
cf tr:~ Philip::i1nes Oopartmcmt of E c'uc•~tlOn National Capital Region Schools Division Office Quezon City Nueva EciJa St. . BagoBantay Quezon City www dei;ieagf_QI !

November 2, 2017


Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chiefs. SGOD and CID Education Program Supervisors/Public Schoo1s District Supervisors Public and Private Elementary I Secondar1 School Heads All Teachers THE LEE KUAN YEW SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR MASTER DEGREE PROGRAMMES AND SCHOLARSHIPS

For the information and guidance of all concerned, attached is DepEd NCR Memorandum No. 130 s. 2017 of Dr. Poniano A. Menguito. Director IV. National Capital Region, dated October 23, 2017. Re: The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy - Call for Nominations for Master Degree Programmes and Scholarships, content of which is selfexplanatory.

Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division JV Officer-In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Rept!blik a n g P ilipinas (Republit of th£ Philippines) KAGA\VARAN NG EDUKASYON

(DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) PAM.BANSAN G PUNONG REHIYON (NATIONAL CA PJTAL REGION) Daang Misamis, Bago Bantay, Lungsod Quezon (Misamis S1 .. Bngo /Janr,1y. Que:::on C i ty)

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S. 2017




Schools Division Superin tendents:

1. Attached is DepEd Memorandum No. DM-Cl-2017-00342, dated October 6, 2017, from Dir. Lorna Dig Dino, Director IV, OIC, Office of the_Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, entitled: 'ihe Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Call for Nominations for Master Degree Programmes and Scholarshipsn, contents of which are self-explanatory for the information and guidance of all concerned.


Particular attention is invited to pa ragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and to the attached Annex A [Application Documen ts Guirle) '.'lf said memorandum for guidance and reference.


Immediate dissemination oi t his Memorandum is desired.


Reference Allotment

As stated DepEd Memorandum No. DM-Cl-2017-00342, dated October r 2017 1-2

To be indicated in the PERPETUAL INDEX under the following subjects :




'VVork,towara e.x:s;.e[[ence . .. p(a:y to win!

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education cpEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines Direct Line: (632) 63~-7202/687-4146 Fax: (632) 631-5057


DM-Cl-2017-0~ Regional Directo..~ Schools OivisioP. Superintendents Heads of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools


d~G 0~10,~D.


Director IV OJC, Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Tn:;tniction SUBJECT



6 October


The Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) School of P~1blir fJolicy of the National University of Singapore with the school's mission of educating and inspiring current and future generations of leaders, raising the standards of governance in Asia, transforming lives, and creating a more sustainable world invites applicants to enroll in the followir1g Master degree p rogrammes. These Master Programmes and descriptions are conducted in English and to be offered in Academic year 2018: • Two-year Master in International Affairs (MIA): Suitable for professionals with a keen interest in Asian and gtobal affairs and with a strong passion to contribute to the positive transformation that are taking place in Asia and the world; • Two-year Master in Public Policy (MPP): Suitable for early-career professionals with at least two years of relevant work experience, with an aim to gain a strong foundation in policy analysis, programme evaluation and management; • One-year Master in Public Administration (MPA): Suitable for mid-managerial professionals with at least Lve years or relevant work experience, who aspire to make a transition to senior management and leadership roles through an intensive and interdisciplinary training in decision making and problem solving; and • One-year Master in Publi<' Management (MPM): Suitable for senior public officials with over ten years of work experience and a proven track record of leadership and high-level deci~~on-making in their careers, looking for intellectual rejuvenation to become more effective leaclers by focusing on the challenges of effective leadership and good governance_



clarifications and inforf"'\..dtCJ'1 on these courses are fo und in their website at .lk s admissi_r-2· Pbl es m the programmes and scholarships are offered on a competitive basis. The deadlme for aprlication for Mastt>r degree programmes conducted in English is 31 December2017 for the academic year commencing August 2018. The list of nominees for the Master degree programmes in English can be forwarded to Mr. Louis Low at [email protected]. . Immediate dissemination of and appropriHte action for this memorandum is desired.

A1111ex A:

Application Documents Guide



Classroom D iversit y'



1 ••

The MPA cohort comprises 40 to 60 students from public. private and not-for-profit sectors, from more than 20 countrie s.




