The Mastodon

INT. HOWARD'S BEDROOM - DAY ARIEL, (17) steps out of an expensive bed and carries her neatly folded clothes to the bathroom. In the background--HOWARD (40-ish, white) chest bare, is handcuffed loosely to the bed, eyes closed, resting. INT. BATHROOM Ariel dresses. Timid, fingernails bitten, a streak of blue in her black hair. Her eyes avoid the mirror. Her hand-repaired clothes, and worn plastic glasses are a stark contrast to the upscale bathroom. INT. BEDROOM Ariel returns, and unlocks the handcuffs. Howard stirs. INT./EXT. EXPENSIVE LOS ANGELES APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY PHOEBE (19), tough, with short, bleached self-cut hair, leans against a tan apartment building, smoking. She exudes aggression, even in the way she smokes her cigarette. A well-dressed man exits the building. Phoebe flicks her cigarette away, catches the door before it closes, and slips inside. We follow her up the stairs and down a hallway to an apartment door. She knocks and BILLY (24), his shirt partially unbuttoned, opens it. PHOEBE Is Zoe here? BILLY Who are you? PHOEBE Phoebe. ZOE (O.S.) Hey Phoebe! ZOE (19), hops into the doorway behind Billy, trying to put on her heels. She is pretty, of partial Hispanic descent, wearing a cheap red dress.


2. CONTINUED: ZOE She's my friend. Hey. PHOEBE Hey. ZOE This is Billy. BILLY What is she doing here? PHOEBE I've been waiting for her. BILLY In the hallway? ZOE I gotta get going. BILLY Did you let her in the building? ZOE No. Don't worry, she's cool. Billy hesitates for a moment. BILLY Fine. Come in for a second. What do you want, Zoe? Billy sets a box on the table and opens it. It's full of PILL BOTTLES. ZOE You got Vivance? BILLY Nah, not right now. ZOE Oxy then. BILLY I can get whatever you want, if you want to wait. ZOE Nah.


3. CONTINUED: He finds the Oxycontin and opens the bottle and carefully counts out eight pills. Zoe collects them. PHOEBE Can you get crystal? Billy looks at Zoe again. She shrugs. BILLY Yeah, but why would I? PHOEBE How much can you get? BILLY I don't know. I don't like the shit. PHOEBE I didn't ask what you liked. ZOE Hey. Be nice, you guys. PHOEBE How much can you get? BILLY Enough for you to get high. PHOEBE It's not for me. Billy sneers at her. BILLY Uh huh. Sure. Zoe zips up her purse. ZOE Let's go. BILLY You gotta pay me cash though. I don't fuck meth heads. ZOE

PHOEBE I don't fuck assholes.


BILLY You're a friend of Zoe's. You probably fuck whoever.

Ok-Let's go.


4. CONTINUED: Zoe steps in front of Phoebe. ZOE C'mon. Phoebe begins to walk out, but turns suddenly. PHOEBE Can you get ten pounds? BILLY Yeah, right. You can't afford ten pounds. PHOEBE I know people who can. BILLY You and all your hooker friends pooled together? PHOEBE Fuck you! Zoe pulls Phoebe out the door. BILLY Hey Zoe, don't bring people here anymore. Zoe closes the door. As they walk down the stairs: ZOE Goddamnit, Phoebe. PHOEBE You know what, fuck him. He can't get shit.

ZOE (sarcastic) Yeah. Great. Totally.

ZOE (cont'd) I told you. PHOEBE You talk to Little K? ZOE She says nobody's holding that much. PHOEBE Nobody?


5. CONTINUED: ZOE Not that much. Because of the weather. PHOEBE The weather? ZOE Nobody's holding quantity. PHOEBE 'Cause of some snow? ZOE This is LA, not Baltimore. PHOEBE That's why they gotta talk to me. I can move it. ZOE Well, she doesn't have any, Phoebe. Zoe pushes the apartment building door and they walk out. INT. HOWARD'S APARTMENT - DAY Glass and hardwood and marble. Ariel is perched on a stool at a stainless steel bar reading National Geographic. HOWARD (O.S.) It's just about how you do it. Ok, so this one time my buddy and I dropped acid--which, have you ever done that? Howard, soft, balding, and well-groomed, sits on a leather ottoman and laces an expensive pair of shoes as he talks. HOWARD It's a blast. Anyways, we're on my motorcycle, riding by this research telescope--it's on this big fencedoff hill, and a car comes out of the gate, and I decide, what the hell? We zip in the gate and we're riding up the hill--I'm already, like, tripping out on the stars--really clear night, beautiful, everything--when some headlights appear, coming down the hill. So, you know what I did?


6. CONTINUED: ARIEL What? HOWARD I stop the bike and I wave at the car, like: "Slow Down." It stops, and the guy rolls down his window, and I walk right up and I say "Do you have permission to be up here?" ARIEL And he bought it? HOWARD I let him off with a warning. You know another good one? You want to get in somewhere you're not supposed to be? He picks up some PAPERS and WAVES them in the air and points at them like they're important. HOWARD (cont'd) Works every time. ARIEL What if they ask a question? HOWARD Here's the trick: you look like you have all the answers, nobody will question you. ARIEL Yeah, I don't think that works for everyone, Howard. HOWARD Maybe not. Whatcha reading? ARIEL It's about Greece. HOWARD You know what I've got? ARIEL What? Howard produces a plate of leftover cheese from the refrigerator.


7. CONTINUED: HOWARD Some Greek cheese. Go on, it's good. ARIEL It smells strange. HOWARD Just try it. ARIEL (eating a piece)

HOWARD (joining in encouragingly) Mmmm.


EXT. STREET - DAY Zoe and Phoebe walk down a busy street away from Billy's apartment building. PHOEBE What about Tora? ZOE No way. PHOEBE You don't think she's got? ZOE I don't know, ask Tweak. They reach a BUS STOP. PHOEBE Fuck Tweak. And fuck Tora. ZOE (in a "keep quiet" kind of way) Hey! PHOEBE Of course that bitch has quantity. ZOE (as in "stop being crazy") What are you doing? PHOEBE She's not as scary as everyone thinks. (CONTINUED)

8. CONTINUED: ZOE I don't think anything. PHOEBE Yeah, no shit. ZOE Fuck off. I'm telling you though-PHOEBE Don't believe the hype. I bet I knew ten girls back in Baltimore who were tough as her. ZOE Aaaah, you're so tough, Phoebe. PHOEBE I am. A BUS pulls up and they board. INT. HOWARD'S APARTMENT - CONT. Ariel is still eating cheese. HOWARD Soooo...I don't have to be in court at all next week, and I was thinking we could-ARIEL No. HOWARD It could just be a couple days. ARIEL No. Ariel walks to the bathroom. Howard drifts towards her purse and looks through it idly. HOWARD I don't understand. It was fun, right? ARIEL (O.S.) It was ok.


9. CONTINUED: HOWARD So what's the deal? We had this great time, and then I don't hear from you for two weeks-He takes out her phone and turns it on, but it's locked. He puts it back. ARIEL (O.S.) I was sick. HOWARD --and I've been really excited to plan another trip-Howard stops looking through her purse as Ariel comes out of the bathroom. ARIEL I'm sorry. I have to catch my bus. HOWARD C'mon, it's cold out. I'll give you a ride. ARIEL Ok. HOWARD Or, you know, you could stay here. ARIEL Howard. HOWARD Ok. But think about Palm Springs. ARIEL I'm not going to think about it. HOWARD I think you already are. ARIEL Howard-HOWARD (exiting to his room) Ok, ok. Just let me grab my things. Have some more cheese--you like it, right? Ariel smells the cheese, then smells her breath. (CONTINUED)

10. CONTINUED: ARIEL Do you have a mint? HOWARD (O.S.) In the basket. Ariel digs through keys and mail until she finds a clear bottle of SMALL WHITE TABLETS. ARIEL These ones? Howard comes out of the bedroom. HOWARD No, uh, not those. ARIEL What are they? HOWARD Um, just some candy. He tries to take them, but Ariel pulls them away. ARIEL Are they good? They look kind of medicinal. HOWARD Yeah, they're not very good. Here. Howard finally gets them away from her and finds a tin of MINTS. ARIEL Thanks. Ariel reaches for them, and Howard pulls them away, playfully, and tries to kiss her. Ariel recoils. HOWARD Sorry. I need a mint? ARIEL Let's just go. INT. CITY BUS They make their way to the back of the crowded bus.


11. CONTINUED: ZOE I don't want anything to do with her. PHOEBE How come? ZOE Oh, I don't know. Her really unproductive attitude? No, you know I used to hang with one of her girls, right? PHOEBE Yeah, I heard. So? Zoe leans in and speaks quietly. ZOE So it's not hype. There was this girl, Becca, but we all called her Magic Eight, anyway, she's selling and comes up short. Not by much either, but Tora beats her so hard, her eye won't open. I had to walk her out. PHOEBE So what? So she couldn't take a beating? CUT TO: INT. TORA'S HOUSE - (ZOE'S STORY) A modern, expensive house. A large television plays a nature channel in the background. TORA, tall, white, a wealthy LA girl with a menacing smile, like a shark in Gucci, sits at a low table eating sushi. MAGIC sits across from her. ZOE (V.O.) No, no. Sooo, she comes back a week later. They're joking around, eating sushi, like nothing ever happened. And she's got the money, and she wants to buy. And Tora says: Tora lays something wrapped tightly in black plastic on the table. TORA You gonna make sure it doesn't get stolen again? (CONTINUED)

12. CONTINUED: MAGIC I got some protection. TORA Let me see. ZOE (V.O.) Magic hands her the gun; it's like a thirty-eight special. And Tora flips the chamber open, and drops the bullets out, one by one. And the whole time she's telling some creepy story about an elephant drowning, or some shit, we're all looking at her like WTF. Then she says: TORA What's my name? MAGIC Tora. Tora drops a bullet in the gun. TORA You know what it means? MAGIC No. TORA It means tiger. Tora spins the chamber and points the gun at Magic. She pulls the trigger. ZOE (V.O.) (in time with the trigger) Click. MAGIC Tora! Tora, I'm not! ZOE (V.O.) Click. TORA Not what? ZOE (V.O.) Click.


