Use it and Lose It: How Policy Feedback Contaminates Shock-Based Inference Gilles Chemla

Christopher A.Hennessy

Imperial College, DRM/CNRS, and CEPR.


April 2017

Abstract Shock-based inference is increasingly popular in …nance. We examine robustness of evidence derived from randomizations applied to atomistic subjects in dynamic settings. If government will alter policy in response, experimental evidence is contaminated by ex post endogeneity: Measured responses depend upon priors and the government objective function into which evidence is fed, with the act of observation changing behavior. The heterogeneous causal parameter empirical framework implies heterogeneous beliefs, potentially rendering inference impossible due to non-invertible moments. Treatment-control di¤erences are contaminated absent quadratic adjustment costs. Constructively, we illustrate how inference can be corrected accounting for feedback and highlight factors mitigating contamination.

We thank seminar participants at Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, Columbia, CMU, MIT, INSEAD, IESE, Boston College, Baruch College, Copenhagen, LBS, Imperial College, Washington-Seattle, Miami, Paris-Dauphine, Zurich, Nova-Lisbon. We also thank Jose Scheinkman, Patrick Bolton, Antoinette Schoar, Manuel Adelino, and Taylor Begley for early suggestions. Hennessy acknowledges funding from the ERC. Contact information: [email protected] and [email protected]




In their in‡uential textbook, Mostly Harmless Econometrics, Angrist and Pischke (2009) argue empirical evidence delivered via quasi-randomization represents a credible stand-alone product: “A principle that guides our discussion is that most of the estimators in common use have a simple interpretation that is not heavily model dependent.” Consistent with this view, Greenstone (2009) writes, “The gold standard for estimating the causal impact of a regulation is the randomized trial.” The “credibility revolution”heralded by Angrist and Pischke (2010) has spread rapidly through empirical corporate …nance and corporate governance research. For example, Bowen, Frésard, and Taillard (2016) analyze the spread of “identi…cation technologies” in empirical corporate …nance research, …nding that, “The use of such techniques has recently become a widespread tool for corporate …nance researchers, mirroring the trend observed in other areas of economics (e.g. labor and development).” In particular, they …nd that in RFS, JFE and JF, the share of empirical corporate …nance papers using identi…cation technologies rises from roughly 0 percent in the late 1980’s to over 50 percent by 2012, with 126 published papers using di¤erence-in-di¤erence techniques applied to quasi-natural experiments. In addition to garnering a greater share of publications, it is apparent that papers using so-called identi…cation technologies are viewed by many as being inherently more credible. For example, Bowen, Frésard, and Taillard (2016) …nd that such papers garner 22 percent more citations than other empirical corporate …nance papers. In their exhaustive analysis of empirical corporate governance research, Atanasov and Black (2016) document that shock-based designs (e.g. those exploiting legal changes) have risen from 4% of empirical governance papers in 2001-2006 to 11% in 2007-2011. Further, shock-based empirical governance papers appear to be viewed as more credible than those that are not shock-based, garnering roughly twice as many SSRN downloads and 50 percent more citations. In large part, the rising popularity of natural experiments is due to a perception that they deliver the type of credible causal parameter estimates that are needed to make informed policy decisions. To quote Atanasov and Black (2016): “Without a causal link, we lack a strong basis

for recommending …rms change their behavior or that governments adopt speci…c reforms.” In fact, the perceived credibility of evidence derived from policy randomization has created a trend toward its direct use in setting policy. For example, as discussed by Spatt (2011), the SEC now uses evidence from random assignment to inform its decisions, having met judicial challenges to its cost-bene…t analyses. Dhaliwal and Tulloch (2015) note the existence of an “increasing trend towards considering rigorous evidence while making policy decisions.”Still others anticipate greater future scope for the use of quasi-experimental evidence in the policy-making process. Greenstone (2009) calls on government “to move toward a culture of persistent regulatory experimentation” in which randomized regulations are sunsetted so that impact analysis can inform the next regulatory decision. Du‡o (2004) argues, “Creating a culture in which rigorous randomized evaluations are promoted, encouraged, and …nanced has the potential to revolutionize social policy during the 21st century, just as randomized trials revolutionized medicine during the 20th.” Clearly, a correct assessment of what natural experiments can and cannot deliver is of great importance. To this end, this paper describes a logical inconsistency at the heart of the natural experiment research program as it relates to inference in dynamic settings– the very types of settings likely to be of interest in …nance, where the object of empirical study and governmental regulation/taxation is often a long-lived …rm or forward-looking investor. A simple example illustrates the problem. We begin by noting that the two primary objectives of contemporary empirical work are to convince the audience of clean identi…cation (allegedly achieved via randomization) and policy relevance. Suppose then, that after exhaustive debate, which is the current norm in empirical due diligence, an empiricist is able to convince his audience that it was Nature herself that forced an exogenous change in government policy or that Nature randomly generated treatment and control groups. The empiricist is next challenged on policy-relevance. Suppose that here too he can rise to the challenge, e.g. the government has rationally decided to use “credible estimates”of causal parameters as inputs into future regulatory cost-bene…t analyses. At this stage our empiricist is allowed to declare victory, and lauded for her careful and important study. 2

What has gone unnoticed here is that there is a direct contradiction between the empiricist’s claim of clean identi…cation, on one hand, and her demonstration of direct policy relevance on the other. After all, in establishing policy-relevance, the empiricist has actually demonstrated that the probability distribution of the policy variable is being altered by the experimental evidence. But if agents are making forward-looking decisions, e.g. accumulating some stock, they will have rationally changed their behavior during the experiment in light of the anticipated in‡uence of econometric analysis. That is, rational anticipation of endogenous evidence-based policymaking post-experiment changes what the econometrician measures during the experiment. And, as we show below, this is true even in ideal settings where agents are measure zero and so have no strategic motive to distort their behavior with the goal of in‡uencing subsequent policy. What implications does this have for causal inference? To examine this question formally, we consider the following setting. At each point in time, atomistic …rms operating across a …nite number of industries make optimal investment decisions in light of current and expected future regulation. Tight regulations reduce the ‡ow of unobservable private bene…ts accruing to …rms’owner-managers. For example, regulations impose indirect and direct compliance costs, and also prevent ownermanagers from running their businesses in a manner consistent with their individual preferences. Private bene…ts are modeled as industry-speci…c, with each industry’s private bene…t representing an i.i.d. draw from a known probability distribution. Econometricians and the government would like to infer the magnitude of private bene…ts in the di¤erent sectors, since private bene…ts determine the con…guration of the key causal e¤ect parameters in our economy: the e¤ect of tighter regulations on each industry’s long-term investment. Fortunately for econometricians in our economy, randomized evidence will arrive to shed light on the causal inference problem. The evidence takes one of two forms. In a Natural Policy Experiment (NPE), all …rms are subjected to a common exogenous shock to regulations during a randomly-timed Experiment Stage. In a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), a fraction of …rms face regulation during the Experiment Stage and the remaining …rms do not. In the NPE setting, econometricians attempt to infer sector-speci…c private bene…ts based upon investment responses to the regulation 3

shock. In the RCT setting, inference is instead predicated upon the di¤erence between treatment and control group investment. We explore whether and how experimental evidence is altered according to whether and how it will be used, considering three scenarios. In the …rst scenario, the government is powerless to change the policy variable post-experiment. In the second scenario, the government has the power to change the policy variable post-experiment, but will do so relying upon prior information, viewing experimental evidence as non-credible. In the …nal scenario, the government is able to change the policy variable post-experiment, and will do so using the experimental evidence. For example, a government might relax regulation in the long-term if it infers that average industry-level private bene…ts are su¢ ciently high. Intuitively, high private bene…ts imply a high responsiveness of investment to the relaxation of regulation. As we show, feedback from experimental evidence to the probability distribution of the policy variable post-experiment contaminates the formerly-clean evidence. In particular, evidence that is actually used to inform policy decisions (“policy-relevant evidence”) is contaminated by what we term ex post endogeneity. And this is true even if, as in our economy, individual …rms are measure zero and have no ability to in‡uence empirical test statistics or policy decisions. But we note that the problem of ex post endogeneity vanishes if the government is powerless to change future policy. Similarly, contamination from ex post endogeneity vanishes if the government does not view the experimental evidence as credible and ignores it. We thus have the following paradoxical situation here: The experimental evidence is uncontaminated only if the government is unable or unwilling to use it. We move well beyond illustrating this paradox, describing …ve novel challenges to causal parameter inference arising from ex post endogeneity. First, rather than being stand-alone objects that are “not heavily model-dependent,”policy-relevant experimental evidence must be interpreted in light of the deep structural parameters of the governmental objective function into which the evidence will be fed. That is, the fact that one has observed an ideal policy randomization drawn independently of government objective function parameters does not eliminate the need to make 4

