Tedrow Mennonite Church July 16, 2017 Responding to God’s love ~ Loving one another ~ Sharing God’s love

Welcome! We are excited you are here to worship! We gather to worship God, the Creator, Jesus Christ as Lord and expect the Holy Spirit to fill us with the capacity to receive and share God’s love. Greeters

Lynn, Tami, & Peyton Miller

Prelude Call to Worship

Liz Sauder

Congregational Hymns Commissioning of Christian Goering Children’s Time Giving of Tithes and Offerings Congregational Hymns

Pam Skates


Pastor Ryan

Jesus Is

Communion and Foot/Hand Washing

Tedrow Mennonite Church | www.tedrowmennonite.org Office Contacts: 419-337-2901 | [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pastors: Doug King – [email protected] Home – 419-388-7159 Ryan Nafziger – [email protected] Cell – 567-341-0025 Elders: Gene Goering and Jerry Rupp Office Administrator: Bulletin Announcements: [email protected] (by Thurs. 3 pm)

Mary Eash

Congregational Sharing and Prayer Discipleship Classes Blessing

Mary Eash

Upcoming Events: Today: Wednesday: Thursday/Friday: Friday: Serving: July 23 July 30 August 6 August 13

1:00 pm Paper Pantry 6:00 pm Paper Pantry 7:00 pm MYF @ Ryan & Melissa’s pond JYF Campout at Tim & Heather’s 8:30 am Women’s Bible Study @ Valda’s

Worship Leader Owen King Jordan Skates Ruth Kauffman

Report for July 9, 2017 Attendance: 71 (Worship)

Children’s Time

Greeters Phil King Family Bill & Jo Grieser Steven & Susan Rupp Ed & Mel Nafziger

55 (S.S.)

Tedrow Mennonite Church Announcements The Leadership Team has asked Dan Sauder to fill the vacant role of Elder, and if affirmed by the congregation, Dan has agreed to serve the remaining portion of Julie Crossgrove’s term. Dan was asked because he was the remaining nominee left on the ballot for the last election for Elder. A vote of affirmation will be taken in 2 weeks on Sunday, July 30th during the Worship Service. If there are any questions or concerns, please direct them to a member of the Leadership Team. Thank you. The Agape class will be hosting a service night at Bruce and Chris Holland’s on Monday, beginning at 6 pm. There are several projects to work on: trimming branches from trees, cleaning the barn, staining the back deck, and trimming and pulling some bushes. Please bring any necessary equipment and gloves. Pizza and pop will be provided around 7:30 pm. Please let Ron and Jody know if you’ll be there so they will have an accurate count for the food. Office Administrative Assistant Needed: We are looking for someone who would give a couple hours each week to attend to the necessary administrative tasks. If you are interested in serving the church in this way or want to learn more about what this role would entail, please talk to one of the members of the Leadership Team (Gene Goering, Jerry Rupp, Ryan Nafziger or Doug King). Save the date: August 12th & 13th ~Tedrow Community Days Saturday from 4-8 pm includes live music, burgers, hotdogs, chips, ice cream and games (whiffle ball, corn hole, kick ball, bubble soccer, and a dunk tank). Sunday morning worship at 10 am followed by a potluck lunch.

The Sunday school children are collecting money for the summer quarter to give to the CPC Women’s Health Ministry. If anyone would like to help fill the baby bottle up, please feel free to put coins, dollars, or checks in the bottle in the foyer before church each Sunday. Thank you for helping us save babies’ lives!!

Community & MCUSA/Ohio Conference Announcements The NW Ohio Adriel Auxiliary Annual ICE CREAM SOCIAL will be held on Thursday, July 20, from 5:00-7:00 PM at the Ruihley Park Pavilion in Archbold. Join us for sandwiches, potato salad, ice cream, cake, and more! All proceeds benefit children in need by helping to support the Foster Care & Family Preservation Services of Adriel. There will be a regional gathering at Archbold Evangelical Church on Thursday, July 27th, at 7:00pm for anyone interested in hearing an update on the Basque Initiative. Jason Coon will be sharing how God is at work, as well as leading a time of prayer, for the Basque people. We would love for you to attend! Please RSVP by emailing Sue at [email protected] or by calling the church office at 419-4455661. Shalom Ministries’ Annual Hog Roast Fest is Sunday, September 17, 2017, at Archbold Elementary School from 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Silent Auction Items are needed! Our silent auction has offered a variety of items in the past. Please help by donating a couple items. Items can be handmade projects, gift certificates, or baked goods (please drop off Saturday or Sunday; not before unless it doesn’t need to be refrigerated). Items can be dropped off at Shalom’s Archbold or Bryan office Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, or items may be brought the morning of the event. Searching for an exciting way to serve? Mennonite Central Committee is looking for a Canner Operator, at least 21 years or older, to travel with the Mobile Meat Canner. Canner Operators travel to 30 different locations in the United States and Canada, canning meat, which is then sent around the world to hungry people. Having a CDL or truck driving experience is preferable. Come serve in this exciting way! Meet new people, and take advantage of experiences you’ll never forget. For more information please contact John Hillegass at [email protected] or (717) 8591151 and visit canning.mcc.org.

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Happy Birthday Liz Sauder Chris Holland Doug King Happy Anniversary Ralph & Betty Aschliman ‘03

Discipleship Opportunities Sunday School: We invite you to participate in a Sunday School class to dive deeper into God’s Word within the context of community. • •

Children and Youth meet on the lower level Adult Classes meet in the Fellowship Hall

Care Groups: are designed to facilitate opportunities for fellowship and relationship building.

Prayer Ministry: Pray for each other…James 5:16 Health Concerns For all who suffer from illness, injury, or recovering from surgery especially: Stan Grieser, Chris Holland, Roger Rupp, Steven Rupp, Barb Stewart, Deana Beck, Delmar Gautsche, Trina Kauffman, Marlin Rupp, Sharon VonDeylen, Jenny Wilson, Jackie, and Thomas’ cousin, Aaron Youth & Mentor • Jess Youse & Cathy Rupp Mission Workers • Gary & Mary Ann Eastty (Wiconi International) • Nancy Frey and Bruce Yoder, serving with Mennonite Mission Network in Burkina Faso, request prayer for Ouagadougou Mennonite Church members as they discern if God is leading them to begin a new ministry with children in Sapouy, a village about 60 miles from the capital city where they live. • Jacob Myers as he leaves for Peru Other Prayer Ministries…Pray for • Our church family • Valda Short’s family as they grieve the loss of her sister • Diane Nafziger’s family as they grieve the loss of Don Vasvery, brother-in –law, husband, father & grandfather • Our Leadership Team • Pastors in the community as they join together in fellowship • The Ohio Conference • Be in prayer for the various area conference assemblies happening around the country this month. Five area conferences are meeting during the second half of July.

Tedrow Mennonite Church

Jul 16, 2017 - The Agape class will be hosting a service night at Bruce and Chris. Holland's on ... Adult Classes meet in the Fellowship Hall. Care Groups: are ...

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