13. CONTINUED: MAGIC Wearing a wire! TORA Who said you were? Tora's finger squeezes the trigger slowly. CUT TO: INT./EXT. BUS ZOE BANG! Shoots her in the fucking stomach. And this girl's bleeding everywhere. And you know what Tora does? She feeds her sushi. And she keeps looking at the bullet hole like the sushi's gonna come out of this girl's stomach. PHOEBE We wouldn't be wearing a wire. ZOE Weren't you listening? It doesn't matter. PHOEBE Also, I wouldn't say "I'm not wearing a wire." Also, I wouldn't come up short. ZOE I'm just saying, she's crazy. PHOEBE So wait a second--you saw someone get shot? ZOE Well... PHOEBE And die? Zoe is quiet. PHOEBE (cont'd) You weren't even there. (MORE)


14. CONTINUED: PHOEBE (cont'd) (mocking) "We were all looking at her like WTF." The bus stops and they make their way to the front, still talking as they exit, and head down a familiar ALLEY. ZOE Queen B told me about it. Even she was freaked out. PHOEBE Whatever. I've heard stories like that before. ZOE Ohhh, Baltimore. Everybody there is so for reals. PHOEBE Never mind, I'll find her myself. ZOE I'm telling you, it's a really shitty idea. INT. HOWARD'S CAR Howard's car passes worn, sad, buildings. ARIEL This is good. Howard pulls over and stops the car . HOWARD (pointing at a building) Is this it? ARIEL Close enough. HOWARD Can I see your place? ARIEL Howard. HOWARD Ok. Fine. I'm just, you know, interested in what your life is like. (CONTINUED)

15. CONTINUED: ARIEL Howard. So...I can't do this anymore. HOWARD What do you mean, this? ARIEL I mean see you. Or go on trips with you. Or anything. HOWARD Did you decide this just now? ARIEL No. I knew before I came over. HOWARD But we-ARIEL I know. But I didn't want to come all the way over just to tell you. It didn't seem fair. HOWARD Ok. But so, sex is ok then? ARIEL No. HOWARD I don't understand. Is it something I did? ARIEL No. Not really. HOWARD Well, you should think about it, first. ARIEL I have, Howard. HOWARD Good. Yeah, just, keep thinking about it. Do you need anything? ARIEL No, I'm fine.


16. CONTINUED: HOWARD How about some money? Let me give you some more money. ARIEL Ok. Howard takes out a few twenties and gives them to Ariel. HOWARD There. Just, think about it. EXT. ALLEY They reach their hangout spot: the middle of an old ALLEY. The whir of a restaurant exhaust fan. Milk crates scattered around. They light cigarettes. PHOEBE I don't have a choice. I need the money--we can't get by on this Craigslist shit anymore. ZOE It's working for me. PHOEBE Well, not for me. And not for Ariel. ZOE Ok. What's up? PHOEBE Nothing. ZOE You're a fucking terrible liar, Phoebe. Phoebe is clearly torn. ZOE (cont'd) Ariel is my best friend, you know. PHOEBE You gotta promise not to tell. ZOE Ok. PHOEBE Never on your life. Not until I do. (CONTINUED)

17. CONTINUED: ZOE Ok. So? PHOEBE You know at the hospital, they get your number? ZOE Yeah. PHOEBE Well, Ariel gave them my phone number instead of hers. ZOE Of course. So? PHOEBE So they called me yesterday. ZOE (impatient) Yeah? ...Whaaaat? PHOEBE Ariel's pregnant. ZOE What? PHOEBE That's what they said. ZOE And she didn't tell you? PHOEBE She doesn't know. ZOE What? PHOEBE I don't think she does. ZOE How can she not know? PHOEBE 'Cause they released her. But they took a blood test.


18. CONTINUED: ZOE Holy shit. When are you going to tell her? PHOEBE I don't know. I don't think she can handle it yet. ZOE You gotta tell her soon, though. PHOEBE I will! As soon as things settle down. ZOE Fuckin' shit. PHOEBE Yeah. ZOE But you're not gonna have it though? The baby? Right? You're kidding me. PHOEBE It's not up to me. ZOE You want it. PHOEBE I don't know. Yeah. ZOE Is it even gonna be ok? PHOEBE The hospital said there might be complications, but it's unlikely, because it's so early. She's just gotta stay clean. ZOE I don't think she'll shoot up again. Crystal, oxy, though... PHOEBE If I just stay close-ZOE And keep her away from Tweak.


19. CONTINUED: PHOEBE Definitely. ZOE Fuckin' shit. PHOEBE Here she comes. Ariel walks towards them. PHOEBE Hey babe. Ariel and Phoebe kiss. Ariel takes out some cash and gives it to Phoebe. Phoebe counts it. PHOEBE How was it? ARIEL Same as always. Over quick, and then he wanted to talk, and feed me. PHOEBE Did you tell him? ARIEL Yeah. PHOEBE Good. Phoebe kisses her forehead. ZOE Did you have to handcuff him again? ARIEL Yep. Mostly just normal stuff though. ZOE What, like play chess? ARIEL Not this time, thank god. ZOE That is so crazy, though--he pays you to play games. ARIEL Yeah, he’s nice, I guess. (CONTINUED)

20. CONTINUED: PHOEBE Those are the ones you gotta watch out for. They’re gonna start thinking they own you. ZOE Yeah, no, you do gotta watch out. PHOEBE Yeah. I would rather fucking fuck, DO, ok, "DO", Ariel--she doesn’t like that word-ARIEL It’s vulgar. PHOEBE --do some old wrinkled pruny pervy dude than some jackoff who thinks you’re gonna be his "Pretty Woman." ARIEL He’s kind of both. ZOE Seriously. It’s like, don’t try to get to know me, dude. PHOEBE "Oh, hey, uh, so...what do you like? What kind of music are you into? Do you want to listen to the Magnetic Zeros and get high first?" ZOE I’ll get high. PHOEBE Well, no shit. ARIEL Me too. PHOEBE No you won’t. ARIEL I know. PHOEBE And it’s not like you can charge more, you know?


21. CONTINUED: ZOE No, no--my favorite is when they try to figure out what they should tip you. PHOEBE For sure. ZOE I had a guy ask me the other night. PHOEBE No way. ZOE Hipster scarfy dude. "I’ve never done this before." It’s like, no shit, dude. "So, am I supposed to like, tip you?" I was like, "Was it better than a hamburger?" PHOEBE Did he tip you? ZOE No. PHOEBE So it wasn’t as good as a hamburger. ZOE I don’t know. I checked out. ARIEL I get tips. PHOEBE Of course you do. ZOE They like, try to be cool, but really, they’re just scared shitless of you. PHOEBE Yeah, I like it when they show off their apartment, but I guess I’m supposed to be quiet, or something. If I’m like, "Nice place!" their face is like, "Don’t steal my shit!"


22. CONTINUED: ZOE It’s like, don’t show it to me, asshole. PHOEBE I know. This guy last night had a nice camera. ARIEL You didn’t steal it, did you? PHOEBE No. But I should have. I could get you something nice. ARIEL I don’t need anything nice. Zoe shivers. ZOE It’s cold out. PHOEBE Yeah, what the hell, LA? ARIEL We should go to Greece. ZOE Good plan. PHOEBE Shutup, Zoe. ZOE I just mean, why Greece? ARIEL I read about it in a magazine. You know, things are changing there, everyone’s coming together there and working together. And everything’s really cheap. You just have to get the plane tickets. PHOEBE I’ll take you there, babe. ARIEL We could eat olives and lie on the beach.


23. CONTINUED: ZOE We can do that here. ARIEL You can come with us, Zoe. There’s islands. And the Parthenon. And it’s all ancient. Like some of that stuff is just frozen in time. Like digging up bones. Zoe spots Detective Marsh (38), a small, friendly-looking woman in casual office clothes, coming towards them. ZOE Tranquillo. Hola, agente, como estas? DETECTIVE MARSH Very funny. Hey girls. ZOE No hablo ingles. DETECTIVE MARSH Yes you do, Zoe. ZOE No, jefe, no hablo. DETECTIVE MARSH Fine. How are you, Phoebe? PHOEBE Es la verdad. Ella es una muy... retresada. DETECTIVE MARSH Hey Ariel. ARIEL (looking to Phoebe) I don’t talk to cops. DETECTIVE MARSH Are you feeling ok, though? ARIEL Yeah, a little better. Marsh hands her an anti-drug brochure. DETECTIVE MARSH I picked this up for you. It’s from the clinic. (CONTINUED)

24. CONTINUED: PHOEBE Hey, she doesn’t need that shit. DETECTIVE MARSH Do you want this? ARIEL No. Marsh puts the brochure back in her pocket. PHOEBE We can take care of ourselves. DETECTIVE MARSH Fine, be "tough girls." I’m just trying to help you. You got a place to stay? ARIEL Mercy Group got us an apartment. PHOEBE It smells weird. DETECTIVE MARSH Still, that’s great. What about you Zoe? ZOE I’ve been sleeping at your mom’s house. It smells weird too. DETECTIVE MARSH Okaaay. Listen, girls, have you noticed anyone new around lately? Any new guys? PHOEBE Are you helping us, or are we helping you? DETECTIVE MARSH No, I’m helping you. Weather like this brings out some bad johns-everyone’s inside, so nobody notices girls missing. PHOEBE (with false sincerity) Holy shit.


25. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE MARSH Yeah. PHOEBE I mean, that’s really scary. DETECTIVE MARSH Well, if you-PHOEBE I mean, what should we do--wait, I know what we should do. Phoebe pauses to make sure she has Marsh's attention. PHOEBE (cont'd) We should join a convent. DETECTIVE MARSH (she’s had enough) Ok. That’s-Zoe crosses herself clasps her hands together in mock prayer. ZOE Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos... PHOEBE I’m giving up my life of sin. ZOE Santificado sea tu Nombre... DETECTIVE MARSH You should take this seriously. PHOEBE I mean, who’s gonna protect us out here? ZOE Venga tu reino... DETECTIVE MARSH Knock it off. Ariel, I just--

ZOE (louder) Hágase tu voluntad... DETECTIVE MARSH



26. CONTINUED: ZOE (saying "gasp") Gasp! PHOEBE That’s just the kind of thing I’m joining the convent to get away from. DETECTIVE MARSH I’m not fucking around here. You need to be careful. PHOEBE Don’t make shit up to scare us. Ok? We’re not kids. DETECTIVE MARSH Yes, you are. Detective Marsh walks away down the alley. Zoe hits Phoebe on the arm. ZOE Fuck you, retresada! PHOEBE What? I said you’re very quiet. ZOE No, you said I’m "a very retard." PHOEBE Ok. Well, I call it like I see it. ZOE Pbb. Ha. Phoebe's phone buzzes. She checks it. PHOEBE (to Ariel) Hey, wait here. Zoe, come on. ZOE Who’s that? PHOEBE Little K. ZOE Is she holding?


27. CONTINUED: PHOEBE Just c’mon. Be back in a minute. You gonna be ok? ARIEL Sure. PHOEBE Let’s go. Zoe and Phoebe leave. Ariel lights a cigarette. EXT. ALLEY - LATER Ariel is still alone in the alley. She finishes her CIGARETTE and lights another. TWEAK (22), a rail-skinny girl in gray sweat pants and a tank top enters the alley walking quickly. She notices Ariel and slows. ARIEL Hey Tweak. TWEAK Hey Ariel. ARIEL Where are you going? TWEAK Just trying to get away from that cop. ARIEL Yeah. TWEAK Can I hang out here for a second? ARIEL Yeah. TWEAK Where’s Phoebe? ARIEL She went to do something. She’ll be back soon. Don’t worry though. TWEAK Yeah?


