Volume 7, Number 11

Information - Inspiration - Humor

December 2011


“Unto Us a Child Is Born” THE KING OF GLORY stooped low to take humanity. Rude and forbidding were His earthly surroundings. His glory was veiled, that the majesty of His outward form might not become an object of attraction. He shunned all outward display. Riches, worldly honor, and human greatness can never save a soul from death; Jesus purposed that no attraction of an earthly nature should call men to His side. Only the beauty of heavenly truth must draw those who would follow Him. The character of the Messiah had long been foretold in prophecy, and He desired men to accept Him upon the testimony of the word of God. ... THE ANGELS HAD WONDERED at the glorious plan of redemption. They watched to see how the people of God would receive His Son, clothed in the garb of humanity. Angels came to the land of the chosen people. Other nations were dealing in fables and worshiping false gods. To the land where the glory of God had been revealed, and the light of prophecy had shone, the angels came. They came unseen to Jerusalem, to the appointed expositors of the Sacred Oracles, and the ministers of God's house. ... WITH AMAZEMENT the heavenly messengers beheld the indifference of that people whom God had called to communicate to the world the light of sacred truth. The Jewish nation had been preserved as a witness that Christ was to be born of the seed of Abraham and of David's line; yet they knew not that His coming was now at hand. In the temple the morning and the evening sacrifice daily pointed to the

Lamb of God; yet even here was no preparation to receive Him. The priests and teachers of the nation knew not that the greatest event of the ages was about to take place. They rehearsed their meaningless prayers, and performed the rites of worship to be seen by men, but in their strife for riches and worldly honor they were not prepared for the revelation of the Messiah. The same indifference pervaded the land of Israel. Hearts selfish and world-engrossed were untouched by the joy that thrilled all heaven. Only a few were longing to behold the Unseen. To these heaven's embassy was sent. ... MEN KNOW IT NOT but the tidings fill heaven with rejoicing. With a deeper and more tender interest the holy beings from the world of light are drawn to the earth. The whole world is brighter for His presence. Above the hills of Bethlehem are gathered an innumerable throng of angels. They wait the signal to declare the glad news to the world. Had the

leaders in Israel been true to their trust, they might have shared the joy of heralding the birth of Jesus. But now they are passed by. ... IN THE FIELDS where the boy David had led his flock, shepherds were still keeping watch by night. Through the silent hours they talked together of the promised Saviour, and prayed for the coming of the King to David's throne. "And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." At these words, visions of glory fill the minds of the listening shepherds. The Deliverer has come to Israel! – The Desire of Ages, pp 43-47 Are you eagerly looking for Christ’s return or are you indifferent?




happy marriage! I'm tempted to pinch myself at times to make sure that it's real.”

Michael McCurdy Back from Korea

HAPPENINGS from Various Sources

Wedding Bells Are Ringing Dear Apison Church Family: Last April's tornado blew many things apart, and yet brought many people together at the same time. God does work in very mysterious ways and brings all to His good for those who believe in His son, Christ Jesus. A little (formerly) Catholic girl blew right into my heart last May. She had volunteered to head the distribution center at our school during the tornado relief efforts, and I decided to walk in and volunteer as well. That's how we met. I had prayed that the Lord would help me to find a partner. But, little did I know, she had been praying specifically for me since the previous December, not even knowing my name. We spoke together for the entire afternoon, and she has been at my side ever since. When I proposed to "her sister," Margee graciously consented. (Go ahead, ask me about that later--it's a story in itself!) On December 10, my fiancée, Margee Rowen, will be baptized by Pastor Jeff here at our Apison church, and then become my wife later that afternoon. Joyfully, Fred Frost i Mozelle Kubas recently celebrated her 97th birthday. She is recovering from a recent heart attack. i Courtney Ashley Cruttenden was born to Bill and Beth Cruttenden on October 21. She weighed 7lbs, 15oz. Congratulations! i Frank Treadway and his daughter Naomi have brought their membership here from the Cohutta, GA church.



