Table 1: List of SLAM / VO algorithms Name




[1] (2016), [2] (2011)


[3] (2016)



[4] (2015), [5] (2013)



[6] (2011)


[7] (2011), [8] (2010)



[9] (2014)



[10] (2017)



[11] (2015), [12] (2013), [13] (2010)



[14] (2013)


[15] (2016), [16] (2015)


[17] (2004), [18] (2003)˜ parr/dpslam


[19] (2015)


[20] (2016)


[21] (2014)


[22] (2011)


[23] (2013) slam


[24] (2011), [25] (2011), [26] (2008)



[27] (2015), [28] (2014), [29] (2012) [30] (2008), [31] (2006), [32] (2006) [33] (2004), [34] (2002)



[35] (2015)


[36] (2012), [37] (2010), [38] (2010) [39] (2009), [40] (2008)


[41] (2014) [42] (2013), [29] (2012), [43] (2004), [44] (2003), [45] (2002)


[46] (2008)



[47] (2011)



[48] (2017), [49] (2017)

Graph SLAM

[50] (2010), [51] (2006), [52] (2006)


Hector SLAM

[53] (2011) slam


[54] (2012), [55] (2011), [56] (2011)


[57] (2013), [58] (2013), [59] (2012)


[60] (2014), [61] (2013) slam


[62] (2014), [63] (2007)




[64] (2016), [65] (2013), [66] (2006), [67] (2006), [68] (2003) [69] (2017)


[70] (2015), [71] (2014), [72] (2013) ros


[73] (2017), [74] (2016), [75] (2015) SLAM2



Pop-up SLAM

[76] (2016) up image


[77] (2007)



[78] (2013), [79] (2009), [80] (2008), [81] (2006), [82] (2005), [83] (2004) [84] (2013)


[85] (2016)


[86] (2014) open remode


[87] (2016)


[88] (2012) [89] (2012) v2


[90] (2016)


[91] (2014)


[92] (2011)



[93] (2011)


[94] (2014), [95] (2007)



[96] (2017), [97] (2013), [98] (2012) [99] (2017)


[100] (2013)



[101] (2015) ros


[102] (2017), [103] (2014) svo


[104] (2015), [105] (2014), [106] (2009)



[107] (2005)



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