The photograph was taken for the second group project assignment for the Flow Visualization 2011 course. The objective of the photo was to capture the cross section of a turbulent jet in an effort to better understand the physics involved with the flow. The group hoped to capture the cross section of a turbulent jet shot directly upward by shooting a laser sheet through the flow in a dark room. Multiple variations were considered with several of the ideas being implemented. Initially, the jet was to be created by shooting a jet of fog from a fog machine through the laser sheet.
Laser Sheet
Fog Machine
Figure 1. Jet shooting up through laser sheet diagram.
This produced too much fog in front of the sheet causing blur of details and giving little useful information. The fog machine was re-orientated to shoot into the laser sheet rather than from the bottom. The apparatus consists of a laser set on a horizontal surface, table, with the rest of the setup designed this positioning. Due to the cost and fragility of the laser against the other components the laser was never moved. The fog machine was set slightly below and to the left and therefore did not shoot directly perpendicular to the sheet. The fog machine was place approximately 1.2 meters from the sheet and the jet was controlled utilizing the fog machine control panel to manually control burst length.
Flow in to Page Laser Sheet
Fog Machine (Back)
Figure 2. Jet shooting perpendicular to sheet diagram.
Black surfaces were used to capture the laser so as to prevent reflections as this posed a serious danger to those producing the image. Additionally, the laser safety manual should be referenced for proper safety and operations instructions. The laser contains two lasers, for this experiment laser one was utilized. To create the laser sheet, 15mm, 25mm, and 100mm spherical lenses were implemented from the laser in that order to produce a .610 m sheet .660 m from the lense. Whenever a moving fluid enters a quiescent body of a second fluid velocity shear is created between the two fluids. This shear produces turbulence and mixing within the fluids. Turbulent jets depend on the geometry of the flow domain and the forces acting on the fluid. Generally the envelope of the turbulent jet adopts a conical shape and therefore the radius is proportional to the radius. Because of this the opening angle is almost always constant, approximately 11.8⁰ thus producing 24⁰ from side to opposite side. The proportionality constant is then calculated as tan(11.8⁰)≈1/5.[1] ( )
Figure 3. Diagram of turbulent flow.
. The initial jet radius is not zero and so to account for this the initial jet radius is equal to one half the exit diameter and is referred to as the virtual source. X is then calculated a distance 5d/2 into the conduit. The average velocity of the jet can be estimated utilizing the following relationship.[1] [1]
Where U is the velocity at the orifice exit. This value was un-obtained in testing but is estimated to be approximately 20 m/s with an exit velocity of 30m/s. A Reynold’s number over 105 is considered turbulent. Estimating the Reynold’s number for this flow at the orifice outlet gives the following.
The technique used to capture the image was to utilize a laser sheet to capture the cross sectional of a fog turbulent jet. The laser was fired on the lowest power setting for safety purposes and a black backdrop was used to capture the laser and reduce reflections. All polished surface were covered with black masking tape and all jewelry was removed. No lighting was used yet some ambient light entered the room through a covered glass door. This was located behind the camera, the camera was between this light source and the laser. Between the camera and the laser was the fog machine shot from below the camera into the laser plane. This allowed for a photo with minimal noise in from of the sheet. In this case noise represents fog in front of the sheet reflecting light producing a green blur. The photograph was taken from a video captured utilizing a resolution of 1280x720 capturing 30 frames/second. The image was cropped in Photoshop and the contrast along with the sharpness was increased. The color curves were also used to bring out the green in the photo. The image displays the vortices common to turbulent flows in various sizes and shapes. It also shows different levels of contrast hinting a various layers and informing the viewer of the direction of flow, into the page. I like the color and how the image displays the physics. In order to produce a better visual of a turbulent jet, I would implement a smaller jet shooting upward through the laser screen so as to reduce noise.
