august 2014



Who am I? And Who Are They? August 20, 2014

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Presented by: Linda Bruno

SWFLN Office: 13120 Westlinks Terrace, Unit 3/ Fort Myers, FL 33913

If you've been working with people for more than a few days (!), there’s one thing you know for sure – there are no “one size fits all” answers when it comes to human beings ~ but understanding ourselves and others is a huge step in the right direction! We’ll start this thought-provoking workshop with a look in the mirror – who is that looking back.

Advanced Resource Description & Access (RDA) August 27, 2014

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Presented by: Karen Snow

SWFLN Office: 13120 Westlinks Terrace, Unit 3/ Fort Myers, FL 33913

This workshop will move participants beyond the basics of Resource Description & Access (RDA). The instructor will cover RDA for non-book items, such as video recordings and sound recordings. New MARC fields will be explained, and examples and activities will help participants better understand the differences between the AACR2 and RDA records for non-book items.

COMING Keeping Your Balance In the Midst of Change

SOON Preventing Identity Theft

September 16, 2014 September 9, 2014

9:00 AM—4:00 PM

When is the last time you experienced a change? Last week? Yesterday? Five minutes ago?? In Keeping Your Balance in the Midst of Change, we will not only discuss the reasons for change, but why most of us resist it. We’ll learn how to deal with that resistance – in ourselves and others. Along the way, we’ll also discover how to deal with the changes we all face every day. Don’t miss this thought-provoking program!

9:00 AM—4:00 PM

From a law enforcement perspective, identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal identifying information without your permission. The most common targets are name and signatures, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and bank and brokerage account numbers. The Federal Trade Commission and Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identity stolen each year. Most people only discover they have been victimized after receiving a credit card bill or contacted by a debt collector. This presentation will assist you in helping your patrons navigate this process.


Southwest Florida Library Network 13120 Westlinks Terrace, Unit 3 Fort Myers, FL 33913 Voice: (239) 313-6338 Toll Free: (877) SWFLN99 Fax: (239) 313-6329 E-mail: [email protected]


Becoming a Library & Information Professional

SWFLN Webinar

August 1 10:00 AM

Train the Technology Trainer


August 5 9:30 AM

Basic Book Repair (TWO DAYS)


August 14 & 15 9:00 AM

The ABC’s of Collection Development: Basic Concepts and Overview


August 22 10:00 AM

Intermediate Collection Development: Assessment, Policy and Budgets

SWFLN Webinar

August 29 10:00 AM




Did you know that SWFLN provides scholarships to members who wish to attend workshops and conferences that we can’t bring to you? Well, some of you do! Read about what others have gained from the use of the SWFLN Scholarship Program!

Field of Interest: Transformative Technologies By: Michael Rodr iguez, Collier County P ublic Libr ary

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In April 2014, I received a SWFLN Continuing Education Scholarship to attend and present at the Florida Library Association’s 2014 Annual Conference, which ran May 7-9 in Orlando, FL. The FLA proved a truly standout experience, particularly for me as a first-time library conference attendee. I networked with scores of librarians, sharing ideas and business cards. I presented too, three times in three days: A poster on Wednesday, a Lightning Round talk on Thursday, and a Cyberzone tabling event on Friday. In addition to exposing me to great new tools and ideas, I absorbed perspectives to put into practice in my current paraprofessional job and to share with Collier County Public Library leadership. Closing session speaker Jeff Kober, formerly of Disney, urged librarians not to provide a service but rather to deliver an experience for each “Very Individual Patron” (VIP). Warmest thanks go to SWFLN and Luly Castro for funding my FLA attendance through a Continuing Education Scholarship. I encourage library staff in Southwest Florida to apply for these wonderful scholarships to fund your travels to training and conference opportunities. (Read Michael’s full Statement here) I f y o u w o u l d l i k e t o r ea d m o r e a b o u t t h e a b ov e s c h o l a r s h i p e x p e r i e n c e o r i f y ou wo u l d l i k e t o k n o w m ore a b o u t t h e p r o g r a m ( a n d m a y b e e v e n a p p l y ) p l e a s e v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e . Or , C L I C K H E R E ! ! ! !


Do you have an idea for future training? Do you, or a coworker, need to learn about a specific subject? Click here and submit your ideas, we can’t wait to hear from you.



To find out more about the Southwest Florida Library Network, please visit our home website,, which is also listed in the panel to the left. For interest in registering for any workshop or webinar, visit our Continuing Education Calendar, contact the SWFLN Office at (239) 313-6338.

SWFLN August 2014 CE News.pdf

Page 1 of 2. august 2014. F e a t u r e d w o r k s h o p s. Who am I? And Who Are They? August 20, 2014 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Presented by: Linda Bruno. SWFLN Office: 13120 Westlinks Terrace, Unit 3/ Fort Myers, FL 33913. If you've been working with people for more than a few days (!), there's one thing you know for sure – ...

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