C. B. Thompson Middle School Campus Improvement Plan 2014 – 2015


The mission of the Quinlan Independent School District is to ensure that all children have access to a quality education that enables them to achieve their potential and fully participate now and in the future in the social, economic, and educational opportunities of our state and nation.


2014-15 District Board Goals To continue to build a true learning culture with academic rigor, strong discipline, competitiveness, and respect for others that yields positive student achievement and encourages progressive, entrepreneurial, innovative and creative thinking To continue to develop and prepare student leaders academically, vocationally, emotionally, and socially to take advantage of the opportunities and challenges of a 21st Century World through authentic, engaging, interactive and progressive instruction To maintain a continual improvement model by utilizing an on-going systems analysis approach To maintain long-term financial solvency and to pursue financial equity for all Texas children To develop early literacy partnerships with parents and community To promote a college & career readiness culture To foster increased parent and community involvement To continue to emerge as a lighthouse district worthy of emulation for all stakeholders


2013 - 2014 Accountability Summary District Name: Quinlan ISD Campus Name: C. B. Thompson Middle School Campus #: 116908041 2013 - 2014: Accountability Rating: Met Standard System Safeguards: 33 out of 39 = 85% C. B. Thompson Middle School Campus Improvement Plan 2014 – 2015 SITE BASE DECISION MAKING TEAM Brian Kinsworthy - Principal Jeff Oldacre – Teacher Gail Powell – Teacher Deidra Klinkovsky-Teacher Leslie Grabowski -Teacher Kyle Causey -Teacher Heather Clark - Teacher Mike Barton-Teacher Scott Brandwie-Teacher James Lowry -Teacher Richie Whitehead - Parent Mr. Daniel - Parent Chris Stubblefield– Business Leader ??? - Community Member

CSI TEAM TMS Administrator (Kinsworthy – Patterson – Grugel) Jeanette Rowland TMS SPED Representative (Clark – Grohman – Northcutt – Fyffe) Teacher of the student in question Mrs. Grabowski Mrs. Lope


District Measurable Smart Goals Goal 1: At least 75% of all QISD students will reach level II on 2015 STAAR Reading and ELA Assessments and 65% of all students will reach Level II on 2015 Writing Assessments. In grades Pre-K-2nd, 75 % all students will read on grade level. Goal 2: There will be a 15% increase in every content area for special populations by the end of the 2014-15 school year. Goal 3: QISD will implement PLC’S in each school by September 2014.

Thompson Middle School Performance Goals/Needs Assessment: Goal 1 At least 75% of all QISD students will reach level II on 2015 STAAR Reading and ELA Assessments and 65% of all students will reach Level II on 2015 Writing Assessments. Goal 2: There will be a 15% increase in every content area for special populations by the end of the 2014-15 school year.

Reading/English Language Arts All students will improve from passing 74% to 80%. Hispanic students will improve from 67% passing to 82%. Special education students will improve from 37% to 55%. (Safeguard)* Economically Disadvantaged students will improve from 70% to 85%. White students will improve from passing to 76% to 80%. 100 % of all special education students enrolled in a grades tested by STAAR will participate in an assessment program (STAAR-ALT, STAAR-A and/or STAAR). Math All students will improve from 72% to 80%. Special Education students will improve from 41% passing to 56%. (Safeguard)* Hispanic students will improve from 66% passing to 81%. Economically Disadvantaged students will improve from 66% passing to 81%. 4

White students will improve from 74% passing to 80%. 100% of all special education students enrolled in a grade tested by STAAR will participate in an assessment program (STAAR-ALT, STAAR-A and/or STAAR). Writing All students will improve from 59% passing to 70%. Economically Disadvantaged students will improve from 55% passing to 70%. Special Education students will improve from 24% passing to 55%. (Safeguard)* White students will improve from 58% passing to 73%. Hispanic students will improve from 58% passing to 73%. 100% of all special education students enrolled in a grade tested by STAAR will participate in an assessment program (STAAR-ALT, STAAR-A and/or STAAR). Science All students will improve from 62% passing to 75%. Hispanic students will improve from 51% passing to 66%. (Safeguard)* Economically Disadvantaged students will improve from 60% passing to 75%. Special Education students will improve from 26% passing to 55%. (Safeguard)* White students will improve from 66% passing to 75%. 100% of all special education students enrolled in a grade tested by STAAR will participate in an assessment program (STAAR-ALT, STAAR-A and/or STAAR). Social Studies All students will improve from 59% passing to 75%. Hispanic students will improve from 55% passing to 70%. Special Education students will improve from 26% passing to 55%. (Safeguard)* Economically Disadvantaged students will improve from 60% passing to 75%. White students will improve from 60% passing to 75%. 100% of all special education students enrolled in a grade tested by STAAR will participate in an assessment program (STAAR-ALT, STAAR-A and/or STAAR).


Additional Data Reviewed • TAPR Reports and, STAAR, and AYP Reports • Campus Improvement Plan • Quinlan Technology Plan • Student Attendance/Completion Rate data • TELPAS Scores • PEIMS Report • PBMAS DATA and plan using TAIS process • Administrative Meetings • Planning Documents for New Assessments • RTI DATA • Lead 4 Ward Reports and Comparison Data Persons Responsible • Campus Advisory Committee • Administrative Team Results • Continued need for aligned curriculum- TRS in all core content areas with supplemental materials. • Focus on Reading using A-R, I-Station, Read Naturally, and Read 180 • Continue to lower the students in the AYP special education cap and increase the level of instruction and shrink the gap • Continue updating instructional technology in classrooms including – I-station 6-8 and Think Through Math 6-8 • Implement a District Professional Development Plan with a minimum and leveled number of hours required with levels of achievement and recognition. Implement on-line compliance training. • Increased focus on TEKS and instructional strategies including implementing the Fundamental Five Strategies • Continued district-wide emphasis on math, science, and reading improvement with emphasis on at –risk and special education advancement. • Continue implementing programs to improve student attendance. • Continue emphasis on safe and drug free schools and development of new character development program including bullying • Continue to maintain and improve the percentage of highly qualified teachers. • Continued emphasis on raising LEP and Hispanic academic standards, and expand bilingual program • Increase parental involvement and develop training programs • Continue to develop a college-going culture.