assumptions about these same parameters. After all, the government’s objective function will in‡uence the distribution of the policy variable after the experiment, thus in‡uencing measured responses during the experiment. Thus, the contaminating e¤ects of policy endogeneity have only been pushed back in time. Second, with policy-relevant experimentation, causal parameters can only be correctly inferred if one has correctly stipulated the prior beliefs held by agents regarding the probability distribution of these same causal parameters. Intuitively, since agents know government will base its postexperiment policy on estimated values of causal parameters, prior beliefs regarding the probability distribution of these causal parameters in‡uence agent beliefs regarding the distribution of the policy variable post-experiment. And these beliefs in‡uence the measured responses of forward-looking agents during the experiment. It follows that an incorrect stipulation of prior beliefs regarding the distribution of causal parameters leads to incorrect inference regarding their true realized value. Phrased di¤erently, external validity of an experimental result requires the strong assumption of common priors over causal parameters across settings. Third, the ex post endogeneity problem described above generates observer e¤ects: the act of observation by econometricians changes the measured responses of agents in both the treatment group (Hawthorne E¤ect) and control group (John Henry E¤ect).1 The behavioral and organization literatures have postulated a range of rationales for observer e¤ects such as self-consciousness, approval-seeking, spite, or a desire to in‡uence study outcomes. However, our model abstracts from each of these e¤ects since …rms are rational, measure zero, and anonymous. Fourth, the observer e¤ects described in the preceding paragraph are unequal across treatment and control groups in RCTs unless the underlying stock variable accumulation technology satis…es the type of “strong functional form assumptions” that randomization advocates have criticized in structural econometric estimations (e.g. Hayashi (1982)): zero …xed costs, equality of buy and sell prices, and quadratic adjustment costs. Consequently, if these functional form assumptions are not satis…ed, treatment-control di¤erences in RCTs are contaminated by observer and policy feedback 1

See Levitt and List (2011) and Zwane et al. (2011)).


e¤ects, with incorrect causal parameter inference resulting if they are not taken into account. Fifth, endowed heterogeneous causal e¤ect parameters across agents generate endogenously heterogeneous beliefs regarding post-experiment policy. That is, if there is cross-sectional variation in causal e¤ect parameters, a common assumption in applied micro-econometric work, then there will be concomitant cross-sectional heterogeneity in policy expectations. Since, as we show, this beliefs channel either ampli…es or attenuates treatment response heterogeneity, a failure to take it into account leads to faulty inference regarding the magnitude of causal parameters. Finally, the fact that beliefs are a function of causal parameters can make it impossible to recover causal parameters from RCT and NPE test statistics. Beliefs and causal parameters become confounded. Formally, the potential impossibility of recovering causal parameters from test statistics is due to the fact that endogenous policy beliefs can cause experimental moments, e.g. the treatmentcontrol di¤erence, to be non-monotone in causal e¤ect parameters, so that the moments cannot be inverted to solve for the true value of the causal parameter. The intuition is as follows. Consider …rms in industries with high private bene…ts. Ceteris paribus, …rms in such industries would have a tendency to cut investment drastically in response to an experiment tightening regulation. However, these same …rms might actually not cut investment much if they rationally conjecture a high probability of the government implementing a substantial relaxation of regulations post-experiment once it correctly infers that regulations impose very high costs on …rms in this industry. The key feature of the model is that choices made during the experiment have implications for agents’future payo¤s, with these payo¤s being in‡uenced by future government policy. Thus, our arguments do not apply to static settings. Rather, our arguments are most directly relevant to corporate …nance and governance settings in which regulation and taxation in‡uence the accumulation of stock variables, e.g. debt, cash, capital, employees, and reputation. Further, our arguments apply to household …nance decisions such as savings, lifetime labor supply, and capital gains realizations. Finally, our arguments apply to dynamic principal-agent settings in which regulation shapes payo¤s over time, e.g. corporate governance. The type of evidence-policy feedback at the heart of our model is common. For example, the U.S. 6

tax changes of the mid-1980’s were informed by an exhaustive empirical literature analyzing various margins of corporate and household responses to the tax code overhaul that took place in the early 1980’s. Slemrod (1992) writes, “Fortunately (for the progress of our knowledge, not for policy), since 1978 the taxation of capital gains has been changed several times, providing much new evidence on the tax responsiveness of realizations.” To take another example, empirical analyses of corporate responses to Sarbanes-Oxley inform decisions regarding regulations in the areas of disclosure and governance. More recently, the SEC randomly relaxed the up-tick rule on a sample of stocks. Based on the evidence, the SEC then repealed the up-tick rule on all stocks. Chester Spatt, former SEC Chief Economist, writes, “I view the very limited nature of the eventual pull-back on what had become such a politically sensitive rule as a re‡ection of the strength of the original evidence that the SEC sta¤ generated and upon which the repeal had been based.” We do not claim that the biases we illustrate will be large in every dynamic setting. Rather, we simply argue biases will become larger the tighter the nexus between estimation and policy-setting. But at this juncture we hasten to point out that a tight estimation-policy nexus is promoted by many advocates of randomized policy experiments. Moreover, credibly informing policy is perhaps the raison d’être for the identi…cation school. We turn now to related literature. The issues raised are related to, but distinct from, the econometric critique made by Lucas (1976). Writing for New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Ljungqvist (2008) de…nes the Lucas Critique as follows: It criticizes using estimated statistical relationships from past data to forecast e¤ects of adopting a new policy, because the estimated coe¢ cients are not invariant but will change along with agents’decision rules in response to a new policy. A classic example of this fallacy was the erroneous inference that a regression of in‡ation on unemployment (the Phillips curve) represented a structural trade-o¤ for policy to exploit. Thus, the argument of Lucas (1976) is that future regression coe¢ cients and decision rules will be di¤erent from those estimated presently if the government policy rule changes in the future. 7

Our argument does not concern changes in future regression coe¢ cients. Rather, we argue there will be a change in what is measured presently (e.g. the measured control-treatment di¤erence in an RCT) in light of expectations regarding how experimental evidence will be used in subsequent policy decisions. The second key di¤erence from Lucas is that he considers an utterly unexpected exogenous change in policy. In contrast, central to our arguments is that evidence-based policy changes are, by de…nition, endogenous. It is the endogeneity of the post-experiment policy change that is the root cause of the …ve novel econometric challenges we demonstrate, especially the role of the government objective function, the role of prior beliefs regarding the causal parameters to be estimated, and the confounding e¤ects of endogenous belief heterogeneity. Third, and …nally, in the argument of Lucas (1976), econometricians sit outside the model in that their estimates are not part of the information set of agents inside the model. In contrast, econometricians sit inside our model, with our focus being on the feedback between econometricians, their perceived credibility, and government policy. This feedback is an underlying cause of the novel biases and paradox we illustrate, upon which Lucas (1976) is silent. These di¤erences notwithstanding, the present paper borrows from Lucas the idea of viewing empirical evidence, here policy-relevant experiments, through the prism of rational expectations. Bond, Goldstein and Prescott (2009) consider the related but distinct issue of how using securities prices to set policy can change price informativeness. For example, incentives to acquire information can be attenuated if government may take actions rendering the information irrelevant for securities payo¤s. Our argument does not concern informed trading or securities prices, but rather centers on the correct interpretation of empirical test statistics, e.g. measured investment changes, derived from seemingly-ideal …rst-stage policy randomizations. In their model, feedback from securities prices to policy limits price informativeness. In our model, information quality need does not necessarily decline. But a precondition for correct inference is that the econometrician makes a correct accounting for the policy feedback loop. The macro-econometric literature has focused on the implications of rational expectations for the interpretation of vector autoregressions. Sargent (1971, 1973, 1977) and Taylor (1979) showed 8

that rational expectations implies restrictions on distributed lags. Sims (1982) and Sargent (1984) pointed to an asymmetry in rational expectations econometrics practice in postulating optimizing behavior on the part of households and …rms while assuming non-optimizing behavior by governments. In contrast, we analyze the correct interpretation of experimental evidence assuming all agents, including the government, behave optimally and make optimal use of their information. Our paper is also related to that of Hennessy and Strebulaev (2015) who analyze the meaning of econometric evidence derived from an economy hard-wired with an in…nite sequence of exogenous natural experiments, with zero endogeneity bias at any stage. In contrast, we here consider an economy with only two policy changes. The …rst policy change arises from an exogenous natural experiment. The second policy change is an optimal response to evidence derived from the …rst. It is this second-stage governmental policy optimization that is the source of the biases and paradoxes we discuss. Our analysis is related to, but distinct from, the critique made by Heckman (1997) who argues that agents can be expected to endogenously violate random assignment. In our laboratory economy, …rms are incapable of avoiding their assigned experimental treatments. Heckman (1997) and Deaton (2010) emphasize that with heterogeneous causal e¤ect parameters, the probability limit of instrumental variables estimators can depend on the choice of instrument. In our model, there is no instrumentation. Deaton also emphasizes practical problems associated with small samples and bias in panel selection. We consider in…nite sample sizes, in that there is a continuum of treated and control …rms, with ideal …rst-stage policy randomization. Acemoglu (2010) argues general equilibrium e¤ects can limit the external validity of small-scale experiments. In particular, he argues large-scale policy changes potentially lead to factor substitution and endogenous changes in prices and technologies. These e¤ects are shut o¤ in our model. Acemoglu also argues that endowed di¤erences in technology or institutions can limit external validity. These e¤ects are also shut o¤ in our model as we consider inference within a single parable economy. Chassang, Padro i Miguel and Snowberg (2012) consider static RCTs and show how hidden 9

e¤ort during an experiment can cloud inference regarding treatment e¢ cacy. For example, low average treatment e¤ects can arise from truly low e¢ cacy or low agent e¤ort caused by erroneous expectations of low treatment e¢ cacy. Our model abstracts from hidden e¤ort and their model abstracts from endogenous post-experiment policy, so the bias causes di¤er fundamentally. In their model, beliefs concern treatment e¢ cacy, not the stochastic path of long-term policy variables. Thus, the essential point and paradox in our paper, that evidence-based long-term policymaking implies violation of the standard treatment orthogonality assumption, and clouded causal parameter inference, is necessarily absent from their paper. The rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents a model of the interaction between …rms, governments, and econometricians. Section 3 discusses econometric inference in settings where …rms face a common exogenous policy shock (NPEs). Section 4 discusses RCTs. Section 5 illustrates how the inference-policy loop can cause outcome variables to become non-monotone in causal parameters, rendering causal parameter inference impossible. The conclusion contains a detailed discussion of the types of experimental evidence that are most robust with respect to the challenges we detail.


