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(A Monthly Bulletin of Ved¢dhyayana Kendra, Bangalore) (For private circulation only)


Issue No.120


February 2011

Editor in Chief : Dr. C.L. Prabhakar Editors : Dr. Anjaneya Prasad, Surendra Pujar

MAKARA SANKRANTI OR PONGAL Shree Aswath.Ohio Columbus, USA This festival is celebrated, usually on January 14, to celebrate the bounty of harvest. It is also a day when devout Hindus bathe at the confluence of rivers. This tallies with the Agrayanesti of Yajurveda. It is a Vedic Practice. Each of the three days is marked by different festivities. The first day, Bhogi Pongal, is a day for the family. The second day, Surya Pongal, is dedicated to the worship of Surya, the Sun God. Boiled milk with jaggery is offered to the Sun God. The third day of Pongal, Mattu Pongal, is to worship cattle, a critical asset for the Indian farmer (known as mattu in Tamil). Cattle are bathed, their horns polished and painted in bright colors, and garlands of flowers placed around their necks. The advent of Pongal is associated with cleaning and burning of rubbish, symbolizing destruction of evil. Decorative designs or rangolis are traced on floors and on the day of the Pongal, the newly harvested rice is cooked and offered as naiveya to Surya. Women visit relatives’ and friends’ homes to distribute a mixture of sesame, jaggery, copra pieces, roasted chickpeas, and peanuts. Also distributed are a piece of sugarcane and sugar moulds in different shapes. Vedanada Sarit Vol.XII Issue-120

A Purana Story Long ago, a demon by name Tilaasura (tila means sesame and asura means demon in Sanskrit), pleased Brahma by his intense penance. Brahma granted him many boons. Tilaasura became arrogant with his immense powers and started harassing everyone in the three worlds. The assembly of gods prayed to Surya and beseeched Him to save them from the terrible demon. Surya asked his commanders, Makara and Karka to attack Tilasura. In the ensuing battle, Makara pierced open the demon’s stomach and killed him. From Tilasura’s ruptured stomach poured out the nourishing sesame grains. Surya was pleased with Makara for saving the living beings and releasing the trapped grain. The Lord Sun said: “Whoever, on Makara Sankranti day, worships Me and distributes sesame will be blessed with all prosperity!” Ever since, the custom of distributing the sesame mixture came into vogue. 481

ART OF POSSIBILITY: THE RAMAYANA-WAY In the face of difficulty, we can despair, get angry or choose a possibility in finding a possibility. There lies a great deal of art and skill. When we practice it, there is no impossibility. In the creation everything is possible (.nastyasadhyam naranam) If one door is closed other door is open and one can make it possible. The notion of possibility can play in every aspect of life. With the help of uplifting stories, parables and personal anecdotes etc., it is possible to become the passionate communicators, leaders and performers whose lives radiate possibility into the world. In Music, as in life, the practice is what it takes to get it right and with the insightful tactics and practice things of possibility turn perfect. The very optimistic outlook is art and technique in the working of possibility would improve basically one’s health. The art possibility has shown in the life of great self development and life fulfillment. One can discipline oneself and diminish the fear of loss and sinking with out success in the various fronts of Life. When Lord Rama remained inactive sunk in sorrow that he lost Sita in the forest, it was Lakshmana, the brother who said ‘let us search and make it possible that we find Sita.’ Like when one should find to leap over the ocean,Jambavan senior most soldier told Anjaneya” at this age, I can jump 80 yojanas, how not you the youngest and best among us jump hundred and more”.this is the spirit of the art in possibility. Consider the case of Hanuman in Ramayana as a sample for many fronts like leaping fighting, meeting the boss of the demons, speaking to Sita and so on.. Actually every thing was a difficulty and quite unknowing for Hanuman when commissioned to find sita’s whereabouts, but with his intelligence, sheer determination, discipline, dexterity and extreme powers of Care, self will, tolerance, and perseverance, he removed the word impossibility and made it a possibility to unite Rama and Sita ultimately separated by a distance of ocean. Water was the interweaving obstacle. He became a bridge and solace provider to all (dukhakshayakarah). When a good working is done, the art of possibility makes one human and capture the 482