Fred Frost and Margee Rowen

Tuesday, November 8, the McCurdy Family took a day trip to Clarksville, TN to help their son and brother, Michael, move into his new apartment. After being stationed in Korea for 2 years, he will be much closer to home at Fort Campbell on the KentuckyTennessee border. He plans to be there for the next three years. His new address is 159 West Concord Drive, Apt. B. Clarksville, TN 37042. His wife, Alyssa, will be graduating from nursing school in December and can’t wait to move to TN to be with her husband of a year and a half!


Paul and Bozena Wentland Tess and Levi Wentland Bozena Premac and Dr. Paul Wentland were married recently. Paul writes that Bozena “is a dietitian. She worked for years at Florida Hospital. We married on October 16th in Orlando, Florida. Our home base is in Apison. I continue to work in Maine and will take her there with me when possible. She is originally from Croatia and is multilingual. She's an excellent cook and homemaker as well as a wonderful companion. She is a Godly, loving, and loyal wife. God has surely blessed us, and I can honestly say this is a very

Little Susanna McCurdy is so happy to have her big brother back from Korea

SPECIAL EVENT Apison Church Christmas Party, December 3rd, at 6:30pm, at the First Seventh-day Adventist Church, in the Banquet Room, please bring party type food. CHURCH BULLETIN If you would like to receive the weekly church bulletin as an attachm ent, please email apisonbulletin@ gm ail.com and we will add you to the list!




» Pickin’ Friends

Lester Coon Adventist


Mall Event Went Well The week of October 30 to November 4 was the Outreach and Fund Raiser for LCA. A book fair occurred at Barnes and Noble Book Store in Hamilton Place with LCA receiving a percentage of sales. The Sunday Kick-off started at 1pm with music and readings every 15 minutes. Barnes and Noble placed the children’s paintings and art work on their exterior windows. We had a small table with information about LCA, LCA pens, and, of course, applications and information! Our goal was to earn enough funds to purchase or to have shoppers volunteer to purchase reference materials, i.e. dictionaries and thesauruses, to replenish our aged reference books. Sunday’s talent consisted of the school choir, Tre Smith and his mom Tina on guitars, Girl’s Violin Group, and John Coulter on the trumpet. If you weren’t there, you missed a great demonstration of talent. Thank you to the music teachers, children and parents for making this event awesome. Each evening there were performances at 7:00. Wonderful music was heard in Barnes and Nobles: the Sacred Harp Singers, Andrew Mashchak and Karen Glassford (piano and violin duo), and the Pickin’ Friends (gospel

hymns). Home and School would like to express heartfelt appreciation to those who came and participated, sharing their talent. It was a blessingseveral shoppers commented on the beauty and blessing from the music and when asked, we freely shared our faith and values.

Remember ... to save box tops Don't forget about saving Box Tops for LCA. Each one is worth 10 cents. Last year LCA received over $400.00 from Box Tops! Thanks for your support! Beth Scott

º Karen Glassford and Andrew Mashchak

» Girls’ Violin Group Photos: Beth Scott




The Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church 11421 Bates Road – Apison, TN 37302 Post Office Box 1551 – Collegedale, TN 37315 Telephone: (423) 236-4214 -o-

Visit Our W ebsite: www.apisonchurch.org -o-

Find us on facebook: Apison SDA Church -oPASTOR: JEFF BROWN ...........................................


[email protected] -oHead Elder: Glen Wintermeyer................................... Head Deacon: Brian Wilson ........................................ Head Deaconess: Jeanie Hair .................................... Clerk: Cyndi Fox .......................................................... -oLester Coon Adventist School Telephone: (423) 236-4926

443-1039 339-8006 364-4902 478-2833

Visit Our Website: www.apisonsdaschool.com

The Apison Appeal Monthly Newspaper for Members and Friends -oEDITOR / PUBLISHER: ERLING ODELL Telephone: 423-591-4779

E-mail: [email protected]

