Teaching with Love : “As we show love for those we teach, they become more receptive to the Spirit” (TNGC, 31). As a Teacher: • Know each child’s name and use it. Know their interests and listen attentively to them. • Give sincere & specific compliments to encourage and help them feel your love. For Each Lesson: • Do a quick review from the previous week. Briefly summarize the lesson at the beginning and at end. Always end with your testimony. • Ask and give time to answer questions, when they don’t know, give a choice. • Use visuals to teach such as chalkboard drawings, word-strips, pictures and puppets. • Have children share what they’ve learned through songs, stories and art. • Use lots of activities and games. These include: ‘picture it’, ‘sing it’, ‘memorize it’, ‘reveal it’, ‘pantomime it’, ‘scramble it’, matching games, fill in the blank, look for answers and make a list. • Give responsibilities and assignments. • Use real-life scripture stories and stories from leaders to teach. • With the older children, provide activities that teach through interactions with peers and use scripture memorization, problem-solving activities, and discussions to help teach. • Pray for those that you teach and they will feel your love. “When our children feel love, they feel the Spirit. When they feel the Spirit, they are taught” Our Stake Primary Presidency https://www.lds.org/callings/primary/leader-resources/teaching-children?lang=eng

Teaching with Love.pdf

Pray for those that you teach and they will feel your love. “When our children feel love, they feel the Spirit. When they feel the Spirit, they. are taught” Our Stake Primary Presidency. https://www.lds.org/callings/primary/leader-resources/teaching-children?lang=eng. Page 1 of 1. Teaching with Love.pdf. Teaching with Love.pdf.

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