28. CONTINUED: ARIEL Yeah, I talked to her. She’s cool. TWEAK Cool. Tweak leans up against the alley wall. Ariel passes her the CIGARETTE and she takes a drag. She looks around. TWEAK (cont'd) This is nice, the fans blow the warm air right on you. It’s colder than shit today. ARIEL Just for LA. TWEAK No, it’s cold. I grew up in Alaska. Tweak passes the CIGARETTE back to Ariel. They share it, casual and comfortable, like old friends. ARIEL Yeah? TWEAK Yeah. You carrying? ARIEL No, I’m off. TWEAK Really? Since-ARIEL Yeah. Two weeks. TWEAK How is it? ARIEL Terrible. TWEAK I bet. ARIEL I itch all over. I always feel like there’s things crawling on me, and I can’t sleep. It hurts, and I get the shivers, or I get really hot and sweaty for no reason. (CONTINUED)

29. CONTINUED: TWEAK That’s why you’re not cold. You’re too busy detoxin’. You haven’t had anything? ARIEL Phoebe won’t even let me smoke pot. TWEAK Too bad. I have a little. ARIEL Pot? TWEAK I got other stuff, too. ARIEL How come you asked me, then? TWEAK Well, why smoke mine if you got, you know? But now that I hear you’re twitching and itching and Tweak fishes around in her jacket and pulls out a small PLASTIC BAG with a thin line of WHITE CRYSTALS in it. ARIEL (afraid) No. I better not. TWEAK Ok. You know, I feel real sorry about that stuff, and the hospital and everything... ARIEL It wasn’t your fault. I’m just not used to needles. TWEAK Yeah. You can take a little of this for later, if you want. ARIEL No. You better put it away. If Phoebe sees it she’ll kill you. TWEAK Shiiit. I thought you said she was cool. (CONTINUED)

30. CONTINUED: ARIEL Not about that. TWEAK Lucky I don’t bruise easy. ARIEL Tweak, you have bruises all over. TWEAK Yeah, but I work for ’em! ARIEL (laughing) What? TWEAK (also laughing) I don’t know. Well, see ya. ARIEL Hey Tweak. TWEAK Yeah? ARIEL Here. Take my jacket. Ariel takes off her JACKET. TWEAK Really? ARIEL Yeah. I can’t feel the cold anyhow. TWEAK I don’t want to take your jacket. ARIEL No, take it. You can give it back to me when it gets warmer. Tweak takes the JACKET hesitantly, but is clearly grateful. TWEAK Maybe you’ll need it when you start feeling the cold. ARIEL Maybe.


31. CONTINUED: Tweak leaves. Ariel digs her fingernails into her arms and coughs. Phoebe appears, and Ariel goes to her and hugs her hungrily. PHOEBE Whoa, hey, babe. ARIEL I love you. PHOEBE I love you too. ARIEL Really? PHOEBE You know I do. Hey, what happened to your jacket? ARIEL Tweak’s got it. PHOEBE Tweak? ARIEL I gave it to her. PHOEBE Why? ARIEL She was cold. PHOEBE I don’t want you around Tweak. ARIEL She’ll give it back. Phoebe grabs Ariel's hair and brings her face close, not hard, but stern. PHOEBE You need to listen. I don’t want her giving you anything. ARIEL I’m sorry, baby.


32. CONTINUED: PHOEBE I’m just worried about you. ARIEL I’m sorry, baby. Phoebe kisses her. PHOEBE Let’s go home. INT. HOWARD'S APARTMENT - A FEW DAYS LATER Howard is finishing writing a card. He seems nervous. There is a knock on the door. He hides the card and opens the door. It's Ariel. HOWARD Hi! How are you? ARIEL I’m fine. HOWARD I didn’t know if you would come. ARIEL Yeah. I almost didn’t. HOWARD Look, I thought a lot about what you said, and I think I understand. ARIEL That’s good. HOWARD Good. But--hold on. Please, sit down. Do you want something to eat? Here-cheese! Ariel sits while Howard retrieves a plate of cheese from the refrigerator. ARIEL Thanks. Is this that same cheese? HOWARD Is that ok? I thought you liked it. ARIEL I do. It’s fine. Are you ok? (CONTINUED)

33. CONTINUED: Howard sits. HOWARD Yes. Yes. Uh, how are you? ARIEL I’m still fine. The cheese is good. HOWARD Is it? Good. Good. Ok, so I know you don’t want to continue our arrangement-ARIEL Our what? HOWARD You know, our arrangement. And I was thinking--neither do I. ARIEL You don’t? HOWARD No. Of course not. Even if you didn’t want to, I wouldn’t want to. ARIEL Really? HOWARD Yes. I mean, it was nice, I mean, great, I mean, there was nothing wrong with it...but I don’t want to do it any more, because I was thinking that it--we--even, could be something different--more--to each other. ARIEL More? HOWARD I was thinking--I want you to girlfriend. ARIEL What? HOWARD Because I think I love you.


34. CONTINUED: ARIEL Ok. Howard, you’re a really nice guy. HOWARD Uh huh. Thanks. ARIEL That's why I'm here, because you've been nice to me. But I don't want what you want. HOWARD I see. ARIEL I’m-HOWARD Don’t say you’re sorry. It’s fine. ARIEL I’m not sorry. HOWARD Not even a little? ARIEL No. I don’t have anything to apologize for. Ariel gets up, ready to leave. HOWARD I know. I just--I mean, that’s what I love about you-ARIEL Can we not-- (say love) HOWARD I mean, when I first met you, you seemed so quiet, and small, but you’re so straightforward, and smart, and, well, you’re still small..ugh, sorry, I’m mangling this. ARIEL Howard, you don’t even know me that well. HOWARD But I do. I do.


35. CONTINUED: ARIEL You know you only see me at work, right? HOWARD Ok. But I see you...when you’re lying in bed, or eating, or just quiet moments, that you’d think I wouldn’t notice. I do. I know you. Maybe better than you know yourself. ARIEL You don't know me, and-HOWARD But I see you relax. When we’re talking, or after we make love-ARIEL Ok, you need to stop. HOWARD What? ARIEL Howard, we don’t "make love." We have sex. For money. That is it. HOWARD Ok, well, I see you relax when we talk. ARIEL I like talking to you, but... Ariel shrugs, and prepares to go. HOWARD So, what if we just start by being friends? ARIEL Start what? HOWARD A friendship, I guess. ARIEL That’s enough? HOWARD Of course it is.


36. CONTINUED: ARIEL You’re going to be happy with that? HOWARD Yeah. Hold on. I shouldn’t have, but I got you something. Ariel is convinced enough to sit. Howard gives her the CARD. She opens it and sees AIRLINE TICKETS. ARIEL Tickets to Greece? HOWARD I just wanted to do something nice for you, to show you how I--well I thought--maybe...we could... ARIEL This is...this is..I don't even know what this is. HOWARD (joking) Are you sure you don’t want to be my girlfriend? She stands. ARIEL Howard, I don’t think we can be friends. HOWARD C’mon, I was joking. ARIEL I don’t think you were. HOWARD No, I was. I just--I want to be your friend. ARIEL I’m going now. She walks to the door. HOWARD Can I drive you? ARIEL I’ll take the bus. (CONTINUED)

37. CONTINUED: HOWARD Just, if you ever need anything, or want to talk, or just watch a movie or...whatever, anyways--you have my number. ARIEL Goodbye Howard. HOWARD Wait! I’ll give you a five hundred dollars if you stay with me. ARIEL Stay with you? HOWARD Not, like, forever, just-ARIEL You mean have sex? HOWARD Please. That's it. I promise. ARIEL Five hundred dollars? INT. ARIEL AND PHOEBE'S APARTMENT - LATER A shabby, institutional studio apartment, almost like a college dorm, but in a state of disrepair. Zoe and Ariel sit at a table, several cigarettes deep into a conversation. Ariel is sewing a patch onto Zoe's sweatshirt. ZOE Tough call. You think she’s gonna be pissed? ARIEL I don’t know. ZOE I’m gonna take a stab and say "yeah." I wouldn’t tell her. ARIEL Where do I say the money came from?


38. CONTINUED: ZOE You know, you don’t have to give all your money to Phoebe. ARIEL I like not worrying about it. ZOE I’ll hold onto it for you. ARIEL Yeah, right. ZOE You also don’t have to tell her everything. Especially not right now. ARIEL What’s up with her, anyways? ZOE I’m not supposed to say. Zoe gets up and starts going through the closet, trying on some of Ariel and Phoebe's clothes. ARIEL Says who? ZOE Says Phoebe. ARIEL Huh. Is it because of my overdose? ZOE Kind of. ARIEL I’m getting better. ZOE You still throwing up all the time? ARIEL After I wake up. And I still burn up. My skin. Zoe can’t find anything she likes in the closet. ZOE I can’t believe you gave that awesome jacket to Tweak. (CONTINUED)

39. CONTINUED: ARIEL Tweak’s ok. ZOE Tweak is the most fucked up piece of--look, if I had like, a warehouse full of fucked-up-people-parts and I tried to put together the most fucked up person I could, it would still be better than Tweak. ARIEL She said she’d give it back. ZOE Not likely. ARIEL Tell you what, if she does, you can have it. ZOE Really? ARIEL Yeah, I don’t want it anymore. ZOE Don’t mess with me. You know I love that jacket. ARIEL Nope, it’s yours. This is done. Ariel holds up the sweatshirt. Zoe sits back down at the table and examines the patch. ZOE Sweet. Thanks. So what are you going to do about Phoebe? ARIEL I’m not going to tell her. As long as you won’t. ZOE You can sure as shit bet I won’t. ARIEL Thanks, Zoe. ZOE What are friends for? (CONTINUED)

40. CONTINUED: The door bangs as Phoebe enters, a bit agitated. ZOE Hey Phoebe. PHOEBE Hi Zoe. Hi, you. ARIEL Hi. PHOEBE Ok, she’s on her way. ZOE Who? PHOEBE Tora. ZOE She’s coming here? PHOEBE Yeah. Zoe grabs her stuff. ZOE I’m out. PHOEBE No, you can’t. I told her you’d be here. ZOE What? Fuuuuck. ARIEL What about me? PHOEBE You stay too. And clean this stuff up. Ariel gathers her sewing kit, and moves to a BENCH that is set against the wall. ZOE What’s the plan? Are you buying? PHOEBE Maybe. It’s just a meeting. (CONTINUED)

41. CONTINUED: Tweak comes banging through the doorway. TWEAK Ok, she’s outside. Don’t say I never did anything for you. PHOEBE Ok. TWEAK We’re ok, then? PHOEBE Yes. TWEAK Good. Give me your piece. PHOEBE Like hell I will. TWEAK Do you want to see her or not? PHOEBE I’m not giving it to you. TWEAK Ok... Give it to Ariel. Hi Ariel. ARIEL Hi. Phoebe pulls up her shirt, and takes a GUN from her waist. She gives it to Ariel. Tweak leaves. A tense pause. Tweak re-enters. Tora walks through the door, and around the apartment as if the others were simply decorations. Finally, her eyes rest on Phoebe. TORA (staring at Phoebe) Hey Zoe. ZOE Hey Tora. TORA Long time, no see. ZOE I’ve just been so busy lately. (CONTINUED)

42. CONTINUED: Tora shifts her gaze to Ariel. TORA You know what the name Tora means? ARIEL Is it-TORA Sh--sh--I’m not talking to you. PHOEBE What does it mean? TWEAK I know what it means. This shatters Tora's pageant, and she is visibly angry. TORA I know you know what it means. TWEAK It means tiger. PHOEBE That’s great. Can we get started? Tora looks back at Phoebe. TORA You’re Phoebe? PHOEBE Yeah. I don’t know what it means. TORA (sitting) Ok. Phoebe. Tweak said you want to buy from me. PHOEBE Yeah. TORA So you want, what? A quarter pound? PHOEBE More than that. TORA Oh?


