Task Scheduling and Moral Hazard∗ Tymofiy Mylovanov† and Patrick W. Schmitz‡ December 20, 2006

Abstract We study a two-period moral hazard problem with risk-neutral and wealth-constrained agents and three identical tasks. We show that the allocation of tasks over time is important if there is a capacity constraint on the number of tasks that can be performed in one period. We characterize the optimal schedule of tasks over time and the optimal assignment of tasks to agents conditional on the outcomes of previous tasks. In particular, we show that delaying tasks is optimal if and only if the effect of an agent’s effort on the probability of success is relatively low. JEL classification: D86, L23, M54 Keywords: Job design; task assignment; limited liability; hidden actions.

We have benefitted from helpful discussions with Andreas Roider, Larry Samuelson, and Urs Schweizer.

Financial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB/TR15, is gratefully acknowledged. †

University of Bonn, Wirtschaftspolitische Abteilung, Adenauerallee 24—42, 53113 Bonn, Germany, and

Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected]. ‡

University of Cologne, Department of Economics, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Köln, Germany, and

CEPR, London, UK. E-mail: [email protected].




Almost every business project can be viewed as a multitask activity which is extended over time and which is subject to some technological or human capacity constraints. This paper studies the optimal allocation of tasks over time and the assignment of tasks to agents in a two-period moral hazard problem with risk-neutral and wealth-constrained agents. In our model, there are three identical tasks and there is a capacity constraint according to which one agent can perform at most two tasks in one period. We demonstrate that the allocation of tasks over time matters, even though this would not be the case in the absence of moral hazard. In particular, we characterize conditions under which delaying tasks is optimal due to incentive considerations. Our model can be used to address several questions about the optimal organization of projects. For example, consider an entrepreneur who is in the business of painting houses. She employs workers on a case by case basis to fulfill orders she receives. It takes one worker half a day to paint an average-sized building. The quality of the outcome, which will be judged by the client, depends on the amount of the worker’s effort invested into preparing surfaces, mixing of ingredients, and painting. Furthermore, there is always some uncertainty about whether the client will be satisfied with the job. Now imagine that there is an order for three buildings that have to be painted within two days, and the client inspects the work done at the end of a day. What is the optimal course of action for the entrepreneur? Scheduling. Should she schedule all three buildings to be painted in one day by employing several agents? Or is it better to employ one agent at a time and spread the work over two days? If the latter is the case, is it better to paint two houses on the first day and one house on the second day or vice versa? Assignment of tasks. Should the worker continue to paint the remaining buildings if the client is unhappy with his work or should he be replaced with another worker? Wages. How should the worker’s remuneration depend on the satisfaction of the client? The optimal contract in our model is determined by three factors. The first factor is well-known from the multitask agency literature.1 The principal would like to assign as many projects as possible to one agent, because this reduces the rents that have to be paid in order to induce high effort. The second factor is that rents can also be saved if the agent is retained whenever the first period was a success and rewarded only if both periods were successful. In the second period the effort costs endured previously are sunk and therefore the same rent 1

See e.g. Che and Yoo (2001), Laux (2001), and Laffont and Martimort (2002, ch. 5). Related observations

have also been made by Baron and Besanko (1992), Dana (1993), Hirao (1994), Gilbert and Riordan (1995), and Jackson and Sonnenschein (2007).


can be used twice to motivate the agent in both periods.2 The novel and decisive third factor is that the probability that the agent is replaced and hence additional rents have to be paid to a new agent in the second period depends on the number of tasks scheduled in the first period. The interaction of these three factors results in a trade-off between paying lower expected rents to an agent employed in the first period and a higher probability of paying additional rents to a new agent in the second period. This trade-off is non-trivial because the total rent in the first period, i.e. the agent’s wage minus his effort costs, which is required for two tasks is smaller than the rent which is required for one task. In other words, allocating one more first-period task to an agent does not require paying any additional rent for this task and in fact reduces the rent paid for the first task. Therefore, if two tasks are assigned to an agent in the first period, the expected rents of this agent can be made relatively low. At the same time, however, the probability that the agent does not succeed on all tasks is relatively high. If in this case the agent is replaced, additonal rents must be paid to a new agent. If the original agent is retained, his first-period incentives are dulled, so he must be motivated by a larger rent. Proposition 3 describes the optimal schedule of tasks that follows from this trade-off; it builds on Propositions 1 and 2 that characterize the optimal assignments of tasks for given schedules. There are several difficulties in the analysis that are absent in standard models, which assume a given number of tasks per period. First, the sets of the binding incentive compatibility and limited liability constraints differ depending on how many tasks are assigned to an agent and how they are distributed over time. Second, it is tedious to identify the optimal replacement of agents conditional on the first-period outcomes. We demonstrate that the analysis can be performed in terms of the agents’ first-period and second-period information rents, which significantly simplifies the exposition and the proofs. Our main contribution is to show how incentive considerations caused by moral hazard can determine the distribution of tasks over time. The optimal assignment of tasks in principalagent problems with moral hazard is by now well-understood and has been studied by several authors such as Holmström and Milgrom (1991), Itoh (1992, 1994), and Hemmer (1995).3 Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that simultaneously considers 2

