UNDERWATER SCENE ENHANCEMENT USING WEIGHTED GUIDED MEDIAN FILTER Huimin Lu, Seiichi Serikawa Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan [email protected]; [email protected] ABSTRACT We present a novel method of enhancing shallow ocean optical images or videos using weighted guided median filter and wavelength properties. Absorption, scattering and color distortion are three major distortion issues for underwater optical imaging. Light rays traveling through water are scattered and absorbed depending on the wavelength. Scattering is caused by large suspended particles, as in turbid water that contains abundant particles, which causes the degradation of the image. Color distortion occurs because different wavelengths are attenuated to different degrees in water, causing ambient underwater environments to be dominated by a bluish tone. Our key contributions are proposed include a novel shallow water imaging model that compensates for the attenuation discrepancy along the propagation path and an effective underwater scene enhancement scheme. The recovered images are characterized by a reduced noised level, better exposure of the dark regions, and improved global contrast where the finest details and edges are enhanced significantly. Index Terms— Underwater imaging, Image Enhancement, Wavelength, Weighted guided median filter 1. INTRODUCTION With the development of exploring the ocean by autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), the recognition of underwater objects is known as a major issue. That is, how to acquire a clear underwater image is a question. In the past years, sonar has been widely used for the detection and recognition of objects in underwater environment. Because of acoustic imaging principle, the sonar images have the shortcomings of low signal to ratio, low resolution et al. Consequently, optical vision sensors must be used instead for short-range identification because of the low quality of images restored by sonar imaging [1]. In contrast to common photographs, underwater optical images suffer from poor visibility owing to the medium, which causes mainly scattering and absorption. Large suspended particles cause scattering, as in fog or turbid water that contains abundant particles. Color distortion

originates from its inherent optical properties encountered by light traveling in water at different wavelengths, causing ambient underwater environments to be dominated by a bluish tone. In addition, absorption substantially reduces the light energy. The random attenuation of light primarily causes a hazy appearance, while the fraction of light scattered back from the water along the line of sight considerably degrades the scene contrast. In particular, objects at a distance of more than 10 meters are almost indistinguishable, because the colors are faded owing to the characteristic wavelengths that are filtered according to the water depth [2]. Many researchers have developed techniques to restore or enhance underwater images. Y.Y. Schechner et al exploited a polarization filter to compensate for visibility degradation [3], while Bazeille et al proposed an image preprocessing pipeline for enhancing the turbidly underwater images [4]. Fattal designed a graphic theory based independent component analysis model to estimate the synthetic transmission and shading to recover the clean image [5]. He et al estimated the dark prior channel (DCP) through the images laws of nature, then used soft matting to refine the depth map and got the final clearly image [6]. Nicholas et al. improved the dark prior channel, and took the graph-cut segmentation instead of soft matting to refine the depth map [7]. Hou et al combined a point spread function (PSF) and modulation transfer function to reduce the effects of blurring [8]. Ouyang proposed bilateral filtering based on an image deconvolution method [9]. Ancuti et al used an exposed fusion method to reconstruct a clear image in a turbid medium [10]. Chiang et al considered the wavelength properties on underwater imaging, and obtained the reconstructed image by dark prior channel model [11]. Although the aforementioned approaches can enhance the image contrast, these methods have demonstrated several drawbacks that reduce their practical applicability. First, the equipment for imaging is difficult to use in practice (e.g., a range-gated laser imaging system, which is rarely applied in practice [8, 9]). Second, multiple input images are required [3] (e.g., different polarization image or different exposed images) for fusing a high quality image. Third, the image processing approaches may not suitable for underwater images [4, 6, 7]. Not only time consuming, but ignore the imaging environment. Fourth, manual operation is needed in processing, which leads to lack of intelligence [5].