The Model

We begin by contrasting inference in two economies endowed with identical natural experiments and technologies but di¤ering in whether the empirical evidence will be used. In the Endogenous Policy Economy, the experimental evidence will be used to select an optimal policy post-experiment. In the Exogenous Policy Economy, the experimental evidence is irrelevant because the government is powerless to change the policy variable. The model itself is basic, following, say, Dixit and Pindyck (1994).



Time is continuous and the horizon in…nite. Agents are risk-neutral and share a common discount rate r > 0: There is a measure one continuum of anonymous …rms with generic member j 2 J. Since 10

…rms are atomistic, no …rm has any incentive to change its behavior with the goal of in‡uencing test statistics, econometric inference, or government policy. That is, each …rm acts as a policy-taker. We describe the decision problem of an arbitrary …rm, omitting time and …rm identi…ers where obvious to conserve notation. The law of motion for a …rm’s capital stock is: dkt = (it The variable i denotes gross investment and

kt )dt:


0 is the depreciation rate. Firms invest optimally

each instant. The investment cost function is common to all …rms and is common knowledge to all agents, including the government. It takes the following simple form: (i)






To ensure the optimal instantaneous control policy is unique, we assume the cost function parameters satisfy

> 0 and

> 1: Here we will obtain a simple closed-form expression for the

empirical outcome variable i: Since the …rm’s value function is of peripheral interest, we relegate its derivation to the appendix, con…ning attention to integer values of , as in Abel and Eberly (1997). The literature on dynamic accumulation problems, e.g. Abel and Eberly (1994, 1997), has also considered …xed costs and irreversibilities. We have abstracted from such complexities here, but will discuss their implications as model extensions. Total pro…ts, inclusive of non-monetary private bene…ts and costs, cannot be observed by outsiders, including the government. Date t pro…ts are: (kt ; xt ;

t ; it ; b)

( t b + xt )kt






In the model, regulation impairs the ability of manager-owners to capture non-monetary private bene…ts of ownership and control, creating disincentives for business growth, with the government seeking to infer the magnitude of the disincentive e¤ect. For example, the utility derived from running a business is reduced by the time and e¤ort costs associated with complying with regulations. 11

As a second example, complying with regulations may force …rms to disclose information they would prefer to keep private. As a …nal example, regulations often force businesses to adopt practices they disagree with. In the pro…t equation (3), the variable b measures the ‡ow of private bene…ts the …rm’s managerowner would receive in the absence of regulation. The term

represents the percentage of potential


private bene…ts captured by the manager-owner accounting for regulation. The set of politically feasible regulatory policy choices is assumed to be binary: example, one can think of

= 0 and


2 f ; g; where 0


1: For

= 1, in which case b measures private bene…ts that are lost

when the government departs from laissez-faire and imposes a regulation that cuts o¤ the ‡ow of private bene…ts. Private bene…ts are assumed to be industry-speci…c, and there are M

2 industries in the

economy. The key ingredient here is that within each industry, …rm technologies are (perfectly) correlated. Therefore, a …rm’s own technology is informative about the …rms in its industry. This will help individual …rms to better forecast endogenous government policy decisions post-experiment. The industry-speci…c private bene…t parameters are i.i.d. draws at date 0. The private bene…t for an industry is drawn from the interval [0; b] with a strictly positive probability density f on this support, having a corresponding cumulative distribution F that is twice continuously di¤erentiable, with F (0) = 0. Tildes denote random variables and bold-type denotes vectors. The realization of e is denoted b. Econometricians and the government want to infer the realized the random vector b,

vector of private bene…t parameters b since this will allow them to infer the magnitude of investment responses to changes in regulation. Below we speak of the cumulative distribution function F as capturing prior beliefs (over the unknowns here, the realized causal parameter vector b). The stochastic pro…t factor x entering the pro…t equation (3) is a positive geometric Brownian motion with the following law of motion: dxt = xt dt + xt dwt :


The variable w denotes an independent Wiener process. To ensure bounded …rm value, assume the 12

discount rate satis…es r >


1 2 2



All …rms in the economy face the same stochastic pro…t factor x. This assumption is not necessary, but serves the purpose of approximating the type of macroeconomic shocks to which a real-world government might be expected to respond, opening up the potential for endogeneity bias. For example, one might be concerned about downward bias in causal parameter estimates if governments are more willing to impose regulations in good times (high x). Anticipating, the exogenous policy randomizations we consider below are such that standard forms of (ex ante) endogeneity and selection bias will not be an issue–the experiments considered will be optically ideal.



It is convenient to split the model into three stages, S 2 fP; E; Ig: A …rm faces constant regulation within a given stage, but varying regulation across stages. The regulation variable during stage S is denoted


The Pre-Experiment Stage P is followed by the Experiment Stage E which is

followed by the Implementation Stage I. During each stage, …rms face a simple time-homogeneous instantaneous investment problem, so the setup is essentially equivalent to a three-stage model. During Stage P , all …rms face the same economy-wide regulation


This can be thought of as

the initial endowed technology in the economy. An exogenous natural experiment will arrive at date eE : This date is an independent random variable. The transition rate into the Experiment Stage is

> 0: Thus, at any time prior to the transition, the expected remaining duration of Stage P is


1 E


During the Experiment Stage, Nature randomly assigns a fraction status”where


of …rms to “deregulated

= , with the remaining …rms assigned to “regulated status”where


= . Two

types of experiments are considered. In a Natural Policy Experiment (NPE below), all …rms face the same exogenous regulatory policy the model parameter




during the Experiment Stage. Thus, in an NPE,

is set equal to 0 or 1. In a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT below), …rms

are randomly assigned to treatment and control groups, one regulated the other unregulated. In modeling an RCT, the parameter

2 (0; 1): For example, in an RCT featuring an equal measure of 13

…rms in treatment and control groups,

= 1=2:

Unexpected experiments are captured by setting


to an arbitrarily small number. This will

have no e¤ect on treatment and control group di¤erences in RCTs. For NPEs, unexpected experiments simply feature relatively large investment changes at the start of the experiment. Such a level shift in the policy reaction function has has no bearing on our analysis of ex post endogeneity and concomitant bias in inference. The Implementation Stage I will arrive at date eI : This date is an independent random variable

given eE . The transition rate into the Implementation Stage is


to such a transition, the expected remaining duration of Stage E is

> 0: Thus, at any instant prior 1 I


At the very start of Stage I; econometricians have the opportunity to observe some experimental evidence.2 As shown below, the causal parameter vector b can potentially be correctly inferred from this experimental evidence, but only if the econometrician understands the subtle interplay between evidence, policy, and …rm-level expectations.3 In an RCT, econometricians can look back and measure the di¤erence between the investment of regulated and unregulated …rms, industry-by-industry. In an NPE, econometricians can look back and measure the jump in each industry’s investment that occurred at the start of the experiment. Since the path of the stochastic pro…t factor x is continuous, measuring investment changes over the instants just before and just after the experiment is initiated eliminates the need to control for changes in macroeconomic conditions. The following assumption is satis…ed by the stochastic regulatory policy process ejt facing arbi-

trary …rm j at any point in time at t at which the experimental measurement may take place. e x Assumption 1 (Independence): ejt ? fb; et g

8 j 2 J and t 2 [0; eI ):

By construction, independence of the regulatory policy process rules out the standard forms of endogeneity bias about which empiricists would be expected to debate. First, random assignment rules out selection by …rms or the government based on unobservables (b); e.g. …rms choosing 2 3

Observation during Stage E adds an uninteresting limbo phase where I is inferred, with Letting …rms make observations alongside econometricians has no e¤ect.



still in e¤ect.

jurisdictions less likely to face experimental regulation. Second, econometricians might also be concerned that the government they observe is only willing to experiment with a novel regulation, say



, because it knows that the true causal parameter con…guration in its economy is

benign. However, in the economy considered, the government does not know the parameter vector e at any point in time at which b, and the policy variable is independent of the random vector b

the experimental measurement may take place, speci…cally all times t 2 [0; eI ): Finally, recall from

equation (4) that the Wiener process wt was assumed to be independent, eliminating concern that experimental regulation is correlated with the underlying macroeconomic state (xt ). In this way, the experiment has seemingly-ideal optics. During the Implementation Stage, a long-term regulatory policy ( manently. In the Exogenous Policy Economy, value




will be implemented per-

will be set to a technologically pre-determined

and the government is powerless to change it. In the Endogenous Policy Economy, the

government will, with the help of its sophisticated econometrician, infer the true parameter vector b and implement an optimal regulatory policy in light of this information.


