the words...


5 minLrtes

Suggested teaching timel Your actual teachlng time:

. hrite ycr olreody evcr anJ bcfarc rr rhe orl rrd l(e\ ich \vlrerl. lh.,-e \oli1..rppe.rr :'] r lrrscnt

pcrfect statement or question. Provide or hal'e' students provide examples such as: Vet: Hd-ot Vou s(1i Bi[{ Befi y!t? (at end of question) 'nlrendy:

Yts, I'-oe



Biq Bcrr. (bcfore past


B. 1l4:. (ai end of statement) eLtct: Hat)t rlotl 9!e!bee11 fa Morocco? (before past participle) bifore : Hnae tjau brcti la Moracca l4!lrg? (at end of question) . Tcll students to check the cnd PuncLuation of cach iten to sec if they arc i"'riting a statement or a question. . Have studcnts compare answers with a Partner' yaf: No, i hal)c1if seetl Big '



Suggested teaching



5 l0



. Before stuclents listen to

tl're conlersati,lns, have them look at the pictures and read thc captions. lf studcnts don't knoti explain that cr'rricftr is lar,r' fish marinatecl in lemon juice, olive oil, and spices. . Alier iistening to th.' convcrsation_s tr,r'ice,.havc pairs (r.mparc,r'r-\ier-. li ne.e.'.'rt..tlloir'tudeni- i., lislerr ag;in lo chc.\ thcir tn.trer'



CONVERSATLON lM = Esyptionl Mi Welcome to Egyptl First time here? F: Actually,l've been here twice before. M: Really! Have you taken pictures of the Great


Pyramids? Yes,I have. They're incredible.




[F :.Joponese]

This is my second time to JaPan.

F: Welcome backl M: 50 far l've been to Tokyo and Osaka. F: Have you gone sightseeing in Kyoto yet? M: No. Do you thlnk I should? F: Absolutely. CONVERSATION 3 [M: Peruvion] F: This is my first time to Peru. M: Rgally? Have you tried ceviche? F: No,I haven't. ls it qood? M:







When did you arrive? Last week. Have you cllmbed the Pyramid of the sun yet? Actually,l was there yesterday! lt was incredible.

CONVERSATION 5 [M: Chinese; F: Russion] M: Welcome to Beijingl Have you beentoChina before? F: Well, !'ve been to Shanghai and Hong Kong. But this is my first time to Beijing. M: Have you taken a tour of the Forbidden City yet? F: No,l haven't. M: Oh, you realLy shouldl lt's amazing.


enrnwonx sLrggested teaching time: Your actual teachinq time:

5 ralnutes

. Ask a volunteer to read the example question and anslvel Then ask several students the cluestioll. If necessarV remincl sLudents to use thc Present perfect in their ansrver. as studer-rts rvork and make sure they use

c?er and the presel]t pelfect in their questions. . Have pairs exchange questions ancl write ans!\'crs . Bring the class together and have volunteers shate

qr-lestions and atnswers.

Suggested teaching time:


have pairs brainstorm piaces to see ancl ihings to do in theil city and u'rite them dow'n. . Model rhythm and intonation bV role playing the conversation with a volunteer. Play the role of Student A and stress dsing intonatiorl aftel the Ycs / !a questions.

. Ar pJir-,

r''rLinLre lhecontrr-,rri|n. h.l\ p thcm .l.e th"fr lisl of pl,r.e' to.tr'.tnd thtttg- r., J, rn irll in the blanks.

. Tnvite \'olrrnteers to Perform their role plays for thc class. Tell the class to listen for places to see and Lrri tg. t,' rl,'.rnd l"{riIe l']err 11,'1a6 ll1s11 q,'rpi1e .' , ,.'-- lr-t n r lhe bu;rd nl,rl' tlrt plare. to .ce .rrd things to do in their citrr


pair work cards


Learning Strategies

Grammar Booster

Workbook: Exercises 9-11 Copy & Go: Activity 2

ilst !*l

rrl t.-l sl


5 minutes

Your actua teachinq time:

. Refer studcnis to the Convcrsation Modcl on page to revieu' welcominli.i visitor to one's citl'. Then

.Ll s.t



EXTRAS (optional)


;-l *l *l ql

M =.]oponesel

Welcome to Mexico Cityl ls it your first time?

. Circulate

- "re: "oL,t a.t,l"l redchirg


Fr M: F: M: F: Mi

*l *l -l SI -l J Jd SI *|


*l .._l

d www.zabansite.com J

M2: A bus? You mean like

a regular bus? We l, 1... 1... wel , not exactly. I've rldden on a bus many times,


fix,zl?!lfp,,i"n,,, Qo




Suggested teachlng t me: Your actual teachlnq time:


camera last weekl I can't be ieve itl Hey, lucky youl Thatdigital camera gets you one pointl Congratulations,Suzy. OK,Bill. Last chance. Answer it rjght, and you get a point. Answeritwrong, and you're out of the game. Are you ready? M2: Yes. Yes,l'm ready. M 1 : Bill, have you ever visited Chicago? M2: Oool Oool Oool Yesl Yes,lhavel lve in Chicagol Ml r Sorry Bill. lf you llyc in Chicago, you can't yi9il


l0 l5 minutes

. Have students look at the picture. Ask l{l/cr1',ftr Fr.


that! too bad. M2: Well, have yqq? M1: I ask the questions, Bil ! No point. So, Suzy. Have you ever bought a digital camera? Fr Oh, my goshl Yes,l havel ljust bouqht a digital


proplc? (on a game show) Wrdl! tlt t1Ltnrc of the s/rortrl ("Once in a l-ifetime") Wlto is Petc Sosn? (the hosL) Wio nle 5uz17 arrd Blli ? (the contestants) Ask oI tell studcnts the neaning of oncc iu n liJati tt. (.an event in a person's life; implies a rare,rrr umisual event or an opportunity Lhat comes only once) . Have students listen to the game shot'. . Havc stlrdenls read the questions in thc charl. T,ct tirem listen agaln ;rnd check tht' correct boxes.

. Ask students to comparc ans\\'ers \\'ith a partner.

Chicago. No point.

M2: But .. M1: Suzy wins with three points. M2: This isn't fa irl M1: That's the end of"Once in a Lifetimel" See you next weekl

M2: But


Language note: Yor.r Drl is an informal rn'a-v of saying enthusiastically. Coo/ is an informal expression that shor,r's approval or a€treer'r'rent. Although not at


all rucle, these exptessions are rather infornal and arc r]bt uscd in very formal situations. O/r, nn7 gosfi is an expression rrsed to shot' strong emotion. Learning Strategies

z1rfiliitFri!-\ M1: Welcome to "Once in a Lifetime" the qame where experlence counts. l'm Pete Sosa, your host. Let me introduce today s contestants Suzy, a teacher from Los Angeles. Hl, suzyl Hi. Petel Ml r And Blll, a musician from Chicago. Hey, Billl M2r Hey, Petel Ml r You both know the rules. I ask the questions. You






in Chicago ...

Now listen again


(CD 1,Tra
. Tell stuclerlts to read the questions before listening to the g;rme shorn' again. Then hal c Lhcm listen .rnd lvrite ciru.n the ansu'ers. . Have students listen once more to check their rvork. Thcn go ovcr the answers as a class.


M2 & F: You bet! M1: Suzy. Have you ever been to South America? F: Yes,l have, Petel lwasin Peruin 1998. And in 2001

lvisited Brazill

Ml: Cooll ThatsonepointforSuzy.... Now,Bill. you ever been to china? M2: China? WelL, L.. actually ... we



I ,il

. Divide the class into small groups, and assign

Bill. Have you ever driven a bus?



reporter to record ansr\rers as stuclents ask each other the cluestions in the chart in Ercrcise A. . Bring the class tol5ether, ancl have the rcpolLcrs tell which things their groug-r mcmbers have and


ha!cn't done. . Listen for correct usage of the present perfect.



Suggested teaching tlme: Your actua teachinq tlme:

not exact y...lguess

...well,no,lhaven't. MI: Oh, that! too bad. No point for Bill.

OK, Suzy. Have you ever flown ln an airplane? F: Yesl Yes, I havell Many timesll I flew to Peru and Brazil, of course ... and to Europe ... and Thailand. And New York Cityl M1: One point to Suzyl You're quite a traveler. OK, now

I ll

5-'10 minutes


answer the questions. f you've had the experience, you qet a point. lfyou haven't,you don't. Readyto begin?



otscusstott Sugqested teachlng timei You r actual teaching timel



. Have stLlclents listen lr*iile they rcad ihc scntcr'rces. . Tell stuclents to listen ag.1in, paving attention to the disappearing ,/t/ sound of Lhe ncgatiVe contraction. . Have students listen ;r third time and rcpcal in the p:ruses.



Pronunciation Activities I

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:' -. --.-


o @ '


= = = = =

lrsrsuNc {CD 1,Tra(k


L: L:

t; t*.-



ltl rt.1..lt.!.\.t, tt t,b.,ttt. 1tk, ,l

il,,-.iblc 'e.L,r, Circulatc and assist as nec'ded. . Havc sludents compare qucstions with a parLnel and then ask each other the questlons. Thcn brir.rg the class together and ask if anvonc ans$'ered ycs to anv

of the qucstions.



. Ask students to compare ansrvers r'vith



Have them listen a€i.rin to confirm answers. Jrrf,lt;tFr-L

M: F: M; F: M: F: Mr F: Mr F: M: F:



Conodion; F



Welcome to Vancouverl When did you qet here? Just yesterday, thanks. Oh, that s great. Have you done any sightseelng yet? Yes, I have. l've already been to the Vancouver Aquarium. I love the Aquarium. And I took a tour of Gastown. Cooll Have you been to the top of Grouse

Mountain yet? Not yet. ls it nice? Oh, yeahl The skyride up is great. You shouLdn't miss it. And yoLr should definitely visit the Capilano Suspension Bridge. t's a great place to take pictures. Oh, that sounds great. You know, everyone tells me lshould try dim sum while l'm here. Definitely. Lt's really delicious. And they bring the food right to your table and you choose what you want. Sounds like fun. Oh, did I mention that I went to the top of the Harbor Center Tower this rnorning? No. Actuallr l've never done that rnyself. You should. lt's a beautifulview. Vancouver's a great city. Well,l hope you enjoy your stay. Thanks.

use the nictures .. Suggested teachlng timel Your actual teachlnq time:


l0 minutes

. Call on shrdcnts to read the photo captions. Tell students that the Torn.'er of Pisa is referrcd to as ihe Leaning Tower of Pisa. . Then ask a student to read tl-re example question. Have a voiunteer read thc question again, using bcfore instead of rrel. (Haxe tlotL 'L)isitcd lhe Koredn Folk Villagt fu Yong Ln, Koren bcforc?) Remind students that usinli Defore implies that you ale in Korea right nor^', \'isiting the Korean Folk M1lage.


I0-15 minutes

. To revier,r' use of coer and befirc, ask Wrere do iuc placc epq i n s(tteilce? (before the past parLiciple) INhcrt do ue lhtca bgfut in a setltslcc? (attheend) . Have shidenLs \\'rite questions for Lhe four remaining piclurc-. Rcr*irrd ihe-n h' u.c ld.\ \rrl-, r11 un.e.

. Then let students listen again and comPlete thc

M: F: M: F:



. Have students Look at the photos and read the captions. If stuclents are not familiar wtth dittt su 1, explain that it is traditional Chinese food that is served in a scries of smal1 portions. . Havc studellts listen to Lhe conversation. . Ask students to read Lhe questions alorLd, starting each one with Hos shc . .. For t'xample, 7. Llas slte lteeu fu lhc VancotLrer Aqunriutr yet?




Suggested teaching tlme: Your actual teaching time:





wnrrrruc Suggested teaching tlme: Your actual teachinq time:

lO l5


. Tell students to make;i list of unusual or intercstirlg experiences they havc had. Refer studerlts to the tourist activitics on page 6, the photos on page 7, and the surr.ey on page 11 for icleas.

. Go over paragraph wliting. Rcvieu' indenting, punctuating, and using crd, blrl, and so to connect sentences.

. Tell students to write

a paragraph


thcmsclves and clescribing some unusual or interesting experienccs they have had. Remind them to use thc present perfect to rcfer to an indefinite tirne in the past, and the simple past tense to rcfer to a definite tilllc jn the past.

. Ask stucLents to read their paragraphs to ihe class. After each student has read, invite students to commentr l'ce dotrc . . . , t'oo. Ot l''oe neocr . . .


writing eto."r, worksheets Top /votch Pop Song




Track 14)


ldea: Brainstorm places to scc and things to clo in the studcnts' country and write them on the board. . Divide the class into €iroups to write a paragraph about one ot rnote places to see and things to clo. . Write qliestions on tl're board. Have g;roups discttss them and take notes before v"'riting. Acld other suggestions from students. Where is it? Wha+ con you do +h'zr'z? ls i+ o gaad a++roc+ion for children? How much do'zs it cost2

. Have students br-ainstorm tips for tourisis. Divide the class into t\'\'o groups, one to think of u'ays to behave and one to think of \ /ays I]Ql! to bcl-rave. Have groups i{ritc one to tu'o sentences for each,tip, begiruring witl.r /+ s 0K / bet+'zr +o . . . Never / Alwoys ....Don+ ....Yau should Gevd ..., Avoid ... . Collect the paragraphs on places to sce and things to do and the tips. I'ut them together and make enough copies for each mcmber of the class.

T12 www.zabansite.com

lfrom page Tl


Good evening, movie lovers. This is Cinema 5id with quickie revie;s and recommendations' Here are some of this weekl openinqs.

Wlriclt tuould thev rcfhet sce-a

interesting. Gene Wjldman and Amy Co lins play a couple who traveito Rwanda on an innocent vacation War breaks out, and you don't know till the end if they'll manage to get on the lalt plane to leave. I highly recommend this film' na s.ience fiction; jt's based on real Aqua-technia sclentific research. lt shows the average filmgoer atl the medicol uses of water around the world Thefllrn examine5 many interesting thinqS, frorn the underwater binh5 oflhe 5l-e,dra\e s anderq to LLF wdter (ure)'n Swiss sanatoriums. The film makes the case that water can heal the world. This beautiful film was produced and directed by a team of medical researchers and cultural



Don't take ch ildren to see The Wolf Children They won't sleep for a week after they see this terrible story about human children captured by wolves and taken into the wild. The children then return to their families and become like wolves, huntinq younger children in wolf packs



or o dranu?



t,t i/i i.rri\]lr


I t01c la.) '4tt(h ltutttr


Complete each conversation Suggested teach jng time: Your a.tual teaching timel



-I J


Grammar Self-Checks


anthropologists. Don't miss it.


-'rme ,4' i r''1l / i5 nfl! n Lr>ed l.J cleclinc poliiil\' for e.amPtt A'1't]llp ll

Jrnrta. The meanlng i'

'omedy' andseriousdrama lt's

well direited and acted. The story is intelligent and very

=t J

Language note: Stuclents may also see the quesLion

HotDog is a new comedy starring David Bodine and Judy Crabbei tJnfortunately, Hol Dog is a complete waste of time The acting is terrible. The story is borinq. And for a movie that's sup-posed to be funny, it's not You'll cry' not laugh, at spending your money on this silly, UNfunny FirstThings First ts avtonderful


. Read the third qriestion. Point out that I'11 rather rol without thebase form of a I'er-b can also answer lhc oue5(ior V.t,l,l u,ttt //('' r.r . . . . Olr lh, L'o lr,l rr litJ cLal p,,'-:bilir;e. -u, 1 J- 5ec 6n oLt on l:tm A-l -ereral -rttdcnl' Wnr,/./ ra'tt 1ik' ,.., o'cr iu . '"o^ndl. and har e them decline.


5 mlnutes

rhP t \cr'i'c J:k: tttttt', .,r.. r ',i
Point out that these are differenL rvays to erLcoulage

someone to State a Prefercnce. . After students comPlete the conversations, go ovcr the responses as a class



cnnnnunn 5Lrggested teaching time: You




r actlral teachlng time:

a volunteer to read the first rule in the Crammar box and the crample scntences On the board, write : 1 would rorher : ld ra+he.; I wauld rother not

d ra+her


. Iroinl out the affirnaiive preference i'd

latfucr and the

nc'lali\c D..ieren.. t I r'lilr' rr"/ for"ra..tPtc /d ,nt'/,,, qo ia rlt, I,ttr.'ir' 51,,111p' Id ltltt', r'l \rl"' llI r orrrr,,t. r t/t,,ftr' Lrpr.rin ihdl //,Plq.' rn ?l-o\' l''r useo r,rith rrldj, l,,.hno-cbclheen t'{"rhir;er,rmplc. /y' tp1l,;t ,tt ! 'tr ftttl'tr, llltr' t lhF' 11'

Ctwplet Tltente r. . On thc board, r'r'rite several choices such as see a concdr ", a mu.ic.tt.7cc u ho-or ltm a' a Lan'dy rcnl

-tttdent- to'l'rtc lh' ir "'a.l ", "" +o the aov'cs A'l or.leren.*'-,"rilh i,lf,///i., Lr,r-c lornl of a re'b, 'l tl rntltrr not ' b,l\e iornl ,'f t rcrl' or I J nlln ralher scc n comedrl l'd tafher llrnrr 'no,t . . . For cxamp\e,I'd


ti,r'r,sicol. Iltl rlnfhcr sec rt cometltl tlnn a nusicttl l(cad the ir"t cu(':Lio'r ir 'h, c'ronnta'bor' VoJ'l \1.,r \Arr\ 1/1 7rr I lrrl.L Do..iblc .rn'u e'' t d 4tlt t 'l dr lttr,, >lar \\ar- lr? 'rtttti':ot tr lrid r' lh'n cail on scvelal students to ans\ rer the first and see


second questions.


5 minLrtes

. Refer students to the Conversation Model on page

. Ask I

Suggested teaching tlme: YoLr r actual teachlng time:


to review discussing prefercnces. Have them alscr review the expressi6ns tLnder the photo. . Model fivthm and intonation by role-playing thc conversaiion rvith a more confident stirdent. Play thc roie of Student A and stress rising and falling intonation after the t\,\'o choices in the first sel'ltence

. After students list four to five rnovies and rlovie

stars, have them choose a movie \'\'ith their Partnel ,rnd trren ro'e Plrv lhp ( on\ t'r'.rti^ I

. Invite volunteers to perform their role plal's for the class. After eaclt roli plav, ask Whof ntolic did fhey tlecide f0 scc?


Pairwork cards

Grammar Booster Workbook: ExercisesT-8 Copy & Go: Activity 6




*J www.zabansite.com"J T

. Aftcr studenls read the rcviews to themselves. check corr rp -ehen- ,.rr. \.1



Ifrom paqe T20l M:



incredibly, ends up as an animated children! film.,, Sounds too weird for me. Lett forget !hd! one. Here. This sounds great. CIauds over Mount Fuji.

Language note: Clarifv vocabulary in the reviews as necessam Slftll; a follower of 'Sikhism, an Inclian


religion; piri: an abbrer-iation for- professionil ,',ul\ ,J n\p: ret|rring llr -^ nt,onc r\ ho i. rc,tcl! le m,r ,r't\. ( i.r:, . /i-/r: J.m. ll. l-r.iglrLlr , nlored '. .trir" ri-lr: /.rl',, ,,p. joirr rn ith -unreone e'-,rc, Jo .omelhing lngcther. O d,: in th,.t .5.,,rn ar^..rrd hom the Academv of Motion piclure Arts and Sciences for excelier.e; noninLltLt: suggest that \omeLrrF rF.e \ p .ln hunnr: \o//.,,r' 5l;/l/,,\ /t..,.- ,tn

"Unforgettable." ldon't know. lsawthetrai er. lt doesn,t sound that interesting to me. What else is there? Hamlet, the Musicol. Have you heard about that one?


not see it again, would you? Actually, no. lt was pretty funn, but once is enough. It wasn't the best thing l've ever seen, anyway. M: Well.

1-k D,

, t ,t\ " -

,d ,,1.

t, j....t,


D,t y,.1t ..


ri /r/ou/a Drlsr,i/ t,ri tLtica,s.'


. Have \roluntecrs lead the movie titles. Ask: Whnt Llo tlou tltink thc sla/s n.:'l to the noi1irc n.an? (The stars rate the movies on a scale of 0 to



I -ta .' t.ne hiqlre.r r.rt n\. ll-F rntitrE, m.l) a ls(' lncludt. h,rli st,rr. t Hot t0nt/ sftits Llir! Bend it Like Beckh;rm .gct? (3 and i half) Which nyeie got tht higlrcst' rnting? (,1:inding Nutro, ,1


FIos autlot.te scen nuV


agrcr iLiillt thc mtings?.-tltese


oitits? If yas, tlo yotL

. Call on sLudentslto read the abbreviations in I.lrerlhprr- lollor^irH rrr( -trr-. A-( l^/r../ /, ltt -, ,'|Jt., i,1t:Lt,t. . t0,t.' rl l-er . .* r.it.tre\ t,t ll suggest how appropriate a movie is for ihildren or t(1 n.rgr'r-. /'C /J .ld\ r\c- f.lfFn,5 rlrnt -uTe lT..rre.i.rl rur..lrildrcn

i\ irdpprof ri. tF .l.dH. , t; e mc.tn\ tlte mor re i. lppr,,f ".rto lur gcler I . tdier.r,-, /i re,r-t- rc-iriclerl. Mor i,.;,'er- un.rer l7 ru.t bL, dL,!ml'Jaie(1 L-'r .r p; ,,t ,lr dJull.J at. ttt,", .t!.,Jt. rnlut.t. ,.t !1, ..,.t ..1-tt"nr l), ., tt tt.i,,A tt,..,t n,r


h"u; ;;"ii.--''

R-'. r -tt.Jc rt- to t!.tnn\ i..penrc- ,i\t|o or p.r3e l9 . rrd tn llrc . J,,, tir o- Ii,re, r ,,r r p.r4c 2n. it rrcce. -a, I.