Strategies for All Academic Areas for Goals 1 and 2 STRATEGIES Continue implementation of vertical teaming and alignment of curriculum in 6-8. Continue implementing TEKS resource System 6-8 including Fundamental Five and Lead Forward Grades 6-8 will have a STAAR remediation period built into their schedule. Acceleration prior to STAAR Test based on focus obj., benchmarks and common assessment tests. Prepare folders with SE prerequisites and activities to assist teachers. Use AWARE for data tracking. Use Lead 4 Ward framework and documents in evaluating student progress and prior test scores when deciding which assessment students are taking. Use a system to track special education referrals. Mentor Teacher Coach 6-8 to assist with teacher improvement. Daily Practice in STAAR Standards, spiral reviews, and daily bell ringers tied to daily student expectations. Bell to Bell instruction Focus on TEKS and student expectations by writing SE’s on board and discuss key concepts and vocabulary. Frame the lesson with obj. and closing task in student language – Fundamental 5. Each campus will assess its practices for achieving success with diverse learners including At-risk, LEP, Bilingual Hispanic, Special Ed. Students, Dyslexic, 504 students in the general curriculum and QISD’s Academic Standards according to research based practices, to include; The RTI process, positive behavioral supports, LRE and differentiated instruction. Continue to address district’s need to improve PBMAS status and safeguards. The SEAY’S program used to track Sp. Programs and will give continuity.





Curriculum Directors; Principal

Local Funds Title 11

6 weeks

Vertical team meetings; Lesson plans

Training completion; TEKS extrapolation; Alignment completion

Principal; Curriculum Directors

Local Funds SCE (24), SSI(404)


Teacher-made tests, benchmarks

Pass/Fail rate; Promotion rate STAAR passing rate Attendance

Sp. Ed. Director, Principal, Asst. Principals, Directors, Diagnosticians

Sp. Ed. Funds, Local Funds, Title 2

2014-15 School year

Student common assessment and benchmark data plus IEP and other testing

STAAR results

Curriculum Directors, Teacher Coach All Core Teachers; Curriculum Directors, Principal

Title 11, Local funds

2014-15 school year

Walkthroughs show improved, aligned instruction

Improved STAAR scores

Local Funds 255- Title 2

2014-15 year

Lesson Plans; Walkthroughs

Increased Passing Rate

Principal; Teachers, Cur. Directors

Local Funds

Daily, Weekly

Walkthroughs, Benchmark assessments


Campus Administration, Assessment Staff, Counselors, Special Program Directors, Curriculum Directors

Local Funds Sp. ED Funds, II and III funds., Grants, SCE funds

August- June

Programmatic assessments; Progress Reports; IEP Progress; Reports/Report Cards

Improvement on STAAR scores for all diverse learner subgroups


Provide a variety of professional development opportunities to all instructional employees in TEKS/ STAAR/ELPS including but not limited to Sheltered Inst. strategies and best practices include: TRS and 5E model, Lead 4 ward training, ELPS, sheltered Inst., CHAMPS training, Leader in ME, and Fundamental 5, and Lead 4 Ward 3Di, and best content practices. Implement a tiered District Professional Development System. Expand reading programs to include reading intervention in academic vocabulary in all the core content areas and establish a district vocabulary process following Marzano’s 6 steps.

Administrators Curriculum Directors; Region 10

Title II T (255), Local Funds ICF Grant, Title III

Fall In-service; Scheduled Sessions during the school year. Attend professional development outside the district and beyond the school day and year. Take advantage of online courses.

Agendas; Sign in Sheets Certificates

Increased Passing Rate Certificates of Completion in Aware

Sp. Ed. Director, TRI Staff, Dyslexia Staff, Curriculum Directors

Local Sp. Ed. funds

2014-15 School year

Improved scores on benchmarks and common assessments and observations of vocabulary lessons.

EOY assessments and STAAR.

Teachers will implement technology into their curriculum by following the TEKS and Technology Standards. Teachers will continue to be trained in integration. Technology dept. will implement and train. Teachers will be expected to have 3+ hr. technology training each year.

Principal, Instructional Technology Trainer and Campus Technology Assistants

Local funds

2014-15 School year

PDAS, technology training logs; Walkthroughs; lesson plans

Increased Test Scores and Student motivation; Increase use of technology in lessons.

Continue additional Central Office support by maintaining elementary and secondary curriculum directors and staff to offer more teacher and instructional support by curriculum and technology departments by adding instructional technology hardware, supplies, and training. Develop and implement the QISD curriculum and instructional plan that clearly identifies the roles and expectations for curriculum directors, principals, and teachers.

Superintendent Curriculum Dept. Administration

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Scope and Sequence by 6 weeks.

Improved vertical alignment and improved STAAR scores.

Curriculum Directors, Principal; Teachers

Local Funds

2014-15 year

Communication with parents; benchmarks; report cards, walkthroughs

STAAR results

Use Forethought On-line Lesson Plan System which will assist in tracking that teachers are following the scope and sequence & use AWARE for data.