Endogenously Heterogeneous Policy Beliefs

When the Implementation Stage is reached, the government in the Endogenous Policy Economy will implement a policy


to maximize an objective function I (b)

where ( ; b)

: Speci…cally:

2 arg max

( ; b)


# M 1 X bm : M

2f ; g




Notice, the government here utilizes a simple decision rule: deregulate if the average increase in private bene…ts resulting from deregulation is greater than a critical threshold b . In other words, the government deregulates if the average cost regulation imposes on …rms is deemed to be too large. Moreover, since investment is increasing in private bene…ts, one can think of the government here


as being willing to deregulate if doing so will bring about a su¢ ciently large increase in average investment. The government’s objective is common knowledge to all agents at date 0: It is assumed that the threshold b 2 (0; b); which implies the government’s policy decision is in‡uenced by the econometric evidence. We then consider Rational Expectations Equilibria in which the government, aided by its in-house econometrician, is able to infer b based on the econometric evidence. Let

be an indicator function for average private bene…ts exceeding the critical threshold for

deregulation: M 1 X bm M m=1

b , (b) = 1:


The policy beliefs for …rms in industry m are captured by a function

re‡ecting their updated

assessment of the probability of deregulation during the Implementation Stage, with the updating based upon the realized value of own-industry bene…ts. We have: 2 3 Zb Zb Zb Zb [ (b1 ; :::; bm 1 ; b; bm+1 ; :::; bM )] 6 7 (b) Pr [ I (b) = jbm = b] = ::: ::: 4 5 : (7) [F (db ):::F (db )F (db ):::F (db ) 1 m 1 m+1 M 0 0 0 0

Notice, under the stated assumptions, beliefs have the same functional form ( ) for all industries. However, the realized value of the function’s argument b will di¤er across industries with probability one. The following lemma, which follows directly from equation (7), summarizes some important properties of the belief function. Lemma 1 If government can implement optimal policies in response to experimental evidence, a …rm’s assessment of the probability of long-term deregulation is non-decreasing in its own causal parameter bj , and strictly increasing on a set of positive measure. Heterogeneous causal parameters (b) result in endogenously heterogeneous policy beliefs on a set of positive measure. To illustrate, consider the simplest setting where the economy has only two industries (M = 2). Applying equation (7) we have: (b) = 1

F (2b

b) ) 16


(b) = f (2b




It is apparent from the preceding equation that, consistent with the preceding lemma, the belief function is non-decreasing. Moreover, di¤erent realized values of the causal parameters (b1 ; b2 ) tend to result in endogenously heterogeneous policy beliefs across industries. Further, the preceding equation reveals that the shape of the belief function is determined by prior beliefs regarding the parameters to be estimated (F ), as well as the government objective function parameter b . Continuing with our two-industry example, Figure 1 plots how a …rm’s assessment of the probability of long-term deregulation will vary with the realization of its own-industry bene…t parameter b: The baseline case assumes F is the uniform distribution on [0; 1] and considers a government that will deregulate if average bene…ts exceed b = 0:30: The …gure also considers the e¤ect on the belief function of a more demanding threshold for deregulation, b = 0:60: Finally, the …gure considers the e¤ect on beliefs of the higher deregulation threshold in conjunction with a less favorable prior distribution, with F being a triangular distribution on [0; 1] with its mode at 0: It is apparent that changes in the government’s objective function and changes in priors lead to shifts in the belief function. A number of points are worth stressing before closing this subsection. First, it may be tempting to argue that correct inference boils down to having a correct model of the policy variable distribution post-experiment. However, the preceding lemma shows that there is no such thing as a common policy expectation. Cross-sectional di¤erences in causal parameters generate endogenously heterogeneous policy beliefs. Second, assuming that one can make correct a priori assumptions about each industry’s policy belief ( (b)) is tantamount to assuming one knows the true value of the causal parameters (b) that one is hoping to estimate. Although the details will di¤er, the type of endogenously heterogeneous policy expectations described above are likely to be ubiquitous in settings with evidence-based policymaking: E.g. a measure zero …rm su¤ers a great deal under an experimental regulation, but knows its technology is correlated with those of other …rms, so assumes that the government, capable of correct statistical inference, is more likely to discontinue or relax the regulation.



Investment Decisions

The model is formally solved in the appendix via optimal control. This subsection con…nes attention to characterizing …rm investment. With analytical expressions for investment in-hand, analytical expressions will be derived for the experimental outcome variable in NPEs, the change in investment at the start of the experiment, and in RCTs, the di¤erence between the investments of regulated and unregulated …rms. The model solution boils down to three stages, and is thus akin to a three period model. Consider …rst the Endogenous Policy Economy. At each instant, optimal investment equates the marginal investment cost with the shadow value of a unit of installed capital, call it q. Therefore, the following function i maps q at each instant to optimal investment: 0




(i ) ) i (q)





Optimal investment is increasing in q; with the q-sensitivity of investment varying with the parameters of the investment cost function,

and :

Since capital depreciates at rate , the discounted value derived from one unit of capital at its installation date, call this date , is given by:4 q(x ; b) =







(r+ )t



n e


E fx

k (k


+t ; x


+t ;

+t ; i

o ; b) dt +t


+t g dt:


Installed capital is valued by applying an e¤ective discount rate of r +

to the marginal product

from a unit of installed capital which, in turn, is just equal to the macroeconomic pro…t factor x plus the private bene…t b . Using the Gordon Growth Formula to value the perpetual claim to x, it follows that the shadow value of capital during each stage S 2 fP; E; Ig can be expressed as follows: q S (x; b) = 4

x r+

For a derivation, see the appendix.






S (b)

In the preceding equation,

represents the present value of the ‡ow of private bene…ts in state

S for a …rm with bene…t parameter b. The private bene…t value function is derived next. During the Implementation Stage, private bene…ts represent a constant perpetuity. Applying the e¤ective discount rate r + , we have: I


(b) =




Throughout, we let upper (lower) bars denote values and policies if during the current stage


( = ). We thus have the following respective shadow value expressions under deregulation and regulation during the Implementation Stage: x

q I (x; b) =

b r+ b + r+ +

r+ x

q I (x; b) =



Consider next the present value of future private bene…ts evaluated during the Experiment Stage. The expected rate of return must equal the e¤ective discount rate r + . The return here consists of the ‡ow of private bene…ts plus the capital gain accruing if there is a transition to the Implementation Stage. Thus, we have the following equilibrium condition: (r + )









(b) =

(b) I (b) + (1 (r + )

(b)) I (b)

+ I [ (b) + (1 (r + )(r + + I )




(b)) ]

(14) b:

We thus have the following respective shadow value expressions to …rms that are deregulated and regulated during the Experiment Stage: q E (x; b) = q E (x; b) =

x r+ x r+

+ +

+ +



(b) + (1 r+ (b) + (1 r+

(b)) (b))

b r+ + b r+ +

(15) I

: I

Consider …nally the present value of private bene…ts evaluated during the Pre-Experiment Stage. The return here consists of the ‡ow of private bene…ts plus the capital gain accruing if there is a transition to the Experiment Stage. Accounting for the fact that …rms face the prospect of 19

deregulated status (



) with probability

during the experiment, we have the following

equilibrium condition: (r + )










(b) + (1 P

(b) =

r+ +





(r + )( E





+ (1 ) )+ (r + )(r + +

( (b) + (1 I )(r + + E ) I

(b)) )


We thus have the following respective shadow value expressions under deregulation and regulation during the Pre-Experiment Stage: q P (x; b) = q P (x; b) =

x r+ x r+

+ +

r+ + r+ +

(r + )(







+ (1 ) (r + )(r + (r + )( + (1 ) (r + )(r +

)+ + )+ +

( (b) I )(r + I ( (b) I )(r + I

+ (1 + E) + (1 + E)

(b)) )

(17) b

(b)) )

Consider next the Exogenous Policy Economy. The only necessary modi…cation to the preceding analysis is that beliefs regarding EX : I


must now coincide with its technologically pre-determined value

Thus, one must simply make the following substitution into the Endogenous Policy Economy

shadow value equations: (b) + [1

(b)] !

EX I :


In the Exogenous Policy Economy, beliefs are homogeneous across …rms and industries. And relative to …rms in the Endogenous Policy Economy, policy beliefs are extreme in the sense that

is either

0 or 1: Before closing this subsection it is worth pinning down the causal e¤ect (CE) parameters in this economy. As stated by Heckman (2000), the formal de…nition of a causal e¤ ect is a Marshallian comparative static. In our economy, the causal e¤ect of interest to the government is how each industry’s investment will vary with the regulatory policy put into place during the Implementation Stage. From equation (13) it follows that the causal e¤ect for industry m is: CEm

@iI (x; bm ; ) = @

@q I (x; bm ; ) @

di dq


bm r+

di dq



From the preceding equation it follows that correctly forecasting …rm responses to changes in long-term regulatory policy (

I ),

requires correctly inferring the vector b of causal e¤ect parameters.

