What is an Expo  Theme of the Expo  Benefits 

An expo is any kind of exhibition or fair where the sellers exhibit their products/services or systems to their potential buyers.  Sellers may be small companies , consulting firms  Buyers may be consumers or big companies 

The theme of expo needs to be discussed out with professors and following are the proposed themes:  Career fair/job fair  Agricultural trade fair or show  Trade fair for B2B products/services

A career fair is an event where a large number of recruiters and potential employers gather for the purpose of providing information about available positions and their companies in general.  It may also be called a job fair, and it can be a great opportunity to learn about a range of possible jobs, and to get a foot in the door.  For employers, a career fair is a chance to meet large numbers of potential applicants and quickly weed through them to find suitable candidates. College campuses often sponsor career fairs, and they may also be held as community events. 

 

3 types companies can have their stall : Mediocre/B2B companies: such type of companies have products/services for bigger companies . These companies make products like milling equipments, evaporators etc which find application in big firms. Start-ups: we can provide a platform to the start ups which have products/services for big companies or they have innovative ideas but does not have infrastructure to carry it out at commercial scale

We can also provide platform to research/ academic institutions including our institute , for showcasing their innovative technologies/ processes /designs which may find application in industries . Here our role will be to work as a support system and intermediary

One of the direct benefits is that it will strengthen our relationship with industries as it will help in network building .  We are working as intermediary b/w sellers which may be start ups , institutions or B2B companies and the buyers (big companies) 

Trade Fair/ Exhibition Ideas -

The theme of expo needs to be discussed out with professors and following are the proposed themes: ® Career fair/job fair. ® Agricultural trade fair or show. ® Trade fair for B2B products/services. Page 5. ® A career fair is an event where a large number of recruiters and potential employers gather for the purpose of ...

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