43. CONTINUED: PHOEBE Yeah. TORA Ok. (waits) Is this a guessing game? Uhhhhh...half a pound! PHOEBE I want ten. TORA Ten pounds? PHOEBE Yeah. TORA You have eighty thousand dollars? PHOEBE Sixty thousand. TORA Eighty thousand. PHOEBE Not here. TORA You don’t have it. PHOEBE No. TORA So you want ten, but how much can you actually buy? PHOEBE A quarter pound. TORA (amused) Ah ha. Ha ha. Ha. I knew it. Ok, who do you know who wants ten pounds? PHOEBE That would be telling. TORA How about this, you introduce me to your buyers--if it goes well, you get a cut. (CONTINUED)

44. CONTINUED: PHOEBE No. TORA You know, if you’re gonna waste my time, I can talk to someone else... Tora turns to Ariel, as if just noticing her: TORA (cont'd) What’s your name, sweetheart? ARIEL Ariel. Tora stands and walks to the bench. She sits down next to Ariel. TORA That’s pretty. It sounds like a little bird. Is that what it means? ARIEL I don’t know. TWEAK (trying to break the tension) Maybe she was named after the Little Mermaid. TORA Shutup, Tweak. TWEAK Love that movie. TORA Is that ok, if I call you Little Bird? ARIEL That’s fine. TORA I heard you have a gun, Little Bird. ARIEL It’s Phoebe’s. TORA (an invitation) Do you want to shoot me? (CONTINUED)

45. CONTINUED: ARIEL No. TORA I know. Because you know what? I can read your mind. Like a tiger. PHOEBE Tigers read minds? TORA (still to Ariel) Oh yeah. You ever watch, you know-the Planet Earth series? I love that shit. They're always talking about the tiger's hearing and instinct, but you know what? You watch long enough, you can tell--those tigers read minds. You know what else is cool? Tora puts her hands out in front of Ariel, as if they were tiger's ears. TORA (cont'd) On the back of a their ears they have two big spots, like eyes, so you can’t tell if you’re behind the tiger or in front of her. Then, right before she pounces, her ears flatten down on her head, and then you see all her eyes, and then...Haah! Tora claps, close to Ariel's face and Ariel flinches. Phoebe jumps up. Tora turns to her, suddenly all business: TORA (cont'd) You know what I’ll do, Phoebe? You pay me for a quarter and I’ll front you a pound. If everything goes well, we’ll talk quantity. PHOEBE Why? TORA (ironically) I like you. PHOEBE Ok. TORA You don’t like me, though. (CONTINUED)

46. CONTINUED: PHOEBE I’m not looking for a new friend. TORA Bummer, dude. Well, let’s see it. PHOEBE I have a thousand. TORA Phoebe. Don’t be a bitch. PHOEBE I only have a thousand. TORA (to Tweak, et al) I said a pound, right? PHOEBE I know-TORA A quarter pound costs more than a thousand. PHOEBE I know. That’s all I have. Tora gets up, clearly finished with the conversation. ARIEL I have money. I have five hundred dollars. TORA Well, look at you, with your gun, and your money. Who’s really in charge here? Phoebe goes to Ariel and takes her money. She counts it and hands it to Tora. PHOEBE Here. Phoebe goes to the door and opens it, eager for Tora to leave, but Tora lingers near Ariel and counts the money. TORA Ok. Tweak will bring it to you.


47. CONTINUED: PHOEBE Tweak? TORA Yeah, Tweak. TWEAK Yeah, me. TORA Goodbye, Little Bird. Tora reaches out and touches Ariel's hair. Phoebe grabs Tora's other wrist. Tora whips around and leans in, faces close together, eyes locked. TORA Do we have a problem? PHOEBE Nope. TORA Good. PHOEBE But if you ever touch her again, I’ll kill you. Without breaking eye contact, Tora reaches out and touches Ariel's face. Phoebe stands frozen, seething. TORA Huh. Tora and Tweak exit. Phoebe slams the door. PHOEBE (about Tora) Bitch! She grabs a pack of cigarettes off of the table. It's empty. She throws it on the floor and stomps back towards the door, but Ariel intercepts her, hugging her from behind, and Phoebe calms down a bit. ARIEL I’m ok. I’m ok. Zoe takes this moment to leave.


48. CONTINUED: ZOE Yo, I don’t want to say I told you so, but...I fuckin’ told you so. Anyways, call me. PHOEBE Sure. We’ll talk soon. ZOE (from the hallway) Cool. If we’re all still alive. Zoe leaves. Ariel sits, and looks at Phoebe, concerned. ARIEL You want something to eat? PHOEBE No. Ariel waits, but there is no change. ARIEL I’m going to take a shower, then. Ariel goes to the bathroom. Phoebe paces. PHOEBE You want to tell me where you got that money? ARIEL (O.S.) What? PHOEBE Where you got that money. ARIEL (O.S.) I can’t hear you. PHOEBE Why don’t you leave the door open? Ariel pokes her head out. ARIEL What? PHOEBE Leave the door open. ARIEL Then it gets cold in here. (CONTINUED)

49. CONTINUED: PHOEBE Fine. ARIEL But I want to talk to you. PHOEBE No, it’s fine. Ariel comes out of the bathroom. ARIEL What were you saying? PHOEBE I was saying you shouldn’t be worried. ARIEL That’s not what you said. PHOEBE Well, that’s what I’m saying now. ARIEL I am worried. PHOEBE I can handle it. ARIEL That’s a lot of money. What if she turns on you? PHOEBE She won’t. You saw how hungry she got. She needs to move it. ARIEL She’s frightening. PHOEBE It’s just a show. ARIEL It seems real. PHOEBE She’s pushing on my weak spots. She wanted me to break like that. ARIEL Why did you? (CONTINUED)

50. CONTINUED: PHOEBE Are you gonna take your shower? ARIEL I want to know what you said. PHOEBE Fine, I asked where you got the money. ARIEL I hate it when you do that. PHOEBE What? ARIEL Ask questions you already know the answer to. PHOEBE Well, I want to hear you say it. ARIEL I got it from Howard. I had sex with him. PHOEBE After I asked you not to. ARIEL Yeah, but you also said we needed money. PHOEBE I told you not to go over there. ARIEL That was the last time. PHOEBE Is it? Or maybe you like being with him. ARIEL You know I don’t. PHOEBE You went away with him. ARIEL It was a mistake.


51. CONTINUED: PHOEBE You say that, but then you keep sleeping with him. ARIEL Well, it’s not like that. PHOEBE What is it like Ariel? You may think it’s nothing. But he doesn’t. That’s what I’m worried about. ARIEL He's just lonely. He’s not a bad guy. PHOEBE When he gets what he wants. ARIEL Well, I don’t think-PHOEBE I do. And I asked you not to see him again. ARIEL And I’m not going to. Ever again. Happy? PHOEBE No. ARIEL What do you want me to say? PHOEBE Nothing. ARIEL Fine. I’m taking my shower. Ariel again exits to the bathroom. PHOEBE Will you leave the door open? ARIEL (O.S.) What? PHOEBE Open the door.


52. CONTINUED: ARIEL (O.S.) Why? PHOEBE Why are you acting like this? ARIEL (O.S.) Like what? PHOEBE You know like what! Ariel storms out of the bathroom. She's angry now. We haven't seen her like this before. ARIEL I just want to shut the door so I can have a shower! I’m not going to shoot up! PHOEBE I didn’t say you were. ARIEL But that’s what this is really about, right? PHOEBE No! It’s not that. I just want to know...never mind. ARIEL What? PHOEBE I just don’t want you to be far away right now. Ariel softens. She goes to Phoebe and snuggles in with her. ARIEL Because I’m your weak spot? PHOEBE That’s what she thinks. ARIEL What do you think? Mmmm. What else am I? A beat, then poking her playfully:


53. CONTINUED: ARIEL (cont'd) Huh? Huh? Ariel gets more playful, a little aggressive. It turns intimate. Phoebe grabs her hair and pulls her head back, and kisses her neck. Ariel responds, and then coughs several times. PHOEBE Oh, babe. Are you ok? ARIEL No. Maybe I’m dying. PHOEBE Don’t. ARIEL Ok. PHOEBE I’m gonna take care of everything. I promise. Their voices get soft--this is a ritual for them. ARIEL Why? PHOEBE Because you’re my strong spot. ARIEL If I was hurt, you’d take care of me? PHOEBE Till you were new again. ARIEL What if I got lost? Would you come find me? PHOEBE Like nothing else in the world mattered. Like a force of nature. They kiss.

54. INT./EXT. CONDEMNED BUILDING - A FEW DAYS LATER - EARLY MORNING Ariel lifts a board that covers a hole in the building. She slips through the opening. Inside it is disheveled and abused. Graffiti covers the walls, piles of refuse sit in the corner. Towards the center, Tweak is sleeping on an old mattress, with a ratty sleeping bag over her. Ariel approaches. ARIEL Tweak? Tweak? Ariel reaches down and touches Tweak on the shoulder. Tweak bolts upright and brandishes a knife she is clutching--Ariel jumps back. ARIEL (cont'd) Tweak! Tweak! It’s me. TWEAK Oh shit! It’s you! Who is you? ARIEL Ariel. TWEAK Ah, shit. Ariel. What time is it? ARIEL Eight. TWEAK In the morning? In the motherfucking morning? ARIEL Yeah. Sorry. Tweak rubs her eyes. TWEAK Shit. I should go apply for a job or something. ARIEL They told me I could find you here. TWEAK Who’s they?


55. CONTINUED: ARIEL The girls at the shelter. TWEAK Yeah, I got kicked out. ARIEL For what? TWEAK Bein’ over age. ARIEL I thought they were letting older girls in ’cause of the cold. TWEAK Yeah. I was also selling. ARIEL Oh. TWEAK And I ripped some bitch’s hair out. ARIEL Jesus Christ. TWEAK Yeah. She was pretty sorry. ARIEL You’re not too cold in here? TWEAK Nah. I stole a sleeping bag. And I got this jacket you gave me. ARIEL Good. A pause. TWEAK So, what’s wrong? ARIEL How do you know something’s wrong? TWEAK It’s eight in the morning.


56. CONTINUED: ARIEL Yeah. TWEAK So? ARIEL Phoebe’s gone. TWEAK Gone, like you guys had a fight? ARIEL Gone gone. Didn’t come home last night. TWEAK Maybe she stayed somewhere else. ARIEL Where? TWEAK I don’t know. People could not come home for all sorts of reasons. ARIEL She would text me. TWEAK Damn. I guess so. ARIEL So you don’t know anything? TWEAK I haven’t heard shit. ARIEL Nothing? TWEAK Nah. ARIEL Ok. TWEAK Sorry. I wish. A pause.