I n, our.lgc -tlrdrnt- .. u,e ot'r*r.,rtiject r,..r-r,r,.i. .l'hen tell students to rate the novie on a scale from rl -t. r\,lL,\\c.fr l.r l.l.r". {llien,.\lr flre,, c, rr.rl.,, r.-c




make notes about anv trn,o ilovies they

20-25 nrinutes

Yout d(tual led(r. ^q l^1e:


STEP 2 . If students har.en't seen anv mol ies recentl\,, let them


STEP 3 . C. ll on .tudert- h, re,rd lrre.ll...liu.r-,ri tl-e buflom



'p, lling, umferilion h,r \.h,,o,.hild.r-n trnm ,rll ovor lhe Un tnd ql.re. Cnrle_ranr-,rru eliminatcd lvhcn they misspell a \,\.ord. .11111r.,1

half st.r

SLrggested teaching


r. lheL -ec.rrrd n hr

"This weird movie starts out as a police drama but,



,tt.1,lr.'t' tr' t,li,tr \,..,,,.,lrJ -1, ttli,tt.,,t1 .Iinallr /r;relr r..li..urr rrlr,.h nln\i,.th,.\ \\ould

af Saiqon?

It! a musical of the famous Shakespeare tragedy. What do you think of that? Not much, actually. Sounds really silly. Well, what about /r5lde the Sahara? i think that,s a documentary your favorite, right? lsn't that a Matson film? I don't think thart a documentary. His films are always very violent. Yeah look here at the review. ,,Only for the brave. Very violent. Children under I Z not admitted.,' That,s not for me. WeJl, th at leaves on ly one other film I that comedy Fra.qs in Caracas,which we've already seen. ld rather


Mt) .drrnn? :.,1,t.' , :i,1...11,..1....1, t. 1.1n1.,,,,,., n

I\l1, 1r.'71,,1. (Bo l if I ikL B-: klt,jn) I,Nlti,tt tt... t. 0.i tl, .tlr,t at 1j^fr,at. l, t .t^ri.-,

Here are the movie reviews. What do they say aboul Follaw Meto Rio? Hmm. Follow ... t\y'e... to ... Rio ... Oh.here. "Wonderful love story. Very romantic.,, How about that? Hn.n. rr ^or cure. Whdt do ra.V sdv aboui \{fee6


tuot i.c is

ol tlte p.1ge. I rlrc o,,a-d vr r,te lve ._cc^rty seen lnomL ot ^o"iel, . ttd re,rC the ronr*nr" . lorrJ. Hd\ r, .tude1i5 n5l \ orquestions, Point out thaL What kind oJ'nortiL,tias fh^e lr.' n',.rr.r- \^ lr.ri - lhe g, nrel An-r,r r tl-'n q,r<-tio,tto model th{: ,l r scussion


. On lhc borrd

\ r te Hoh m.rnt .to.s da yau q4. rhc -ou,e? Ansrre lur llr* rn,'r i' title on tht' b,-i,.d. tr[ students to.tdd this question to the others h tl.rt, book. . Hr \ e -l u(ler l. ir rn-.r ll g, eLr pr a.k e, rch othl'r iu.-ri,'r-;b,,rrl rrrnvir'. ilrci I q., en "*,, rt,r. Wherr.tr'nvling. -1tJr.1t. :h,,uld ete" t.r rri,,ir notes in Step 2.

Workbook; Exercises 9-t Copy&Go: Activity 7







$ $ $

s J

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Q' o ltsreruNc coMPREHENSIoN {CD


Track 29}

Suggested teaching time: Your actLral teaching time:

Suggested teaching time: Your actua teaching time:

. Before strLdents listen to the conversations, ha\ e them read the acijectives in tl.re box on the right and the


Read the DVD box labels


5 minutes

. For clues about the movie genres, have sLudents look at the picturc on eacli label. . Have studcnts check answers rvith a partner

Jnovie titles.

. Have students listcn to the conversations and then

.Ird ( onrflt-lP lh, crer, i-r'. . H,l\c-lJdcri- ,i.lelr n!,.rill .rrrd nritvd,'rrn phra'e' .tb' Lrl lh, -pe,rLpr- opini,' r-. { L l.,rbidd, n ln\ e romantic;2. a movie I'11 alrt'ays rememberunlo'g, it. b'e I. ror.r c.'tt t -rnp l.rLrglline -lirn l1 J. .rrr' -11.1ngp 'r, ird: 5. p.rt nlI tn -lP, I borlnr-: 6. that's stupid-silly; 7. too much killing vioient) HaVe students compare ans'"!'ers \\'ith a Parhler.

Language note: Students alreacly know these sy,ror"ty-r, scdr"! (frightening)i fullnrlols (extremell'

Ir-t..rr aErrn


M: F: M: F: M:

Let's see a movie.

Good idea. What do You want to see? What about Meditetranean lr4aanl is that a love story? Yes. About forbidden love.

2 [F1 : French] Did you see lhe y/o/lnlsf when it was in the theaters? Yes, I djd. wasn't it great? lt sure was. That's a movie l'll always remember'

firnrry); rldrculoas (silly).


writ. uou, own resDonse Suqgested teaching time: Your actual teachinq time:

F2: F1:

CONVERSATLON 3 M: ld love to see lheGaadCatch F: Me too. hFa'd t wa\ d LruF \tory M: lt was. And there are some scenes where you can't stop laughing.

CONVERSATION 4 [M2 : Brozilion] M]: Let's go to the m ovies. lvty Neighbars on Neptune

Complete each statement


Suggested teaching timei Your actual teachlnq time:


Ilevie\'\' the present pcrfect \\'ith si ca + a time or date in thc liast ancl /or + a pt'riod of time.

. Then have students colnParc ansrvers with a partner' Top Notch Pop Song


l: Parking problems on a distant planet M2: That sounds too strange for me.

That'll put me to sleepl


6 M1i Let's go see Anlmdl Opeld.


M2: What? M1i AnimalOperq. They trained cats and birds to sing famous opera music.

M2: That's stupid. l'd rather see something serious. CONVERSATION Z F1: Have you seen anything good recently? F2i Well,l saw Crazy Horse. Have you seen it? F1: Yes. But ldidn't like it. There was too much killing

5-10 minutes

rclerpn((. to,r peri.rd ,'t lim. (l l\^1, ',', eek': I ntore thrr an hoLLr). ft'i rl .rttttll.rl in it,"n \, lirt' ''hlI functions as i Lime in the past.




. Have students circLe all the times or dates in the Past (2.'d-l lrre-Jrv; t I *a- r, hilcll rnd trrrdsrlile r"lcll

is playing.

F: There's a new movie at the l\4etro Theater. Want to go? Mr What is it? h Plants ofthe Kalohari.

10 minutes

the conYersatiors lvith a Partner'

M2: What's that about?



. If studcnts need help cloing the activity, Iefcr them to thc Cor.rversation Modcl on page 16 for icleas. . After writing thcir resPonses, have students role-Play





l,Track 30)


ldea: On the board, rvrite lnclude in their reviews:

a list of things students can

+i+le. genre. movie

slars wh.l+


mavie is about, adjec+ives +o d'zscrib,z the movie. the ra+ing

'ruJe,rl. l,' tllc rP\ it-h. LJr PdBP 2l fo'.'ddilior ,i' Lo irclude,:u( h,r- \li" crnr. lcngih of m.,r i, d.rte n hen tlre mor te vr.r. "'aJ., V^rion l-i. tU.. Re-er



Association rating. . HaVe students give the names of movies that thcy'r'e -.c'r recpnll\. D r ide ih. . lr" into jlroup' -r'lh.rl ,irrdents vrlrr-,htre '\'an ll_e -. mp "rcr ie c.rr wo'l togcther. Let groups dccide whether they r'r'i1l rvrite a

jood review:or

a bac-l

revier', or Perhaps both.

. When the gloups have finished their reviews, have a spokespeison from each group read the reviern'(s)

T24 www.zabansite.com

Q' o lrsreuNc coMPREHENStoN

Language note: Poil.It out that

(CD 2,Track 6)

Suggested teaching tirne: Your actual teaching time:


l0 minutes

Ask Wlrcre ntigltt t/oii see ruessagc slips like fltese?

IasL message


irrt#ltitl-_r Hi. Can I speak wlth JLrdy Diller please? You bet. Who shall I say is ca ling?

M1: Marc

F1: M1:



Oh, l'm sorry, l\,4r Pearl. She stepped out Can I take a message? 5ure. Please tell her I ca led. l'll be at the Savoy Hotel for the next two days. ld like her to call meback. vou got't. Could yoL spellyour 'ost -ane ror me?




_.: CONVERSATION F2: Hello. l'd like to speak to a guest named Hank Pitt M2: l'll ring him up for you .... l'm sorry There's no answer. Would you like to calL back later? F2: Actual y,l'd like to leave a message Please tell him Vicky Denkus called. l'll be at 444 0987 til six o'c ock He can call me at that number.

2 [F:


M2:That'sD E N...?

F2: D E N-K-U-S. M2: l'li give him your message, Ms. Denkus. CONVERSATION 3

F3: M3:

Hi. This is Carol Braun calling. ls Collin l\4ack in? No, he isn't, ma'am. Het out ofthe country till next

week. F3: Oh. WelL, can you give him a message for me? M3l of course. F3: Piease tell him Carol Braun called. That s B R A-U-N. And l'll call him again next week. M3: Very good.

CONVERSATION 4 M4: Hello. l'd like to speak with Patricia Carlton in Room 1408. F4: One moment, please ... Sorry sir. Theret no answer at that extension. Would you like to leave a message? M4: Yes, please. This is Sam Hill calling. H I L L. 'll definitely be at the meetinq at 3:00. 5o l'll see her then.

F4: l'll see that she

g " H:I:N(rAloN Suggested teaching time: Your actua teaching time:

5 minLrtes


H.,rve >ludl-r'rt- 'ead tlrr'.cnlen.c-. . Point out that each contraction is pronounced as onc s1'llable, and have students listen to corlfirm.

syllables with the one-svllablc confr'acf ions. . Finall, have students listen and rePeat in Lhe Pauses Pronunciation A(tivities

CONVERSATION PAIR WORK Suggested teachlng timel Your actual teachinq time:



. Refer students to the Conversation Model on page


to revic\'v leaving and taking messages. Tell students Lo read So/rc /ressdtcs below the picturcs. . Role play the phone call on page 29 witb a more confident stucient. Play the iole of Student A. Model rhythm and intonation. Stress rising intonation after Hello?

. Encourage students to dictate phone numbers and the spelling of theil names as they rolc-play phone calls. . Bring the class togethcr and have pairs role-play theiiphone calls. Tel1 students to \'\'rite down each message and to check

with the pair to make sure thcy

tLnderstood it corectly.


Pairwork cards


Learning Strategies

EXTRAS (optional) Grammar Booster

Workbook: Exercises 5-8 Copy & Go: Activity 9

gets your message.

culture note; Point out that when dictating a phonc numileritt l-ngti:h, each numbvr i: erpressed separately,rnd zt,ro i- e\prcs\ed a- O.,r z.io. for four, fottr' iotrr. r rimple,'144 0q87 r' erPrc'.ed (l (or zerL'), nirle, eighL, ser-en. "-


$ -t


. Ask \-oluntcers to express the complete subject and vcrb in each sentcnce. (1. 1u'ill;2. She will; 3. He u'i11; 4. We u'il]; 5. You rvili; 6. They will) Have students compare the pronunciation of the two


Ml: F1:

r/ mearring

Conversations 2, 3, and 4 speak more formally rlr.rn lhe womJn in Cr.rnr er>a lion [.


(in an office, a hotel, a store) Then ha\-e students Iistcn to the phone messages. . Ha\,e students Usten a seconc-l time and complete as much of each message slip as they can . After students listcn again and fill in anl' informaLion th,.\ n]l-'e(1, h;re lhcm CnrP.rr( Jn-\^rr- in g-".tp. l',r,nr oLLr thar ne'lhp' boShould he.nP, keo or lhe


problcm, I J be lrappl to do llrJi Ior yoLr. fhi. informal expression is often uscd in office settjngs or classrooms. However, in more formal situations like job inte$'iews, it would not be aPProPriate. Note that the people answering the phone in

. Call on students to read the titles on the four mcssage slips. To prepare for the listening, tell str"rdents to skim the phrases on the messagc

Yo g0l /l is a very

iniormal -rmpliti, ation oi ).,rr r',


Pronunciation Supplements


$ -l J

JJ ---l JJ J_J -J J


www.zabansite.com I

g " l;,;J1).'J'iG


. Ask lVlrnf is thc possible negatitte resrrlt h esch sifltttion? iv",, *""'lrr" atle to eat dinner' You'll miss the shuttlc.)

I0-15 minutes

Suggested teaching tlme: Your actual teachinq tirne:

. L.rl, un.r -ludenl l,t real lhe iir,t pni,rl rn lll' t,ralnrrJr bor anJ tlte frr-l er'rn'pl- 'enlPlr' c

iiiirt'it' tn, pouittt, ttegnliae resrlti

. I.)r heln 'r undcr-t,lndlnB lr''\ e \tudt nl- re\:e\\ il," in..rbul.'rt o'1 p,Ae \l l'c't'rP li'h ninq . Har e .tudenls li'l"n rl. 'ilr tLJ (ulrPlPl' lhc e\erL i'e .rrrd llr, rt..rT p.rtc.1n'\^er' \':lh 'l fdrtner' note: In C ttrer-ation l ,pninl oul,rhe (tLtttut.' oue-tion h l// tlolt br tc'dttt\ |-ttttl Jt.t1 li llh !\ ih. urc ot tlri pr"-enl conliruntt' Fo\ Ll''/ tludelrt-' 'r'i rtion;rl conver' lrd r'"rultf"t-.'f dn:!^e. // -/nr /"' '1;1 ,' nll 1'6 ,,i;triil"



colleagr'ri instead of n colleagut r,t" .i""t".'r.. "ra " infor al and convcrsational " ,iltti.'it-"ft" ".'tv




CONVERSATION ] i pi.-t *ont to .uLe a Ie'ervdt;on lor J.ne sirtoenih ii: Willvou be needing a single or a double? ru,' w"irliit tot ." unJa colleague So a double' F1: Smol.tnq or non smoking?



rvri $


aoii :mok.




i.:. t


No Problem, ma'am





5.o1inq. tire A'dwpll needd"ollawav

CONVERSAT1ON 3 M: Hi. l'm checking in. The name's l\4ason V".,,ir. I nat s d srnqre wil h d twin n"d ? in"'. .u., O" tom-e mt:take My wil'dnd son dre fvf

ii: '- i'










a'l sure I


Jn""iv..'.'ri", 'i ',i, ,,,,"Ji.. t. .,, r, . t\\c ll mi'Landuaqe note: Itl

nuue Thanks.


" tn" oe't-,an urinq



Hi, t;m

cnecling in

up rl'al ro ldway fo' you

name SYms.

fr: y"t,.ui.. That's a double room smoking? right at all' I reserved a suite iir '-' on, no. rf'ut t not allweek f"fon r.ofoing l hav; important meetings a showing l'm check me Let Fl: l'm sorry, malm


double, ma'am.

FE: Well,l need you to find me '.ll



suite And please'

non-smoking. l'll see what I can do, ma'am

cnnnnmnn Suggested teaching timel You r actual teachjng time:

. (}.r the board, r"'rite: You You

d ber+,zr hurrY d be++er hurrY





l0-15 minutes

the rnur 'e )


Fngli'h il't 'omm'rn lor b?tt'' at b tat

Suggested teaching tlme: YoLrr


-]e 3 J

JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ ':J JJ JJ J JJ www.zabansite.com J

Complete each conversation






act!al teachinq time:

. On rl'c ho,rrd, ,^ rlte W/'ot F lhc Passtblc ae1<'+:!L ,es,.ttt ,n eatt s;ruorroa? fninL our lh rl LhP nedatl\ a""ctly stated but only 1lggest'd ..r"ft, ur"


r' ".i nar e to wrlk r r'rr lrt u',-*, '' \ou'll 'rl^.if-ti. ). f,fiif .'* rlr( or's.* rcPort J \.'r"ll qet nct 4. Thc restaurant will close )

CONVERSATION PAIR WORK Suggested teaching timel Your actual teaching time:

5 rninutes

. Refer students to the Conversation Model on ldl,' rer ien Llrncking in 'tnd a'lingtb'rr''l lrntol ",,',, i,.Tii,i.'. f"" 5tuderri''lo rr\ icw the Vo'"tbtrlarr on to rleclde the room features theY u'ant Model rht thm ,rrld rntondliur u1 r"le-pl'rr ing a I l'1) . onr er'aLi.,n h ith I m, ''c \ onr:dPnl 'tLl(l.'lll fr' ilil\' hurPl d abortt .l-k t"i",'i su'o, \.'nd

page The reservation's under the


Grammar Self-Checks

bed and a rollaway.



'pokenrnd '")\ \iu rne '/ l', lttl' bdtc'unt r]:rhcr than \fi,'d

:;;:G;' i:';;"o

'o a ( _q \;"4

Let'necneck oh No tl"oblem' imro,orry,.ir' Ftl -nr"" ' .' W" r t;"0f Ioo.n dva'ldble wlth d Ling ''ze bed


(You'l1be late')

. C 'll nrr .r r olLurrecr 1., rP,ld the c\.'rPle 't nl\'n' I rjl' A'l h'n/ 1' tlt 1n"'blr rr,

cjo' t th nk he does eith.'

Chrnese] douole on tno ten'h 1 nsqo 6 ".ervat;on Smoking or non smol'in9?


fi !t




sentcnces in the second Ask a student -C,i to readi-both Att,t ltlt l -iLrt r | .0/;., r''lr//' "r;-o1". rl h" ioom. tt,11 pq '"ld orrl r loinl oLrl th rL th' always as djrect as it is in ),,.noii"" i"tt lt it qomelime' tnr" unlr'\l Pru\ ide' "ot ,f-ri,ir-'-.'.'.pt, a clue tL) Lht negatirc re5ult






"' 'i,. . \flHFludenl' roh-plry .'r*' I in; in har e \ olunl|er' p."'cnt rh.ir,.,rr "i-.rli|n' to lhe cl'r-'' culture note: l,rinl oul th'11 thc gilt -hop horrr';re x1 term' of .'2l-hnrrrilo.L fhe l2-h"u" t and C rnrda "^;;; . fJJ;' .-.'."-.onJ1 u-ed in ihe L q i;" i'r;.i;' wnuld be rn rrlten a- l:00 \'\4 lo r\r' work cards




VocabularY Cards

EXTRAS (oPtional) The restaurant closes a+ 9:00 The
Grammal Booster

Workbook: Exercises9-11 Copy & Go: Activity 10







o " [3if:i,:i*


SLrggested teaching timel Your actual teaching time:



tf.," pJctures ancl reiid tht. hotel room itt'ms and services.


. HaVe stucLcllts listen and practice Ask:

you oftcrt-ncetl in n hotcl? im'a Whic/, serlict,s llot rcqucstctl itr t hoLel? . Then havt'stutlents listen and pl-actice ag'rin' tlo

Language nole: Students mav also hear thc B"'r'' .' rr,wnur'I L)t ittR n',' 0 tt.it"ln]\


ni r-L'n i- on [lte'tme i- un r 'rieher f loor' i per.on nen the ,,1:,'^ tiof,r. ,;,i''',i,l lrirq ,p borh rmpll phsr"rl b'ir,..',',

"'pi"rii,'n -I", fif.lt bc.r...d wl'*n llr'

morl'rnen t towilrd the spenker


Could someone come and take the dishes away? M1: Of course, ma'am F1: Also. I was wonderinq if someone could bring extra towels? oh-and we could use a hair dryettoo' M1: Noorob'em I-d dr-. rl ld\F Ldre ol thdtrlghl dwav Oh, '








F2: Ml


Suggested teaching tirne:

15 mlnutes

Your actuaL teaching tlme:



M1: Front desk. How may I helP You? M2: This is Room 587 M1: \e\,1\4r.RoqFr. Whdr Ld- ldoforvou? wtZ, W^i', tn,' piu," i1o 1s55. need soreone ro nake



he'P You wilh? a load or lduno





alnost forgoi' I ndvo

sorneone Pick that uP? No problem.


vocabulary Cards


oh,fine. Thanks Listen Weiustfinished breakfast'

Anvthincr Plse



Hello, Mrs. Williams. lseverythingOK?


. Before students listen and Practice, tell them to

\Nhich itans

Front desk. How may I helP YouT Hi. This is Room 586 calling

F1: M]: it:



up the room riqht away. l n' so rv, clr'' ,' tdLF (a'e ol thdl fo vou And -y *i," '""d5 son'e of lho 'e - what aro t hev

called skirt hangers? Yes, sir. We can

send some up for you

hold on

Here she is Wait, Hello? Front desk? Yes, Mrs. Rogers like Last niqht n-obody turned down the beds l'd please ni9ht, every service tLlrndown

l'm so sorry, ma'am. lf you wa nt tu rndown service' we'll certainly make sure you get it l'd certainlv appreciate it. I thought this was a ni.-. hotel. My apologies, ma'am. You'll get trrrndown service tonight. Thank you.

a volunteet to read Lhe items and setvices in one of the charts . Ha\.e stuclerlts listen. Then write on the board Tlis p/oce is o mess Asl:

. Beforc students listen, call on

' l. Lht'taonl

i. i,,, r,,,-,

clcntt nrtrl

(rrnhapD\') O.... ,,t. ,l ,i,



'lt " t i"' !1st I ln' .,' ntl '' i-i t ' b td 1t11,11 lt.

tt tt

!'tt rtr tttll'tl p ' uitlt

scrolcr:? ibad service) does sltc thitlk this? (No one turne'd the bec1s.)



. Flar.e students listcn a second time at-rd complete the activit\r . Ask st.-rJ|nl' [c ( ump.]lr dn-!ver' in l''r'l: li rc\ err.Ll\.,rrlorn 'ru,icnl' l" lisl' tl rB'li'r [r'\unllrm their answers.

ODtion: Hd\r .lutJcntt r,'le-Pl.rr

,,i'1. t., rh" lront de5k rc lu( 'lurb

i"itlll"t. ro.

irn'-lin' pl orre d

We rrccd arr



r1l rtsm5ar'(l

Could sLtnteanc

""u-p1e, ,!.' Br,,rin-lorn po'-ible re\oLJn-e' i ,li,,o e.ttra /, rirQ. pr b['n lll Ir(( cdrcof lhrl .roft f,,',", i,,t''fr1f," 'I"t.'.o"u Yes' sir / ma'an') .tghi';;.;;), oi;;"ir" [+


minutes] Learning Strategies



lr.ll .lJdprrL- t" rcj r.i ln,. /-ri t

l0 minutes


t, nti r'l


;;iil.:" ; t;ii

F"l"l -er' i" -.''tentlr' 5ar.