In this paper, we focus on the enhancement methods that use a single underwater optical image. We propose a novel shallow ocean optical imaging model and a corresponding enhancement algorithm. We firstly estimate the depth map through dark channels, then considering the positions of lighting lamp, camera and imaging plane, propose a rationally image model. Removing the scattering by weighted guided median filtering. Finally, the color corrected image is obtained by using spectral properties. In our experiment, we take a commercial off the shelf RGB camera and traditional underwater light as imaging equipment. The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 explains the shallow ocean imaging model. Section 3 describes the wavelength compensation for underwater image enhancement, estimates the distance between camera and object through the model, and proposes weighted guided median filter and spectral properties for recovering the real ocean scene. Section 4 applies our proposed methods to underwater optical images and compares with the state-of-the-art methods. Finally, Section 5 concludes this paper. 2. SHALLOW OCEAN IMAGING MODEL Artificial light and atmospheric light traveling through the water is the source of illumination in a shallow ocean environment. Let suppose the amount of radiation light W(x) formed after wavelength attenuation can be formulated according to the energy attenuation model as follows: E λW ( x ) = E λA ( x ) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) D ( x ) + E λI ( x ) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) L ( x ) , (1)

λ ∈ {r , g , b} At the scene point x, the artificial light reflected again travels distance L(x) to the camera forming pixel I λ (x) , λ ∈ {r , g , b} . D(x) is the scene depth underwater. The color distortion (absorption) and scattering are occurred in this process. We suppose the absorption and scattering rate is ρ (x) , artificial light J λ (x) emanated from point x is equal to the amount of illuminating ambient light EλW (x) reflected,



E λW ( x) = EλA ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) D ( x ) + EλI ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) L ( x ) ⋅ ρ ( x), (2)

λ ∈ {r , g , b} By following the Nayar-Narasimhan hazing model [13], the image I λ (x) formed at the camera can be formulated as follows: I λ ( x) = EλA ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) D ( x ) + EλI ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) L ( x ) ⋅ t λ ( x) (3) + (1 − t λ ( x) ) ⋅ Bλ , λ ∈ {r , g , b}



where the background Bλ represents the part of the object reflected light J λ and ambient light EλW scattered toward the camera by particles in the water. The residual energy

ratio t λ (x) can be represented alternatively as the energy of a light beam with wavelength λ before and after traveling

distance d(x) within the water E λresidual (x) and Eλinitial (x) , respectively, as follows:

t λ ( x) =

E λresidual ( x) = 10 − β ( λ ) d ( x ) = Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) (4) E λinitial ( x)

where Nrer is the normalized residual energy ratio [14], in the Ocean Type I, it follows: ⎧ 0.8 ~ 0.85 if λ = 650 ~ 750 μm( red ) ⎪ N rer (λ ) = ⎨0.93 ~ 0.97 if λ = 490 ~ 550 μm( green) (5) ⎪ 0.95 ~ 0.99 if λ = 400 ~ 490 μm(blue) ⎩ Consequently, subscribing the Eq. (3) and Eq. (4), we can obtain: I λ ( x) = (E λA ( x) ⋅ Nrer(λ ) D ( x ) + E λI ( x) ⋅ Nrer(λ ) L ( x ) ) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) (6)



+ 1 − Nrer(λ ) d ( x ) ⋅ Bλ , λ ∈{r , g , b}

The above equation incorporates light scattering during the course of propagation from object to the camera d(x), and the wavelength attenuation along both the light-object path L(x), scene depth D(x) and object-camera path d(x). Once the light-object distance L(x), scene depth D(x) and object-camera distance d(x) is known, the final clean image will be recovered. Fig.1 shows the diagrammatic sketch of the proposed model. For improving the image quality, we take the processing flowchart as Fig.2. 3. SCENE RECONSTRUCTION

3.1 Camera-object Distance d(x) Estimation The authors of [11] found the red color channel is the dark channel of underwater images. During our experiments, we found that the lowest channel of RGB channels in turbidly water is not always the red color channel; the blue color channel is very significant. The reason is that we usually take the artificial light in imaging. Although the red wavelength absorbed easily through traveling in water, the distance between the camera and object is not enough to absorb the red wavelength significantly (See Fig.3). The blue channel may be the lowest. Consequently, in this paper, we take the minimum pixel value as the rough depth map. As mentioned in (6), light J λ (x) reflected from point x is



