Newsletter : Term 2, Week 7, 22 June 2017 Welcome to New Students Annika Zhao Rajesh Freya
Term Dates 2017 Term 2 1 May - Friday 7 July Term 3 24 July - Friday 29 Sep Term 4 16 Oct – Friday 15Dec
REMINDER: Any monies due this term can be paid through KINDO.
TRAFFIC and PARKING Please take notice of the signs outside the school on Shakespeare and Otakau Roads. If you park in the dropoff zone, the driver MUST STAY WITH THE CAR at all times. The intent of these parks is that children are dropped off and walk into school without parents, in order to keep traffic flowing. Do not stop on yellow lines to drop off or pick up children and please do not enter the school car parks. These are STAFF ONLY. Please do not park in private areas such as driveways, private lanes/roads, etc. These include Kindercare, Trevaughn Glade, Woodbridge Lane (private road) or the church car park in Otakau Road. We regularly receive
complaints from these areas, of Milford School parents using private parks.
Principal’s Message Thank you for the many messages I received after last week’s article about anxiety. Not only is it great to know the newsletter is read, but to know that it is helpful is fantastic. We are looking to follow up on this area by possibly having a parent information evening led by a specialist in this field. More information will come as it is finalised. I mentioned in a separate email about the gastro bug that has been doing the rounds, and thank you to those parents who are keeping their child home while they are contagious. Over the weekend, one of our parents, Bernie Crampsie from Biodecon, came and decontaminated some classrooms. They still plan to do more, with the help of our caretakers. This took a lot of time and I particularly want to thank him for this. He has used a lot of consumables, all of which (and his time) he is donating as a free service to our school. Thank you so much Bernie! As many of you know, a large Pohutukawa tree had to be cut down where the new Library and Classroom block is going. While we felt quite sad about this, we had no choice so had arranged for some of the limbs to be kept which the students decided could be totems, erected just outside the new Library. We are very excited to have found a carver who is happy to do these for us, and students have designed them. What we need now, is a parent who has the use of a trailer or ute who would be willing to transport a few logs to a property in Glendene (near Henderson). We are also looking for someone who has a chainsaw and can cut a rough shape from one of these logs. The carver will be able to explain more about what is needed. If you could do either of these tasks, please let Michelle Clark in Room 7 know.
[email protected]. Thank you so much! Tomorrow is another school wide assembly, this time led by the Year 4 team and starting at 2.15pm. As usual, all are invited, not just the Year 4 parents. The following Friday, we are hosting a Water Sensitive Design event. Our Enviro group were chosen to participate in an innovative stormwater teaching and learning programme funded by the Devonport-Takapuna local board. The celebration ceremony on 30 June is an opportunity for the children to share and celebrate their learning with the wider community. Congratulations to Jake Macken in Year 4 who had a lead role in the NYTC production of Oliver. This is a huge achievement for Jake and we are very proud of him. The Year 4 students all went to one of the shows and were in awe of him on stage in a real production! Well done Jake! A reminder that our Parent/Teacher/Child conferences are being held on Thursday 6 July (except for students of The Hive who will have theirs next Tuesday). Please ensure you have booked in your time using the school interviews link you were emailed last week. If you have any issues, please ask the office to do this for you. School finishes early for all students on 6 July. Have a lovely week everyone! Sue Cattell Principal
Date 23 June 23 June
Event School Assembly 2nd hand uniform sale
23 June 26 June 27 June 27 June 27 June 28 June 29 June 30 June 30 June
Westlake Girls High School Year 1 to Corbans Estate Year 1 to Corbans Estate Hive – 3 way conferences PTA Meeting Mud Run Year 6 Netball field day WGHS concert School disco
30 June 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 22 August 19 Sept 27 Oct 7 November 2018 Y6 Camp
Mid Year reports home Ski team at Snowplanet APPA choir rehearsal 3 way conferences School assembly PTA Meeting PTA Meeting Halloween Disco PTA Meeting
Dates to Notice Who Led by Year 4
Year 2 Rooms 15,16 Rooms 13,17
Junior disco 5.30-6.50pm. Years 0,1,2 and 3
Time 2.15pm 2.40-3.15pm
Where Hall Outside the Junior Block near the Netball Courts
Senior disco 7.00-8.30pm. Years 4, 5 and 6 1.30-3.00pm Takapuna Primary
Teacher/Parent/Child Led by Year 3
2.15pm 7pm 7pm 7pm
Hall Staffroom Staffroom Hall Classroom
9 - 13 April
Bruce Potter Visit Wow! Everybody gasped in amazement. Bruce Potter came to Milford School. He said “I’m going to do some doodling for you”. He started with the magnificent eyes. One eye was animal eye and another was a angry eye. Once he finished doodling he zoomed the picture back to see what it looked like. It looked hilarious, secondly we looked at the illustrations in the book “Doodle Bug”.The illustrations were one big picture. When I mean one big picture I mean there were faint drawings in the gaps and doodle bug was hidden in them. I hope you enjoy his books too. by Beth Thomson Room 21.
