Issue 4 - 7th April 2017 Somervale School - a 11-19 comprehensive. Celebrated in the top 15% of most progressive schools in the country Dear Parent/Carer As I am wri ng this we are all looking forward to a lovely Easter break a er what has been a very busy two terms. We have welcomed a few new teachers to the school; Ms Hull and Mr Armstrong in Maths, Miss Stephenson in English and Mrs Woodley in MFL. They have all se led in well and are enjoying being part of the Somervale community. March saw the release of the numbers for next year’s Year 7 and it was especially pleasing to note that we have record numbers of students joining the school in September. Year 9 have taken their first steps towards GCSE’s by selec ng their op on subjects for Year 10. They have been extremely mature about the whole process and I have enjoyed a number of conversa ons with them about where they see themselves in the future. They really are an aspira onal group of students. Year 11 students have being si ng their second set of mocks in core subjects and it has been really gra fying to see the progress they have made since the November mocks. We are looking forward to another set of strong results this summer. Key Stage Four were really lucky to have a visit from Cameron Parker, a mo va onal speaker. He spent me talking to the year groups about goal se ng and then worked with a group of Year 11 students on focus and overcoming challenges. My favourite quote from his sessions is below; “No one ever picks up their exams results and says, I wish I hadn’t worked so hard!”

School Diary Dates: • 24th April 2017 Inset Day • 25th April 2017 Term 5 - Week B • 1st May 2017 Bank Holiday • 2nd May 2017 AƩendance MuŌi • 4th May 2017 Y10 Art Trip to Tate Modern • 5th May 2017 Y10 Ten Tors Event Dartmoor • 8th May 2017 Behaviour MuŌi

Cameron has a number of mo va on videos and blogs that you can follow on: h p://

• 11th May 2017 Y10 Parents’ Evening

Year 11 also benefited from an ex student, Ben Snook coming in and speaking to them about the reali es of appren ceships. Ben le us a few years ago and is working very successfully with the MOD through their appren ceship scheme.

• 19th May 2017 Y10 History Trip

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents who have taken the me to give us feedback on the proposal for a change to the mobile phone policy. We have collected feedback from staff as well and are in the process of colla ng the student feedback. When we have all of this I will be mee ng with Mr Williams to discuss a policy to put forward for recommenda on. The Mu i days have been enjoyed by large numbers of students for both behaviour and a endance and 59 students enjoyed ‘Headteachers Lunch’ with me in March. Thank you as always for all your support with ensuring that the students are smartly dressed and prepared for school each day. Best wishes Ms J Postlethwaite Headteacher

@somervaleschool & @msnsixth

• 19th May 2017 DofE Bronze Qualifying ExpediƟon Y10 • 29th May 2017 Half Term • 5th June 2017 Inset Day • 6th June 2017 Term 6 - Week A

Contact us: Tel: 01761 414276 | Fax: 01761 410613 Email: [email protected] Web:

NOTICES Can we please remind all Parents/Carers that where possible correspondence home will be sent by email. For this reason, can we please ask that you inform the school office if your email address changes so this can be updated on your child’s contact details. It would also be appreciated if you can no fy the school office of any changes to your child’s home address, emergency contacts and contact numbers.

‘The Portal’ is the online hub for parents to access informa on about their child. You can see details of a endance, homework, metable and electronic copies of reports and le ers of communica on.

Our aim is to become a ‘cashless’ school so can we please encourage all Parents and Carers to use the online ParentPay facility to pay for school trips, revision materials and to load credit for school lunches.

All Parents/Carers should have access logins and it is accessible via our website www. under Parents and Carers.

If you require any assistance please contact Mrs Chard - [email protected]

If you have any problems please speak to your child’s Tutor or Head of Key Stage.

