Greenfield Township Trustees


________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 2-11-15

The Greenfield Township Trustees met in regular session at the firehouse. John Reef called the meeting to order and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Larry Joos and John Reef were present. George was not in attendance due to a death in the family. After each Trustee had reviewed the minutes from the 1-27-15 meeting, Larry moved to approve the minutes; John second, and all voted yes. After each Trustee had reviewed the minutes from the 2-5-15 meeting, Larry moved to approve the minutes; John second, and all voted yes. FROM THE FLOOR Michael Adams of 10720 16th Road, Stoutsville, Ohio was in attendance to discuss the sign that was billboard advertising Sexapoloosa and their concern of this type of advertising. Paul Bishop of River Valley Life Church was here to discuss the Zoning Permit and thank the trustees for their support of the Zoning Permit. Mr. Bishop is looking forward to the approval from Kevin Yeamans. ZONING BUSINESS Kevin Yeamans talked about the Zoning Permit for River Valley Life Church and stated he requires the Rezone and the Health Permit prior to approving the Zoning Permit. Kevin presented the Zoning Permit to the trustees for signature and approval if they wish to override his decision. John stated that he supports Kevin’s decision to not issue the permit for reasons stated. Kevin is being proactive in updating the record keeping of the Zoning Board and organizing the archives. Kevin had a requested a demolition permit development for the township to eliminate the township residents going to the state for demolition permits. Kevin discussed the Driveway Permits and fees. Tom discussed the cost for permits of $650.00 per agricultural and residential driveway which includes inspections, if the agricultural and residential driveway is approved $450. 00 would be reimbursed. The commercial driveway permit would be $1000.00 with approval there would be a $750.00 reimbursement. If the driveway is not put in correctly the fees would be non-refundable. Larry made a motion to accept the fees, John second, all voted yes. Kevin stated that Med Flight has applied for a variance for the airport. Kevin stated that the OTA Conference was very informative and valuable. Kevin spoke about John Carlisle and his input on a valuable Comprehensive plan for the township for the future. Kevin will invite him to attend future meetings for information and possible development.



Greenfield Township Trustees


________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 2-11-15

Kevin stated that Bill Myers was installed on the Carroll Village Council. Mr. Myers does grant writing and hopefully he can help with grant writing for the township. FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Chief Morris has four volunteers he would like to add to the roaster: Nate Coleman, Jena M. Gilbert, Nick Landenburg, and Andrew Stevens, Larry made a motion to add the volunteers, John second, all voted yes. Chief Morris stated that the engine is in the process of being built. Chief Morris stated that there has been a 5% increase in runs for 2014. Chief Morris received a grant from South Central Power in the amount of $1289.99 a King Vision intubation unit. Chief Morris spoke about Dr. James Augustine being recently appointed as the Medical Director for EMS in this area. Chief Morris stated he is a great addition to this area, and was originally from Lancaster. Chief Morris is currently looking at the Zone Pro program for Zoning and he is pursuing adding it to the server. ROAD AND CEMETERY DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Tom discussed a new account he opened with Lucas Truck. That has parts when needed and wanted to make sure Chief Morris new of the account. Tom discussed increasing the weekend opening and closing fees for burial due to the excessive weekend burial requests. This will be discussed at the next meeting. Tom contacted McKee doors on the opener and door installation this should be done shortly. Tom had not received any bids from those he contacted on the heating in the single heated bay in the shop. Tom will order the last 75 tons of salt in the township allotment in the next two weeks. Tom is looking at the possible replacement of the Gator and is getting prices. FROM THE TRUSTEES



Greenfield Township Trustees


________________________________________________________________________________ Held 7:00 PM 2-11-15

FROM THE FISCAL OFFICER The Fiscal Officer passed various pieces of correspondence and the Financial Reports. Larry moved, John seconded, and all voted yes to approve financial reports, and all Then & Now Purchase Orders. John moved, Larry second and all voted yes to pay the bills and the Payroll Electronic debit associated with warrants 29924 through 29967 listed on the attached Check Register. The new copier will be tabled until the next meeting and have Chief Morris review the proposals received. Business concluded; meeting adjourned.


The Greenfield Township Trustees met in regular ... Accounts

billboard advertising Sexapoloosa and their concern of this type of advertising. Paul Bishop of ... Tom discussed the cost for permits of $650.00 per agricultural ...

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