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- - -- - - - - - - - - i Core Modules


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Core modules focus on imparting practical skill<,, disc iplinary knowledge and interdisciplinary compPlPn( 1es that fac ilitate the work of policy practitioners. rr><,e1111..h0. "· public managers and leaders. They include: The LKY School Course




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Economic Analysis

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• Policy Analysis

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• Public Management 4

Eledive Modules

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Those who seek a broader Public Adminiscrat;or education must choose to read any four free electives fron' ov
• Data Analytics: Science. A rt and Applications Students are also required to complete two elective modules from the Public Management and Leaiersh10 specialisation area. Please visit the LKYSPP website for t he t-111 11st of elec,1ves. Cross-Fac ulty Modules Students may also register for up to two elective modules offered 1n other p ostgraduate prograr-m 0 s. such as Business Ad ministration. Economics. Poht1c,1I Science and Southeast Asian Studies.




-- ,1


The LKY School Course I

This 13-week module 11rov d•'s an 1n d1.-pth study of the Singapore success story and Asia's development which will su~·P IAme nt the school's pool or case studies that are highly relevant to the .A. s1,1n r c ntext St udents can expect a discussion of public policies that have bef'n the c )rnPrstone of Singa p ore's development. covering topics such as Singapore's fo ·eign policy successes. Expansion o f Singapore's economy and trade in the region. L KYSPP is especially well-placed to · share the model of governance in Singapore and Asia, and our faculty members who teach this module include rotdtJI£ S·ngapore pioneers and luminaries. This module is compulsory for students ot 111 riaster programmes

Academic Calendar

f'/1d .llli IC.' /\119 Orientation Programme

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Governance St•;dy Pro1ect 2 Core Module, 2 E ect"e Mod;1es

Governance Study Proiect (cont'd)

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2 Core Modules 3 Elective Modules



I ' 1 "pr r., 1 111,, r :,,,. Examinations

• SlJdy Trip VJC.Jt1on

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1 [lect1ve Mod ;le




Lee Kuan Yew

~\(·J LJ School of Public Pohcy 4 69C 8uktt Tmlatl Robc1. Oe• 1·\.>ny It ••n Ouhl ng 'i1" J '~>·;r•• )S
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DIO •65 6516 800 4 Website lkyspo nu> edu >9

All 1nform;it1on staled 1n the brochu•e os c.orre<.t o\ lornc ot pulll C•t1on (Jul1 JOI/) •""1>ul1~
l o vis tour Adm 55 on\ webS1te. scan the OR c.o
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Look forward to .studying economics, political science and public management.

The MPP curriculum comprises core modules and a wide range of specialisation modules and electives. Core Modules Core modules focus on imparting knowledge, developing practical skills and promoting interdisciplinary comp etencies that are critical for the work of public pohcy practitioners, particularly analysts and researchers. • The LKY School Course • Policy Challenges • Policy Process and Institutions • Economic Foundations for Public Policy • Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE)" Public Adm1rnstrat1on and Politics • Quantitative Researc'l MNhods for Public Policy 1 • Quantitative Rese.1rc!"\ Methods for Public Policy 2

Admi ssions C.ritmi.t MPP applicants must demonstrate intellectual distinction, personal character and leadership capabilitie s. They should possess at least a bachelor degree and two to five years' working experience. Proficiency in written and spoken English is essential.


• Quahtat•ve Resear:h

for Public Policy

'PAE s a Publ< policy pre E-<.' comple'.;;d as .t capstone module fe1 a client crga1isation 1n the public. private or r'IOn-profot s<>r;tor

Students wtll r moar < on a s.udy trip to a country in Asia. where they ga1r expos..irP to th(• ground realities of the country tf-ley visit, to have a better understanding of the complexity and challenges of resolving 'wicked' problems and policy issues. They will have the opportunity to meet u"'ld 1nt~rc,ct ...., 1th c! ·1ariety of stakeholders from the public, private and non-profit sectors. to gain a deeper appreciation of policies and trade-off s neerl:d t.) address real-world policy challenges.

Required Documents • Online application form • Official academic transcnpt s and certificates • Curriculum vitae o r resum e • A score of 100 (TOEFL internetbased test), 600 (TOEFL. paperbased test) or 7.0 (IELTS ~cademic test). 1s preferred.'


