Greenfield Township Trustees


________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 3-9-11

The Greenfield Township Trustees met in regular session at the firehouse. John Reef called the meeting to order and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Larry Joos, George Hallarn, and John Reef were present. After each Trustee had reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting, George moved to approve the minutes; Larry seconded, and all voted yes.

FROM THE FLOOR Pat West of Greenfield Estates, asked about a request for information he received with an amount due of $1000.00 in regards to a squad run for his son. There was some very private information on the request for information. Chief Morris will contact the billing company to discuss this issue and get back to Mr. West. Lou Ellen Reef wanted to suggest putting the minutes in the Town Crier in draft form. George moved to put the minutes into the Towne Crier in draft form, Larry seconded, all voted yes. John Reef will contact Tammy Drobina to proceed with the publishing.

ZONING BUSINESS Bill Pool and Larry Joos went to Regional Planning and spoke with James Mako. He stated that the previous use goes with the property. Several properties have zoning changes that were not on the map in the office, the new map needs to be published. Bill Pool will get the map completed. Mr. Pool spoke with Triple AAA company on their signs and they will contact him when they are completed. Larry asked about the article in the Grass Roots in regards to the Zoning Inspectors Group meeting scheduled for March 25th. Mr. Pool will be attending. Review of Zoning Book brought discussion and the other version of the current book will be reviewed and discussed at the next meeting. FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Chief Morris stated that the FEMA grant was approved for $35,000.00 for turn out gear and a dryer. It will be distributed when all review is completed. Chief Morris discussed BWC safety measures and will discuss it at the next meeting. Chief Morris stated the wood pile at ASK is within safe guidelines.



Greenfield Township Trustees


________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 3-9-11

Chief Morris did a complete review of cell phone bills, and no extra charges were incurred. Chief Morris stated there was a fire this afternoon that was contained. Larry stated the resident called and had nothing but good things to say about the Fire Department. John Reef suggested having a meeting with the Fire Department and the public in regards to support of the Fire Department. Financing will be in the negative after the next four years. After discussion it was decided to schedule the meeting prior to the first meeting in April 13th at 6:00PM. John moved to go into executive session to discuss fire salaries, Larry seconded, all voted yes. George moved to come out of executive session, Larry seconded, all voted yes. No action taken at this time. ROAD AND CEMETERY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Tom Shafer presented a quote for Coakley Road tree removal, trimming, and stump removal. There was another company that was contacted twice that did not respond. After discussion it was decided to go with the new quote. Larry moved to rescind the previous motion for $2475.00 and approve the new quote for American Arborist of $2400.00 for tree removal, tree trimming and clean up on Coakley Road. John seconded, all voted yes. There was discussion of the letter to Jason Dolin and the proposed burial rights, rules and regulations of the Cemeteries. After discussion, George made a motion to send the letter to Jason Dolin, John seconded, all voted yes. Tom presented a spec sheet to distribute for pricing to each bidder to replace the mower. After discussion and some minor changes to the spec sheet, it was decided to send the spec sheet to various bidders. Tom asked Chief Morris about a CPR class for the Road Crew. Chief Morris stated he would be happy to schedule one and invite other road departments to attend. Tom stated he had been out and checked on roads in the township. George asked Tom his thoughts on Election House Road. Tom stated that they will have some issues for repair. He suggested running a small 3’ to 4’ section with the paver down the center of the road. Tom and the rest of the crew want to attend the Asphalt In Service next month. The Arm Mower pricing has not been received yet. Liberty would be willing to rent their arm mower. There was discussion of selling or trading the Arm Mower.



Greenfield Township Trustees


________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 3-9-11

Larry stated he would be happy to drive this summer for road work; John will flag if you need a flagger. Larry asked if the Brook Road Culvert had been looked at. Tom cleaned out the ditch along Coonpath Road. FROM THE TRUSTEES The County Trustees meeting will be this weekend. George spoke with Onnie Cordle of the County about the possibility of entering into their Insurance Program, but there is currently no option for Townships membership. George, Larry and John attended the Carroll Service Meeting on 3-2-11. George, Larry and John attended the ground breaking ceremony for the new Bloom Carroll School. John stated that Shawn Cook wanted an extension to pick up the rocks from the road department, Larry made a motion to give him until April 15th, George seconded, all voted yes. John asked about the Carroll Lagoon and the hazardous waste that will be distributed upon sale. John will bring it up at the next Walnut Creek meeting for their opinion. John asked about the possibility of annexation for the Village of Carroll. If the Village of Carroll would like a discussion, the trustees are willing to talk about possibilities. John thought he might get a call from Ed Laramee on the Census Numbers tomorrow. John reported the Fairfield County Health Department is in serious financial trouble. John attended the two day SERB seminar last week, and felt they were a wealth of information. There is an informational disc for review. John asked the representative about the issues encountered with the Fire Department personnel representative turning down the contract after the initial approval and stated it was an unfair practice. John would love to meet with the SERB representative and Fire Department personnel to discuss various issues. Larry made a motion to send Tom, Lonnie and Jeff to the Emulsion class at the Marriot in Dublin, John seconded all voted yes. George attended the Lancaster Public Transit meeting on the 25th of February.



Greenfield Township Trustees


________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 3-9-11

Health Insurance renewal will be reviewed, there will be an 18% increase this year and the trustees want to discuss various options. There will be an executive session held on March 23rd at 6:00PM prior to the regular meeting to discuss fire personnel salaries. FROM THE FISCAL OFFICER The Fiscal Officer passed various pieces of correspondence and the Financial Reports. George moved, Larry seconded, and all voted yes to pay the bills and the Payroll Electronic debit associated with warrants 26430 through 26467 listed on the attached Check Register. John moved, George seconded, and all voted yes to approve financial reports, transfers between line items and all Then & Now Purchase Orders. Business concluded; meeting adjourned.


The Greenfield Township Trustees met in regular ...

Sep 3, 2011 - about the possibility of entering into their Insurance Program, but there is currently no option for. Townships membership. George, Larry and John attended the Carroll Service Meeting on 3-2-11. George, Larry and John attended the ground breaking ceremony for the new Bloom Carroll School. John stated ...

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