Greenfield Township Trustees
________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 4-8-15
The Greenfield Township Trustees met in regular session at the firehouse. John Reef called the meeting to order and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Larry Joos, and John Reef were present. After each Trustee had reviewed the minutes from the 3-25-15 meeting, Larry moved to approve the minutes; John seconded, and all voted yes. After each Trustee had reviewed the minutes from the 3-31-15 meeting, Larry moved to approve the minutes; John seconded, and all voted yes. FROM THE FLOOR Ron Smith, 5465 Rauch Road, was in attendance to discuss the culvert that was installed for a tower. The culvert has created a wash several times. Mr. Smith has dug a trench through the area to allow it to drain. Mr. Smith asked that the ditch be cleaned clear to the cement headwall. Tom Shafer stated that he has contacted OUPS and has sent Jeff Bondurant out today to mark the area. Mr. Smith will help Tom mark the area. Jack Barr, 1642 Winding Oak, asked who is responsible to mow the ditches in the sub-division. Tom Shafer stated that the ditches belong to the property owner. Mr. Barr asked about the green fence steaks with orange tops that were removed, and some floppy markers were installed. Mr. Barr asked about a steel basketball pole that was installed close to the roadway. The property owner was notified that it needed to be removed. Mr. Barr asked about some material being added on the corner. Lou Ellen Reef, reported Office Max gave the best price $419.99 for printing Newsletter; tabs will be $4.99, plus postage. Larry made a motion to proceed with Office Max, John second, all voted yes. It will also be posted on the web site with a notice that it can be sent to individuals by email by request and they need to include their mailing address so it can be removed from the mailing list. Charles Strohmeyer, 4855 Stringtown Road, asked how far back he would need to plant a bush by the driveway. Tom stated it would need to be 40’ from the middle of the roadway. Mr. Strohmeyer asked about replacing the culvert pipe and widening the driveway. A permit would need to be obtained. Mr. Strohmeyer asked about installing a bulk head and drainage pipe back off of the right-of-way. Mr. Strohmeyer asked that the road department clear out the outlet pipe that belongs to the township. Bill Myer, 55 South Beaver, and Gavin Wolfe, Bloom Carroll High School FFA member, were in attendance to discuss a proposed Agricultural and Rural Community Outreach Program for children in the area. The program will be from July 20 through the 31st. Children from kindergarten through sixth grade are invited to attend, at the Carroll Village Park. Mr. Myer asked for a contribution from the township. Gavin Wolfe spoke about the proposed program. John stated that the township cannot use township funds for this purpose.
Greenfield Township Trustees
________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 4-8-15
ZONING BUSINESS Kevin Yeamans discussed the Board of Zoning Appeals. Larry made a motion that the Zoning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals adopt the policy after missing three meetings the member will be reviewed for dismissal, John second, all voted yes. Kevin will post an advertisement for the alternate position on both boards. Kevin thanked the board for the phone upgrade. Kevin stated that the fee sheet had not been completed yet. Kevin stated that there is a meeting scheduled with Regional Planning, Water and Sewer, and Zoning for April 14th to discuss the Arcair/Hutchinson property update. Kevin will attend a MORPSE meeting. Kevin stated that the Rockmill Brewery is still in the process. John asked Kevin about the property at 3549 St. Rt. 158 and linking of the lots. FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Chief Morris discussed the roof at the Civic Center and had the repairs completed, and he will contact Stella Craig to make sure it was repaired. Chief Morris, stated that Julie Ridenour asked about having a progressive euchre tournament and wanted to know if there was any problem using the lighted sign.
ROAD AND CEMETERY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Tom Shafer discussed the fee structure that was approved at the 2-11-15 meeting of $650.00 per agricultural and residential driveway which includes inspections, if the agricultural and residential driveway is approved $450. 00 would be reimbursed. The commercial driveway permit would be $1000.00 with approval there would be a $750.00 reimbursement. Tom recommended a change to the previous fee approval to $250.00 and $150.00 with no refunds. Larry made a motion to make the fee changes to $250.00 for commercial and $150.00 for agricultural and residential driveway with no refunds (this applies to new driveways only), John second, all voted yes. John moved to approve 9 uniforms from CINTAS for Don Crow part-time employee of the road department, Larry second, all voted yes. 2
Greenfield Township Trustees
________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 4-8-15
John discussed spraying of noxious weeds and notifying of the residents in the area that are at fault. If they do not comply within the time period, then charging it back on their taxes. Kevin stated he had spoken with a mowing company that will complete the mowing. These notices should be completed by June 1st. FROM THE TRUSTEES John discussed the Hintz farm digging. There was permission given if needed under Tom Shafer supervision. John attended the Local Government Grants Seminar presented by Steve Stivers on Friday, April 3, 2015. John spoke with Ed Laramee and Mr. Laramee stated that the township can run a levy for then and now expenses to support the General Fund. John discussed the insurance review and ORC codes that will be discussed at the next meeting. John asked about the computer system setup at the administrative office. Chief Morris stated that the system is close to completion.
FROM THE FISCAL OFFICER The Fiscal Officer passed various pieces of correspondence and the Financial Reports. The Trustees agreed to interview applicants for the trustee position on Wednesday, April 15th at 6:00PM.starting at 15 minute intervals. The interviews will be at the firehouse. John moved to approve Resolution 2015 04 08 01R appropriate funds for Kubota RTV $7400.00 Larry second, all voted yes. Larry moved, John second, and all voted yes to approve financial reports, and all Then & Now Purchase Orders. John moved, Larry second, and all voted yes to pay the bills and the Payroll Electronic debit associated with warrants 30056 through 30082 listed on the attached Check Register. Business concluded; meeting adjourned.