J λ ( x) = E λA ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) D ( x) + E λI ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) L ( x ) ⋅ ρ λ ( x), (7)

λ ∈{r , g , b}

constant Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) , the min value on the second term of (9) can be subsequently removed as min (I λ ( y)) = min {J λ ( y) ⋅ Nrer(λ ) d ( x) + (1 − Nrer(λ )d ( x) )⋅ Bλ }, (10) y∈Ω( x ) y∈Ω( x) λ ∈{r, g, b} We rearrange the above equation and perform on more min operation among all RGB color channels as follows: ⎫ ⎧ min y∈Ω ( x ) J λ ( y ) ⎧ min y∈Ω ( x ) (I λ ( y ) ) ⎫ min ⎨ ⋅ Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) ⎬ (11) ⎨ ⎬ = min λ λ B B λ λ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩



+ min 1 − Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) , λ ∈ {r , g , b} λ

Fig. 1 Schematic of The Shallow Ocean Optical Imaging Model.

Therefore, the second term of the above equation is dark channel equal to 0. Consequently, the estimated depth map is

⎧ min (I λ ( y ) ) ⎫ ⎪ y∈Ω ( x ) ⎪ min Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) = 1 − min ⎨ ⎬, λ ∈ {r , g , b} (12) λ λ Bλ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭



Consequently, the depth map can be obtained by, ⎛ ⎧ min (I λ ( y ) ) ⎫ ⎞ ⎪ y∈Ω ( x ) ⎪⎟ ⎜ d ( x) = ln ⎜1 − min ⎨ ⎬ ⎟ / ln Nrer (λ ) (13) λ Bλ ⎜ ⎪ ⎪⎭ ⎟⎠ ⎩ ⎝ 3.2 Depth Map Refinement by WGM Filter In the above subsection, we roughly estimated the cameraobject distance d(x). This distance depth contains mosaic effects and produces less accurately. Consequently, we need to use the proposed weighted guided median filter to reduce the mosaicking. In this section, we introduce our constant time algorithm for weighted guided median filter. The traditional median filter has been considered as an effective way of removing “outliers”. The traditional median filter usually leads to morphological artifacts like rounding sharp corners. To address this problem, the weighted median filter [15] has been proposed. The weighted median filter is defined as h( x , i ) = ∑ W ( x , y)δ (V ( y) − i ) (14)

Fig. 2 Flowchart of Underwater Scene Reconstruction.

y∈N ( x )

Fig. 3 RGB histograms of Underwater Images.

We define the minimum pixel channel Jdark(x) for the underwater image J λ (x) as

J dark ( x) = min min J λ ( y ), λ ∈ {r , g , b} λ


y∈Ω ( x )

If point x belongs to a part of the foreground object, the value of the minimum pixel channel is very small. Taking the min operation in the local patch Ω(x ) on the hazy image I λ (x) in (6), we have


min (I λ ( y) ) = min J λ ( y) ⋅ Nrer(λ )

y∈Ω ( x )

y∈Ω ( x )

d ( y)


+ 1 − Nrer (λ )

d ( y)

)⋅ B }, (9) λ

λ ∈ {r , g , b}

Since Bλ is the homogeneous background light and the residual energy ratio Nrer (λ ) patch Ω(x ) surrounding

d ( y)


on the small local x




where W(x, y) corresponds to the weight assigned to a pixel y inside a local region centered at pixel x, the weight W(x, y) depends on the image d that can be different from V. N(x) is a local window near pixel x. i is the discrete bin index, and δ is the Dirac delta function, δ is 1 when the argument is 0, and is 0 otherwise. Then the compute the refined depth map by weighted guided median filter is defined as:

