

Federation National of IndianRailwaymen ROAD,NEWDELH]- 110055 3, CHELMSFORD Atfiliated to : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) Dated:03/12/2014

No. II/35/Pt.11 The Secretary (E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub:

Unjustified applicability of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 to persons re-employed in Railway Service after retirement from Defenceforces - reg.



NFIR's PNM item No. ll20l3.

(iD NFIR'sNo.IIl35/Pt.X dated03107/2014. (iiD RailwayBoard's letterNo.E(G)20I 3/EM1-5 dated07I l0 l20l 4.

While perusingcontentsof reply receivedvide Railway Board's letter dated 0711012014, Federationis disappointedto note that the issue raised by the NFIR in the PNM meeting agenda has not been examined,in depth by the Railway Board duly taking into considerationall relevant instructions issued by DoP&T from time to time. The reply conveys that the Board intends to negatethe demand. In this connection, NFIR once again places below following key points for re2. examinationof the issueafresh :(a)


The DoP&T OM No.3/1/85-Esttt(Pay-II)dated3l't July 1986readwith OM No. (Pay-II) dated 1l'n November 2008 and OM No.3/19/2010- Esttt 311312008-Estt (Pay-II) dated 5thApril 2010,providesfor fixation of pay of re-employeddefence personnel inducted into railway service before attaining the age of superannuation. (Pay-II) dated 1lth November2008 Pira2 (l) of DoP&T OM No.3/13/2008-Estt providesas under :According to the provisionsof rule of the CCS (RP) rules 2008, if he is:

(i) (iD

A Governmbnt servant who retired without receiving a pension, gratuity or any other retirement benefits and. A retired Government servant who received pension or any other retirement benefits but which were ignored while fixing pay on re-employment.

The above provision implies that the pay fixation of defence pensioners,whose pension and retirement benefits are to be ignored, on re-employment in the railways, are governedunder Rule 7 of CCS (RP) Rules 2008 as clarified fuither hereunder.


Telegram:RAILMAZDOR Fax:011-23744013,R|y.22382, Rly.030-22283,22626, Phone:011-23343905,65027299, Website: www.nfirindia.org [email protected], E-mail: [email protected];


il2il NFIR fuither desiresto invite attention of the Railway Board to the clarification issuedby 3. the DoP&T vide OM dated 5thApril, 2010 wherein contentsof paras 3(IV) & (V) as reproduced below, are note worthy:"3(IV) Fixation of pay of personneUofficers re-employed prior to and wherein employment as on 0110112006: In the case of 0110112006 and who were personneUofficerswho were re-employed before 0110112006 working in the Central Government Organizations on re-employment basis their pay will be fixed in accordancewith the provision of as on 01t0112006, This O.M. DoP&T O.M. No.3/13/2008/Estt.(Pay-II) dated llllll2008. stipulates that re-employed persons who become eligible to elect revised pay structure shall exercise option in the manner laid down in Rule 6 of CCSEP) Rules, 2008. In this context, it is clarified that in accordancewith the provision of Rule 7 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008' Department of Expenditure issued fitment table corresponding to each pre-revised pay scale vide O.M. No.01/1/2008-IC dated 30/08/2008. In the case of those personneUofficersas well, who were re-employed before 01/01/2006 and who were working in the civilian organizations on re-employment basis on 01t0112006,their pay witt be fixed with reference to the fitment table of the pre-revised civilian pay scale in which they were re-employed and corresponding to the stagein the pre-revised pay scaleas on 0110112006". ,,(V) Fixation of pay of personnel / officers who retired prior to 0110112006 and have been re-employed after 0110112006 : In the case of and who have been personneUofficerswho had retired prior to 0110112006 their pay on re-employment will be fixed by re-employed after 0110112006, basic pay at the time of retirement as if revised their nationally arriving they had retired under the revised pay structure. This will be done with reference to the fitment table of the Defence Service Rank/Civilian service post (as the case may be ) from which they had retired and the stage of basic pay at the time of their last basic pay before retirement so arrived at. However, they shall be granted the grade pay of the re-employed post. The maximum basic pay cannot exceedthe grade pay of the re-employed post plus pay in the pay band of Rs.6700/-i.e. the maximum of the pay band PB4. In all these cases,the non-ignorable part of the pension shall be reduced from the pay no fixed" (a)