This observation is related to the idea of deferred compensation (see Lazear, 1981) and the efficiency wage

literature (see Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984). See also the recent contributions of Schmitz (2005) and Tamada and Tsai (2007). 3

Task assignment has also been studied in models with adverse selection, see e.g. Dana (1993), Gilbert and

Riordan (1995), and Severinov (2005)


assignment and scheduling of tasks over time. Most of the existing literature on the assignment of tasks under moral hazard considers risk-averse agents and restricts attention to a subset of feasible contracts. In contrast, following some of the more recent contributions such as Che and Yoo (2001) and Laux (2001), we study a model with risk-neutral and wealth-constrained agents.4 An advantage of this model is that it is more tractable and can be solved without imposing restrictions on the set of feasible contracts. Finally, O’Donoghue and Rabin (1999) study the optimal allocation of tasks over time by an individual whose intertemporal preferences are described by a hyperbolic-discounting function. They demonstrate that an individual might delay performing a task because of her time-inconsistency. In contrast, in our model the principal might prefer to postpone performing two tasks until the second period in order to reduce her agency costs. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, the model is introduced. In section 3, the incentive compatibility constraints are characterized. In section 4, important properties of optimal contracts are derived. Our main results are presented in section 5. Concluding remarks follow in section 6. Some technical details have been relegated to the appendix.


The model

Consider a principal who wants to have three tasks accomplished within two periods of time. The principal cannot accomplish the tasks by herself. There is a set of (three or more) identical agents A, each of whom could work on up to two tasks in a given period.5 At most one agent can work on any given task, and each task can be performed only once. All parties are risk-neutral. The agents have no wealth and their reservation utilities are given by zero. At the beginning of the first period, the principal can offer non-renegotiable contracts to the agents. We impose no ad hoc restrictions on the class of feasible contracts; i.e., there is complete contracting in the sense of Tirole (1999). An agent performing task τ ∈ {1, 2, 3} can exert either low or high effort, eτ ∈ {0, 1},

which is unobservable. An agent’s disutility from exerting effort eτ on task τ is given by eτ c,

where c > 0. The verifiable outcome of task τ is either good (xτ = 1) or bad (xτ = 0). The 4

This version of the moral hazard problem has also been used by, e.g., Crémer (1995), Baliga and Sjöström

(1998), and Tirole (1999, 2001). See also the important early work of Innes (1990) and see Laffont and Martimort (2002, ch. 4) for an excellent textbook exposition. 5

It will turn out that in the optimal contract, the principal will not make use of more than two agents. We

will discuss the case in which there is only one agent available in Remark 1.


probability of a good outcome is p1 if the agent exerts high effort (eτ = 1) and p0 otherwise, where 0 < p0 < p1 ≤ 1. Let X = {0, 1}3 denote the set of possible outcomes of all three tasks

and let x denote its generic element.

Next, let TI denote the set of tasks performed in the first period and let TIa denote its subset assigned to agent a ∈ A.6 Each TI induces a set of outcomes XI = {0, 1}|TI | that can be observed at the end of the first period. For example, if two tasks are performed in the first period, then XI = {0, 1}2 . Let xI be a generic element of this set.

Similarly, let TII be the set of tasks performed in the second period and let xII ∈ XII =

{0, 1}|TII | denote the second-period outcome. The assignment of tasks to agents in the second

a (x ) denote the set of period can depend on the outcome of the first period. Hence, let TII I

tasks assigned to agent a conditional on the first-period outcome xI . At the end of the second period, the contractually specified payments are made. The wage payment to agent a is given by wa (x) ≥ 0. A contract (or a mechanism) consists of a a (·), w a (·)], for all agents a to whom collection of assignments and wage functions, m = [TIa , TII

tasks are assigned. Our goal is to characterize how the principal can induce high effort on all three tasks at minimal wage costs. It will turn out that the principal does not schedule more than two tasks in one period. Then, without loss of generality, let task τ = 1 be allocated to the first period and task τ = 2 to the second period. Besides finding the optimal wage schemes, the principal thus has to make the following organizational decisions. • Scheduling. Should task τ = 3 be scheduled to the first period or to the second period (see Figure 1)?

