Newsletter Term 1 Week 8

Tuesday 21 March 2017

A Message from the Principal Last week the school leadership team (Mr Loy, Mrs Gioria, Miss Coronna, Miss Vella, Mrs Pitavino, Mrs Broady and Miss Mikalauskas) attended a two day conference at Darling Harbour. The conference was run by the Australian Council for Educational Leadership (ACEL) and the main speaker was Professor John Hattie. John’s extensive work provides data on what teaching strategies have the greatest impact on learners. The staff will use this research as the basis for the next Staff Development Day, which is on Monday 24 April (the first day of term 2). So who is Professor John Hattie and why is his research so important? John is currently the Director of Melbourne Education Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, a position he has held since March 2011. He is also Honorary Professor of Education at the University of Auckland. John is one of New Zealand’s most internationally acclaimed academics. He has been both Professor and Chair of Educational Research Methodology at the University of North Carolina. In 2011 he was made an officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queen’s Birthday Honours, for services to education. Professor Hattie’s research helps schools to clarify what strategies we should use with the students. We can learn more about those strategies that have the greatest impact, such as effective feedback, and those that have little effect on learning, such as grade retention. This research will then help us to be more effective and to ensure our students are getting the best possible education here at OLMC. STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY The first day of next term, Monday 24 April, will be a pupil free day. As such no students will attend school on this day. The staff will be on sight, delving deeper into the research by Professor John Hattie. The next day, Tuesday 25 April is ANZAC day and a public holiday. As a result of these two days the first day of school for the students next term will be Wednesday 26 April. Hall Refurbishment This Thursday and Friday a part of our hall near the kitchen area, will be converted to a small learning space which will be able to be used for a variety of purposes. It will give us the capacity to run small groups in a breakout space while the hall is being used for other purposes. To allow this to happen the hall will be closed on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 March. As the hall is closed we will not have our usual assembly this friday afternoon. ENROLMENTS If you have a child who should be starting school in 2018 (born in 2012 and before 30 July 2013), please pick up an enrolment package from the office. This year our Kindergarten classes are full and I anticipate next year will be the same. It would be disappointing if you left it too long and all of the places were filled. Warren Loy Principal

NO ASSEMBLY IN WEEK 8 There will be no assembly in Week 8 – Friday 24 March, 2017. Week 8 Awards will be given out at the Week 9 Assembly on Friday 31 March, 2017



A Message from the Assistant Principal SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS: The school has once again secured the services of Lauren Daniels Photography for School Photographs this year. The photographs will be taken in the last week of Term 1 over two days: Tuesday 4 April and Wednesday 5 April. On Day 1, Tuesday 4 April:  Kindergarten, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6 class and individual photographs will be taken.  Special Student Group Photographs (SRC, Sports Captains, RE Helpers, Art Monitors, Library Monitors and Choir) will be taken.  Family Photographs will be taken. On Day 2, Wednesday 5 April  Year 1, Year 2 and Year 5 class and individual photographs will be taken.  Family Photographs will be taken. Thursday 27 April has been booked as a Back-up Day to take individual portraits or Family Photographs of those students who are away on Day 1 and Day 2 of School Photographs. All students are required to wear their full school summer uniform for the photographs. Classes scheduled to participate in the Dance Fever Gymnastics Program or do sport on their allocated photograph day will also be required to wear their full school summer uniform, NOT their sports uniform or their sports shoes.