Specialisation Students tan acquire greater depth and sophistication through any one of the three areas of spec1af1sat1on.




• Economics and Dev•'.opment • Poht1cs and International Affairs


• Management anc '°'eadersh1p Students ma> a1so

o graduate without a specialisation.


• GRE/GMAT test score (optional) • Two essays • Two reports of reference - one professional and one academic reference · ' TOEFL/IELTS test score is mandatory for all applicants except those with a bachelor degree conducted enltrely In English


Thos•.? 'Nho s.:e ... a broader pubhr; policy education may choose a more gerieralist approact1 by selecting up to five free electives from over 60 module!:. Students can choose from a new elective basket 'EvidenceBased Innovation Lab', which incliides modules such as: • Big Data, Official

S tatistic~

and Public Poh" Y

• Data Analytics. Science, 1\rt and Applications Please visit the Lr.YSPP website for the full list of electives.


.. <.._


. • ~· •





The MPP cohort comprises 60 to 80 students from public, private and non-pro fit sectors, from more t han 20 countries.

I >oublc Dc1 ~ 1 :~:: Overseas Singapore

Qualified students w ill have the opport unity to p ursue a d ual degree abroad tor a year at our partner institutions. Our partner 1nst1tut1ons 1nciude.

Students c<:n also pur5ue d double degree at the NUS Business School and tre NUS Faculty of Law. These are.

• Graduate School of Public Policy. University of Tokyo

• London School of Economics and Poht1cal Science


,,., :>vbl1c Polley and Master of Business Administr3t on (MPP-MBA)

• Mast er 1n :>ubhc Pohcy and Master of Laws (HPP·LLM)

School of International and Public (SIPA) Columbia University

• The Geneva School of Economics and Management. University of Geneva (UG)

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JPUBJLKC ADM 1~t"i§~fRATION ..,..,,, ...

Be equipped t o handle complex issues that impact national, regional and global policies and projects.

Admi ss io ns Criteria


MPA students must be m id-level professionals with a minimum of five years' working experience. They should possess at feast a bachelor degree. aspire to management roles. and dempnstrate maturity and commitment towards public service. Proficiency in written and spoken English is essential.

The MPA curnculurr comp ri ses core modules and a wide range of elective modules Student!' are required to complete:

• col.Jr


rr od~ t


• Two elective mod Jl1:-s 'rom tne Public Management and Leader~,h1::> spec1iil1sat1on area Four fn.;e elec:t1ve mooules • Governance Stud•t Project Governance Study ?roject

Required Documents

Students must ~1ncertc1 ke the year-long t eam-based Governanc.e '...tuoy Proiect (GSP), where they will manage p•oiec•s '1ased on eg1onal public issues Through the GSD, studer~s! KQ1..1re sk.lls reiated to the analysis of complex manager ~I problems. as well as thorough research, writing and preser lation skills. They will also develop higher em'.Jt1ona' " •"'lho~nce and a stronger connection with their cohort anc team. .

'• Online application form • Official academic transcripts and certificates • Curriculum vitae or resume • A score of 100 (TOEFL internetbased test), 600 (TOEFL paperbased test) o r 7.0 (IELTS a~ademic test), is preferred.· ·

The GSP consist~ r: . . study c, .pat the end of the first semester. and"' rin JI conference at the end of the special term It runs trr~ J{l• •,e entire length of the MPA programme. and requ1·~s n e aopl c3•,on cf k11owledge and sk1Us that students have learnt m each 'l'lodulc

• GRE/GMAT test score (optional) • Two essays • Two report~ of reference 'TOEFL/lELTS test score is rrandatO


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This 13-week module provides an in-depth stL.dy of the Singapore success story and Asia's developm ent. which w .1 upplerne it the school's pool of case studies that are h ighly relevant co the /, co te•' " udef't< c;in expect a d1scuss1on o f public policies that have been the cornerstone of Singapore 's development, covering topics such as Singapore's foreign policy successes. Expansion of Singapore's economy and trade 1n tne region Lr
Students are ei1couraged to pur sue internsnips 1n the pub lic, p r ivate o r non-profit sector. We actively engage leading t hink tanks, consulting firms, multilateral institutions and non-profit organ1sat 1ons t o facilitate i nternships. Inter nship opportu nit ies are posted regu larly throughout t he year on the LKYS PP Ca reer Portal, and students m ay w ork pa rt t ime up to 16 hours a week dur ing a sem ester. or full-time durinq t he official National University of Singapore (NUS) vaca tion peri o ds.


l' '1

I: Ir 11


II \A.1: 1( , .AJ~''• 0


"'Orientation ' "

5 Core Modules


1 Elective Module



'i'\" •

3 Core Modules 1 Elective Module '




Examinations I l<·,

~ I



Policy Analysis Exercise 4 Elect1·Je Module~

Polley Analysis Exercise (cont'd)




:• I ~ • . I

3 Elective Modules I '

I !

