The one difference between the Indian & US Federal System is that: (a) The powers of the state and the centre are clearly demarcated. (b) There is written Constitution. (c) Citizens are given Fundamental Rights (d) The US Senate has equal representation from state whereas in India there is no such provision in its Rajaya Sabha.
In a Presidential Government. (a) President is responsible to the Legislature. (b) Cabinet is collectively responsible to the lower house of the Legislature. (c) Cabinet is responsible to both houses of Legislature. (d) President is responsible to the people.
A Legislature which is weak before the cabinet and a cabinet which is weak before the head of the state characteristic the government of (a) England (b) France (c) Switzerland (d) USA
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of sectoral growth adopted under Indian Economic Planning. 5 + 10 = 15 ... Why the balance of payments of India are generally unfavourable ? ... Displaying Uttarakhand Open University MA Economics 2012 Indian Economy Development.pdf.
''Wuthering Heights'' of Emily Bronte was published in the year______. (1847/1849). 9. Becky Sharp is a character in the novel________ (Silas Marner/Vanity ...
What is the relationship between Bel-Imperia and Lorenzo ? (a) Brother and Sister. (b) Husband and wife. (c) Master and Servant. (d) Father and ... (a) Edmund. (b) Edgar. (c) Oswald. (d) Kent. Page 2 of 2. Main menu. Displaying Uttarakhand Open Unive
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Banking and Insurance Law iii) Labour / Employment Law iv) Company Law v). Intellectual Property law vi) Cyber Law. II. (Criminal and Security Law) i).
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Introduction to software. ..... (vi) Handling Guest accounting through software ...... The process of setting up a small business: Preliminary screening and aspects.
The first report to the American Comparative Literature Association is the Levin Report. of 1965, and the third is the Bernheirner Report of 1993. The second ...
Nov 26, 2012 - The online version of this article can be found at: DOI: 10.1177/ ..... consensually and leads to a competitive political system. For example ..... Third, rather than calling socioeconomic explanations of democracy into question for ..
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and lending institutions, generated continued interest in supporting those experts committed to the implementation of economic measures sustaining high ..... tions, belying the argument that individual savings accounts would reduce social.