School Photograph Order Envelopes will be sent home with each child on Thursday 23 March. If you would like to purchase individual portraits of your child and/or a photograph of your child’s class, you may either:  order online by going to and recording the receipt number on the envelope provided. (The six-digit receipt number will be emailed to you after you making an online payment). or  enclose the correct amount of money in the envelope provided. We need you to include the correct money because Office Staff and Teachers will not be opening the envelopes or organising change. Whether you are ordering online or paying by cash, please ensure that:  you complete one envelope for each child that attends the school.  the envelope is returned to your child’s class teacher ONLY on Day 1 of School Photographs, Tuesday, 4 April. All school photograph envelopes will need to be handed to a representative of Lauren Daniels Photography on Tuesday 4 April. If you have two or more children attending our school and you would like a FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH taken of your children, you will need to collect a FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH ENVELOPE FROM THE OFFICE. The FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH PACKAGE is available to those parents who order either a class photograph or the individual photographs of their children. The Family Photograph package offers one 13cm x 18cm photograph and four 5cm x 8cm photographs for $18. Students are required to wear their full school summer uniform for the Family Photograph. If your child is a member of the SRC, a Sports Captain, an RE Helper, an Art Monitor, a Library Monitor, or a member of the School Choir Group and you would like to purchase a copy of the photograph of one of these student groups, please collect a SPECIAL GROUPS PHOTOGRAPH ENVELOPE FROM THE OFFICE. Photographs of the Student Groups will be available in two sizes: 13cm x 18cm for $15 and 20cm x 25cm for $25. Students are required to wear their full school summer uniform for the Special Group Photograph. All photograph money needs to be handed to your child’s class teacher on Tuesday, 4 April (Day 1 of School Photographs). Please note that only orders received in the proper school photograph envelopes will be accepted by Lauren Daniels Photography. So, please keep your child’s Photograph Envelope in a safe place. If you have any questions regarding School Photographs, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD’S PHOTOGRAPH ENVELOPE IN A SAFE PLACE. ALL PHOTOGRAPH ENVELOPES ARE TO BE GIVEN TO YOUR CHILD’S CLASS TEACHER ON TUESDAY, 4 APRIL




A Message from the Assistant Principal (Continued) NO ASSEMBLY ON FRIDAY 24 MARCH: As there will be building works being carried out in the School Hall on Thursday 23 March and Friday 24 March, there will be no Assembly this Friday, 24 March. Our next Assembly will be Friday, 31 March. SWIMMING MAKE-UP DAY: Swimming Lessons were cancelled for Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 on Friday, 3 March due to the weather. This lesson will be made-up next week on Tuesday, 28 March. Students will also participate in their normal Swimming Lesson on Friday, 31 March. NAPLAN: In May 2017, the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be completed by all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in all government and nongovernment schools. NAPLAN has the support of all State and Territory Education Ministers and will assess the literacy and numeracy learning of students in all Australian schools. The results of the tests will provide important information to the school about what each student can do, and will be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents of students who sit the NAPLAN tests will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement later in the year. This year, the tests will be conducted across Australia in Term 2 from the 9 May – 11 May. The following areas will be assessed:  Tuesday 9 May: Language Conventions and Writing  Wednesday 10 May: Reading  Thursday 11 May: Numeracy A letter will be sent home to all Year 3 and Year 5 parents this week. Additional information about NAPLAN for parents can be found at

PROFESSIONAL LEARNING AND MEETINGS:  Regional Assistant Principals’ Meeting – Ms Gioria  Leadership Program – Miss Vella  Gifted Education Meeting – Miss Mikalauskas  Teacher Accreditation Authority Workshop – Mr Loy and Ms Gioria  Grammar Course – Mrs Posa, Miss Vella and Mrs Pittavino  Archdiocesan Principals’ Meeting


Have a great week,


J. Gioria Assistant Principal






A Message from the Religious Education Coordinator Dear family and friends of OLMC, Last newsletter, we explored the notion of fasting in Lent. Today I Continue with Prayer: Prayer- A time to reflect - Taken from Catholic Online: God, heavenly Father, look upon me and hear my prayer during this holy Season of Lent. By the good works You inspire, help me to discipline my body and to be renewed in spirit. Without You I can do nothing. By Your Spirit help me to know what is right and to be eager in doing Your will. Teach me to find new life through penance. Keep me from sin, and help me live by Your commandment of love. God of love, bring me back to You. Send Your Spirit to make me strong in faith and active in good works. May my acts of penance bring me Your forgiveness, open my heart to Your love, and prepare me for the coming feast of the Resurrection of Jesus. Lord, during this Lenten Season, nourish me with Your Word of life and make me one with You in love and prayer. Fill my heart with Your love and keep me faithful to the Gospel of Christ. Give me the grace to rise above my human weakness. Give me new life by Your Sacraments, especially the Mass. Father, our source of life, I reach out with joy to grasp Your hand; let me walk more readily in Your ways. Guide me in Your gentle mercy, for left to myself I cannot do Your Will. Father of love, source of all blessings, help me to pass from my old life of sin to the new life of grace. Prepare me for the glory of Your Kingdom. I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen. Reminder: Workshops and Masses- 30th and 31st March Reconciliation Please ensure children are well prepared by attending their workshop sessions, book work sessions and complete all home tasks given to them as they are about to receive this wonderful gift along their faith journey. Miss Caronna REC