This is the inference problem we analyze below. 20



Inference in Natural Policy Experiments

This section considers causal parameter inference in the context of Natural Policy Experiments (NPEs). In an NPE, all …rms in the economy face a common exogenous policy shock at a random date.


Barriers to Inference in NPEs

Although analytic characterizations are provided below, the econometric challenges in NPEs are best illustrated initially by considering a speci…c example. Consider an NPE involving the experimental imposition of regulation. Before the experiment …rms are not regulated ( (




): During the experiment all …rms in the economy are regulated

= ). In the Exogenous Policy Economy, the government is powerless to undo the policy shock,

so during the Implementation Stage


= . In the Endogenous Policy Economy, the government’s

econometrician will correctly infer b based on responses to the shock and the government then implements its optimal policy. In this setting, we evaluate inference by an econometrician sitting outside the government, say, an academic economist. The numerical examples in this subsection assume two industries and utilize the following parameter values: r = :05;

= :10;

= 0;


= :15;


= :15;

= 2: We consider long expected policy regime durations of

= 1; 1

= 0; x = 1;

= 1; and

= 6:7 years, which is reasonable

for economy-wide policy changes. Since investment costs are quadratic ( = 2), optimal investment (equation (9)) is linear in q. The baseline case assumes private bene…ts (b) are drawn from a uniform distribution on [0; 1], with the government deregulating if average private bene…ts are greater than the threshold b = 0:30: The issues are illustrated in Figure 2. The horizontal axis represents the true private bene…t, the causal parameter to be inferred. The vertical axis measures the investment decrease that occurs when the experimental regulation is imposed. It is useful to consider …rst the contrast between responses in the Endogenous versus Exogenous policy economies (solid versus dashed schedules). In


both economies, there is no change in investment if b = 0. After all, if total pro…ts (equation (3)) are invariant to regulation, investment will also be invariant. Further, in this particular example, …rms cut investment by more the higher the ‡ow cost (b) of regulation. Monotonicity implies the econometrician can invert the response function and infer the true causal parameter value, but only if she correctly accounts for policy feedback. That is, the econometrician must read o¤ the correct response function schedule. With this in mind, suppose the academic econometrician works in the Endogenous Policy Economy, the sort of economy envisioned by some randomization advocates, where evidence informs policy. If the econometrician is sophisticated, she will anticipate the utilization of econometric evidence as a policy input and read o¤ the solid curve when performing inference, resulting in correct estimation of b. If she is naïve, policy feedback is ignored and she instead uses the dashed line to perform inference. Notice, the dashed line represents a counter-factual economy in which the experimental regulation is permanent with probability 1. It is apparent the naïve econometrician’s parameter estimates will here be biased downward. For example, if the true realized b = 1; the observed investment change will be equal to

:80: However, incorrectly reading o¤ the dashed line,

the naïve econometrician will infer b = :45; a downward bias of 55%. Intuitively, in the Endogenous Policy Economy, the government can reverse Nature’s course and reinstate deregulation based on the experimental data. Consequently, the negative investment response to regulation shock will be less dramatic at each value of b. The preceding argument can be recast in heuristic terms. The econometrician who incorrectly reads o¤ the dashed line is working under the premise that the experimental regulation is permanent. If the investment reaction to regulation is zero (close to zero) the bias arising from this incorrect working assumption is zero (small). Suppose instead the econometrician observes a large investment reduction and infers that b must be high. She might well ask herself, “The …rms know that the cost of this regulation are high. They also know that this evidence-based government will eventually …gure this out and respond by relaxing the regulation. Well, maybe my working premise that the regulation is permanent, and that …rms are acting under this same premise, is not so sensible after 22

all.”All we have done here is formalize this line of reasoning so that inference is internally consistent with its policy function. When econometricians examine responses to policy changes, a common concern is that the observed policy change was discretionary, creating the need to closely scrutinize governmental objectives. The hope is that studying exogenous policy shocks allows one to avoid making assumptions about governmental objectives. However, it is apparent that correct causal parameter inference in NPEs still requires a correct stipulation of the government objective function if it is indeed the case that the experimental evidence will be used to inform policy. To illustrate, suppose the government now demands that in order to deregulate the average …rmlevel bene…t must be still higher than in the baseline scenario, with b raised from :30 to :60: As shown in the dotted-dashed line in Figure 2, for each value of the causal parameter, the investment contraction will be more severe than in the baseline. Intuitively, with the higher evidence threshold, …rms rationally assess a lower probability of deregulation post-experiment, resulting in a more severe investment contraction. The failure to correctly account for the change in governmental objectives would now result in causal parameter estimates to be biased upwards. For example, if b = :60 the observed investment change will be equal to

:80: However, incorrectly reading o¤ the original solid

curve, the naïve econometrician will infer b = 1; an upward bias of 67%. Another common concern expressed by econometricians is that selection limits external validity. For example, it might be thought that a novel regulation is more likely to be imposed by a government that knows its economic environment is unusually benign (low b). Assumption 1 precludes this. Nevertheless, ex post endogeneity leads to similar issues. To illustrate, suppose there is an otherwise equivalent economy in which prior beliefs regarding causal parameters are less to favorable deregulation post-experiment, with F being a triangular distribution on [0; 1] with mode 0: This case is captured by the dotted line in Figure 2. Notice, for any given realized value of the causal parameter b, the investment contraction is more severe. Intuitively, under these new negative prior beliefs, …rms assign lower probability to deregulation post-experiment and so respond more aggressively to the experimental regulation. It follows that correct causal parameter inference 23

requires a correct stipulation of prior beliefs regarding the distribution of these same parameters. Moreover, the validity of extrapolating evidence across two economies requires that agents in the two economies hold in common this prior distribution, a strong assumption. The challenges to inference described above are readily shown analytically. The measured in investment response at the onset of the imposition of experimental regulation is: i [q E (x; b)]




i [q P (x; b)] 1h q E (x; b)

(20) 1

q P (x; b)



where the shadow values (q) just before and just after the start of the experimental regulation are as shown in equations (15) and (17). A pre-requisite for parameter inference here is that the regulation response function R de…ned above be strictly monotone in b, which may or not hold, as we later demonstrate. Formally, inference based on an NPE entails inverting a response function R; allowing one to write: b=R


[R(b)] :

When inspecting equation (20), it is important to note that beliefs ( (b)) enter as arguments into the respective expressions for q. It follows that any change in economic environment (F or b ) shifting belief functions shifts the regulation response function R. As shown in the examples above, failure to account for such shifts results in bias. To illustrate the issues most clearly, assume investment costs are quadratic (

= 2). The

regulation response function (20) simpli…es as follows: R(b) =

1 2

(r + )(

) + I[ (b) (r + + I )(r + +

It is apparent that a correct stipulation of the belief function

(1 E)

(b)) ]


is required to correctly infer the

true causal parameter b based upon a measured responses to the random imposition of regulation. In turn, as shown in Subsection 2.3, a correct stipulation of the belief function requires a correct stipulation of priors (F ) over the causal parameters to be estimated, as well as a correct stipulation of the government’s objective function (b ). 24

Di¤erentiating the regulation response function in equation (21) one obtains: R0 (b) =

1 2


)b (r + + I )(r + +



(r + )(


) + I[ (b) (r + + I )(r + +

(1 E)

(b)) ]


(22) From the preceding equation and the fact that


0 (Lemma 1) it follows that endogenously

heterogeneous policy beliefs serve to attenuate cross-sectional di¤erences in responses to the imposition of experimental regulation. Intuitively, a …rm experiencing a high draw of b rationally anticipates the government will be more likely to deregulate after learning from the experimental evidence, thus attenuating its negative response to the imposition of experimental regulation. Conversely, the same argument implies that the beliefs channel would amplify the cross-sectional heterogeneity of responses to a deregulation shock. Finally, comparing regulation response functions across economies with endogenous versus exogenous policies, we …nd: R(b)





(b) + (1 (b)) (r + + I )(r + +






It follows from equation (23) that there is necessarily a wedge between the experiment response functions across the Exogenous Policy and Endogenous Policy economies. In the former economy, post-experiment policy is determinate, with


2 f ; g. In the latter economy, post-experiment

policy is random, re‡ecting the uncertain outcome of the econometric inference. The following proposition summarizes the results of this subsection. Proposition 1 Response functions (R) for experimental regulation di¤ er according to whether evidence is relevant (endogenous policy post-experiment) or irrelevant (exogenous policy post-experiment). Across economies with endogenous policies post-experiment, response functions are equal if and only if they share common government objective functions and prior beliefs (F ) regarding the distribution of causal parameters to be estimated. Endogenous belief heterogeneity decreases (increases) cross-sectional heterogeneity of responses to regulation (deregulation) shocks.