Principal; Teachers

Local Funds Sp. Ed Funds Title 11 Funds

2014-15 year

Lesson Plans

STAAR results

Address the needs of HS Sp. Ed. Career and technology students through the Vocational Instructional program and continue training staff.

Sp. Ed. Director Principal Sp. Ed. Staff CTE Director and staff

Local funds Sp. Ed. Funds

2014-15 school year

Transition Assessment

Meeting indicator 3 on state performance plan


Implement the new Ace Program with the 21st Century Grant at all campuses providing dinner, transportation, academic tutoring and instruction using Mind Works and other curriculum, enrichment activities, parent training, and parent events. A 6 weeks summer program will also be offered on all campuses.

ACE Director and Campus Directors Family Engagement Specialist Superintendent Curriculum Directors All Ace Staff

21st century grant

2014-15 school year and beyond

ACE formative and 6 weeks data

ACE final evaluation and EOY reports


Reading Strategies STRATEGIES





Teachers Special Ed. Director, Principal, Curriculum Director Special Ed. Director, Principal, Curriculum Director

Title II; Local Sp. Ed Funds

Each class daily for thirty minutes

Sp. Ed. Local IMA

2-3 times per week for 30 minutes

Admn; Teachers; Librarian

Local Funds, Title II, IMA funds

Monthly; As needed

Book circulation and end-of book tests AR Testing

STAAR reading

Use supplemental curriculum and other supplemental STAAR materials to improve mastery of STAAR reading objectives including Lead 4 Ward.

Curriculum Director Department head

SCE (24) Local Funds


Programmatic assessments

STAAR reading

Implement the ELPS and other best practices for ELL learners. Provide ELPS Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide Training, Language Acquisition, & sheltered instruction training. Also use LIA guide training to plot TELPAS progress. Use Aware to track Use I-Station Reading to assist Ell and all students Grades 6-8

Curriculum Director, Director of Sp. Programs, Principals, teachers

Local,Title III

2014-15 School Year

Walkthroughs, observations, lesson plans, common assessments, sub group scores in AWARE.

Increase STAAR scores. Improved TELPAS scores

Director of ESL ESL teachers LPAC Committee Assigned ESL support staff Principal; Curriculum Director

Local, Title lll

2014-15 School Year

Improved Fluency

Improved TELPAS scores

Local Funds Title 11


Review at the end of each 6 week period and revise

Revised document; STAAR results; Increased passing rate

Instructional strategists will be maintained in all core subjects at TMS to assist teachers in aligning curriculum and improving student achievement.

Principals Curriculum Director Instructional Strategists

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Meeting agendas with department and curriculum directors, student report cards

Increased STAAR scores and improved scope and sequence

Implement Read 180 as an RTI program

Special Ed. Director;

Local Funds, Sp.

2014-15 School year

Programs data

STAAR scores

Provide professional reading interventionists to work with small groups and dyslexia staff 6-8. Provide para to work with small groups to provide intensive interventions for reading for students through Read Naturally (6-8). Continue Accelerated Reader program in Grades 6-8 and purchase Renaissance Place to manage the system.

Follow reading curriculum plan to ensure TEKS/STAAR implementation in reading. Continue implementing ELA TEKS Resource System 6-8.

Progress reports; Report cards; Three week progress monitoring Progress reports; Report cards

STAAR, Improvement on Accelerated Reader Report Improvement in articulation and in reading as evidenced through observations, STAAR scores


to improve reading achievement for sp. Ed students 6-8. Give Common Assessments at the end of each unit each 6 weeks in reading; then hold data meetings to disaggregate data which will shape instruction and acceleration plans Continue UIL academic competitions at TMS.

Principal; Teachers

ED funds

Principal, Curriculum Director, Facilitators

Local Funds SCE

2014-15 School year

Report cards and 6 weeks test scores.

Reading STAAR scores

UIL Director, Curriculum Director, UIL coaches

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Team rosters

Competition and Academic awards

Provide additional reading supplies, equipment, training, and technology. Technology staff will do content area training.

Instructional Strategist; Principal; Curriculum Director

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Lesson plans

Improved STAAR scores


Math Strategies STRATEGIES Integrate and reinforce math vocabulary and use universal math screener in grades 6-8

PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE Principal; teachers; Curriculum Director; Instructional Strategists



Local Funds; Vocabulary Cards Comprehensive Vocabulary list Region 10 resources

Daily; Weekly; October, February, and March

EVALUATIONS FORMATIVE SUMMATIVE Math STAAR Results Teacher-made tests; TEKS materials; Lesson plans; Progressive mastery of objectives

Implement TEKS Resource System math and training in Grades 6-8, and Lead 4 ward training. Offer additional support to 6-8 TRS math teachers by providing training each 6 weeks and GO Math (HMH) support materials for new TEKS. Provide additional math supplies, equipment, training, and technology. Technology staff, instructional coach, and HMH will do content area training. Daily Practice in TEKS Objectives, spiral reviews, and daily bell ringers tied to daily SE’s. Frame the lesson

Principal; Curriculum Director

Local Funds Title 2 255 IMA

3 weeks; 6 weeks

Progress reports; Report cards; Walkthrough; Benchmark tests; 6 weeks tests

Math STAAR Results

Instructional Strategist; Principal; Curriculum Director

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Lesson plans

Improved Math STAAR scores

All Core Teachers; Principal; Curriculum Dir.

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Lesson Plans; Walkthroughs

Increased Passing Rate

Re-assign a para at TMS for additional support with emergent and struggling math students.

Principal Curriculum Director

Local Funds

2014-15 school year

Screeners and formative assessments

Increased master of SE’s on assessments.

