Queen. Some historians say that in ancient times the May Queen was actually a human sacrifice. Devoting May to Mary is undoubtedly a better thing to do. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.