[1] Cushman-Roisin, Benoit. "Turbulent Jets." Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth. Dartmouth College, 03 2010. Web. 5 Apr 2011. . [2] "Reynolds Number." Reynolds Number for Pipe. Engineering Toolbox, n.d. Web. 5 Apr 2011. . [3]
Cengel, Yunus A. Heat & Mass Transfer. International. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. 854. Print.
The image was cropped in Photoshop and the contrast along with the sharpness was increased. The color curves were also used to bring out the green in the ...
course. The objective of the photo was to capture the cross section of a ... The image was cropped in Photoshop and the contrast along with the sharpness was.
Feb 9, 2011 - water, 1000 kg/m3, and carbon dioxide gas,1.95 kg/m3 at standard temperature and pressures[1][3]. The Photo was taken looking from the bottom of the class upward and taken once the water temperature fell below 9â°C since no condensatio
Mar 13, 2011 - the flume available in the Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory. .... Photoshop's sharpen filter and auto contrast features were utilized.
(m s. â1. ) U (x = 300 mm). U (x = 400 mm). U (x = 500 mm) y (mm). Figure 2. ..... Shen & Warhaft (2002), a cylinder wake flow result by Bi & Wei (2003), and a.
Oct 19, 2011 - beam width of 6 m during flow reversal from downslope to upslope boundary motion. During this flow reversal event, negative turbulent production is observed signaling energy transfer from velocity fluctuations to the mean flow. In this
Telephone: (865) 576-8401 .... Orientation of ¯uk,k relative to ¯uk,i for a k=2 line. .... In the 1D dynamical system defined by the ODT model, the effects of ...
radial variation of axial velocity, the turbulent kinetic energy, and the eddy diffusivity (compared with near- wall experimental data of Durst et al.5). The fourth.
For example, in LES, a spatial filter formally separates the re- solved scales from the unresolved scales. For a filter that ... peated indices imply summation. The filtered fields resolved by the LES equations for a ... constraints through temporal
model of Kerstein [6] to treat turbulent flow in three-dimensional (3D) domains. This model .... inherent limitations of the approach, particularly as a predictive tool.
Zview software v.2.1 was used in the ... nalyse [26] software was used in EN data analysis. Potentio- .... Table 1 shows the best results obtained in the numerical si- mulation of ..... [23] Specification for Line Pipe, API Specification 5L, 42nd Edi
3. Dr. Hazem Falah Sakeek. The Boltzmann equation determines the relation between the population number of a specific energy level and the temperature:.
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Feb 22, 2011 - these harsh chemicals come in contact with the surface of the integrated chip .... The removal process creates a cloud of debris and fumes.
Sep 4, 2016 - CNC (computer numerical control) are used to direct the laser beam. ..... 17. ⢠Eco-friendly material. ⢠Strong, dense material. Cons. ⢠Cutting the bamboo leaves a charred edge that will need to be wiped clean or sanded. ... This
Jan 8, 2009 - 8, 1999. (Earliest possible public availability is believed to be Nov. 1, 2001) (This ... the amount and type of trench back?ll. Real-time monitoring.
-9 -23. (E -E ) h c. 2 k T λkT. 1. 6.63Ã10 Ã3Ã10. 550Ã10 Ã1.38Ã10 Ã300 38. N (a) = e = e. N. = e = 1.16Ã10..... Solution. Numerics on Lasers. Page 2 of 22 ...
wait for 1 second delay. } Output Video: â Contributors. List of interns & other contributors who have worked for ...
Jan 7, 2011 - 8. Considerable effort has been spent in the past two decades to develop transition models for engineering applications to predict transitional ...
entirely on empirical correlations obtained from existing data sets for simple flow configurations. ... Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Turbulence Research, Building 500, Stanford University, Stanford, CA ... 4 - 7 January 2011, Orlando, Florida.
A Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from. Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Ayan has many years' exposure to working with Fortune 500 companies in India and abroad in Project. Management, as well as in risk management and financial services. He has led