Associates: Penny White and Becky McCurdy Typist: Yvonne Marais-Huskey


Out of the Salt Shaker Crystal Jenson, a local hair dresser, shared her out-of-the-salt shaker experience. Crystal shared that being a hair dresser gives one a captive audience to share Jesus. On one occasion, Crystal was with a former Adventist client who was not interested in the faith any longer. Crystal was not daunted! As she worked, she prayed. Then the conversation turned. The client shared that E.G.W. was a plagiarist. What would Crystal answer this precious soul of His? Having been at campmeeting to hear Dwight Nelson speaking on the gift, Crystal remembered how Brother Nelson spoke how John Wesley ( a contemporary of E.G.W.) often borrowed from the writings of others. Crystal commented how once copyright laws came into play, Mrs. White no longer wrote anything from other authors unless she identified the source of the writings. What will be the result of this moment in the beauty shop? God knows! No matter where you are, know that there is a person who needs you to share your love of Jesus and your spiritual insights! Come out of the salt shaker! Penny White

Chuckle What would have happened if there had been three wise women instead of three wise men? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts. #

Circulation Manager: BreeAn Adams Technical Support: Rob Raney, Robby Raney, Greg Daniel PRINTING: MODERN WAY PRINTING & FULFILLMENT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Time to Retire BY ERLING ODELL , Publisher / Editor With this issue, I finish my work here. I’ve been at it for five years. I’ve enjoyed it because publishing is one of my hobbies. But it’s time to turn it over to younger minds and more skillful hands. I am happy that the church has found someone to take it over and I am confident it will be well cared for. I thank all who have contributed news, features, photos and poems. Thanks, too, to those who have given me encouragement and compliments as well as helpful assistance in various ways. I thank God for talents and skills — plus easements from my infirmities – to continue long after official retirement to serve the great Advent movement. I hope to continue as long as I am able to do some meaningful things that are less taxing.

Good Report Thank you for being so faithful and giving! As of the end of September, Apison tithe is up 19% over last year -praise the Lord! Faithful members have returned over $470,000 in tithe through the first nine months of 2011. For the Georgia-Cumberland Conference, tithe is up 3%. – Pastor Jeff Brown

December, 2011 Sunday




Greetings from the Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church – the Little Church With a Big Heart!


The faithful



Mtg. = Meeting

of today's duties

LCA = Lester Coon Adventist

5 Birthdays: Jona Ratliff Katherine MacFarlane


7pm Elders Mtg 12

18 Birthdays: Lorna Hills

7pm School Board 19 Birthdays: Jon Goodwin


7pm Church Board 26 Birthdays: Wendel Adams Mona Millard

20 Birthdays: William Pauley 10:30 Praise and Prayer Mtg.

27 Birthdays: Arleigh Barto

2 Birthdays: John MacFarlane

3 Birthdays: Mike Rogers 11:00 Jeff Brown 3:00 Sunshine band 4:30 Christmas Cantata 6:30 Church Social


MH = Ministry of

13 Birthdays: Margaret Crawford Diann Jimenez 10:30 Praise and Prayer Mtg.


is the best


6 Birthdays: Anji Brailsford Olivia Franklin 10:30 Praise and Prayer Mtg.



preparation for


Healing 4 Birthdays: Theresa Turner Jonathan Hargus Christmas Parade = Ad


PF TLT weekend Sunset 5:29

MH 481 7

6:30 Ad mtg. 7pm LCA Christmas program 14

6:30 PF mtg. 7pm Prayer mtg 21

7pm Prayer mtg 28

10:30 Praise and Prayer Mtg.

7pm Prayer mtg

8 Birthdays: Chris Carey Sophia Carey

15 Birthdays: Ronan Byrd Karen Wintermeyer

Newsletter articles due 22 Birthdays: Ralph Aikman Kanaan Young

29 Birthdays: Glenda Culbertson Heather Culbertson

9 Birthdays: Deanna Payne Glen Wintermeyer

Sunset 5:29 16 Birthdays: Jessica Fraker Joshua Fraker LCA Noon dismissal/holiday