57. CONTINUED: ARIEL You know Tora pretty well, right? TWEAK Shit yeah. We were tight way back before she called herself Tora. ARIEL Really? TWEAK Yeah. Heh. Alison. We met in the shelters, like you and Phoebe. Now she just keeps me around because she thinks I’m funny. And she gives me a little to sell, even though she knows I’m gonna smoke most of it anyways. ARIEL Maybe she likes having someone crazier than her around. TWEAK She’s not crazy. ARIEL She’s not? TWEAK Oh no. She sees all the angles. She knows right away how to get inside people. She breaks ’em. ARIEL Can I talk to her? TWEAK I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since I got that stuff for Phoebe. ARIEL Oh. TWEAK She gets sick of me, but then I guess she gets bored, because she sends someone to get me. ARIEL Maybe she misses you. TWEAK Ha! Ha ha. Maybe. (CONTINUED)

58. CONTINUED: ARIEL If you see her, can you help me talk to her? TWEAK I’ll see what I can do. Ariel nods and gets up. TWEAK (cont'd) Hey, you don’t gotta go right away. ARIEL I want to keep looking. TWEAK Ok. But I got something that’ll help. Tweak gets up and goes to a stash spot. She holds up a bag of CRYSTAL METH. ARIEL I, uh... TWEAK It’s really clean stuff. Check it out. You can almost see through the crystals. ARIEL No. I should-TWEAK It’ll help you focus. ARIEL I shouldn’t. TWEAK Ok. Just keep me company for a minute, though. ARIEL Ok. Just for a minute. TWEAK Cool. Tweak kneels on the mattress, and takes a folded sheet of tinfoil out from under it. She smooths it. Ariel sits next to her. She notices something under the mattress. A SKETCH BOOK. She picks it up. (CONTINUED)

59. CONTINUED: ARIEL What’s in here? TWEAK Drawings. From my dreams. Tweak grabs a PEN from the spiral spine of the SKETCH BOOK. She takes off the point and removes the barrel, leaving the tube. ARIEL Really? TWEAK Yeah. ARIEL What’s this one? TWEAK An elephant. ARIEL What’s it doing? TWEAK It’s dancing. Tweak puts some crystals on the foil. Ariel closes the book and looks at the back, where "Tweak" is written. ARIEL Hey, what’s your name? TWEAK Tweak. Tweak hands the lighter to Ariel. ARIEL Your real name. TWEAK That’s also Tweak. ARIEL You don’t like your name? TWEAK That’s some other girl. She’s too soft, so I don’t let her around. Tweak is nice and hard around the edges. T-wee-kah. It’s good. (CONTINUED)

60. CONTINUED: Tweak puts the tube in her mouth. TWEAK (cont'd) Also, people don’t expect much from Tweak. Ariel lights the lighter, holding it under the tin foil, and Tweak sucks smoke through pen barrel. She offers it to Ariel. Ariel hesitates. She takes the pen barrel. She inhales. ARIEL Oh god. TWEAK It’s good, huh. ARIEL Yeah. Yeah. It’s so good. Ariel lies back. A few seconds later, she sits up quickly. ARIEL (cont'd) Oh, god. Phoebe. I need to find Phoebe. TWEAK Hey, settle down. ARIEL No, I should go. I should go. TWEAK You’re shivering. Here, take your jacket. ARIEL What are you gonna do? TWEAK I got my sleeping bag. ARIEL Ok. TWEAK You sure you don’t want one more? (CONTINUED)

61. CONTINUED: ARIEL Maybe one. Ariel leans back in. The lighter flares. FADE TO: EXT. ALLEY - A SHORT TIME LATER Zoe is sitting on a milk crate in the alley, looking at her phone. Ariel walks up quickly. ZOE There you are. ARIEL Did you hear anything? Have you heard anything? ZOE At ten in the morning? Did you? ARIEL No. No. I found Tweak, though. ZOE (sarcastic) Sweeeet. What did she have to say? ARIEL Nothing. Nothing really. She hasn’t seen anything. Zoe looks up from her phone. Ariel begins to collect cigarette butts from the alley, examining them as if they are important clues. ZOE Are you ok? ARIEL Yeah. Just nervous. Zoe intercepts her and looks in her eyes. ZOE Jesus Christ, Ariel. ARIEL What? It’s--no--I’m just nervous.


62. CONTINUED: Ariel collects one more cigarette butt and begins to arrange her collection on the crate that Zoe was sitting on. ZOE Fucking Tweak. ARIEL I just needed to focus a little. ZOE You should be glad Phoebe’s not around. ARIEL Don’t say that. ZOE Sorry. ARIEL I have to talk to Tora. ZOE Why? ARIEL I think she knows something. ZOE You know you can’t really trust anything Tweak says. ARIEL Yeah, but she would know. ZOE I don’t think it’s a good idea. What if Phoebe’s not even in trouble? ARIEL She is. I can feel it. ZOE You know what that is you’re feeling? Fucking high. You should go home. ARIEL No. No. I need to talk to Tora. ZOE Not like this you don’t.


63. CONTINUED: ARIEL You know her, Zoe. ZOE Not that well. ARIEL Can't you help me? Please? ZOE No way. ARIEL Why not? ZOE I don’t want to be the one to tell Tora that Phoebe disappeared with a pound of her product. ARIEL I’ll tell her. ZOE I don’t even want to be in the room. ARIEL Please, Zoe. ZOE Just go home. ARIEL No! ZOE Ariel, I’ll see what I can do! Now go home. ARIEL I can’t. I can’t stop. I can’t. Zoe sits, brushing the cigarette butts off the crate. Ariel hustles to retrieve them. Zoe takes out her phone and looks at it. ZOE Look, I’ve got to go. ARIEL Where?


64. CONTINUED: ZOE You were up all night. Go home. ARIEL Is it Tora? Are you meeting her? ZOE Ariel, you’re really high and paranoid right now, so-ARIEL I’m going to find Phoebe. ZOE Wait, I should tell you something. ARIEL What? About Phoebe? ZOE Would you settle down? ARIEL Is it the thing Phoebe didn’t want you to say? ZOE Yeah. ARIEL Then I don’t want to know. She’ll tell me. She’ll tell me when she gets back. We shouldn’t be doing things behind her back. We already let her down. ARIEL Maybe that’s why she’s gone, Zoe. Maybe she left because she knew I was going to let her down...I just want her to come back. I just think, if we could talk to Tora, she might know something-because I just want her to come back--

ZOE You didn't let her down. Ariel, that’s not why she left. You need to calm down. Just, shh--settle down. Ariel--hey, hey, I’m gonna take you home--ok, just here, lean on me, ok, it’s going to be ok--take a deep breath--

Stress, lack of sleep and intoxication is taking its toll -Ariel is passing in and out of consciousness. Zoe tries to hold her upk. A POLICE SIREN HOWLS in the distance. ZOE (cont'd) Ok. C’mon. I need you to walk. (CONTINUED)

65. CONTINUED: ARIEL Where are we going? ZOE I’m gonna take you home. ARIEL No! Ariel fights out of Zoe's grasp and collapses on the ground, unconscious. Zoe tries to wake her. ZOE Hey. Hey. Goddamnit. The siren gets louder. Zoe tries to get Ariel up one more time, then gives up and hustles away. INT. OUTSIDE DETECTIVE MARSH'S OFFICE - POLICE STATION Detective Marsh is on the phone, outside her office. Through a window we see Ariel curled up on a couch in the office, asleep. DETECTIVE MARSH Well, tell me, has a body turned up? Has it? Has it? Has a body turned up? That’s what I’m saying. So let’s not go into damage control mode until-But it hasn’t happened yet! Besides, it’s not like she’s got family, or-Ok. I understand. I’m with you there. We’ll be ready. Stop shouting. STOP SHOUTING! I will do what I can! Yes. Yes. The girlfriend. Ariel. No, but I should have. Because that’s what you’re supposed to-- It is not debatable. I'm not a doctor! But we didn’t know she was going to be fine. Yes, as soon as she can talk, I will have something for you. Well, it shouldn’t be hard, she wasn’t a fucking saint. No, no, the missing girl, not the Ariel. It’s my ass too, sir. Yes sir. Detective Marsh opens the door and steps into her office.

66. INT. DETECTIVE MARSH'S OFFICE A rather comfortable looking office--plants, a couch, artwork, a water cooler--a bit cluttered but not messy. Detective Marsh puts a hand on Ariel's shoulder. DETECTIVE MARSH Ariel. ARIEL Hi. What am I... DETECTIVE MARSH I heard your name come up on the scanner. They found you passed out. Ariel sits up, and Detective Marsh sits on the couch next to her. ARIEL Oh. I-DETECTIVE Wait. I don't want to be a jerk, but I have to do this. She turns on a tape recorder and sets it on the table. DETECTIVE MARSH It’s for your protection. From us. Also, you don’t have to say anything, but if you do say something, then we can use it against you. So, this way you'll have a recording of what I said too, just so it's all above board. Ok? Just in case. Also you have the right to have an attorney here, if you want, and if you can’t afford one, we can provide one for you. Don’t worry, I’m on your side, Ariel. It’s just protocol. Do you understand? ARIEL (still waking up) Yes. DETECTIVE MARSH Are you ok? ARIEL I don’t know.


67. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE MARSH Do you want some water or anything? ARIEL Yes, please. Detective Marsh gets a cup of water from the water cooler. DETECTIVE MARSH What’s wrong? ARIEL Phoebe’s missing. DETECTIVE MARSH I’m sorry. What were you doing passed out on the street? ARIEL I..I don’t know. DETECTIVE MARSH It’s ok. Take your time. ARIEL Ok. Ariel composes herself. ARIEL How long was I passed out for? DETECTIVE MARSH Not long. ARIEL Is Zoe here? DETECTIVE MARSH No. Do you have any idea where Phoebe is? ARIEL No. DETECTIVE MARSH Was she doing something dangerous? ARIEL What do you mean? DETECTIVE Well, you seem worried about her. (CONTINUED)

68. CONTINUED: ARIEL I...I don’t know. DETECTIVE Do you worry about her normally? ARIEL Never. DETECTIVE Well, that’s all I want to know. Do you have a reason to be worried about her? ARIEL She’s missing. DETECTIVE I want to help you, Ariel. ARIEL I know. DETECTIVE So, I need to know, was she doing anything dangerous? Working? Selling drugs? ARIEL (suspiciously) No. Marsh looks through some papers. DETECTIVE I saw you at hospital a few weeks ago. ARIEL Yeah. DETECTIVE MARSH You had a heroin overdose. Ariel looks away. DETECTIVE MARSH (cont'd) Are you ok? Ariel says nothing.


69. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE MARSH (cont'd) Hey, I don't want to... You know what? Let’s just talk. Let’s, you know, get to know each other better. Off the record. She reaches over and clicks the recorder off. DETECTIVE MARSH (cont'd) I’ll start. You know what I’ve been doing lately? Daydreaming. About my funeral. About my own funeral. That’s bad, you know? What does that say? I wish it was all over? I’d like to just lie down for a while? ARIEL You’re lonely? DETECTIVE MARSH Maybe. When I daydream though, you know who’s there? Not my family. Not people from the department. No. You, and Zoe, and all the other girls. All lined up. And everyone is sad. Weeping. Speeches are made. You know, I chose this unit. I wanted to work with girls like you. Help you. But it never ends, and no one cares. Not the district, not the state, not the girls. You remember Angel? And Sirah? Magic? Cloey? Chantel? Lisa and Alice? Jessie? Lamelle? Paris? Me neither. Because they were you three years ago. Ancient history. She pauses. DETECTIVE MARSH I’m worried about you, Ariel. You’re following those girls down, and it’s a rocky path. You slipped once, and got lucky. But how long till you start again? ARIEL I won’t. DETECTIVE MARSH Sure. So what if you do? Who’s gonna look out for you?


70. CONTINUED: ARIEL Phoebe. DETECTIVE MARSH But where is she? ARIEL That’s what I’m trying to find out! DETECTIVE MARSH Ariel, I’m going to tell you something, and it’s going to be hard to hear. Those girls I listed off? Ten to one, you end up on that list. But you know who won’t? Phoebe. Those girls are prey. Phoebe is a predator. ARIEL No she’s not. DETECTIVE MARSH No? ARIEL I want a lawyer. DETECTIVE MARSH Sure. What’s your lawyer’s number? ARIEL I don’t have one. DETECTIVE MARSH I’m sure we can have a public defender over here in a few hours. Maybe by tomorrow. ARIEL I want to go. Marsh ignores her. DETECTIVE MARSH When I was thirteen, my mom kicked my older sister out for bringing a girlfriend home. She moved to the city, lived in a shelter, and I’d visit her. There were lots of other kids like her there, and they were great, like a family. (MORE)


71. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE MARSH (cont'd) But you know, the ones who had been there longer, they were starting to get nervous, because once you’re not a juvenile anymore, the state won’t take care of you. Lots of shelters for teens--none for older girls. So these kids had to figure out a hustle. My sister started dating one of these older girls, and this girl had a setup--car would pull up, she’d get in, around the block, and she’d get out with twenty dollars. She started my sister doing it too. A lot of the kids did it. You gotta survive. A lot of ’em would turn around and give their money to this girl, and get high. Pretty soon, she didn’t have to do it anymore, just the girls working for her. I saw my sister one more time, a year later, in the hospital. She’d had an overdose--I was her family contact. I tried to get her to come home with me, but she wouldn’t. And that was that. ARIEL I’m not your sister. DETECTIVE MARSH No. You get another chance. ARIEL Phoebe’s not like that. You think I don’t know about being used? I’ve been used. You make the same mistake as everyone else--I’m quiet, so I’m naive. That’s what you think. DETECTIVE MARSH I think you’re naive because you are naive. Phoebe is your pimp. ARIEL No she’s not! DETECTIVE MARSH She sets up your clients. ARIEL No she doesn't!


72. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE MARSH She keeps track of the money. ARIEL Let me go! DETECTIVE MARSH You weren't doing this before her. ARIEL Yes I was! Phoebe didn't-- Let me go. DETECTIVE MARSH Ariel, that’s enough for a prosecutor. I can't let you go. ARIEL I didn’t--You said this was off the record. DETECTIVE MARSH There’s no such thing. Marsh abruptly exits. Ariel pulls out her phone and sends a text message to Howard. Marsh returns with a file folder. DETECTIVE MARSH (cont'd) As of now, you’re a suspect in this case. So you can start by telling me the truth. Where’s Phoebe? ARIEL I don’t know. DETECTIVE MARSH When she left, did she take the drugs with her? ARIEL What? DETECTIVE MARSH The crystal. Did she take it? ARIEL I don’t know-DETECTIVE MARSH We know Phoebe bought a large quantity of meth. What we don’t know is if you and Zoe were selling for her.


73. CONTINUED: ARIEL No-DETECTIVE MARSH No, Phoebe didn’t buy it, or no you and Zoe aren’t selling? ARIEL I don’t know what you’re talking about. DETECTIVE MARSH Or, no you’re not selling, but Zoe is, and Phoebe did buy it? ARIEL There aren’t any drugs. Marsh looks in the folder. DETECTIVE MARSH Ariel, that’s..we both know that’s not true. ARIEL What’s in there? DETECTIVE MARSH Nothing you need to see. She closes the FOLDER, but not before we see that it is, in fact, empty. Ariel does not see this. She puts the FOLDER on the table. From a stack of papers she takes out a typewritten confession. DETECTIVE MARSH (cont'd) Ariel, this is a statement. It outlines what we already know about what Phoebe and Zoe were up to. It doesn’t incriminate you. If you sign it-ARIEL No way. DETECTIVE MARSH Zoe signed one. ARIEL Zoe?


74. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE MARSH Oh. You didn’t think she had your back, did you? Ariel, listen to me. Zoe’s not your friend. Phoebe’s gone, and she’s not coming back. The best thing for you, for you to do, would be to get your side of the story heard. ARIEL So you know where Phoebe is? Detective Marsh looks at the folder, catches herself and looks away. DETECTIVE MARSH I can’t say anything about that case. ARIEL If I sign this, could you? DETECTIVE MARSH (as if thinking) I uh...I could show you what’s in this folder. Ariel takes the confession. ARIEL If I sign it, are you going to arrest me? DETECTIVE MARSH No. Ariel begins to read the confession. She stops and looks at her phone. DETECTIVE MARSH Just let me know if you want to make any small changes, or you have questions. ARIEL Ok. I do have a question. DETECTIVE Ok. ARIEL Can you let my lawyer in?


75. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE MARSH What lawyer? Howard knocks on the door and sticks his head in. ARIEL That one. HOWARD Detective Marsh? I’d like to speak to my client privately. DETECTIVE MARSH Yeah. Fine. Detective Marsh walks towards the door. DETECTIVE MARSH (cont'd) She’s your client, huh? HOWARD Yes. DETECTIVE MARSH Not the other way around? HOWARD I’m not here to answer your questions. Marsh exits. HOWARD (cont'd) Hi. ARIEL Hi. Thanks for coming. HOWARD You were lucky. I was at the courthouse. You know, I’m not really this kind of lawyer. ARIEL I didn’t have anyone else to call. HOWARD No, no, I’m glad you did. Are you ok? ARIEL I’ve been better. She won't stop asking me questions.


76. CONTINUED: HOWARD They’re supposed to stop as soon as you ask for a lawyer. ARIEL She didn’t. She just talked more. HOWARD Yeah. They’ll tell a personal story or something to try to get you to respond. ARIEL She wanted me sign a confession. Against Phoebe. HOWARD Who’s Phoebe? ARIEL My girlfriend. HOWARD mean...I don’t understand... ARIEL She’s my girlfriend. HOWARD So..oh. So you’re bi-sexual? ARIEL No. HOWARD But-ARIEL I’m not. Phoebe’s my girlfriend. Can we..? HOWARD Ok. ARIEL Howard, can you get me out of here? HOWARD Maybe. Did she charge you?


77. CONTINUED: ARIEL I don’t know. I’m a suspect. She said Zoe signed a confession. HOWARD Is that another-ARIEL I only have one girlfriend, Howard. HOWARD I was going to say "call girl." ARIEL Sure. HOWARD Ok. So if they actually have a confession-ARIEL She said they did. And she knew everything. HOWARD They can say anything they want. So, how well do you know Zoe? ARIEL Really well. She was the first girl I met when I moved here. We lived at the shelter together. She kind of took me in. HOWARD Would she do that to you, then? ARIEL She’s sometimes ratted me out, when she’s really scared. I don’t blame her, though. You learn to live like that--when you’re wedged in a tight place, you kind of, like, grow into its shape. HOWARD So you think it’s possible? ARIEL I don’t know. No. She hates cops. Howard looks over the confession.


78. CONTINUED: HOWARD How would they know all this, then? ARIEL Phoebe. If they arrested Phoebe. HOWARD If they did, it would be in the public record. I can look it up. Howard reads Phoebe NAME off the confession as he types into his phone. HOWARD (cont'd) Nothing. ARIEL Then why... I need to talk to Zoe. Am I allowed to leave? HOWARD Let’s see. He knocks on the door. Marsh enters. DETECTIVE (to Ariel) So, what do you think? You want to sign? HOWARD Are you detaining my client? DETECTIVE Not yet. HOWARD Good. Go on. DETECTIVE Ariel, wait-Ariel walks quickly out of the door. HOWARD What do you want from her, Detectiv-DETECTIVE What do I want? I’m trying to save that girl! HOWARD From who? (CONTINUED)

79. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE What do you want from her? This isn’t a charity case, is it? HOWARD I’d like to know about Phoebe. DETECTIVE Oh, one girl’s not enough? HOWARD Are you accusing me of something? DETECTIVE It’s from you! It’s from you, and everyone like you. That’s who I’m saving her from. HOWARD I’m just her lawyer, and a friend. DETECTIVE A friend. A buddy. So why didn’t I see you at the hospital, Mr. Friend? HOWARD The what? DETECTIVE Oh...that’s sad. You’d think a friend like you would get a phone call when she went to the hospital. Buddy. INT. - ARIEL AND PHOEBE'S APARTMENT Zoe and Tora sit at the table. Tora shuffles a DECK OF CARDS and begins to deal a game of solitaire. Zoe watches, nervous. ZOE Maybe she left town. TORA You better hope not. ZOE How long do you want to wait for her? TORA Are you in a hurry?


80. CONTINUED: ZOE No, just... TORA Tweak! Tweak pokes her head in from the apartment building hallway. TWEAK ’Sup? TORA Stay awake. TWEAK My eyes are peeled. Tweak exits. TORA You heard what happened to Queen B? ZOE A little. We weren’t really talking much anymore, but I heard things. TORA I don’t know why she stopped hanging out. She knew she had enemies. ZOE She was kind of shaken up after Magic. TORA Queen B knew the deal. ZOE I don’t think it was personal. TORA We found those motherfuckers who got her, anyways. Bullet in the head. Bullet in the head. ZOE Good. TORA You know, I take care of my girls. ZOE I know. (CONTINUED)

81. CONTINUED: TORA Anyways, Magic should have come to me instead of the cops. ZOE You beat her up, remember? TORA She came up short. ZOE You beat the shit out of her, though. TORA You don’t understand. If I look weak, people will fuck with my girls. A lot worse than a beating. ZOE No, I get it. TORA They know what I have to do. If they come up short, they take a beating. If they wear a wire... ZOE Yeah. TORA Queen B knew that. ZOE I think it was the sushi that-TORA Fuck the sushi! I’m sick of hearing about that goddamn sushi. Fuck Queen B, too. Shouldn’t have fuckin’ left. Tora goes back to playing. TORA Goddamnit. Again. These cards suck. ZOE You just dealt. Tweak and Ariel enter. Ariel looks questioningly at Zoe. TORA I’ll show you.