• Task assignment. Who should be in charge of the tasks? For example, should one agent be responsible for all tasks, or should different agents work on different tasks? Should

the assignment of tasks to agents in the second period depend on the outcome of the first period?


We restrict attention to deterministic assignments. This is without loss of generality, because the set of

optimal stochastic assignments always contains a deterministic one.


task τ =3 task τ =1

task τ =2

period I

period II

Figure 1a. One task in the first period (schedule “1-2”).

task τ =3 task τ =1

task τ =2

period I

period II

Figure 1b. Two tasks in the first period (schedule “2-1”). Note that the technology has been deliberately kept as simple as possible, so that in a firstbest world (i.e., in the absence of moral hazard), the principal would be completely indifferent with regard to these organizational decisions. The principal would have to pay 3c in order to implement high effort, regardless of the scheduling and regardless of the assignment of agents to tasks. Hence, if we find a strict preference of the principal for a particular scheduling and a particular task assignment, then this result must be due to incentive considerations only.


Incentive compatibility

Let eI denote the effort levels associated with the tasks that are scheduled in the first period. Hence, eI = e1 if TI = {1}, eI = (e1 , e3 ) if TI = {1, 3}, and eI = (e1 , e2 , e3 ) if TI = {1, 2, 3}. Similarly, let eII be the second-period effort levels.

Agent a’s second-period expected payoff given the first-period outcome xI and the secondperiod effort eII is a (xI , eII ) = UII



Pr{xII |eII }wa (x) −


eτ c.

a (x ) τ ∈TII I

The ex ante expected payoff of agent a is given by X X a UIa (eI , eII ) = Pr{xI |eI }UII (xI , eII ) − eτ c. τ ∈TIa

xI ∈XI


Notice that the first-period effort costs are sunk in the second period. Therefore, these costs are included in the ex ante payoff but not in the second-period payoff. We are looking for a contract that always implements high effort, e∗1 = e∗2 = e∗3 = 1, a at minimal costs for the principal. Let eII = (eaII , e−a II ), where eII denotes the effort levels

associated with the second-period tasks that are assigned to agent a. Furthermore, let e∗II , −a∗ ea∗ II , and eII denote high effort levels. Define similarly the effort levels associated with the −a∗ ∗ a∗ . first-period tasks, eI = (eaI , e−a I ), eI , eI , and eI

In an equilibrium in which all agents exert high effort, an agent a who is in charge of a (x )| 6= 0) finds it optimal to exert high effort if second-period tasks (i.e., |TII I −a∗ −a∗ a a a a a (xI ) := UII (xI , ea∗ VII II , eII ) ≥ UII (xI , eII , eII ) for all eII .


Similarly, an agent a who is in charge of first-period tasks (i.e., |TIa | 6= 0) finds it optimal to

exert high effort if

−a∗ ∗ VIa := UIa (ea∗ , eII ) ≥ UIa (eaI , e−a∗ , e∗II ) for all eaI . I , eI I


We call a contract incentive compatible if conditions (1) and (2) are satisfied. The expected payment from the principal to all agents in equilibrium is equal to XX

a∈A x∈X

Pr{x|e∗I , e∗II }wa (x) =


VIa + 3c.


A contract is optimal if it minimizes the principal’s agency costs given by the sum of the P a agents’ ex ante expected rents, VI , among all incentive compatible contracts. A contract a∈A

is optimal for a given schedule of tasks over periods (and a given assignment of tasks to agents)

if it minimizes the principal’s agency costs among all incentive compatible contracts with this schedule (and this assignment).


Properties of optimal contracts

Our first result says that it is optimal for the principal not to pay anything to an agent who produces a bad outcome in a second-period task that is assigned to him. Lemma 1 Let m be an optimal contract for any schedule and assignment of tasks. Then there exists an optimal contract m0 for this schedule and this assignment such that for all a ∈ A and xI ∈ XI the wage in this contract satisfies wa (x) = 0

a if ∃τ ∈ TII (xI ) : xτ = 0.



Proof. See the appendix. The principal would like to punish an agent who produces a bad outcome. Yet, wage payments must not be negative, so paying nothing is the strongest possible punishment. Note that in general Lemma 1 only holds for bad outcomes of second-period tasks. An agent who is not dismissed after a bad first-period outcome must still have the possibility to earn a strictly positive wage, because otherwise he would not exert second-period effort. Our next result describes the minimal expected rents that the principal must promise an agent in order to induce him to exert high effort in the second period. Lemma 2 A contract that satisfies (3) is incentive compatible in the second period if and only if for all a ∈ A and xI ∈ XI , p0 c p1 − p0 2p2 c a VII (xI ) ≥ 2 0 2 p1 − p0

a (xI ) ≥ VII

a if |TII (xI )| = 1,


a if |TII (xI )| = 2.


