The Purpose & Leadership Forum Engage. Change. Lead.

The Purpose & Leadership Forum

The Purpose & Leadership Forum




Our Vision

Kingdom Business Solutions presents The Purpose and Leadership Forum which trains market place leaders and organizations on purpose and how to use their privileged positions of leadership to create innovative, sustainable, generational, replicable solutions for their geographical nation of calling and this African Continent. We use Gods Word and the truths in it to bring marketplace leaders to an understanding of who they are and what they are called to do in the marketplace. We are passionate about God, people, transformation, the marketplace and Kenya Vision 2030 which by Gods grace we have broken down and aligned it to individual purpose. We believe Kenya Vision 2030 is a downloaded blueprint and pattern that we need to use in the work of rebuilding the marketplace within geographical cities (locations).

To create a kingdom culture of leadership in the marketplace.

The Purpose & Leadership Forum an initiative of Kingdom Business Solutions.

Our Mandate To recover a generation through the marketplace and to transform the marketplace into a vibrant, thriving, flourishing kingdom culture through the medium of professional marketplace nations.

Our Mission To engage professional marketplace leaders in the area of purpose and leadership; change their mindsets and align them to the principles and the will of God and then release and commission them back to the marketplace to use and apply their newly founded knowledge and use their unique privileged positions of leadership to create generational solutions for Kenya aligned to Kenya Vision 2030 which we consider the blueprint (pattern) for rebuilding the marketplace and that can be replicated across the continent of Africa and therefore advance and establish the Kingdom of God in the marketplaces in different geographical nations (cities, countries and counties).

The Purpose & Leadership Forum


The Purpose & Leadership Forum


Angie Murenga Angie Murenga is a dynamic woman of God, a gifted teacher and a marketplace minister who operates in an Apostolic and Prophetic Anointing and has a mandate to ‘restore a generation’ to God, that functions according to His original intent and purpose. Angie is passionate about God, purpose, people, transformation, the marketplace, Kenya Vision 2030 and Africa. Angie is also a warm, funloving and engaging storyteller with a knack for being very real and candid. Angie has had the rare privilege of being trained by many anointed men

Our Call We are called to transform the marketplace in geographical cities through the professional marketplace nations of business, media, arts, entertainment, politics, military, governance, education, family, sports and religion that form the culture of the day. Kenya’s Vision 2030 is referable generationally and is our road map to change our Kenyan culture into one that allows all Kenyans to live life as God intended.

and women of God in various platforms who have imparted and called out the call of God in her life, they have taught , shaped and moulded me into my purpose and the call of God on my life. Angie is a trained hotelier and has had the opportunity to work in the hotel industry in Kenya and in the United Kingdom for a total of seventeen years. Her experiences in that time have been varied, ranging from entrepreneurship to employment and also did a stint for four years in Sales and Marketing (marketing a brand of coffee I love and believe in). Angie is a Mother to an amazing beautiful, gifted anointed daughter Althea Wamiru. She is a daughter, sister and Life Coach and a spiritual and professional mentor to many.

The Purpose & Leadership Forum

The Purpose & Leadership Forum



Purpose is defined as the intended use of a thing, the reason, point, idea, principle, function and use of the created. Every creator is strategic in his or her creation; no one creates without a purpose the proper intended use of the created. So purpose answers for us the intention of our creation.

Our History

The Purpose and Leadership Forum started in Angie Murengas house in 2008 with a group of twelve ladies under the name of Jacobs Well. This was because Angie wanted to share the truths she was learning at Bible school with others. She initially thought this would be a training for her peers and for women but soon men started attending the forum which had since relocated to a space at the Godown arts centre where Angie was running the Manna Restaurant. The class grew and soon she had to relocate to a conference room in upperhill and then to a conference room at the Hekima College Campus on Riara Lane that then led to the current offices at the apartments adjacent to the college in unit 8.

Why am I here? Man is strategically (i.e. with a deliberate and purposeful intent) created with a purpose and it is important to locate and live out that purpose because purpose is always about others so our refusal to discover our purpose robs generations of theirs. Ephesians 2:10 AMP it states: “For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works, which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].” And this purpose is predestined and prepared ahead of time as stated in

Why engage with us? PLF is a transformational life altering experience that is forming a movement of professional marketplace leaders that are creating a revolution in the marketplace for God. The Lord is raising an army in the marketplace and armies require training and equipping to fulfil their mandate.