goal of brilliant Future. To dwell on the possibility would be inventive and innovative. The art here includes diminishing the laziness and useless dependence. Through the issues of limited possibility one can stretch to the sense of Universe of Possibility universally. The man who has the art of possibility could be a leader and a foremost hope to any who is in dismay and stress. Another example could be:Sarama.She was the demoness but had the power of nice speech (mrudubhashini). She continued to remove the vishada of Sita. This is to say after Hanuman, Sarama kept the possibility of hope and union of Sita with Rama for certain. when she said Rama did arrive in Lanka and the war began with Ravana, it was a great happiness to her. The possibilities arise in series when once the effort is began. There is a great art in the sense of possibility. It was impossible for Lakshmana to finish Indrajit, but Vibhishana helped him to make it a possibility. The whole universe is vibrant and sensible and it is unto the enterprising one to make it a possibility and a pleasure. Bhasa, a great Sanskritist promised a truth: ’margarabdhah sarva yatnah phalanti. Here the marga is possibility and the phalanti is the art in it. .In Ramayana the formula taught is that there is nothing asakayam to a diligent, patient tolerant- worker who is above weaknesses. Mind is the factor which woos possibility only when it is well disciplined (suvyavasthita cittasya).There is a Mahakali mantra where a thought repeated as ‘whether it is sakya(possible) or asakya(not possible) but make it possible. When we focus the light of our search Engine, in this perspective, all possibilities looks available for practice. Vedas do give rules and suggestions to increase and dwell in the art of possibility and life on earth an enjoyable one. The possibility of Ramayanariver (nadi) to reach the Ramasagara.That is skillfully portrayed with practicable ideas and suggestions by the prachetas, the valmiki Maharshi. So with the treasure of Scientific world of our reach, when art is there, the possibility and success would be a guarantee. Vedanada Sarit Vol.XII Issue-120

DURATION OF UTTERENCE OF ANY MANTRA ( JAPA): OPTIONAL DR C L Prabhakar Japato nasty patakam (No sin as mantras uttered) Japa is a repetition of any mantra. The repetition depending on the times generates Power and that power can be pressed for any use and achievement. It is the word of a Seer On the contrary parayana is the utterance from cover to cover .In LalitaSahasranama we find the name namaparayanaprita meaning if you just complete utterance” la li ta” it is the parayana of the name..Unfortunately, these days hardly people mind to spare a few seconds towards this activity, a religious austerity for one’s own benefit. Mahanyasa rushi says:’ atmaraksha kartavya’ .Best if it is adopted at any time .God given all the 24 hours is divine and open for devotion..It is a merit and virtue adding to peace of Mind and long term happiness. Our heart beats all the time without a slip and jump. It is said ‘the name of the lord should work so in the mind not allowing a slip in the count. True, it is hard. We have always scope to get marks according to our capacity.That is the punyanubandha. Some one asked: I wanted to do Gayatrijapa but I need initiation’ .The Guru, Sri Aswath said:’ I do it for you’. It is said’ one should do some Ernest japa count to initiate’. The Guru replied’ I have it for you. To utter Gayatri mantra it takes less than 3seconds. In that case I can easily do enough count and do upadesa. It is indeed true. Generally we say’ I have no time to do japa’. It is not right. Hardly people turn their minimum attention even to that. God has given 24 hours to all people like the question paper of 100 marks given to all candidates taking an examination. It is the fate of the student to take number or no number depending upon the preparation, memory and the divine grace(dhatuh prasada). Where there is will there is a way. Our Veda says’ japato nasty patakam and krushito nasty durbhikshma. When japa is done sins will diminish. When the soil is tilled and cultivated paucity of grains/ food does not occur. Sandhyavanadana and Devatarcana etc are a nityakarma. Sandhyavandana takes 10mts, Devatarcana 15 mts or so if done with sincereity.the format and contents are vriable and adjustable to the time capsules which people choose..Acharya Sankara said ‘vedo nityamadhiyatam tadutam karmasvanushthiyatam’ .I would say’ vedonityam pancadasa nimishani adhiyatam’ (utter