5 roinLltes

.' \{rite the tlr o st'ntcnces from item r



(., i"i: ;u.*t an'l I lrule students lisLen to the convers'lhons



Suggested teaching time: Your actLlal teaching tlme:

(CD 2,Track 15)

Suggested teaching iimel Your actual teachlnq time:






'l' llJtl tl.tt)tt


'-'Rr llrstrh.'rc

. H,.r\, ,tuJ! nl- li-t*n 'g.ri'r.rnJ "'nlL'lct' InH 'r'li\rl\ h",o|'* ar.aP.,rrl'q rr"11' 1- r" tLll ' P'lrlnFl




on the board'


Asl< hr/rnl

, ,'ii" -tr1 -'t r\orr'rl qtrrrel n ;;.,,,;, ; - i/r, "icer ' ' i, ":," i h* 'rbl.'i,' so, . r.'\i lherr 'r'l H \ou'J \"a"'r'tirrco't t"tr"' a ;,,: ;";;; ,;:,; il.,u i"i,.r ri. i r'r" "", lt 'rr''l' rt- 'l''n l.'urus'l l" ' '1 iitii,: tnii n, uurl:rclla ' sav it vourst'1f' pairs 'fell studcnts to read the . Divide "*,n.,1, the class into '-, .'n.I r;g--, o','tiolF rrcg rlr\ I '1,:-l^.rr' lh, 'n N "ilP Il'P -l'rl( mcnl,".,.1i-',,iitt*n

. Bring tlre class together and call on studcnts t() shale


M1: Room service How may I helP


tilcir ansl\'el5


in my room Hi. t *un, to o,,ler something for dinner order? to like M1: What would You Fl: l'll have the grilled chicken' M1: Anylhing to drlnl? ;i,'\;i":";, oL.dncl .oLr,o soneone.dr, "r.r' dt 7:00 tomorrow morning? l'm sure : ylu can call the fr;nt clesk for that' ma'am'




they can helP You

2 lF = Britishl How may I helP You? i"rcl- of o''tv r orqe' Lo nere ' wond.' " come by and pick them up' could if .ome6ne iiliiake care ot that right away' sir lsthere

'''- ili'i"..ir, rz:

anvthlnq else? Iner6 a en I eno-gL hdnge's rn ih'(losel up with r',lo pr-out"., tir. l'11 send someone

tr' iJ l,fli. iz,'

some rnore,



l( rl l:. r,



t ttl l 't "t r' t 'tlt l aglcr:?


Utl IltI

srr0l,'cl: nird lcrl's

466 l16nt 'y nv hu'bano a-d rcould Lr'e

get them? AbsolutelV, sir.


a ri1'e hursry. we rave- t ;;, ' ;;"";;;;i- ""o ' dr6 \trl gel sonet\ng din1.r ypr. Cd.1 wo r+, io iio6t"., sit. I'll connect you wlth someone who

can take Your order right away

wttut ttot"l room feature






l0 minutes

. Refer students to tire Vocabular,v on page 30' . Have students colllpare anslvers \Jith a Parh.rer'


f' r' \'\ itlr '1 l','rlnr'r' ftt"r. ,-t q rP-li,'rr' r''"rnelh ng i' n'rt 'lt rr'

h..n h.rr r' -ltrJ, r1r- e\(hJrr;e P'



CONVERSAIION 4 [M: SPonLsh] F4r Front desl. How may l helP You l ,;"" wdnlpd lo l^t vou \now rqar ln' leavingup 'ry *O, "'- tfi. :;";1;;i;;";v door' Could someone come and

5uggested teaching time: Your actual teachinq tlme:


rn l(-minJ -lud" rr- t' 'eP ldlP (r'rrrflet( lh"LlSl"lrll!l't'lrll'lq (c'Lrl ttsint l,'nJ \enlil \. t) ' Pr'lo\i


more towels. Would that be a problem? M3: Of course not, ma'am




D,, , ,.i.l/

over the floor in the bathroom' dwav tvtl, ;_n .o sot y. mo rm "l cp'd >omeonF uo "ol'L


h.l \

-. Tf studcnts cl-roose to uirite about one of tthe ttt't ltl t' i-.,,,"irr" i,'iJ", lelL rlr"nr l" hlqttr \'\ ilrr r''e r'r 'rii' t" rr ''i r' n'' ' lr' .,;;; ,i ; i ; \-, ;,,i.'f'.'Lrl I h"rel lrr"r lr'tre'l'ri'd 'r" 'r' '-,l,iiininrnt tell tllcm to use thc sir.rlPle past tcnsc . \ll, - -lrl(ltlll-., nrpl.re trl' rrr'ltnq'r-'itrr'nenL,r-\:

rry oon'\ d rli r'r-"'q",0".1" fron a 'reer '9 'he"' 'rnd iir' '" a e towel' a ' ;;;;. Ni.";;;;ade i\' oecl and

il,' .."r,,

10 15 minutes

\lIu\ lll' f'( l"r' thal '1"' rrt nr.,-t;rrp,,rl rtrr 1,,ln-ln:lr '' hot' l H rr" t'l' 'rl't' i ilitie' t" r.ii.L,url. lr,,tel '*rr "nd ''


M3l Can I helP

Suggested teaching tlme: Your actual teaching time:

.lrrgr' r1.


F2: 'rtait



writing ero."st Worksheets


the class, review hotel ser.vices and faciliiies services oa *"tt ua room leatures, iLems, and . Ask students lr'here tht'y r'r'ouid likc to go for a \.,r.rtrun. lhPrr .1i,:t1- 1[' ' l r-' I'tL' Proul'.5o



\\lru.nn'( rlrL 'rln( Pl r't "r"l\\I'rl O, .iO. \illt lh' r 'tr d' tti' lr irl tr'' rh' ','"if-t"t. and / or traveJ guides hri'ernet gr|rtp r' 'il' t 'e\ ie\\ nl lalro Lrr ln''r| -. fl.11g ".rr l' j.,riil',' l.' lr'tir6 rlr''rur;nl'ge-'t'r'l i'.',i"'.'i' -lll.lent5

lllc h' lt.l n ln'(' nlr'il' s ;1J aJ,,*-. I't "'," .lLrl loqclh{'r.rrl ih, lt.rrel r*rre\^\'trrl rll'iLl' r '{a\er that 5n\-\ T, nt't i G rrldr ' oi-.rJr lrt tgr'"lLrdL rll' -ll' Lrld {iu '111n1hg-

T36 www.zabansite.com



Rhythm and intonation Practice (CD 2,Track 23)

lfrom PaqeT4ll

Suggested teaching time: YoLrr actual teaching time:

CONVERSATION I tvri on, not What happened to your car? A tree fell on it in the storm' Ml Lool. at Your windshleldl gat it repld'ed' i, V"uf'. qoing to h'rvp to


2 [F = SPonish] your hood I i,- Or-r, no: Whar happened ro park'd cdr' o l n;t acLident Ml I ndd ar F: How did lbd haPPen?






+ -= = = .:


3 [M:

t.an d'ive my t



l hdd an



F: l'm sorrv. What hapPened? Mr The brakes failed, and I hit a tree' ir on no War there rl*ch darndgeT ono tne right i,i, ili"ri i'r na-*,o."p'u'e tn" oumper

Fill it uP, Please, Yes,



F: I had an accident. M: oh, no! What haPpened? ii' ihiroth"t.utt.ashed intomytrrrnk M:



we can. Can you drop the car off tomorrow

How about noon?

Terrific. l'll see You at nine


Get Seruice at a Service Station


o n x3i*yli* Suggested teaching timel Your actual teaching time:




Can you fix it?

sure. What time can lPick it uP?

ii;. ;;i;;.;;i;sonnacostanarmandalestorix'




morninq at about nine?

Was anyone hurt?


lL l-= L

sir. AnYthing else?

My turn signal isn't



with regular'


: -


. Have students repeat chorally M;rke sure drt.y: ' (1t t 1'pt1 l;' -c I i:ing inl,,rl ttion t$ Ant l;tt I l l r" oli llt Jrp f ,,,, i,.' ' 1,ttr "na Li le can I pick it L|PT rLse falLing intonation for Wtdf rloorl riborll ancl Hoao use the follou'ing stress Pattern:




. Rpl,,re.tLtdelrl' li'tcn.rn'l prdcli(e l"'\e LhHnl ltq'r:L urlder-l"nJ llrc Jifh rPnl tcrln\' 'LLo "i, r,,t"- to l,\',,r1 /t ,1,,, ';r' vf,lruu 'xf lpiLL rtp-) ' ri" I Lrrrl ol'l Wt,at ' 1,t, .ll:1,, it, .' t t!!!L

2,7racks22'24\ 5-10 minutes

Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time;

students look at the Picture Ask: -. Have "ii)/.;;, l/;::;.,pi tt,epi,t,n I ra'crri'r''r'rri'rn


ee and a customer)

)", "'nt1;' "''rrrr'''^lr'\r lll ',i,;i;"';',,;;;,; oi P,J' lhe (Ll-lomer \^dnl> n'lJ ho\\ ml'' "molor

students read and listen Then -. H.rve "";i';;;i;;


morning, around 9:00) tllL'nl, Arter 5luclenl'read artd lislen dq.'in h r\e I Lr/r| read l d lislen lrr lhc lerm' in th' hu\ \'llle(l ,

,ri",. saY





;' 6t'g p'''sibl'


Ms lvhen talking to a younger l'oman'

note: lill il t!1,' 'tJillt ii,l'rin|ne'n- io lill ir'"?-uJtn,tI n itlr rcgular ga'oline / ;lt tt uy:nith U"u"r"q,'""-t i'.r a hiSher qu'r1it) pi),,?ir,,'"


of gas



. Aftcr students listen and practice'.ask: . Lrrri engine) i"/ (the ll/,JirlrS tutT tlrc Jr,.LrJr ttLrni;c l4i,,r/ ,is rlr, WhiL "/+ho , .."2 ttr the blue shirt) r llhe m -.'1ttr in l\t,,. t- pi'li,t . 1', '.4r r

(het car\ witlr'uii{ ii,i, ,ii,,tln,, dropTting off? . Then havc studcnts listen anc-l Practicc again


t tr r n signat? ;; ;i;',t'..iith tt ".u"tnn'"'' llt isn t workirls ) /fJmo'ruw wluii cn', tt,i c,' ii'n:r di' p o't ttt rt"


5-l0 minutes

VocabularY card:



ComPtete each sentence 5uggested teaching time: You r actual teaching time:



5 minutes

.- f.'l -lrr.lenl> t. r( ld the 'Plllt-n(e''rn'l ll.ld'-rllne-l rdr: '1o .1"'.ii'-r.,"- iL "i.,ig,'' z br'rker'; I rp f'r'ot'r'rAP 're'rdlglrl'r' \^nrng ,", -l"l iX.'"'' l'',"a-"i-,". t i"" Lhc p''ta-l'l \( "bs-1 rhe \o''rl'u] r11 . A{ter students comPlete the exercise' have them



rl'rtl- a p'rrtner' rPierr;nq to lhe

conte\t clucs the) underlined




Q o lrsreuNc coMPREHENSToN (CD

CONVERSATION 4 M1: Good morning. Wheels Around the World Rentals.

2,Tra(k 28)

This is Clarence. How may I help you today?

M3: Good morning. l'd like to rent a car on Saturday. A luxury car, preferably white ...

Suggested teaching time: You r actual teaching time:

Ml: . First have stLldents listen to the phone conr.ersations with books closed. Then ask '/i/,rLt is Clsrtnce? (an agcnL aL Wheels Around thc World Rentals, a car rcntal agcncy) \Nho islrc talkirLg to? (four cnstomers

}'ho call the agenct') . Have students read the exercise directions and look at the t$'o columns. Then have thcm listen a second time and conplete the activity. . Tf ncctssary havc students listen again to fill in anv information they missed and then conpate answers \\'idr a partner. Language notei Review the way the receptionist answered thc pl'rone ("Good morning. Wheels Around the World Rentals. This is Clarence. How may I help you today?") Explain that this is a polite and common way to answer a p1-rone call at work. It helps callers know where they have called and who they are speaking to. Asking DLt you fitind nty nskirrg yotL yLtru' age? is less direct and more politc than asking Horll old nre tlou? The receptionist asks less directly first, but when the caller doesn't understand, he is more direct and asks the your.rg man hon, old he is.



CONVERSATION I lF : Russionl M1: Good morning. Wheels Around the World Rentals.


This is Clarence. How may I help you today? Good morning. lneed a rental car in La Paz. ln Bolivia? Thatl right. l'm ariving on Tuesday, December I B. At the La Paz E Alto airport? Yes, at 6:30 A.M. And what kind of car do you need? Something with fourwheel drive. Do you rent SUVs?



F: M]:






we do.


CONVERSATION 2 M1: Good morning.Wheels Around the World Renta This is Clarence. How may I help you today? M2r Yeah. I need service on my Spazda '1999. lt! sti


under warranty. Wheels Around the World. We're a car rental agency.

M2: Sorry. CONVERSATION 3 British] M1: Good morning. Wheels Around the World Renta


This is Clarence. How




he p you today?

the car on October the 7th at the airport again. What kind of car were you looking for? Something small. A compact.

M1: l\4iami. Let me check... . OK. We have compacts in l4iami. Would you like me to reserve one for you?


Yes, p ease.



r l:

I .,'

M3: M1: M3: M1:

Excuse me? How old are you?

l'm eighteen.

l'm sorry, sir. You have to be twenty five to rent a car


INIERACIION 20 25 minutes

Suggested teaching time: You r

actualieaching timel

STEP 1 . Call on studenLs to suggest

destir.raLions that rvould

recltiire a rental car

. I{avc students read the headings on the notepad. Point ouL that


is an abbreviation

fot tlutlth(r.

. Then have students make notes. STEP 2 . Beforc students choose a situation to role-play, revlel' the langu;rge undcr NEED HELP? Divide thc class into five groups and assign each group onc of the sentence sets- Tel1 groups to practice readirlg lh*r-r,rl,'utl. lor renlettte -el\ h ll1 L'l;'tl' or clrbi,.., encourage students to complete the sentenccs wiLh

t'ords of their choice. . Circulate and correct stress and intonation. Ilcmind students of the changing stress of particles


phrasal verbs. . Bring the class Logcthcr and havc volunteers from the different groups read lheir scnLcnces. . Then call on a voluntcer Lo read the two situations. Divide lhe class into pairs and have them choose a situation. Shidents may not want to talk aboui their bad dfi\'ing th.rL rcsulted irr an accident. Suggest that . Time permitting, have students prepare tu'o role plays. Otherwise, have them focus on one situation. Tell students to use the ir.fonnation from Step 1 and to refer to the vocabulary covered in the unit. . Ask pairs to role-play their calls for the class.


F: Hello? This is ngrid Katz. Do you rent cars in the U.S.? M1: Yes, N4s. Katz. Where do you need the car? Fi At the Miami airport. O n October the 4th, retu rning M

night. M1: Well, we do, at S25 an hour for luxury cars, but do you mind my asking you your age?

they talk about someone they know.


M1: l'm sorry, sir. You must have the wrong number. This is


M3: Do you rent by the hour? I only need it for Saturday

EXTRAS (optional) Workbook: Exercises 10-13 Copy & Go: Activity 15

$ J







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suggested teaching time: Your actual teachinq tlme:

15 minutes

. Have students iclcntify tl.re cars in the pictures (SUV' rJ') ! -d ..on\ t-rtinlP,.p,'li',.'r' 'rtmfd't I rr' rl\tr'\ rer icr'r' l.'r lt orip \,'c.thul.rr) n'f." tt.,*rrr r', llrc if

. Have stutlents listcn to the conversiltions whi)e the'y

oictttrc-. H rr e thern li\li lr .'gain and ul lhe ' r'n\ cr''llion\ lo Llle ' Jr' number:_ tt," -uLah . Allow sludents to listen again to confirn their



a parLner'


it: iz:


Good mornlng l'm lv\arta Sinclair I have a reservation' on,yes, tl,ts. si"nclair I have you down for a convertibl'"' Yes. That's correct.





Hetlo. Sunshine Rentals This is Susan Green' Yes. I need a car ln Tampa, FIorida, on May 13th' Tampa. Certainly, sir. What kind of a car will you

M: F2:

be needinq?

A van. . mi"ave'inq wrtn mv wtfe and three kid' you Yes, sir. We'll have ihat car for you- And could please qive me Your droP off date?





up my rentaL car'

Mv name is Davida Delong

F2: wnat kind ol a cdr !v4 tndt M, D'long?





Hello. You have a sports car for me' Yes, sir. Do you have a reservation? M hmm. I'm Randall Fredann' Yes, Mr. Fredann. lsaZ6OK? lt certainlY is.









ls a Strummer OK?



5-10 minutes

. After students comPlete the exercise, have them .',*n.rn .,n-l\l"t- rnlillr a parlnc','tld lhcll I'l(e lLlrns rr';Jrng ih, \r'rl! nlcnt' lnd re5Pon:e'


complete each statement Suggested teaching time:



5 minLrtes

Your actual teaching timei

. Tell students io completc the st:rtcments indir"idually' lf thev need heJp, etrcourage thern to revicw thc Voca6ulary on fagt. 40 ancl the picture caPtions on page 41.

. Brirlg the class togethcr and call on students to share thcir ansu'ers.



Comptete each statement 5ugqested teachlng time: Your actual teachinq time:



5 minutes

. Alrer-rLLcle'-tl\(on'plctc h, -enton'r'' hare tlrerr ch*, I llr, ir,tr'n*r- in prrr'bl .'-Ling lid r4' ,r,t.",t.,',tlitttt' ut'rint n t) I i,)t1 i 1111f i1'111"pn-lrp.r-l ,o tinrruu', \tJi!ll't n'riutt"c "r nd lh''t .rrlI (simple pist tel15c) . Call on volunteers to namc thc actions that occLlrrcd and ended. (1. I had an accident;

i. rn.'aia"'t ttop;


when the accidcnt happcnecl;

5. u,hen the phone ranli)


Top Not(h PoP song (CD 2,Track 31)



JoPonesel Sunshine Rentals. How may I help you? Do vou do rentals abroad? Yes, sir. Where do You need a car? ln Belem, Brazil. Verve\.iting Yes We(o'qetyo- a(dr thpte' What Lind of car do You need? somethingwithfour-wheeldrive An sUV1think'



.. '

Suggested teaching time: Your actual teachlng time:

\ee ' don r

your name here. F3: It waS a lu)(ury Car. F2l ls it po..ibre the cdr wds rpnlad undel someone else's name? F3: I don't think so. lsn't this the Bergdorf Agency? F2l No, ma'am. This is Sunshine Bergdorf's next door' F3: Oh, thanks. Sorryl



u response


F2: Yes, ma'am. F3: Good afternoon. l'm here to pick




choices before comparing answcrs






CONVERSATION 6 F4: Hi. l'm Regina Gillespie ldon't have a reservation' Do you have something small? A compact/ F2r Ab;olutely. How long will you need it for? F4: One week. Do you have weekly rentals? F2: Yes. We have a one week economy package for comPacts.


lo.l,l--,,r ll,l\e -luJellt' brirlq'rrri' l'> ..'','r.;.1.n'- Orr th, b,'rrJ v r''le who) whot? wh,? whe,J wucn2 le'l 'tr,lct't' th rt ne\^'P rPer .nJ,,tL.r' tiv to.rn-wel irld-{ qut -lir\'-l' rr hen the\ * irf..i'l ,rt'icl* H.'r,. 'tudenl- rnJNt llIlt'' lbout

ldea: Bri'rc .,1r,,uf

,1," tr1;.r. ,ne1 611,'.,'p 1r'ing lh( qut-sli"ns r' ? guidP lel, thenr to rclor lr, lh, il.l|re'rr rlctr lh' \ dP'' ril'! 1ll' accident to the class

T48 www.zabansite.com .'a|'I

. Aflcr -tud*'rt- iisten.rn,l pr. c{ir,,,,rrl .r .Ludent r,, ro,rJ lhe labcl .n e.tch gn,Ll ul p|r-nrr.rl ,ar. prodrr, lr. lltrr'..,llnn,r -tud"nt to r,,,rJ rr urJ

fiX+;;omethineyou O


3,Tra(k 3)

Suggested teaching time: You r actual

5-10 rninutes

teachinq time:

.lIr\".tuJents lo('l

.lt tltepi.tu c A.(: l\lti'i0t. 111, /,r.,'ri.rr. rin.r -tor,..,l dfltU.lo-l-r Who ort lltcrl? (a cusLomer and a siore clirk) WhdL do

you think thc clttk


Llt)irrg? (shorving tht,

cusklmer lvhere something is) . Have students read ancl listen. Then ask: Whnt tlocs tltt custo Hr rao l fo bu.y? (tft)thpdste) Can h? fitld it? (^o) Wiy i.rof? (because there isn't any on thc shelf) Whlt docs lhc clcrk ncan iolrcn ht inys ".fron lfu bnck"? (fiom rhe back of thc itorc, the storagc room)




number 1 from the first box (a conr&) and word number 1 from tht. second box lsonp;. Ask Wticlr rttr'l tln, ntt n,,r,/.. rrurbt Atti, rt ;tt. -;ic,t1. t:, t,t,It {,ounl noun-) R, mirrJ .lrrtlentr tlr.rl n,,rr ..,rurt nouns c1o not have articies. . H.r\ c..llrd|nl\ li-h.n anrl prn( lt\( dB,lrn. \4,r(t-rrre llt, \ r.pe.rr the indetjniLr,.rrticie, rr ith lrc count nouns. Languagenotes/Point out that sclsso/s is a plural


Suggested teaching timel Your actual teaching tinre:

5 minutes

. Have sttdcnts rcpe;rt chor.lllv. Make sure they: fl-n.l.rJl:nq rnr,rll. l on tq At' n uct,l,l lft,,,l L'11|rn,]. ', rd p t rtr.5.,,n !,,,tt,it t,- tt,p.,,ti. ,use Iising intonation for Toolhp|stt? pause


put strcss on sorry and !ock. usc the iollor,r,ing strcss pattcrn:


me. Where would lfind toothDaste?

Ioothpaste? Have a look in aisle two. Actually, i did and there wasn't any. I'm sorry. Let me qet you some from the back.