Math Stipends will be allotted to secondary math teachers to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers in order to implement rigorous course work. Give Common Assessments each 6 weeks in math. Then hold data meetings to disaggregate data and use to inform instruction and acceleration plans. STAAR Math classes grades 7 & 8 for at risk students and all 6th grade students will have double blocked math classes to help accelerate math instruction (except advanced).

Principal; Administration

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Student report cards

Teacher retention data; STAAR scores

Principal, Curriculum Director, Instructional Strategist Curriculum Director Principal

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Report cards and 6 weeks test scores.

Math STAAR Scores

Local, SCE

2014-15 School Year

Report cards and 6 weeks test scores.

Math STAAR Scores


Writing Strategies STRATEGIES

Continue Alignment for language arts TEKS and STAAR objectives. Vertical alignment 6-8 beginning. Write in Texas training 6-8. Use Writing Academy training 6-8 and 6-8 holistic scoring training and Gretchen Barnaby, etc. Secondary teachers will be trained in the Writing Academy. Dyslexia teachers will teach Latin Cognates. Use daily practice on TEKS writing skills and frame the lessons. Daily Practice in TEKS SE’s, spiral reviews, and daily bell ringers tied to daily SE’s. Use supplemental writing materials such as Lead 4 Ward, Rubrics and released samples, Writing Academy Materials and training; and purchase supplies and materials as needed and training from Region 10 and technology dept. and other sources as needed. Give Common Assessments each 6 weeks in writing. Then hold data meetings to disaggregate data and use to inform instruction and acceleration plans.





Curriculum Director, Teachers, Principal

TEKS, Funds, Local

6 weeks

Training dates; Integration plan; Lesson plans; Meeting documentation

TEKS extrapolation; STAAR Results

Principal; Teachers All Core Teachers; Principal; Curriculum Dir. Principal; Curriculum Director

Local funds


STAAR Results

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Lesson Plans Benchmark test results Lesson Plans; Walkthroughs

Local Funds Title 11

3 weeks; 6 weeks

Progress reports; Report cards. Writing samples

STAAR Results

Principal, Curriculum Director

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Report cards and 6 weeks test scores.

Writing STAAR scores

Increased Passing Rate


Social Studies Strategies STRATEGIES





Continue social studies vertical teaming and align curriculum in 6-8. Use TEKS Resource System materials and IFD’s.

Curriculum Director Principal

TEKS; Region 10; Scope and Sequence ; Local funds, Title 11

6 weeks

Training dates; Integration plan; Lesson plans; Meeting documentation; walkthroughs

Training completion; TEKS extrapolation; Alignment completion; scope and sequence document

Administer common assessments and Benchmarks in Social Studies tests in Grades 6-8. Integrate and reinforce social studies vocabulary.

Principal; Teachers, Curriculum Director Principal; Grade leaders; teachers; Curriculum Director; Facilitators

Local Funds

2014-2015 School year

Progressive mastery of objectives. Benchmark scores

STAAR Results

Local Funds; Vocabulary Cards Comprehensive Vocabulary list

Daily; Weekly; October, February, and March

STAAR Results

Use supplemental Social Studies materials. Technology staff will provide training.

Principal; Curriculum Director

Local Funds Title ll

3 weeks; 6 weeks

Teacher-made tests; TEKS materials; Lesson plans; Progressive mastery of objectives Progress reports; Report cards

Daily Practice in STAAR Objectives, spiral reviews, and daily bell ringers tied to daily SE’s., and frame the lessons. Use all 5 of the fundamental 5 for effective instruction. Give Common Assessments each 6 weeks in social studies in MS. Then hold data meetings to disaggregate data and use to inform instruction and acceleration plans.

All Core Teachers; Principal; Curriculum Dir.

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Lesson Plans; Walkthroughs

Increased Passing Rate

Principal, Curriculum Director

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Report cards and 6 weeks test scores.

Social Studies STAAR scores

STAAR Results


Science Strategies STRATEGIES




Implement science vertical alignment by using TEKS Resource System science grades 6-8 and provide training and materials each 6 weeks.

Curriculum Director Principal; Teachers

TEKS; Region 10; Local funds Title 2 funds

6 weeks

Administer Benchmark science tests in Grade 8. Give Common Assessments each 6 weeks in science then hold data meetings to disaggregate data and use to shape instruction and acceleration plans. Daily Practice in TEKS Objectives, spiral reviews, and daily bell ringers tied to daily SE’s. Frame lessons with objective and closing task, Provide additional science supplies, equipment, training, and technology including Stem Scopes which will help add more visual to help teach academic vocabulary. Technology staff will do content area training. Instructional strategist will be maintained in Science at TMS to assist teachers in aligning curriculum and improving student achievement.

Principal, Curriculum Director, Instructional Strategist, Teachers

Local Funds SCE funds

2014-15 School year

All Core Teachers; Principal; Curriculum Dir.

Local Funds

Instructional Strategist; Principal; Curriculum Director

Science Stipends will be allotted to secondary teachers to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers in order to implement rigorous course work.

Continue developing science classes such as Robotics etc.

EVALUATIONS FORMATIVE SUMMATIVE Training dates; Integration plan; Lesson plans; Meeting documentation; walkthroughs Report cards and 6 weeks test scores; Benchmark scores.

