Revision of Unit 4 ●



Edit the sentences in the given slide ●

Who telled you ?

It is unpossible.

I sawed the result. I passed away.

Bye bye ! god blast you.

Unit 3-CHALLENGES OF LIFE -introduces the concept of entrepreneurship and also emphasizes the dignity of labour. A THREE WHEELED REVOLUTION:If we aspire to live in a happier world , we must empower those living on the margins of society. This is how Irfan Alam's flagship organization SammaaN first came into existence. Today, this organization is known, not only for empowering the rickshaw pullers and their families in India but also for turning this, otherwise sick sector into a robust business model. DIDI:Success is not just about money or popularity. Reach out to the community in your own way and try to make a difference. Shaheen Mistry ,Indian social activist and educator, is reaching out to the poor children in Mumbai through her organisation AKANKSHA STAMMER : We are not responding to social issues in the right way .The poet Sachidanandan treats stammer not as a handicap but as a mode of speech. The poem is also about the ambiguity we feel in our responses to social issues.Try to understand and live with people with different perspectives.


Protect the environment and maintain a healthy life style.

WHEN A SAPLING IS PLANTED:Nobel Laurette Wangari Maathai speaks about the role played by trees in maintaining the ecological balance in the modern world. She calls for sustainable development through loving and respecting Nature. RICE: The poem 'Rice' is a strong satire. It deals with the plight of the farmers who have been forced to move away from food crops to cash crops .It mourns the loss of fields to commercial plantations. DANGERS OF DRUG ABUSE:A healthy life style is important. Addicition is dangerous. It can destroy the entire humanity. Drug abuse has psychological and physical impacts.There are drug related health hazards.

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Rice Lc When a sapling is planted-(Wangari Maathai) Drug abuse ppts

Unit 4-main ideas ?

Unit 4-main ideas ? Protect the environment . Maintain a healthy life style. Think about food security.

Unit 4 LIVE AND LET LIVE WHEN A SAPLING IS PLANTED:Nobel Laurette Wangari Maathai speaks about the role played by trees in maintaining the ecological balance in the modern world. She calls for sustainable development through loving and respecting Nature.

Write 5 messages on WHEN A SAPLING IS PLANTED trees in maintaining the ecological balance in the modern world./ sustainable development through loving and respecting Nature. Plant trees and Protect life …................... …................ …................... …................

Write 5 messages on WHEN A SAPLING IS PLANTED trees in maintaining the ecological balance in the modern world./ sustainable development through loving and respecting Nature. Plant trees and Protect life Go for Sustainable Development Love Nature; Respect Nature Food crops,Not cash crops. Planting is not enough,Protect them

RICE: The poem 'Rice' is a strong satire. It deals with the plight of the farmers who have been forced to move away from food crops to cash crops .It mourns the loss of fields to commercial plantations.

Write 5 messages on 'Rice' Satire./ plight of the farmers / forced to move away from food crops to cash crops ./ the loss of fields to commercial plantations. Food security first,Tourism next for a better Keralam …................... …................ …................... …................

Write 5 messages on 'Rice' Satire./ plight of the farmers / forced to move away from food crops to cash crops ./ the loss of fields to commercial plantations.

Food security first,Tourism next for a better Keralam We want food crops. No more cash crops Food crops first.Cash crops next. Where are our fields ? Stop filling up them. Life first.Commerce next. It is time to act .Grow rice now. Research later …................

DANGERS OF DRUG ABUSE :A healthy life style is important. Addicition is dangerous. It can destroy the entire humanity. Drug abuse has psychological and physical impacts.There are many drug related health hazards.

Write 5 messages on The dangers of drug abuse A healthy life style is important. Addicition is dangerous. It can destroy the entire humanity. Drug abuse has psychological and physical impacts.There are many drug related health hazards. 1.Addicition is dangerous

2.…................... 3.…................ 4. 5.


A healthy life style is important. Addiction is dangerous. It can destroy the entire humanity. The Menace of Drugs (Dr. Hardin B Jones.) : main ideas-Drug abuse has psychological and physical impacts. There are many drug related health hazards

psychological impacts

1.feels physical discomfort & personality changes .

2. feels depressed & fails to respond.

3.psychotic disorder & distrust of others .4. feels people are looking at him strangely .

5.feels dead inside .

6.harmful side effects .

7. death from overdose.

8.decline of health & brain function.

9. mental mechanism responds abnormally .

10.A great deal of harm will be done before warning symptoms occur .

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drug related health hazards like

1. Damage to Brain (Most subtle but least understood) – upset chemical balance of brain’s communication 2.Damage to cell tissue-Reasons for drug related disorders 3.Dirty needles and solution used for injecting :Effects:- liver disease, venereal disease, infection of kidney and brain 4. sniffing of cocaine & other drugs ; Effects:- damage of the tissue of the nose, hair to fall out. 5.Smoking marijuana & tobacco; Effects:- lung disease, damage cells. 6.women addicted to drugs;Effects:- babies born with withdrawal symptoms. 7. an overdose of any of sensual drugs ;Effects:- respiratory or cardiac failure and death.

