
(19) United States (12) Reissued Patent

(10) Patent Number:

Boothby (54)

(45) Date of Reissued Patent:


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Terry et al., “Managing Update Con?icts in Bayou, a Weakly Con nected Replicated Storage System,” Procs. Of the Fifteenth ACM

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Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pp. 172-182, Dec. 1995. ACM Press. _

(Commued) Primary Examiner * M. N. Von Buhr (74) AZZOI’I’IEy, Agent, 01’ Firm i AlSIOIl & Bird LLP



US. Cl. ..................................................... .. 707/635


Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 395/527,





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A technique for synchronizing databases in Which different

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techniques are used for storing a recurring event. A database in Which the recurring event is, for example, stored as a single


recurring record can be synchronized With a database in Which the same recurring event is stored as a series of indi vidual records. The individual records are processed to form

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US. Patent


Aug. 7, 2012

Sheet 4 or 41

US RE43,571 E

US. Patent

Aug. 7, 2012

Sheet 11 0f 41

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Pseudo Code for Generic A_Sanitizadon of B_DB Records in Workspace

A_Trzmsla£or: 350. 351.

REPEAT FOR EVERY Field in an A__Record

352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359.

360. 361.

REQUEST Field from Synchronizer IF Last_Fie1d, THEN EXIT LOOP SANI'I‘IZE Field, according to A__Sanidzazion rules END LOO? IF Last_Fie1d. THEN EXIT LOOP SANITIZE Record according to A__Sanitization rule FOR EVERY Field in an A__Record SEND Field value to Sanitizer




In Response to Request for Field by A_Sanitizer



377. 378.

READ B_Record MAP Record according to B_A Map


REPEAT UNTIL A__Translator Request a ?eld from a new Record

380. 381. 382. 383.

SEND REQUESTED B_fie1d to A_Transiator WAIT FOR RETURN of B_Fie1d from A_Trans1ator STORE ?eld Value in Mapping__Cache END LOO?


MAP record in Cache according to A~B Map

385. 386.



SEND Last_Fie1d flag in response to REQUEST

FIG. 9

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US RE43,571 E

Synchronization of recurring records in incompatible databases

Aug 24, 2001 - (10) Patent Number: US RE43,571 E ... 11/1991 Kelly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 395/800. 5,124,912 A ..... Newsweek Business Information Inc. (1995). Staten ... “All I need is a miracle; computer-aided educational packages; Small ... l-Megabyte HP 95LX and l-Megabyte memory cards,” Business.

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