VIEW AND SAVE - New Generation Plantations

ring tias and sapparting initiatives that cantrihata ta impravingtthair auaiity ai iifa, in tha acanańiit; saai ai and caiturai araas. Francisca Raif-Tagia Edwards.

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VIEW AND SAVE - New Generation Plantations
We work In permanent conjunction with authorities, and the company is a ... Chainsaw operation course ï service companies Irrigation water projects. 2D beneli ...

Plantations for People - New Generation Plantations
Page 2 ... populations is placing pressures on land and its resources. This creates ... energy, water and infrastructure – as well as government and civil society. ... part of the Sustainable Forest Mosaics Initiative in Brazil's Atlantic forest.

Think Piece - New Generation Plantations
How can we encourage and support initiatives such as agroforestry, in landscapes which ... The UK is the 3rd largest net importer of timber in the world, the vast.

Think Piece - New Generation Plantations
The land that feeds us. By sun and fertile soil grown. For our own dear land. We'll always stand. The Pearl of Africa's Crown. Uganda is part of the Great Lakes ...

Floresta revigorada - New Generation Plantations
favorecem a recuperação da Mata Atlântica na porção ... “A Mata Atlântica no Vale do Paraíba passa por um processo conhecido ... São José dos Campos.

Think Piece - New Generation Plantations
managing individual sites, each with a single purpose. This approach .... co-hosted by WWF and the. Forestry Commission in the UK. #NGP2017 · NGP Website.

Think Piece - New Generation Plantations
but also a supplier of a wide range of other ecosystem services including biodiversity, carbon sequestration and flood mitigation. This economic value and these ...

WFC2015_Paper_NGP SI - New Generation Plantations
Sep 7, 2015 - Scientific and technological innovations are core elements in this equation ... and share benefits with the local communities who are sharing the landscape. .... and environmental objectives while building long-term business.

Think piece - New Generation Plantations
May 12, 2017 - western USA, and continued in Brazil, Russia, India and. China. 2016 was the .... to support planting 1.6 billion yellowhorn trees across China.

world forestry - New Generation Plantations
Sep 7, 2015 - In Brazil, the Mata Atlantica (Atlantic. Rainforest) is a global biodiversity hotspot that has been devastated by past agriculture practices; today.

letters from acre - New Generation Plantations
incentives to communities and landowners to support conservation ... by private companies and civil society, but government is often conspicuous by its .... system can actually support as many animals as the best restored pasture, and ...

towards sustainable intensification - New Generation Plantations
WWF living forests report. Chapter 1: Forests for a living planet (avail- able at: Living%20Forests?620Report Chapter%20.

THE NEXT 10 - New Generation Plantations
NGP coordinator Luis Neves Silva spoke of the need to evolve as an “Ecosystem of Collaboration”, where organizations gravitate. NGP, inspiring ideas and ...

cartas do acre - New Generation Plantations
Plantations (NGP) realizou um study tour no Acre, na Amazônia Brasileira, para .... De 2000 até 2010, o número de gado no estado triplicou de 1 milhão para.

after the fires - New Generation Plantations
problems, the future of our landscapes depends on our adaptive capabilities. This is a study tour in adaptation. The last year has brought some of the worst rural fires ever recorded. In January, Chile suffered the most catastrophic fires in its reco

THE NEXT 10 - New Generation Plantations
Trees are amazing machines for taking carbon out of the atmosphere ... NGP and like-minded organizations contribute to change the rules of the finance game,.

cartas do acre - New Generation Plantations
década trouxe aumentos substanciais nas taxas de alfabetização e no número de lares com eletricidade, água encanada e coleta de lixo. Hoje em dia, 92,2% ...

letters from acre - New Generation Plantations
by private companies and civil society, but government is often conspicuous by its .... and high conservation values, can also provide environmental services.

after the fires - New Generation Plantations
The last year has brought some of the worst rural fires ever recorded. In January, Chile suffered the most catastrophic fires in its recorded history, which killed 11 people and destroyed around 600,000 hectares of plantations, native forest, grassla

Plantations for people, planet and prosperity - New Generation ...
Plantations (NGP) platform Participants, in consultation ... (NGP) platform can be traced in a WWF briefing paper dating back ...... for cooling, resting and drinking.

Plantations for people, planet and prosperity - New Generation ...
Part A: Our journey. Chapter 1: Why the world needs a new generation of plantations ..... In theory, plantations can take pressure off natural forests by providing ...

NGP Study Tour - Laos 2016 - Think Piece - New Generation Plantations
1 - How can plantations support local people overcome the legacies of the ... transform the system in order to meet the reality and concerns of small producers ...

Production, restoration, mitigation: a new generation of plantations
Apr 20, 2018 - 1 3. Production, restoration, mitigation: a new generation of plantations. Luis Neves Silva1 · Peter ...