Training completion; TEKS extrapolation; Alignment completion; scope and sequence document

2014-15 School year

Lesson Plans; Walkthroughs

Increased Passing Rate

Local Funds IMA funds

2014-15 School year

Lesson plans

Improved Science STAAR scores

Principal Curriculum Directors; Instructional Strategist Principal; Administration

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Meeting agendas with department and curriculum director, student report cards

Increased STAAR scores and improved scope and sequence

Local Funds

2014-15 School year

Student report cards

Teacher retention data; STAAR scores

Principal Teacher

Local Funds, 244

2014-15 School year

Student report cards

Report cards

Science STAAR scores


Goal 3: QISD will implement PLC’S in each school by September 2014. STRATEGIES




Send some Core Administrators to PLC in Summer of 2014

Curriculum Directors Principals

Local Funds PLC Training

Establish a District Administrative PLC team with 3 Phases- core, Phase 2 and Phase 3. Select and Train Teacher Leaders in the PLC process using a gradual release method.

Superintendent Curriculum Directors Principals Superintendent Curriculum Directors Principals Team Leaders Superintendent Curriculum Directors Principals Team Leaders Teachers

Local Funds

Begin Sept. 2014 and continue throughout the 14-15 school year and beyond. 2014-15

Local funds


Local funds, books, conferences


Central Office Administration Principals

Local funds


Begin implementing a 3 year PLC roll out with teachers driven by the administrative team and teacher leaders and provide leadership training and support for the teacher leaders including book studies, conferences, etc. Continue to train administration, teacher leaders at Solution Tree PLC conferences

EVALUATIONS FORMATIVE SUMMATIVE Increased collaboration among teams. See norms and agendas

Increased cohesiveness and roll out among campuses

Staff surveys. Evaluate resources and trainings used to drive PLC trainings. Refer to agendas and minutes. See lists.

All campus principals, coaches and special program and curriculum dept. trained by Oct. 2014 Examine and Evaluate Calendars and products produced by PLC’s. Observation by principal of PLC meetings and observation of leadership qualities.

Train all core and phase 2 staff by summer 2014.

Campus principals, coaches, and curriculum directors, and sp. Programs all trained by summer 2015.

Training certificates

Evaluate first year progress by looking at agendas, feedback from surveys, evaluating products at end of year administrative PLC to plan for 15-16


Goal 4 The student attendance rate will improve to 96%. STRATEGIES





Campus attendance meetings to review procedures. Continue incentives and tracking to raise attendance to goals set for each grade.


Texas Education Code Board Policies; Local funds

Frequently as determined by campuses

Attendance report

Attendance rate

Motivate through incentives, awards, and recognition.


Local Funds


Attendance reports

AEIS (attendance)

Contact parents of absent students and administrators making personal phone calls.

Principals, police officers

Local Funds


Contact log

AEIS attendance rate

Conduct awards ceremony for staff and students.


Local Funds


Teacher/Staff attendance

Teacher/Staff attendance rate

Enforce tardy/early sign out procedures. Increase Friday school.


Local Funds


Number of students retaining credit

Attendance rate

Public Relations Campaign to improve attendance

Principal; Director of S/C Relations Principal; ISS Aide

Local Funds



Attendance rate

Local Funds


Attendance Report

AEIS Attendance Rate

Identify, monitor, and evaluate students with excessive/unexcused absences to determine promotion.

Principal; Truancy Officer

Campus attendance committee

1 times per semester

Committee report

Promotion rate; Attendance rate

Pregnancy Related Services-The nurses and or counselors will provide counseling and or health service including an initial intake session. Modified schedules can be provided. CEHI (homebound) is available as an option. Training offered in QISD by Raffia Clinic An automated calling system will be implemented to help inform parents about attendance and events.

Nurse Counselor Homebound teacher

WADA for PRS State comp

2014-15 school Year

Nurse services log and homebound log

PEIMS Campus Plan


Local Funds

As needed

Attendance report

Attendance rate

Leader in Me training will continue in 6th grade will teach children to be proactive and responsible.

Principal, Teacher

Local Funds

2014-15 School Year

Attendance report, student conversations

Attendance rate

Utilize In School Suspension to avoid student suspensions.


Goal 5 The completion rate will meet or exceed state recommended standards. STRATEGIES Inform community and potential dropouts about options and the ACE program.





Secondary curriculum Director; Principal; Counselors ACE director Assistant Principals; Attendance Officer; clerical staff.

Local funds ACE Grant


Number of participants

Reduction of dropouts

Local Funds


Copies of referral

Reduction of dropouts

Assistant Principals; Counselors

SCE (24); Local Funds

Daily and Weekly

Counselors log; Copies of letters

Reduction of dropouts

Principal; teacher; curriculum director; counselor; CTE Director

Local Funds 199-22, 244,

2014-15 School Year

Increased Enrollment and completion of CTE classes

Reduction of Dropouts.



Students will be instructed in healthy life style, nutrition, and exercise to prevent obesity and will be assessed using Fitness gram if in PE class and this will be combined with testing and other data for a CSH Plan. Continued Training of all Office Staff on PEIMS coding and to track completion rate.

Curriculum Director; Principal, and PE staff

Local Funds

2014-15 School Year

Student Progress Reports

Fitness Gram Assessment

PEIMS COORDINATOR; Principal; Director of Secondary Curriculum.

Local Funds

2014-15 School Year

Correctly coded students on PEIMS submission

Improved Data applied to Completion Rate.

Serve identified migrant children through shared service agreement with Region 10 if identified. Follow Region 10’s Plan of Action for migrant education. Continue to offer support and accommodations for ESL and Dyslexia students and continue to train staff in best practices for those programs. Purchase DVD’s for use at DAEP. Continue Take Flight at Sec. level.

Principal, Secondary Curriculum Director

Local Funds Migrant funds

2014-15 School Year

Tracking and providing interventions when needed for identified migrant students

Improved Performance of Migrant students.

