Handy Handouts


Free, educational handouts for teachers and parents* Number 336

Types of Figurative Language LÞÊ iVŽÞÊ°Ê-«ˆÛiÞ]Ê° `° 7iÊÕÃiÊfigurative languageÊ̜Ê`iÃVÀˆLiÊ>˜ÊœLiVÌ]Ê«iÀܘ]ʜÀÊ ÃˆÌÕ>̈œ˜ÊLÞÊVœ“«>Àˆ˜}ʈÌÊ̜ʜÀÊ܈̅Êܓi̅ˆ˜}ÊiÃi°ÊœÀÊiÝ>“«i]Ê º-…iʈÃÊ>ÃÊ«ÀiÌÌÞÊ>ÃÊ>Ê«ˆVÌÕÀi»Ê`iÃVÀˆLiÃʜÀÊVœ“«>ÀiÃÊ>Ê«ÀiÌÌÞÊ}ˆÀÊ ̜Ê>ÊLi>ṎvՏʫˆiViʜvÊ>À̰ʈ}ÕÀ>̈Ûiʏ>˜}Õ>}iʈÃÊȓ«ÞÊ>ÊÜ>ÞÊÌœÊ >``ÊVœœÀÊ>˜`Ê`i«Ì…Ê̜Ê܅>ÌʈÃʜ̅iÀ܈ÃiÊ>ÊL>˜`ÊÃÌ>Ìi“i˜Ì]ʺ-…iÊ ˆÃÊ«ÀiÌÌÞ°»Ê-ÌÕ`i˜ÌÃÊ܅œÊ…>Ûiʏ>˜}Õ>}iÊ`ˆvwVՏ̈iÃʓ>ÞÊÃÌÀÕ}}iÊ ÌœÊVœ“«>ÀiʈÌi“ÃʜÀÊÈÌÕ>̈œ˜ÃÊ̅>Ìʅ>ÛiʘœÊÀi>ÊVœ˜˜iV̈œ˜ÊÌœÊ i>V…ʜ̅iÀÊ­i°}°]Ê}ˆÀÉ«ˆVÌÕÀi®°Ê-œ“iʜvÊ̅iÃiÊÃÌÕ`i˜ÌÃʓ>ÞÊiÛi˜Ê V…>i˜}iÊ̅iÊÃÌ>Ìi“i˜ÌÊ>˜`Ê>À}Õi]ʺ½ÛiÊÃii˜Ê>ÀÌÊ̅>ÌʈÃÊÕ}Þ°Ê -…iʈÃÊ«ÀœL>LÞÊÕ}Þt»

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Types of Figurative Language (1-page).pdf

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