Vo.ulutary Card,


Q o lrsreuNc coMpREHENstoN (CD 3,Track 6)

Suggested teachlng time: Your actual teaching time:

10 minutes

r Har e 'hrr leri. re. ,l the pr,,drr. ts irr tho se, orrd .rnd ll-i"d , olUmn.. I n.or.r.rge -tuJent- lo t ld.rn\ \^nrJ\ thc\ dor t re,,,Eni,/c irr ll^o \L,Labul.,rt. lo,nt oul lhU br.]lrJ n.im, \ ir rht- fir:t coll nn . H.rr e -{udents lt-ton . rnJ , heck lhe L ind> ot orodLrct_ li n,\e-\.rr) lut llrem Ii-rer.r..l..un.l tim(.. lh"n l,.Lie students check answers \^,iLh a p.trtner.

. H.rre -tudent.

lirtln .,gairr,rnd writ(,woro\ trom lhv..J th,r -Lrrr.p,e\t whar th*pr,,Juct i,. (l h.rir; 2. lrrrrdr cle.rn. rr...lring uLrr'h,rndr. , ie;n lr.,nrl.; ) -J. protecL l.our skin from the sun; 4. skin drv and r,,rr.ll lrlu rl rnr,'ulhcr sk.n tcpl- dr\ j c I'riShter \^ lriler t*eth:derrt.rl r re,r.n/ ( .tll ,,n -tudcnl. to -h.)rc

their words



pait,l.,is,rt- lt run,tiunr pnlt-,,r \hurt- llre , f.",/1 i- Seneric. llrr.prn,;lu, 1 -h,,^. L


p.rir rrorJ, ru, h.l5

lerm JrJi'i/r). Ln,rn,rero\,,1 c.tn. \o (-hc label .n1ri,n,rr

Rhythm and intonation practice (CD 3,Track 4)





L M1: Do you want softer, cleaner-smellinq hair every time you wash? Ask for Soring Rain ar vour roro, diug,ro,e or cosmetics store. Or order online at wwwspringrain.com. 2.


Thanks so much.

Can't get your hands ciean after a day in the garden? with Rose_ you,ll get clean hands fastl

Try washing your hands


o vocnauunv


(CD 3,Tra
itl important to protect your skin from the sun. so even on a cloudy day, don,t go out without Pro-Tect, and keep your skin healthy and young.

M2: Doctors say


10 m:nutes

lAudioscript continues on page T53.1


Before studenLs listcn and practice, har.e them krok at the pictures to understand the different products.

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Slcontinued from page T52l 4.


Does soap make your skin dry and rough? Wel , All Over is the answer. All Over Liquid Smoother. Use All Over after bath or shower. Use All Over whenever your skin feels dry.

Option: For further practice rrith d /ol o, nta V, and ,//rr,, lrd\c.lriJerl. rerion the per*'n.rl,.11, pr,'durts ,'n n rS. q2 .rnd ll-er i, ll tlreir p,r lr,. r t, n il-mr the\ bnrigh-t ,'r.lidn t buy a l,'t ut. I ,'r er.rmpl,, / /,,'r,1iri ,, l"t '[.un.,r' t t Jt.1,, t t uv 't]nt',' tt t;l ltll1t,.


cnnrumnn 5ugqested teaching time: You r actual teachinq tirne:

10 minutes

. On the board, wtite 1 same a#irm
I I ( t'nlirrrt,

rc.rdrng lhe e\,)nr/1. -pnt, n,



having srudents placc thcm in the correct catcgoies.

. Have students read the bolcl statenrents rndcr So'rr' nntl qJl!.

. Focus on the abbreviatecl second scutt.ncc'in each examplc'. Firplain that it is possible to usc sor|c and c/1ry \ 'ith ancl $,ithout nouns. Here it is also possible to siry Nori.r ir;c lra-r.,a s]Dtt, ttnil Jilcs. lNc hu,L, sont sot:tp.





Grammar Self-Checks

C)n the boarcl, writc: 1. She needs som,z h,Lir spray. Sh,z n,zeds some. I need They don'+ need any sunscr,zen.

2. 3.

TI'II students to add a secclrrd scntcncc to items 2 ancl 3, without usinq a noun. (2. I r.reed somc. 3. They

don't need any-) . Call on a student

Lo read Lhc iirst bold statelnci'tt of ;rnd the example scr-rtcnccs. Thenask Do tlorL tLst, n lot of lnir sprml? Do yorL hm,e o lot of tozofs? Do rloLt lntv 0 lof af nlk(up?

aboul,4 /ol

Tcll students to ans\'\'cr in complete affirmativc or r-rcgnti\-e sentences. (l use / don't use a lot of hair spray. I have / don't have a lot of razors. lbuv/ don't buy a lot of makcup.)

. llave

sttLdents read the bold statements ;rboul riirirrV


h.rntl tltc er.rmplc -cntcr.i \. . Orr thl b.r.rrd, rr "ile lo,. sho-cr cap conb. soctp '7ro.7. r,, /' 11 Tcll .(uJcnl. t,, arl.l ',,.rlv,,r 1u,..rr l- item ,rnd creatc a negative sentence. (Possiblc anslvers: I dolr't use much h;iir spray. The hotel docsn'L have many ,rrr.l

sholr'er caps. The store cloesn't havc many combs lcft. There islr't muclr soap in aisle two.) Language noter Point out that r/d/irl/ and


'rucl have also be used in affilmative statcinc'nts. (They n.rnr br,rnclr oi maLeup. \Ac use mlt\ h Lo,lp.) \y'4r1l is more formal tl, an { 1of of I lowever, nriicfi in affirmative statements is verv formal and rare in spoken English.


Comnlete the conversation Suggested teaching time: Your actual teachinq time:






. H,r\r' -tLrd|rrl-,.rcl" rlte I'r,ruuci in,.,t, h ,enten( e ,tnd lndii.rL,.if ir i'.1 .,,ltnl Cr.r nL,'l-c!'unt nlrLrn. (1 2. sharrpoo-ni)n-count; 3 5. conditioner non count; 6-7. krothpaste non coLlnL; 8. razor blades count; 9.aftershar.elotion-l'rot1-count) . Then havc stuclents skim the conversation and identifv affirmaLivc st.rtements by writing,4, negative -rrt,.m,.nl- b\ \vril g \ .'nLl ,lu-,tr,.n\ bt n riiing q'.


2. A: t A: IQ.q \; o.N;7.4;8.Q;


. Ha|e

studenls courplcte the conversation. Encourage thcm to refer to the Cran-rmar box, if necessary.

. Bring the class togetl'rer and go over the ansl'crs.

CONVERSATION PAIR WORK SLrggested teaching time:

I don't watlf 0u/ razors. Wc don't wtcl arty dcodortttl.



I+5 minutesl

M3: For brighter, whiter teeth, use Scrubbie Dental Cream twice a da, morning and night, and see results in less than a week. And have sweeter smellino breath from day onel


5 l0 minutes

Your actLral teaching time:

. Call on a stlrdent to Iead title of thc box on the right. Ask I4tlrrf '-s fltc tlont of th( star( ? (Cosmetics Plus) . Havc a volLurteer read thc catcqories, and irsk studcnLs to suggcst prochrcts they could find in each aisle. . Refer stuclents to Lhe Conversation Model on p;rge 52 to rcview;rsking fol somclhing you can'l find. . Roltplav the convcrsiition lvith a more cr-rnlident stuclcnt. Plal'the role of Student B and stress r;sing intonation for the c}leslion.

. H;rve pairs rrlle plav thcir orvn conversaLions, refcuing to the directorv for aisic numbers. Tr-'li strdcnts to look at the Vocabrrlary on page 52 for personal c;rrc products.

. Brins the class togethcr ancl have pairs role-play their conversations for the class. After each coltvcrsiltion, check ccrmprehension by asking Wltll ilcns uus Ll1( pL:rson lookiu,t.for?




Learning Strategies

EXTRAS (optional) Grammar Booster

Workbook: Exercises +6 Copy & Go: Activity 17


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il ii iii lii







(CD 3, Track 11)

Tra(k 10)

Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:

suggested teachlng time: You r actual teaching time:

. Have students identify the salon services in thc images. (a haircut, a pcdicure, a shave, a manicure, a shampoo) If necessarli refel stuclents to the salon serr.ices on pirge 5.1 for revier,r'. . Have students lisLen to the conversations u'ith Lheir books closed. To check comprehension, ask: \Nlrcrt is en:h cllrrrl calllrgl (a saLon) INho snsocrs fhe pllolte? (a reccptionist) ls eoclt clienl going to get the scrnicc he ot she

. llave

5 minutes


studenLs read and lisLen to the \,vords,

paying attention to the Vowel reduction in the unstressed sy1labIe.

. Then have students listen again and repeat in thc pauses.

. Have students practice reading


'ords to

partner Circulate and listen for correct



3. manicure, pedicure; check the service(s).


Suggested teaching time: You r actual teachlng tirne:


necessaly, lct stridents listcrl ag:rin and fill in anv informaLion they missed.

. H;r c -trrdent. c, 'mpa|e .tn-rr er- irr p 'it '

CONVERSATION ] F1: I don't have an appointment. But my nails are a mess. ls


there any possibi ity for this afternoon?

Let me check the book. Yes, Dora could see you in

ten minutes. CONVERSATION 2 F: Demirjian Hair salon. How can I help you?

M: F:


This is Mr. Banks. ls Eva available for a shampoo and a cut sometime todaY? Let me check ... Yes, she has a cancellation at 4t00. She could see you then. Great. see you at four.


Mi F:

M: F: M! F:





Pretty Hands and Feet. Hello. This is Helen lones. I have a seven o'clock appointment for a manicure. Would it be possibie to get a pedicure, too? Sorryforthe last minute request. ActualLy, if you could come in a little earlier, we could do that. How much ear ier? Six thirty? Great. see you then.


is our slow day.



flrc pcrson


Wlich staff mcntber tltc pcrsott

di rrltilc uniting?

EXTRAS (optional) Grammar Booster

Workbook: Exercises 7-9 Copy & Go: Activity 18



is goi?,g tur.ql-d. fhc seraice


4 [Ml :

Slovokion] CONVERSATION M1: Good morning, Ivlr. Lane. Hmm . . . we don't have you down for an appointment todaY. M2: Actually, I don't have one. But I can't stand this beard another day. ls one of the barbers avaiiable? I don't mind waiting. Ml: Well, you're in luck. Vinnie can see you right now. This

5 minutes

. Ca1l on a volurlteer to read the information in tl-re list Ask /s a rrrisr'x sn/on for tten or fttr utonrr:n? (both men and -"r'omen) Are uniss snlons connton hcrc? . Rcfcr students to tlre Conversaiion Model on pagc 54 lo rcvie\n"' requestin!i salon servicc. . Roleplay the conversaLion 'ith a morc confident student. Model rhythm and intolration. Play the role of Stuclent A and slress the name of the persbn n'ith rvhom you h.rve an appointment. Listen for rising intonation 1n Cntl I g(t' tlo sonr . Brair'rstorm with the class things the "clicnts" -? appoinhnent. can request r,vl-riie r'r,aiting for their (Possible ansrvers: makc a phone call, get something to eat, use the restroom) Then have pairs role-play convcrsations, referring to the list of serviccs and nan-res of staff. Encourage stuclents to be creative as they continue the conversation. . Bring thc class together and have pairs role-play their convcrsations fol the class. After each convcrsation, chcck comprehension. Ask: Whnt scrt,icc(s)

Pronunciation supplements




beard) Then h;rve strtdents

*U +tr


Pronun€iation Activities

ioa,fs? (yes) . Have studcnts listen to tl're convelsations again and rvrilc dorvn the \'vords that suggest the service each callcr n,ants. (1. nails; 2. a shampoo ancl a cut;




J www.zabansite.com .J 'l



. Direct studcnts' attention to thc lhree boxes under NEED HELP? Call on volunteers kr read the questions and statements. Listen for rising intonation after ye5 / !e questions and fallirrg intonation after

lfrom page T56l



M: F: Mr F: M:

Can I help you, sir? Yes, please. Can I possibly get an appointment today for a massage? Today ... Not likely. I think we're ful y booked.

Well, ldon't mind woiting o bii. Do you have something to do? I could give you if something opens up later in the day. Actually, on second thought, I think 'll pass.


F: M: F:

a call





Would it be possible to get a manicure? Right now? I think so. Letmecheck...Hmm. Actually, lwas wrong. There are several people ahead ofyou. It'll be at least 45 minutes. Forty five minutes? Well, OK. I guess I'll wait. l've got a good book to read.


F: M: F: M: F:

lhaveaquestion. Yes,


Can I charge the haircut to my room? l'm sorry, ma'am. We're a separate business. But we accept most maior credit cards. That'lJ be fine. Here you qo.

CONVERSATION 4 [M : French; F: Joponese] M: Excuse me. l'm not from Japan. I have a question.

F: M: F: M:


ls it customary to tip the person who shampoos your hair? \o. Tip\ drP not customary he e. s:r. Really? Thanks. 5o I guess I won't. That's good to know

TOP NOTCH INTERACTION 5uggested teaching time: Your actua teaching time:


25 minutes


. Have students read the title at the top of the page (Pntnper yowself!). Ask or tell students Ihat Pt1t11p0'

means to treat oneself with special attention. Ask Hotu cotLld yott pantpcr yoursclf at o spn? (Possible answers: by gctting a massage or a facial, by getting special salon services)

. Have a student read the services listed in the date book. Have the class clecide on thc cost of each of these services, and write therr on the board. . Ask the following questions, and have students scan lhe Jatc brrol l,' find lhe ansnrrs:

oJ tlt,Ltrck i: 1hi. -, tt.tlt!l, Jt'i' {5.itrrrLla\J Wl10tll|ptsoJ 111p-'6qpc J;. tllq 111 ,'fn I rtu ll np, l and shoulder, and foot) WhLtt do you thitk a t'ulL lrassa.qe is2 (massage of the

AlMl d0u

whole body)

Hott, nnrty etnplotlees arc working? (five) Wo hns tfu nost appointnrcrtts? (Kalya) Who hns the most frce titne on Snturdty? (.Tom)


information qucstions. . D'vidr drc.l.rrr inlo pair- to r,,le pl,r\ .,\n\ "r\.,tlnnr beMetn rhr'pe.ep{ion,-l al Llr, -p.r . rd,j \l('nt. lnstruct students to alternate roles. Remind thcm

to use the lan€iuage at the botton of the page as Weil J- llrp lri,.- lirtc.l un lhe bodr\l lLrr \pd -pr\ i( c-.

. Circulate and assist students

as needcd. Then call on pairs to role-play their conversatjons tor the class.

l-anguage note: A spa usually offers services to irnprove a client's hcalth, such as special meais, massages, or exercise programs. A spa ma1' also offer

manicules and pedicures and other salon serviccs.

EXTRAS (optional) Workbook; Exercises 10-13 Copy & Go: Activity l9


s-*, t--.*' F\.*



J -l J

JJ JJ _-l J {

-J -J -J J


-J -l


Q o lrsrruNc coMpREHENstoN (CD 3, Track 15)

Suggested teaching time: You r actual teaching time:




. Have students listen to the conversations and write down words that suggest what each prr-rduct is. (1. beach, burned; 2. wa.shed hcr hands, bar; 3. lipstick, eye sl.radow; 4. teeth, brush; 5. skin,


[t necessary, refer students to the use of sor'ta, 17ltv, of ul1th't ,lnd ,//r/, /r un l.rEe - t

n lo'

. Havc students complete the activity and then compare answers with a partner-.





Suggested teaching timei Your actual teaching time:

5 minutes

dr1', i1"6U,

. Ro[er \lLrde']t\ to tlr| Vr,,rbrrl,rrl on p,rge ,2 iu "erren per'onal (arc prL)du\l\. fh"n h,t\t,\tu,lt'nt-

listen again to determine thc products. . Have students co(lpare answers u'ith a partncr.



CONVERSATION 1 [F - Norih Cenirol U.S.] Fr Let! stop by the drugstore and get some of that Hawaii Bronzer before we go to the beach. I don't want to get burned.


. After students complete the activit)', have thtm compare rcsponses with a partner.


[Audioscript continues on page T61.]


Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:

a voluntecr and

. Invite students to comparc answers rvith ard then rolt'play the conversaLions.

Complete each statement You r actLral

l l.

about the producl. Tell strrdents to incluie answers to the two questions.



a partncr



teachinq time:

. Have students circle the nouns lollou'irg Lhe blanks and decide if they arc count or non-count nouns.

ll..lt'lOmCr' COLI'tlj'.rhJmpoo


l. (ondiliOnpr 1n6.Lt)ut1tj ,1. makcup -.11n !,,1nt: bl.rde- Lnrnt: b. .ough rreJi. inc non-

q. r.rzo-

hd\ e thcm rr,'te which .! ntcn, e5 drL

ile -lrrdlnt. ln re,rJ th.ir prragr.rpls to,r Sroup. Har* .r group r,\,.rder Iclo., li.t ni Ih,.t\ pc5 or Irel11, 1- Thr rr h,'re Llr. rp, r,rder- Lt'll ihe,.tJ-- hu\ n.tnr -tr-rdt'nts r ho-e -h.tml',u,. ltow m,irr\ ,rto\F Tnr

and so rrn.

writing ero."r, worksheets

ldea: Have pairs choosc an ad, read it, and circlc words that inclicate r,vhat the product can do to rmprove apPearance.

. Then havc pairs create a role play bctlveen


customer and a salesclerk. The customer can ask for advice on r,r'hich product to bu)', and thc clerk can suggest a product. The clerk should usc langtLage from the ad to convincc the customcr.

ldea: Write the follor,r'ing questions on the board: \4hat does +he produc+ da? Whot per+ of +he body is i+ far? Wha should use u? Do you believe it s a good Praduc+? why? why nat? would you buy i+? . l{ave groups choose an ad and cliscuss the answers

to the questions. Then havc them put their bulletin boarcl.

acls on


. Tell students to iook at the ads, decide v,'hich are the most convincing, and cxplain r,r'hy-

que-tion. br h l1lir1t Q r,rhi,h.rreairirm.riire statements by writing A, and which are ncgative statements by rvriting N. (1. N;2. Q;3. N;4. N; 5.




have stuclents complete the next t\,\,'o items, giving rdvice wilh J/orlld.

Suggested teaching time:


5 l0 minutes

. Role play the first conversation rt'ith


a personai carc

- lltrtt ,rtlt, | ,nat' ,un-lt,,,l , tn,. . Have stLrdeilts use their noLes to write a paragraph


cive advice ...

10 minutes

product on a sheet of paper. Then havc them makc notes about the prodtLct. For exampl e, Bubbly SoLtlt ittcrp,'t t,r ,luatlabl, .,ru.rlt,i, -rrt,ll- jti.i. t,,t ,, .\ijl



5uggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:

. Have studcnts write the name of


CONVERSATION 2 M: Honey,l think we're out of swan. There's none in our bathroom and no more in the closet. F: Have you had a look in the kids'bathroom? Laura wanted to wash her hands and she was out of it, so maybe she took the bar from ours. l'll picksomeup this afternoon when lgo shopping.


6. N)

T60 www.zabansite.com


S [Continued from page T60] CONVERSATION 3 lF1 :


F2: F1: F2:


CONVERSATION 4 M1: I need something better than Sparkledent. My teeth are sensitive and it hurts every time I brush. M2: Well,l use l\4ountain Fresh. lt tastes great and it's good for sensitive teeth.


Excuse me. What aisle are the Truly You products in? lt depends. What are you looking for? I'm looking for lipst;ck and eye shadow. I don't think we carry the eye shadow but the lipstick is in aisle three. Thanks.

CONVERSAT ON 5 M: My skin is so dry and itchy. What should I do? F: We l, I use Silk 'n'Satin after my shower and my skin is great.

5uggested teaching tlme: You r actual teaching timei


15 20 minutes


Your students can say ... toothpasLc, mascara, eye shadow, lipstick, scissors,

n;iil file, nail polish, razor, shampoo, c,-l'rditionel, shdvintj cream, l'rair spray, bmsh, soap, sLllrscreen,


boclv lotion

. C)n the board, n'rite You use +his praduct +o nake your h,Lnds sof+ Ask Wltof is lf? (hand cream). You u.e this p.aduct to cl'on yout r"crh A-l Altnt ril .


l 1


. Hiive students follow,

. Use the illustrafion ,:tr page 61. Encourage studcnts to rlse the vocabulary, granrmirr, rhythm, and intonation practiced in this unit. . Point to different products and ask r,r'hat tl'rcy are. Then ask if thev are count nouns or non-count

nouns. (Count: brush, scissors, nail file, razor; Non count: hair spray, soap, srnscrcen, shaving creanr, conditioner, body lotion, t()othpaste, maketLp, slrampoo)


models on the board to describe to each other u,hat thc cliffcrent Droducts do. Have partners guess the product being cliscribed. Lhc

Grammar . Have pairs talk about thc products in thc store, usir-rg affirmative and negatiVc sentences. Stuclents can also Lalk about proclucts that arc llq! in the stort to use the construction niry. For example, Thc slor. docs ttLtL lnt e nnV ave tlrolts.


a lisL of personal care prodrrcts

thcy need to buy at thc drugstore.

. I hcn have pairs rrtleplay a conversation betwccn ;l dnrgshrre clerk and.t crist()mer rvho asks n'here tct fir.rd different products. Pojnt out the storc directorv by th" J,^" Your students can say ..


A: Ixcusc. me. Do you have anl,shaving cream? B: Ycs, there is some in aislt. tirrcc'. A: Thank you. \,-.. n lrcr" c.rrr I lind ,r narl lih l B: ln .l: c t\.\ L'

T6 l


tre llt ltoirbt'lslrcsl (in aisle three) INhnt kitrLl of ptrsonnl care producfs orc in tisla four? (.l il c.rrel . h-rvite a student lo role-play

a convcrsation

with you. Play the rrllc of the clerk, and have the student play thc customer. T: Hel1o, may I help you? S: Yes, I need sor.nt conditioner. T: You can fincl it in aisle three, sir. 5: I just ltxrked tl'rerc, but I couldn't find any. T: Uh, l,.l Ire,lr,rL l,'rVou ir llro h,r, L Dnrou rlpcJ .rr\ lhirlr, l-L . S: \e.. Jo r.,tr h.'re irlml Tt I'm sorrli rve clon't have anv

... lhe.lnrc h,r*,r lo .,1 m.rLer,u. llrt.rui-s,,rne rh.'npon. fltc.lur,.d,.*r n,il ltar* nrrr,lr,,,r()iltnner Thcre isn't any hair sprav There are nairy razorsThc store has some shaving cream. There is a lot of soap. Thert aren't many hairbrushcs.