Sunset 5:31 23 Birthdays: Whitney Brailsford Imogene Green

Sunset 5:34 30 Birthdays: Leanne Barto Penny White

10 Birthdays: Roberta Botimer 11:00 LCA school + Jeff Brown Fellowship meal

17 Birthdays: Zofia Mashchak 11:00 Jeff Brown

5:00 Church Christmas program 24 11:00 Jeff Brown

31 Birthdays: Brenda Draper 11:00 Jeff Brown

Sunset 5:38




Pathfinders Enjoy Campout at Red Clay


BY BETH SCOTT The Apison Allies got the unique privilege of camping at Red Clay State Park in October. Red Clay officials do not allow campers very often and we were thrilled to be able to spend a weekend there. After the Friday set up and team designations, Dr. Michael Hasel had a worship story about his grandmother and one experience she had with the Gestapo (Nazi Police). Amazing how God intervens! Sabbath morning was brisk and cold, but Kari Wilson kept us warm with hot cocoa and filling breakfast food. The campfire was a great place to sit and listen as Mr. David Walls came and related Native American Indian legacy and brought Cherokee food called Jerusalem Artichoke (also known as false sunflower). After lunch, one of the Red Clay Rangers gave a talk about the Cherokee Indians and brought out a "blow gun". This blow gun was used to kill small game. The ranger demonstrated how the blow gun operated and then gave the Pathfinders opportunity to aim and blow the darts into a bull's eye hay bale. It wasn't as easy as the ranger made it look! Later that afternoon, the Pathfinders went on a scavengar hunt in the Red Clay museum to learn about culture, religion, family, medicine/health, and food sources. Sunday, was team building games and packing up. What a great camp out! Thank you Mr. Angel and Ms. Tina for taking us to Red Clay State Park.


A CHILDREN’S PROJECT I am gearing this article towards younger gardeners, though I am not by any means excluding the young at heart. It is nearly winter, and the leaves have almost all fallen from the trees, and they cry out to be raked up. But they can certainly be put to good use in the form of a compost pile. An adult can help you find a spot to put the compost, maybe near the edge of the yard. Then you can just pile on the leaves, until you have a pretty thick layer of them. They will break down into leaf mold, which is a wonderful ingredient in your compost. If you have grass clippings from the lawn (you can get much more of these in the summer), add them to the mix. It's always wonderful to put in any and all raw kitchen scraps, because they go to your garden instead of the dump. Do not use any cooked food, dairy products, meat, or mayonnaise. But egg shells are wonderful to add to your growing pile, and the water that mom boiled eggs in is great for watering plants–make sure it's cooled off first! I read that roses, like banana peels, laid around them. If you happen to find any worms while you explore outside, put them on top of the heap. Compost likes all sorts of things in it, like peat moss, hay, pine needles, dead plants, manure, and even salads. This is a good time of year to start a compost pile. By next summer you should be able to put some in your garden. It's not picky, it doesn't demand to be watered - only stir it every few days. It breaks down faster if it gets more fresh air. This is a wonderful winter project for kids, and the plants next year will definitely benefit from it. # FACT To make half a kilo of honey, bees must collect nectar from over 2 million individual flowers.

More Pathfinder Activities ANGEL SEGARRA Thanks to an effort by Kelly Cross and our Pathfinder club we were able to raise $186 to aid with the cost of keeping Bible workers working in West Africa. The Pathfinders worked really hard at selling shish kabobs at our local flea market this October. BY



Stuffed Green Peppers 8 green peppers 1 cup rice, cooked ½ cup bread crumbs 1 medium onion, chopped fine ½ teaspoon sage 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup finely-chopped cabbage Take ingredients 2 thru 7 and mix well. Stuff into the green peppers. Place in baking dish and pour tomato sauce over the top of the stuffed peppers. Cover the baking dish and bake at 350 degrees for 1½ hours.

Investment BY JUNE PAYNTER Last year's total for labels (Kellogg & Cedar Lake) came to $158.10. $241.92 was turned in from the jar in the hall. I know another individual turned in $200.00 for his investment project, and I am sure more has been turned in, but have never gotten a total. I think next year it will be easier to keep track of, because the computer system will have it all simplified, hopefully. Several people have asked me about Investment, so will put it down just as the Conference sent it to me: for every Investment dollar, it is used as follows: *75 cents goes into the World Mission Fund that is used to help operate existing mission programs. *22.5 cents is divided among the divisions outside North America and is used to start new work. *2.5 cents stays in North America. Each year two unions within the North American Division (on a rotating basis) benefit from the Investment fund. The unions use this money for missionfocused projects such as pioneering new territory or operating new work in large cities. Continued on the Next Page >>>





Principal Mark Sargeant welcomes LCA’s new teacher Mishala Mundall at a recent church service. Photos: Becky McCurdy

Mike, Becky and Levi Cathey

John and Lori Gulley

The Phillips Family

Jason Higgs and his mom Marlene

Editor’s Note

Frank Soto

Tim Hart

We do not have any information on these new members. These are what photos we have on file. It is probable that there are some folks we have overlooked. Hopefully the new editor will give further information.