J. \\ • '







1 ,, ,, ••• •



. ..• Vacation


~ ~?;.1 Lee Kuan Yew ~ ~~ ~ School of Public Policy 469C 8 ulot Toman Road. Qe, Taorg Hom a~ ldo'V). Sor )1'<-< ·~


010: •65 65 16 8004

of 5-•ngao
Webs!le lkyspp nus ed\H9




Admissions websue. OIN!.e sc,an t M OR code below


Email: lkyPOstgrad@nus edu sg

All 1n•Ofmat1on stotect 1n 1he brochur• ,. correct •t t ime ot oubl1catto1 (Juty 20l7) and StJbJ.;oC' to changr without nottce


,, Fees and Costs'

.. Tuition fees CSlng11porean1 & PRs)'

Master In Public ~~~-agement

Tuition tees (lntern1.1t1ona1 students) 1


Tuition fees without subsidy' Other tees (Est1mated)s Costs at partner university'





Master In lntematlonal Affairs (MIA)

S$53.650 5$62.060

5$26.381 25





5$4.00 0








Living costs'

5$2.0?0 ··5$2,725 rier month

Student service fee

5$159 25 per semester

Health service fee

5$67.95 cer semester

1. Fees are correct at time of pri n ting and i)re su biect to change 2 Fee amounts Quoted here for Singapore Cit izens and Perrn;,ncnl Re>1dent s are "xclus1ve of prevailing taxes 1 he applicable taxes is subsidised by the M inistry ol Education (MOE). except for :hP /": •.> prog1omrie 3 Fee amoun ts quoted here for internati onal students are 1nclu of previlllong tc x0s lnternatoona l students will have to bear the prevailing taxes (currently 7%) lev ied on t he fees r:>dyable by tticm. 4 Studer.ts who rave previously enjoyed government subsidy or spor;crs' •Pb; c S"'\ldPoro? govt-1nr.-ent agen<'y (such n s scho1ersh1ps o ffered by the Mints tries. Public Service Comm1ss1on a...,d S'.:llutcr, Boaro •) 1n a graduate programme w II not be eug 1ble fo1 MOE subsidy •n another gradua te progr()mme at the S.)me or lower level ln,t»ad. surn ,tuderts will be haol" to p;..y · No"·Subs1d1 sed Fees". 1nclus1ve o f prevailing ta xes. For example. students who had previou sly eriioyed s11!)>1dies/;cho11irship "'a master's programme and had attained the m aster's degree will not b e ehg 1ble for subsidies in anotrPr progfiimrnP i't r: asters c-r lower levei For more oeta1ls, v1s1I http://www· at-nus/·Ls.ht1r.I 5. Includes payment for stuoent development programmes. tne onentation pr0gro-nme. s,ucfor;t Pi"s/v1sa fees and the proq ramme cl OSltre event. These costs Vilry from year to year 6. Includ es accornrnoda t1on. curriculum matenals and act., t•es ar•d loca e>pense > 7. Costs are est1moted; v1s1t our website for a breakdown of costs

· All 1nformat 1on stated


the broc hure 1s corre<:i at tome of pul>t1~dt1on (July 2017 end >11b1ect t0 chwnge without notic e

V1•,11 1'1<' LKY'1Pf" w

' lOlF:./•lll',

·l>~•!C .>• l~ysrp nus.<'du ~9/ for' the

it ~t \t••C 1s rranddtory tor

full h;t of e1ect1ves.

all apphcants excep t those

w ith a bochc'o' d• l•"e conduct ed cn!•rcly on Eng lrsh A score of JOO 'lO( rl H•h •net lo sed t e~t ) 600 (TOEFL p ;,D('r·ba sed test) o• 7.0 ( IELTS 11c.•
. .,..