82. CONTINUED: She starts moving the cards around. Zoe shrugs an "I’m sorry" to Ariel. ZOE I believe you, Tora-TORA Just FUCKING watch! See? She continues playing. Then she stops, stuck. TORA (cont'd) (about the cards) See? I thought you were smart, Zoe. ARIEL What are you doing here? TORA Did I say you could talk? ARIEL I need to-TORA I’m in a really bad mood. ARIEL I’m looking for my girlfriend. TORA (mocking) "I’m looking for my girlfriend." ARIEL She’s missing, and-TORA Hey. Shutup. I’m trying to concentrate. TWEAK Ariel, I heard that-TORA What did I just say? TWEAK Sorry. TORA C’mere, Tweak. C’mon. Get down.


83. CONTINUED: Tweak kneels. Tora picks up a card and feeds it into Tweak's mouth. Tweak chews the card up. Tora motions for her to open her mouth again and puts another card in. Tweak begins to chew, but begins to choke and cough, and spits the cards out. After a pause: ARIEL I need Phoebe back. TORA That’s too bad. ARIEL Do you know what happened to her? TORA I heard she got picked up. ARIEL By the police? Because-TORA Yeah. ARIEL I don't think so. ZOE I heard it too. ARIEL Oh. ZOE I tried to find you. Ariel gets up to leave. TORA Where are you going? ARIEL To look for her. TORA You two owe me ten thousand dollars. Why the fuck do you think I’m here? ZOE Wait a second, it wasn’t my idea. I--


84. CONTINUED: ARIEL We don’t have it. TORA I’ll tell you what. Tell me who you were going to sell ten pounds to. ZOE We weren't--

ARIEL I don’t know. TORA You don’t know who you were selling to? ARIEL I wasn’t. Phoebe was. I’m sure she would tell you, if we found her. TORA You’re sure, are you? ARIEL Yes. TORA Bring me my money tonight. ZOE We don’t have that kind of money.

Tora grabs Zoe by the hair: TORA Oh. Should I just fuck you up now, then? ARIEL No, no! I don't have the money. But I have your crystal. TORA Really? Here? ARIEL It's not here. I’ll bring it to you. Tora collects the cards, gets up and walks to Ariel, snapping her fingers at Tweak to follow. TORA You better have it by tonight.


85. CONTINUED: ARIEL We will. Tora sprays the cards in the air around Ariel. Tweak and Tora exit. Zoe begins to pick up the cards. Ariel sits, deep in thought. ZOE I’m sorry. She made me bring her here. I didn’t want to. ARIEL I know. ZOE I tried to find you, but she found me first. ARIEL Did she know anything? ZOE Nope. We just had a really fun afternoon playing "Who was Phoebe gonna sell the meth to?" ARIEL Do you know? ZOE No. If I did, I would have told her. She wants to know really bad. ARIEL Good. Zoe gives up on the cards and collapses into a chair. ZOE Yeah, good. Great! I almost got killed. So we should get the eff out of here, right? ARIEL I’m not leaving. ZOE Tora is gonna kill you when you show up without her meth.


86. CONTINUED: ARIEL I’m not going to. ZOE That’s what I’m saying. Oh wait, you mean--you have it? Ariel begins picking up the remaining cards. ARIEL No. But Phoebe hid it somewhere. ZOE How do you know? ARIEL Because I talked to Detective Marsh. ZOE What? ARIEL Mostly she talked to me. ZOE Still! As if I wasn’t already screwed. ARIEL You didn’t talk to her? ZOE Hell no! I bailed when you passed out. I had to. ARIEL See, that’s even more reason. ZOE More reason what? ARIEL That I know Phoebe didn’t have anything on her when the cops got her. ZOE Are you high again? ARIEL No, listen. You said they picked up Phoebe, but I checked, there was no arrest record. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

87. CONTINUED: ARIEL (cont'd) They couldn’t charge Phoebe, because she wasn’t carrying! Anything. That’s why they needed my confession. So it must be here somewhere--huh. Ariel pulls a small duffel bag out of a hiding place under a false board in the sink. ZOE What? Is that it? ARIEL Huh. This is half of it. INT. HOWARD'S APARTMENT Howard paces. He checks his phone a few times. He puts it in his jacket pocket. He paces a bit more, realizes he's hot, and takes off the jacket, and sets it near the closet. He opens the nothing, and back towards knock on the

apartment door and looks down the hall, sees checks his pants pocket for his phone. He heads his jacket, but before he reaches it there is a door. Ariel is in the doorway. HOWARD There you are. Where did you go? ARIEL I took the bus home. HOWARD You should have waited for me! I’ve been worried sick. ARIEL It’s only been a few hours. HOWARD Yeah, but I kept calling and you didn’t answer. ARIEL I’m fine. HOWARD Good. Thank god.


88. CONTINUED: ARIEL Howard, I need...I need some money. I can pay you back, however you want. HOWARD You mean-ARIEL Yeah. But it’s a lot of money. HOWARD How much? ARIEL Five thousand dollars. And I need it by tonight. HOWARD That makes it sound kind of dangerous. ARIEL It’s not. It’s not. HOWARD Ariel, I would just give you the money. We don’t need to-ARIEL No, I’ll work for it. HOWARD I just want you to know I meant what I said. About moving to the next level. ARIEL I know. HOWARD Well, why don’t I cook some dinner, you can stay here--if stuff happens, cool, if not that’s fine, and we can go get it together, in the morning. ARIEL It has to be by tonight. HOWARD I don’t know if I can do that. ARIEL I have to go then. (CONTINUED)

89. CONTINUED: HOWARD Why? ARIEL I have to get money. HOWARD Just stay here! Nobody can hurt you here. We’ll take care of it in the morning. ARIEL (starting to exit) I have to go. Howard blocks her path to the door. HOWARD I can’t let you. ARIEL Why not? HOWARD Because of this. Howard picks up a folder off of the counter. ARIEL What’s that? HOWARD Your medical records. ARIEL How did you get them? He does the "wave papers" thing. HOWARD From Saint Mary’s. When were you planning on telling me? ARIEL I didn’t think it was any of your business. HOWARD Of course it’s my business! ARIEL Fine. I had an overdose.


90. CONTINUED: HOWARD What? No, that’s not--I mean, I’m sorry about that. haven’t seen these? ARIEL No. Phoebe dealt with all that stuff. HOWARD You never talked to a doctor? ARIEL I know you’re concerned about me-HOWARD Not just about you. ARIEL I’m leaving now. HOWARD Not until you look at these. ARIEL Get out of my way! HOWARD Not until you look at these! ARIEL And then you’ll move? HOWARD If you still want me to. Ariel takes the folder and sits on the ottoman. She puts down her PURSE. She looks at the records. ARIEL Oh my god. HOWARD See? Howard goes to her. She stands. ARIEL Ok. Ok. HOWARD Ariel..


91. CONTINUED: ARIEL I can’t... Howard hugs her. ARIEL (cont'd) Let me go. Let me go! HOWARD I’m not going to let you go until you calm down. She relents and he releases her, still keeping himself between her and the door. ARIEL Howard. HOWARD You can’t just pretend this doesn’t matter. It’s a baby. ARIEL I know. HOWARD You’re pregnant with our baby. ARIEL No, it is not-HOWARD That’s my child. ARIEL No it’s not. HOWARD It’s a part of both of us. And we could have a family. A normal family. Ariel barks out a bitter laugh. HOWARD (cont'd) We could! That has to be better than what you have now. I care about you, and our baby. ARIEL Great. You can care, Howard, you can care all you want. That doesn’t mean you get to make rules for me.


92. CONTINUED: HOWARD When two adults enter into a consensual relationship-ARIEL Consensual? HOWARD Oh, grow the fuck up, Ariel. ARIEL Which is it, Howard? Should I grow up, or are you going to take care of me? HOWARD You chose to have sex with me-ARIEL You pay me to have sex-HOWARD --and babies are a natural consequence-ARIEL --not to carry a child for you. HOWARD It is a consequence that we have to deal with! ARIEL I will deal with it! HOWARD Not without me! It is my child! I have a say in what happens to you now, because you are carrying my child! ARIEL You don’t want it. HOWARD What? ARIEL You don’t even want it. HOWARD I do.


93. CONTINUED: ARIEL You just want a way to control me. HOWARD That’s not true. Ariel goes to the basket on the counter and pulls out the medicinal-looking tablets. ARIEL Those goddamn mints! They look just like my birth control pills! She throws the BOTTLE at Howard. HOWARD I-ARIEL Where do you even get something like that? HOWARD I ordered them on the internet. ARIEL What, did you poke holes in the condoms too? HOWARD I know you’re afraid. ARIEL I’m leaving, Howard. She goes to get her PURSE. HOWARD I love you. ARIEL Fuck that. HOWARD Please, don’t make me do this! Howard picks her up and carries her to the closet. ARIEL Howard! Howard! What are you doing? He digs around and finds the handcuffs and cuffs her to the bar. (CONTINUED)

94. CONTINUED: HOWARD I’m really sorry. I am. It’s just for a little bit, till you calm down and think about this. You’ll forgive me. I know you will. I’m doing this for you. For us. Howard looks at what he's just done. HOWARD (cont'd) Oh god. I can’t really--this got really fucking intense...and...uh... shit...I can’t really handle this right now. I’m uh...gonna go to the store and maybe get you want anything? Ok. Ok. Howard leaves quickly. Ariel tries to free herself, but can’t. She spots Howard's JACKET and manages barely to reach it. She pulls it towards her. She takes out his phone. She dials. FADE TO BLACK V.O. This is 911. What is your emergency? INT. POLICE STATION WAITING ROOM Ariel is sits, still shaken. She looks absently at a brochure. She hears the sound of someone banging on a vending machine from a nearby hallway. Tweak enters with a bag of chips, and Ariel tucks the brochure in her backpack. TWEAK Hey! Ariel! ARIEL What are you doing here? TWEAK I got picked up this afternoon. No biggie. Loitering. Fuckin’ loitering. Bleeaah! So I been loitering in here. Warmer than the 7-11 anyway....Are you ok? ARIEL It’s a really long story.


95. CONTINUED: TWEAK Shit, I got time. ARIEL One of my clients turned on me. TWEAK Are you ok? ARIEL ...Yeah. He locked me up, but he left his phone out. TWEAK Asshole. You want me to fuck him up? ARIEL He didn’t hurt me...just scared me. TWEAK You were trying to get money together, huh? ARIEL Yeah. TWEAK Fuuuck. I don’t know what to say, yo. ARIEL Is she going to kill me, Tweak? Tweak thinks about whether she should say anything. Then: TWEAK Not if you have something she wants. ARIEL I don’t have the money. TWEAK If you knew who the buyers were, though... ARIEL I don’t though. TWEAK I know. I’m sorry. I should go, my caseworker is probably looking. Tweak gets up to go. From the doorway:


96. CONTINUED: TWEAK (cont'd) But I’m just saying, if you were someone who knew that stuff...she wouldn’t kill you. You know? ARIEL You mean Phoebe? TWEAK I gotta go. Tweak leaves. Ariel stands and starts pacing. Detective Marsh enters. DETECTIVE Are you ok? ARIEL Yeah. Yes. DETECTIVE Are you sure? ARIEL Yes. DETECTIVE Do you want to go to my office? ARIEL Yes. They walk through the police station halls as they talk: ARIEL (cont'd) I want it. DETECTIVE I'm not sure... Ariel, you’ve been through a really traumatic-ARIEL No. I want it! DETECTIVE (looking around) Calm down. Good. Now, tell me what you want, and I’m sure we can-ARIEL Give me the deal.


97. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE What deal? ARIEL You know what deal. DETECTIVE No-ARIEL The same deal you gave Phoebe. DETECTIVE I don’t know what you’re talking about. ARIEL Yes you do. You know how I know? DETECTIVE I’m not interested. ARIEL You wanted me to sign a confession against Phoebe. I thought maybe she was in custody, but there was no arrest record. DETECTIVE We were looking for her. ARIEL Don’t. DETECTIVE We were. ARIEL No. You’d already found her the night before and she had half a pound of meth on her. DETECTIVE MARSH She’s not here, Ariel. ARIEL Because you gave her a deal--she takes the drugs, gets Tora to say everything on tape, no charges. But then she disappeared, and there was no arrest record. That doesn’t look good for you--


98. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE MARSH Shh. ARIEL (loudly) a dead, untrained girl-DETECTIVE MARSH Ariel! In my office. Detective Marsh looks around to see if anyone heard. She opens the door to her office. Ariel follows her in. ARIEL A dead, untrained girl with no arrest? It doesn't look good, does it? What would look good? A signed confession against her. DETECTIVE So what do you want? ARIEL I want the same deal you gave Phoebe. A wire. I’ll wear a wire if you drop the charges. DETECTIVE Phoebe’s dead, Ariel. ARIEL No she’s not. DETECTIVE No? Marsh takes the EMPTY FOLDER off of her desk. ARIEL You can put that folder away. DETECTIVE MARSH Not interested? ARIEL There’s nothing in it. Marsh puts the folder on the table. DETECTIVE Tora isn’t stupid. She just--


99. CONTINUED: ARIEL I’m willing to risk it. DETECTIVE Ariel, you don’t have to do this. This is your chance. This is your one chance to pull yourself up and get out of here. There’s nothing holding you back now, so just go. Life is long, if you let it be. There will be other Phoebes. ARIEL I’m not leaving. I’m going to meet Tora, whether you give me the wire or not. DETECTIVE No, I can’t. ARIEL What gives you the right? You made Phoebe to do it. You don’t know me, and you don’t know Phoebe. We’re not predator and prey. We’re not "types," and I’m not your goddamn sister. DETECTIVE I know you’re not. ARIEL Then don’t pretend I’m her. DETECTIVE I’m not. Marsh puts her hand on Ariel's shoulder. Ariel slaps it off, hard. ARIEL Then what do you think? You think we’re friends? We’re not friends. I hate you. DETECTIVE Fine. So what? You're going to tell everyone about Phoebe? ARIEL Yes.


100. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE You think they're going to give a shit. ARIEL I don't know. Do you? You were pretty desperate to have me sign that confession. DETECTIVE Fine. I don’t give a shit. Have your deal. ARIEL I need money for the deal. You’ll get it back. DETECTIVE You better not fuck this up, Ariel. ARIEL I won’t. INT. ARIEL'S APARTMENT - AFTERNOON Ariel's apartment. She's packing her things in boxes. Her JACKET is laying out. ZOE What are you doing? ARIEL I just want to be ready to go, in case I have to. ZOE That’s smart. ARIEL You want anything? I don’t want to keep all this stuff. ZOE Sure. ARIEL There’s a bunch of clothes over there. Phoebe would want you to have them. Zoe finds the JACKET.


101. CONTINUED: ZOE Still cool if I grab this? ARIEL Sure. Take some other stuff too, though. ZOE Maybe later. We should get going. ARIEL Yeah. ZOE Hey Ariel? ARIEL Yeah? ZOE Phoebe’s not coming back. ARIEL I--I don’t know. ZOE So don’t bug Tora about it, ok? ARIEL She might know something, though. ZOE That ship has sailed. ARIEL I don’t know. ZOE Look, I’m already scared shitless. Let's just give her the stuff, and get out. ARIEL Ok. I have to use the bathroom. ZOE Hurry up. Ariel goes to the bathroom. Zoe grabs a CIGARETTE starts looking through Ariel's bag for a lighter. She finds the brochure from the police station and eyes it suspiciously.


102. CONTINUED: ZOE (cont'd) Hey, where'd you go today, anyways? ARIEL To get money. ZOE What’s taking you so long? ARIEL I’m just getting ready. ZOE Well, hurry up. ARIEL I am, Zoe. ZOE Did you get it? ARIEL Yeah. From Howard. ZOE Really? ARIEL Yeah. Why? ZOE Doesn't matter. You run into that detective again? ARIEL No. ZOE Yeah, me neither. Ariel comes out of the bathroom, a new shirt on. ARIEL Ok, I'm ready. INT. TORA'S HOUSE Tora is sitting on a couch in her house, watching a nature documentary. On the coffee table is a GUN. There are chairs across from her. Tweak brings in Ariel and Zoe.


103. CONTINUED: TORA Hey there Little Bird. ZOE She has the stuff. TORA Zoe, for fuck’s sake. Let’s just be civil, ok? Tora turns off the TV. TORA (cont'd) So you do have my stuff? ARIEL I have half of it. And half cash. TORA Interesting. Where’d you get the money? ARIEL A friend. A client, actually. TORA How resourceful. Ariel places it on the table. ARIEL Half a pound of meth. Twenty five hundred dollars. TORA You’re a thousand short. ARIEL Phoebe--we--fronted you twenty five hundred for a pound of meth, so we owe you seventy five-TORA Fifteen hundred. ARIEL Oh. TORA Yes. Oh. Ariel adds a thousand dollars to the stack.


104. CONTINUED: ARIEL I made a mistake. Sorry. TORA Now, do you know who will buy my ten pounds, Little Bird? Ariel pauses, and nods. ARIEL Yes. TORA Well look at you. You bitch. ARIEL If you let me see Phoebe, I’ll tell you. ZOE Ariel-ARIEL I know you have her. ZOE Ariel... ARIEL She’s here, isn’t she? TORA Who are the buyers? ARIEL Where’s Phoebe? Tora fingers the GUN on the table, not picking it up, but rotating it back and forth in Zoe's general direction. TORA Zoe, what the fuck is she talking about? ZOE I don’t know. TORA What do you know? ZOE Nothing.


105. CONTINUED: TORA You don’t know anything? ZOE No. I...she's...she's wearing a wire. ARIEL Zoe, no! I'm not! She's lying! ZOE She is! I’m sorry, Ariel! I'm sorry! TORA Sh sh sh sh. You went to the police to look for your girlfriend? Is that what you did? Make a deal for your girlfriend? ARIEL No. I didn’t-TORA (imitating Ariel) Of course you did. "Oh, Tora, I forgot how much money we gave you for the pound of meth. Please say it again, out loud." Do you think I’m fucking stupid? Stand up. Ariel stands up. TORA Take off your shirt. ARIEL No. TORA Take off your shirt! Ariel doesn’t respond. Tora walks around Zoe, towards Ariel. She unbuttons Ariel's shirt while talking. TORA (cont'd) You know what I love about LA? In LA, you are either rising or you’re sinking. You know why? Because the city is built on tar. The La Brea tar pits. They used to just bubble up out of the ground. (MORE)


106. CONTINUED: TORA (cont'd) And before there were people here, there were these mastodons--giant elephants that would wander into the tar and get stuck, and it would take weeks, maybe, like, a month for one to die. And it would call out and call out, "ahwoooooo." And the big cats, the sabre-toothed tigers, would hear it calling, and come to eat the mastodon. But they would get stuck, and start sinking too. Nine tigers would die for every mastodon. Only the tenth one, the smart one, who walked on the bodies of the other cats, could eat the mastodon and get away. What do you think about that? ARIEL La Brea means "the tar." TORA So? ARIEL "The La Brea tar pits" means "the the tar tar pits." It’s a stupid name. Tora slaps her. Ariel does not flinch. TORA I think you missed the point. ARIEL Am I the mastodon? TORA Apparently not. How interesting. Zoe? ZOE I thought she was wearing one. Tora, I swear to god-TORA Shutup! Now, let’s talk, birdie. ARIEL She needs to leave. TORA Zoe? ARIEL I don’t trust her. (CONTINUED)

107. CONTINUED: TORA You know what? Neither do I. Tora picks up her GUN and points it at Zoe. ARIEL No! Just... make her go away. TORA Ok. Go the fuck home Zoe. Zoe leaves. ARIEL I want Phoebe. You have her. She came in here with a wire, and you found it. TORA What if she’s dead? ARIEL Did you kill her? TORA Maybe. ARIEL I don’t think you did. TORA Why wouldn’t I? ARIEL Because you wanted to know what she knew. TORA Still do. ARIEL Is she alive? TORA Maybe. I haven’t checked in a while. ARIEL I need to see her. Tora nods to Tweak. Tweak leaves and re-enters, dragging Phoebe's body through the door on a blanket.


108. CONTINUED: Phoebe is bruised and beaten. She's not moving. Ariel moves towards her, but Tora blocks her path. TORA Ah, ah ah! Tell me who your buyer is. ARIEL I don’t know. TORA You don’t know? You mean you’re fucking with me? What exactly do you think is going to happen now? ARIEL I’m going to take Phoebe to the hospital. Their eyes lock. TORA You’re pushing your luck, Little Bird. ARIEL That’s not what my name means. TORA What does it mean? ARIEL Lion of god. TORA (done being fucked with) Ok. Tora levels the GUN at Ariel. ARIEL You don’t want to do that. TORA Why not? ARIEL Zoe was wearing the wire. TORA Bullshit.


109. CONTINUED: ARIEL She didn’t know. She was wearing my jacket. I sewed the wire into it. Tora cocks the hammer of her gun. Ariel speaks quickly. ARIEL (cont'd) So the police are waiting for her-they’ll pick her up any minute now. So you have very little time. C’mon. Are you a smart cat, Tora? TORA You think you have all the answers? ARIEL I know I do. TWEAK Tora, let’s go. TORA Hold on. Tora, unwilling to lose, moves the gun from Ariel to Phoebe, eyes still locked with Ariel. Ariel reaches out, slowly. She moves the gun back, pointing it at her forehead. Tora lowers the gun to Ariel's chest, steps in close. TWEAK C’mon. Tora pushes Ariel backwards, and begins to move quickly. She tosses the METH to Tweak, who puts it in a BAG. TORA You better fly away too, little bird. Tora walks out the door, followed by Tweak. Ariel goes to Phoebe, sits, and lifts Phoebe's head into her lap. Phoebe opens her eyes. ARIEL Hey babe. PHOEBE Hey.


110. CONTINUED: ARIEL I’ve been looking for you. PHOEBE Here I am. ARIEL You’re gonna be a mom. PHOEBE I know. I’m working on getting some money together. ARIEL Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you now. PHOEBE What are we going to do? ARIEL Fly away. FADE OUT

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