Observer E¤ects in NPEs

This subsection o¤ers a simple example illustrating inherent feedback between the perceived credibility of evidence from an NPE and the nature of the evidence itself. To illustrate, consider two economies facing the same experimental regulation discussed in the preceding subsection. Assume now that the governments in the two economies both have the ability to choose long-term policy,


2 f ; g, at their discretion. The only di¤erence between the two

economies is that their respective governments have di¤erent views on the credibility of experimental evidence. In Economy C, the government views experimental evidence as credible. In Economy NC, the government views experimental evidence as non-credible. Suppose that observation and measurement of …rm behavior is either technologically feasible or not, and that all agents know whether or not observation is feasible. In Economy NC, longterm policy will be invariant to whether or not observation occurs. If observation occurs, the NC government ignores the evidence and implements the policy that is optimal given prior beliefs, call it

IP .

And if no observation occurs, the government has no choice but to rely on its priors, so

it again implements

IP .

That is, …rms in Economy NC will base their investments on the same

conjectured long-term policy regardless of whether or not econometric observation occurs. Since expectations are una¤ected by the act of observation here, no Hawthorne E¤ect emerges. In contrast, in Economy C, the distribution of long-term policy varies according to whether or not observation occurs. If no observation occurs, the government will optimally rely on priors, implementing




just as in Economy NC. However, if observation occurs, the government

views the incoming econometric evidence as credible and uses it to infer the parameter vector b. Firms then rationally anticipate the implementation of form industry-speci…c beliefs in accordance with

I (b);

as de…ned in equation (5), and thus

(equation (7)). A Hawthorne E¤ect then arises

from the change in the probability distribution of the policy variable resulting from the act of observation. The Hawthorne E¤ect here can be expressed in terms of the shadow value of capital.


Accounting for the change in beliefs regarding policy during the Implementation Stage, we have: q E (x; b)

q P (x; b) = q E (x; b)

q P (x; b) +

Not Observed



(b) + (1 (b)) (r + + I )(r + +

IP ]b E)



Hawthorne E¤ect

We have the following proposition. Proposition 2 If the government views the Natural Policy Experiment as credible (non-credible), the outcome variable, the change in investment during the experimental treatment period, is (not) contaminated by a Hawthorne E¤ ect. Figure 3 illustrates the observer e¤ect at work. The …gure assumes private bene…ts are drawn from a uniform distribution on [0; 1], with the government adopting a deregulation threshold b = 0:45: We plot experimental responses in an economy where NPEs are viewed as credible sources of evidence. The solid line depicts the regulation response function if …rms are not observed and the dashed line depicts the response function if …rms are observed. If …rms are not observed, the government sets long-term policy based upon prior beliefs and deregulates with probability one (


= )

since the cuto¤ for deregulation is less than the unconditional average of the private bene…t. With observation, sophisticated analysis allows the government to infer b and so it implements a contingent optimal policy, with



I (b).

Notice, if …rms are observed, they cut their investment by

a relatively large amount, especially if their private bene…t is low, since in this case they attach a relatively low probability to the regulation being reversed in the long-term.


Randomized Controlled Trials

This section considers econometric inference in the context of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in which …rms are randomly assigned to treatment and control groups during an experimental period. By construction, the RCTs considered are stripped of standard self-selection and endogeneity concerns (Assumption 1).



Inference in RCTs

Although analytic characterizations are provided below, the econometric challenges in RCTs are best illustrated initially by considering a speci…c example. Consider the following RCT. Prior to the experiment, there is no regulation and all …rms face P


. During the experiment, an equal measure ( = 1=2) of …rms are assigned to the two


values. We suppose that in the Exogenous Policy Economy, once the Implementation

Stage begins, the government is powerless to prevent the policy variable from reverting back to its initial value, so


= : In the Endogenous Policy Economy, the government sets policy optimally

given the evidence supplied by its econometrician. For the purpose of numerical illustration, assume two industries, with private bene…ts being i.i.d. draws from the uniform distribution on [0; 1]: Government will deregulate if the average private bene…t exceeds the cuto¤ value b = 0:75: We’ll consider here relatively short policy shock durations of 1 year, as would tend to be true for many real-world RCTs. The remaining parameter values are as follows: r = :05;

= :10;

= 0;


= 1;


= 1;

= 1;

= 0; x = 1;

= 1; and

= 4: Figure 4 illustrates RCT results. On the horizontal axis is the true value of the unknown causal parameter b. On the vertical axis is the di¤erence between investment by the control (unregulated) group (


= ) and the treatment (regulated) group (


= ). Since treatment and control group

…rms, being considered industry-by-industry, have identical investment prior to the experiment, the vertical axis also measures the di¤erence in di¤erences. The solid line measures the control-treatment investment di¤erence in the Endogenous Policy Economy and the dotted-dashed line measures the di¤erence in the Exogenous Policy Economy. The dashed line considers the e¤ect of more favorable priors, speci…cally a triangular distribution on [0; 1] with mode at 1. The dotted line considers the e¤ect of a higher cuto¤ threshold for deregulation (b = :85). Figure 4 allows us to contrast the inference that will be made by a sophisticated econometrician, who accounts for the role of estimation in policy-setting, versus a naïve econometrician who ignores


it. Consider, say, an academic econometrician working in the Endogenous Policy Economy where inference informs policy, the type of economy envisioned by some randomization advocates. If the econometrician is sophisticated, she will account for the link between policymaking and empirical evidence and use the solid line in performing inference, resulting in correct estimation of the parameter b. If the econometrician is naïve, she ignores the link and instead uses the dotted-dashed line to perform inference. Apparently, the naïve econometrician will understate the true value of the causal parameter b. For example, suppose b = 1; resulting in an observed control-treatment investment di¤erence of 100: Incorrectly working along the dotted-dashed line the naïve econometrician will infer this di¤erence resulted from b = :70: An oft-mentioned real-world concern is that inferences regarding regulatory impacts will be non-representative if predicated upon a discretionary RCT, perhaps due to a government having private knowledge that the imposition of a novel regulation will be relatively harmless given the technological structure of its economy. Assumption 1 rules out this type of selection bias. However, ex post endogeneity gives rise to a similar problem. To see this, suppose our academic econometrician examines the control-treatment investment di¤erence in the endogenous policy economy endowed with more favorable priors (F ) regarding the parameter b. As shown in the dashed line, for any given realization of b, the investment di¤erence is larger in this economy than under the economy with less favorable priors (solid line). If the econometrician failed to account for the e¤ect of more favorable priors, she would overstate b: For example, suppose the true value of b is :90; resulting in an observed control-treatment investment di¤erence of 100 under positive priors. Working along the solid line, the econometrician will incorrectly conclude this di¤erence resulted from b = 1: It is also apparent from Figure 4 that correct causal parameter inference in the RCT is contingent upon a correct stipulation of parameters of the government objective function into which the econometric estimates will be fed. To see this, suppose that the government were to adopt a higher threshold for deregulation. Then the control-treatment investment di¤erence changes from the solid line to the dotted line. Biased inference would result if an incorrect conjecture were to be made about the governmental objective function. 29


Hawthorne and John Henry E¤ects in RCTs

This subsection considers the potential for control and treatment groups to exhibit observer e¤ects in RCTs. To illustrate, we return to the same RCT and parameter values as in the preceding subsection, focusing on a government that is willing to use evidence from the RCT to set regulatory policy. But now, let us assume that observation may not be feasible, allowing us to assess whether the act of observation changes behavior. The results of this exercise are shown in Figure 5. On the horizontal axis is the true value of the causal parameter b, with the …gure showing investment by treatment and control groups, as well as the investment di¤erence, for cases when …rms are observed and when they are not. As shown, both treatment and control groups change their investment under observation. The di¤erence between the observation and non-observation states is the expected path of the policy variable post-experiment. If observed, …rms expect the government to utilize the experimental evidence in order to correctly infer b, going on to implement

I (b),

implying regulation will occur

some percentage of the time, with endogenously heterogeneous beliefs regarding the probability. Absent observation, …rms know the government must rely upon prior beliefs in setting policy longterm, implying regulation with probability one (



) given that the assumed value for the

deregulation threshold here exceeds the unconditional average of b. Apparently, as shown in Figure 5, changes in the distribution of the policy variable postexperiment, resulting from observation, induce changes in investment by both treatment and control groups during the experimental period. More importantly, the act of observation changes the key test statistic here, the control-treatment investment di¤erence. The next subsection sets out to understand why.