Investment Continued from Page 6 The two unions that will benefit from 2.5 cents from each Investment dollar during 2011 are: Canadian Union and Southwestern Union. None of the funds raised stays at the local church.




tions of money will also be accepted. Place money in tithe envelope and mark "Alaska Children." Place clothing in large barrel in lobby with same name. Please donate by Nov 30. Thank you for your prayers and support. For more information, call Scott Springer (423-504-0451). #

Apison Allies Ride Silver Comet Trail

Mary Ann Jennings

Victoria Beason

Warm Clothing Needed in Alaska BY SCOTT SPRINGER I recently returned from Hooper Bay, Alaska, after attending my cousin's funeral. I was appalled at the level of poverty in this village. Many children lacked proper clothing in dealing with the cold. Therefore, we are soliciting donations of cold weather clothing like coats, hats, gloves etc. for elementary and middle school age children. These items will be shipped to a teacher in the area who will distribute them to families most in need. Dona-

The day was brisk and chilly as the Pathfinders loaded bikes, lunches, and water into the trailer and headed south to the Silver Comet Trail; an old Seaboard Rail road that has been converted to non-motorized pedestrian transportation, i.e. skaters, bicycles, walkers, etc. Our purpose was to earn the Pathfinder Bike Honor which requires Pathfinders to ride a total of 50 miles. We started out at the Paulding County Chamber of Commerce Trail Head (Dallas, Georgia) with a down hill grade, that was wonderful, until our return trip! Everyone was ready for lunch, hydration, and a short rest before resuming the trail with the goal of riding to the Train Tunnel. This was the best part! What a great feeling to ride a bicycle through a train tunnel. The Pathfinders certainly made that tunnel echo and ring with their version of train whistles. I am told that the entire ride was right at 50 miles, and am quite sure there were muscles Monday that reminded the riders they have not been used in awhile! Once again, Mr. Angel, Ms. Tina, and counselors, what a great outing for the Pathfinders! Beth Scott


Whales and Stew Provide Fun for Adventurers The Apison Adventurers have been enjoying learning about whales. One evening they all met in the parking lot and drew a whale with sidewalk chalk. Another night they learned about Bolivia and tasted a delicious stew made by Thandi Klingbeil. Susanna loved it and begged me to get the recipe! Maybe you will enjoy it too! (See the recipe below). Thank you, Adventurer leaders, for the awesome job you are doing! 1 onion 6 red potatoes A few carrots and green beans finely cut 2 cups of cooked quinoa (I usually steam the quinoa with a pinch of salt – 2 cups water to 1 cup quinoa) Herbal salt Olive oil So you just chop the onions and peel and cut the potatoes in thin slices. Put them in a pot with salt and water and cook them until the potato is soft. Then you add the carrots, green beans and quinoa. Cook for about another 15 minutes.. Then take away from the heat and add olive oil. Oil and salt are to taste and less or more water will make the soup thicker or thinner. You can experiment with different herbs and other veggies too. Becky McCurdy FACT Getting rid of clutter eliminates 40 per cent of housework in an average home.

Adventurers admire the chalk drawing of a whale on the parking lot at the Apison church.

The Apison Appeal - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church

Dec 5, 2011 - earthly nature should call men to His side. Only the beauty ... center at our school during the tornado ... Our home base is in Apison. I continue.

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The Apison Appeal - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
Sep 5, 2011 - Telephone: (423) 236-4926. Visit Our Website: www.apisonsdaschool.com. The Apison Appeal. Monthly Newspaper for Members and Friends.

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