Find out-which lesson ? ●

Sustainable development through loving and respecting nature : ....... ?

Use of Drugs is dangerous : ….?

Go back to food crops : …...?

Find out ●

Sustainable development through loving and respecting nature : When a sapling is planted (written by ? ) Use of Drugs is dangerous : The Dangers of Drug Abuse ( written by ? ) Go back to food crops :Rice (written by ? )

Videos ●

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Rice Lc When a sapling is planted-(Wangari Maathai) Drug abuse ppts

Drug abuse ●

Drugs will kill us. There will be psychological and physical problems. Once we use them we will be addicted to them. We should never resort to using drugs .

Drugs will kill us.

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Drugs will kill us. There ……. psychological and physical problems.

Drugs will kill us. There will be psychological and physical problems. Once we use them we …. to them.

Drugs will kill us. There will be psychological and physical problems. Once we use them we will be addicted to them.We …...

A write up on drug a.use ●

1.Drugs / kill us.

2. ….. psychological and physical problems.

3.Once we use them ……....

4.We should never ……….

psychological impacts

1.physical discomfort & personality changes . ●

2 depressed & fails to respond.

3.psychotic disorder & distrust of others

4 people are looking at him strangely .

5. dead inside .

6.harmful side effects .

7. death from overdose.

8.decline of health & brain function.

9. mental mechanism responds abnormally .

10.A great deal of harm will be done before warning symptoms occur .

psychological impacts

1.feel physical discomfort & personality changes .

2. feel depressed & fails to respond.

3.psychotic disorder & distrust of others .4. feels people are looking at him strangely .

5.feel dead inside .

6.harmful side effects .

7. death from overdose.

8.decline of health & brain function.

9. mental mechanism responds abnormally .

10.A great deal of harm will be done before warning symptoms occur .

If you are addicted to drugs

physical discomfort & personality changes . ●

You will feel physical discomfort

There will be personality changes

If you are addicted to drugs

depressed & fail to respond. ●

You will ………………….

There will be ………………………..

If you are addicted to drugs

psychotic disorder & distrust of others ●

You will feel …………………...

There will be ………………...

If you are addicted to drugs

dead inside . harmful side effects ●

You will feel …………………...

There will be ……………………….

If ------● ●

decline of health & brain function. mental mechanism responds abnormally .

● ●

● ●

drug related health hazards

1. Damage to Brain (Most subtle but least understood) – upset chemical balance of brain’s communication 2.Damage to cell tissue-Reasons for drug related disorders 3.Dirty needles and solution used for injecting :Effects:- liver disease, venereal disease, infection of kidney and brain 4. sniffing of cocaine & other drugs ; Effects:- damage of the tissue of the nose, hair to fall out. 5.Smoking marijuana & tobacco; Effects:- lung disease, damage cells. 6.women addicted to drugs;Effects:- babies born with withdrawal symptoms. 7. an overdose of any of sensual drugs ;Effects:- respiratory or cardiac failure and death.

There will be drug related Physical problems like 1. Damage to Brain (Most subtle but least understood) – upset chemical balance of brain’s communication 2.Damage to cell tissue-Reasons for drug related disorders There will be drug related health hazards like Damage to Brain.It will upset the chemical balance of brain’s communication.another bad effect is the damage to cell tissues.These are the reasons for various disorders

drug related physical problems like Some people use

dirty needles and solution used for injecting :Effects:- liver disease, venereal disease, infection of kidney and brain

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Physical problems ●

sniffing of cocaine & other drugs ; Effects:damage of the tissue of the nose, hair to fall out.

Physical problems ●

5.Smoking marijuana & tobacco; Effects:- lung disease, damage cells. The result of ………………….. is lung disease, damage cells.

Physical problems ●

women addicted to drugs;Effects:- babies born with withdrawal symptoms.

When women are…..

The result is…...

Physical problems ●

an overdose of any of sensual drugs ;Effects:respiratory or cardiac failure and death.

When there is an--------;

The result is……..

Physical problems ●

Smoking marijuana & tobacco; Effects:- lung disease, damage cells.

Physical problems ●

sniffing of cocaine & other drugs ; Effects:damage of the tissue of the nose, hair to fall out.

Now write a paragraph on drug abuse ●

A healthy life style is important. Addiction is dangerous. It can destroy the entire humanity. Drug abuse has psychological and physical impacts.There are many drug related health hazards

Psychological issues

Physical problems

Drugs will kill us. There will be psychological and physical problems. Once we use them we will be addicted to them. We should never resort to using drugs .

For very slow learners ●

Drugs ………... kill us. There …………….. psychological and physical problems. Once we use them we …………… them. We should ……... drugs . ( Will be addicted ti / will be / will / not use / use )

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