Only 10 Entertainment Books left at the school office - so get yours now before we run out! Perfect for the school holidays too. Support the Children at Milford Primary School - Buy your NEW 2017 | 2018 Entertainment™ Membership now! Thank you for getting behind our school community and helping raise money that benefits our children. Last year the money that we raised helped pay for our school radio station, new junior playground, robotics starter kit and more. 20% of every membership sold contributes to our School. Help us achieve our goal by sharing this link with your Friends and Family. Thanks for your support! Buy now at while stocks last! Thank you, The Milford School PTA
TRAFFIC and PARKING Please take notice of the signs outside the school on Shakespeare and Otakau Roads. If you park in the drop-off zone, the driver MUST STAY WITH THE CAR at all times. The intent of these parks is that children are dropped off and walk into school without parents, in order to keep traffic flowing. Do not stop on yellow lines to drop off or pick up children and please do not enter the school car parks. These are STAFF ONLY. Please do not park in private areas such as driveways, private lanes/roads, etc. These include Kindercare, Trevaughn Glade, Woodbridge Lane (private road) or the church car park in Otakau Road. We regularly receive complaints from these areas, of Milford School parents using private parks. 교통과 주차에 관한 안내문 학교 밖 Shakespeare와 Otakau로드에 있는 아래의 표지판을 잘 숙지하시기 바랍니다. 만약 drop-off존에 주차를 하신다면 운전자는 반드시 차에 있어야 합니다. 이 주차의 목적은 원활한 교통의 흐름을 위해서 잠깐 주차한 후 아이들을 내려주고 학교로 들어가는 것을 보시기 위함입니다. 아이들의 픽업을 위해서 도로에 있는 노란선에서는 주차하시면 안됩니다. 또한 학교 주차장에 주차하시면 안됩니다. 이는 교직원만 주차가능한 공간입니다.
交通和停车 请留意竖立在Shakespeare Road 和 Otakau Road 上的停车标示。如果您将车停留在接送区内,司机应始终留在车 内。这些停车区域是为那些孩子不需家长陪同可自行下车走进学校的车辆提供的,以此保证车流顺畅。 请勿将车停在黄线上接送孩子,也不要将车开进校内停车场,这些是教工专属停车位。 多谢合作!
The energy detectives have been busy again. This time calculating data for the winter solstice sun survey. Even though it was a cloudy day, there was just enough shadow to get an approximate reading. Our results will now be entered online and collated with many other schools from Kaitaia to Rakiura! Students will then investigate how the sun angle is different at different latitudes. Ka pai tamariki.
DISCO! DISCO! DISCO! - Save the Date!! Get your dancing gear together for the school disco on Friday 30th June! Junior disco starts at 5.30pm and finishes at 6.50pm. Senior disco starts at 7.00pm and finishes at 8.30pm. Parent consents coming home soon, with tickets on sale from Monday 26th June, from Room 1 before school. Only $4 per ticket, with great music and prizes! See you there!