Furthermore, if (4) or (5) holds with equality for some a ∈ A and xI ∈ XI and the contract

is incentive compatible, then (3) holds. Proof. See the appendix.

If agent a is in charge of one second-period task, he exerts high effort if a good outcome is rewarded with a bonus, such that (p1 − p0 )bonus ≥ c. In equilibrium he gets the bonus with

probability p1 and incurs the second-period disutility c, so that his second-period rent must not be smaller than p1 [c/(p1 − p0 )] − c, hence (4) must hold. Analogously, if agent a is in charge of two second-period tasks, then (see Lemma 1) he gets a bonus only if both outcomes

are good (which in equilibrium happens with probability p21 ), so that (5) must hold in order to make shirking on both tasks unattractive.7 It should be emphasized that the right-hand side of (5) is smaller than the right-hand side of (4), because the bonus (even though it is larger) has to be paid less often when an agent is responsible for two tasks. Note that in general the principal might have to leave larger rents to an agent than the minimal ones characterized in Lemma 2, because she also wants to implement high effort in the first period. However, the next result shows that it is optimal for the principal to pay nothing to agent a and replace him by another agent if the outcomes of all first-period tasks for which agent a was in charge were bad. Moreover, if agent a was in charge of two first-period tasks and one of the outcomes was bad, then the principal should pay him nothing when he 7

Condition (5) also ensures that the agent will not shirk on only one task (see the appendix).


is replaced by another agent, while she should leave him exactly the minimal second-period rent characterized in (4) when the agent is not replaced. Lemma 3 Let m be an optimal contract for any schedule and assignment of tasks. Then there exists an optimal contract m0 for this schedule and this assignment that for all a ∈ A

and xI ∈ XI satisfies (3),

a (xI )| = 0 if ∀τ ∈ TIa : xτ = 0, |TII


and a (xI ) = 0 VII a (xI ) = VII

p0 c p1 − p0

a if ∃τ ∈ TIa : xτ = 0 and |TII (xI )| = 0, a if ∃τ ∈ TIa : xτ = 0 and |TII (xI )| = 1.


Proof. See the appendix. In order to punish the agent for bad first-period outcomes, the principal does not want to promise him any second-period rents, which would be necessary to provide second-period incentives if the agent was not replaced. Yet, if agent a is assigned to two tasks in the first period and only one of the outcomes is good, then the principal might want to retain the agent, because this prospect helps to motivate the agent in the first period. In this case, however, the principal will only promise the agent the rent that is necessary to induce high second-period effort. Finally, we observe that if tasks are performed in both periods, it is optimal for the principal to employ at most one agent in one period. Lemma 4 For any schedule and assignment of tasks such that there are at most two tasks performed in one period, let m be an optimal contract that satisfies (3), (6), and (7). Then the principal employs exactly one agent in one period. Proof. See the appendix. Intuitively, if two different agents are in charge of two tasks in a given period, then the principal must reward each agent if he produces a good outcome. If only one agent is successful, the principal cannot reduce the other agent’s reward. In contrast, if one agent is in charge of both tasks, the principal can also reduce his reward for the successful task in the case that only one outcome was good. Hence, the principal can save agency costs if she does not employ two different agents simultaneously.



The main results

One task in the first period. Consider a contract that schedules two tasks in the second period, so that xI = x1 . If agent a who is in charge in the first period is always replaced by another agent b in the second period, then (by Lemma 2) second-period incentive compatibility b (x ) ≥ 2p2 c/(p2 − p2 ). Incentive compatibility for agent a in the first requires that VIb = VII I 0 1 0

period analogously requires VIa ≥ p0 c/(p1 − p0 ). Hence, the minimal agency costs for this task assignment are


VIa =


2p20 c p0 c + . 2 2 p1 − p0 p1 − p0


Next, consider the case in which agent a is replaced by another agent b if and only if the a (0) = 0 by Lemma 3. Agent a’s first-period first-period outcome was bad. In this case, VII

incentive compatibility constraint thus reads a VII (1) ≥

c , p1 − p0

which already implies (5), i.e. second-period incentive compatibility for agent a. Clearly, b (1) = 0, because agent b is not employed at all if the first-period outcome is good. SecondVII b (0) ≥ 2p2 c/(p2 −p2 ) by Lemma 2. Hence, period incentive compatibility for agent b requires VII 0 1 0

the minimal agency costs are X


a b VIa = p1 VII (1) + (1 − p1 )VII (0) − c


p0 c 2p2 c + (1 − p1 ) 2 0 2 . p1 − p0 p1 − p0


We have thus obtained the following result. Proposition 1 If two tasks are scheduled in the second period, then in any optimal contract (i) one agent is employed in each period and (ii) the agent who performs the first-period task is replaced by another agent in the second period if and only if the first-period outcome is bad. In comparison to (8), i.e. the case in which the agent is always replaced, the principal saves some agency costs if she replaces the agent only after a bad first-period outcome, because she pays the first-period agent a rent only if he also produces good outcomes in the second period. Hence, an additional rent for the two tasks in the second period has to be paid (to another agent b) with probability 1 − p1 only. 10