Ask information questidrsl \\'1t, t i- tlt' ,,, rri.' {in ,r ,lrrrr_'r,'r'") Wtnl J,'u,'tt Lltittl lt, - .'litt,\' {h lrpre I,, tind Wlrcra

Your students can say

Social language . Have strrclents nakt.


lndividual Oral Progress Check

clown all thc ptrsonal care products they scc.





don't have any. sLudents they can also ,t.l fnr terns Ilr.ri.rre nor i t IhL pit turc .lnd rot in ihe directory. In thal casc, the clerk's response might LTe W, J,', I 1t.,., ntv Ilr[t 1/,t,.i ] ,r.our;6. -tUdent- ro use sot/tf and dlry without a noun whcn ans.il'ering quc'stions. F,lr e'rample, Wt'don't lnttt an11. [+5 minutes]

. Have pairs look at the picture together ancl rvrite




Urutr Wnrp-Up




S SS.!





JJ JJ JJ J JJ www.zabansite.com J

Cumulative Vocabulary Activities

You may rn'ish to usc Lhe r-icieo and activity workshtets for Unit 5 at this poir, t. Complete A5sessment Package Unit 5 Achievement Test ReviewTest 1, Speaking Test 1





. ,\lter

CONVERSATION MODEL Suggested teaching tirne: Your actual teaching time:

5 minutes



., d' rlr Innl -gr,.ct



the tLi enf cllickcril (tto.)

Wlty not? (Hc,s a vc'eetarialt.) Att,,1,,," tt ttujtl\ttt, ;,.,,,t.j1tt t1l, y'--,,_,- i:lr* -.,,rrr, -he d'drr t .Lrul. \,,nletltirL el-r, / Language note: Tl'e


,lon t J'. rcrrnr.rl lakr

rr lr.rt 1"1,

H, /1, 7 1r7...//11..,11d iit ... t

ll,d n,,-,Itc -rlr, c,(, fh"erples,ion"i,.umpt". ///pnr>i, rt,r) to de(line Jn,,tfor. lhc mar,orrlrl . .,,',.rv ..rrr plv i /l pa,,. llt,


"rrrrl*rrt- Ji.tcrr .r'td l,r.j\ tic,.. . -k tlrem t,, pi\

Tra(k 18)

Suggested teaching

Vocabulary Cards

..o O


3,Tra.k 20)

Yo-'", -dl t""( rirq

You r actual

. H,rr



Language notei The verb caru can have manv different meanings, dcpending on the attacirecl nr(pn\ilion. / . ,,, ,[, tn.n'r- lo ii(c >r)methinp ,,r somcnn( t/,/1,// t . t:' f, I ttt, ). lr,,rn.rl-,, mean {,, Pro\idei.eJin-pnl ttrt|. lt, t tttV 'ttolh, r .olt, ,t, . .u,t> t.I t. E ,otc nl.,,,t rne.rn:1,,h.:iecon.ernror 'omelhi ! or \L,n\er'ne ( ,Lt nb.,,tt tlt. tq ,trFjlttt, |.

Rhythm and intonation practice {CD 3,

ti r-

te crr tt-r: n ullr"r \\ord-. {lL,--rh,,..rn.r^t-r\ l.l,,n rr(e br,,c, LJl.. - J, r t teel r^ .-ll .t er l drink,,,tr-e. l Jtrr'l ,.,t1 rnr.rr. lirrrl t,, h., tl-itLrer. Imn,,i c.Llrttl: --r.-d/. I I:.t d ',t,1 tcJ.lior \^ 1,.n I e,tl ,l^o, ul,rtr.l

Suggested teaching time:


5 minutes

. Hrve slrr'rt'nr- li-{-rr.rrrJ pr.r( ri(, . d.rit).

. Havc students read and listen. 'fhen Itllt,tl dallt, lcr.1't,.,,,' ,, t,t .ru.l smeLLs delicirrus


(CD 3.Track 19) Suggested teaching timej Your actual teaching time:

(CD 3,Track 17)


o vocneuunv


Make an Excuse to Decline Food




. Have studeirts rcpeat chorallv Make sure thcv: use falling intonation for \Nhy rlon't u). sit Lio.'jl? 1'rrtslres- o't /, ///7.11(l /.J.,,..,.. usc rising intonation lot Dort'f you cnt chickcn? rr, lh. r,,l'nN inE, -trp-r p, ern:


10 minutes

teachinq time:

e -11j1c|11, re.ro thc

ll^ra-c- .rr lJre -,.cn,tcl , nlun


.rnd tho n.,mp- i,r tlre fi,.t ,olLrnr,. le I tl-em t,,li>ten

for Lhese namc,s in the conversations. . H.rl., -tLrdprt-.i.ter.rnd (.rmF,lct* ,,,j,ti\ ii\. l' ne',*-r-r.,'et thr.r li.te,r.rq., n be.,-rr*.h".( ng i rrswei s \rtth a p.lrtnL.L



Learning Strategies







Thit f".,1

CONVERSATION I Mt Cind, don't you like pasta? F: llavc it. That's the problem. l,m on a diet. M: W€ll, then have some vegetables. Theyte good for you.




It really smells deiicious.

F: M: Fi M:

Piease help yourself.

Thanks. But l'll pass on the chicken_ Don't you eat chicken?

Doesn't Frankie eat fruit salad? Actually, he can't. lt has strawberries, and he can,t eat them. He! allergic. Oh,l'm sorry. I didn't know that. Oh, that's OK. He,ll be fine

CONVERSATION 3 [F = Frenchl M: Are^ I voJ qo ng ro tr y t-e q;ir ed r,sn, Md, ie? F: A.rudlry I doa I lile i:sh verv n u( h. I I. pass.


Actually, no. l'm a vegetarian.

M: F:


l'm sorry. I didnl know that.

CONVERSATION 4 F: lsn't Susan going to have some steak?


Don't worry about it. lt,s not a problem.

. loi,rl out llr.rt .t l'.rbl'


irr sp,'Lqn I ngl -l- r, rrrnl/-, ha, trrree on.l -1 lhblr ,n ,i/r r is rreailr

-. llr*e,

re(ru\ed. ln,' ,,..nr,: .,,i

rifi,rri,. '.rrrnd lrle,,""

M: F: M:

Too bad lt s delicious Thatt OK. t'lljust have the chicken.

Actually, she doesn,t eat meat. Never? Never.

CONVERSATION 5 M: lthink l'll pass on the French fries. F: Whyl thar, George? Don,t you like French fries? M: Yes. But my doctor thinks I should eat less salt and oil.



ilil ii.l

Oh,1 see.

T64 www.zabansite.com

:. Then have sludents listen again and repeat. . Ha\.e strLclents practice reading thc scntcnccs to a partner. Circulate and lisLen for correct reduction.

[from pageT66] SPEAKER




biggest passion is sushi. l'm definitely a sushi addict. lhave it oh, probably, twice a week. There's a terrific restaurant around the corner from where live in Rio. And they make amazing sushi. l\,4y

SPFAKER 2 My wife is crazy about asparagus, but J rea ly don't care for it. I don't know why. lt just doesn't agree wlth me. lcan't even look at it.





was a

kid, didn't


SPEAKER 4 lMexiconl My family loves pasta. We have it several times a week, but I don't touch it. The truth is, we iust have TOO much with tomato sauce, pesto sauce, garlic





you name it. l'll eat anything, but 'm really

not much of a pasta lover. SPEAKER





is an unstressed syllable.



5uggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:


in the second sentence of each item. Point out that thc' sccond sentence talks about Present behil\'ior tl1.lt is cliffcrt.nt from past behavior-. . Then hale stnclents complctc cach sentence. Remind strrclents to write diJrr'l ttsc tu in thc negativc scr'rlences. . HaYe students compare answcrs \ /ith a partnel.

enrnwonr Suggested teaching time: Your actua teaahlng time:



. On the boarcl, nrite i usel

. Remind studcnls to ask clrrestions u,ith rse

5-10 minutes

Suggested teaching tlme: Your actual teaching time:

+a ea+



Bu+ naw 1 try +a wa+ch my weigh+ Ask Dil I cdl r'l /ot o/sall'{,ts Dt tlt Pasf, or do I ant i lLl o} sraL'els |rciL'? (in the past)

. Call on a stLrdent to re.rd the first poirlt and the

example sentcnces in the Clranrmar box. Polnt orrt that the seconcl sctrtence in each Pair contradicts the information in the first sentencc. Ask nrrdt is trc rliffercnctt bcliLrett tli. fiL.o s(i1tctrces? (The first sentence is affirmiitive and the seconcl is ncgatir.e.) Hrrtl dors lfu forn of Lts.d ta changt' it1 t'lt( t1+lt1firc7 (Uscd lo bccomcs ldrr?rr'll risc lo.) . C;r1l ,ln stuclents to re.rd the verb for"rrs in lhe green bor and the example questions ancl:rnsi,r'ers ir-r the Grammar box. Ask Hoar docs t'hc fornr o;f us,:rl to cltang: itt a qucst'iou? (LIs.d lo bccomes Lsc 10.)



leport theil partners'


suggested teaching tlme: Your actual teachinq tlme:

5 minutes


sluderlts to thc, Conversatiolt Model on page 66 t,, rerierr ral irs.rh,'trl l'"d pr-rr" r. Role-pla,v the convcrsaLiorl u,ith a more conficlent student. Irlav the role of Stuclent A to sl.rorv rising intonatior.r fu;r


vou lticLi



and falling

intonatiorl lot Wliol obout tllu? . Hal c pairs role plav their convcrsations for the class. ytLtssiorrs?



L[]at'i.,c or


work Cards

Grammar Booster

5 minutes

Workbook: Exercises 8-'11 Copy&Go: Activity 22

. Have stlrdents rcacl and listen to the sentences, paying attention to is rcduced to /te/.


EXTRAS (optional)

(CD 3, Track 25)

hot /tu/ ilt Lhe phrase

ttscd lo





Suggested teaching time: Your actual teachinq time:


. Then bring the class logcther and ask students

Afier eaclr conversation, ask \Nhtf are tlis Grammar Self-Checks



Anslr,crs mav inclucle either ttsti fu (for affirmatir-e ansrvcrs) or i?ir .'f /i sc lo (for neg.ttivc ansr,r'ers).

ol sweets




. H.rYc sLudcnts skim the scntences and underline



> >


comnlete each sentence

[Ch inese]

The problem with ice cream is I like it too much. When I'm on a diet,lcan't eat it. But that doesn't mean I don't think about it all the time. I do.


Pronun(iation Activities

to llke them. thought

they tasted funny. But now,l've turned into a big mango eater. There's really nothing quite like slices of fresh mango. Mrnnt.

in rised lo is oftcn rcduced by native speakcrs of English because it

Language note: The /ttL,/


Pronunciation supplements

Ttr.rsott's t'ooLl

ts S




n JJ

JJ JJ + JJ + J


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fr*o,,,,ibeuniqueFoods o o ygSlly:,|*t

it+t*tiu..,ntffi "J"l'irii,it



(aburrito) r+lominutesr


whtt is it?

l, ',1

(CD 3,Track 27)


Suggested teachlng time: Your actuaL teaching tjme:

15 minutes


[Joponese] rtrnrOJ'aa

rv deli'io"' " (p dnd r'5 rad " \wpel ro LelFbrdtF rL6 'cw vedr' lL'd\le: "orr.o.nvery hewy Asd'l.all6r orfdrlcorre '* u


. Brl(,fc 'lLld( nt' ll-'( r'l .rnd pr'r'l''' lrrrntrrer. l'rnl vr'r(( ,l lhr: c:.,t.r, -.rru re.rd rl'l '!tcl '1"''lr''tlon(r''ru"d'n''i'.rn'l '/ .i .i,,J.a,l"r-.. ,:de rl'lr tlt.l'alrl urrrrrerr'nr'!rrr 1,.rr,lr1 1' l'rp' pp' r"/r ' ir,,.,, ;- . n, .,-.1. l,r. r ' Lc u .'r . lr., -c). "l'(e 'l'l: '. Aller.rL,d.nlr 'iii,,' ,,J,, i li-ler 'iTo,:'Pr'l'liie 1" l,e' rv't r" -"1-'r) ",i;. -r/tr/ LprPl.'( l-J -, r' rli l le:l 11l,i,,1r, i1.n1-f -n'r' 'blln'1 Hd"/ r'rnnl'-' iir,,i .rr. 'r,'.,, ,/ ' /. r..,r'ilcl' 5; 'rr'lri (crackcrs)

. fh, rt har r .1g,1q111' li- L 'I .lnrr l r'r' Il' ' '; 'in Ootion: H.'\t- srLr'lc lt' r'lnre J> nl rr\.Jiriel/lrt, ,r rlr;rrl ('f dn\l \\ I l' lnP'r'\\()r(rt thot .'itl"u ',i,,,1..r' lj l.''";"Pa'r: rr-e lrr' \.'''I bul'rrr l"' .i* 1,., r:'rF ' 'r ' crrP\ [ llt" ; r; .i;'r;;l '."o' r .l1t1' n''1

*lli*out .*."i.io ' olJo""pt ","" tastes great. 2.

' to oe vory ' ore'ur rl lhe"r ear


But 't

Isouthern U S I

mv n'otner uqed ro nake rell o in beautiful colors and it comes in lemon' orange' "ii,r.l" * t"ur,t '; ,*"nau*1" dlfferent flavors' Grape'



ii.". "i, ...&



.l'e'ry mo-9o. rlt


soft ano coo' and it ' swcal f'on we mdKp it rnlo "rl

W\-pre' conrp

""J, kinds of;alads with fruit

of salad-that we *"'"" lit .hee a lot' lt's a kindubout -I 180 different u'tuullv a'" ih"'" ::i;;; ;";;;;' ot" 'nooe with caobdge 't ' t r .t B.t ".or,






", and picv "". Ano r'5 nl'e and 'run'hy ycry ^i"i, \ot

pr,onunciati,ln .rnd Lrse l+5-10 minutesl

4 lAu.tro'.orl hone When l over,tnerps o_F tn'nq I lpd'rv ri s abo!l nuff .v v"q".i;. w" "rr grew up;ith the if,y: PY"^lt I bi1 ot I'J"';J' .;;; ;"ri" ;n o o e'e of rodsr' ddd a it'itr'p loo(\ I


Vocabulary cards


Learning strategies




v"lJn;te on Ir, ard ".jo\,. lt\ ^'rd or ' dar( redoisn-b'owr colo' "*]ri ",i*,'t ;;i;bl.i,"; v r's verv saltv so;u't-'edrirllebit



L,;51,l.')G I5

Suggested teaching tinre: Your actual teaching time:

-. Have




tred Lno doru l We ' f you hdven l you 'l be rr"a""'e it nells very badrTndt:wnat lhe



_ oao-smerling rofu. B-r I drdnl us" lo

.",'.io". - " 'nti" -fly now l'm crazy about it



;;;';; ;;;;; I r t1 d nti f h c JLtods ? If so' tt ri h ^':i ontG)? Hirt dil iL (llrcv) tttslc? l\ . 1.).LL5 On ni' llrr. /' A l ts {r ta t ''-/ rr"- '1,r' ntl'Pr loo tl-' \^lr;l rtdenr' PrcLl:r' I r,/,,.' H.rre' ',," .i,, :ii. ini.,1- p,. n ', t ro r- nn lhe h, r'rd ,_," if. . H.r\ - -llrdl-nl- 'i.tPlr lu l t- rle-' rrpl:'rn' r'rd \\ rll lhe li'r.-n i.i,-r. ...n r, '.f lr neL ( '- rr\' I] rr ' 'rr'd"r''' "t a second tir-ne. i e


;,',; ',;,' .'"' ,r.'' .i""tlt*

20 mlnutes

stucler'rts look at the Pictures l] through t

;i '

sore Deop,p thrnl'



6. y' ir


avor ,s


'ila iI mv\e'f



we have a special food called ""a pa; ne, "neans g' asshoope's ar tua'lv But .- n o rnayre re rea'lv good io' vou

it.. o"-"'-,



'n.u'e,eallvcloooardL\e1 . .1...(run(ny






. Then have students listen again ancl complcte each ,lo-, riction. l'..inl ' ut lh.rl mlre tll rl'rt ll 'lllt\\Pr 1- l."r er' rnplc ii.,' r..'i".'ii'r. f"r -., "n d' ' "i1'1;" -11' t7 rJl l' 'l'll rorl: rno


i,.iL"* i.lhr 'pr'rl*r ''l'6

tastes great. and then have -. (l,r or er ansll'ers lvith the ltholc cl'rss' to their predictions tlescriptions the ;il.ili"';."-ri;;e earlier.

,70J www.zabansite.com







. Tell studcnts to rcad the context of each situation


Suggested teaching tinre: Your actual teachinq time:

carcfuily before completing the negalive question. . Go over the ans{'ers as a class. Ask Wllc// /lagdfi-de

. Have sLudents listen to thc' conversations lvith tlreil


(1 inil


restaurant;2. at the man's house) Docs thc 1a11 in Cott-Ltsatiott I /ikc scrrfuod? (no) Dots thc rL,onon i Canursutiatl 2likc pnsta? (1'es) . Have studclrts read the food choices. Revierv tirat hr b. ' n:11 nt "tt' nP.rrl' lu lile I'.'{ .rno r'"t t.r ''ir' {'r means not to likc.

. IJave students

. To revierv the constmction

Listen to the conversations a second


.i-.iorr.. A-' Altittt.'tttt-rJu 'l a' .u'tt ''1 r'J'.trl) 't tt, l tt-t' tt"t 'nr' J '. I-s-lominutesl

M: F: M:

rr r

writing Proce$ Worksheets

$ rOP


ldea: Write thcse qucstions

or1 the

board for pairs

Lo discLlss.

Wha+ food or heol+h +opic is +he or+icle abou+? V/hat does +he or+icle saY? Do you agree wi+h +he or+icle? Wha+ is ih'z mos+ in+eres+ing poin+ in fhe ctr+icle? Whof etse do you want +o {ind ou+ abaur rh'z +opic?

I'm sorry.

Don't worry aboLlt it. Look. They have steak. taLking.

lAudioscript contjnues on page

5 mlnutes

teaching time:

tlrerr d!5(riDli,'n- ln Il]^'r p lrlllor' "Lrt ''f order' H lrp l\.rrrFr\ cut'\' r'r I'i, h i '.rd i- h, ir-; oe- ribco

shrimp, salrnon-whatever' I guess the truth is I'm just a big meat eater. WeL1, why didn't you say something! We didn't have to come to a seafood restaurant.

!9!v youle


. Have students reacl the different foods The'n ask \Nlriclt of lhest foods htlL,e VILL cofcn? Are llrcre nny lbods yuite incr eitcn? lf a studcnt has never eaten a iood, call on another stuclent to share his or her oniniL,n nrcn(otlr'l!. llle'tJJcrl t,' m lHint l\lr.ll tht: t. rrrtl t.rstes lrke. . After stuclcnis conPlete the activitli havc them rc'ad

Hmm. Well,the shrimP looks good Oh,yeah, that looks nice. Hmm,whatelsedo they have? Wel , the clams are really fresh here Howaboutthat? Oh, clams. Hmm. Maybe something eise .. Well,what kind offish do you prefer? They've got salmon, snapper whatever you llke And itl al fresh' Well .. . L . . uh. OK, the truth is I'm just not that big on seafood. Actually, the truth is I iust don't llke it. clams,


Describe the following foods YoLrr actuaJ

Nice restaurant.



,lsed t0 in affirmatiye and

Suggested teachlng time:




'[V n Lot iu]tctr ask several studenls Ditl yttu i.rsc fo untclt nnttiL's? go fo tltc tTttt tL'erc. yoLngtt? Did tlou usa to . After students complcte the activity, have thern share thcir sentenccs u'ith a partl]er'.


F: M: F:


res.rli\i -l.rlcm\"rl', '.rv h/,r'tr I 'p' 'pttttv,' l tt' d'o ,,il.t, rV,t't. Idid" /,,. tnqn1.7t17, 1r1- 1' |[e6

again if neccssarv. . Ask studcnts to comPare answels !!Jith a Parher' Ask W/rlclr lbods on llic list ucrc 49! ttrcnlittttcd itt C'u, ' t-ntL) t /.' 1p r'la..hic! en .' r,l ('lrn''r At"' t-('/-.',,, t,al ttt,itti t'a tut tltt' t iltnt 2 l-l rirrp tlarns, fish, steak) Option: H trc pair- or -mJlr ;rutrp-.li'. rr" th' r- io"d

M: Fi M:

w.it" fiu" senten(es Suggested teaching tlme: Your actual teaching time:

time and comPlete the exercise l,et students Listen



!c.li ,t it],,t. itl.'t n|tu,t th. p 1A't tttt't1" i' lttt" -r,,'J'l';'r (5\ (1,21 l\/r,'rr tt'.nti., qu' ti. i,' \/,". ttu.t tl1 14.r qaltJ, 'I ltttt 'l), tlt',''i Wlu,h t 't "0'tl' listt rcr to fiirc!? (.3,1)


l0-15 minutes

bo,:rks closec-I. Then ask: Whert tlo tltc cortpcrsctlorrs trrkr plrtcc?



. Havc pairs present thcir finclings to the class Tell thcm [o prepare a short summalv about the artic]e


Complete a negative yeg / !q question 5 l0 minutes 5uggested teaching timei


Your actual teaching tlme:



and to writ6 a couple of cluestions to get classmatcs' oprnrons-

. Encouratie the class to ask thc presenLers cluestions abolrt the toPjc.

\)pen lhltr'l-.r.,\- r.rd 'l"uJ t'le Joo" '. t ln Il'e hL,.l-o, rr':le dhen?" Ask a student to complete thc negative questiorl. B,

rorc -lrlJt


.itlraLi.[t in ilem

T72 www.zabansite.com

rour sruqenrs (an say

lContinued from page T72l



Everythinq's ready. Why don't we sit down?

F: OK .. . WowlThis food looks terr;ficl M: Pasta with pesto. F: Mmm. Did you make that from scratch? M: Mm hmm. F: l'm pretty much a pasta addict especially


homemade. And we've got grilled chicken. l\,4mm. Look at !hal! You like grilled chi.ken? You've got all my favoritesl And we've got some nice Steamed carrot5.




What's the matter?

M: F:

M: F:

Nothing. Don't you like steamed carrots? F: Well,l guess l'm really not a big carrot fan. ButitsOK. M: No problem. l'll hurry and make a salad.