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Two years •full 11•ne)


20·25 -------· ------- ----- -·--- - -students

30 stuoem:.

• Senior government officials and professionals rn As•a Proven tracl< record of leader ship and high-level decision-making Demonstrate maturity and commitment towards pubhc service • Proficiency in written and spoken English

Emphasis on intellectual renewal and skills enhancement by focusing on c halleng es o f effective leadership and good governance, w ith predomrnantty Asian c11se studies.

Poss1~ss a gooc undergraduate degree Passion.:ite abcut contributing to posi tive transformation in MStu ..ind beyor d Prof1·1,;ncv 1n \lfittO?n and spoken English Relevant work ~>
H1ghl.gnts As.a·s ole 1n world affairs drawing from a range ot>1ects ~uch 1s nternato0'1d oo ,focal economy, g lobal governance, fore gn po icy analysis and geopohtr<: s.


The LKY School Course • Economic Reasoning and Polley Public Management • Frameworks for Policy Analysi s • Pubhc Management Seminars

The LKY Schoc I Course lncernat1CV111I R ?lat ions: Theory and Practice international S·•curoty - Concepts. Issues and Pohcres lnte111at1on11I P )ht1cal Economy Research Mett-cds ;n International Affairs Fore:9n Polu;;v Analysis lntt national F. :on0:n1c Deveropment lntcrn<1to0na C'nfl1ct Analysis and Resolution Goral Go.fcrri..•nc" n a Changing World Gcoool 11cs r ; .!'v: A'I<' ?ac:fi::

.· I --·------------t-----------· ---- - Student~

-·· -

For the NUS component, studen~s must read the MPM elective module on the Topics in Public Management Students can also choose to read any two o ther elective modules.

w•ll be ~b'e to specoahse in six 11reas: Pohtocs. lnlPrn< 11onal Relations and I aw ln1Prnaliona1 S 'curo ty • lnt1
One semester at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University or School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

Locc.I and Ovt:r:was ~nternship Opportun1t1es are also avllilable for MIA p rogramme

-- -- -- ---·------·· ···--·---- - -

·----·--·-------------- '-·------ - - ----+---- --r---·-·--- ·--Online appllcation form

• Online application form • • • • •

Official academic transcripts and certificates Curriculum vit9e or resume. Current position and career tra1ectory TOEFL/IELTS test score GRE/GMAT test score (optional) Two essays • Two reports of.reference


Offlclal ncade1nlc transcripts and certificates Curriculum vli.i e or resume Degree scroll~ a 1d academic transcripts A valid GRE:'GMAT/LSAT test score Persona' s.tatement in no more than 500 words One "'11t1"'g sample In no more than 2.000 words • Three report~ o f reference

• • • •

Applications open on 1 August and close on 31 December every y~ar. For more information, contact us at +65 6516 8004 o r visit our admissions webpage at





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Approx. cohort size

Admissions criteria


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---- ---·-· ··-

Two years (full-tim e)

One year (fulH1me)



60-80 students

40-60 students

- -·-- --·- - --- - - - - -- ---+-- -

-·--·- ·- ---- ..

Mid-level professionals w ith at least five years' working experience • Asoire to take on senior m anagement roles or make a career change Demonstrate maturi ty and commitment towards public service Proficiency 1n written and spoken English

Two to five years' working experi ence Demonstrate maturity ano comm itn ient towards public service Proficiency in wri tten and spoken Enyl1sh

Curriculum focus

Rigorous training for a strong foundation in economics. political science. policy analys is. to enable production of research and analysis of findings for effective programme evaluation a'1d managem ent.

Intensive and interdisciplinary training in decision-making and problem-solving; planning of detailed policy responses to co m plex issues that shape national, reg ional and global policies and projects. The LKY School Co urse Economic Analysis Policy Analysis Pub lic Management • Governance Study Project (GSP)

Core modules

The LKY Scho ol Cours e Policy Challenges Policy Process and Institutions Economic Foundations fo r Public Policy Policy Ana lysis Exercise (PAE) Public Administration and Politics • Quantitative Research Methods tor Public Policy 1 Quantitative Resear...h Methods for Pubiic Policy 2 Qualitative Research Methods for Pubhc Policy Students may sp13ciallse 1n: Economics and Development Politics and International Affairs • Management and Leadership

Students must take two modules from Public Management and Leadership specialisation areas. Students can further select any tour elective modules. and reg ister for a maximum of tvvo elective mod ules in other postgraduate programmes.