Two tasks in the first period. We now consider contracts that schedule only one task in the second period, so that xI = (x1 , x3 ). It is straightforward to see that the principal’s agency costs are still given by (8) if the agent is always replaced in the second period. Assume now that agent a who is in charge in the first period is retained if both first-period outcomes are good. Furthermore, he is retained with probability q1 ∈ {0, 1} if xI = (1, 0)

b (1, 1) = 0. The second-period incentive and probability q2 ∈ {0, 1} if xI = (0, 1).8 Clearly, VII

compatibility constraints for agent b (who is not employed in the first period) will again be b (0, 0) = p c/(p − p ), V b (1, 0) = (1 − q )p c/(p − p ), binding in the optimal contract, VII 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 II

b (0, 1) = (1 − q )p c/(p − p ). Moreover, from Lemma 3 it follows that V a (0, 0) = 0 VII 2 0 1 0 II

a (1, 0) = q p c/(p − p ), V a (0, 1) = q p c/(p − p ). Agent a’s first-period incentive and VII 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 II

compatibility constraint with respect to low effort on both tasks reads

a a a (1, 1) + (1 − p1 )p1 [VII (1, 0) + VII (0, 1)] − 2c p21 VII a a a (1, 1) + (1 − p0 )p0 [VII (1, 0) + VII (0, 1)]. ≥ p20 VII

The constraint can be rewritten as a VII (1, 1) ≥


2c p0 c(q1 + q2 ) + (p1 + p0 − 1) , 2 − p0 p21 − p20


and already implies first-period incentive compatibility with respect to low effort on only one task (if q1 = q2 , which will turn out to be optimal) as well as second-period incentive compatibility (5) for the outcome xI = (1, 1) (see the appendix). The principal’s agency costs are thus given by X


a VIa = p21 VII (1, 1) + (1 − p21 )


p0 c − 2c p1 − p0

2p20 c p21 p0 c(q1 + q2 ) p0 c + (p1 + p0 − 1) + (1 − p21 ) , 2 2 2 2 p1 − p0 p1 − p0 p1 − p0

which is minimized by q1 = q2 =


1 if p1 + p0 < 1, 0 if p1 + p0 > 1.

The principal has to decide if she keeps agent a only when both first-period outcomes were good (q1 = q2 = 0) or when at least one first-period outcome was good (q1 = q2 = 1). In the latter case, agent a also gets a rent if only one first-period outcome was good. This happens with probability 2(1 − p1 )p1 if he works hard on both tasks, and with probability 2(1 − p0 )p0 8

It is straightforward to show that the remaining alternative (to replace the agent if both first-period

outcomes were good and to retain him if only one first-period outcome was good) cannot be optimal.


if he shirks on both tasks. Hence, setting q1 = q2 = 1 provides an additional incentive for the agent to work hard in the first period if (1 − p1 )p1 > (1 − p0 )p0 , i.e. if the success probabilities

are sufficiently small, p1 + p0 < 1.

The minimal agency costs in the case under consideration are thus given by  2c 2p2 p c 0c 0  2p X + p21−p02 (p1 + p0 − 1) + (1 − p21 ) p1p−p if p1 + p0 < 1, p21 −p20 0 a 1 0 VI = 2c 2p  2 0 2 + (1 − p2 ) p0 c if p1 + p0 ≥ 1. 1 p1 −p0 a∈A p −p 1