A: Why don't ,vou havc strme of the Pad Thai? B: don't carc for Lofu. Do yotL wanl some? A: WeJI, Iin allergic to peanuts. B: Wby dolt't we have

some beef and broccoli instead?


A: OK.

A: Don't you want to try some of the Rain Dnrglrnul.) B: \,'. tlr.rnk-. I m ,'n .r drel. I m .r\o'.li rts l. llr 1,.'d-. Be-r,ler Jottelrnttl' d.rn t agree lvith me. A: Well, ther-r irave some vegetablcs. B: I rvilM'm crazy about carrots. A: llcally? I don't care fol them much. A: Do you think ihis meat is spicy? B: I don't know. Don't you like spicy foods? Ar I used to, but thev don't agree wjtl] me anymore. B: lln1ntm. I think it is spicy. I scc hot peppels around the meat. A: Then I'lL pass. I'11have ihe fish.



No, it's

fine. Everythinq looks delicious.

Urur Wnnp-Up 20

Suqgested teaching time: Your actual teaching tirne:

25 minutes

Grammar . Have palrs ltxrk at the buffet table and then r'r'rite five negaiive yes

/ !q

Challenge: Have stticlents role-pJay a conversation betwccn a $'aiter or uraitress and a customer at a restaurant. Tell the cusiomer to select one of the dishes from the buffct and then ask the u,aitcr questions about ihe food. Have the waitcr ans\/er, referring tct the ]lst of ingredients. l+1o minutesl

lndividual Oral Progress Check (optionall . Use thc photographs on pa1;e 73. Encourage str.rdcnts to use the vocabulary, grammar, rhyt}tm, and intonation practiced in ihis unit.

. Ask information questions: Vou .tll.t1ic to nnLl of thcst foods? WhLtt t1o Cornncl Apples Lastc likc?



. Encourage students to write questions that check information thel' thjnk is true or to gct agreement or express sLlrpnse. Your students can say


(They taste s$.ect.) Are Roin DoughtttLLs hnrd or saft? (sofr) Do Arepas ldslc sd/ly? (,ves)

Wnt docs Pid Tluti taste lik.? (spicy) . lnvitc a student to role-plav a convelsation \n,ith Vou.

Isn't this buffet table fantastic? Aren't you allergic

T: This food iooks terrific! s: What's that

to chocolatc? Didn't you make the same dish at your party? Aren't you going to try/ thc meal? Don'f volr love buffets?

behind thc vegetables? T: lt looks like chicken. 5: Tl smells like fish. T: Thcn it must be fish. Ar,.|. l )nu g, ing t,, lr.treanr.' S: N,', l m not a bi" i,r'r i. -t-.rlu'\l T: W"il. I nr L'.rzr ,rb.rt,l

Option: Suggestions. Have studerlts make offers and suggestions using \N|ry don't. . . ? For example, Wlty

dai't I

get voLt sol1le bccf nnd

broccoli? Wllv dat1'I lL'e sit

seafoocl, so I'11 havc some.

,l/d/e? [+5 minutes]


Social language . Have studcnts look at the pictures of the selections

$I.:'ii:'f, J"[';]'ili',.,Tf

and rcad the ingredients.

. Then have pairs


te1l each othcr their preferences and

describe what one of the dishes tastes like. Beforc stlrdents role play a conversation, refer them to the language listed under NEED HELP? on page 71 for support.

. While following are a couple of exanples of u'hat your students can say, strLdents should be encouraged to answer in their own \{'ay. Language


Red pepper

is cayemte or oiher dried

red hot peppers. Red peppers are whoie or cut up peppers of a red color, either hot or mild.

'17 3

Cumulative vocabulary Activities


Compleie Assessment Package Unit 6 Achievement Test



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g " H?IyN(rAnoN Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:

CONVERSATION I F: l'm getting a new car. What color do you think 5 mlnLrtes

. Have students read and listen to the sentences, paying attention to how unstrcssed lo /tu/ reduces to ,/te/ in infinitive phrases. . Then have students listcn again and repeat . Tcll students to practice reading the sentences to a parh-rer Circulale and listen for correct reduction. Pronunciation Activities

o @ -

M: F: M:


should get? Well, what about yellow? Yellow? Yeah. Yellow's a happy color



Tomorrow's my first day at the new job. What do you

think lshould wear?

F2: F1:

Somethinq cheerful. What about a nice blouse and my blue suit? F2: Just rightl


M1: Does this red chair come in a different color? M2: Certainly, sir. What color would be better? Ml: Well, something a little calmer Red makes me



(CD 4,Track 6)

sLrggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:


zrr t:tlFF!

5 mlnutes

. Before students listen ;rnd practice, tell them to look at the pictures and read thc labels underneath . Aftcr students iisten and Practice the adjectives of emotion, ask Whnt do yotr see in Lhe picfutcs? 1,t hedd'ng: a leJm lhJl hds lu-l \^t,n J Edme; childrerr pl.ryrrrg wilh bubble-: r child re..rdrrg: a per-on. 11 ing at .l c|meler\;.t 11 on.rn wh, ' l, u 'Lt

.rd:grrbage Jm.rn biting hi: tinqernail'r . Hd\. 5iuJenl\ li.ten Jnd pracrir e 'rg.tin.

. Ask Wlrrclr uordshizte sirnilqr tnaattitrgs? (hopptl and clrcerful; sad and dcpresslr,q) Have students look at the neg.ititc adjeciir c under e.rr h po'iti\c''ne. A'l Wii,lt uotd- np app".itt:: thapw 'iy' ,rlt11 t1'11011-\ Language note: Point out that for the adjectives ercitiilg ar.d depresslr.q, the ed endhg can be used

instead of the -ing ending to create the adjectives cr, rlrl and drpr, ..ed. Rer iew thdl / 4,,/ cY, iirE (rneanrng I ( du-e e\L ilt,ment.) has I differen{ me, rnlr-tg Lhan / nri, rrli,'d ime.rning I feel e\citemen{).


F: M: F:

M: Fi

Look at those great shoes. Are you kidding? The purple and green ones? Yup! What's wrong with purple and green? lthink

theyle exciting. kid. vou sLould be wedring something more conselvative,like brown. Yeah. if yor, re a

How depressingl

CONVERSATION PAIR WORK Suggested teachlng time: Your actLral teachinq time:

10 minutes

. Have students rcview the nanes of the colors on

pagc 74 ancl add any other names they know on this page. . Refer students to the Convcrsation Model on page 76 to review discussing col,lr preferenccs. . Role-pla-v the conversation rvith a more confident student. Play the role of Student A and stress falling ? intonation after Ho?ir drorf

J $ JJ :J J JJ .J JJ JJ JJ JJ _.-.1

JJ JJ JJ J J JJ J 'J www.zabansite.com

. Have pairs choose a topic for discussion and

$ S$

role-play conversations.

Vocabulary cards

. Bring

Learning Strategies

$' o lrsreuNc coMPREHENStoN (CD

4,Tra(k 7)

5u99ested teaching time: YoLr actual teaching timel

l0 rninutes

Lhe class together, and havc pairs role play Lheiiconversations for the class. After each conversation, ask What rca ld t'llc ptt'sotr like to do? What is tlt. rcrso|'s color preference?



work cards

EXTRAS (optional) Grammar Booster

Workbook Exercises 4-6 Copy & Go: Adivity 25

. Write the first iiem on the board, and call on several

students to fill in the blanks u'ith a color and adjective of thcir choice. . Tcll students to listen carefully for tire colors and adjectjves in the conversatiolls. . Then have students listen again and fill in the blanks.

. Teil students to check answers with a ParLner.



Pronunciation Supplements


, I




Yo u


Mdrinal I dln rmorpss"a. Wno-o yorffi aoout the natLlre_nurture controversy? Marina: W€ll, noj mucn. sn,t ilaif about wner6 personality

P e rso n a I itv



t t

Q o llsrrrrlNcl0) coMpREHENstoN


Whicn i< nqre imporranr ::J:,.f,:..? wn,ch t5.'nafu,e.,,or thp

Suggested teaching time: Your actuaj teachinq time:


10 minutes


.> iook nt rhe pir rure and dp.cribe h har gorng un lo d pdrhr,.r rl ,a.jble,Ir,wt,r: A r)rl)te\\^r rs le(tLr.nnq to d group of univ..,r_iti _rui*",I



b E L



I I T:


lL J

DpLween thoughts and e


_ Peter: ,.,.




comes hom the environmint alrd genetrcs.)

H.r \ e sr

Personaliry is nor behdvior thouql-ts, o. leelina< but raller 6 psr56. q 5,yt" ..:*"y.ri-.riig wjth other peopie. "; 5o if p.Aonality i5 a person I stVre of jnrerd.rih^ wtth [he environment, *h.," doe, o",ronr,iiu, " come from? peterl Do vol, hau" un,O-"ui Welt,l m nol s..rre. My rw'o jsrers and I are verv orfierent. but wF dll (ome lrom tne rane parelL:. And we have had almost the same life We grew up jn rhe sdme.arnity. :]::,i.:.:s. ve put yo,r finger on the two rnost .rou


(l^mp. nr^yo_ rarLinjoUo"t thc--dture




n\tv\ F.r\ rr rth a p,r rrner.. urr, e rnure

stutlcnr, listcn

each word... Q O na"tct 4,Track lo) (CD

Suggested teaching time:

5 rninutes

Your actual teaching time:

irar.c difricuilr, lr.,v. thcm lirten ,o orsctrssron aqait.


nurture" controversy?

har e

. lI stud.nrr


important places oir personaljty comes from: _lhe chard(tenstics,o..irdrts..vou oFt rrom your two pdren,r. tl" d.ound yo_ ""a rhdryoL"n"l,""ri.i"J_' teaJ. irom: ihe :ve?i,hinq tdmttv. the cuttuJe. a^d voltr tife e\periences.

udenl5 ( om

ll nccc\\.jr).









fhar s aftudlly quite good. Thoughrs are like words inside l\,4F,nor;os, wisl-es, pldn, .. . ,hor" dre al rnou9hts. Emotions are feerings _ hate.

sludcnt\ redd thr, -iJlemcni_.rrrd

with a partner

of ou. hedds. Ande.nor;on, :l are more li\e feelings. For era.rrpts tey-. i5 sn e't-otton. Anqer is an emoito.. Jdon I know ttow erse ro e{platn.



. Then htrp ctLrdcltls ti.l(,n Jgdtn and lr\ tnt\o \t,rre,rent_. r t. t u&r"n"l,o,: tu correcl lhe ;;;_,,;:it;t, ' I. I molion5 lnd lltougltl5.rrr-'not Lhe.,,n]",r.t.., r." leelingr 6nfl thor\ht,.rre Itlttonr thrnk. "like !^ ord\ i;ridc. . r. p'"ople * t nf ,n- "" in n ir,nif u aon , r aj - h,rvc m j l,r r per-nlr.r i I ic5 _ b.Lh ''t g;;;;ii* j, ( n\ rr,,nnlent -ri heJp iorm a persnn;jit). "t"r,onolii1" ";


Janet., hey a,. so,



. After,students check the true statements, have t1tem conlpare answers


etse ke Lo




rre ihe difterpnce


wnir wcrh;nk.

It,y,,nougnt-i, ,rKe word\ rn.:de

anger, love, fea



Nol. bad, Edward. Woutd someone

gr'"ri.9, sryre ot oenav;or. f^"lt::-r dno emot,on5. Who" can tell



. H,t\

ddd 5ometning to wnat ldward saio., Ma,ira. Marina: Welr. I thi"k it iwi-,t Edward >aicl. bur ir s !ow u:lally d.t, nor how you d( t jusr onF rinre. )/:u son o] d._ a. a parrern a 5ryle _of bFhdvior. :' : I.varyDody hds one. lts wndt rrakes ona person different from anoth-"r T: Thatt excellen! Marina. yes. personality is


SLrggested teaching time:

Good mo,ni4g. ctudent\. dnd welcome to our ltrst teature aboul personalrty. LFt.5 5tdrt witn a ques odsl( on. Wnnr i\ nF^rndlity) Edward )

ad""td, y"ll. ,:.,^lo*,yo, o.t ** yo, rrehave_ t(now What lird ot pelon you dre. _


Your actual teachinq time:

Learning Strategies


Listen again .. Tra(k 1 t)

(CD 4,


ri,.' \lLdenl. dre li\tening;n.1 talir,g rr,.t*r.7 . Ha^r,e-:rudent: ii-ten lo ihe djc.lr-.ron u jlh iJtpir uuoKs cro\cd nnJ identif\ lhe _11!iqc1 tp"r_,.n,,|it,, . AskWhnt corLrsa tjo rlou fhink tlis rs? (psychoiogy)


t verybody s arwdys di:.ussing rhdr. 1 .rghr. tndt s i." And we stil don L redfty fnJw the answer, but everyone has an opiniJn.



(CD 4,Track



env;ronment, wnich

. Then have them compare answers with


a partner.

Vocabutary cards

olscusslorrt SLrggested teaching time:

I0 minutes

Your actual teaching time:

.gl_ff." b".rg \\ritc natu.e nu,ru.e. IIreanur8ot fhc-e l.nn.. retcrring t{er iew the to l_..ercirei. illl "' p"r'ona[ity i' ]nother r.r o.,l'ror :Ti:lts "p/rrrc gencn(-,rrd lrirltirr rs arroLhcr * or.l tn.enriio,,rrr"nf.7 ' Dit ioe the.cl..r-, intu groilp- ui iou r or lir e. and har e \ l_u-d\-rl l\ di\cU\s the_q"u"riion. Fn..,urrge studcrrt_

to " f;?;;:: ;;: ;'l;,: [:; f,;i.Tf : ol .:,,i,,,,? i i i,:,;,,' . licn br ing.the cl,r.j tototl.tcr. and har e .hrdcnr: ,l

share their ideas. AsLr" Is.y-our

pers,onallty sitjilar ta that of other TteopLe in _uoto JnuLilv: lf yes, lmu) t1:r.: dl't!.:t l.hittA .ottt ttttttr.,utt"ttt inlltrc,t.rd your petsonntltV.

www.zabansite.com T80


Q o lrsrerurNc coMpREHENstoN SLrggested teaching time: Your actual teaching tinre:

Suqgested teaching time:

5 l0 minutes

. After students corrplcte each statement, ha\-e then-r c'rrn.tre An-\^, -r r, itl'.r p rrlr.,.r. lr rrc,c--;rt rCier 5lu\lert- l,' u,rqe,6J ,n .2 ,.. lrrlp

students listcn to Lhe convcrsations,"vith thcir b.,.J - (,o-r'J.Ild.ll., n,nrnlr,te d\ In..n\ -r. tcnrp,tr\ . - Ihe\ (, 1. Rcnr; ,d - ,d-nt- tlr,rt mnrr- 1t1.1n p,.,, .rdt,. l'\e n.r\ h,- p.r-rinle,..f -(\m(-\l.ttenl,.ltL:


Lr\l. -, udent. l -t, rr ,rg,rirr drJ , omnt, rl. llre,1, ti\.t\ I,l)t-tt h. \, p,lrtnr".,,,ml\ltearr-rrr-r-. \,.l (,r\_, rJi-. r.-- .rnr di ti. u ti,., -iu.lert. ltaci. I

OK. What kind?

How about some hip hop?

to make me feel good.

CONVERSATION 2 Ml: Hey, why so down in the dumps? M2: 'T not .-,e. T iu.t re" rng blLe. 'r weather.


5-10 minutes

. Il"\ i,.h t'r, n.,.rrrr;,'i thc hullltpd rrnrJ-. r,./f ',r/t. / r p"r-nl1 r,r \r,,'iti, ,2..s him.cll or her., ll ,)tt..i.nr .: trrLl Ii,,.r.rI: ,,.,/. ir .rrtt_ti,;,.il . 11ri,..r,./l I llpr-,, 1 \^1.,, i- or L;,,ir'; ,1 ,,t.10.,t.t. r per-un rrlrc r- .l.t'cl: ,, /. ..r: n rr.r rn.r(er Uei,p1. ,.,,,*n. '-' ' '', / .umFon. rr'omc,,r.,. lrn blca.- rrr. rrrlc-r R.i..;

CONVERSAT]ON I M: Lett Jisten to some music. No way. I want something

wnlrrruc SLrggested teaching timei Your act!al teaching tirnel

zirllillil?iFl-r F: M: F:

5 minutes

Your actual teaching time:



Complete each statement . ..


(CD 4,Track 13)

.tirLJerr, i,, p.rsr-- bl .,n,l q) rr tner h.Lreditii rrltr . H. r, 'lud* rt, dc. id- r^ nn tlrcr rr ,l r,r ,ite.rb,,r,t. rl- m;r ree m,,r,.r,,,lt,,ir. b,c,t,.,iintr --tuJ, ip'i,'n- LJt .,,mp,,r, ,rr,.\ I J.*, rr,,r,r.*",1 r.,ih.r

be lh \ grdy

th,tn ,,i thrDtsch


CONVERSATION 3 fF = Sponishl F: l'm going on a trip to Nepal. M: Nepal! l've always wanted to qo there. F: Me tool lcan't waitl

. f r,,,r r.t,,e -llt errt\ [,, u-H A- mJ ]) ol llt(.\\,,rclfhe\ citn in Lheir descrrDtj,,n . Inriite stucients to reacl thc,ir description to the

CONVERSAT]ON 4 Fl Whar coror sho.,d we reodi^t tL6 di-,.g rooT.


M: F:

Anv Lo or i. good as lorg




interesting, like plnk.

Writing erocess Worksheets Iop /Votctr Pop Song {CD 4,Track 14)


Cone o--. lFt r od,n. i- (orrathi^q


" littre.nore



Write your own response.


SLrggested teaching tirnej


10 minutes

Your actual teachlng time:

. ll"le-ul.r1 Irr\' I i"-t,,,r-\,.r\Jti.,,'

rr ith

. i,,lrrr.te*,

qt\ p \, rL r , r\L t .e\p,,,1-c. (1,,_-tl,'_,1.1-^..,. I $r,\ to hc,rr rlr.rt. lA h.rl - n ronq.. \1 t111 - 11p,r ll,rn



l\, 5t Jent- r


qqe-L..1tr,,r -.,-l,ot-,, -.

Alter strd" tt,,onlplFt, llrl".lrLi\it\, in\:te



rnl.-pl,r! thl.,,rn!cr\. I,urr


comnlete each statement Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching tjmel


ill^ 2 n.rrtrrer ..


5 mlnutes

. Jnstruct students to circle the r-erb or adjective in

front_of each blank. Teil stucJents to ask'themseh,es which preposiLion follor,r's eacir vcrb or adjective. -. Afler sludcnts con.rplete the activiLr,., have then .o rrll.,rC lrt\!^er- rr.llr . p.rrlnr,r. RClpr -{l,d,.nl> [o l]tr'(,r.lm i.1r hu,, ,-r. p.


7q it nc.er,.rr\.

ldea: Hale pnirs br.tinstorm a list of r,vell_knor,"-n \u,,, \\t.r p.,'p1,. thor aJmrr..,.r.rd tlt_r, nnn\eonH t,

) I rree Feople to focrLs


. Ha\re stltcicnts use the lnternet or thc librafl,to find uul ftntilr I'a. tgr,,r-r11J in. lrd ng rl^e nrlnd.i .,i '

.rl,l ,E-. rd tlre pe,r,,rr r pia,t,t,irh* l,,rllt ordoI .H.rrc,,trdenr.,n.rlrz, tl-rir..n,i n-,rn,1 a.,ur. ierr..r.rli,/ntir.r\.jhorrI h,,rr bi-th.,rii, r.,lIrcrrccs., person's chances for sLtccess in life. Tell student-s tit .

\.\.rite a short report outlining their finclings.


to.-erh|r .rrrd h,rrt' u.ri,- nresc|t tlr.ir P-rll*, I |r..'f,r.rtrorr. A- -rr d,..tt\ pren,nl. \\ "it..on tl.. I,oarJ ...r'.1) f, r\on iLmp rr\l lr -,,rl.er1l.r., in tl-, I,irtlr ordcr. Afttr thc.presentations, compare infomation 1".-e, \^l l-lrt,.r 1, \ ,.p\\rut p*oplg r1..|-p tlre ol,r._i m d.il, nr \or.',9, -r, hilC,,,n lji-.uss . t -p lnlF,r,rrer \ Rr,-n.tr(e -r,'pni, n-t.rn ,,t-r ^n ,lt1 't un lrtt, ho.,rJ dncl Lr.-f. Yo| rd\ \\..1t 1,, d|n\\ .ti\'!^ l .r\ l. \t|,n, rit,. tllc 1.rtnc- ut :LtL-e5\tltl npor)lp tl-\ \^pr( rr',,p--'1r,. rrr.r tlreir lac.. i,,'if,"' )\"r\ I


Graphic organizers

www.zabansite.com T84


Discuss Your Favorite Artists

. Have str,rdents listen to both parts of the biographv . ttd . t-r,r, r ll_c.'p'tr on,1rr1-1lor1 . As a class, check if any infonnation listed on the board rvas mcr-rtioncd-in the article.


Part 2 and check items

o " x""f*:l,l*

. \ll"u l0 minutes

l)o l//rsc f-r/r/-.ssions lutot,positi.,c ot ficg?fii,t' or u1 ot' al o s? (positii-e) i


fr/,rrsslons lrLtL, sintilttr tucttttitgs? (itlcrastcd in and fLrscinnLad ll1) k{',o

. Poinl out Lhal


tr lo hot.l p.tn-.ri,.tin tl] r5,rnd rrleroie:orrr,rtr,, tlre

Challenge: I Iave students


a stLmmary of Van

Coqrl r 11,.' re..tlling.t. mu.h inl,'rm,rli,'r' lrom rhF biog|aphr,', Lhc picturcs, and the exercise as thev can. Bring thc class together and have pairs shale sulnmarjes and then supplement information as necessal\'. [+5-10 minutes]


lneanings. For eranplc, lor ttctt rcntl thc filn sct iStt's.