____ - --·-·-· - ------ .. --·----.... ..·-----------·--· -··...

Specialisations/ 1 Electives 1






l I '1

International component and double degrees


I Admissions dotumentsl

Application d~adlines

Exchange programmes • Internship opportunities • Double degrees with oversea~ ,.iartners Double degrees at National University of Singapore (NUS) • Online application form Offic.ial academic transcripts and certificates .Curriculum vitae or resume TOEFL/ IELTS test score • GRE/GMAT test score (optional) • Two essays • Two repo rts o f reference

Governance study tnp Double deg rees at National University of Singapore (NUS)

• Online application form Official academic transcripts and certificates C:.irnculum vitae o r resume • TOEFL/IELTS test score GRE/GMAT test score (optional) Two essays Two reports of reference

Applications open on 1 August and c1ose ori 31 L>ecembe1 ~;Pry year For more information, contact us at +65 65'6 800'1 ~ · v isit our admissions webpage "It lk: spp · u< ec' ..!>{'1adr 1iss1ons/


. - .,...


LICATION TO MPP, ~IPA AND lVlPM PROGRAMMES) cation period: 1 Aug ust to 31 Decemoer



App lication

• Create an onhne apphcatron lCcount at htrC" l,/lh-,..ip ~g/gda2·2018 • Refer to the steo·by·step guide res to gui'11 your applcatton at http.//

(::-~ CurL"iculum


• Job history in reverse chronologica ' ord er (latest to earliest ). Ust down (in bullet points) key rosponslbillties at each job/role. • Highlight key achievem ents at each Job/role. • Indicate academic record s (Bache lor. M aster, Diploma. etc). List down awards/scholarships received (if any). Capt ure the essence of lea dersh.p and passion for public service

TOEFL/aE!..TS Score (Not required if oacnel " conducted i11 Englist)


Official Academic Transcripts and Certificates


If bacl'telor degree was not conducted in English, registe at yo•Jr nearest TOEFL or IELTS t1 ·st Cf"ntrw

All degree years' transcripts/ m arksheet s and degree scroll

Take the te:;t (ke«ping a miri of three months' preparat r·n tilT'P. ahead Clf thf' test date)

The degree documents must be translated into English and notarised, 1f the original documents were in o t her languages.

TOEFL IBT score report 1s avarloble onhr.e 1:) days af e• tt e h:s• dJte. Hard copy score r1:port crr•~I!~ in 4 to 6 wee!<~ cfter the test oate. IELTS score repcrt s .3v3 aole O"ll ne 13 days after • t·e ti>St date A score of 100 (TOEFL Internet-based test), 600 (TOEFL pape- basea test) or 7 O (IELTS acadeM1C te\t). I~ prP1erred.



,--,( ·~ti


Two Essays

Career Trajectory & Organisat!o n Chart

Two Repcrts of

Answer the two essay q uestions for the programme you are applying to Refer to essay q uestions at http // admissions/how· to-apply/application-documents· requi red/ • Build your central argument focussing on the essay q u estion, giving appropriate example s to substantiate your statements. Be succinc t and adhere to the prescribed word limit.


Give deta1:s of t·vo
( For "1PM appltcants only) • Describe current posit10"' and key re sponsibilities. size of team managed. and the relevance of your uni t within the organisa tion.

• Preferably, t'";e efcree!i ~· uuld know the applicant for more than a year. and can recommend thP. applican t for the p rogramm1

• Illustrate and clearly point ou t your current position w ith in th e organisation ch.lrt, including two levels above and two levels below your current position.

For MPP, an ac 1demic a"ld :1 professional re' ere .• •~ p reterred. • For MPA and ""PM. y,,o pro fessional referees are re

To visit our

~'Y~ Lee Kuan Yew ..._-,. • School of Public Policy 469C 8vk1t Tim•t> Road o .. -,""9 HMr & ldol"ll Website· lkyspp

Admissions w ebsite, please scan t he OR code below:

So~ g.tpor" 1597~2


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