Psalm 139:13-16 NIV: ‘For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.’ As a further confirmation of predestined purpose and the need to find out why was I created and what is my unique God given purpose: Jeremiah 1:5 AMP ‘Before I formed (means fashioned you into shape) you in the womb I knew (purpose) [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’

The Purpose & Leadership Forum

The Purpose & Leadership Forum



How to engage - Our Products All products are tailor made for marketplace professionals

Are you fed up of doing the same thing every day over and over again? Has your life become a boring monotonous routine? Do you feel there must be more to life than this? Do you have the sneaky feeling that you are not being all that you were created to be? Do you have all the trappings of life but are not fulfilled? Then “The Purpose and Leadership Forum” is for you. Life was meant to be lived abundantly; come, lets us start this exhilarating journey of your purpose together and see if you don’t leap out of bed every morning! Sign up today. Life must be and can only be lived out in purpose as the creator intended. Africa is a richer continent than most with untapped potential through its people, ideas, resources, fertile land, mineral reserves, strategic location for global commerce, large fresh water bodies, tourism, culture and diversity. Many formerly third-world countries such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, and India have transformed their economies and nations to first-world operational standards through strict practice and adherence to integrity, Kingdom leadership and management principles. Leadership has the ability to transform this continent into Gods original intention and plan and the knowledge of one’s purpose is life altering propelling marketplace leaders into the call of God on their lives.

1. Purpose & Leadership Course

The Leadership Course entails sessions that run every twelve days once per week on Tuesdays at 6am and on Saturdays at 9am. This course is foundational with an expectation at the end that those trained will GO and Impact the marketplace. In the twelve weeks you understand who you are, the real you, the lifestyle that you need to engage fully in purpose, identify what you do in the marketplace, connect it to your God given purpose and align it to Kenya Vision 2030. In the end, trained and transformed marketplace leaders have to make a presentation on their purpose stating clearly the problem they were created to solve after which in the final week they are commissioned to GO back into the marketplace and fulfil Gods plan and purpose for their lives

2. Purpose & Leadership Bootcamp

This is a quarterly three day program designed to introduce you to purpose, identity, leadership, mentorship and connecting your purpose to the marketplace and Kenya Vision 2030. It is held in different exotic destinations within and outside the city. Get in touch with us and we will inform when the next one is scheduled.

The Purpose & Leadership Forum

The Purpose & Leadership Forum



AMAN Alumni

3. Executive Purpose & Leadership Training

This program is crafted to fit into your organisational needs and especially on the topics of identity, purpose, connecting the marketplace to purpose and aligning with Kenya Vision 2030. We understand that many organizations continue to conduct trainings with poor results because individuals in the marketplace lack crucial knowledge on their identity and the purpose for which they were created to fulfill. This program begets greater understanding and causes real life change on individuals making them focused and responsible employees.

We have an active alumni who are impacting and engaging the marketplace that meet three times a year once every quarter. The purpose of the alumni is to network and support each other in purpose, through the medium of professional marketplace nations to fulfil the mandate.

4. Speaker’s Mission

We facilitate and provide a platform for renowned experts to engage with you on the topics of purpose, identity, lifestyle, connecting purpose and the marketplace, Kenya Vision 2030, devolved purpose at county level, leadership, community development initiatives, money and family models in the marketplace effective mentorship, strategy, branding, life planning, truths from Gods word, prayer and thanksgiving, process, decisions, the Joseph Generation, presentations and report writing.

5. Leadership Conference

We hold leadership conferences once a year to gather leaders and to provide a platform through which leaders can express themselves and gather with other like minded marketplace leaders who have a passion for the transformation of Kenya and Africa through purpose and leadership and being fully connected and in vibrant relationship with God

6. Coaching

We also offer one on one coaching, counselling and mentoring sessions

AMAN is a play on the words I looked for a man to stand in the gap and it also means peace, and is also used when Aaron and Hur upheld Moses hands as Joshua fought the war. Ezekiel 22:30 KJV “And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it”

Eph 4:16 NLT “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

Our Partners Trust a ministry to reconcile the marketplace professional nation of family back to God. To restore family values in families so that the leaders of tomorrow are fully equipped to fulfil the purpose of God in their lives. The Yeshai Foundation a vehicle for business incubation and to raise funds that impact and change the landscape of communities forever back to Gods original intent and purpose. Kingdom Business solutions which is the holding company of the three purpose initiatives and we seek to offer business solutions based on the values and principles of the Kingdom of God unapologetically to individuals, SME’s and other organizations. We do this through consultancy where we carry out individual Assessment of your business and then tailor make a solution for the individual or organization, set timelines and execute the training

The Purpose & Leadership Forum


John 1:4-5 NIV “In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”

Contacts us Riara road, Riara Flats, Hekima College Campus Unit 8 0722 517673 / 0710 772462 [email protected] [email protected]

The Purpose & Leadership Forum Engage. Change. Lead.

Contact us to find out when the next class starts and when and where the Alpha Leadership Bootcamps are being held.

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Kingdom Business Solutions presents The Purpose and Leadership Forum which trains market place leaders and organizations on purpose and how to use ...

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