Analytical Treatment of RCTs

This subsection characterizes analytically some underlying challenges to inference in RCTs in dynamic settings. To begin, it will be useful to consider the di¤erence between the shadow value of


capital across the control (


= ) and treatment ( q E (x; b)


q E (x; b) =

= ) groups. Using equation (15) we have:

( )b (r + + I )


Notice, the preceding equation shows that the di¤erence between the shadow value of capital between control and treatment groups is actually invariant to the distribution of the policy variable during the Implementation Stage. Intuitively, just as random assignment ensures there is no selection based upon unobservable …rm characteristics (bj ), random assignment also ensures there is no selection based upon policy expectations. That is, post-experiment policy expectations are necessarily equalized across treatment and control groups. Since post-experiment expectations are the same, the di¤erence between the shadow values of capital between treatment and control groups must be attributable to di¤erences in the expected discounted marginal product of capital during the experiment itself. Indeed, the di¤erence between q E and q E shown in equation (25) is just the present value of a claim to the ‡ow of excess private bene…ts (

)b accruing to the deregulated

group during the Experiment Stage. But recall, in the preceding subsection (Figure 5), the control-treatment investment di¤erence varied along with expectations regarding the policy variable path post-experiment. It is this investment di¤erence that is the outcome variable observed by the econometrician, not the latent control-treatment shadow value di¤erence (equation (25)). It is the behavior of investment, not shadow values, that we must understand. To this end, let

denote the di¤erence between control and treatment group investment. From

equation (15) we have: (x; b) = i [q E (x; b)] Control





i [q E (x; b)] "


T reatment

# 1 ( )b 1 q E (x; b) q E (x; b) + (r + + I ) 2 h i )b ( (b) +(1 (b)) b x 1 + + + I r+ r+ + I 6 r+ (r+ + I ) 4 i 1 h (b)) b x H (b) +(1 + + I r+ r+ + I r+





7 5:

A key point to note in equation (26) is that beliefs ( ) regarding policy post-experiment in‡uence the investment of both the treatment and control groups during the experiment. Since the act of observation in‡uences beliefs regarding long-term policy, there will be observation e¤ects for both the treatment group (Hawthorne E¤ect) and the control group (John Henry E¤ect). Moreover, the size of these e¤ects will vary with prior beliefs and the parameters of the government objective function into which the evidence is fed. After all, as shown in equation (8), the shape of the belief function is itself determined by F and b : Despite the presence of observer e¤ects for both treatment and control groups, it might be hoped that these e¤ects will be of equal size across the two groups, so that the control-treatment investment di¤erence will be left uncontaminated. However, as shown in equation (26), in terms of the measured outcome variable i, in contrast to the unmeasured shadow value of capital q, observation e¤ects do not generally cancel. In fact, it is instructive to consider the exception proving the rule. If one were to assume the investment cost parameter

is equal to 2, investment is linear in the shadow value

of capital and the observation e¤ects hitting treatment and control groups cancel. In particular, it follows from equation (26) that: = 2 =) Notice, if

(x; b) =

1 2

( ) (r + + I )



= 2, the control-treatment investment di¤erence is linear in the causal parameter b:

More importantly, the test statistic is now invariant to expectations regarding the distribution of the policy variable post-experiment. Thus, in the special case of quadratic investment costs, the controltreatment investment di¤erence is utterly uncontaminated by any form of ex post endogeneity bias. How general is this result? In order to provide a more complete characterization of the circumstances under which di¤erences and (di¤erence in di¤erences) derived from RCTs are immune from policy expectations contamination, we consider now a broader class of cost functions, re‡ective of those considered in the literature. A number of realistic frictions create regions of optimal inaction, as well as lumpy policies. For example, Abel and Eberly (1994) consider that there can be …xed costs, and that the agent may not be able to sell capital for the same price at which it is purchased. 32

Chetty (2012) has argued that such frictions and associated inaction regions can cloud the interpretation of empirical evidence. Indeed, as we show next, such frictions contaminate RCTs in dynamic settings. To illustrate, the remaining analysis considers the following Generalized Investment Cost Function. De…nition 1 Generalized Investment Cost Function: The …xed cost to positive investment is '+ 0: The …xed cost to negative investment is ' price P

P + . Adjustment costs are

0: Capital can be purchased at price P + and sold at

; where

is a strictly convex twice di¤ erentiable function

of investment attaining a minimum value of zero at i = 0: Two points are worth noting at this stage. First, since the Generalized Investment Cost Function shares with the initially-posited cost function (equation (2)) the property of being invariant to k; it follows that the shadow value formulae derived above (Subsection 2.4) remain valid. Second, Abel and Eberly (1994) show that under such a cost function, investment is weakly monotone increasing in q. Further, if there are no …xed costs, optimal investment is continuous in q; with i = 0 optimal for all q 2 [P ; P + ], turning negative at points to the left of this interval and positive at points to the right. With …xed costs, optimal accumulation is zero over a wider interval of q values, and exhibits discontinuities at the optimal thresholds for switching from inaction to action.5 Recall, under the initially-posited investment cost function, the control-treatment investment di¤erence (as well as di¤erence in di¤erences) was just shown to be invariant to post-experiment policy variable expectations if and only if investment is linear in q; which held under the parametric assumption

= 2. To ensure that investment is linear in q under a Generalized Investment Cost

Function, one must rule out …xed costs, wedges between the buy and sell price of capital, and assume quadratic adjustment costs. We thus have the following proposition. Proposition 3 If and only if the RCT is relevant (endogenous policy post-trial) the treatment group will exhibit a Hawthorne E¤ ect and the control group will exhibit a John Henry E¤ ect. The di¤ er5

See the discussion of Figure 1 in Abel and Eberly (1994).


ence between control and treatment group investment (and the di¤ erence in their di¤ erences) is invariant to factors a¤ ecting post-experiment policy variable expectations if and only if the Generalized Investment Cost Function features: a quadratic adjustment cost function ( ); zero …xed costs (' = '+ = 0); and zero wedge between the buy and sell price of capital (P

= P + ):

The importance of the preceding discussion is illustrated in Figure 6 which plots the controltreatment investment di¤erence as determined by the causal parameter b, while considering alternative con…gurations of the Generalized Investment Cost Function. Aside from investment costs, the …gure retains the same parametric assumptions as Figure 5. Figure 6 now assumes the investment cost parameter

is equal to 2: The solid line captures both the case of non-observation and the

case of a cost function meeting the criteria stipulated in the proposition, with zero …xed costs and equality of the buy and sell price of capital, which is set to 7.7. Here there is a simple linear relationship between the measured di¤erence and the unknown parameter. Further, in this particular case there is no need to account for observation e¤ects when making inferences since the test statistic is una¤ected by the act of observation. The dashed line considers …rms that face an endogenous government policy response to the experiment, as well as a wedge between the buy and sell price of capital. In particular, the assumed sell price of capital is only 7, falling below the buy price of capital of 7.7. Clearly, this friction can lead to faulty inference, causing deregulated …rms to become inactive for b 2 [:39; :63], with regulated …rms becoming inactive for b 2 [:60; :74]: Inactivity introduces a non-monotonicity into the measured di¤erence. This will complicate inference. For example, if b 2 [:60; :63]; both groups of …rms are inactive and the measured investment di¤erence is zero. If one were to mistakenly rely upon the solid line for inference, ignoring the e¤ect of partial irreversibility, one would incorrectly conclude that b = 0. The dotted line considers that in addition to there being a wedge between the buy and sell price of capital (dashed line), there is also a small …xed cost (0.20), say a search cost, associated with buying capital. Here one sees that real frictions can create an even more substantial challenge to


correct inference. Here the conjunction of real frictions causes deregulated …rms to become inactive for b 2 [:39; :77], with regulated …rms becoming inactive for b 2 [:60; :87]: We see that inactivity induces two regions of non-monotonicity in the measured di¤erence. This will complicate inference. For example, for b 2 [:60; :77]; both groups of …rms are inactive and the measured investment di¤erence is zero. If one were to mistakenly rely upon the solid line for inference, ignoring the e¤ect of real frictions, one would mistakenly conclude that b = 0.


Non-Monotonicities and the Impossibility of Inference

Up to this point we have analyzed Rational Expectations Equilibria in which the government is able to correctly infer causal parameters based on some set of econometric evidence at its disposal. However, as we show now, NPEs and RCTs may by themselves be insu¢ cient for this purpose. Consider …rst the problem of causal parameter inference in the context of NPEs. To this end, Figure 7A returns to our baseline NPE (Figure 2) which featured experimental regulation. However, we consider now that the government adopts a deregulation threshold of b = :45. Suppose now that we conjecture an equilibrium in which the government is able to determine the true causal parameter value based on the econometric evidence. However, suppose the only econometric evidence available to the government is the experimental outcome variable, the investment increase at the start of the deregulation experiment. It is apparent from Figure 7A that the behavior of the empirical outcome variable is inconsistent with the conjecture of correct inference in all states of nature. After all, the outcome variable is non-monotone in b: Consequently, the observed outcome cannot be inverted to solve for the true causal e¤ect parameter b: The root cause of the non-monotonicity here, and the impossibility of inference, is the endogeneity of beliefs. Formally, this argument follows from equation (22) which shows that the response to the regulation experiment would be monotone decreasing if the belief function However, since


were constant.

0; the response function can be increasing. Intuitively, …rms experiencing a

high b value would cut investment more aggressively if their beliefs were the same as other …rms.


However, such …rms rationally attach a lower probability to regulation long-term, which encourages investment. As shown in Figure 7A, this expectations e¤ect can be strong enough to generate a region of b values, here from 0.80 to 1, where the investment response is actually increasing in b: Notice, if the observed investment reaction were to fall on the region from 0.60 to 1, the econometrician would not be able to infer the true value of the causal parameter relying exclusively on the observed investment change. Consider next the feasibility of identi…cation of causal parameters based upon RCTs. To this end, Figure 7B returns to the same parameters assumed in our baseline RCT (Figure 4) but now assumes the macroeconomic pro…t factor x is close to zero. Suppose now that the only econometric evidence available to the econometrician is the experimental outcome variable, the control-treatment group investment di¤erence. As shown in Figure 7B, the outcome variable is here non-monotone in the underlying parameter. Absent other information, the econometrician would not be able to invert the empirical outcome variable to solve for the causal parameter.