Federation further desires to state that the DoP&T vide OM dated 08llll20t0 circulated under Board's letter dated 2410712013have further clarified that the Military Service Pay (MSP) is to be included as part of pay in respect of pre-2006 as it has not been reckoned in the pre-retirement retires re-employedprior to 11112006 pay fixation on re-employment. The said OM also purpose of benefits pay for the clarifies that in respect post 11112006retires who have been re-employed after 0110112006,MSP has already been taken into account, is not to be reckoned for fixation of pay'on re-employment.


l/3lt b)

In a casewhereina re-employedpensioner(GaneshS Lohalkar)soughtinformation from DoP&T underthe RTI Act, was repliedby the DoP&T to take up the matter with applicant'sadministrativeMinistry/Departmentto get the grievanceredressed duly takingactionas per guidelinesissuedunderDoP&T OM dated31't July 1986 readwith OM datedl lth November2008& 5thApril 2010,asmentionedabove.

A copy of the communication exchangedbetween the applicant and the DoP&T dated 16thJune2014 (closed on27l08l20l4) is enclosedfor reference. 4. Besides above, Federation furnishes illustrations of cases where pay fixation with reference to pay drawn at the time of retirement in favour of defence personnel has been reckonedfor fixation of pay at the time of re-employment in the departmentsunder Ministry of Labour & Employment, Ministry of Finance (Income Tax)'etc., in support of the demand.This further establishesthat the negative view taken by the Railway Ministry (Railway Board) is grossly incorrect and requires immediate correction. NFIR, therefore, once again urges the Railway Board to kindly review the decision taken and issue suitable clarificatory instructions to all GMs of ZoneslPUs duly citing contentsof para A copy of instructions issuedmay be endorsedto 3 (iv) & (v) of DoP&T OM dated 0510412010. the Federation. DA/As above

GeneralSecretary t/

of affiliatedunionsof NFIR. Coyto GeneralSecretaries Copyto MediaCentre/lrlFlR. Copyto file No. tl20l3 (PNM)- with enclosures.



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Adti. Cornitrirhonlr



Shlmla Rsngt*, hlmls.







f Datt: - 03 /0?12014 'far Shri CaneshPra.sati Shawjoined this otfrceas vide nffcr Assistanton 2?.05.?013{Forenoon,r ('CI'li olapFoinlment issuedriidtrF.lio. tv{FiClS,iDR-Recr;'Td€012-ll dated:06^05.?0!3 in thePB-l in the scaleof'Rs.52S0-20310rryithCradePa-vRs-34ii0.^.

ln view ofthe above.the pay ofthe clficial rvirh



Dateof l,eavingSurvice(asper IAF PPO & LPC)


lndian,{ir Fnrce 3r.&3.2S10

CBDT (lncnrneT'axllep

Dateol'Joiningin lncome'liaxDepartrnent 'P Fiirv: DaleofNexi fncriment{if

ct lioin 1?,05.2013 is fixed as under





0l .07.?014

atiditasalsosuirjectto lurther clarificationsissuedhereinafterby lhe Govt.of lndia.

F.ll{* CCITiBPLlEstt.lPF-4?/20t3-l 4 Copy irxl. ihc afiicial concerned ?. PersonalFile/ fierviceBook 3. -Acornt Sectian 4. ZA$.. CBDT. Bhopal {SnnjayI{cmarj D1'.Comrnissioner of incornetaii {Admin) Fir CliielCommissioner of lncomeia:r.tshsnai


Dat*: -


on {li05'?013i}"orenoonivide offer af Shri FrnkeshChandjoined this cl'llceasTax Assistftnr dated: -10'il1'2013in the i\.iP.iCSiDR-Re$','TA/2SI?-13 appohhrent issr-rel v-ide F.Ntt. CCIT.' w'ith{iradePayRs.2400^ Pt*-| in tlrescalesf R.i.-<2{X}-:0200

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Dareof Next Iniement (if



d adjustnrentbY audit ai

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Ilars -


Shri T'apzrs Patrajcined this ol'!r-ceas Tax r\ssisranton ?9J5.20i3 {Foreroon) vide o1}brvf appointment issuedvideF.No.CCI'I','tu4 SiDR-Recr.rTAD0l2,l*l darerJ: {i6.0S.20i,1 in ihe pB-l in the s+aleol Rs.5:0ti-2*200 with (iraclepav Rs.?40{}l-.