Lhe sccor]d

l.e.fnscinnled br1: Sha's

. Ask Arc l/r.,sc d-rp'i,ssio s i flt? Llct]{,e ot tlE lissirjc irolccl (passive) Then har c studcnts look .rt the u'ords ir-r boid ancl sa\ rrhat Lenses Ll]cv .,lr(.. (1. simple prcsclrt tense;2. sin.rple past tensei 3. prcscnt perfect;4. simple present tensc;5. simpie

present icr-rse)

.H.r\..-tudont-l.-t,n ;



I, li.l,

collccted rvooclblock prints. 6. F;ilse Van Gogh sold only,ne of his paintings in his lifctime.)

scnlcncc in r:ach pair of scntences expands on the meaning of the expression. Have pairs create additional scntenccs to cxplain the



k tl',-:r. n-t\( -c Ar'\r\( r\.rrr't,11,,. r..1.'i'" V.rr.C^itr
. -ldl stuclents to skinl ihc tivc cxprcssions on the left and see hou, lrlanv tlrev kno\,\'. . After strrdents listen and practice, aski L


r lrcr

Suggested teaching time: Your actual teach ng time:


Have stuclents listen to Part 1 again and check items 1 to 3 in the erercise. Then have students listen to



.rg.r; r.


He also became interested in Japanese art and collected

wxnrABourYou? 5

10 minutes

. Have

stLrclents ansu'er the !luestions indir'ldually. Tell them that tlreir ans\'\.ers clon't ha\,e to rclatc tL) art. For ex.rmplc, I'rrr ittfcrcstcd in old cars.

. Then have pairs comPare alrsl\'ers. . Bring the class logciher and call on studerlLs Lo share ansu.crs. Find out if an,v students har-e the same or similar ansrvtls. If tl-rcrc is Limc, allow, thc.sc stuclents to talk about their shared interests.

Q o lrsreuNc coMPREHENSToN (CD 4,Track 26j

5!ggested teaching time: Your actualleach ng timel


Vincent Van Gogh was born in a small village in Holland on March 30, 1853- He was an introverted chi d and didn't have manyfriends. But his younger brothetTheo,was one ofthem. As he grew up,Vincent became interested in drawing, but he didn't actually rlwiy art until he was twenty seven years old.

ln I 886, Vincent Van Gogh moved to Paris to ive with his brother Theo, who collected and sold paintings. ln Paris, he met other artists and was influenced by their work.

Learning Strategies

Suggested teaching time: Your actualteach ng tirae:

Learning Strategies

l0 l5 rn nutes

. To warm up, ask iI students have ever heard of Mnccnl Van Goeh. Flave students share lr4ratever information thev knoui Write it on the boartl ancl lcave it for laterj reference. . Have stuclents krok at the pictures at the bottom of the pagc ancl read thc caplions. Tell studt'nts thev u'il1 learn lnore about V.rn Gogl.r from the biographv.

woodb ock prints. Like other artists at that time, he began to paint outside, where he was fascinated by the ight and color He began to express his feelings in his paintings with bright colors. But he dldn't have much money, and he didn't eat very well because he used what he had to buy paints. Sometimes he found life depressing, and he would argue with his brother Theo. PART 2

In l8BB, he moved to Arles, a town in southern France. The artist Pau Gauguin rnoved there too, and they becante good friends. The weather was beautiful, and they were both inspired by the colorf!l countryside. They painted dai y and talked about art, but they didn't have much money. Van Gogh often became sad and cou dn't paint. One day he became very angry and argued with Gauguin. Gauguin left Arles, and short y after, Van Gogh cut off a piece of his own ear. After a while,Van Gogh began to paint again. He sent some paintings to Paris but couldn't sell them. Then, in 1890, early on a Sunday evening, Van Gogh went out to the countryside with his paints. He took out a gun and shot himself in the chest. Theo traveled from Paris to be with him. Two days later,Van Gogh died. n his short,sad life,Van Gogh painted 200 paintings. He sold only one of them. ln '1990, one of his paintings was sold for 82.5 mi lion U.5. dolLars.

www.zabansite.com T94

F -.,NlT 8


Q o lrsreuNc coMPREHENSToN {CD 4,Track 27)

Suggested teaching timel

5-10 minutes

.l'hen bring the clnss lotether and compilc all the matt.rials in a chart on the board: Mate altthat lan breakearily

Your actual teaching time:

. llilve stlLdents look at the pieces of art and iclcntifv \,vh.rt they are. (tr. painting; b. paintir.rg; c. cl.rair; d. sculpture; e. figure; f. sculpture)

. Then ha\,e Llrem listen to thc convcrsatiors. . Have students lisLcn a€iain and complc'tc the exercise before going over the ansrvers as a class.



CONVERSATION 1 lM= Sponishl M: So what do you think ofthis one? F: lt's gorgeous. lrealy love it. M: So you like gold figures? F: lsure do.

. lf students ha!c difficulty completins

CONVERSATION 2 F: l'm not sure like this piece. M: Really? l'm crazy about it. lt'ssocooll F: To each his own. M: 5o you're not a fan of modern furniture design? Fr Nope. I prefer furniture you can sit in.

Q wnrrrruc

lAudioscript continues on page



ctrange these senten(es...

Have students uirderline the verb in c.rch sentence. (1. dirccted; 2. made; 3. designed; 4. took; 5. made) Rcvicw the formation of the passive voicc (a form

of bc + past participle) and have students make a notc of the past participle of each verb. (1. directecl; 2. made;3. clesigned;4. taken;5. madc) Rcr-ninc-l

stuclents to use a


.r'lirl \vlru p,.rl,'rnred e,r.h


phrase to identitv the


. Then have students change thLr scnLcnc..s to the passive voice and compare ansvr'ers \'\,ill'r a partner.


Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:

10-15 mlnutes

. Have students answer the three qucstions by . Then instruct students to \,\.rite t\\'o paragraphs from their notes. ln the first paragraph, studcnts shoulcl identify the kind of art, r'eferring to thc categories on pagc 87. Students should namc the piece of art and the artist (i{ possible) ancl dcscribe {.hat it looks like. In the sccond paragraph, students shoulcl cxplain horr,' it makes thcm l'eel and r,vhy it's important to them.

. Direct stuclents to the VocabtrLary on pages

90 ar.rd 94

and to thc NEED HELP? langr-ragc on pare 93 for help

. Then bring the class togcthcr. Have stridents exchange papers and give cach other feedback.





Iop Notch Pop Song Activities (CD 4, Track 28)


naa materials... Suggested teaching tlme: Your actua teaching time:

the statements,

refer tliem to the Vocabulary on pages 87 and 90. . Have studcnts compare anslvers 'itl'r a partner-.

making notes.

Suggested teaching time: Yo! r actua teaching timel


Complete the statements. Suggested teaching timel You r actual teachlng timei

-Jitlf ntlilb-


Graphic Organizers

5 minLrtes

. lf stttclents havc difficulty thinking up materi:rls, refer them to thc Vocabulary on page 90 for help. I nL ,,r rr. rge .t ud.nt. to Lh. nl ol .rdd ili, .n,r I m.'lefld -. (Possible answcrs: bronzc', copper, crvstal, silk)

. Have stLrdcnts compare lists lvith a partner.

ldea: Have studcr.rts choose an artist they like. Tell -ru,l, rrl. lher ,dr, hn,,., .lr.rrli't the) li ed.rrr th"i-

n,ltepad on page 95. . Have studcnts LLSe the Internet or vjsit the librart' tr.r re-c.rrcrt lte lilr',,t lhc.lni,l. I r.orrrage.LLrderrr- l,' also find eramples of thc artist's rl,ork and pholocopy it or print it. . Iiemincl studcnts to include their sources (names ancl authors of books and / or websites) at the encl of the biographr.'.

T96 www.zabansite.com

A: Havc vou been to the National Gallery yet? B: Not yct. What do thcy have there? B; Well,

[Continued from page T96] CONVERSAT]ON 3 M: Wowl That's an interesting piece.

F: M: F:

for one tlring, The Aruol.fitti Mnrrilg€ is kcpt thcrc. A: No kiddingl I've alrvays rvanted to see that paintirlg. B: Do you like European art? A; l'm craz]/ about it. B: Then you'll love tl'ris museum.

You like stone sculpture? Yeah,l do. lt's a very handsome piece. lt's not too bad.

A: I don't kno\'! rl,lrat museum to go to. Coulcl yorL rc(omm!nd oncl B: W"ll, r,r l-,rr r'roul,l \ou ltle l', ., cl A: I d .ce 'ome rctamir' and 'cal.y li e lo



I love this one!

Fr M: F:

Do you realy? Why? You don't? Well, it! so ... colorful. love colorful. As a matter of fact, think it's one of the nicest paintings l've seen.


sculptures. B: You should go to the Victoria and Albcrt Muscum. A: Oh yes, that's a good idea. B: I-ook at this vase from the 13Lh cerrtury that they have there. Ar lt's gorgcous. Wl.rat's it made of? B: Clay, I think.

lndividual Oral Progress Check . Use the photogaphs and information on page 97. I r., r,ur.rBe -rudenl. to u*c th| rorrhttlrr'\, E'Jmlr,tr. rl^ r thm, ,r rJ inrun.rrirn pr.rcti. -.1 t r llr t- ut rit. . Point to t1.re different items in thc illustraiions and ask students what they arc. (PossibJe answers: museum, painting, \'ase, sculptlLre) . Ask: \Nhat ore tfu nnn and lhe iuottutn doir.q? (They're looking at a guidebook.) Who irrns Mustard on White crcdf?d Dy? (Ro1'

Ururr Wnnp-Up Suggested teaching tinre: Your actual teaching tirae:

15 20 minutes

Discussion . H.ive studcnts look at the pictures. . Call on volunteers to read tl're descriptions of the muscums and the names of the art objects. Clarify


that B.C.E. means Before the Common Era. . H,r\c p.rir. t.rlk abnut rh| a't p'r'ce. thel like and crplaiir nhv. Ther Lrring the Lla-- rng,erher.'n.l h'r.

IArherr iuns The l-uck of Edenhall irnde? (in S1,ria) Wlrcn uLts The Arnolfini Marriage pnlttied? (1,134) lNlticlt ntusewn hns n collcctiott of ntodenl att?

students share prcferences.

(The Tate Gallery) What' t'yry af atf does the Nat'ional Gallcrtl hnuc?

(European paintings) tolticlt utusettnr is tlncietlt Grc(k arl lctpt?

I hke Tlu, Arnolfini Mlrriage. lt's vcry colorful, and l'm moved by the subject of the painting. The Luck of F,denhnll is amazing. I'm insplred by the detail of the design. t like MastrLrtl on \Nhitc. l'm into modcrn art, and the yellow in this piece is fantastic. T'm interested in thc work of Roy Lichtenstein. I like thc Discls fl?r'orro'. The statue is gorgeous. I'm fascinated by hor'r'rcaljstic it isl


(The British Museum) What t-Vpe of art is kept 0t the Viclorin nntl Albcrt

Musautt? (decorativc art) . Invite a student to role play

a convcrsation \'\'ith yorL between the m.rn and the ll'oman. Play the

role of thc rvoman, and have the sttLdent play the man. T: Let's go to the British Museum. 5: Well, T'tr not real1y into ancicni art. T: No kiddingl I love it. Look at this gorgeous sculpture. sr It's not for me. I prefer modcrn art. I-ook at this cool piece by Lichtenslcin at the Tate Gal1ery. T: Oh, I'm not crazy about him. S: Hey, rr,'h1' don't rve r,isit boLh museums? I can teach you about modern art, and you can teacl-r mc aboul ancient art. T: OK. That's a good idea.

Grammar . Have pairs use the passive voicc to say wl'rer], where, ancl / or by whom the alt \\'as crcated. Your students (an say .,. Tha Arnolfini Marria,qc was painted bv Jan van Eyck

in7434.'fhcLuckof Edr:lftnli w,as made in Syria in the 13th century. MrLstartl on Wlrlfr ivas created by Roy Lichtenstcin in 1963. The Disctis fllro!,er \ras madc in Rome in the 5th centurv B.C.E.


Cumulative Vocabulary Activities

Social language . Har.e students skim the information and look at


Lhc art. Thcn ha\,e them talk abor-rt prcferences, recommend a museurn, or discuss an art object.

A: Let's go to the Tate Callery. B: No, thanks. I'm not reallf into modern art. A: Don't vou $'ant to see Lichtenstein's MrLstLLrd on

Mlfe? Br No,

don't care for him. A: Really? I'm fascinated by his u'ork. B: I'm more interested in art from ancierlt Rome. A: Wh)' don't you go to the British Museum while I go to the Tate Gallery? T



You may wish to use the video and activity u'orksheets for Unit 8 at this point. Complete A5sessment Package l,.,nit 8 A(hievement Test









- = SSON


e slrr, I rIts lj-rcn dnd ,tr.,1, t. t^,cnr;1,:


Troubleshoot a problem

menu. and click on






5Lrggested teachir1 g time: Your actual teachinq time:

5- 10 ntinutes

. Ask a studcnt to read the title of the Lesson. Ask or tcll students t4r at lroublesht)ot a pft,ll""i (to solve a problem)


l,'llorrrrg phrurc.,,n

rh, hoaro rrrJ h,rre (ruLlcnt: sLtgqc\l ,,thCr ,,\.1\ s uf _,1V. ng lh, m: thc .amputu cTdsAcd {rhc, on)pr,trir trnzc ur stopFed .orkxrg)

,.,y,..:.:?a!,:5 (tl v tu rn,nB clre . ornpu t,.r,,ir rn,l rncn turntng it on aeain t 11 4rc *ar o"r,y ,I il ,r1 rhnr.7 . Ilar e 'ludcnr- re.'J .lnd l:-teD dS, in. )

G nhyttrm and intonation practice (CD 5, Track

pausc a fter



Vocabutary cards

{CD 5,Track 9)

Suggested teaching time: Your actual teachjnq timej

5-10 minutes


j. t..r rLi -t, r rh.. r,,mrl^anrt, on rhc icons I-r,' :llll'n 1."1,. illlo lt\tL n. (ooerr a 'rle. -.1\ p,. file rrrirrL u iit"' ( r.ll t'-\t. (rp) le\t. D.--t,. tcrr s, r.ntl up r" d,.* ni . Trren h.ri, rtIJer-t. lj-ten .rg..]|n ,n(J , l-n. r. rlte lelt .rud,,nr- r,or ro jr,.r .he, Lrli lil'lll,"drne.on\mand_ mcrri,,'red L,r,r to.rr_aF rrnl\ the . ommd nd. lhe pe"-,,n r,r rrr l_ 'n rrsr-, . HJ\ e,t J,.nt5 ri.Jcn ag.tin tn ( ^rver,..trun 5 lo t'rccr I om prnhen_i.rrr. .rsl: Alut ,^t;ulu,,l d;,1 !lt irtnn,11 I, ttt ttlnt tt1,t,l\ ttt. tt.\l /r/iripp.d/ (cut) J


. Tell studcnts to check anslvers with a partner. 5 minures

Language note: t hc follon ing p,hrd\e,.rn oc he,lrJ rrr Lr te convels.tllolls

Have students rcpeat chor.ally. Make sure they: use rising intonation for . . . foke n look ot llis? use falling inkrnation


-tUJ, llL\ ri.t,.rr arr.i pr.rcli.v,rg.rrr.

Wlnt conunnd brartglrt the text bnck? (paste)


Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching tim€:


ttlt |1the toolbar


,( 'ick L,r tr(.i,nr for

Q o r-lsrenlNc coMpREHENsroN


. After studcnts rcad ancl listen, ask Wlut,s tlrc r0o1jt0t1,s /'1,1,/r/a.' {Her.omputcr (,.,- j;,.d , 11t,q1 _ 1,,) ,,,,,,, s '(I, -// J,. I lr) rc-tnfliDq tllc.omflit.rl


n,t '.,r't op. 1 , r,t,.'

t1l1c n


prd(li.e. Jlrer),,t_(. r( ri((.,n trl.,pLrll dor^.n

(Conversation 1) giuc n hnntl: help sorneone

fCorrers;tron t) )//,,.r iniorm,llt.\. lamdtion llLat snows sLrr.prisu

for l{lnt,-s tht,problent?

or sligJrt ic.rt

f(or.\er'dtinn 5t U/r r,/r: rnio"n,al e\!ldrnJti,,Ll rn,t incjrc..le\ lh,rt cnmoone h,l- madc d mi-lake


follorving stress patternl

(C'on-ersation 6) LJhJuh: colloquial exclamation meanrng ycs

PATTERN Eugene, could you take a look at thjs? Sure.

Whatt the problem?


Well,l clicked on the toolOul. to



M: Fran, can you qive me a hand? F: Sure. Whatt up? M: WeJl,llust want to copy this text. F: Uh Ih.t's easy. Ju.t selF.t rno te]i drd.licK

fit" una tn-.


That 50rnetirnes works.

{CD 5, Tra(k 8)

5 minutes

wr.tt.' .u.sa. alJ har q -.r1dq111- Jo, d1p ^.t,,j/ /,, // d.1d 1,"11-lt-t,, j.r i/., com_nd,lL15.

l,l1l. !f1.." |rtc t 1141

F: M:

r-iust wdnlo 5ee wnrti OL. rhar ) pdcy. pu, you,


Thanks a lot

scroll down

o- ti^.ent


au.ro: on t,.e ,crol odr dnd

CONVERSATION 3 M: OK, Beth. l,m finished. F: C'eat. D.d you .enember ro save) M: Yikesl I always forqetl Thanls F: No oroblem

. Have students look at the tooibar .ind reacl tl.rc comprter commands. . fornl ollt lh, .rrrorr pirtrrr,.C in the ...,, / t..i/ .omnldnd. l..Jl -lUdcnt- rttc arrovr. is r. | ,rl .,. r,r-cr

9 )|


CONVERSATION 2lF gro.;l,nn1 = F: Ddve. m go rg to noeo ,or.e dplp .ere. ' Mi No problem. What do vou nec.ti

Q o vocneuunv Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:

icon here. Ah. Thanks.


lAudioscript continues on page Tj 03.l

www.zabansite.com T102

. Call on ir\'o volunteers to read the ouestion and answer in quotes. . Then call on a \-olunteer to read the list of tasks on the palm pilot. . Have pairs ask and answer questions fo11or'r'i.tg the model in qlrotes.

[Continued from page T102] CONVERSAT ON

F: F: M: F: M:

4 [M = Slovokion]

Rick, can you help me out here? Of course. What are you trying to do? Well lju\t want to oppr a new ff p. OK. Just click on this icon here. Oh,

thatt right.

. Bring

tl, e class together and call on pairs to ask and anslver questions.

CONVERSATION 5 [M = .loponese]


Uh oh.


What! the matter? ljust selected some text and clicked on this icon. lt's

F: F:


gone. No problem. That was the ell command. You just need to click on the paste icon. Ah,there it is. Thanksl


Complete each sentence ,. Suggested teaching time: YoLrr actual teachinq time:


compare answers \'vith a partner.

OK,l'm done. So you're ready to print? Uh huh. What do lclick on? Right here. Got it. Thanks.

. Bring the

class togeLher and ask several students the

follor'r'ing questions. Have students answer with short answers and infinitives of purpose. Wry dicl yott click on tltc print icon? Why did yotL put flr cLLrsor on fhc pull daun meint? Why did yott lsuy n trcu. scmner? Wlry did yott e rttil your frietd? Why tlid you log on f0 tltc Intcrnct?

cnnmunn Suggested teaching time: You r actual teachinq time:

. Call on

CONVERSATION PAIR WORK a studeni to read the

first poir.rt in the

Grammar box and the example sentences. . On the board, u,rite trvo additional exarrples: 1 I clicked on +h,z +oolbor to sav,z o {il,z. 2. I call,zd h,z. +a tull he! th,z good news Ask Horrl can yorr sny the sane thing iisirrg because instead of tlrc underlincd portions? (1. I clicked on the toolbar because I wanted to save a filc. 2. I called her because I 'anted to tell her the good news.) . Then ask a student to reacl the second ooint and the example sentences

. On the board, writc two adclitional examplesl . He. s'zlec+ed the lexf becau5g he wante.d lo capy it. 1

7. I clicked oh +h,2 past'2 icoh beqg!:LL)49!rte!l Le aeye +he parctgraph. Ask Hozu cnn yorL use atl infinitiae hl fltse se le ces to cxpress a purpose? (1. He selected the text io copv it. 2. I clicked on the paste icon to move the paragraph.) . Then cali on a volunteer to read the last point and thc example questions and ans\'vers.

. Then ask several students Wry art,lau

t'aking this

clcss? Teil them to use a short ans!\,er lvith an inlinitive. (Possible answers: to improve my English, to get a better job)

Suggested tedching timei Your actual teaching tlme:

. Call on

a student to read Sorr,is ideas . . . Ask Wllcfi contputer problems hn'oc you lnrl? Then invite students

yoL! tokr a look

ot this?

. Have pairs choose a computer problem for- discussion and then role-play conversations. Have them rcfcr to Lhe VocabtLlary

on pa€ie 102 as necessary.

. Bring the ciass together and have pairs role plav their conversations for the class. After eacl'r con\-ersiition, check comprehension. Ask Wldf is St'udent A's cotltllLLtcr prcbletu? Wlat suggesfion dat:s Studenf B nttke? Pair Work Cards

Grammar Booster


Suggested teaching timei Your actual teaching time:


Workbook Exercises 7-10 Copy & Go: Activity 34

enrnwonx 5 minLrtes

To \\'arm up, ask Do i/ou nLake To Do l.ists? Do yotL paln pilot, rulrcre tlo

houc ptrltn pilolsT If yaLL don't hai)e n tlou ztr itc things dottttt?




. Refer students to lhe Convcrsation Model on page 102 ro ler ier,r lrnLhle.hnotint a prnblcm . Role-play the convelsation with ir more conficlent student. Modcl rhvLhm and intonation. Play the role of Student A and use fising intonation for corrld

EXTRAS (optional)

Grammar Self-Che
5-10 minriteq

to \,'ritc their or{'n computer problem and shale 'ith the class.

J[ J


{r *Ir


5 minutes

. After studerlts complete the exercise, have them


F: M: F: M: F:



;JT -_Jl








-t =

lz:::r:nt#:,"' o " [3if:Y,:i*


. Before students lister'\ and Practice, tell them to iook at the pictures and read ihe captions . Have students listcn and practice Then ask: l^lj;.tt,rt tlt.', tlti' (: t .ptr ktt't,r'l,o r lo 'l'"







keep in touch.

