Transportation Information for Kindergarten Students Ridership Eligibility

School Bus Safety Training

School Bags

Miscellaneous Information

Transportation for kindergarten students is provided if they reside more than .3 miles from their elementary school of assignment. Buses do not travel into culs-de-sac, so in most situations involving culs-de-sac, your student will be required to walk out to the corner. Generally, however, kindergarten students will not be expected to walk more than .3 miles to their designated bus stop.

A special “Kindergarten Roundup” safety program will be held in August. Watch for the mailing!

A book bag or backpack will be very helpful to your student in making the trip to school each day. All papers, shoes, books or other loose items should be carried in the bag. It is very difficult for small children to carry extra items as they board the bus. Almost all accidents that occur around the bus are the result of children trying to retrieve papers or other dropped items.

1. Always have your child’s name, address and phone number on a slip of paper in his/ her pocket and permanently attached to the backpack or book bag. 2. The district discourages students riding buses other than their assigned bus; if it is unavoidable, please contact the school or transportation directly regarding the day(s) the student will be riding a different bus. 3. You will receive route information either by mail or at the kindergarten conferences prior to the start of school. 4. The district strongly encourages parents or guardians to be at bus stops when kindergartners are dropped off. (Drivers prefer to see parents/guardians at the bus stops, but are not required to see them in order to drop off students.) If your garage door is open the driver assumes you are home and your child can gain safe entry to hour home.

Daycare and Homebase Transportation will be provided for daycare from daycare sites if located within the attendance area of the school. The district discourages parents from alternating schedules between home and daycare. We ask that the drop off or pick up locations be consistent daily to eliminate confusion on the part of your child, school, and/or the bus company. Daycare forms are available at the Welcome Center or on the District website under Student Enrollment. These forms must be completed and submitted by the deadline date indicated on the form if you wish to have bus service from daycare. If your daycare arrangements change or end during the school year, a new form must be completed.

Staying Seated It is vital your child remain seated while the bus is moving to prevent injury. Students should not get up until the bus stops at the school or at the student’s bus stop. The driver will allow them time to get seated in the morning and time to safely move away from the bus in the afternoon before pulling away from the stop. Not sitting on the bus is the same as not wearing a seat belt in your car!

Crossing the Street Extra caution must be used if it is necessary for your child to cross the street to get on the bus or go to your home. Students must wait for the bus to come to a complete stop, the red lights are flashing and the stop arm at the front of the bus is extended. The driver will then signal the students when it is safe to cross. Students must wait for the driver’s signal and cross 10 feet in front of the bus so the driver can see them at all times. If a child can see the driver, the driver can see the child!

Getting Off the Bus All students must walk directly to the sidewalk when getting off the bus. If it’s necessary to cross the street, walk 10 feet in front of the bus and wait for the driver’s signal before crossing. Never cross behind the bus

Please check the bag or backpack to be certain it has a permanent label with your child’s name, school and home/drop off address. This information is useful to the driver in the event your child loses his/her nametag. Please BE CERTAIN there are no long drawstrings items or key chains dangling from the bag or backpack which could become tangled in the door of the bus as your child enters or exits and cause injury.

School Bus Safety Rules 1. Stay out of the “DANGER ZONES” around the bus 2. Follow the driver’s instructions. 3. Be on time for the bus — 5 minutes early. 4. Always SIT DOWN and face forward. 5. Be courteous. No pushing, tripping, swearing and yelling. 6. NO EATING OR DRINKING ON THE BUS. 7. Keep your head and arms inside the bus windows. WINDOWS ONLY HALF OPEN. 8. Keep your bus clean. Do not damage the bus. 9. Never throw objects inside or out of the bus. 10. NO animals or dangerous objects on the bus. IT IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT, TO RIDE THE BUS

5. Be certain your home and mailbox contain large street address numbers that are easily visible to the bus driver. 6. Finally, the driving public must be aware of the importance of stopping for the red flashing lights and the stop arm. When these are in operation it means students are getting on/ off the bus and may need to cross the street. With the cooperation of everyone involved we can continue to provide safe and efficient school transportation at all times. Violating this important safety tool can result in a court appearance and fine up to $700! 7. Parents/guardians are not allowed to ride or board the bus.

Transportation Contacts

District Transportation Office Rich Enga, Supervisor...................... 763-745-5195 Kevin Mayfield, Router.................... 763-745-5195 First Student....................................... 763-559-9326

Transportation Information for Kindergarten Students.pdf

Crossing the Street. Extra caution must be used if it is necessary for. your child to cross the street to get on the bus. or go to your home. Students must wait for the.

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