Counselor, Dyslexia Instructors

ESL Funds (25); 11funds; Local, Title iii

2014-15 School Year

Student’s schedule

Reduction in dropouts

Daily phone calls on absences. Referrals to attendance officer to enroll students in truancy abatement Program. Counseling service and letters to parents. Additional CTE courses have been added to TMS for high school credit.






Goal 6 Promote College and Career Readiness as evidenced by the number of graduates enrolled in an Institution of Higher Learning. STRATEGIES PERSON(S) RESOURCES TIMELINES EVALUATIONS RESPONSIBLE FORMATIVE SUMMATIVE Provide GT/AP students with a continuum of learning experiences that lead to advanced level performances. Increase Pre-AP course offerings.

GT Coordinator; Principal, CTE Director

G/T Funds (21), Local, IMA funds

6 weeks

Student projects and performances; UIL participation; Field trips; Samples of student work

Improvement in student scores

Promote new programs by advertising on billboards, etc.

Director of Community Relations, CTE Director Director of CTE; Supt., Asst. Supt.; Principal, all staff

Local Funds


Increased enrollment

Increased enrollment

Local funds

2014-15 school year

Observations; Discussions

Observations, Discussions

Promote a college going culture


Goal 7 Parental involvement will improve throughout the district. Objective: The number of parent volunteers will increase by 10% in the 2014-15 school year. STRATEGIES PERSON(S) RESOURCES TIMELINES RESPONSIBLE


Encourage Parent Booster Clubs for organizations and hand out parenting information at athletic events. Expand Parent Volunteer Program and have volunteer recognition programs, and encourage PTO meetings. Increase Parent trainings and provide parent mini trainings at events like donuts for dad, muffins for mom, Math/Science & Reading/Social Studies etc. Hold parent training nights and events and coordinate with the ACE program. Provide Open house and book fairs at all campuses.

Sponsors, Principal

Local funds


Membership Roster

Increased involvement

Principal; Directors

Local funds


Volunteer Roster

Increased involvement

Principal ACE Director, Family Engagement Specialist.

Local funds


Sign in sheet

Increased involvement

Principal Librarian

Local funds


Sign in sheet

Increased involvement

Provide an on-line District newsletter and mail fliers, and campus newsletters

Director of SC Relations Principal Principal Director of Special Projects

Local funds


Website e-mail list Newsletters home

Increased involvement

Local funds


Participation counts

Evaluations and feedback for improvement

Director of Special Projects, Principal

Local funds


Phone trees and lists

Increased involvement

Director of SC Relations, Director of Special Projects, Asst. superintendent Principal; Teachers

Local funds


Attendance at events

Increased involvement and sense of community pride

Local Funds


Sign in sheet

Increased involvement

All teachers will continue to update grades weekly; which will allow parents daily access to Parent Portal.

Principal Teachers

Local Funds

2014-15 School Year

Parent portal

Increased Parental involvement

Provide local media/newspaper information and increase communication between all stakeholders.

Director of SC Relations Principal

Local funds

2014-15 School Year

# of newspaper articles

Increased QISD happening awareness.

Expand Back to School Fair to offer services, Community Health and Safety Fair, Senior Citizens Breakfast, and Expand other offerings- such as Elementary Grandparents lunches, Family Nature Adventure, etc. Use phone trees and email blasts to inform parents of events. Provide information and training on parent portal. Provide Community Events such as Homecoming Activities and Community Christmas Parade/Tree Lighting. Provide a Meet the Teacher Night on all campuses


Goal 8 A violence prevention / intervention plan will be provided to ensure the safety of all students.

Objective: The number of incidents involving disorderly conduct and/or drug use will decrease. STRATEGIES Continue coordinated Drug Free Program and continue sweeps by drug dogs at TMS and random drug testing. Review District Crisis Plan and Implement Crisis Drills, continue safe schools hot line, and enforcement of protective orders. Provide In School Suspension at TMS. Train staff and students in Peer Mediation at TMS. Provide staff training to decrease DAEP placements in regular and sp. Ed and develop a tracking system and accountability check. Provide required training both face to face and online and increase staff development in the area of discipline management, child abuse (Policy FFH), sexual harassment, suicide prevention, and bullying. Follow all TAC rules and Health and Safety Code 161. Follow district’s dating violence policy and develop a program to increase student awareness of dating violence. (Follow Board Policy) Expand District Character Development Program including Bullying Procedures and train campus personnel and implement the program to support at-risk students. Provide counseling options for students as needed including specific programs on suicide prevention and conflict resolution. Provide weekly messages to teachers. Implement the 4 C’s – Citizenry, Credibility, Competitiveness, and Culture to develop students in QISD with high moral character, high expectations, discipline, and competitiveness, and respect for others which will include community service projects on each campus and cultural field trips.





Principal, Counselor, Teachers

Local Funds

2014-15 School Year

Incident report Program list

Reduction in incidents

Asst. Superintendent; Principal, Police dept. Principal, ISS Aide, Sp. Ed. Director, Campus Personnel as assigned

Local Funds


Written plan

Reduction in incidents

Local Funds; sp. Ed funds

2014-15 school year

Incident Report; tracking system

Reduction in incidents Lower numbers on PBMAS report

Asst. Superintendent; Principal; Sp. Ed. Director; Curriculum Directors, Character development director, counselor

Title II T (255) Local, SCE


Continued Training. Sign in Logs

Reduction in incidents

Curriculum Director Principal Counselor, Sp. Ed.

District Funds

2014-15 School Year

Teacher/Counselor observations and reports

Reduction in incidents.