vedamantras atleast 15 minutes per day) .If we halt to check the time taken for utterance of the mantras it is negligible. The popular mantras for anushthana per day are 1 gayatri mantra, 2 MrutyunjayaMantra, 3 Suryamantra, 4Ramshadakshari,5 hanuman’ ekadasakshari mantra and so on Not all mantras per day to be included. We have election and selection in the mantra bunches. It takes 2or 3 seconds to utter each mantra. If the mantra is recited for 8to ten times, we know hardly it occupies30 seconds. How could not we afford to utter that per time in the morning after bath. If done the merits are different. Even our Smrutikaras(Law Makers) are quite considerate. Manusmruti says ‘take bath and do sandhya or worship(snanam sandhya’)while Parasara Maharshi the author of kaliyuga smruti says do sandhya and then bath( sandhya snam tatah puja…)meaning; do sandhya on time even if one delays snanam. Generally people say’ I take bath and then do puja.’ If he were to take bath at 1 p.m on each day then he would worship his stomach only not the gods. . Purushasukta which contains16 mantras take 16 mts or even less to recite.. Like wise to utter ‘Rudrasuktam’ it takes 20 minutes. For camakam, the generative list of desires covering mundae, non mudane and personal and impersonal levels same is the time. Each sukta contains 11 anuvakas(prose passages). If anybody were to think in this manner and gets convinced that these powerful sacred mantras hardly devour our time but produce a great peace in mind and success in endeavors.If we calculate inches manner we feel our rushis have done good only. A parent was shouting at his son who spends lot of time to shoe shine instead of doing gayatri japa any time.. It is easy to get attracted to the menial jobs more rather than for the precious and spiritual practice. In this buzz and hurly burly pressure of life, danger and time, it is best to devote afar seconds to utter the sacred and powerful mantras and get the benefit of uplifting self and Vedic tradition. Hindus hardly care to be religious while others are quite prompt. Better one spends his time also for tapas. It is said:’ tapasa siddhyanti karyani na manorathaih’. No animals go to the den of a lion But lion should come out work to hunt animals for its food.(nahi suptasya mrugasya gruhe pravisanti mrugah).Hence it is best to love namajapa, or mantrajapa and grow rich in piety, peace and happiness.

A n n o u n c e m e n t :1. Oriental and Yoga Institute, Bhuvanesvar, is organizing two day seminar on Yajurveda at Bhuvanesvar, Orissa, on 10 TH and 11th of April 2011. Contact Kendra for details 2. Kindly renew your membership. Attend Kendra Program’s with your friends 3. The Sundays in February are Maghabhanuvaras and there will be worship to Surya with the Aruna Prasna parayanams in the Kendra. Contact Kendra for details... Vedanada Sarit Vol.XII Issue-120


Activities at Kendra Premises 206, 12th Cross, 14th Main, J.P. Nagar II Phase Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Wednesday Thursdays Fridays Saturdays

} 6.00 7.00 } 7.00 7.00 } 7.00 6.30 } 7.00 7.00 } 7.00 6.30 } 7.00 7.00 } 3.30 5.00 6.00


am Yogasana by Sri T.S. Gopal (beginners and advanced) Dhig vedoktivivarjitam ca am Veda Classes on popular s¦ktas rasanam dhig praajna hinam sabha Dhig bhuktim ghrutavarjitam am Veda Classes, Rudram, Camakam etc. dhig abalahinamsusayyamapi.!! pm Mahanyasa classes at Veda Adhyayana Kendra Sri parasaramaharshi am Rudram class Hate the tongue that does not utter vedoktis. pm Yoga for all by T.S. Gopal Hate the learnedcouncil without scholar.Hate am Rudram class. the meals(food) without the clarified butter pm Classes on Bhagavadgita etc., Hate the comfortable bed without a am Popular Vedic s¦ktas alternately bedmate(wife) pm Lectures on "Puranas' Subjects am Sri Sukta and other Devi Suktas pm Classes on Saundaryalahari (Kendra Premises) pm Annamacharya Kirthana by Dr. (Smt.) Seetharamalakshmi Ph.D. (Music) pm Sanskrit class. Lalita Trisati pm Palmistry Classes by Dr. Shivappa

Programme for the month February 2011 (Veda and Nada Trimuriti Year 2010-2011) Sl.No.





12th, 26-2-2011 Saturday 06.00 p.m.

Palmistry Class

Dr. Sivappa (Kendra Premises)


10-2-2011 Thursday, 07.00 a.m.



13-2-2011 Sunday 11.00 a.m.



Magha Purnima Vishnu Sahasranama parayanam and archana


Maghabhanuvaram (Kendra Premises) Arunaprasna Parayanam and Puja (samuhikam)


Friday, 6.00 p.m. Sunday, 8.00 a.m. To Smt./Sri. Dr.

(Kendra Premises) Arunaprashna parayanam (Samuhika)

Soundaryalahari Yajna


(Kendra Premises)

Printed matter

Printed & Published by Dr. C.L. Prabhakar, Ved¢dhyayana Kendra, # 437, 15th Main, 17th Cross, 5th Phase, J.P.Nagar, Bangalore-78. Ph.: 26596150, 26592489 email : [email protected] 484

Vedanada Sarit Vol.XII Issue-120

"uQ S"pQ _"qZO"o -

Feb 26, 2011 - with the insightful tactics and practice things of possibility turn .... Ph.: 26596150, 26592489 email : [email protected]. Activities at ...

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Feb 26, 2011 - with the insightful tactics and practice things of possibility turn .... Ph.: 26596150, 26592489 email : [email protected]. Activities at ...

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