Mission & Service 2014 Results Each year in Mission & Service at a Glance we provide the Mission & Service budget plan for the year in the form of a narrative budget pie chart. As part of the annual report, we show you the actual results drawn from the audited financial statements in the format presented in the budget pie chart. The resulting pie chart shows actual revenue and expenditures on track with the budget plan with the following items of note: 1. Annual giving to the Mission & Service “Unified Fund” marked a positive improvement over trends of the past few years. Congregational giving declined by only $0.39 million below 2013, an improvement over the last two years’ decreases of over $1 million each year. We note, with thanks, that 816 pastoral charges increased their Mission & Service giving in 2014. 2. Giving through wills and other planned giving to Mission & Service is being reported differently in 2014 to provide greater transparency and donor-centred communication. In 2014, rather than announcing an allocated four-year average, actual gifts received from wills and proceeds from life insurance policies are reported for increased transparency. This results in reporting $0.75 million in gifts through wills and life insurance rather than the four-year average of $2.42 million. These results are below the prior year’s results of $3.2 million. Also to increase donor-centred transparency, beginning in 2014 gifts to Mission & Service in the form of final residual gifts from annuities are counted in the year that they are received ($0.19 million). 3. Endowment of gifts: Beginning in 2015, 30 percent of bequests and of assets gifted from the sale of church properties received in the prior year will be endowed in the Foundation to strengthen the long-term work of the church (estimated to be $0.38 million). 4. Giving for Mission & Service through and from The United Church of Canada Foundation continues to grow.

Expenditures in the six program areas include all direct program and grant expenditures along with the common office services required for program delivery, such as finance, information technology services, legal, communication, and affiliated staff.


The resulting pie chart shows actual revenue and expenditures on track with the budget plan ... technology services, legal, communication, and affiliated staff.

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