Thanksgiving! Food • Breakfast: Sunny side up eggs, sausage, scrapple, cheesy grits • Lunch: turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potato casserole, , green beans, broccoli casserole, wet cornbread, sweet potato rolls, pepper relish, mac & cheese, dumplings, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, and cranberry sauce. • Drinks: Sweet tea, Stevia tea, sparkling apple cider, wine • Dinner: chicken wings, salad (daughter’s B-Day dinner) • Dessert: Pies: pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato, cherry and apple, chocolate birthday cake, cheesecake Activities • Nov. 1st put out Thankful Tree • Decorate mantle & wallscape • Do family photos for Christmas Card • Plan a service project to give back • Buy a new puzzle • Make classmate treats • Plan Thanksgiving clothes • Get house ready for family coming to visit • Make Thanksgiving menu & grocery list • Clean out deep fryer • Read books about Thanksgiving & Watch Pocahontas • Organize Thanksgiving crafts • Night Before: Set Thanksgiving Table • Organize Christmas decorations, get out Advent Calendar, plan advent activities, Elf on the Shelf and plan Christmas tree trip! Thanksgiving Day: • 11:00am Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade • 12:00pm Thanksgiving Lunch • Make Indian headdresses and Pilgrim hats • Save the wishbone! • FOOTBALL & puzzle time! • 6:00pm Dinner By: [email protected]

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