SOMERVALE CAR PARK Can all Parents/Carers be reminded that you should be dropping/collec ng your children using the front car park. The drop off lane should be used in order to avoid conges on. The staff car park (through the green gates) is for staff only. No Parents/Carers should be dropping children past these gates. This area needs to be kept clear in order to keep children safe once on school grounds. In addi on, can we please ask all parents/carers to be courteous to our neighbours and local businesses when dropping off or collec ng your children. Please only use designated public car parks and not those belonging to local businesses.

We will only accept cash/cheque in excep onal circumstances.

New Assessment Towers launched at Somervale Please visit the school website and navigate to Curriculum and Examina on to view both KS3 and KS4 Assessment Towers. If you have any ques ons please contact the school.

Jumpers and Coats Could I please remind all students and parents that only the school jumper is permiƩed to be worn in school. Other jumpers are not acceptable whilst on the school site. Coats are permiƩed and should be of a dark colour (denim, large logos or bright colours are not allowed) and for outdoor use only. Further uniform informaƟon is available in every student diary (p.15). Thanks for your conƟnued support.

WORLD THEME DAY Somervale School celebrated diversity in their recent Theme Day on Wednesday 22nd February. Pupils participated in an exciting and wide variety of activities which broadened their horizons and introduced them to other cultures, languages and foods. Students took lessons in Mandarin, cooked Pad Thai food, created stop animation films of Hindu weddings, took part in 'Blind football' and other disability sports, created amazing art projects and played music from around the world. The day aimed to get students to think about how all humans are equal and to allow them the opportunity to understand people who they perceive as 'different' from themselves. The day was a great success. Some feedback from students: Leila in Year 7 said "I thought the day was good because it raised awareness of diversity and our similarities with others". Joe in Year 8 commented "I really enjoyed blind football because it helped me to understand how difficult disabilities can be for others".

SOMERVALE CELEBRATES WORLD BOOK DAY Somervale School Celebrate 20 Years of Children’s Fic on during March 2017 During the first week of March the staff and students at Somervale School took part in a host of ac vi es as part of their annual celebra ons for World Book Week. This year the school marked two special occasions; World Book Day celebra ng its 20th anniversary, and the publica on of JK Rowling’s novel “Harry Po er and the Philosopher’s Stone” which will be 20 years old in June Throughout the week, students took part in staff v student challenges in both chess and scrabble, book quizzes and an a empt to match staff “selfies” to their book “shelfies”. During their Library and English lessons students reflected on 20 years of children’s fic on; looking at winning tles over the years and how authors have evolved their book covers to en ce teenagers to read their novels. Students were encouraged to complete their own virtual bookshelves, with their past, present and intended future reads. Students also received their £1 World Book Day Tokens to spend on a book of their choice. On Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day itself – students par cipated in a book character fancy dress compe on and staff embraced the dress up theme of Harry Po er, with a special Hogwarts style banquet at break me. Money raised during the day went to Book Aid Interna onal, suppor ng less fortunate children around the World, helping provide them with educa onal resources. Author Christopher Edge visited during the a ernoon of World Book Day. He worked with a group of students involved in this year’s vo ng panel on the Bath and North East Somerset Centurion Book Awards regarding his 2017 shortlisted book “The Many Worlds of Albie Bright”. World Book Day finished with a crea ve wri ng and Q&A session with the students.

Staff at Somervale embracing the Harry Potter Theme during World Book Day

Mr Reeves & Charlie Seymour competing in the Chess competion

Scrabble Competition against Ms Lawson Let the battle commence!

Hogwarts Potions & Treats!

Author Christopher Edge

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FAREWELL TO MR MURPHY At the end of Term 3, Mr Murphy re red a er 30 years at Somervale School. Mr Murphy is a fantas c Maths teacher and will be missed by both the students and staff. We wish him a very relaxing and enjoyable re rement.

CHANGES TO PERSISTENT ABSENCE LEVELS IN SCHOOL As you will be aware, our school considers regular school a endance a priority to improve the educa onal outcomes of our pupils. In the past, the Department of Educa on (DfE) have said that pupils with school a endance below 85% are at risk of becoming a persistent absentee.