Therefore, the following result holds.9

Proposition 2 If two tasks are scheduled in the first period, then in any optimal contract (i) one agent is employed in each period and (ii) the agent who performs the first-period tasks is replaced by another agent in the second period if and only if (a) at least one first-period outcome is bad in the case p1 + p0 > 1, (b) both first-period outcomes are bad in the case p1 + p0 < 1. Proof. See the appendix. Three tasks in one period. Consider a contract that schedules three tasks in one period. Because of the constraint on the number of tasks performed by one agent, this contract must employ at least two agents. Using Lemma 2, it is straightforward to verify that the optimal contract in this case assigns two tasks to one agent and one task to another agent and that the agency costs in this contract are again given by (8). Then, it follows from Propositions 1 and 2 that this contract is dominated by the optimal contracts that schedule less than three tasks in one period. The optimal contract. In Propositions 1 and 2 we have characterized the optimal assignments of tasks to agents in the two relevant scheduling alternatives. It remains to show which of the two alternatives the principal prefers. Let ½ ¾ 2 − p1 p1 P (p1 ) := p1 max , . 2 + p1 2 − p1 A straightforward comparison of the principal’s agency costs in the two cases yields the following result. 9

If p1 + p0 = 1, there are multiple optimal contracts. For instance, for any q ∈ [0, 1] there is an optimal

contract with q1 = q2 = q.


Proposition 3 In any optimal contract, the principal schedules (i) two tasks in the first period if p0 < P (p1 ), and (ii) two tasks in the second period if p0 > P (p1 ). In other words, the principal prefers to schedule only one task in the first period if p0 is relatively close to p1 . In this case, large rents must be paid to implement high effort, so that the possibility to save some rents with a relatively high probability p1 (because the firstperiod agent will be retained after a first-period success) is advantageous [see (9)]. Otherwise, scheduling two tasks in the first period is preferred by the principal, because it allows her to save the (relatively larger) rent necessary to implement high effort in the one-task-period, even though with a smaller probability p21 only [see (11)].



0.8 0.6

1-2 0.4











Figure 2. Optimal scheduling. To summarize, as is illustrated in Figure 2, there are three regions. In region “1-2”, only one task is scheduled in the first period. The agent in charge of the first period is replaced in the second period whenever the first-period outcome was bad. In regions “2-1a” and “21b”, two tasks are scheduled in the first period. In region “2-1a”, the agent is replaced if at least one first-period outcome was bad. In region “2-1b”, the agent is replaced only if both first-period outcomes were bad. Note that the principal will optimally replace the agent who is in charge of the first period with positive probability. Therefore, one might ask what happens if the principal cannot make use of this possibility (because, say, there is only one qualified agent available or replacing the agent is impossible for legal reasons). 13

Remark 1 If there was only one agent, the principal would be indifferent between scheduling two tasks in the first or in the second period. Proof. See the appendix. If the principal had no possibility to replace the agent after a bad first-period outcome, her agency costs would always be given by (8), regardless of the schedule. Note that these are the same agency costs as in the case in which the principal always replaced the agent. Using the same agent in both periods does not allow the principal to save rents compared to a situation where the agent is always replaced, because even after a bad first period the agent must be motivated in the second period.


Concluding remarks

Throughout, we have deliberately considered a framework where in a first-best world the principal would be indifferent between having a task performed today or tomorrow, so that we could isolate incentive considerations from purely technological effects. It is straightforward to extend our analysis in order to analyze cases where for technological reasons, the principal would prefer a particular schedule even in a first-best world. In such a modified model, incentive effects could still overcompensate technological considerations, so that we could easily explain “procrastination” (a task is performed in period II, although period I would be optimal in a first-best world) and “preproperation” (a task is performed in period I, although period II would be optimal in a first-best world). Note that we do not have to assume time-inconsistent preferences to generate these effects.10


In contrast, in the literature on hyperbolic discounting (see e.g. O’Donoghue and Rabin, 1999), procras-

tination and preproperation are explained in single-person decision problems, assuming that preferences are time-inconsistent (with regard to present and future “selfs” of a person).


Appendix The proofs of our results will repeatedly make use of the following two technical Lemmas. Lemma 5 Let p1 v1 + (1 − p1 )v2 − c = V,


p0 v1 + (1 − p0 )v2 ≤ V,


v2 ≥ v ≥ 0.


If v1 = v10 and v2 = v20 satisfy (12)—(14), then v1 = v10 +

1 − p1 0 (v2 − v), p1

v2 = v, also satisfy (12)—(14). Proof. Straightforward.

Lemma 6 Let p21 v1 + (1 − p1 )p1 (v2 + v3 ) + (1 − p1 )2 v4 − 2c = V,


p20 v1 + (1 − p0 )p0 (v2 + v3 ) + (1 − p0 )2 v4 ≤ V,


p0 p1 v1 + (1 − p0 )p1 v2 + (1 − p1 )p0 v3 + (1 − p0 )(1 − p1 )v4 − c ≤ V,


p0 p1 v1 + (1 − p1 )p0 v2 + (1 − p0 )p1 v3 + (1 − p0 )(1 − p1 )v4 − c ≤ V,


v2 ≥ v 2 ≥ 0,

v3 ≥ v 3 ≥ 0,

v4 ≥ v 4 ≥ 0.