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Dateof' joining in Incorne'Iax





fl 01.07.2014

Dy. Comr F.No,CCIT'lIlPLlEsu,/PF-4 13-t4 Copy fo:l. l 3. 4.

'l'he otliciai concerned PersonalFilerSenice Book AccountSectiorr ZAtr, CBDT. Bhopat


For Chie

re tax. Bliopal

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(Sanju"vKurnar) of ner


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onal office, Nqf{])[I]J1! PYlPF/ADIW2014-| 5| D-%


OFFICE ORDER-NO'16 Sub:Re-fixationofpayinr/o.Ex-Servicemen-reg. *****,k

security Assistanton sri.shekar K.. joined this office as social 23.08.2010{FN)videofferofappointmentissuedvideo.M' dated02.07'20t0in the PB-1in the scale No.KN/PY/Adm/(RCT-SSA)/201A-1;..lg -2O2OO with GradePayRs'2400/of Rs.5200 in centra|'civilservice!' Ex.servicemen.{Re-erfiployed sri; shekarrK.:is:?n ensioners)Order 1-985i ssued.1et'." oflne:€r rrPrL'Yet4 ray u of PaY (fixation oT CCS(flxailon &''Posts];CCs &''Posts]; 'personnel&'Trainingor$j,No'3/1185-estt' tPayll) d'arcd;vide D€partment6f {a-ted'11;11'2O08',and',i', 3],p7,1986,,-r,ead.;with.o.M.-No-3/1312008--ESl!JPaV,ll) ,; has ,issued'guidblinesi' o. M. No.3/tg/2oto-Estt:{Payll) dated 05':9,+i?0x0

t pen$ffiers., Fara4{d}of'DoPlro;fu1' .pa! ot re.employed regarding,'fixation,:of es for fixation of PaYof dated 05'04'20 N'o.3 l\9 12009-Estt'(Pay'll) personsretiringbeforeattainingthe ageof superannuation' ln view of the above,the payof the officialwith effectfrom fixedasunder:


Detailsof PastService: Air Force t,lndian Department in IAF(asper PPO/LPc); 30.06.2009 Dateof discharge Dav :"Pay+GP+MSP+Class'Pay+GCB (asper PPO/LPCIir payason 30.06.20Qg 11930+4200+2000+0+240 ' , =L 8 3 7 0 C o n t d . . . .i{ 2

-2Detailsof PresentS D.O.J.-EPFO

Date 23.08.2010 oL.O7.20L1

ot.o7.2012 01.07.2013

oLA7.20t4 (if 01.07.201s admissible) -


Paydrawn 7510+2400' 7810+2400 - '. 17100+2400 8120t2400 fl69A+740O 8440+2400 18300+2400 877A+24A4 DNI

thereonare subiectto review arrears/recovery pay and of Theaboverevision andadjustmentbyauditaSa|sosubjecttofurtherc|arificationsissued bYGovt'of .lndia' hereinafter with the approvalof RPFC-I) (lssues

tMELuclilGowDA) lAdm) P"F.C.omrnissioner Assistant R.O'PeenYa'


Sri.K. Shekar,SSA RO,PY. " Copvto: File4) Sn 1) PAC2) Billsection3) Personal

L: i .r;i .lll.i.i'l'l'l i l l , , i , l l . 1' i; ! 1 r : 1{ ' 1 { r ;: " t i t



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OFFICE O R D E RN e , i Q Sub:

r'iirt'iiIt.:'j R e - f i x a t i r - - or lf 1 r ; y i n r / o I x - S r ' ] ; : l i -

Sri..AmaIendraKumarRai,joinedthisofliceaSsocielSccurity issued r ;idi- 'O iV ' A s s i s t an to n 1 2 .0 6 .2 0 0 6 {F N}vicle offer of appoilltr r r ent i r l i i r . : ? 8 . 1 i r rt h e p a } S C a Iocf N o . K N / P/ F ^ d m - | l ? 0 9 6 - 0 7 l l 2 5 c l a t e 1c 2 l .05.2006 l l s 4 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -6 0 0 0 .

