Taking Action On Images of Computer Science: Perceptions Among Students, Parents and Educators in the U.S.
Provide ready-to-use resources that are inclusive and accessible for students from all backgrounds
- Engage all students through free CS clubs: cs-first.com - Explore curriculum: apcsprinciples.org, bjc.berkeley.edu, exploringcs.org, code.org/educate - Learn CS without technology: csunplugged.org - Find more resources and programs: g.co/csedulearning - Explore more pathways and opportunities: techprep.fb.com
Build confidence through - Engage students in diverse CS activities: cs-first.com relevant CS exposure and - Inspire girls to see themselves in CS: madewithcode.com - Foster a growth mindset to build confidence: mindsetonline.com support - Raise awareness among young Latinas: technolochicas.org - Find pathways for Blacks and Latino/as: code2040.org
Broaden CS portrayals beyond stereotypes and foster CS identities for diverse learners
- Share diverse role models and applications of CS: madewithcode.com - Read tips to engage diverse students: ncwit.org/top10engagestudents - Find ways to recruit girls to try CS: code.org/girls - Understand bias in the media: seejane.org, lookdifferent.org - Help raise awareness of unconscious biases: implicit.harvard.edu
Create learning opportunities for students and educators that emphasize key CS skills
- Find computational thinking learning materials: g.co/exploringCT - Take a computational thinking course: g.co/computationalthinking - Explore resources and programs: g.co/csedulearning
Images of Computer Science: Perceptions Among Students, Parents and Educators in the U.S.. Taking Action On. Create learning opportunities for students and educators that emphasize key CS skills. #4. - Find computational thinking learning materials: g.co/exploringCT. - Take a computational thinking course: g.co/ ...
Advocate for CS in schools: code.org/help, csta.acm.org/Advocacy_Outreach/sub/Advocacy_Toolkit_Final_.pdf. > Work with your PTA and other parent groups: pta.org. > Educate on the value and future of CS: acm.org/public-policy/Case_For_Computing_final.
csta.acm.org/Advocacy_Outreach/sub/Advocacy_Toolkit_Final_.pdf ... Access free learning materials, no experience needed: cs-first.com, pencilcode. ... Share role models in CS and get started with simple CS exercises: madewithcode.com.
Nov 27, 2008 - small studio doing contract design work in Melbourne. ... company when the global financial crisis arrived in Australia and he found himself without a job. .... In the Australian system, a significant proportion of university funding .
Page 3 of 14. Taking on the World.pdf. Taking on the World.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu. Displaying Taking on the World.pdf. Page 1 of 14.
systems. In the light of these conclusions, a series of meetings in Africa, including the Foresight. Africa workshop in Entebbe, the AU meeting of Directors for Livestock Development in. Kigali 2004, the Congress ... OIE meeting of SADC Chief Veterin
This white paper is an attempt to clarify how our proposal would actually work, particularly in the context of mesh networks. Positive and Negative Beacons.
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Page 1 of 15 ..... end users to solve complex science, engineering, and business problems ... Figure 1: A Two-Tier Grid with Combined Director & Broker ..... 49% for a 1-year term and 66% for a 3-year term vs. running On-Demand Instances. .... Monte
And when mapping the course for our lives, He has the decisive say. .... How would that perspective change your work ethic, attitude, and vocational goals?