10 l5 minutes

Suqqested teaching time: Your actlral teachlnq time:



DAVE GRANT l'm kind of a computer addict, actually. I probably !o.ond aooul (ix r- oLr\ d dav 'ur linq the lnte'net lo lind 'ntere\t.ng weosites. And r:ve ioineo arl kinds ofchat rooms, so i spend a lot of time, well, chatting on them as well. And thank goodness for instant messaging lsend instant messages to a lot of people it's a great way to



.l t1\-'

" stu,l*nt'



tltt,t.\- t"tttJ y'1t




I "'t


t I' t|' I

anJI'r'r(tice r$.lir'

The Inlernel

i- ,ll\^ d) - ' 'lPi'Jli/eJ

fhe term ,1,.,r rne.rrr- l,r lall. .a\uJl'y. ln .r ' hal room. oeunle l.lll" t. eJCh other lhrouglr lheir

Chai r,,om c\(hdnge- hav. t,' bc r.aJ lroni lhu bolton' l,' lhe top uf liit- -'rPen llto I rresL ( ol'1m|r]l Jlwd) -.rPPear'JL lh* ioP ol llle screcn



Vocabulary cards


Learning strategies


CECILIA RIVAS [Sponish] I atelv I vF been p"eLly busy. Ldsl yeat,l rreoLed ny own weo,ite ro reep in Lo-ch wrth nv fdmily lhis is a first for me. Anyway, it's been a lot of work you wouldn't believe it. !o l've been scanning tons of photographs onto the website. l've got photos of my fa mily, photos of mv r.,ends, Ohotos or rny clos.n'at^s- yo- ndne it l used to surf the lnlerner dlr lne time, bui I do'1 r'dve rime for that anymore. MICHAEL TEOH [Chinese] jn a I'm the kind of person who sends a few e mails once very long' for but not while. lsurfthelnternetalittle Ma nly,l l-st use ry'ornputer lo w'te l use it fol worl and r u.e iI'or ny persondl ,i'e. ld ove to;oin a chdt room,

but who's got the tirne? ISABELLE DEWAR


Well,l'm a big mLlsic fan, so l've been using my computel for a while n;w to download music files l'rn not sure if it's legal, but, yoLl knoW everyone's doing it Yesterday, rrru .iiter seni me an attachment-it was a song we both loie a nd it took forever to down load it. ltwasahigfile But when I listened to it on my headset, it was jLlst great


l/;]i).l,.ic 10

Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching time:



. lI;rve studcnts read the computer activitics in the chart and circlc the ones they to share what theY clrcled. . Have students listen.


Then ask students

. Thcn have students listen agairl and comPlete the exetcise.

. Have students compare answets wtth

a Partner'

. Ihcnnare.ludent'(omp.'r( lhe,1rli\ii'e' lhc\ circl,d r'ilh Llrl.,r(ri\;tiec,'l the iorrrp,oplc. A'l: Which Ttcrson do yott shntc flt tttost c0tttpttfct nctirities iuitlt?

lNhat do you sperLd fltc




doil1g ou



Challenge: On lhe bn,rrd tr rite Do yot' +ht'k chor rooms r're oood olctccs ro mLcl PcoPle ''nh \:milu :n|e'ctts ond

,a"^Z Har e gioup' di'crt:'Lhe qr're>lton arrJ "^rnL."" gir.'ei.rmpler t,' -JfPort their nPrnit'n' Br:rrt the ,l.r-- ruge i'er:rr,l lrai, ;'i'up' 'n3l-q lhe r opirrion' [+ lo minutes]

T104 www.zabansite.com

= -: -:!




$ o lrsreuNcl3) coMpREHENstoN (CD



l0 minutes


-i -3


Comnlete the following statements, Suggested teaching time: Your actual teaching tlme:

l0 minutes

Suggested teaching time: Your actual teachlng tlme:





. Have stlrdents listen to the conversations with their books closecl. After each conversation, ask Wrrrl alc tlr ptoplc fnlkiug oboiifT (1. moniiors;2. rreb cameras; 3. CD drives;4. computer €lames)

. Have stuclents listen to the conversations agairl their books open and completc




students have difficLrltv completing the sentences, refer them Lo the Vocabulary on page 102. For less aclvanced studenLs, pror,,ide a i,,,'orcl bank on the board: save. bar. ican. pull dawn.

. Aftcr students complctc cach statement, have thcm compare answers 1,/ith a partncr.


th(.m r,' li'lerr.areiull to llre,/-. . ,/- \,,mpJn\n1-. Remind students that the adverb flsf emphasizes similarit\'. The adverb alnrosf indi.atcs thal t 'o things aie similar but not exactly the san.re. Negatives \\,ith /]of rrs . . . ris suegest clifference.

Q wnrrrruc

Suggested teaching t me: Your actual teachinq tlme:




. A11o\'\' students to listen again to check their ansr,r'ers.

. Have students create a list of u'aVS lhcv use a .ompult-r. rPn.siol. ar sr,rLrr rl nor..ln.r'rd

. Bring the class together to go or, cr the ansrvers. If nccessary, rvrite on tire board anv lincs from the

business e mails, to use search engines through the lnt.rn.,l. l" -end pn,rtugr.rpl 1- l,' dnr,r nlo.rd raru.ir,

conversations that studelrts lTad irouble lvith.

-rr, t:tit\

. Have students look at their list and estimate hoi'r' often thev use a computer




What do you think ofthe C40 Monitor? Does it have


Well,ld saytheC40l\,4onitorisjLrstas argeasthenew


big screen? Z8 Monitor. Oh,




. Role-p1ay the first conversation u'ith a volunteer, giving vour or'vn rcsponse. (Possible ansrver: OK. See ya.)

. Thcn have students \\'riLe thcir olvn responses. . Invite students to role play the exchangcs with a partner.




Option: Use the graphic olganizer on thc Teacher's Resource Disk. You may \'\'ant to draw it on the board to shor'v how the class uses computers. [+5 minutes]

d, .\art tJrapnrc (Jr9antzers

writ" a response . . . Suggested teaching timel Your actual teaching timel


. Tell students to refer to the consumer information carcl thcy lilled out on pag;e 105 for more ideas. . Thcn have studcnts write a couple of paragraphs. . Have studcnts exchange pai agraphs r'vith a partner and comparc computer use and frequencv oi use.

pretty large.

[Audioscript continues on paqe T'j09.]




5uggested teaching time: YoLrr actual teaching time:

5 minutes

. After students ansn'er the questions, ha\,c them compare answers \'vith a partner.

writing ero."r, worksheets


ldea: Bring to class recent magazines and nelvspapcrs llr,tl hrr e arti, le..'bou1 .n.Ou,, I lar p.rir- .l'b,.-, " tvr.r a rli.le- .rbout . L,mf lt,r nr I ':. tl, -rct bctrl-tir5 ,,r problems. Alternativelr'', hclp students look up articles on tl'rc lntelnet. . Have students read and summarize thc articles. Tell thcm to make sure the summarv clcarly clescribes the b, neiil n- prohlern. llren h,r\ e.tudlrt. re-pord ro Il-t ,rrti.le. -.r\ir'tg \^ltrt llrer thinL,:boLrtth, plohler. ,,rbcrolil. ln\ ire-lLJ.'tts t,, -uope-l n,')-t, -olre the problems.

. Have students present their sumrnarics and responses to the class.

. Invite the class to suggest adclitional sol,rLions to anv computer problems. Har.e the class ask questions.

. Then bring

Lhe class together and ask several students the lasL question. Compare lesponses.

www.zabansite.com T108

CONVERSAT ON 2 [M = Joponese] M: 'm thinking of gerting the Hip Web Camera. What do you think? F: We i, l've heard the Hip isn't quite as expensive as the Pentac Web Camera, but it's just as good. M: Really? Are you sure? F: That's what l've heard. Check it out for vourseil

CONVERSATION 3 F: Didn't you qet a new Mundite CD drlve? Mr Yeah. I replaced my old one. F: Are you satisfied? M: Well,totell the truth, Mundite's new CD drive is not as fast as the old one.


... licture l: A: Uh oh. I think I lost rny essar,-. B: \\h rr l-;1'1'*neJl A: I ,clr-.tnd tri t"rt.r ro r.urr Your students can say

lcontinued from page Tt 0Bl

it's gone. B: Click on the pasQ icon. A: Al.r, here it is. Thanks. B: Make surc vou sitlc it nol'\r

A: Uh huh. I'11 prinL jt, too. " Picture 2: A: Dicl vrlr see the

nor,t Iir thinking of buying Ltc\\ tr. riL, r. A: \,,r, -l-,'ul,rg...,.r Arl:l*r. B: Rn.rllr I I 't.rrd ir -.16 .1.g,'od.,- rlr, ,/in.tcl. A: T l', Anrpl.r i- irr-l .r- a."'d .rrlrr 'tnr .r. c\l'en.i\. B: Thanks. I'11 chtlck that out. A: Do they have anv digilrlcamr r.r-,' r .lrL nlh.ir"l licturc 3: A: Hi, Mcrra. I jusl scanneci a photo, but at thcir rteb page

I can't print


CONVERSATION 4 M: l'm thinking of getting the new P ay Zone computer game for my kids. ls it any good? F: Well, Play Zone's computer game is almost as much fun as New World's game. M: Hmm. That5 an interesting recommendation.


salc on cotnputcr appliances at Computerland? B: Ycs, l'm iooking -.


Suggested teaching time: Your actual teachinq tlme:


B: The phokr may bc tbo big. A: Creat. See va.


help yorr

I lr\.


ask students rvhat thev art.. (Irossible ansrvers: computet kcvboard, mousc, monitor, speakers, jovstick, scanncr)

. Ask informtrtion cltrcstions:

llittk t'lr nntr in picturc l laoks iaorriu!? (M;rvbc he lost a fi1e.) \Nlnt' is flrc irounn itt pict'ure 7 doirr,,;? (shorving thc nan hou' to fincl a clocunent) Wnf arc ,tlk, lcollc in pict'urt 2 rloirr,q? (shopping online for electronics) WltV nrc t'lr itio tcn in picf tLrt, 3 tnlkirt,q on t'|rc llnnt? WltLl Llo rlotL

. Have pairs look at thc pictures and rvrite dorvn all the computer parts and accessories thev see. Your students can say


computer, monitor. kevboard, io).stick, scanncr

Grammar . HaIe p;rirs rt'rite statemenis about the pictures, usirlg 'nlrriri\ "- ',i p.r'p.rr*. Your students can say Picture 1: Michael, select


llr- i.,'n h'onen ll-.


text to copy


/-fl e rrn'...r r un i rr l, rt r,',Ied lt,llp.r.rrrn ng a phob.) Wlnt' is tlt( lnl doittg itr pulrur 4? (listening tc) music and wrtrking or-r his compuLcr)


lc-, crber to -n\, :t'S: \ike.. ll,,r;r,. ll^ank-i Do you kno{ ho\,v to move text? T: Yes, selcct the text and thcn click q{. N4ove the cursor to thc place You h'ant to move it ancl click pilqlq.

Picture 3: Press the lecl butLon to scan tlte photct. I he', rn.al J-.'i.. t,' rlrarl i,-- tor lr{.!--n;il Picture .1: I c-mailed John 1q!q!1 him I love tht. music filc. I have to clorvnload thc file to hear the music.

S: Than ksl


Cumulative Vocabulary Activities

Ca Y

Y'lt nrd\ h i.h lo lt-l. r'ti r iLren.l1d '^,.-L' ro.t. l,rr f n t t,ar rlLi' rioinL.


Complete Assessmeht Package Unit 9 A(hievement Test





T: What's tl,c matter? 5: Uh oh. I think I lost mv filc. T: You dicln't lose it. It's bel.rind this file. Sr l\here? Ican'tseeit. T: Clickon the full clorvr.r menu to close this fiit. Then vou'lI -"o i-. S: Or. h, r, i. -. Lr..rli T: Ui.l lou


.InviLe pails to role play their con\-etsations.

1.' r,l"-plur I (nn\(r\..ttnn.roL, rrill.\,'U. Ilr\ tho rulp,,t tnc


r..rrcre,rlcd ir.tLrtl.rr( ,n lu lne er\\ (rLrt l.s -lotc "l|r\ph-ile le!!I.cI lne nii,,. of thc digital camcrn. Picture 2: I have to click on this ic,ln to find tlre

convcrsations. Encourate students to look al Vocabul.rrr o r f,rt.- ln2 rnd iU-l


\\'rr.ll .l'd h.rr* thr .t-rdcrr, l'l.r) rn. r,'e.


Social language . Assitin iliustrations 1,2, and 3 to pairs. Ha,,'e them look at the illustration ancl suggcst all possible


.hr 'ir'.r pi, L 'e



lndividual Oral Progress Check (optiona Use the illu-ctrations on pase 109. Encoulage students to usc the voc;rbularli grammar; rlivthm, ,r r.l inl,'rrdl " r p-, , ri, eo n tl.i- rrn t. . Point to thc dilTerent itenls in the illustrati(ns and



Hm. Why

Jorl r,'rr L \ -/-t, rtin:.' A: ( )K. llqi\,.tt,rL

20 minutes


B: Why not? A: When I Clickecl on

the pli.Ol icon, the computel crashed. B:

. Ururr Wnnp-Up



11t It




_J www.zabansite.com



},oo*ss \{

o @ '


CONVERSATION 2 Louise: Celia, what a g reat tattool When did you get it? Celia: Just ast week. But my husband thinks it's awful.

Personat vatues


Louise: Doesn't he have one, too?





S!ggested teaching time: You r actual teaching tirne:

.lrnrJer t$rr)L,ung!\'.me|

in blr,\,1.'rh ng rn llt orange ancl grc'cn hair, a voung n,oman r'r,ith several carrings in one ear)

. Have students listen to thc conversations rvith their books closed and identify Lhc subject of each one. (1 . Should .r man \,rear an carring to his first dav at a nei,r' office job? 2. A nan has a tattoo buL docsn't Iike his wifc having a tattoo. 3. A tather \/ants his daughter to stay home and have children rather than be a la\'vycr. 4. A father r,vants his daughlcr


dress modcstly.)

. i-lave studer'rts open their books and try to check

a6;ain ancl comPletc thc excrcise. Har.e them compare ansr,r'ers rvith a Partner and thcn corrcct the false statements- Tf nccessar'yi ;rl1or'v students to listen again. (la. Beth doesn't think it's OK for Llikc to lve.ll an earring to lhe office. 1b. Lukc doesn'l agree t'ith Beth. 2b. Ceiia's husband doesn't like Cclia's tattoo. 3a. Seth's daughter wants to go to lau, school, be a lalvver. ,1a. Katc's dad doesn't like thc lvav Kate is dlessecl. -lb. K..rtc - Jd\l Irrirrr 'birI' h.r,., t,,ner',.l*'1.r Language notei ln Conversation 1, Thaf's ctazv js n r .ama blrl \. ron8 ir tu J isrEr'e,. . J\ Iell:rLLJcnLi to LL.eit..r(full\ .r: il , "ulJ be interpretecl as insulLing ln more formal situations. ln ConvcrsaLion 2, you got 1t is an infolm.rl \'\ray of sayirrg Ycs, tltdt's righf or Yls, yoLL utlLltrstooLl. Yoa gol lf can also be usecl as an infomal affirmative


response to a rcqucst. For example, A: Cori/d tlotL firtislt tltc rcyort bt1 2!07 B: Yoa .qof it. Tn Conlersation 4, firlr?r/y is an informal term for sfonnrli. The worcl is commonly used il'ith chilcLen.


Learning strategies







many statements as they can.

CONVERSAT ON I Beth: Lukel Tomollow's your first day in your new job. You're not going to wear that earring, are you? Luke: lwas going to. Why not? Beth: Well, if were you,l wouldn't wear it. t may not be appropriate in the office. Luke: Thatl crazy. What s wrong with an earring, Beth? Beth: Nothing. But lots of people are old fashioned and they don't think men should wear earrings ... at least at the office. Luke: You're only 28 and you sound like my grandmother. This is the 21st century. ln any case,l need to b-. who lam l'm an individualist.

woman? a

double standardl

CONVERSAT ON 3 Seth: Mark,l'm really unhappy. My daughter wants to go to law school. Mark: That's greatl What's the problem? Seth: Well,l was hoping shed marry a Lawyet not be onel Mark: Why'r that? Seth: Well, it's just that I think men should be lawyers and women should stay home and have children. Mark: That's a little sexist, if you ask mel


. Have students listen



You got it.

Louise: What

(CD 5,Track 23)

. Have studcnts look at the pichrrcs and describe ll'em .l.,l p.trlt,er. r.r l.titoo ol J 'n\H i,n r,rmt urrr'\


Yes. But he says it's not the same thing. OK for a man, but not

Louise: You mean he thinks it's

Kate: Dad:


ON 4

Katel You can't go out in those clothes. lcan see your turnmyl So? That's the style. Don't you watch TV? Read magazines?

don't care. Glrls should be modest. Peop e will think youle a bad gir . But, Dad. You know l'm a good person. I follow al the rules. Everyone knows thatl That's true. But modesty is very important for girls. lf you're modest, people wi lknow you're a qood qirl.

Read the

following quotations

S!ggested teaching time: Your actual teachinq time:


5-10 minutes

. After pairs choose the conect clefinitions, bring the class togethel and rel icrv. . To chcck comprchc'nsion, ask: \Nhat's thc Lloulic st'nntlord rtJcrrcd lo in flrc collrersitiou bctiL,cen Ct'lio nnd lttr frietrtl? (Ceba's husband has a tattoo but doesn't think it's OK for a r'r,oman to have one.) scrr-sf itlcns tlots St'f h lutoL'l (Ilis daughter shouid not go to l;iw school and bt'come .r lauryer but get marriecl, stay l-rome, ancl have children.)


Q enrnwonx

Suggested teaching tlme: Your actua teaching tlme:

. After students read the lvords and phrases in the chart, call on a sttident to read thc quote. Ask Wrrclr irord or 1lrruse is this Llttofe ntt rrarrrplr of? (clouble standard)

. Circulatc

as sLudcnts \^'ork. Refer to Erercise B students havc ditTiclrlty \^rith the vocabulary.


. Have students share thcir ideas \'\rith a partner and then u,ifh the class.

T115 www.zabansite.com

S* rrr tlt;F.Fr lfrom page Tl

Your students can say 201

CONVERSATION I M: Grandmal You're going to get a tattoo? You've got to be kiddinq! F: Why. W^at5 wrong with d tdltool M: You're too old. Tattoos are for young people. F: So, John. You think there shou d be different rules for younq people and old people?

focris on the second picture and create a conversation for the three people. Encourage strrdc'nts k) rtse possessr\-e pronour]s-

Jessica, please be home by ten.

F2: Ten? Mom,thats ridiculous.

YOUr StUOentS Can Say

F1: I don't think so. F2: But Mark doesn't have to be home until midnight.


Mark is a boy. Why should boys and girls have different rules?

CONVERSATION 3 F: Robert. Tell him. lt's wrong to be undercharged in a restaurant and not tell the waitet M: Why? Who would know? F: You would know. And then you would feel bad. The waiter would have to pay, and that's not fair. M: Oh, Emily. I suppose you're right. Waiterl

Individual Oral Progress Check { . Use thc iilusLrations on pagc 121. Encourage studerlts to use the vocabularli gramrrar, rhythm, and lntonation pr.rcticed in this unit. . Point to the differcnt items in the illustrations ancl ask students rvhat thev ale. (l'ossiblc ansu,ers: man, \\'oman, Irl)A, airplane, airport, gaLe, terminal, cLock)

Uurr Wnnp-Up 15 20 minutes

. Ask:

Itr Lhc firsf picftrrc, olurt' tlocs tlr see/ (a PDA on thc seat) (She doesn't W?osc PDA ls



. Have pairs tell a story about the piclures. Encourage students to give the characters nancs as thev talk about thc situation.



at1 llrc plttttc




INltnt Lloes sht do iuiflL tlrc PDA? (She takes iL \'vith her.)

Drtts slrc ktp Lha PDA? (no) Dors tla' ootlutlt .fitlLl tlk oir)tict oJ flt. PDA? (yes) l ''rdf do.s lhc nnn stq? (l1e says the PDA isn't

Your students can say The planc has just landed jn Sidnel'. Peoplc arc lcaving the p1ane. Annette King notices that someone forgot a PDA on thc scat. She is not sure vu.ho left it, and she is not sure rvhai to do. Should she leave iL on the seat or trY to find the or'vncr? lf she were tl]e o('ner, she wou1c1 lvant to havc her PDA as soon as possible. Annette picks up



Wlnt' docs


iLjotlull sa-y? (Thanks so much.)

. lnvite a student to role-p1ay a con\, ersation abo11t thc second picturc with 1'ou. I'Lay the rolc of the ivorran, and have thc strtdent pliiy the man. T: Excuse me, sir. Is this PDA 1,ours? 5: Yes, it's ouls. Well, it's hels re;rll1'. Wht're did you find it? T: lt was on tire plane. s: Thank you so much. T: No problcr.t.r. i'm glad I found 1,ou.

the I'DA and runs after a man and a lvoman. She finalLy stops them and asks the man if the PDA is his. Hc savs that it's not his but his rvift"s. His rn"'ife thougrt 'lie -ril had rcr PDA irr l'"r D.'q. sho i. \(r\ \.rpp! tn harelrcrl-DAb.r,k.



. Have pairs look at the t\'vo pictures together and


suggest different situatjons to taLk abouL. EncouraS;e students to look at the unit for vocabulary and icleas.

. Then l-rave students u'rite dot'n what thcy would Jo in this 'itLL;ri., r. lell lhcm t,' u:e the unre rl corrc-litional. For eramplc, If I t'ound a PDA, I iL,otld .



cumulative vorabulary Activities


You may r'vish to usc the video and activitv rvorksheets for Unit L0 at this point. Complete Assessment Package unit 10 Achievement Test Review Test 2 Speaking Test 2



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A: Ercuse mc. I think 1'ou iorgot something. B: I did? A: Isn't this I'llA vours? B: Oh, the PDA isn't mine. It's hers. C: Oh! Where did vou find it? A: \ou leltrl ,'n \'rrrr -c.ll C: lil.rn.'romll. ll. A: Don't mcntion it. I'm glad I forrrrcl vou. C: You're so honest. A: \!e11, if T didn't te1l vou, it rvouid be u'ror.rg5.

F2: Moml

sLrggested tea.hing tlme: Your actual teachinq time:

a PDA in the pi.rnc, I

Social language . Divicle the cl:rss into groups of three. Have studcnts




would try to find Lhc o\^'ncr. Tf I coulcln't fincl the o\vircr, I $'ould gi\.c the PDA to a flight aticndant. If I lost my fDA, T u'ould be very upsct. If someone returnecl mv PDA, I would be verv happv. If I found






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