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f i x e da s u n d e r : D e t a i l so f P a s tS e r v i c e : Department

: l i i d i . i nA i r F r o c e

: 3) 0 . 0 4 . 2 0 0 4 D a t eo f d i s c h a r gien I A F( a sp e rP P O / L P C CaBy : ' . GP (a sper PPOILPC) : P a y + G P + M S F + CPl a rsTs + P a ya s o n 3 0 .0 4 .2 0 0 '1 ( 4 7 4 5t 1 . 8 6 = 8 8 3 0 )

, 8B3c+2800+200O+i.20 . . . C o n t (d2 )

Detailsof Presq-Dfg-{v!-cq Or.t-ir 12:U,b:'.''-u'U€'

' Date


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(N,IELUGIG R iO \ A J D A ) r \ i\dnt) r \ s s i s t a rPr t' F . C c r r r r n i s s i oPneee n v a ' ' RO '


Rai''55SA il. n*rtendraKumar RO,PY.


a)SR Frle Personal 3) BillSection


*-{sltr etftq RA Ei{an Employees'ProvidentFund Organisation -E-a g*

e)a-srta ahleq,



Ministry,,of LabourandEmployment, G.pvt.of India; aq


Sub RegionalOffice qt-d ?ra-dr sia*.*a', qe q qr=5q-t "fi-{ 171,GreenPark,SahotaCompfexigalanatrart'

- 0181-2226685,2226687 , Email-sro.i No:21171/Admn,



i Date:



i:,ii 2014





Consequentupon re-fixationof pay of Ex-servicernen ,!ppel'.DOPTletter No. 2(1) , DOP& T O.M. No.3/L3/2008-Estt.-(Payll) dated 11.11.2008, the pay of Sh.Harjinder y.ttnta_tSeniorSSAis fixedas under:Name


Sh.HarjinderKurnq f






Dateof Leaving(as per PPO)



Payas on 31-O5-2004in PPO



Detai' of PreviousService:Department

Payas on Oi-0t-2O06accordingto fitment table of 6thpay Commission:Pre-revisedScale


(Revised + MSp) PB-|+G.P. :



Employees ProvidentFundOrganisation



Detailof PresentService:Department Dateof Joiningin EPFO

Payre-fixedas on 20-07-2o06ias pre-

\ \ :?'

\3,3I0/- {10910+2400)

,'Airi-l,S pay,ifter 6 (CPC) i


Payas on 01-07-2007with @ 3% incrernent


Payason 01-07-2008with @ 3% increment


Payas onO!-A7-2O08with@ 3% increment

{l2,t6A+24AOl= 14,5661'

Payas on 01-07-2010with @ 3% increment

) =15,ggg7lLZ,6OO+2400

Payason 23-0e2010with G.P.2800(afterfouryearservice)::


in PB- 2+Notional with payscale(93@-34800) ason 23-O9-2010 Grantof GradePaV42OO Increment@3%



Payason 01-07-2011


Payason 01-07-2012

( 14,130+4200)=18,350/-

Payas on 01-07-2013

(74,68A+4200) =13,ggg/-

Dateof NextIncrement(if admissible)



To 1. Sh.HarjinderKumar,SSSA

actionplease. for furthernecessary 2. PayBillAssistant cell 3. Pre-Audit 4 . H i n dC i e l l fo rH i n d i ve rsion SSSA Kumar, filein r/o Sh.Harjinder 5. Pti:;ona!


Unjustified applicability of Railway Services.PDF

circulated under Board's letter dated 2410712013 have further clarified that the. Military Service Pay (MSP) is to be included as part of pay in respect of pre-2006.

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