Honors Physics Mr. Arthur—Room 118 [email protected] School: 255-7555 Ext. 5118 Mobile: 616-498-8455 Course Description

It’s always a great day for physics!

This is an introductory course to the basic principles of physics. Class and laboratory work will be used to develop a greater understanding of measurement, numerical analysis, and fundamental problem solving skills.

MATERIALS ** 3-Ring Binder with paper and separating tabs **Writing utensils—pencils, pens, colored pencil/pen, and a highlighter

Grading Scale A



**Calculator (TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84, or TI-84+)




















Extra Help




We are in this together!—by talking together we handle anything that comes along. If you have any questions or concerns please talk with me. I am available before school and during 4th hour lunch for any additional help.













**Your Textbook


ABSENCES When you are absent from class, be sure to get your assignments from Mr. A, the online homework calendar or your partner. Remember, forgetting to pick up the work does not result in an extension!.

Marking Period Grade Homework, Labs, and Classwork, 25%

Tests, Quizzes & Projects, 75%

Semester Grade

HONOR CODE: If you are ever unsure about whether a course of action is allowed by our classroom Honor Code you will not do badly to apply the following principle: Any action (or inaction) which calls into question the integrity of scholarship or grades is unacceptable.

SCHOOL BUSINESS / PLANNED ABSENCES Talk with Mr. A to make all arrangements for missed work before you are absent. The default rule (i.e. the rule that is applied if you do not have a prior arrangement with Mr. A or Mr. H) is you will be expected to meet all deadlines as if you were attending class that day.

1st Marking Period

2nd Marking Period



Exam 10%

HOMEWORK Homework is assigned frequently. To receive full credit , work must be completed on time. Unless you have made prior arrangements-late work will not be accepted.

Miscellaneous Information—Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about class. My email address is [email protected]. We will also be using my staff webpage, the school in-out box at www.egrps.org/netstorage, and a class Google Calendar for assignments.

Looking forward to a great year!!!!

Syllabus 2013.pub

work will be used to develop a greater under- standing of measurement ... using my staff webpage, the school in-out box at www.egrps.org/netstorage, and a.

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