Mathletics Report for Week 7 Term 2 Overall winning team : Year 5 Top Students in Concept Mastery in the school: First- Justin Trasmonte. Second- Blake Bull. Third- Andy Park To Students by Year Group: Year 1: First - Blake Bull. Second – Miriam Cohen. Third – Katelyn Robson Year 2: First – Fenghao Cai. Second – Lindsay Wu. Third – Samadrita Nandy Year 3: First – Justin Trasmonte. Second – Andy Park.Third - Angus McLean Year 4: First – Jaylen Ling. Second - Axel Martin. Third – Emerson Webber Year 5: First – Joanna Koshy. Second – YuQi Zhang. Third – Isala Thomsen Year 6: First – Samuel Brady. Second – Lani van Rensburg. Third – Hyun Soo Pyo
Travelwise news Last week we have enjoyed another very successful Walk Your Teacher to School event. We were joined by Councillors Chris Darby and Richard Hills who were very impressed to see so many happy parents, students and teachers walk together from New World, Milford to school. Many thanks especially to the lovely parents who baked delicious muffins to serve our walkers. Kelly Turgis, Jodie Yeoman, Cath Rhodes, Christine Jones, Stacey Sinton, Kelly Meikle, May Huang and Anna Watson you are all baking super stars!! Congratulations to Walking School bus members James Frith, Jayden Logan, Liam Logan and Zac Bunny who have each received certificates and a little prize for achieving 300 walks. These students are already on the way to their next reward. We are always looking for parents to drive new Walking School buses. We have had some volunteers express an interest in providing supervision for walking students to school from Milford Mall, but we require a couple more to make this route viable. This new walking school bus will run daily from outside New World. If you are able to walk with a group of children either morning or afternoon please contact Melanie Dixon in Room 11 or contact Reem Elarabi at
[email protected] to advise us of your availability for this new bus. There are so many benefits to walking to school. 1. It’s fun 2. It’s healthy 3. It’s non-polluting 4. It’s friendly 5. It reduces stress 6. It’s a chance to teach and learn road safety skills 7. It’s considerate 8. It’s educational 9. It’s free – no petrol money 10. It makes the street outside the school safer Stop chaos at the school gate Never stop on yellow lines or double-park around the school, no matter how briefly. In doing this you may be blocking the view of children and motorists. Don’t be responsible for injuring a child. Please do not leave your car unattended in the drop zone on Otakau Road. These areas are designed to allow for continuous movement of traffic. Be warned that to leave your car, even for a few minutes, could result in a fine. Choose safety over convenience. Park safe, and protect our children.
IT’S DISCO TIME - MILFORD SCHOOL Friday 30th June 2017 The Milford School Disco is in the next few weeks, so it is time to dust off those party clothes and prepare to boogie on down with your friends. The Disco is split into two sessions : The Junior Disco for Years 0, 1, 2 and 3 – starts at 5.30 pm and finishes at 6.50 pm. The Senior Disco for Years 4, 5 and 6 – starts at 7.00 pm and finishes at 8.30 pm. For the safety of the children we once again have a permission slip (see below) which we ask to be completed by a parent or guardian and returned at the time of ticket purchase, NOT before. Tickets are $4 and will go on sale from Monday 26th June 2017. CHILDREN MUST RETURN PERMISSION SLIPS WHEN THEY PURCHASE THEIR DISCO TICKETS. TICKETS ON SALE FROM 26 JUNE, ROOM 1. NO SLIP, NO TICKET. TICKETS CANNOT BE PURCHASED AT THE DOOR.
The Disco is for students of Milford School only and all students must be collected from inside the hall at the conclusion of the Junior or Senior Disco session. On the night of the Disco the children can purchase drinks, crisps, lollies, glow sticks, flashing necklaces and other fun items. All items cost between $1 and $3 each. Prizes – There will be prizes for the best dancers and colour – so start planning your moves now. The Disco is organised by the PTA. The ticket money and items purchased on the night are all being sold to raise funds for Milford School so your support is greatly appreciated.
Milford School Disco – Permission slip
I give permission for (child’s name)……………………………………..of Room………….. □ I would like to purchase one ticket for $4.00 th
To attend the Junior / Senior Disco (please circle) on Friday 30 June 2017. I understand that he / she must be collected from inside the hall at the correct finishing time of the Disco – Junior 6.50 pm or Senior 8.30 pm. Signed by Parent / Guardian………………………………………………………………….. Telephone: home……………………………….mobile……………………………………..
DISCO PARENT HELP Friday 30th June 2017 To ensure the smooth running of the Disco may we once again ask for the help of parents. The success of the Disco is dependent on sufficient parent help for both the Junior and Senior sessions. It’s a great chance to have fun with the children and meet other parents at Milford School. If you can spare some time could you please complete the attached slip and return to school by Friday 23rd June. A roster will be sent out by email and notice by Wednesday 28th June so please check your email. With thanks for your support from the Milford School PTA …………………………………………………………………………………………………..........................................
Milford School Disco – Parent help
Yes, I can help with the school disco
Your Name……………………………………............................................................................
Childs Name………………………………………………………Room No……………….