Sp. Ed. Director, Asst. Supt., Principal, Counselors, Asst. Principals, Principal of Pride

Local Funds

2014-15 School Year

Principal/Counselor observations and reports.

Reduction in incidents related to bullying.

Supt., all campus staff

Local funds

2014-15 School Year

Teacher, principal, and counselor reports

Reduction is discipline referrals


Enforce and follow District code of conduct and develop further Violence Prevention Programs as needed.

Asst. Supt., Principal, Sp. Ed. Director

Local funds

2014-15 school year

Observations and referrals

Total number of serious incidents compared to previous years.

District behavioral specialist will assist classroom teachers and provide teacher training and student observation

Sp. Ed. Director Principal Sp. Ed. Staff

Sp. Ed funds

2014-15 school year

Classroom observations

Drop in the % of serious referrals.

Goal 9 All students will have highly qualified administrators, teachers and paraprofessionals Objectives: Student academic achievement will increase through improving administrator, teacher and paraprofessional quality. Provide high quality professional development training for administrators, teachers and paraprofessionals STRATEGIES





Provide high-quality professional development training and updated research in teaching and learning in the areas of reading, language arts, technology, science, ESL, math G/T, and dyslexia to paraprofessionals, teachers and administrators

Assistant Superintendent; Curriculum Director; Principal. HR Director

Region 10; Speakers; QISD employees; G/T Funds (21); Title II Funds (255);

2014-15 school year

Sheets; Agendas; Attendance Certificates; Training Dates Walkthroughs

STAAR Results; Increased Passing Rate

Increase the percent of highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals in core academic subjects on each campus to meet 100%. Ensure low-income students and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other student groups by inexperienced, out-of-field, or nonhighly qualified teachers

Assistant Superintendent; Principal, HR Director Assistant Superintendent; Principal

Human Resource Dept.; Title II (255);

2014-15 school year

Degree; Certification; Transcript

Increase number of Highly Qualified QISD Employees

Human Resource Dept.; Title II (255);

2014-15 school year

Degree; Certification; Transcript

Increase number of Highly Qualified QISD Employees


Assist teachers not currently highly qualified to become familiar with and meet the highly qualified requirements in a timely manner.

Assistant Superintendent; Principal

Region 10; Alternative Cert. Programs; TEX-ES training; Local Funds, Title II funds

2014-15 school year

Degree; Certification; Transcript

Percentage of Highly Qualified Teachers – 100%

Provide a partner/mentoring program to assist in planning and support for new teachers implemented by the Principal.

Curriculum Directors, Principals

Local Funds Title II (255)

2014-15 school year

Informal Evaluation; Attendance at Mentor/Mentee Meetings

Sheets; STAAR/ Scores

Provide a staff childcare facility at a reduced rate to help attract and retain staff.

Learning Center Director, Asst. Supt.

Local Funds

2013-14 school year


Retention of Staff.

Provide The ACE program to improve service to At Risk students in grades PreK to 12 and their families.

Curriculum Directors, Supt. Principal; Teachers

21st Century Grant

2014-15 school year

Continue encouraging teachers to get ESL and Sp. Ed certifications to better serve those populations.

Director of sp. Programs, Principal, Teachers

Title III funds, Local funds

2014-15 school year

Improved Benchmarks, report cards, engaged and excited students, progress reports, drop in discipline referrals, parent satisfaction Enrollment in tests

Offer a $500 step to all instructional teaching staff with a Masters Degree.


Human Resource Dept; local funds

2014-15 school year


Increased # with Masters

Ensure that all paraprofessionals are highly qualified by meeting a rigorous standard of quality that can be demonstrated through a formal local academic assessment of knowledge and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and math. Implement Fitness classes for QISD Employees in addition to free use of District work out facilities.

Director of HR Superintendent

Human Resource Dept.; Title II (255) Local

2014-15 School Year

HR Employment Records

Mastery of paraprofessional Exam

Director of Special Projects

Local funds

2014-15 school year

Sign ins

Survey of staff

Improved STAAR scores

Increased number of teachers certified in ESL and Sp. ED.


Goal 10 Hispanic student performance will improve in science from 51% to 66%. (Safeguards) Objective: Hispanic STAAR science scores will improve by 15%. STRATEGIES PERSON(S) RESOURCES TIMELINES RESPONSIBLE Provide high-quality professional development training and updated research in teaching and learning in the areas of ELL language acquisition, best practices for instruction for ELL students including Lead 4 Ward and Secondary Writing Academy Training. Implement effective teaching strategies for ELL students in science through increased vertical alignment beginning with Readiness standards in elementary and adding, extensive vocabulary instruction and visual examples, and best practices.

Asst. Superintendent,

Curriculum Director, Principal, Asst. Principals, Staff, Teacher Coach

Asst. Supt. Curriculum Director; Principals, Staff, Teacher Coach


Region 10; Speakers; QISD employees Title II Funds (255); Title 111 (263) funds Local funds

2014-15 school year

Sign-In Sheets; Agendas; Attendance Certificates; Training Dates Classroom Observations and Walkthroughs.

STAAR Results (15% improvement); Increased Passing Rate

Title 111 funds, Sp.Ed. Funds Local funds Title 11 funds

2014-15 school year

5% improvement on 2nd, 3rd, 4th common assessments.

15% improvement on Hispanic Science results.


Goal 11 Special Education student performance will improve in science, writing, reading, math, and social studies. (Safeguards) Objective: Special Education STAAR science scores will improve by 29%. Objective: Special Education STAAR writing scores will improve by % Objective: Special Education STAAR social studies scores will improve by 29%. Objective: Special Education STAAR math scores will improve by 15%. Objective: Special Education STAAR reading scores will improve by 18%.