= I WG x

∑ y∈N ( x ) f S ( x, y ) f R ( I x , I y ) I yW y ∑ y∈N ( x ) f S ( x, y ) f R ( I x , I y )W y


where y is a pixel in the neighborhood N(x) of pixel x. Note that kernels other than Gaussian kernels are not excluded.

f S ( x, y ) = υ ( x − y ) = e 1 2

( x − y )( x − y ) 2 2σ D


where x and y denote pixel spatial positions. The spatial scale is set by σD, The range filter weights pixels based on

the photometric difference, ( f ( x ) − f ( y ))( f ( x ) − f ( y ))

2 1 − 2σ R (17) f R ( I x , I y ) = w( f ( x ) − f ( y )) = e 2 where f(·) is image tonal values. The degree of tonal filter is set by σR. Wy is the weight map, which is defined as:

Wy =

∑ f s ( y , q ) f R ( y , q )e

− (|| I y − I q ||2 ) / 2σ R


y∈N ( x )

where q is the coordinate of support pixel centered around pixel y. The final refined depth map is produced by: ~ (19) h(d ( x), i) = ∑ I WG x (d ( x), x)δ (V ( x ) − i ) y∈N ( x )

This filters images, preserving edges and filters noise based on a dimensionality reduction strategy, having high quality results, while achieving significant speedups over existing techniques, such as bilateral filter [12], guided filter [13], trilateral filter [14] and weighted bilateral median filter [15]. The refined depth image is shown in Fig. 4.

(a) (b) Fig. 5 De-scattered images (a) Input image. (b) Descattered image.

3.4 Color Correction In Ref. [11], the author simply corrected the scene color by the attenuation of water depth. However, in practice, the spectral response function of a camera maps the relative sensitivity of the camera imaging system as a function of the wavelength of the light. We take the chromatic transfer function τ for weighting the light from the surface to a given depth of objects as

Eλsurface Eλobject

τλ =


where the transfer function τ at wavelength λ is derived from the irradiance of surface Eλsurface by the irradiance of the (a) (b) Fig. 4 Depth map refinement by weighted normalized convolution domain filter. (a) Input course depth image. (b) Refined depth image.

3.3 De-scattering From above subsection, we obtained the refined depth map d(x). In order to remove the scatter, we also need to solve the reflectivity ρ λ (x) . We take the least squares solution for achieving this by


ρ λ ( x ) = J λ ( x )T ⋅ J λ ( x )




⋅ J λ ( x) T


⋅ EλA ( x ) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) D ( x ) + EλI ( x ) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) L ( x ) , (20)

λ ∈ {r , g , b}

After removing the artificial light, the Eq. (6) can be written as

I λ ( x ) = EλA ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) D ( x ) ⋅ ρ λ ( x ) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) d ( x )



+ 1 − Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) ⋅ Bλ , λ ∈ {r , g , b}

object Eλobject . Based on the spectral response of RGB camera, we convert the transfer function to RGB domain: k

τ RGB = ∑τ λ ⋅ C c (λ )


where the weighted RGB transfer function is τRGB, Cc(λ) is the underwater spectral characteristic function for color band c, c∈{r,g,b}. k is the number of discrete bands of the camera spectral characteristic function. Finally, the corrected image as gathered from the weighted RGB transfer function by

J λ ( x) = Jˆλ ( x) ⋅ τ RGB (25) where J λ (x) and Jˆλ ( x) are the color corrected and uncorrected images respectively. The color corrected image is shown in Fig.6.


According to Nayar-Narasimhan hazing model, we can obtain the descattered image by



I ( x ) − 1 − Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) ⋅ Bλ ~ J λ ( x) = λ Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) = E λA ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) D ( x ) ⋅ ρ λ ( x) ⋅ Nrer (λ ) d ( x ) , (22)

λ ∈ {r , g , b} In this paper, we assume the light for imaging is uniform. Consequently, we need not to correct the vignetting effects here.

