Morning Drop off and Afternoon Car Pick Up Management Plan Sutherland Council is undertaking a program to create management plans for all Schools undertaking morning and afternoon car lines on public roads to reduce traffic congestion and the impact on local residents due to parents arriving at the afternoon car lines well before the school bell and the start of the line. In consultation with the Principal, Maureen Higgs, and Assistant Principal, Sue Bonello, Sutherland Council has formed a management plan for the morning drop off and afternoon car pick up at St John Bosco Catholic Primary School. Morning Drop Off Please enter the School carpark from Banksia Avenue, and drop students along the eastern fence line in the drop off bays. Please do not form queues in Banksia Avenue, either move to another parking space in the carpark or another parking area and walk your child to the school gate OR return at another time. Afternoon Car Pick Up Management Plan 1.
Parents should not arrive before the car pick up starts at 3:15 PM, The process takes about 15 minutes, and parents arriving after 3:20 PM are likely to have a much shorter waiting time. Teachers are on duty at the car pick up until 3:30 PM.
Parents arriving for the car pick up should enter the school grounds on Waratah Road, and form a queue from the School Hall out to Waratah Road, then east along Waratah Road to the end of the No Parking Zone.
Vehicles arriving before 3:15 PM and parking longer than the maximum 2 minutes in the No Parking Zone on Waratah Road may be issued penalty notices by Sutherland Shire Council Parking Officers or NSW Police.
After 3:15 PM vehicles may wait in the car pick up and move forward as required to pick up their children. Vehicles should queue such that they are not blocking the flow of traffic, intersections or the safe thoroughfare of pedestrians.
Parents should display their surname on the passenger side of their front windscreen, on duty teachers will direct parents where they are to stop and alert students for them to get into the vehicle.
Children should be capable of getting into the car unassisted in order to be picked up; parents must remain in the vehicle.
If a child is not waiting ready to be picked up, parents should move on and park in the car park and walk back to find children.
Vehicles must not queue beyond the end of the No Parking Zone on Waratah Road. If you arrive and the No Parking Zone is full you MUST continue on and return at a later time. Parking beyond the No Parking Zone blocks the flow of traffic, and obscures the Pedestrian Crossing. Vehicles stopped here will be fined for obstructing the Pedestrian Crossing.
Parents should not turn right from Waratah Road to access the school during the operation of the car pick up, join the queue from the eastern end of Waratah Road (use the roundabout at Banksia Avenue).
10. All other Times Parking Zones, No Parking Zones, Bus Zones and No Stopping Zones around the School will be enforced at all times and penalty notices may be issued by Sutherland Shire Council Parking Officers or NSW Police. 11. If there is an illegally parked vehicle left unattended in the No Parking Zone, parents may NOT form a queue around the vehicle in the lane of traffic. Parents should queue past the vehicle as best as they can. Illegally parked vehicles can be reported to council by calling 9710 0333. NO PARKING What does it mean? You can stop in a NO PARKING zone for a maximum of two minutes to drop off and passengers. You must stay within three metres of your vehicle at all times. Why is it there? To provide a place for children to be set down and picked up safely
NO STOPPING What does it mean? You cannot stop in this area FOR ANY REASON. Why is it there? To keep sight lines clear for drivers AND children so both have more time to avoid crashes.
PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS A Pedestrian Crossing is for the safe crossing of Children in a busy road area. You must not stop on a pedestrian crossing AT ANY TIME You must not stop near a pedestrian crossing unless you are giving way to pedestrians.
A Pedestrian Crossing is for the. safe crossing of Children in a. busy road area. You must not stop on a. pedestrian crossing AT ANY TIME. You must not stop near a. pedestrian crossing unless you. are giving way to pedestrians. Page 1 of 1. SUTHERLAND COUNCIL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN.pdf. SUTHERLAND ...
Scanned by CamScanner. Visit : Visit : Page 3 of 185. Main menu. Displaying Traffic Engineering and ...
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effort to prevent traffic accidents, injuries and deaths on the Kingdom's road and highways. Police are ... Expired Vehicle Registration. 500 SR + 3 days in Jail.
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