If challenged regarding policy expectations, some empiricists resort to claiming that the policy shock they are exploiting is, in fact, permanent. Aside from questionable realism, a more fundamental problem with such an assumption is that it is often at odds with the prime motive for studying responses to changes in a policy variable: the desire to re-set that same policy variable to an optimal level in the future based on the econometric evidence. But, as we show, once one acknowledges the fact that the evidence is to inform future policy variable changes, the correct interpretation of responses to policy variable shocks, even those that arise from optically ideal …rst-stage randomizations, becomes extremely subtle. We call this the problem of ex post endogeneity. As we have shown, even with ideal …rst-stage policy randomizations, ex post endogeneity causes treatment responses to depend upon: the parameters of policymaker objective functions into which parameter estimates will be fed; prior beliefs regarding the causal parameters to be estimated; and


endogenously heterogeneous policy expectations. The failure to account for ex post endogeneity leads to faulty inference regarding causal parameters. Further, even with a subtle analysis accounting for the evidence-policy feedback loop, it may not be feasible to infer causal parameters from standard experimental test statistics, as moments can become non-monotone in causal e¤ect parameters. More generally, it is apparent that it is not obvious, a priori, how one should interpret the evidence coming out of RCTs and NPEs in dynamic settings. Far from being stand-alone objects, correct interpretation apparently requires an extremely subtle analysis and may require the imposition of strong functional form assumptions. The econometric challenges discussed are most relevant to settings in which agents make forwardlooking decisions with payo¤s that depend upon future policy decisions. Conversely, one can look to the model to identify settings that are less vulnerable. First, the severity of bias depends upon the proportion of payo¤s that accrue post-experiment. Thus, if payo¤s are short-lived, biases will be less severe. Second, if discount rates are high or agents myopic the biases will be less severe. Third, the bias is more severe the tighter the nexus between the experiment and the policy decision. It follows that one may prefer to rely upon other-country evidence or evidence that is a bit dated, with there then being a relevance versus contamination tradeo¤. Finally, it would seem to be preferred that experimental subjects do not understand the link between the experiment and subsequent policy decisions. If commitment and policy-discrimination were possible, it might be optimal to commit to not exposing the experimental panel to the long-term optimal policy decision, or to doing so with randomization. Barring such commitment, the experimenter may prefer to keep hidden the policy linkage.


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Appendix: Model Solution via Optimal Control

For brevity, the argument b is omitted from the derivation, and so the solutions obtained hold for arbitrary b values. In all cases, we pin down analytical solutions for

2 f2; 3; 4; :::g: We solve

via backward induction. Implementation Stage The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation is: rV I (x; k) = max(x + i

I b)k




+ xVxI (x; k) +

1 2

I x Vxx (x; k) + (i

2 2

k)VkI (x; k):


We conjecture the following value function that is separable between the value of assets in place and growth options: V I (x; k) = kq I (x) + GI (x):


Under the posited functional form, the optimal instantaneous control during the Implementation Stage is i (q I ). Substituting the preceding function into the HJB equation, and then isolating the terms scaled by k; we obtain the following ODE for the shadow value of capital: (r + )q I (x) = (x +

I b)

+ xqxI (x) +

1 2

2 2 I x qxx (x):


We conjecture the following linear form for the shadow value of capital: q I (x) = x






Substituting the conjectured solution into the ODE for q we obtain: I




1=(r +





This is the shadow value presented in the body of the paper. We next determine the growth option value function for the Implementation Stage. Substituting the conjectured value function into the HJB equation and dropping now the terms scaled by k that 41

have been eliminated, we obtain the following ODE: rGI (x) = xGIx (x) +

1 2

x GIxx (x) + iq I (x)

2 2





We begin by noting that q I (x) = x +


) i [q I (x)]q I (x)

[i (q I (x))]



=( x+





I h hx



where ( I h



1 h h




The preceding result follows from the binomial expansion formula. Utilizing the binomial expansion result above it follows that the growth option value must satisfy the following ordinary di¤erential equation: rGI (x) = xGIx (x) +

1 2

x GIxx (x) +

2 2


I h hx :


Since the preceding form of growth option value function will recur, it will be convenient to reference the following lemma. Lemma 2 The growth option value function satisfying

has solution

rbG(x) = xGx (x) + G(x) =


1 2

2 2

x Gxx (x) +


h hx


h h!hx


!h Proof.


1 h

1 2 h(h 2



The function G represents the value of a claim to a sum of geometric Brownian motions

to successive powers. The value gh of a claim to an arbitrary constituent ‡ow payment

h hx


satisfy the di¤erential equation: rbgh (x) = xgh0 (x) +

1 2


2 2 00 x gh (x)


h hx


We conjecture this value function takes the form: h h!hx

gh (x) =

Substituting the conjectured solution back into equation (34) one obtains the stated expression for !h: From the Growth Option Lemma we obtain the following expressions for the growth option value function during the Implementation Stage:


GI (x) =

I I h h!hx



I h



( I)

h h



! Ih



1 2 h(h 2



Experiment Stage The HJB equation for the Experiment Stage is: rV E (x; k) = max (x + i


E b)k


k)VkE (x; k) +





1 2 2 E x Vxx (x; k) 2 i V E (x; k) + I (1 ) V I (x; k)

+ xVxE (x; k) +


V (x; k)

(36) V E (x; k) :

We conjecture and verify the value function is separable between the value of assets in place and growth options: V E (x; k) = kq E (x) + GE (x):


Under the posited functional form, the optimal instantaneous control during the Experiment Stage is i (q E ). Substituting the Implementation Stage value functions into the HJB equation, and isolating the terms scaled by k; we obtain the following ODE for the shadow value of capital:

(r + +

I )q


(x) = (x +

E b) +

xqxE (x) +

1 2

2 2 E x qxx (x) + I


x r+



+ (1 r+

) )b

: (38)

We conjecture the following linear form for the shadow value of capital: q E (x) = x






Substituting the conjectured solution into the ODE for q, we obtain the following solution, as presented in the body of the paper: E




1=(r + (r + )




+ I ( + (1 (r + ) (r + + I )

) )b


We next determine the growth option value for the Experiment Stage. Proceeding as above and dropping the terms scaled by k in the HJB equation, we obtain the condition: (r +

I) G


(x) = xGE x (x)+

1 2

x GE xx (x)+

2 2



i X )GI (x) +


G (x) + (1




h h

xh : (41)

This ODE can be rewritten as: (r +

I) G


(x) = xGE x (x) +

1 2

x GE xx (x) +

2 2


E h hx :


where E h I h I h


I h

+ (1

( I)

h h

( I)

h h


h h


I h

i ! Ih +

h h




From the Growth Option Lemma it follows: GE (x) =


E E h h !h x


with ! E h

(r +

1 I)

Pre-Experiment Stage



1 2 h(h 2




The HJB equation is: rV P (x; k) = max (x + i

P b)k

k)VkP (x; k) +







1 2 2 P x Vxx (x; k) 2 i V P (x; k) + E (1 ) V E (x; k)

+ xVxP (x; k) +


V (x; k)

(43) V P (x; k) :

We again conjecture a value function separable between the value of assets in place and growth options: V P (x; k) = kq P (x) + GP (x):


Inspecting the HJB equation it is apparent that the optimal control policy during Stage P is i (q P ): Substituting the conjectured value function into the HJB equation and isolating those terms scaled by k, we obtain the following ODE for the shadow value of capital: (r + +

E )q


(x) = (x +

P b)

+ xqxP (x) +

1 2

2 2 P x qxx (x)


q E (x) +


E (1

)q E (x):


We may again conjecture (and verify) the preceding shadow value equation has a linear solution, resulting in equation (17). We turn next to determining growth option value during the Pre-Experiment Stage. Con…ning attention to the remaining terms in the HJB equation that are not scaled by k, we obtain the following ODE: (r +

E )G


xGPx (x) +

(x) =




1 2

x GPxx (x) +

2 2

X h=0




h h




i )GE (x) :


G (x) + (1

Substituting in the expressions for GE and grouping terms one obtains: (r +

E )G


(x) = xGPx (x) +

1 2

x GPxx (x) +

2 2

E h E h

h h

h I




) I h I h

h h

+ (1 + (1

+ ) )

E E !h I h I h


P h hx :





with P h



E h

i ! Ih + i

! Ih +

+ (1


E h


h h


h h

h h


Again, the growth option value is a linear sum of the geometric Brownian motion x to successive powers. From the Growth Option Lemma it follows that growth option value during the PreExperiment Stage is: GP



P P h h !h x



! Ph


1 h



1 2 h(h 2











Figure$4:$Randomized$Controlled$Trial$ 200" 150" Endogenous"

Diff$ in$ 100" Diff$

Exogenous" Endog."Pos."Priors"



0" 0"









Figure(5:(Observer(Effects(in(RCTs( 1200" 1000"




Investment( 600"






0" 0"










Figure$6:$Irreversibility$and$RCTs$ 0.6# 0.5# 0.4# Diff$ in$ 0.3# Diff$ 0.2#


0.1# 0.0# 0.00#












Figure$7B:$RCT$Iden*fica*on$Failure$ 7" 6" 5" Diff$ 4" in$ Diff$ 3" 2" 1" 0" 0"














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