(a) (b) Fig. 6 Color correction (a) Input image. (b) Color corrected image.


The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated both objectively and subjectively by utilizing ground-truth color patches. We also compare the proposed method with the state-of-the-art methods. Both results demonstrate superior haze removal and color balancing capabilities of the proposed method over the others. In the experiment, we compare our method with the state-of-the-art methods in removing the scatters of the underwater images offered by Dr. Y.Y. Schechner. The computer used is equipped with Windows XP and an Intel Core 2 (2.0 GHz) with 2 GB RAM. The size of the images is 345 × 292 pixels.

(a) Input Image

(b) De-scattered by Schechner(right part)

(c) De-scattered by Bazeille

(d) De-scattered by Fattal

The polarization is effective for dehazing, however, it needs polarized filters to obtain two images. In Fig.7, Bazeille’s method simply used image processing technologies, which ignored the physical model of underwater, distorted the image seriously. While Fattal’s approach performs well, however, it needed manually operation for determine the background and objects. The algorithms proposed by Nicholas and He are very time consuming, with the computation complex over O(N2). Ancuti el al took the high dynamic range imaging ideas for underwater enhancement. The enhanced image relays on the pre-processed white balance image and color corrected image, which may be based on a wrong assumption. Chiang et al firstly recommend the effects of wavelength is highly influence the underwater images. However, the Laplacian matting for depth map refinement is time consuming, and also neglected the fact that color distortion is corrected to the scene depth, camera spectral properties, and inherent optical properties. Lu’s method [16] only processed the images from the perspective of image processing technologies. In addition to the visual analysis mentioned above, we conducted quantitative analysis, mainly from the perspective of mathematical statistics and the statistical parameters for the images (see Table 1). This analysis includes peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), subjective mean opinion scores (QMOS), and structural similarity (SSIM). In HDR-VDP2, PSNR means the peak signal to noise ratio (values are over 0, the higher the best), and SSIM is named as structural similarity (values are between 0 (worst) to 1 (best)). Similarly, the Q-MOS value is between 0 (worst) to 100(best). Table 1 Comparative Analysis of Different De-scattering Methods.

(e) De-scattered by Nicholas

(g) De-scattered by Ancuti

(f) De-scattered by He

(h) De-scattered by Chiang





Schechner ‘05




Bazeille ‘06




Fattal ‘08




Nicholas ‘10




He ‘11




Ancuti ‘12




Chiang ‘12




Lu ‘13




The proposed




Table 1displays the Q-MOS of the pixels that have been filtered by applying HDR-VDP2-IQA, PSNR and SSIM measured on several images. The results indicate that our approach works well for haze removal. 5. CONCLUSIONS

(i) De-scattered by Lu (j) De-scattered by our method Fig. 7 Results of different De-scattering methods.

In this paper, we have explored and implemented novel image enhancement techniques for shallow water optical images. We have proposed a simple prior based on the difference in attenuation among the different color channels,

which inspired us to estimate the transmission depth map. Another contribution compensated the transmission by weighted guided median filter, which has the benefits of edge-preserving, noise removing, and a reduction in the computation time. Moreover, the proposed spectral-based underwater image color correction method successfully created colorful underwater distorted images that are better than the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, our proposed method had solved the limitation of the influence of possible artificial light sources. Abundant experiments present the proposed methods are suitable for underwater imaging, and solve the major problem of underwater optical imaging. In future, we considering taking new underwater imaging model for eliminate the degradation problem of underwater images. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

This work was partially supported by Grant in Aid for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellows (No.25J10713), Grant in Aid for Non-Japanese Researchers by NEC C&C Foundation, and State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, China. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and researchers for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the paper. 7. REFERENCES

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xD. A. W. ∈. ⋅. +. ⋅. = λ λ λ λ λ λ. (1). At the scene point x, the artificial light ..... R q y eqyfqyf. W σ. (18) where q is the coordinate of support pixel centered around.

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