85% = 28.5 days of lost learning each academic year. From September 2015, this threshold was increased to 90%. Therefore pupils with a endance each half term below 90% will be at risk of becoming a persistent absentee.

90% = 19 days of lost learning each academic year. Any absence including illness, medical appointments, term me leave, punctuality and unauthorised absence will affect your child’s a endance rate. There is a clear link between absence and a ainment. As levels of pupil absences increase, the propor on of pupils reaching the expected levels of a ainment at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 decreases. If your child’s a endance becomes a cause of concern, then a referral may be made to the Educa on Welfare Service for considera on about how to improve your child’s a endance rate. Like you, we want the very best for all our pupils; we hope, therefore, that you will support us in ensuring your child a ends school every day, and on me, in order for them to access the educa on they are en tled to, enabling them to reach their full poten al.


GOLDEN TICKET! On Friday10th March, 59 students joined Ms Postlethwaite for a ‘free lunch’ in recognition of their hard work during Term 3 and gaining Commendations across all of the Key Stages. Congratulations to all the worthy winners!

“SMILE FOR M.E” A fellow Year 11 Somervale pupil Molly Llewellyn, sister of Joe Llewellyn in Year 8, has severe M.E which has left her bed bound. M.E stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis. Individuals who are diagnosed with M.E often suffer from severe fatigue, muscle pain, mental exhaustion, relapses and have specific cognitive disabilities. Molly would like to raise money for: “Smile for M.E”. This is a charity which was set up by two girls who have M.E themselves. They send out parcels with ‘smile treats’ to people who have been nominated by family and friends, as they know how lonely and isolating this debilitating illness is. The purpose of sending out these parcels is to put a smile on their face and to show them that someone is thinking about them through their tough time. Molly has a strong passion for Art. She would like to set up an online art/crafts sale to raise money for the charity. This would mean that any art or crafts donations would help raise money for this brilliant cause! If you are interested in donating please get in touch with myself via e-mail. E-mail: [email protected] All pieces need to be in by the 1st of May please. Many thanks, Miss Gilbert & Joe Llewellyn.

RED NOSE DAY- COMIC RELIEF A fun day was had by all on Friday 24th March during our Red Nose Day fund raising event. Our students came in Mufti for the day, the ladies in the dinner hall were selling very tasty biscuits, members of staff were selling Red Noses and to top it off, we held a Talent Show

at lunchtime which drew in a large crowd who all donated 20p to watch the show, with the overall winner being Molly Hobley! In total, we raised an incredible £537.80. A massive thanks to you all for getting involved and raising money for this great cause.

NEWS FROM SOMER VALLEY FM Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Youth Connect have awarded four Skill-Me-Up cer ficates to Somer Valley FM trainees from Somervale School. These recognise skills gained through volunteering and are accredited under the Na onal ABC Qualifica ons for Life awards. The cer ficates were awarded during Somer Valley FM’s recent public mee ng in Midsomer Norton Town Hall which brought together local businesses, schools, charitable groups and sports clubs. The students had all completed their A er Schools Training course at Somer Valley FM which gives them a grounding in communica ons and media skills. All the students are now contribu ng to both the local radio sta on and Somervale School’s own radio service which will soon be launched. Year 8 students Amy Rogers, Daniel Chard and Ciaran Skinner and Ted Slocombe, who is Year 10, received their cer ficates from former Chairman of B&NES Alderman Bryan Chalker and Tracey Pike who is the opera on manager for Youth Connect. Mr Chalker is a longstanding radio professional who came to the West Country as a founder presenter

on Bristol’s Radio West in 1981 and now presents for Somer Valley FM. Tracey Pike said, “It is great to see young people enthusias cally learning communica ons skills with Somer Valley FM as they will be so useful to them whatever they end up doing.” A ending the mee ng on behalf of BPB Accoun ng Solu ons Bev Iles said, “This was a very informa ve evening. It was lovely to see young local people receiving their awards for skills they have developed through working with Somer Valley FM. It is clear that these programmes not only benefit the individuals but also the wider area as media skills are now essen al in the business community.” Somer Valley FM is currently training 15 school students and aims to deliver at least 12 Skill-MeUp’s per year. Photograph: (le to right) Ciaran Skinner, Bryan Chalker, Amy Rogers, Ted Slocombe, Daniel Chard and Tracey Pike.