Pupil Free Day – Monday 24 April, 2017


Prayers Please: Please keep the following people in your prayers:


Martin Do (4R), Giselle Collins (2G), father of Bridgette (6Gr) and Gene Ingrati (5R), grandfather of Aloysius (2B) and Alexavier Sibi (1R), the father of Vincent (3G) and Eric Do (6R) and the grandmother of Melissa (5B), Alexander (2B) and Christian Dominguez (KB).


Please come and join the Parent Mathematics Workshop. Topic: Problem Solving Strategies for NAPLAN


Date: Thursday 23 March, 2017 Time: 2.15pm – 3.00pm Location: Staffroom

Maths Games Fridays!


OLMC students and parents are invited to play Maths Games before school on Fridays. You are welcome to come to the library where infants and primary Maths games will be set up from 8:20am onwards. There will be different games each week and an opportunity to take some home. Parents are welcome to play the maths games with their own children.


We are hoping to see lots of keen mathematicians each Friday. Mrs Broady Numeracy Coordinator



The Year 3 Excursion to Wentworth Falls on Wednesday 22 March has been postponed due to the extreme bad weather. A note will be sent home with the new date.


A Message from the School Office SCHOOL FEES REMINDER Fee statements have been sent out to parents and carers in Term 1, Week 3. If you have not received your statement please contact the school office. If you are having difficulty meeting school fee commitments please contact the school office on 9610 2371. Our preferred method of sending out correspondence including Fee statements is via Email. If you have not already supplied an Email Address to the school office please complete the slip below and return it to the school office as soon as possible ____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Carer’s Name: ________________________________________________ Eldest Child’s Name: ___________________________________ Class: ________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________

School Website


Visit our school website




Download the Skoolbag App to obtain school alerts and messages. Go to the Apple or Android App Store and search ‘Our Lady of Mt Carmel Mt Pritchard’ to download onto your smartphone. The app provides alerts and reminders about upcoming events, all notes sent out to parents and Newsletters are placed in the skoolbag app. When downloading ensure you type in ‘Our Lady of Mt Carmel Mt Pritchard.’


Week 6 Student of the Week - Music






Week 7 Student of the Week - History



Dates to Remember Thursday 23 March Year 3-6 Cross Country Friday 24 March Year 6 Retreat day at Mulgoa Year 2 Excursion – Riverside Theatre Monday 27 March – 9.15am Whole School Mass – The Annunciation Tuesday 28 March Year 3,4 & 5 Swimming – Make up Day Thursday 30 March - 7.00pm First Reconciliation 2 Blue & 2 Gold


Friday 31 March - 7.00pm First Reconciliation 2 Green & 2 Red Tuesday 4 April – 6.00pm Year 6 Parent Meeting – Canberra Excursion Tuesday 4 April & Wednesday 5 April OLMC School Photo Day Thursday 6 April – 2.10pm Holy Week Liturgy


Friday 7 April Last Day of Term 1 Monday 24 April Pupil Free Day Tuesday 25 April Anzac Day Public Holiday Wednesday 26 April Term 2 Begins Anzac Day Assembly – 8.50am

ENROLLING NOW FOR 2018 Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a Catholic Primary School in the Mount Pritchard area characterised by Gospel Values and a passion for academic excellence. Our school features newly refurbished separate classrooms, a recently built school hall, a contemporary library, excellent computer resources and internet access, dedicated art and music rooms and large shaded playground areas. All rooms are air-conditioned. Rigorous academic programs are supplemented by specialist programs including Art, Music, Dance, Athletics, Gymnastics, Swimming, Special Needs, Reading Recovery, Sacramental, EALD & School Choir.

Further information and Enrolment Packs are available from the School Office and may also be downloaded from the school website.

Term 1 Week 8.pdf

Term 1 Week 8 Tuesday 21 March 2017 ... the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queen's Birthday Honours, for services to education. .... Term 1 Week 8.pdf.

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