If v1 = v10 , v2 = v20 , v3 = v30 , and v4 = v40 satisfy (15)—(19), then v1 = v10 + v2 = v2 ,

1 − p1 0 (1 − p1 )2 0 (v2 − v 2 + v30 − v 3 ) + (v4 − v 4 ), p1 p21 v3 = v 3 , v4 = v4 ,

also satisfy (15)—(19). Proof. Straightforward. Proof of Lemma 1. Consider a contract m in which agent a is assigned to two tasks, τ = 2 and τ = 3, in the second period. First, assume that this contract schedules the 15

remaining task in the first period. Let v1 = w(x1 , 1, 1), v2 = w(x1 , 1, 0), v3 = w(x1 , 0, 1), and v4 = w(x1 , 0, 0). The second-period incentive compatibility constraints (1) are then given by (16) — (18). Set v2 = v3 = v 4 = 0. From Lemma 6, there exists an incentive compatible contract m0 that satisfies (3) and leads to the same expected payoffs as contract m. Now, consider the case in which contract m schedules all three tasks in the second period. Set v1 = p1 w(1, 1, 1) + (1 − p1 )w(0, 1, 1), v2 = p1 w(1, 1, 0) + (1 − p1 )w(0, 1, 0), v3 =

p1 w(1, 0, 1) + (1 − p1 )w(0, 0, 1), and v4 = p1 w(1, 0, 0) + (1 − p1 )w(0, 0, 0) and repeat the

argument above. The proof for the case in which agent a is in charge of one task in the second period is analogous and follows from Lemma 5. Proof of Lemma 2. Consider a contract in which agent a is assigned to two tasks, τ = 2 and τ = 3, in the second period. First, assume that this contract schedules the remaining task in the first period. Let v1 = w(x1 , 1, 1). By (3), w(x1 , 1, 0) = w(x1 , 0, 1) = w(x1 , 0, 0) = 0. The incentive compatibility constraint for high effort in the second period, (1), with respect to zero effort on both tasks takes the form a (xI ) = p21 v1 − 2c ≥ p20 v1 . VII


This implies that (5) is necessary for incentive compatibility. In order to show that (5) is sufficient for incentive compatibility, we observe that if the contract satisfies (3), (20) implies that shirking on two tasks is unprofitable. Furthermore, (20) also implies that shirking on one task only is unprofitable, p21 v1 − 2c ≥ p0 p1 v1 − c. Now, consider the case in which contract m schedules all three tasks in the second period. Set v1 = p1 w(1, 1, 1) + (1 − p1 )w(0, 1, 1) and repeat the argument above. The case in which

agent a is in charge of one task in the second period can be handled analogously. Finally, the proof of the last part of the lemma is straightforward and therefore is skipped.

Proof of Lemma 3. The statement of the lemma for a contract that schedules all tasks in one period is trivial. Now, let m be a contract that schedules at most two tasks in one period. Consider an assignment according to which agent a is assigned to two tasks in the first period, so that xI = (x1 , x3 ). By Lemma 1 there is an optimal contract that satisfies (3).

If in this contract agent a is also in charge of task τ = 2 in the second period, then

a (x ) ≥ p c/(p − p ). Now incentive compatibility implies by Lemma 2 that v(xI ) := VII 0 1 0 I

consider a modified contractual arrangement. If xI = 0, then pay nothing to agent a, employ

a new agent b in the second period, and pay him wb (0, 1, 0) = c/(p1 − p0 ) and wb (0, 0, 0) = 0. 16

Otherwise, the contract is unchanged. It is straightforward to see that the new contractual arrangement is (high-effort) incentive compatible and the sum of the expected payoffs of the agents is weakly lower. This establishes (6). a (x )| = 0 and v(x ) = p c/(p − p ) if |T a (x )| = 1. Set Now define v(xI ) = 0 if |TII 0 1 0 I I II I

v1 = v(1, 1), v2 = v(1, 0), v3 = v(0, 1), v4 = v(0, 0) = 0, v2 = v(1, 0), v 3 = v(0, 1), and v 4 = 0.