STRATEGIES Provide high-quality professional development training and updated research in teaching and learning in the areas of Special Education acceleration, best practices for instruction for Special Education students, including Lead 4 Ward training in all core subjects and Secondary Writing Academy Training.

PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE Asst. Superintendent; Curriculum Director; Principal Sp. Ed. Director and staff Teacher Coach

RESOURCES TIMELINES Region 10; Speakers; QISD employees Title II Funds (255); Title 111 (263) funds Local funds

2014-15 school year

EVALUATIONS FORMATIVE SUMMATIVE Sign-In Sheets; STAAR Results; Agendas; Increased Passing Rate Attendance Certificates; Training Dates Classroom Observations and Walkthroughs.

Implement effective teaching strategies for Special Education students in science through strategic core science instruction. Provide Sp. Ed students with additional science intervention and practice through the nonfiction stories in I- Station and Read 180. Use Stem Scopes and other visual materials to help introduce and master key vocabulary. Implement effective teaching strategies for Special Education students in writing through increased opportunities to write and strategic individual writing conferences. Implement effective teaching strategies for Special Education students in social studies through increased vertical alignment. Implement Effective Teaching strategies for Sp. Ed students in math through increased vertical alignment and focusing on a deep understanding of number sense. Focus on vocabulary.

Asst. Supt. Curriculum Director; Principal, Sp. ED. Director and staff, Teacher Coach

Title 111 funds, Sp.Ed. Funds Local funds Title 11 funds IMA funds

2014-15 school year

10% improvement on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, common assessments.

29% improvement on Sp. Education STAAR science results.

Asst. Supt. Curriculum Director; Principal, Sp. ED. Director and staff, Teacher Coach Asst. Supt. Curriculum Director; Principal, staff, Teacher Coach Asst. Superintendent; Curriculum Director; Principal Sp. Ed. Director and teacher coach

Title 111 funds, Sp.Ed. Funds Local funds Title 11 funds

2014-15 school year

10% improvement on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, common assessments.

30% improvement on Sp. Education STAAR writing results.

Title 111 funds, Sp.Ed. Funds Local funds Title 11 funds Region 10; QISD employees Title II Funds (255); Title 111

2014-15 school year

10% improvement on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, common assessments.

2014-15 school year

5 % improvement on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, common assessments.

29% improvement on Special Education STAAR social studies results. 15% improvement on Special Education STAAR math results.

Implement Effective Teaching strategies for Special Education students in reading and systematic guided reading instruction in core and tier classes.

Asst. Superintendent; Curriculum Director; Principal Sp. Ed. Director and

Region 10; QISD employees Title II Funds (255); Title 111 (263)

2014-15 school year

6% improvement on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, common assessments.

18% improvement on Special Education STAAR reading results.


STAAR will continue to build those skills and focus on Fig. 19 comprehension skills. Read 180 will be used to support these skills and teachers will receive additional training.

staff Teacher Coach

funds Local funds


QUINLAN ISD 2014-15 GT/21/31 Cannon Butler Thompson Ford District Total FTE .6741 1.5882 4.3889 11.3461 17.9973 6117 6,927.00 6119 69,215.25 30,053.80 118,262.10 381,470.43 599,001.58 6127 6140 5,909.00 12,039.00 41,854.00 6200 6300 2,500.00 6400 Total 75,124.25 42,092.80 118,262.10 388,397.43 44,354.00 668,230.58

CTE 22 FTE 6117 6118 6119 6125 6129 6140 6200 6300 6400 Total

Cannon Butler

Thompson Ford 8.336 8,673.71 4,500.00 408,251.28

1,000.00 1,000.00

80,945.00 3,500.00 55,672.00 13,025.00 574,566.99

District .666


91,743.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 127,047.00

Total 9.4996 8,673.71 4,500.00 441,555.28

172,688.00 3,500.00 57,672.00 14025.00 702,613.99


SE Cannon Butler Thompson Ford District Total 23 FTE 2.2888 2.939 2.5 6.7276 .7523 15.2077 6117 1,847.20 2,770.80 1,847.20 5601.81 12,067.01 6118 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 6119 121,585.00 113,830.30 169,571.86 34,436.90 439,424.06 6129 15,197.91 57,712.14 32,991.28 41,623.00 23,897.00 171,421.33 6140 16,831.00 30,010.00 31,171.00 24,456.82 97,043.00 199,511.82 6200 720.00 119,890.00 120,610.00 6300 22,787.00 22,787.00 6400 9,133.00 9,133.00 Total 155,461.11 205,823.24 66,009.48 243,473.49 307,186.90 977,954.22









FTE 6117 6118 6119 6129 6140 6200 6300 6400 Total


1,031,651.18 40,474.00 140,636.00



58,631.40 22,787.00 663.00




184,290.34 34,344.00 7082.21

261,317.59 12,039.00 18,178.33


3,663.00 2,450.00 297,647.92


53,045.00 41,017.27 93,829.79 8,400.00 10,500.00 2,260.00 209,052.06


1,588,935.51 150,661.27 260,389.33 8,400.00 14,163.00 4,710.00 2,027,259.11


BL Cannon Butler 25 FTE .0889 6118 6119 4,000.00 6129 6140 853.00 6200 6300 6400 Total 4,853.00

PK 33 34 35 FTE 6117 6118 6119 6129 6140 6200 6300 6400 Total





District .2498 22,000.00

Total .3387 26,000.00 853.00



500 300 22,800.00

500.00 300.00 27,653.00



5.6724 9,236.00

5.6724 9,236.00

211,744.45 7,656.00 26,272.92


211,744.45 7,656.00 43,482.92





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