Telephone : home……………………………………………………………………
Please circle your preferred session : Junior Disco – Year 1,2,and 3 – 5.30 pm to 6.50 pm Senior Disco – Year 4,5and 6 – 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm Yes, I can also help with set up of the school hall on Friday 30th June from 3.30pm
Please return this slip to the office by Friday 23rd June 2017
Cannot get to a 2nd Hand Uniform Sale? Then please contact Judith on email
[email protected] so we can help you with your uniform needs. Payment can be made with online banking and uniform delivered to your child’s class. Or Pay with Eftpos and collect uniform at the School Office. Judith Cheyne,
[email protected] 2nd Hand Uniform Coordinator – PTA
Second Hand Uniform Sale Winter has finally arrived, buy a spare fleece. Where? Outside the Junior Block near the Netball Courts: Friday, 23rd June 2017 @ 2.40 – 3.15 pm We currently have second hand uniform available in: Good Stock Levels Fleece in size: 6, 10, 12, 14 Vests in size: Hats in size: Long Sleeve shirts in size: Pants in size: Short Sleeve shirts in size: 4, 6, 8, 10 Shorts in size: 6, 8 Skorts in size: 12, 14 Sports tops in size: 12
Low Stock levels 8 6, 10, 12 54cm, 55cm, 58cm, M/L 4, 6, 10, 12 4, 6, 12 12 4, 12 8, 10, 16 6,8,10,14
Got good quality second hand uniform you would like to donate to the PTA? Then please just drop-off to the school office. All proceeds are used for PTA Grants to improve our children’s school. Please note the PTA no longer accepts any new requests to sell items on behalf of. If you are unable to get to the sale, please contact Judith on email
[email protected] so we can help you with your uniform needs. Payment can be made with online banking and uniform delivered to your child’s class or pay and collect from the school office. Our next sale will be on: Friday, 11 August Judith Cheyne
[email protected] 2nd Hand Uniform Coordinator - PTA
Community Notices Please note that the following advertisements are from external sources / businesses and are intended to be informative for the reader. This does not imply that they are endorsed by Milford School. Sushi: $4 for 8 pieces. Order forms are available from the school office. Order Tuesday morning for sushi on Wednesday. Please click here for the Term 1 order form. ezlunch (easy-lunch) To order, go to
Your local Animates store will be hosting free workshops at 11am on Thursday 13 & 20 July. The sessions will introduce children to the skills they need to be a nurturing pet owner. This school holidays the focus will be on teaching children on the essentials on caring for fish or reptiles including how much to feed them, how to decorate and maintain their housing and the signs of a happy and healthy pet! Answering all of those scaly questions such as “Do fish sleep?”, “How do I hold a lizard?”, the workshops will include interactive activities - face painting, activity booklets and a colouring-in competition. There will also be the opportunity to ask the in-store experts for advice, and children who complete the workshop will take home a certificate at the end to proudly display on their wall or fridge. Although bookings aren’t necessary, the events are usually well attended so it’s advisable to arrive early.
To Rent: Large warm 4 bedroom single level house on large flat fully fenced section at 21 Otakau Road beside Milford School and Lake Pupuke. Fully renovated with new kitchen, bathroom, and separate toilet. Large north facing rear decks and section. Single Garage with lots of off street parking. Available from 24th July 2017. No letting fees, talk direct to the owner, white ware fridge/freezer, washing machine, dishwasher and dryer, all included if required, Ph. 486 7799.
APPA Music Festival 3 Day Instrument Course This is for accomplished instrument players in years 4 – 8 who wish to develop their musicianship skills in orchestral and band performance, and perform at the Auckland Town Hall as part of the wider APPA festival in November. The students need parental commitment so they can attend the 3 Day Course at the venues below, in the last week of term 3; plus there will also be a few Saturday or Sunday rehearsals, lots of practice at home and one rehearsal in the Town Hall which they also need to get their child to. The venue for the practices is below: FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA: Rehearsals at Auckland Normal Intermediate CONCERT BAND: Rehearsals at Northcross Intermediate JAZZ BAND: Rehearsals at Parnell School Registrations close on Friday, 1 September 2017 All the information can be found here on the APPA website APPA Music Festival 3 Day Course Information
Registering online is easy! By clicking on the button below, parents and caregivers are able to complete an online form and pay by credit card if they wish. They can also find this registration page on the APPA website under "Register" and "Events" on the website menu.
Register Online Here
Click here to register
ART, DANCE & MUSIC Dates: Monday 17, Tuesday 18 July 2017 Venue: Milford School Time: 9am until 3pm daily Cost: $60 per day Programme Coordinated by Eugenie Middleton
Every day the children will: Learn songs on the xylophones and marimbas Paint and create gorgeous masterpieces Create inventive craft creations Learn a funky dance To enrol on-line, click on the link: Creative Schools or if you have any questions, just email
[email protected]