The first-period incentive compatibility constraints (2) then are given by (16) — (18). From Lemma 6 and Lemma 2, there exists an incentive compatible contract that satisfies (3) and (7) and achieves the same expected payoffs. The case in which only one first-period task is assigned to agent a is straightforward. Proof of Lemma 4. Suppose that m is an optimal contract that satisfies (3), (6), and (7), schedules at most two tasks in one period, and with a positive probability employs two agents simultaneously. First, assume that m schedules two tasks in the second period and let a be the agent employed in the first period. By (6), agent a is replaced if x1 = 0. The a (1) ≥ c/(p − p ) and hence first-period incentive compatibility constraint implies that VII 1 0

VIa ≥ p0 c/(p1 − p0 ). Let q1 , q2 , and q3 denote the probabilities that agent a and another agent are employed after x1 = 1, two new agents are employed after x1 = 1, and two (new)

agents are employed after x1 = 0. From Lemma 2, the total rents in this contract are weakly larger than [1 + p1 (q1 + 2q2 ) + (1 − p1 )2q3 ]p0 c/(p1 − p0 ) + (1 − p1 )(1 − q3 )2p20 c/(p21 − p20 ). Now consider a modified contract m0 : Employ agent a in the first period. If x1 = 1, employ agent

a in the second period and pay him wa (1, 1, 1) = c/(p21 (p1 − p0 )) + 2c/p21 and wa (1, 1, 0) = wa (1, 0, 1) = wa (1, 0, 0) = 0. Otherwise, employ a new agent b in the second period and

pay him wb (0, 1, 1) = 2c/(p21 − p20 ) and wb (0, 1, 0) = wb (0, 0, 1) = wb (0, 0, 0) = 0. It is

straightforward to verify that the new contract is incentive compatible. The sum of the

expected payoffs of the agents in this contract is p0 c/(p1 − p0 ) + (1 − p1 )2p20 c/(p21 − p20 ), which

is strictly lower than in the original contract, because q1 + q2 + q3 > 0 by assumption.

Next, assume that m schedules two tasks in the first period and let the agents a and b be assigned to the first-period tasks 1 and 3, respectively. Using an argument similar to the one above, the rents in this contract are weakly larger than 2p0 c/(p1 − p0 ) + (1 − p21 )p0 c/(p1 − p0 ).

Now consider a contract m0 : Employ agent a in the first period. If xI = (1, 1), employ agent a a (1, 1) = 2c/(p2 − in the second period and pay him a wage that satisfies (3) and generates VII 1

p20 ). Otherwise, employ a new agent b in the second period and pay him wb (xI , 1) = c/(p1 −p0 ) and wb (xI , 0) = 0. It is straightforward to verify that this contract is incentive compatible.

Furthermore, it generates rents 2p20 c/(p21 − p20 ) + (1 − p21 )p0 c/(p1 − p0 ), which are strictly lower

than the rents in the original contract. Hence, contract m is not optimal. 17

Proof of Proposition 2. It remains to demonstrate that if q = q1 = q2 , then (10) implies second-period incentive compatibility after the outcome xI = (1, 1) and first-period incentive compatibility with respect to low effort on only one task. By Lemma 2, second-period incentive compatibility is satisfied if the right-hand side of (10) is weakly larger than 2p20 c/(p21 − p20 ), which is equivalent to

1 − p20 ≥ (1 − (p1 + p0 ))p0 q. If 1−(p1 +p0 ) < 0, this inequality is clearly satisfied. If 1−(p1 +p0 ) ≥ 0, the right-hand side

of the inequality is maximized by q = 1. In this case, the inequality becomes 1 ≥ (1 − p1 )p0 . Therefore, it is also satisfied for all q < 1.

The first-period incentive compatibility constraint with respect to low effort on one task only is a VII (1, 1) ≥

c (1 + p0 (2p1 − 1)q) . p1 (p1 − p0 )


The right hand side of (21) is weakly lower than the right hand side of (10) if and only if (p1 − p0 )(1 − p0 q) ≥ 0. Clearly, this inequality is satisfied for all q. Thus, we have demonstrated that (10) implies (21). Proof of Remark 1. Consider a contract in which two tasks are scheduled in the second a (x ) ≥ 2p2 c/(p2 − period and the same agent a is employed in both periods. By Lemma 2, VII I 0 1

a (1) ≥ c/(p − p20 ) for all xI . The first-period incentive compatibility constraint becomes VII 1 a (0). This implies that the sum of rents is minimized if V a (1) = c/(p − p ) + V a (0) p0 ) + VII 1 0 II II

a (0) = 2p2 c/(p2 −p2 ). It follows that in this contract V a = p c/(p −p )+2p2 c/(p2 −p2 ). and VII 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 I

A similar argument demonstrates that the optimal contract in which two tasks are scheduled in the first period yields the same rents.


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Task Scheduling and Moral Hazard∗

Dec 20, 2006 - Almost every business project can be viewed as a multitask activity which is extended over time and which is ... For example, consider an entrepreneur who is in the business of painting houses. She employs workers on a ..... Using Lemma 2, it is straightforward to verify that the optimal contract in this case ...

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