VO2max Descriptive Data for Athletes in Various Sports Classification Typical VO2max Sport Cross Country Skiing Males: 70+ Extremely High Middle-Distance Running Females: 60+ Long-Distance Running Bicycling Males: 63-69 Very High Rowing Females: 54-59 Race Walking Soccer Middle-Distance Swimming Canoe Racing Males: 57-62 High Handball / Racquetball Females: 49-53 Speed / Figure Skating Downhill Skiing Wrestling Basketball Ballet Dancing Football (Excluding Lineman) Gymnastics Hockey Males: 52-56 Above Average Females: 44-48 Jockey Sprint Swimming Tennis Sprint Running Jumping Baseball / Softball Football (Lineman) Shot Put Males: 44-51 Average Females: 35-43 Discus Throw Olympic Weightlifting Bodybuilding

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