Somervale School Host Zambian Student Teacher Visit Staff and students at Somervale welcomed a group of trainee teachers from Zambia to school on Tuesday 4th April. The trainee teachers and their tutor are all from Mulfulira (a copper mining town in Zambia). The visitors got to experience life in a British secondary school through observing lessons, talking to teachers and being interviewed by students. They even got to enjoy a school dinner and experience a practice fire drill! The visitors were extremely impressed by the

welcome they received and how engaged the students were with their learning. Headteacher, Joanna Postlethwaite said “It has been a fantastic experience for us as a school. Being able to give the students the opportunity to talk to someone from another part of the world and embrace the differences as well as celebrate the similarities in our cultures has been invaluable. I am really looking forward to reading the reports the students have written today”.

WARNING Somervale AstroTurf Please can I draw parent’s attention to the fact that the school is out of bounds to students during holidays outside of any organised school events. We have had a noticeable increase in students coming on to site during the weekend and holidays to access the Astroturf. These students have been climbing over the fence to access the pitch and are starting to cause damage to both the fencing and also the Astroturf itself. We are extremely lucky to have access to this amazing resource. It is essential that it is used appropriately to ensure that all students in the school benefit. Anyone coming on to the school site outside of school hours (without the permission of the school) will be classed as trespassing.

If this situation continues we will have no alternative but to contact the police to report any trespassers.

KEYNSHAM FOOD BANK Registered Charity No: 1159856 March, 2017 Dear Parent/Carer, As you may know Keynsham Foodbank has a new system in place for families to access food from the foodbank during the school holiday period when school meals are not available for your child/children. You will not need a foodbank voucher to access the food. The voucher has been replaced by this letter. If you take this letter to one of the Foodbank Distribution Centres, on arriving at the Centre you will be welcomed by one of the team, you won’t be asked for any personal details just the name of the school your child attends, how many children are in your family and if your child/children has any food allergies. The letter will be dated, signed and returned to you so that you can use it for each week of the school holidays. The details and opening times for the Distribution Centres are set out below. We would be pleased if you would accept the offer as a gesture of kindness from your community. Very Best Wishes, Keynsham Foodbank School Holiday Weeks. Week 1. Date: 10.04.2017 Signed.......................................................................... Week 2. Date: 17.04.2017 Signed.........................................................................

KEYNSHAM FOODBANK EASTER 2017 DISTRIBUTION CENTRES OPENING HOURS: Victoria Methodist Church, Charlton Road, Keynsham, Bristol. BS31 2JA Monday 10.04.2017 - Open: 10.30 – 12.00 Monday 17.04.2017 - Closed St. Francis Church, Warwick Road, Keynsham, Bristol. BS31 2PW Thursday 13.04.2017 - Open: 10.00 - 12.00 Thursday 20.04.2017 - Open: 10.00 – 12.00 The Link (Ex Methodist Chapel), The Street, Bishop Sutton, BS39 5UU Tuesday 11.04.2017 - Open: 10.30 – 12.00 Tuesday 18.04.2017 - Open: 10.30 – 12.00 If you live in the Chew Valley area and have difficulty travelling to Bishop Sutton to collect food, please contact David on the number below as it is possible a delivery could be arranged. David Dickerson - 01275 332746 or 0776 633 1146

SV Newsletter Issue 4 - 7th April 2017.pdf

Key Stage Four were really lucky to have a visit from Cameron Parker, a mo ey Stage Four were really lucky to have a visit from Cameron Parker, a moƟ vaƟ onal ... be meeƟ ng with Mr Williams to discuss a policy to put forward for recommenda ng with Mr Williams to discuss a policy to put forward for recommendaƟ on.

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